78 resultados para Persuasive Messages


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Objectives: Many drugs, both illicit or for medication, are known to influence driving abilities and increase risks of accidents. We explored the prevalence of psychoactive substances in a random sample of drivers in Switzerland. Methods: Saliva samples from 1078 random drivers were collected at 24 different locations in Western Switzerland from October 2006 to April 2008 for complete toxicological analysis using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Results: Provisional results are available for 437 drivers. 6.2% (CI95% 4.1 to 8.9) were under the influence of illicit drugs and 8.7% under psychoactive medication (CI95% 6.2 to 11.7). 37 drivers (8.5%) were under the influence of alcohol of which 14 (3.2%) were above 0.8 mg/L. 21 drivers (4.8%) were under the combined influence of more than one psychoactive substance; however only 4 drivers (0.9%) were under both the influence of medication and alcohol. Looking more specifically at illicit substances, 22 (5.0%) were positive to cocaine, 5 (1.1%) to cannabis, and 2 (0.5%) to amphetamines ; for psychoactive medication, 17 (3.9%) were positive to benzodiazepines, 16 (3.7%) to antidepressors, 7 (1.6%) to opiates, 7 (1.6%) to neuroleptics, and 3 (0.7%) to other substances influencing driving abilities. 17/21 drivers did not self-report their consumption of drugs whereas only 9/35 failed mentioning their medication. Men drivers were 3.2 times (CI95% 1.1 to 9.5) more likely to be under the influence of illicit drugs than women. Full results will be reported when laboratory data will be available in April. Conclusions: Driving under the influence of psychoactive substances is common. In Western Switzerland, prevention messages could focus on men, driving under medication or cocaine.


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Le présent rapport intermédiaire concerne l'impact de la suite de la campagne STOP-SIDA et des autres aspects de la prévention (actions multiplicatrices, compléments à la campagne STOP-SIDA), à partir du mois d'octobre 1987. Il fait référence entre autres à la phase III de STOP-SIDA: répétition des messages des phases I et II (usage du préservatif, non-échange de matériel d'injection, fidélité) et situations sans risque de contamination. Les données présentées sont le résultat d'une synthèse préliminaire basée sur des études en cours de réalisation, elles ne peuvent donc être interprétées qu'en termes de premières tendances ou impressions, qui devront encore être confirmées ou infirmées par l'achèvement des études. Elles permettent cependant de formuler quelques conclusions et recommandations. [Auteurs, p. 5-6]


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Objectifs: Connaître les principales techniques de préparation du foie à la chirurgie hépatique. Savoir les indications de ces techniques. Connaître les techniques de destruction tumorale. Savoir les limites de ces techniques de destruction. Connaître les traitements loco-régionaux permettant une reduction de volume tumoral. Messages à retenir: L'embolisation portale est une technique de régénération hépatique utilisée en préopératoire. L'embolisation portale permet une augmentation significative du volume du foie non embolisé. Les techniques de destruction locale (RFA, MW) permettent de traiter efficacement les métastases de moins de 3cm de diamètre dans le foie. La chimiothérapie intra-arterielle, la chimio-embolisation et le radio-embolisation doivent être discutées dans le traitement des patients porteurs de métastases hépatiques diffuses non opérables isolées. Résumé: En pré-opératoire, lorsque les patients ont une réserve de parenchyme sain insuffisante, l'embolisation portale réalisée une mois avant la chirurgie permet une hypertrophie significative du futur foie restant. Les techniques de destruction tumorale sont efficaces pour permettre une destruction définitive des métastases hépatiques, à condition de sélectionner des métastases de petite taille. Chez des patients porteurs de métastases hépatiques isolées non resécables, la radio-embolisation. La chimiothérapie intra-artérielle, ou la chimio-embolisation à l'aide de billes chargées permettent d'obtenir des taux de réponses significatifs et doivent être discutées en cas de non réponse à la chimiothérapie conventionnelle.


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Summary This dissertation explores how stakeholder dialogue influences corporate processes, and speculates about the potential of this phenomenon - particularly with actors, like non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other representatives of civil society, which have received growing attention against a backdrop of increasing globalisation and which have often been cast in an adversarial light by firms - as a source of teaming and a spark for innovation in the firm. The study is set within the context of the introduction of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) in Europe. Its significance lies in the fact that scientific developments and new technologies are being generated at an unprecedented rate in an era where civil society is becoming more informed, more reflexive, and more active in facilitating or blocking such new developments, which could have the potential to trigger widespread changes in economies, attitudes, and lifestyles, and address global problems like poverty, hunger, climate change, and environmental degradation. In the 1990s, companies using biotechnology to develop and offer novel products began to experience increasing pressure from civil society to disclose information about the risks associated with the use of biotechnology and GMOs, in particular. Although no harmful effects for humans or the environment have been factually demonstrated even to date (2008), this technology remains highly-contested and its introduction in Europe catalysed major companies to invest significant financial and human resources in stakeholder dialogue. A relatively new phenomenon at the time, with little theoretical backing, dialogue was seen to reflect a move towards greater engagement with stakeholders, commonly defined as those "individuals or groups with which. business interacts who have a 'stake', or vested interest in the firm" (Carroll, 1993:22) with whom firms are seen to be inextricably embedded (Andriof & Waddock, 2002). Regarding the organisation of this dissertation, Chapter 1 (Introduction) describes the context of the study, elaborates its significance for academics and business practitioners as an empirical work embedded in a sector at the heart of the debate on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Chapter 2 (Literature Review) traces the roots and evolution of CSR, drawing on Stakeholder Theory, Institutional Theory, Resource Dependence Theory, and Organisational Learning to establish what has already been developed in the literature regarding the stakeholder concept, motivations for engagement with stakeholders, the corporate response to external constituencies, and outcomes for the firm in terms of organisational learning and change. I used this review of the literature to guide my inquiry and to develop the key constructs through which I viewed the empirical data that was gathered. In this respect, concepts related to how the firm views itself (as a victim, follower, leader), how stakeholders are viewed (as a source of pressure and/or threat; as an asset: current and future), corporate responses (in the form of buffering, bridging, boundary redefinition), and types of organisational teaming (single-loop, double-loop, triple-loop) and change (first order, second order, third order) were particularly important in building the key constructs of the conceptual model that emerged from the analysis of the data. Chapter 3 (Methodology) describes the methodology that was used to conduct the study, affirms the appropriateness of the case study method in addressing the research question, and describes the procedures for collecting and analysing the data. Data collection took place in two phases -extending from August 1999 to October 2000, and from May to December 2001, which functioned as `snapshots' in time of the three companies under study. The data was systematically analysed and coded using ATLAS/ti, a qualitative data analysis tool, which enabled me to sort, organise, and reduce the data into a manageable form. Chapter 4 (Data Analysis) contains the three cases that were developed (anonymised as Pioneer, Helvetica, and Viking). Each case is presented in its entirety (constituting a `within case' analysis), followed by a 'cross-case' analysis, backed up by extensive verbatim evidence. Chapter 5 presents the research findings, outlines the study's limitations, describes managerial implications, and offers suggestions for where more research could elaborate the conceptual model developed through this study, as well as suggestions for additional research in areas where managerial implications were outlined. References and Appendices are included at the end. This dissertation results in the construction and description of a conceptual model, grounded in the empirical data and tied to existing literature, which portrays a set of elements and relationships deemed important for understanding the impact of stakeholder engagement for firms in terms of organisational learning and change. This model suggests that corporate perceptions about the nature of stakeholder influence the perceived value of stakeholder contributions. When stakeholders are primarily viewed as a source of pressure or threat, firms tend to adopt a reactive/defensive posture in an effort to manage stakeholders and protect the firm from sources of outside pressure -behaviour consistent with Resource Dependence Theory, which suggests that firms try to get control over extemal threats by focussing on the relevant stakeholders on whom they depend for critical resources, and try to reverse the control potentially exerted by extemal constituencies by trying to influence and manipulate these valuable stakeholders. In situations where stakeholders are viewed as a current strategic asset, firms tend to adopt a proactive/offensive posture in an effort to tap stakeholder contributions and connect the organisation to its environment - behaviour consistent with Institutional Theory, which suggests that firms try to ensure the continuing license to operate by internalising external expectations. In instances where stakeholders are viewed as a source of future value, firms tend to adopt an interactive/innovative posture in an effort to reduce or widen the embedded system and bring stakeholders into systems of innovation and feedback -behaviour consistent with the literature on Organisational Learning, which suggests that firms can learn how to optimize their performance as they develop systems and structures that are more adaptable and responsive to change The conceptual model moreover suggests that the perceived value of stakeholder contribution drives corporate aims for engagement, which can be usefully categorised as dialogue intentions spanning a continuum running from low-level to high-level to very-high level. This study suggests that activities aimed at disarming critical stakeholders (`manipulation') providing guidance and correcting misinformation (`education'), being transparent about corporate activities and policies (`information'), alleviating stakeholder concerns (`placation'), and accessing stakeholder opinion ('consultation') represent low-level dialogue intentions and are experienced by stakeholders as asymmetrical, persuasive, compliance-gaining activities that are not in line with `true' dialogue. This study also finds evidence that activities aimed at redistributing power ('partnership'), involving stakeholders in internal corporate processes (`participation'), and demonstrating corporate responsibility (`stewardship') reflect high-level dialogue intentions. This study additionally finds evidence that building and sustaining high-quality, trusted relationships which can meaningfully influence organisational policies incline a firm towards the type of interactive, proactive processes that underpin the development of sustainable corporate strategies. Dialogue intentions are related to type of corporate response: low-level intentions can lead to buffering strategies; high-level intentions can underpin bridging strategies; very high-level intentions can incline a firm towards boundary redefinition. The nature of corporate response (which encapsulates a firm's posture towards stakeholders, demonstrated by the level of dialogue intention and the firm's strategy for dealing with stakeholders) favours the type of learning and change experienced by the organisation. This study indicates that buffering strategies, where the firm attempts to protect itself against external influences and cant' out its existing strategy, typically lead to single-loop learning, whereby the firm teams how to perform better within its existing paradigm and at most, improves the performance of the established system - an outcome associated with first-order change. Bridging responses, where the firm adapts organisational activities to meet external expectations, typically leads a firm to acquire new behavioural capacities characteristic of double-loop learning, whereby insights and understanding are uncovered that are fundamentally different from existing knowledge and where stakeholders are brought into problem-solving conversations that enable them to influence corporate decision-making to address shortcomings in the system - an outcome associated with second-order change. Boundary redefinition suggests that the firm engages in triple-loop learning, where the firm changes relations with stakeholders in profound ways, considers problems from a whole-system perspective, examining the deep structures that sustain the system, producing innovation to address chronic problems and develop new opportunities - an outcome associated with third-order change. This study supports earlier theoretical and empirical studies {e.g. Weick's (1979, 1985) work on self-enactment; Maitlis & Lawrence's (2007) and Maitlis' (2005) work and Weick et al's (2005) work on sensegiving and sensemaking in organisations; Brickson's (2005, 2007) and Scott & Lane's (2000) work on organisational identity orientation}, which indicate that corporate self-perception is a key underlying factor driving the dynamics of organisational teaming and change. Such theorizing has important implications for managerial practice; namely, that a company which perceives itself as a 'victim' may be highly inclined to view stakeholders as a source of negative influence, and would therefore be potentially unable to benefit from the positive influence of engagement. Such a selfperception can blind the firm from seeing stakeholders in a more positive, contributing light, which suggests that such firms may not be inclined to embrace external sources of innovation and teaming, as they are focussed on protecting the firm against disturbing environmental influences (through buffering), and remain more likely to perform better within an existing paradigm (single-loop teaming). By contrast, a company that perceives itself as a 'leader' may be highly inclined to view stakeholders as a source of positive influence. On the downside, such a firm might have difficulty distinguishing when stakeholder contributions are less pertinent as it is deliberately more open to elements in operating environment (including stakeholders) as potential sources of learning and change, as the firm is oriented towards creating space for fundamental change (through boundary redefinition), opening issues to entirely new ways of thinking and addressing issues from whole-system perspective. A significant implication of this study is that potentially only those companies who see themselves as a leader are ultimately able to tap the innovation potential of stakeholder dialogue.


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Exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the main causative factor for skin cancer. UV exposure depends on environmental and individual factors, but individual exposure data remain scarce. UV irradiance is monitored via different techniques including ground measurements and satellite observations. However it is difficult to translate such observations into human UV exposure or dose because of confounding factors (shape of the exposed surface, shading, behavior, etc.) A collaboration between public health institutions, a meteorological office and an institute specialized in computing techniques developed a model predicting the dose and distribution of UV exposure on the basis of ground irradiation and morphological data. Standard 3D computer graphics techniques were adapted to develop this tool, which estimates solar exposure of a virtual manikin depicted as a triangle mesh surface. The amount of solar energy received by various body locations is computed for direct, diffuse and reflected radiation separately. The radiation components are deduced from corresponding measurements of UV irradiance, and the related UV dose received by each triangle of the virtual manikin is computed accounting for shading by other body parts and eventual protection measures. The model was verified with dosimetric measurements (n=54) in field conditions using a foam manikin as surrogate for an exposed individual. Dosimetric results were compared to the model predictions. The model predicted exposure to solar UV adequately. The symmetric mean absolute percentage error was 13%. Half of the predictions were within 17% range of the measurements. This model allows assessing outdoor occupational and recreational UV exposures, without necessitating time-consuming individual dosimetry, with numerous potential uses in skin cancer prevention and research. Using this tool, we investigated solar UV exposure patterns with respect to the relative contribution of the direct, diffuse and reflected radiation. We assessed exposure doses for various body parts and exposure scenarios of a standing individual (static and dynamic postures). As input, the model used erythemally-weighted ground irradiance data measured in 2009 at Payerne, Switzerland. A year-round daily exposure (8 am to 5 pm) without protection was assumed. For most anatomical sites, mean daily doses were high (typically 6.2-14.6 SED) and exceeded recommended exposure values. Direct exposure was important during specific periods (e.g. midday during summer), but contributed moderately to the annual dose, ranging from 15 to 24% for vertical and horizontal body parts, respectively. Diffuse irradiation explained about 80% of the cumulative annual exposure dose. Acute diffuse exposures were also obtained for cloudy summer days. The importance of diffuse UV radiation should not be underestimated when advocating preventive measures. Messages focused on avoiding acute direct exposures may be of limited efficiency to prevent skin cancers associated with chronic exposure (e.g., squamous cell carcinomas).


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Summary Background  The dose-response between ultraviolet (UV) exposure patterns and skin cancer occurrence is not fully understood. Sun-protection messages often focus on acute exposure, implicitly assuming that direct UV radiation is the key contributor to the overall UV exposure. However, little is known about the relative contribution of the direct, diffuse and reflected radiation components. Objective  To investigate solar UV exposure patterns at different body sites with respect to the relative contribution of the direct, diffuse and reflected radiation. Methods  A three-dimensional numerical model was used to assess exposure doses for various body parts and exposure scenarios of a standing individual (static and dynamic postures). The model was fed with erythemally weighted ground irradiance data for the year 2009 in Payerne, Switzerland. A year-round daily exposure (08:00-17:00 h) without protection was assumed. Results  For most anatomical sites, mean daily doses were high (typically 6·2-14·6 standard erythemal doses) and exceeded the recommended exposure values. Direct exposure was important during specific periods (e.g. midday during summer), but contributed moderately to the annual dose, ranging from 15% to 24% for vertical and horizontal body parts, respectively. Diffuse irradiation explained about 80% of the cumulative annual exposure dose. Acute diffuse exposures were also observed during cloudy summer days. Conclusions  The importance of diffuse UV radiation should not be underestimated when advocating preventive measures. Messages focused on avoiding acute direct exposures may be of limited efficiency to prevent skin cancers associated with chronic exposure.


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Messages à retenir :Les signes scanographiques d'atteinte bronchiolaire d'origine infectieuse et/ou inflammatoire sont des petites opacités nodulaires et linéaires branchéescentrolobulaires (signe de l'arbre en bourgeons) et des opacités nodulaires centrolobulaires à limites floues .Les signes d'obstruction bronchiolaire sont des plages pulmonaires hypodenses et hypoperfusées, de distribution diffuse ou hétérogène, responsables alors d'unaspect de perfusion en mosaïque et d'un piégeage expiratoire.Les lésions diffuses de bronchiolite oblitérative doivent être différenciées de celles de l'emphysème panlobulaire sur l'absence de distorsion de l'architecturepulmonaire et d'opacités linéaires des bases.L'existence d'une dilatation des artères pulmonaires proximales est le meilleur signe de perfusion en mosaïque d'origine vasculaire , tandis que la présence dedilatations bronchiques est le meilleur signe de perfusion en mosaïque d'origine bronchiolaire . Résumé :La scanographie est l'imagerie de référence pour la détection, le diagnostic et l'évaluation de l'étendue des lésions bronchiolaires . Les petites opacitéscentrolobulaires, nodulaires et linéaires branchées (signe de l'arbre en bourgeons) sont caractéristiques de bronchiolite infectieuse. Leur détection est facilitée enprojection d'intensité maximum. Les opacités arrondies centrolobulaires à contours flous et de faible densité signent l'atteinte inflammatoire des paroisbronchiolaires et des alvéoles péribronchiolaires (bronchiolite respiratoire, bronchiolite d'hypersensibilité, bronchiolite folliculaire). Les hypodensités diffuses etles aspects de perfusion en mosaïque d'origine bronchiolaire avec piégeage sont l'expression d'une obstruction des bronchioles terminales par remodelage ,fibrose, ou lésions granulomateuses. Les causes bronchiolaires de perfusion en mosaïque sont la bronchiolite oblitérative , l'asthme, la pneumonie d'hypersensibilité et la bronchiolite obstructive des BPCO . La distribution et l'étendue des zones de piégeage sont mieux appréciées sur des acquisitionsdynamiques lors d'une manoeuvre expiratoire forcée que sur des acquisitions faites en apnée expiratoire. Les reformations épaisses en projection d'intensitéminimum à partir d'images acquises en expiration dynamique facilitent la détection et l'évaluation de la distribution et de l'étendue des lésions de piégeage , cetteévaluation pouvant être effectuée avec une très faible irradiation.


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Objectifs pédagogiques :Savoir comment s'effectue un angio-scanner post-mortem multi-phases.Connaître les compétences du manipulateur forensique.Identifier les nouvelles technologies développées pour cette nouvelle méthode.Connaître les avantages et les limitations de cette technique.Apprendre les difficultés d'interprétation radiologiques des images obtenues.Messages à retenir :L'angio-scanner post-mortem permet de visualiser des pathologies qui ne sont pas visibles lors de l'autopsie , telles que la source exacte d'une hémorragie.L'angio-scanner post-mortem est indiqué pour les cas de mort subite d'origine cardiaque, des décès d'origine traumatique et des décès suites aux interventions médicales.Une nouvelle machine à injection dédiée à cette technique a été développée, qui permet aussi de sauvegarder toutes les données de la perfusion, telles que les différentes courbes de pression et les informations des corps examinés.Grâce à la formation spécifique de manipulateurs forensiques, qui sont capables d'effectuer l'examen de manière autonome, la technique peut être utilisée de façon routinière en médecine légale. L'interprétation radiologique nécessite la connaissance des artéfacts post-mortem pour éviter des interprétations erronées.Résumé :L'angio-scanner combiné à l'autopsie conventionnelle permet d'augmenter la qualité de l'examen post-mortem. L'examen est dirigé par le manipulateurforensique qui gère la machine à perfusion, la préparation du corps et la technique multi-phase. En cours de cette année, une machine à perfusion spécialisée a été développée. L'avantage de cette technique est notamment sa sensibilité supérieure à celle de l'autopsie pour la détection des lésions vasculaires . Les limitations s'expliquent par des artéfacts qui rendent difficile voire impossible l'interprétation de certaines pathologies telles que l'occlusion d'un vaisseau par un thrombus qui est imité par un caillot de sang post-mortem.


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BACKGROUND: In 2011, a patient was admitted to our hospital with acute schistosomiasis after having returned from Madagascar and having bathed at the Lily waterfalls. On the basis of this patient's indication, infection was suspected in 41 other subjects. This study investigated (1) the knowledge of the travelers about the risks of schistosomiasis and their related behavior to evaluate the appropriateness of prevention messages and (2) the diagnostic workup of symptomatic travelers by general practitioners to evaluate medical care of travelers with a history of freshwater exposure in tropical areas. METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to the 42 travelers with potential exposure to schistosomiasis. It focused on pre-travel knowledge of the disease, bathing conditions, clinical presentation, first suspected diagnosis, and treatment. RESULTS: Of the 42 questionnaires, 40 (95%) were returned, among which 37 travelers (92%) reported an exposure to freshwater, and 18 (45%) were aware of the risk of schistosomiasis. Among these latter subjects, 16 (89%) still reported an exposure to freshwater. Serology was positive in 28 (78%) of 36 exposed subjects at least 3 months after exposure. Of the 28 infected travelers, 23 (82%) exhibited symptoms and 16 (70%) consulted their general practitioner before the information about the outbreak had spread, but none of these patients had a serology for schistosomiasis done during the first consultation. CONCLUSIONS: The usual prevention message of avoiding freshwater contact when traveling in tropical regions had no impact on the behavior of these travelers, who still went swimming at the Lily waterfalls. This prevention message should, therefore, be either modified or abandoned. The clinical presentation of acute schistosomiasis is often misleading. General practitioners should at least request an eosinophil count, when confronted with a returning traveler with fever. If eosinophilia is detected, it should prompt the search for a parasitic disease.


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La promotion de la santé au travail, le transfert de connaissances et l'échange d'expériences font partie, entre autres, des missions de l'Institut universitaire romand de Santé au Travail (IST). La collaboration entre un pays industrialisé et un pays en voie de développement peut fortement contribuer à la prise de conscience d'un concept important comme celui de la santé au travail. Au Bénin, une formation spécialisée en santé au travail a été mise en place depuis une dizaine d'années. Pour soutenir ses activités de coopération, l'IST a développé, avec le soutien de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) et avec le concours du Service de toxicologie industrielle et des pollutions intérieures de l'Etat de Genève (STIPI), le livre « Introduction à l'hygiène du travail ». Ce document représente un support de cours utile pour former des spécialistes et des intervenants en santé et sécurité au travail qui ne sont pas hygiénistes du travail. Il a été imprimé en 2007 à grande échelle dans la série « Protecting workers' health » de l'OMS et est accessible électroniquement sur le site de l'OMS. Le but de ce travail de diplôme est de mettre en pratique et d'évaluer ce support de cours dans le cadre d'une formation spécialisée en Santé au Travail à la Faculté des Sciences de la Santé de l'Université d'Abomey Calavi à Cotonou, Bénin. Le module d'hygiène du travail a été donné sur une semaine de cours. La semaine était composée de cours théoriques, de visites d'entreprises ainsi que d'un examen d'évaluation en fin de semaine. Globalement, malgré la densité du cours, les messages importants du module ont été acquis. Le support du cours est un outil permettant de transmettre les bases d'une discipline importante dans le domaine de la santé au travail, notamment dans un pays où la législation est encore balbutiante.


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Cross-talk between different cell types plays central roles both in cardiac homeostasis and in adaptive responses of the heart to stress. Cardiomyocytes (CMs) send biological messages to the other cell types present in the heart including endothelial cells (ECs) and fibroblasts. In turn, CMs receive messages from these cells. Recent evidence has now established that exosomes, nanosized secreted extracellular vesicles, are crucial mediators of such messages. CMs, ECs, cardiac fibroblasts, and cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) release exosomes carrying nonrandom subsets of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids present in their cells of origin. Exosomes secreted from CMs are internalized by fibroblasts and regulate gene expression in these cells as well as in ECs. CPC-derived exosomes protect CMs against apoptosis while also stimulating angiogenesis. They are rich in cardioprotective and proangiogenic microRNAs such as miR-146, miR-210, and miR-132. When injected into infracted hearts in vivo, CPC-derived exosomes reduce infarct size and improve cardiac function. Thus, exosomes are emerging both as key mediators of intercellular communication in the heart and as therapeutic candidates for heart disease.


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Campaigns raise public interest in politics and allow parties to convey their messages to voters. However, voters' exposure and attention during campaigns are biased towards parties and candidates they like. This hinders parties' ability to reach new voters. This paper theorises and empirically tests a simple way in which parties can break partisan selective attention: owning an issue. When parties own issues that are important for a voter, that voter is more likely to notice them. Using survey data collected prior to the 2009 Belgian regional elections it is shown that this effect exists independent of partisan preferences and while controlling for the absolute visibility of a party in the media. This indicates that issue ownership has an independent impact on voters' attention to campaigns. This finding shows that owning salient issues yields (potential) advantages for parties, since getting noticed is a prerequisite for conveying electoral messages and increasing electoral success.


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The advertising poster's main characteristic is the ability to convey a commercial message quickly and publicly thanks to its straightforward image and text. The young people, being the tobacco industry's principal target, are particularly exposed to these messages. This kind of advertisement becomes a mean of counterstroke as soon as the cigarette's harmfulness is acknowledged. Some of the cigarette industry's strategies can be revealed by the historical analysis of a 253 posters corpus selected among the main cigarette manufacturers in Switzerland at the time of the post-war economic boom. With the misuse of sport's theme, the overvaluation of the filter's efficiency, the use of a vocabulary that implies lightness and by erasing the image of smoke in its advertisement, the industry tries to reassure the smoker wrongly.


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BACKGROUND: Solar ultraviolet has been recognized as the main causative factor for skin cancer and is currently classified as a carcinogenic agent by International Agency for Research on Cancer. METHOD: Results from a previous phone survey conducted in 2012 in France were used to assess exposure conditions to sun among outdoor workers. Satellite data were used in combination with an exposure model to assess anatomical exposure. RESULT: The yearly median exposure of the outdoor worker population is 77  kJ/m2 to 116  kJ/m2. Road workers, building workers, and gardeners are the more exposed. About 70% of the yearly dose estimate is due to the cumulative summer and spring exposures. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the role of individual factors in anatomical exposure and ranks the most exposed body parts and outdoor occupations. Prevention messages should put emphasis on spring exposure, which is an important contributor to the yearly dose.


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Key Messages: A fundamental failure of high-risk prevention strategies is their inability to prevent disease in the large part of the population at a relatively small average risk and from which most cases of diseases originate. The development of individual predictive medicine and the widening of high-risk categories for numerous (chronic) conditions lead to the application of pseudo-high-risk prevention strategies. Widening the criteria justifying individual preventive interventions and the related pseudo-high-risk strategies lead to treating, individually, ever healthier and larger strata of the population. The pseudo-high-risk prevention strategies raise similar problems compared with high-risk strategies, however on a larger scale and without any of the benefit of population-based strategies. Some 30 years ago, the strengths and weaknesses of population-based and high-risk prevention strategies were brilliantly delineated by Geoffrey Rose in several seminal publications (Table 1).1,2 His work had major implications not only for epidemiology and public health but also for clinical medicine. In particular, Rose demonstrated the fundamental failure of high-risk prevention strategies, that is, by missing a large number of preventable cases.