221 resultados para PRAXIS
Glucocorticoïds are widely used in medicine and associated with numerous complications. Whenever possible, dosage reduction or treatment withdrawal should be considered as soon as possible depending on the underlying disease being treated. Administration of glucocorticoids induces a physiologic negative feed-back on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and three clinical situations can be distinguished during treatment withdrawal: reactivation of the disease for which the glucocorticoids were prescribed, acute adrenal insufficiency and steroid withdrawal syndrome. Acute adrenal insufficiency is a feared complication but probably rare. It is usually seen during stress situations and can be observed long after steroid withdrawal. There is no good predictive marker to anticipate acute adrenal insufficiency and clinical evaluation of the patient remains a key element in its diagnosis. If adrenal insufficiency is suspected, HPA suppression can be assessed with dynamic tests. During stress situation, steroid administration is then recommended depending on the severity of the stress.
A 65 year old alcoholic man was hospitalized because he was tired, hypotonic, with postural tremor. The neurologic symptoms increased during the first two days despite an adequate therapy for alcoholic weaning with hydratation, benzodiazepines and vitamins. A severe hypophosphatemia is diagnosed, associated with hypovitaminosis D, mild hypomagnesemia, mild hypokaliemia and a refeeding syndrome. 24 hours after the normalisation of his phosphatemia, the neurologic symptoms are adjusted.
Les auteurs Valentino Pomini, Yves de Roten et Nicolas Favez dressent le bilan de l'évolution de la psychothérapie en Suisse romande au cours des 25 dernières années. Ils expliquent notamment comment s'est construite la place des psychologues dans le champ de la psychothérapie, et celle des différents courants en psychothérapie, jusqu'au développement d'une collaboration qui tend vers la maturité. L'article montre que l'évolution de la psychothérapie en Suisse romande au cours des 25 dernières années a été marquée par la fin d'un double monopole: celui de la psychanalyse et celui des psychiatres par rapport aux psychologues, en particulier dans la pratique de la psychothérapie au sein des institutions psychiatriques et de santé publique. Les auteurs soulignent le développement de la recherche dans la formation et la pratique en psychothérapie, avec une implication de plus en plus importante des universités romandes (Lausanne, Genève et Fribourg). La fondation de l'Institut de Psychothérapie à Lausanne constitue un événement important dans cette histoire récente. Zusammenfassung In diesem Beitrag zeigen Valentino Pomini, Yves de Roten und Nicolas Favez auf, dass die Entwicklung der Psychotherapie in der Westschweiz in den vergangenen 25 Jahren durch das Ende des doppelten Monopols - jenes der Psychoanalyse und jenes der Psychiatrie gegenüber der Psychologie - geprägt wurde. Sie heben die Forschungsentwicklung in der psychotherapeutischen Ausbildung und Praxis hervor, bei der sich die Westschweizer Universitäten Lausanne, Genf und Fribourg immer stärker einbringen.
Cannabis use has increased considerably during the last 15 years. One of the major problems dealing with cannabis use is driving under the influence of drugs. With the exception of ethyl alcohol, the majority of the epidemiological studies have shown that cannabis is the most frequently detected substance in people suspected of driving under the influence of drugs. Experimental studies are therefore needed to assess cannabis effects on driving capability. Many studies indicate that cannabis impairs psychomotor performance. This impairment becomes obvious when high doses of cannabis are taken, when ethyl alcohol or other drugs are simultaneously ingested, or when sustained attention is needed. Moreover, cannabis effects are qualitatively different from those observed after ethyl alcohol consumption. In forensic practice, cannabis impairment of driving performance must be related to cannabinoids blood concentrations. To facilitate the interpretation of cannabinoids blood levels, several models were set up recently. These models must be further improved in order to fit in with all circumstances of cannabis use.
An 88 years old woman was admitted for muscular pain and weakness. She was under a treatment of simvastatin and was recently prescribed clarithromycin for a lung infection. The diagnosis of statin induced rhabdomyolysis by drug interaction was made. The evolution is good with eviction of the statin and aggressive hydratation. This case shows how important it is to know the risks factors and drug interactions predisposing to statin-induced myopathy.
Tumoral calcinosis (Ct) is a rare pathology of unknown origin.We present the clinical, imaging ( including CT and MRI), surgical and pathology findings of Ct in a 9 year-old boy who presented with an incidental finding of a large elbow mass. The MR aspect of Ct has been reported only once and this case is the second description in a child. The association of Ct and dermatomyositis, as reported hereby, has also been described only once. With respect to treatment alternatives, we believe that it is important for radiologists to recognise this rare pathology in pediatric patients.
Blood pressure is lowered for a few hours after aerobic exercise, but also after resistance exercise, although for a shorter period of time. An exercise program can significantly lower resting and ambulatory BP measurements. Multiple mechanisms interact for the BP lowering effect, such as decreased total peripheral resistance, enhanced endothelial function, diminished sympathetic or rennin plasmatic activity, structural vascular modifications and baroreceptor reflex modulation. New exercises like eccentric or isometric (handgrip) contractions are promising. Resistance activities have long been considered dangerous for blood vessels because of increased arterial stiffness, but if the intensity remains moderate and aerobic exercises are integrated, then the effects are altogether beneficial.
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia was diagnosed in 2000 in this 44-year-old male patient with a history of syncope. An internal defibrillator was implanted. Six years later the patient was readmitted with severe heart failure, and cardiac sarcoidosis was diagnosed by myocardial biopsy. Response to a course of glucorticoids was favourable. We herein review diagnostic strategies and therapeutic options in this rare disorder.
Polyarteritis nodosa is a vasculitis of unknown origin which can be rarely associated with hepatitis B. A exceptional clinical situation of a polyarteritis nodosa associated with hepatitis C is described. This case is also the occasion to review the clinical manifestations, the diagnostic strategy und the therapeutic options of this rare vasculitis.
In the framework of social representation, this research explores how the concept of cleanness does not refer solely to individual hygienic praxes and thoughts, but it is also linked to social and cultural aspects. In this way, the definitions of what is dirty and what is clean, what is pure and what is impure, are linked to social discrimination attitudes, based for example on the fear for contamination. Our general hypothesis is that the representations of dirt/cleanness and purity/impurity define ideas and praxes linked to personal hygiene, but refer also to the way people interact with the world and the others. Hence, we hypothesize that the representations of dirt/cleanness and purity/impurity are linked to values and political and religious orientations. A questionnaire with closed-answer questions and a free association task were distributed to 450 subjects. Results show how, in effects, the concepts of dirt/cleanness, purity/ impurity skip from their daily praxis connotations and assume a symbolic function for discriminating between individuals and social groups.
Post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is the most frequent chronic complication of deep vein thrombosis with an estimated prevalence of 30-50%. PTS is a significant cause of disability, especially when complicated by venous ulcers. Therefore, it has important socio-economic consequences for both the patient and the health care system. Aim of this review is to resume state of the art literature on the management of PTS.