216 resultados para Open mixed cultures


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Remyelination can be studied in aggregating rat brain cell cultures after limited demyelination. Demyelination was induced using a monoclonal antibody against myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG mAb), in the presence of complement. De- and remyelination were assessed by measuring myelin basic protein (MBP). Two days after removing the MOG mAb, MBP levels reached 50% of controls and after 7 days 93%. During this period, cell proliferation determined by [14C]thymidine incorporation was similar in remyelinating and control cultures. Hormones and growth factors were tested for possible stimulatory effect on remyelinating cultures. Bovine growth hormone (bGH), triiodothyronine (T3), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) did not improve remyelination. Only epidermal growth factor (EGF) increased the level of remyelination. PDGF increased the rate of cell proliferation in both control and remyelinating cultures. A significant proportion of oligodendrocytes entered the cell division cycle and were not available for remyelination. The results obtained with PDGF and FGF (inhibition) support the idea that a pool of progenitor cells was still present and able to proliferate and differentiate into myelinating oligodendrocytes. The levels of myelin protein mRNAs were investigated during de- and remyelination. During demyelination, myelin protein mRNA levels decreased to approximately 50% of control cultures and returned to normal during remyelination. These preliminary results indicate that normal levels of gene transcription are sufficient to meet the increased need for newly synthesized myelin proteins during remyelination.


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Bone substitute materials allowing trans-scaffold migration and in-scaffold survival of human bone-derived cells are mandatory for development of cell-engineered permanent implants to repair bone defects. In this study, we evaluated the influence on human bone-derived cells of the material composition and microstructure of foam scaffolds of calcium aluminate. The scaffolds were prepared using a direct foaming method allowing wide-range tailoring of the microstructure for pore size and pore openings. Human fetal osteoblasts (osteo-progenitors) attached to the scaffolds, migrated across the entire bioceramic depending on the scaffold pore size, colonized, and survived in the porous material for at least 6 weeks. The long-term biocompatibility of the scaffold material for human bone-derived cells was evidenced by in-scaffold determination of cell metabolic activity using a modified MTT assay, a repeated WST-1 assay, and scanning electron microscopy. Finally, we demonstrated that the osteo-progenitors can be covalently bound to the scaffolds using biocompatible click chemistry, thus enhancing the rapid adhesion of the cells to the scaffolds. Therefore, the different microstructures of the foams influenced the migratory potential of the cells, but not cell viability. Scaffolds allow covalent biocompatible chemical binding of the cells to the materials, either localized or widespread integration of the scaffolds for cell-engineered implants.


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Dans les dernières années du 20ème siècle, l'aluminium a fait l'objet de beaucoup de communications outrancières et divergentes cautionnées par des scientifiques et des organismes faisant autorité. En 1986, la société PECHINEY le décrète perpétuel tel le mouvement « L'aluminium est éternel. Il est recyclable indéfiniment sans que ses propriétés soient altérées », ce qui nous avait alors irrité. Peu de temps après, en 1990, une communication tout aussi outrancière et irritante d'une grande organisation environnementale, le World Wild Fund, décrète que « le recyclage de l'aluminium est la pire menace pour l'environnement. Il doit être abandonné ». C'est ensuite à partir de la fin des années 1990, l'explosion des publications relatives au développement durable, le bien mal nommé. Au développement, synonyme de croissance obligatoire, nous préférons société ou organisation humaine et à durable, mauvaise traduction de l'anglais « sustainable », nous préférons supportable : idéalement, nous aurions souhaité parler de société durable, mais, pour être compris de tous, nous nous sommes limités à parler dorénavant de développement supportable. Pour l'essentiel, ces publications reconnaissent les très graves défauts de la métallurgie extractive de l'aluminium à partir du minerai et aussi les mérites extraordinaires du recyclage de l'aluminium puisqu'il représente moins de 10% de la consommation d'énergie de la métallurgie extractive à partir du minerai (on verra que c'est aussi moins de 10% de la pollution et du capital). C'est précisément sur le recyclage que se fondent les campagnes de promotion de l'emballage boisson, en Suisse en particulier. Cependant, les données concernant le recyclage de l'aluminium publiées par l'industrie de l'aluminium reflètent seulement en partie ces mérites. Dans les années 1970, les taux de croissance de la production recyclée sont devenus plus élevés que ceux de la production électrolytique. Par contre, les taux de recyclage, établis à indicateur identique, sont unanimement tous médiocres comparativement à d'autres matériaux tels le cuivre et le fer. Composante de l'industrie de l'aluminium, le recyclage bénéficie d'une image favorable auprès du grand public, démontrant le succès des campagnes de communication. A l'inverse, à l'intérieur de l'industrie de l'aluminium, c'est une image dévalorisée. Les opinions émises par tous les acteurs, commerçants, techniciens, dirigeants, encore recueillies pendant ce travail, sont les suivantes : métier de chiffonnier, métier misérable, métier peu technique mais très difficile (un recycleur 15 d'aluminium n'a-t-il pas dit que son métier était un métier d'homme alors que celui du recycleur de cuivre était un jeu d'enfant). A notre avis ces opinions appartiennent à un passé révolu qu'elles retraduisent cependant fidèlement car le recyclage est aujourd'hui reconnu comme une contribution majeure au développement supportable de l'aluminium. C'est bien pour cette raison que, en 2000, l'industrie de l'aluminium mondiale a décidé d'abandonner le qualificatif « secondaire » jusque là utilisé pour désigner le métal recyclé. C'est en raison de toutes ces données discordantes et parfois contradictoires qu'a débuté ce travail encouragé par de nombreuses personnalités. Notre engagement a été incontestablement facilité par notre connaissance des savoirs indispensables (métallurgie, économie, statistiques) et surtout notre expérience acquise au cours d'une vie professionnelle menée à l'échelle mondiale dans (recherche et développement, production), pour (recherche, développement, marketing, stratégie) et autour (marketing, stratégie de produits connexes, les ferro-alliages, et concurrents, le fer) de l'industrie de l'aluminium. Notre objectif est de faire la vérité sur le recyclage de l'aluminium, un matériau qui a très largement contribué à faire le 20ème siècle, grâce à une revue critique embrassant tous les aspects de cette activité méconnue ; ainsi il n'y a pas d'histoire du recyclage de l'aluminium alors qu'il est plus que centenaire. Plus qu'une simple compilation, cette revue critique a été conduite comme une enquête scientifique, technique, économique, historique, socio-écologique faisant ressortir les faits principaux ayant marqué l'évolution du recyclage de l'aluminium. Elle conclut sur l'état réel du recyclage, qui se révèle globalement satisfaisant avec ses forces et ses faiblesses, et au-delà du recyclage sur l'adéquation de l'aluminium au développement supportable, adéquation largement insuffisante. C'est pourquoi, elle suggère les thèmes d'études intéressant tous ceux scientifiques, techniciens, historiens, économistes, juristes concernés par une industrie très représentative de notre monde en devenir, un monde où la place de l'aluminium dépendra de son aptitude à satisfaire les critères du développement supportable. ABSTRACT Owing to recycling, the aluminium industry's global energetic and environmental prints are much lower than its ore extractive metallurgy's ones. Likewise, recycling will allow the complete use of the expected avalanche of old scraps, consequently to the dramatic explosion of aluminium consumption since the 50's. The recycling state is characterized by: i) raw materials split in two groups :one, the new scrap, internal and prompt, proportional to semi-finished and finished products quantities, exhibits a fairly good and regular quality. The other, the old scrap, proportional to the finished products arrivïng at their end-of--life, about 22 years later on an average, exhibits a variable quality depending on the collect mode. ii) a poor recycling rate, near by that of steel. The aluminium industry generates too much new internal scrap and doesn't collect all the availa~e old scrap. About 50% of it is not recycled (when steel is recycling about 70% of the old scrap flow). iii) recycling techniques, all based on melting, are well handled in spite of aluminium atiiníty to oxygen and the practical impossibility to purify aluminium from any impurity. Sorting and first collect are critical issues before melting. iv) products and markets of recycled aluminium :New scraps have still been recycled in the production lines from where there are coming (closed loop). Old scraps, mainly those mixed, have been first recycled in different production lines (open loop) :steel deoxidation products followed during the 30's, with the development of the foundry alloys, by foundry pieces of which the main market is the automotive industry. During the 80's, the commercial development of the beverage can in North America has permitted the first old scrap recycling closed loop which is developing. v) an economy with low and erratic margins because the electrolytic aluminium quotation fixes scrap purchasing price and recycled aluminium selling price. vi) an industrial organisation historically based on the scrap group and the loop mode. New scrap is recycled either by the transformation industry itself or by the recycling industry, the remelter, old scrap by the refiner, the other component of the recycling industry. The big companies, the "majors" are often involved in the closed loop recycling and very seldom in the open loop one. To-day, aluminium industry's global energetic and environmental prints are too unbeara~ e and the sustainaЫe development criteria are not fully met. Critical issues for the aluminium industry are to better produce, to better consume and to better recycle in order to become a real sustainaЫe development industry. Specific issues to recycling are a very efficient recycling industry, a "sustainaЫe development" economy, a complete old scrap collect favouring the closed loop. Also, indirectly connected to the recycling, are a very efficient transformation industry generating much less new scrap and a finished products industry delivering only products fulfilling sustainaЫe development criteria.


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This article uses a mixed methods design to investigate the effects of social influence on family formation in a sample of eastern and western German young adults at an early stage of their family formation. Theoretical propositions on the importance of informal interaction for fertility and family behavior are still rarely supported by systematic empirical evidence. Major problems are the correct identification of salient relationships and the comparability of social networks across population subgroups. This article addresses the two issues through a combination of qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis. In-depth interviewing, network charts, and network grids are used to map individual personal relationships and their influence on family formation decisions. In addition, an analysis of friendship dyads is provided.


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To link the presence of intrathecal virus-specific oligoclonal immunoglobulin G (IgG) in multiple sclerosis patients to a demyelinating activity, aggregating rat brain cell cultures were treated with antibodies directed against two viruses, namely, rubella (RV) and hepatitis B (HB). Anti-RV antibodies in the presence of complement decreased myelin basic protein concentrations in a dose-dependent manner, whereas anti-HB antibodies had no effect. A similar but less pronounced effect was observed on the enzymatic activity of 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase, which is enriched in noncompact membranes of oligodendrocytes. These effects were comparable to those in cultures treated with antibodies directed against myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), previously found to be myelinotoxic both in vitro and in vivo. Sequence homologies were found between structural glycoprotein E(2) of RV and MOG, suggesting that demyelination was due to molecular mimicry. To support the hypothesis that demyelination was caused by anti-RV IgG that recognized an MOG epitope, we found that anti-RV antibodies depleted MOG in a dose-dependent manner. Further evidence came from the demonstration that anti-RV and anti-MOG IgG colocalized on oligodendrocyte processes and that both revealed by Western blot a 28 kDa protein in CNS myelin, a molecular weight corresponding to MOG. These findings suggest that a virus such as RV exhibiting molecular mimicry with MOG can trigger an autoimmune demyelination.


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Ochratoxin A (OTA), a mycotoxin and widespread food contaminant, is known for its patent nephrotoxicity and potential neurotoxicity. Previous observations in vitro showed that in the CNS, glial cells were particularly sensitive to OTA. In the search for the molecular mechanisms underlying OTA neurotoxicity, we investigated the relationship between OTA toxicity and glial reactivity, in serum-free aggregating brain cell cultures. Using quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction to analyze changes in gene expression, we found that in astrocytes, non cytotoxic concentrations of OTA down-regulated glial fibrillary acidic protein, while it up-regulated vimentin and the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma expression. OTA also up-regulated the inducible nitric oxide synthase and the heme oxygenase-1. These OTA-induced alterations in gene expression were more pronounced in cultures at an advanced stage of maturation. The natural peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligand, 15-deoxy-delta(12,14) prostaglandin J2, and the cyclic AMP analog, bromo cyclic AMP, significantly attenuated the strong induction of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma and inducible nitric oxide synthase, while they partially reversed the inhibitory effect of OTA on glial fibrillary acidic protein. The present results show that OTA affects the cytoskeletal integrity of astrocytes as well as the expression of genes pertaining to the brain inflammatory response system, and suggest that a relationship exists between the inflammatory events and the cytoskeletal changes induced by OTA. Furthermore, these results suggest that, by inducing an atypical glial reactivity, OTA may severely affect the neuroprotective capacity of glial cells.


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Minor lymphocyte stimulating (Mls) antigens specifically stimulate T cell responses that are restricted to particular T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain variable domains. The Mls phenotype is genetically controlled by an open reading frame (orf) located in the 3' long terminal repeat of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV); however, the mechanism of action of the orf gene product is unknown. Whereas predicted orf amino acid sequences show strong overall homology, the 20-30 COOH-terminal residues are strikingly polymorphic. This polymorphic region correlates with TCR V beta specificity. We have generated monoclonal antibodies to a synthetic peptide encompassing the 19 COOH-terminal amino acid residues of Mtv-7 orf, which encodes the Mls-1a determinant. We show here that these antibodies block Mls responses in vitro and can interfere specifically with thymic clonal deletion of Mls-1a reactive V beta 6+ T cells in neonatal mice. Furthermore, the antibodies can inhibit V beta 6+ T cell responses in vivo to an infectious MMTV that shares orf sequence homology and TCR specificity with Mtv-7. These results confirm the predicted extracellular localization of the orf COOH terminus and imply that the orf proteins of both endogenous and exogenous MMTV interact directly with TCR V beta.


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BACKGROUND: Methylmalonic aciduria is an inborn error of metabolism characterized by accumulation of methylmalonate (MMA), propionate and 2-methylcitrate (2-MCA) in body fluids. Early diagnosis and current treatment strategies aimed at limiting the production of these metabolites are only partially effective in preventing neurological damage. METHODS: To explore the metabolic consequences of methylmalonic aciduria on the brain, we used 3D organotypic brain cell cultures from rat embryos. We challenged the cultures at two different developmental stages with 1 mM MMA, propionate or 2-MCA applied 6 times every 12 h. In a dose-response experiment cultures were challenged with 0.01, 0.1, 0.33 and 1 mM 2-MCA. Immunohistochemical staining for different brain cell markers were used to assess cell viability, morphology and differentiation. Significant changes were validated by western blot analysis. Biochemical markers were analyzed in culture media. Apoptosis was studied by immunofluorescence staining and western blots for activated caspase-3. RESULTS: Among the three metabolites tested, 2-MCA consistently produced the most pronounced effects. Exposure to 2-MCA caused morphological changes in neuronal and glial cells already at 0.01 mM. At the biochemical level the most striking result was a significant ammonium increase in culture media with a concomitant glutamine decrease. Dose-response studies showed significant and parallel changes of ammonium and glutamine starting from 0.1 mM 2-MCA. An increased apoptosis rate was observed by activation of caspase-3 after exposure to at least 0.1 mM 2-MCA. CONCLUSION: Surprisingly, 2-MCA, and not MMA, seems to be the most toxic metabolite in our in vitro model leading to delayed axonal growth, apoptosis of glial cells and to unexpected ammonium increase. Morphological changes were already observed at 2-MCA concentrations as low as 0.01 mM. Increased apoptosis and ammonium accumulation started at 0.1 mM thus suggesting that ammonium accumulation is secondary to cell suffering and/or cell death. Local accumulation of ammonium in CNS, that may remain undetected in plasma and urine, may therefore play a key role in the neuropathogenesis of methylmalonic aciduria both during acute decompensations and in chronic phases. If confirmed in vivo, this finding might shift the current paradigm and result in novel therapeutic strategies.