352 resultados para O and H antigens
NKT cells, defined as T cells expressing the NK cell marker NK1.1, are involved in tumor rejection and regulation of autoimmunity via the production of cytokines. We show in this study that two types of NKT cells can be defined on the basis of their reactivity to the monomorphic MHC class I-like molecule CD1d. One type of NKT cell is positively selected by CD1d and expresses a biased TCR repertoire together with a phenotype found on activated T cells. A second type of NKT cell, in contrast, develops in the absence of CD1d, and expresses a diverse TCR repertoire and a phenotype found on naive T cells and NK cells. Importantly, the two types of NKT cells segregate in distinct tissues. Whereas thymus and liver contain primarily CD1d-dependent NKT cells, spleen and bone marrow are enriched in CD1d-independent NKT cells. Collectively, our data suggest that recognition of tissue-specific ligands by the TCR controls localization and activation of NKT cells.
During adult thymus development immature CD4(-)CD8(-) [double-negative (DN)] precursor cells pass through four phenotypically distinct stages defined by expression of CD44 and CD25: CD44(hi)CD25(-) (DN1), CD44(hi)CD25(+) (DN2), CD44(lo)CD25(+) (DN3) and CD44(lo)CD25(-) (DN4). Although it is well established that the TCR beta, gamma and delta genes are rearranged and expressed in association with the CD3 components in DN thymocytes, the precise timing of expression of the TCR and CD3 proteins has not been determined. In this report we have utilized a sensitive intracellular (ic) staining technique to analyze the expression of ic CD3epsilon, TCR beta and TCR gammadelta proteins in immature DN subsets. As expected from previous studies of TCR beta rearrangement and mRNA expression, icTCR beta(+) cells were first detected in the DN3 subset and their proportion increased thereafter. Surprisingly, however, both icCD3epsilon(+) and icTCR gammadelta(+) cells were detected at later stages of development than was predicted by molecular studies. In particular icCD3epsilon protein expression coincided with the transition from the DN2 to DN3 stage of development, whereas icTCR gammadelta protein expression was only detected in a minor subset of DN4 cells. The implications of these findings for alphabeta lineage divergence will be discussed.
Recognition by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) of antigenic peptides bound to major histocompatibility class (MHC) I molecules on target cells leads to sustained calcium mobilization and CTL degranulation resulting in perforin-dependent killing. We report that beta1 and beta3 integrin-mediated adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins on target cells and/or surfaces dramatically promotes CTL degranulation. CTLs, when adhered to fibronectin but not CTL in suspension, efficiently degranulate upon exposure to soluble MHC.peptide complexes, even monomeric ones. This adhesion induces recruitment and activation of the focal adhesion kinase Pyk2, the cytoskeleton linker paxillin, and the Src kinases Lck and Fyn in the contact site. The T cell receptor, by association with Pyk2, becomes part of this adhesion-induced activation cluster, which greatly increases its signaling.
The class II transactivator (CIITA) has been referred to as the "master control factor" for the expression of MHC class II (MHCII) genes. As our knowledge on the specificity and function of CIITA grows, it is becoming increasingly evident that this sobriquet is entirely justified. First, despite extensive investigations, the major target genes of CIITA remain those implicated in the presentation of antigenic peptides by MHCII molecules. Although other putative target genes have been reported, the contribution of CIITA to their expression remains indirect, controversial or comparatively minor relative to its decisive role as a regulator of MHCII and related genes. Second, the most important parameter dictating MHCII expression is by far the expression pattern of the gene encoding CIITA (MHC2TA). The vast majority of signals that activate or repress MHCII expression under physiological and pathological situations converge on one or more of the three alternative promoters that drive transcription of the MHC2TA gene. In short, with respect to its specificity and its exquisitely controlled pattern of expression, CIITA is by a long stretch the single most important transcription factor for the regulation of genes required for MHCII-restricted antigen-presentation.
Abstract: The increasingly high hygienic standards characterizing westernized societies correlate with an increasingly high prevalence of allergic disease. Initially based on these observations, the hygiene hypothesis postulates that reduced microbial stimulation during infancy impairs the immune system development and increases the risk of allergy. Moreover, there is increasing evidence that the crosstalk existing between the intestine and the resident microbiota is crucial for gut homeostasis. In particular, bacterial colonization of the gut affects the integrity of the gut barrier and stimulates the development of the gut associated immune tissue, both phenomena being essential for the immune system to mount a controlled response to food antigens. Therefore, alterations in the microbial colonization process, by compromising the barrier homeostasis, may increase the risk of food allergy. In this context, antibiotic treatment, frequently prescribed during infancy, affects gut colonization by bacteria. However, little is known about the impact of alterations in the colonization process on the maturation of the gut barrier and on the immunological response to oral antigens. The objective of this work was to determine the impact of a commercial antibiotic preparation employed in pediatric settings on the gut barrier status at the critical period of the suckling/weaning transition and to evaluate the physiological consequences of this treatment in terms of immune response to food antigens. We established an antibiotic-treated suckling rat model relevant to the pediatric population in terms of type, dose and route of administration of the antibiotic and of changes in the patterns of microbial colonization. Oral tolerance to a novel luminal antigen (ovalbumin) was impaired when the antigen was introduced during antibiotic treatment. These results paralleled to alterations in the intestinal permeability to macromolecules and reduced intestinal expression of genes coding for the major histocomptatibility complex II molecules, which suggest a reduced capacity of antigen handling and presentation in the intestine of the antibiotic-treated animals. In addition, low luminal IgA levels and reduced intestinal expression of genes coding for antimicrobial proteins suggest that protection against pathogens was reduced under antibiotic treatment. In conclusion, we observed in suckling rats that treatment with abroad-spectrum antibiotic commonly used in pediatric practices reduced the capacity of the immune system to develop tolerance. The impact of the antibiotic treatment on the immune response to the antigen-was likely mediated by the alterations of the gut microbiota, through impairment in the mechanisms of antigen handling and presentation. This work reinforces the body of data supporting a key role of the intestinal microbiota modulating the risk of allergy development and leads us to propose that the introduction of new food antigens should be avoided during antibiotic treatment in infants. Résumé: L'augmentation du niveau d'hygiène caractérisant les sociétés occidentales semble être fortement corrélée avec l'augmentation des cas d'allergie dans ces pays. De cette observation est née l'hypothèse qu'une diminution des stimuli microbiens pendant l'enfance modifie le développement du système immunitaire augmentant ainsi le risque d'allergie. En ce sens, un nombre croissant de données indiquent que les interactions existant entre l'intestin et les bactéries résidantes sont cruciales pour l'équilibre du système. En effet, la présence de bactéries dans l'intestin affecte l'intégrité de sa fonction de barrière et stimule le développement du système immunitaire intestinal. Ces deux paramètres étant essentiels à la mise en place d'une réponse contrôlée vis à vis d'un antigène reçu oralement, toute modification du processus naturel de colonisation compromettant l'équilibre intestinal pourrait augmenter le risque d'allergie. Les traitements aux antibiotiques, fréquemment prescrits en pédiatrie, modifient de façon conséquente le processus de colonisation bactérienne. Cependant peu de données existent concernant l'impact d'une altération du processus de colonisation sur la maturation de la barrière intestinale et de la réponse immunitaire dirigée contre un antigène. L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer l'impact d'un antibiotique commercial et employé en pédiatrie sur l'état de la barrière intestinale au moment critique du sevrage et d'évaluer les conséquences physiologiques d'un tel traitement sur la réponse immune à un antigène alimentaire. Nous avons mis en place un modèle de rats allaités, traités à l'antibiotique, le plus proche possible des pratiques pédiatriques, en terme de nature, dose et voie d'administration de l'antibiotique. Nous avons constaté que l'établissement de la tolérance orale à un nouvel antigène (l'ovalbumine) est altéré quand celui-ci est donné pour la première fois au cours du traitement antibiotique. Ces résultats coïncident avec une diminution de la perméabilité intestinale aux macromolécules, ainsi qu'avec une diminution de l'expression des gènes codant pour les molécules du complexe majeur d'histocomptatibilité de classe II, suggérant une modification de l'apprêtement et de la présentation de l'antigène au niveau intestinal chez les rats traités à l'antibiotique. De plus, un faible taux d'IgA et une diminution de l'expression des gènes codant pour des protéines antimicrobiennes, observés après l'administration d'antibiotique, laissent à penser que la protection contre un pathogène est diminuée lors d'un traitement antibiotique. En conclusion, nous avons observé qu'un traitement antibiotique à large spectre d'activité, couramment utilisé en pédiatrie, réduit la capacité d'induction de la tolérance orale chez le rat allaité. L'impact du traitement antibiotique sur la réponse immune semble induite par l'altération de la flore intestinale via son effet sur les mécanismes d'apprêtement et de présentation de l'antigène. Ce travail renforce l'ensemble des données existantes qui accorde à la flore intestinale un rôle clef dans la modulation du risque de développement d'allergie et nous amène à recommander d'éviter l'introduction d'un nouvel aliment lorsqu'un enfant est traité aux antibiotiques.
Liver-stage antigen 3 (LSA-3) is a new vaccine candidate that can induce protection against Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite challenge. Using a series of long synthetic peptides (LSP) encompassing most of the 210-kDa LSA-3 protein, a study of the antigenicity of this protein was carried out in 203 inhabitants from the villages of Dielmo (n = 143) and Ndiop (n = 60) in Senegal (the level of malaria transmission differs in these two villages). Lymphocyte responses to each individual LSA-3 peptide were recorded, some at high prevalences (up to 43%). Antibodies were also detected to each of the 20 peptides, many at high prevalence (up to 84% of responders), and were directed to both nonrepeat and repeat regions. Immune responses to LSA-3 were detectable even in individuals of less than 5 years of age and increased with age and hence exposure to malaria, although they were not directly related to the level of malaria transmission. Thus, several valuable T- and B-cell epitopes were characterized all along the LSA-3 protein, supporting the antigenicity of this P. falciparum vaccine candidate. Finally, antibodies specific for peptide LSP10 located in a nonrepeat region of LSA-3 were found significantly associated with a lower risk of malaria attack over 1 year of daily clinical follow-up in children between the ages of 7 and 15 years, but not in older individuals.
The recent advances in sequencing technologies have given all microbiology laboratories access to whole genome sequencing. Providing that tools for the automated analysis of sequence data and databases for associated meta-data are developed, whole genome sequencing will become a routine tool for large clinical microbiology laboratories. Indeed, the continuing reduction in sequencing costs and the shortening of the 'time to result' makes it an attractive strategy in both research and diagnostics. Here, we review how high-throughput sequencing is revolutionizing clinical microbiology and the promise that it still holds. We discuss major applications, which include: (i) identification of target DNA sequences and antigens to rapidly develop diagnostic tools; (ii) precise strain identification for epidemiological typing and pathogen monitoring during outbreaks; and (iii) investigation of strain properties, such as the presence of antibiotic resistance or virulence factors. In addition, recent developments in comparative metagenomics and single-cell sequencing offer the prospect of a better understanding of complex microbial communities at the global and individual levels, providing a new perspective for understanding host-pathogen interactions. Being a high-resolution tool, high-throughput sequencing will increasingly influence diagnostics, epidemiology, risk management, and patient care.
Barrett's esophagus (BE) is an acquired condition in which the normal lining of the esophagus is replaced by intestinal metaplastic epithelium. BE can evolve to esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) through low-grade dysplasia (LGD) and high-grade dysplasia (HGD). The only generally accepted marker for increased risk of EAC is the presence of HGD, diagnosed on endoscopic biopsies. More specific markers for the prediction of EAC risk are needed. A tissue microarray was constructed comprising tissue samples from BE, LGD, HGD, and EAC. Marker expression was studied by immunohistochemistry using antibodies against CD44, DKK1, CDX2, COX2, SOX9, OCT1, E-cadherin, and beta-catenin. Immunostaining was evaluated semi-quantitatively. CD44 expression decreased in HGD and EAC relative to BE and LGD. DKK1 expression increased in HGD and EAC relative to BE and LDG. CDX2 expression increased in HGD but decreased in EAC. COX2 expression decreased in EAC, and SOX9 expression increased only in the upper crypt epithelial cells in HGD. E-cadherin expression decreased in EAC. Nuclear beta-catenin was not significantly different between BE, LGD, and HGD. Loss of CD44 and gain of DKK1 expression characterizes progression from BE and LGD to HGD and EAC, and their altered expression might indicate an increased risk for developing an EAC. This observation warrants inclusion of these immunohistochemically detectable markers in a study with a long patient follow-up.
NKT cells utilize a restricted alphabeta TCR repertoire that recognizes glycolipids in association with CD1d. The recent development of fluorescent CD1d tetramers loaded with the synthetic glycolipid alpha-galactosyl-ceramide has led to a clearer definition of NKT-cell subsets as well as important insights into their developmental origin. As many as four subsets may exist, differing in NK1.1 expression, TCR repertoire and dependence on CD1d and various glycolipids for development. Two different lineage-commitment models have been proposed, with most evidence favoring a byproduct of conventional-T-cell development.
The proteasome plays a crucial role in the proteolytic processing of antigens presented to T cells in the context of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. However, the rules governing the specificity of cleavage sites are still largely unknown. We have previously shown that a cytolytic T lymphocyte-defined antigenic peptide derived from the MAGE-3 tumor-associated antigen (MAGE-3(271-279), FLWGPRALV in one-letter code) is not presented at the surface of melanoma cell lines expressing the MAGE-3 protein. By using purified proteasome and MAGE-3(271-279) peptides extended at the C terminus by 6 amino acids, we identified predominant cleavages after residues 278 and 280 but no detectable cleavage after residue Val(279), the C terminus of the antigenic peptide. In the present study, we have investigated the influence of Pro(275), Leu(278), and Glu(280) on the proteasomal digestion of MAGE-3(271-285) substituted at these positions. We show that positions 278 and 280 are major proteasomal cleavage sites because they tolerate most amino acid substitutions. In contrast, the peptide bond after Val(279) is a minor cleavage site, influenced by both distal and proximal amino acid residues.
NK T cells produce cytokines when their semi-invariant TCR engages glycolipids associated with CD1d. The physiological consequences of NKT cell activation remain controversial, although they have been implicated in control of autoimmunity, parasites and tumors. We show here that specific activation of NKT cells in liver and spleen leads to a rapid induction of extensive NK cell proliferation and cytotoxicity. This NK cell activation is dependent, at least in part, on IFN-gamma production by NKT cells and IL-12 production by antigen-presenting cells. Remarkably, activation of NK cells by NKT cells is highly selective, since bystander T and B lymphocytes show transient expression of activation markers but almost no proliferation. Collectively our data suggest that CD1d-dependent NKT cells regulate innate immunity by sampling blood-borne glycolipid antigens and rapidly activating NK cells.
Ag-experienced or memory T cells have increased reactivity to recall Ag, and can be distinguished from naive T cells by altered expression of surface markers such as CD44. Memory T cells have a high turnover rate, and CD8(+) memory T cells proliferate upon viral infection, in the presence of IFN-alphabeta and/or IL-15. In this study, we extend these findings by showing that activated NKT cells and superantigen-activated T cells induce extensive bystander proliferation of both CD8(+) and CD4(+) memory T cells. Moreover, proliferation of memory T cells can be induced by an IFN-alphabeta-independent, but IFN-gamma- or IL-12-dependent pathway. In these conditions of bystander activation, proliferating memory (CD44(high)) T cells do not derive from activation of naive (CD44(low)) T cells, but rather from bona fide memory CD44(high) T cells. Together, these data demonstrate that distinct pathways can induce bystander proliferation of memory T cells.
We have shown previously that HLA-A*0201 melanoma patients can frequently develop a CTL response to the cancer testis antigen NY-ESO-1. In the present study, we have analyzed in detail the relative antigenicity and in vitro immunogenicity of natural and modified NY-ESO-1 peptide sequences. The results of this analysis revealed that, although suboptimal for binding to the HLA-A*0201 molecule, peptide NY-ESO-1 157-165 is, among natural sequences, very efficiently recognized by specific CTL clones derived from three melanoma patients. In contrast, peptides NY-ESO-1 157-167 and NY-ESO-1 155-163, which bind very strongly to HLA-A*0201, are recognized less efficiently. In agreement with previous data, substitution of peptide NY-ESO-1 157-165 COOH-terminal C with various other amino acids resulted in a significantly increased binding to HLA-A*0201 molecules as well as in an increased CTL recognition, although variable at the clonal level. Among natural peptides, NY-ESO-1 157-165 and NY-ESO-1 157-167 exhibited good in vitro immunogenicity, whereas peptide NY-ESO-1 155-163 was poorly immunogenic. The fine specificity of interaction between peptide NY-ESO-1 C165A, HLA-A*0201, and T-cell receptor was analyzed at the molecular level using a series of variant peptides containing single alanine substitutions. The findings reported here have significant implications for the formulation of NY-ESO-1-based vaccines as well as for the monitoring of either natural or vaccine-induced NY-ESO-1-specific CTL responses in cancer patients.