255 resultados para Nurse -patient relations


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While the previous chapter by L. Fallowfield and V. Jenkins focuses on different communication skills training (CST) concepts currently being utilized, this chapter reviews and comments the scientific evidence of the impact of CST on improving communication skills. The aim of this chapter is not to provide a complete review of the evidence-this has already been done in systematic reviews-but to discuss the scientific evidence and reflect on the available results and relevant topics for further investigations.


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Since the introduction of the principle of respect of autonomy in medical ethics, the respect of the will of the patient occupied a central place in the decision-making process. To face up to the difficulties that appeared during the application of this principle in clinical medicine, Bruce Miller proposed in the early eighties one way to clarify the significance of this notion in the field of medical practice. He showed that the concept of autonomy can be understood under four senses which deserve to be explored in case of ethical conflict. This article shows, through the analysis of a clinical situation, the relevance of the approach suggested by this author and proposes to refer to this approach in case of ethical dilemmas in clinical practice.


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OBJECTIVE: Assertive community treatment (ACT) failed to develop in Europe, and its efficacy is debated. In Lausanne, Switzerland, ACT focuses on difficult-to-engage patients and aims to facilitate linkage with outpatient care through time-limited interventions. This study aimed to evaluate the applicability and efficiency of time-limited ACT. METHODS: We retrospectively assessed social, clinical, and functional outcomes and motivation for treatment in 75 consecutively seen subjects treated between 2000 and 2002. RESULTS: With 70% of the interventions lasting less than 6 months, we observed significant improvement in most clinical and social problems, in collaboration, in motivation for treatment, and in social network support, despite high baseline levels of clinical and social problems. The number of hospitalizations decreased significantly. CONCLUSIONS: Time-limited ACT is a useful treatment for difficult-to-engage patients with severe clinical and social problems, and it facilitates linkage to care. This narrower target for ACT may facilitate its implementation in Europe.


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The subject of communication between palliative care physicians and their patients regarding their diagnosis and prognosis has not been extensively researched. The purpose of this survey was to compare the attitudes and beliefs of palliative care specialists regarding communication with the terminally ill in Europe, South America, and Canada. A sample of palliative care physicians from South America (Argentina and Brazil), French-speaking Europe, and Canada were identified, and posted a questionnaire. Physicians who stated that they practised palliative care at least 30% of their time were considered evaluable as palliative care specialists. Of a total of 272 questionnaires, 228 were returned (84%); and 182/228 (81%) respondents were considered to be palliative care specialists. Palliative care physicians in all three regions believed that cancer patients should be informed of their diagnosis and the terminal nature of their illness. Physicians reported that at least 60% of their patients knew their diagnosis and the terminal stage of their illness in 52% and 24% of cases in South America, and 69% and 38% of cases in Europe, respectively. All physicians agreed that 'do not resuscitate' orders should be present, and should be discussed with the patient in all cases. While 93% of Canadian physicians stated that at least 60% of their patients wanted to know about the terminal stage of their illness, only 18% of South American, and 26% of European physicians said this (P < 0.001). Similar results were found when the physicians were asked the percentage of families who want patients to know the terminal stage of their illness. However, almost all of the physicians agreed that if they had terminal cancer they would like to know. There was a significant association between patient based decision-making and female sex (P = 0.007), older age (P = 0.04), and physicians from Canada and South America (P < 0.001). Finally, in their daily decision making, South American physicians were significantly more likely to support beneficence and justice as compared with autonomy. Canadian physicians were more likely to support autonomy as compared with beneficence. In summary, our findings suggest that there are major regional differences in the attitudes and beliefs of physicians regarding communication at the end of life. More research is badly needed on the attitudes and beliefs of patients, families, and health care professionals in different regions of the world.


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Physicians are in a unique position to advice smokers to quit by the ability to integrate the various aspects of nicotine dependence. This review provides an overview of intervention with smokers presenting in a primary care setting. Strategies used for smoking cessation counseling differed according to patient's readiness to quit. For smokers who do not intend to quit smoking, physicians should inform and sensitize patients about tobacco use and cessation, especially by personalizing benefits to quit and challenging smokers 'beliefs. For smokers who are dissonant, physicians should use motivational strategies, such as discussing barriers to cessation and their solutions. For smokers ready to quit, the physician should show strong support, help set a quit date, prescribe pharmaceutical therapies for nicotine dependence, such as replacement therapy and/or bupropion, with instructions for use, and suggest behavioral strategies to prevent relapse.


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A variation of task analysis was used to build an empirical model of how therapists may facilitate client assimilation process, described in the Assimilation of Problematic Experiences Scale. A rational model was specified and considered in light of an analysis of therapist in-session performances (N = 117) drawn from six inpatient therapies for depression. The therapist interventions were measured by the Comprehensive Psychotherapeutic Interventions Rating Scale. Consistent with the rational model, confronting interventions were particularly useful in helping clients elaborate insight. However, rather than there being a small number of progress-related interventions at lower levels of assimilation, therapists' use of interventions was broader than hypothesized and drew from a wide range of therapeutic approaches. Concerning the higher levels of assimilation, there was insufficient data to allow an analysis of the therapist's progress-related interventions.


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PROBLEM: Truth-telling is an important component of respect for patients' self-determination, but in the context of breaking bad news, it is also a distressing and difficult task. INTERVENTION: We investigated the long-term influence of a simulated patient-based teaching intervention, integrating learning objectives in communication skills and ethics into students' attitudes and concerns regarding truth-telling. We followed two cohorts of medical students from the preclinical third year to their clinical rotations (fifth year). Open-ended responses were analysed to explore medical students' reported difficulties in breaking bad news. CONTEXT: This intervention was implemented during the last preclinical year of a problem-based medical curriculum, in collaboration between the doctor-patient communication and ethics programs. OUTCOME: Over time, concerns such as empathy and truthfulness shifted from a personal to a relational focus. Whereas 'truthfulness' was a concern for the content of the message, 'truth-telling' included concerns on how information was communicated and how realistically it was received. Truth-telling required empathy, adaptation to the patient, and appropriate management of emotions, both for the patient's welfare and for a realistic understanding of the situation. LESSONS LEARNED: Our study confirms that an intervention confronting students with a realistic situation succeeds in making them more aware of the real issues of truth-telling. Medical students deepened their reflection over time, acquiring a deeper understanding of the relational dimension of values such as truth-telling, and honing their view of empathy.


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QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: Studies from several countries (Scandinavia, United Kingdom) report that general practitioners (GPs) experience problems in sickness certification. Our study explored views of Swiss GPs towards sickness certification, their practice and experience, professional skills and problematic interactions with patients. METHODS: We conducted an online survey among GPs throughout Switzerland, exploring behaviour of physicians, patients and employers with regard to sickness certification; GPs' views about sickness certification; required competences for certifying sickness absence, and approaches to advance their competence. We piloted the questionnaire and disseminated it through the networks of the five Swiss academic institutes for primary care. RESULTS: We received 507 valid responses (response rate 50%). Only 43/507 GPs experienced sickness certification as problematic per se, yet 155/507 experienced problems in sickness certification at least once a week. The 507 GPs identified estimating a long-term prognosis about work capacity (64%), handling conflicts with patients (54%), and determining the reduction of work capacity (42%) as problematic. Over 75% would welcome special training opportunities, e.g., on sickness certifications during residency (93%), in insurance medicine (81%), and conflict management (80%). CONCLUSION: Sickness certification as such does not present a major problem to Swiss GPs, which contrasts with the experience in Scandinavian countries and in the UK. Swiss GPs did identify specific tasks of sickness certification as problematic. Training opportunities on sick-leave certification and insurance medicine in general were welcomed.


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The majority of the Swiss population uses the internet to seek information about health. The objective is to be better informed, before or after the consultation. Doctors can advise their information-seeking patients about high quality websites, be it medical portals or websites dedicated to a specific pathology. Doctors should not see the internet as a threat but rather as an opportunity to strengthen the doctor-patient relationship.


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Introduction: La disposition de l'imatinib (Glivec®) implique des systèmes connus pour de grandes différences inter-individuelles, et l'on peut s'attendre à ce que l'exposition à ce médicament varie largement d'un patient à l'autre. L'alpha-1-glycoprotéine acide (AAG), une protéine circulante liant fortement l'imatinib, représente l'un de ces systèmes. Objectif: Cette étude observationnelle visait à explorer l'influence de l'AAG plasmatique sur la pharmacocinétique de l'imatinib. Méthode: Une analyse de population a été effectuée avec le programme NONMEM sur 278 échantillons plasmatiques issus de 51 patients oncologiques. L'influence des taux d'AAG sur la clairance (CL) et le volume de distribution (Vd) a ainsi été étudiée. Résultats: Un modèle à un compartiment avec absorption de premier ordre a permis de décrire les données. Une relation hyperbolique entre taux d'AAG et CL ou Vd a été observée. Une approche mécanistique a donc été élaborée, postulant que seule la concentration libre subissait une élimination du premier ordre, et intégrant la constante de dissociation comme paramètre du modèle. Cette approche a permis de déterminer une CLlibre moyenne de 1310 l/h et un Vd de 301 l. Par comparaison, la CLtotale déterminée initialement était de 14 l/h. La CLlibre est affectée par le poids corporel et le type de pathologie. Qui plus est, ce modèle a permis d'estimer in vivo la constante d'association entre imatinib et AAG (5.5?106 l/mol), ainsi que la fraction libre moyenne de l'imatinib (1.1%). La variabilité inter-individuelle estimée pour la disposition de l'imatinib (17% sur CLlibre et 66% sur Vd) diminuait globalement de moitié avec le modèle incorporant l'impact de l'AAG. Discussion-conclusion: De tels résultats clarifient l'impact de la liaison protéinique sur le devenir de l'imatinib. Des taux élevés d'AAG ont été présumés représenter un facteur de résistance à l'imatinib. Toutefois, cela est peu probable, notre modèle prédisant que la concentration libre reste inchangée. D'un autre côté, s'il est un jour démontré que l'imatinib requiert un programme de suivi thérapeutique (TDM), la mesure des concentrations libres, ou la correction des concentrations totales en fonction des taux d'AAG, devraient être envisagées pour une interprétation précise des résultats.


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Several patient-related variables have already been investigated as predictors of change in psychodynamic psychotherapy. Defensive functioning is one of them. However, few studies have investigated adaptational processes, encompassing defence mechanisms and coping, from an integrative or comparative viewpoint. This study includes 32 patients, mainly diagnosed with adjustment disorder and undergoing time-limited psychodynamic psychotherapy lasting up to 40 sessions, and will focus on early change in defence and coping. Observer-rater methodology was applied to the transcripts of two sessions of the first part of the psychotherapeutic process. It is assumed that the contextual-relational variable of therapeutic alliance intervenes as moderator on change in adaptational processes. Results corroborated the hypothesis, but only for coping, whereas for defences, overall functioning remained stable over the first 20 sessions of psychotherapy. These results are discussed within the framework of disentangling processes underlying adaptation, i.e., related to issues on trait and state aspects, as well as the role of the therapeutic alliance.


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Introduction: Emergency services (ES) are often faced with agitated,confused or aggressive patients. Such situations may require physicalrestraint. The prevalence of these measures is poorly documented,concerning 1 to 10% of patients admitted in the ES. The indications forrestraint, the context and the related complications are poorly studied.The emergency service and the security service of our hospital havedocumented physical restraint for several years, using specific protocolsintegrated into the medical records. The study evaluated the magnitudeof the problem, the patient characteristics, and degree of adherence tothe restraint protocol.Methods: Retrospective study of physical restraint used on adultpatients in the ES in 2009. The study included analysis of medical anddemographic characteristics, indications justifying restraint and qualityof restraint documentation. Patients were identified from computerizedES and security service records. The data were supplemented byexamination of patients' medical records.Results: In 2009, according to the security service, 390 patients (1%)were physically restrained in the ES. The ES computerized systemidentified only 196 patients. Most patients were male (62%). The medianage was 40 years (15-98 years; P90 = 80 years). 63 % of the situationsoccurred between 18h00 and 6h00, and most frequently on Saturday(19%). Substance or alcohol abuse was present in 48.7% of cases andacute psychiatric crisis was mentioned in 16.7%. In most cases,restraint was motivated by extreme agitation or auto / hetero-aggressiveviolence. Most patients (68 %) were restrained with upper limb andabdominal restraints. More than three anatomic restraints werenecessary in 52 % of the patients. Intervention of security guards wasrequired in 77% of the cases. 61 restraint protocols (31 %) were missingand 57% of the records were incomplete. In many cases, the protocolsdid not include the signature of the physician (22%) or of the nurse(43.8%). Medical records analysis did not allow reliable estimation ofthe number of restraint-induced complications.Conclusions: Physical restraint is most often motivated by majoragitation and/or secondary to substance abuse. Caregivers regularlycall security guards for help. Restraint documentation is often missing orincomplete, requiring major improvement in education and prescription.