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Water balance is achieved through the ability of the kidney to control water reabsorption in the connecting tubule and the collecting duct. In a mouse cortical collecting duct cell line (mCCD(c11)), physiological concentrations of arginine vasopressin increased both electrogenic, amiloride-sensitive, epithelial sodium channel (ENaC)-mediated sodium transport measured by the short-circuit current (Isc) method and water flow (Jv apical to basal) measured by gravimetry with similar activation coefficient K(1/2) (6 and 12 pM, respectively). Jv increased linearly according to the osmotic gradient across the monolayer. A small but highly significant Jv was also measured under isoosmotic conditions. To test the coupling between sodium reabsorption and water flow, mCCD(c11) cells were treated for 24 h under isoosmotic condition with either diluent, amiloride, vasopressin or vasopressin and amiloride. Isc, Jv, and net chemical sodium fluxes were measured across the same monolayers. Around 30% of baseline and 50% of vasopressin-induced water flow is coupled to an amiloride-sensitive, ENaC-mediated, electrogenic sodium transport, whereas the remaining flow is coupled to an amiloride-insensitive, nonelectrogenic sodium transport mediated by an unknown electroneutral transporter. The mCCD(c11) cell line is a first example of a mammalian tight epithelium allowing quantitative study of the coupling between sodium and water transport. Our data are consistent with the 'near isoosmotic' fluid transport model.


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BACKGROUND: Few studies have examined the association between weight perception and socioeconomic status (SES) in sub-Saharan Africa, and none made this association based on education, occupation and income simultaneously. METHODS: Based on a population-based survey (n = 1255) in the Seychelles, weight and height were measured and self-perception of one's own body weight, education, occupation, and income were assessed by a questionnaire. Individuals were considered to have appropriate weight perception when their self-perceived weight matched their actual body weight. RESULTS: The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 35% and 28%, respectively. Multivariate analysis among overweight/obese persons showed that appropriate weight perception was directly associated with actual weight, education, occupation and income, and that it was more frequent among women than among men. In a model using all three SES indicators together, only education (OR = 2.5; 95% CI: 1.3-4.8) and occupation (OR = 2.3; 95% CI: 1.2-4.5) were independently associated with appropriate perception of being overweight. The OR reached 6.9 [95% CI: 3.4-14.1] when comparing the highest vs. lowest categories of SES based on a score including all SES indicators and 6.1 [95% CI: 3.0-12.1] for a score based on education and occupation. CONCLUSIONS: Appropriately perceiving one's weight as too high was associated with different SES indicators, female sex and being actually overweight. These findings suggest means and targets for clinical and population-based interventions for weight control. Further studies should examine whether these differences in weight perception underlie differences in cognitive skills, healthy weight norms, or body size ideals.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Epidemiological and experimental evidence suggests that uric acid has a role in the aetiology of type 2 diabetes. Using a Mendelian randomisation approach, we investigated whether there is evidence for a causal role of serum uric acid for development of type 2 diabetes. METHODS: We examined the associations of serum-uric-acid-raising alleles of eight common variants recently identified in genome-wide association studies and summarised this in a genetic score with type 2 diabetes in case-control studies including 7,504 diabetes patients and 8,560 non-diabetic controls. We compared the observed effect size to that expected based on: (1) the association between the genetic score and uric acid levels in non-diabetic controls; and (2) the meta-analysed uric acid level to diabetes association. RESULTS: The genetic score showed a linear association with uric acid levels, with a difference of 12.2 μmol/l (95% CI 9.3, 15.1) by score tertile. No significant associations were observed between the genetic score and potential confounders. No association was observed between the genetic score and type 2 diabetes with an OR of 0.99 (95% CI 0.94, 1.04) per score tertile, significantly different (p = 0.046) from that expected (1.04 [95% CI 1.03, 1.05]) based on the observed uric acid difference by score tertile and the uric acid to diabetes association of 1.21 (95% CI 1.14, 1.29) per 60 μmol/l. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Our results do not support a causal role of serum uric acid for the development of type 2 diabetes and limit the expectation that uric-acid-lowering drugs will be effective in the prevention of type 2 diabetes.


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Until the 1990's, Switzerland could be classified as either a corporatist, cooperative or coordinated market economy where non-market mechanisms of coordination among economic and political actors were very important. In this respect, Business Interest Associations (BIAs) played a key role. The aim of this paper is to look at the historical evolution of the five main peak Swiss BIAs through network analysis for five assorted dates during the 20th century (1910, 1937, 1957, 1980 and 2000) while relying on a database that includes more than 12,000 people. First, we examine the logic of membership in these associations, which allows us to analyze their position and function within the network of the Swiss economic elite. Until the 1980's, BIAs took part in the emergence and consolidation of a closely meshed national network, which declined during the two last decades of the 20th century. Second, we investigate the logic of influence of these associations by looking at the links they maintained with the political and administrative worlds through their links to the political parties and Parliament, and to the administration via the extra-parliamentary commissions (corporatist bodies). In both cases, the recent dynamic of globalization called into question the traditional role of BIAs.


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The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic efficiency of plain film and spiral CT examinations with 3D reconstructions of 42 tibial plateau fractures and to assess the accuracy of these two techniques in the pre-operative surgical plan in 22 cases. Forty-two tibial plateau fractures were examined with plain film (anteroposterior, lateral, two obliques) and spiral CT with surface-shaded-display 3D reconstructions. The Swiss AO-ASIF classification system of bone fracture from Muller was used. In 22 cases the surgical plans and the sequence of reconstruction of the fragments were prospectively determined with both techniques, successively, and then correlated with the surgical reports and post-operative plain film. The fractures were underestimated with plain film in 18 of 42 cases (43%). Due to the spiral CT 3D reconstructions, and precise pre-operative information, the surgical plans based on plain film were modified and adjusted in 13 cases among 22 (59%). Spiral CT 3D reconstructions give a better and more accurate demonstration of the tibial plateau fracture and allows a more precise pre-operative surgical plan.


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Rapport de synthèse : L'ostéoporose est reconnue comme un problème majeur de santé publique. Comme il existe actuellement des traitements préventifs efficaces pour minimiser le risque de fracture, il est essentiel de développer des nouvelles stratégies de détection des femmes à risque de fracture. Les marqueurs spécifiques du remodelage osseux dosés dans les urines ainsi que les ultrasons quantitatifs du talon ont été étudiés comme outils cliniques pour prédire le risque fracturaire chez les femmes âgées. Il n'existe cependant que très peu de donnée sur la combinaison de ces deux outils pour améliorer la prédiction du risque de fracture. Cette étude cas-contrôle, réalisée chez 368 femmes âgées de 76 ans en moyenne d'une cohorte suisse de femmes ambulatoires, évalue la capacité discriminative entre 195 femmes avec fracture non-vertébrale à bas traumatisme et 173 femmes sans fractures - de deux marqueurs urinaires de la résorption osseuse, les pyridinolines et les deoxypyridinolines, ainsi que deux ultrasons quantitatifs du talon, le Achilles+ (GE-Lunar, Madison, USA) et le Sahara (Hologic, Waltham, USA). Les 195 patientes avec une fracture ont été choisies identiques aux 173 contrôles concernant Page, l'indice de masse corporel, le centre médical et la durée de suivi jusqu'à la fracture. Cette étude montre que les marqueurs urinaires de la résorption osseuse ont une capacité environ identique aux ultrasons quantitatifs du talon pour discriminer entre les patientes avec fracture non-vertébrale à bas traumatisme et les contrôles. La combinaison des deux tests n'est cependant pas plus performante qu'un seul test. Les résultats de cette étude peuvent aider à concevoir les futures stratégies de détection du risque fracturaire chez les femmes âgées, qui intègrent notamment des facteurs de risque cliniques, radiologiques et biochimiques. Abstract : Summary : This nested case-control analysis of a Swiss ambulatory cohort of elderly women assessed the discriminatory power of urinary markers of bone resorption and heel quantitative ultrasound for non-vertebral fractures. The tests all discriminated between cases and controls, but combining the two strategies yielded no additional relevant information. Introduction : Data are limited regarding the combination of bone resorption markers and heel quantitative bone ultrasound (QUS) in the detection of women at risk for fracture. Methods In a nested case-control analysis, we studied 368 women (mean age 76.213.2 years), 195 with low-trauma non-vertebral fractures and 173 without, matched for age, BMI, medical center, and follow-up duration, from a prospective study designed to predict fractures. Urinary total pyridinolines (PYD) and deoxypyridinolines (DPD) were measured by high performance liquid chromatography. All women underwent bone evaluations using Achilles+ and Sahara heel QUS. Results : Areas under the receiver operating-characteristic curve (AUC) for discriminative models of the fracture group, with 95% confidence intervals, were 0.62 (0.560.68) and 0.59 (0.53-0.65) for PYD and DPD, and 0.64 (0.58-0.69) and 0.65 (0.59-0.71) for Achilles+ and Sahara QUS, respectively. The combination of resorption markers and QUS added no significant discriminatory information to either measurement alone with an AUC of 0.66 (0.600.71) for Achilles+ with PYD and 0.68 (0.62-0.73) for Sahara with PYD. Conclusions : Urinary bone resorption markers and QUS are equally discriminatory between non-vertebral fracture patients and controls. However, the combination of bone resorption markers and QUS is not better than either test used alone.


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Context Heart failure (HF) is the most common complication of infective endocarditis. However, clinical characteristics of HF in patients with infective endocarditis, use of surgical therapy, and their associations with patient outcome are not well described.Objectives To determine the clinical, echocardiographic, and microbiological variables associated with HF in patients with definite infective endocarditis and to examine variables independently associated with in-hospital and 1-year mortality for patients with infective endocarditis and HF, including the use and association of surgery with outcome.Design, Setting, and Patients The International Collaboration on Endocarditis-Prospective Cohort Study, a prospective, multicenter study enrolling 4166 patients with definite native- or prosthetic-valve infective endocarditis from 61 centers in 28 countries between June 2000 and December 2006.Main Outcome Measures In-hospital and 1-year mortality.Results Of 4075 patients with infective endocarditis and known HF status enrolled, 1359 (33.4% [95% CI, 31.9%-34.8%]) had HF, and 906 (66.7% [95% CI, 64.2%-69.2%]) were classified as having New York Heart Association class III or IV symptom status. Within the subset with HF, 839 (61.7% [95% CI, 59.2%-64.3%]) underwent valvular surgery during the index hospitalization. In-hospital mortality was 29.7% (95% CI, 27.2%-32.1%) for the entire HF cohort, with lower mortality observed in patients undergoing valvular surgery compared with medical therapy alone (20.6% [95% CI, 17.9%-23.4%] vs 44.8% [95% CI, 40.4%-49.0%], respectively; P < .001). One-year mortality was 29.1% (95% CI, 26.0%-32.2%) in patients undergoing valvular surgery vs 58.4% (95% CI, 54.1%-62.6%) in those not undergoing surgery (P < .001). Cox proportional hazards modeling with propensity score adjustment for surgery showed that advanced age, diabetes mellitus, health care-associated infection, causative microorganism (Staphylococcus aureus or fungi), severe HF (New York Heart Association class III or IV), stroke, and paravalvular complications were independently associated with 1-year mortality, whereas valvular surgery during the initial hospitalization was associated with lower mortality.Conclusion In this cohort of patients with infective endocarditis complicated by HF, severity of HF was strongly associated with surgical therapy and subsequent mortality, whereas valvular surgery was associated with lower in-hospital and 1-year mortality.


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This article studies the influence of the procedural justice resulting from participation in decision-making on employees' affective commitment in social enterprises. It also examines whether any potential link between participation and commitment is due to social exchange, as is the case with for-profit companies. The study is based on data from employees of French work integration social enterprises. The results confirm the positive relationship between procedural justice and affective commitment and the mediating role of perceived organizational support and leader-member exchanges. Managerial recommendations are then given to best maintain or increase employees' involvement in the decision-making processes of social enterprises.


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Protective immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) remains poorly understood and the role of Mtb-specific CD8(+) T cells is controversial. Here we performed a broad phenotypic and functional characterization of Mtb-specific CD8(+) T cells in 326 subjects with latent Mtb infection (LTBI) or active TB disease (TB). Mtb-specific CD8(+) T cells were detected in most (60%) TB patients and few (15%) LTBI subjects but were of similar magnitude. Mtb-specific CD8(+) T cells in LTBI subjects were mostly T EMRA cells (CD45RA(+) CCR7(-)), coexpressing 2B4 and CD160, and in TB patients were mostly TEM cells (CD45RA(-) CCR7(-)), expressing 2B4 but lacking PD-1 and CD160. The cytokine profile was not significantly different in both groups. Furthermore, Mtb-specific CD8(+) T cells expressed low levels of perforin and granulysin but contained granzymes A and B. However, in vitro-expanded Mtb-specific CD8(+) T cells expressed perforin and granulysin. Finally, Mtb-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses were less frequently detected in extrapulmonary TB compared with pulmonary TB patients. Mtb-specific CD8(+) T-cell proliferation was also greater in patients with extrapulmonary compared with pulmonary TB. Thus, the activity of Mtb infection and clinical presentation are associated with distinct profiles of Mtb-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses. These results provide new insights in the interaction between Mtb and the host immune response.


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Introduction: To investigate differences in twitch and M-wave potentiation in the quadriceps femoris when electrical stimulation is applied over the quadriceps muscle belly versus the femoral nerve trunk. Methods: M-waves and mechanical twitches were evoked using direct quadriceps muscle and femoral nerve stimulation between 48 successive isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) from 10 young, healthy subjects. Potentiation was investigated by analyzing the changes in M-wave amplitude recorded from the vastus medialis (VM) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles and in quadriceps peak twitch force. Results: Potentiation of twitch, VM M-wave, and VL M-wave were greater for femoral nerve than for direct quadriceps stimulation (P<0.05). Despite a 50% decrease in MVC force, the amplitude of the M-waves increased significantly during exercise. Conclusions: In addition to enhanced electrogenic Na(+) -K(+) pumping, other factors (such as synchronization in activation of muscle fibers and muscle architectural properties) might significantly influence the magnitude of M-wave enlargement. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Purpose: Pulmonary hypoplasia is a determinant parameter for extra-uterine life. In the last years, MRI appears as a complement to US in order to evaluate the degree of pulmonary hypoplasia in foetuses with congenital anomalies, by using different methods - fetal lung volumetry (FLV), lung-to-liver signal intensity ratio (LLSIR)-. But until now, information about the correlation between the MRI prediction and the real postnatal outcome is limited. Methods and materials: We retrospectively reviewed the fetal MRI performed at our Institution in the last 8 years and selected the cases with suspicion of fetal pulmonary hypoplasia (n = 30). The pulmonary volumetry data of these foetuses were collected and the lung-to-liver signal intensity ratio (LLSIR) measures performed. These data were compared with those obtained from a control group of 25 foetuses considered as normal at MRI. The data of the study group were also correlated with the autopsy records or the post-natal clinical information of the patients. Results: As expected, the control group showed higher FLV and LLSIR values than the problem group at all gestational ages. Higher values of FLV and LLSIR were associated with a better post-natal outcome. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and accuracy for the relative LLSIR and the relative FLV showed no significant differences. Conclusion: Our data show that not only the FLV but also the relative LLSIR inform about the degree of fetal lung development. This information may help to predict the fetal outcome and to evaluate the need for neonatal intensive care.