179 resultados para NEONATAL INTENSIVE-CARE
Despite recent medical progresses in patient support, the mortality of sepsis remains high. Recently, new supporting strategies were proposed to improve outcome. Whereas such strategies are currently considered as standard of care, their real impact on mortality, morbidity, length of stay, and hence, health care resources utilization has been only weakly evaluated so far. Obviously, there is a critical need for epidemiologic surveys of sepsis to better address these major issues. The Lausanne Cohort of septic patients aims at building a large clinical, biological and microbiological database that will be used as a multidisciplinary research platform to study the various pathogenic mechanisms of sepsis in collaboration with the various specialists. This could be an opportunity to strengthen the collaboration within the Swiss Latin network of Intensive Care Medicine.
OBJECTIVES: To review and update the evidence on predictors of poor outcome (death, persistent vegetative state or severe neurological disability) in adult comatose survivors of cardiac arrest, either treated or not treated with controlled temperature, to identify knowledge gaps and to suggest a reliable prognostication strategy. METHODS: GRADE-based systematic review followed by expert consensus achieved using Web-based Delphi methodology, conference calls and face-to-face meetings. Predictors based on clinical examination, electrophysiology, biomarkers and imaging were included. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Evidence from a total of 73 studies was reviewed. The quality of evidence was low or very low for almost all studies. In patients who are comatose with absent or extensor motor response at ?72h from arrest, either treated or not treated with controlled temperature, bilateral absence of either pupillary and corneal reflexes or N20 wave of short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials were identified as the most robust predictors. Early status myoclonus, elevated values of neuron specific enolase at 48-72h from arrest, unreactive malignant EEG patterns after rewarming, and presence of diffuse signs of postanoxic injury on either computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging were identified as useful but less robust predictors. Prolonged observation and repeated assessments should be considered when results of initial assessment are inconclusive. Although no specific combination of predictors is sufficiently supported by available evidence, a multimodal prognostication approach is recommended in all patients.
OBJECTIVE: To explore the user-friendliness and ergonomics of seven new generation intensive care ventilators. DESIGN: Prospective task-performing study. SETTING: Intensive care research laboratory, university hospital. METHODS: Ten physicians experienced in mechanical ventilation, but without prior knowledge of the ventilators, were asked to perform eight specific tasks [turning the ventilator on; recognizing mode and parameters; recognizing and setting alarms; mode change; finding and activating the pre-oxygenation function; pressure support setting; stand-by; finding and activating non-invasive ventilation (NIV) mode]. The time needed for each task was compared to a reference time (by trained physiotherapist familiar with the devices). A time >180 s was considered a task failure. RESULTS: For each of the tests on the ventilators, all physicians' times were significantly higher than the reference time (P < 0.001). A mean of 13 +/- 8 task failures (16%) was observed by the ventilator. The most frequently failed tasks were mode and parameter recognition, starting pressure support and finding the NIV mode. Least often failed tasks were turning on the pre-oxygenation function and alarm recognition and management. Overall, there was substantial heterogeneity between machines, some exhibiting better user-friendliness than others for certain tasks, but no ventilator was clearly better that the others on all points tested. CONCLUSIONS: The present study adds to the available literature outlining the ergonomic shortcomings of mechanical ventilators. These results suggest that closer ties between end-users and manufacturers should be promoted, at an early development phase of these machines, based on the scientific evaluation of the cognitive processes involved by users in the clinical setting.
Introductionþ: L'insulinothérapie intraveineuse est la mieux adaptée pour obtenirun contrôle glycémique rapidement efficace ou lors de besoins en insulinechangeants de façon peu prévisible, mais son emploi hors des soins intensifs seheurte souvent aux manque de formation et réticences des soignants. L'inclusionL'inclusiondu contrôle glycémique rapide dans nos standards institutionnels de priseen charge de l'AVC aigu a suscité une demande de protocole thérapeutiqueadapté aux besoins de l'Unité cérébrovasculaire.Patients et méthodesþ: Le protocole d'insulinothérapie a été dérivé d'algorithmespubliés intégrant glycémie actuelle, cinétique glycémique et sensibilité àl'insuline du patient. Aux repas, une augmentation du débit d'insuline iv. pendant1 h a été ajoutée. Les objectifs glycémiques étaient 4-6þmmol/l en préprandialetþ< 8þmmol/l en postprandial. L'implémentation s'est faite à travers unprocessus de co-construction (outils de gestion, documents et activités de formation)avec les responsables médico-infirmiers du service.Résultatsþ: Les données des 90 premiers patients ont été analysées (diabète connuþ:38, hyperglycémie nouvelleþ: 52, 2715h de traitement cumulées). Les duréesd'insulinothérapie iv. étaient de 34,5 h [interquartile 24-39] et 26,5 h [21-36,3] respectivement(pþ=þ0,03), les délais d'atteinte de l'objectif de 5 h [4.0-8.25] et 7 h[4.0-9.75] (pþ=þns.). Pendant les 24 h suivantes, les taux de glycémies dans la cibleétaient de 70,4þ%/81,3þ% (90,3þ%/94,6þ% entre 4-8þmmol/l), avec un faible tauxd'hypoglycémies (3,9þ%/3,1þ%þ< 4,0þmmol/l, 0,4þ%/0,2þ%þ<þ3,3þmmol/l) et un contrôleglycémique postprandial comparable (excursions +2,6þmmol/l [0,7-3,9] et+1,7þmmol/l [0,6-3,7]þ; Nþ=þ75þ; pþ=þns.).Conclusionþ: L'insulinothérapie intraveineuse hors des soins intensifs est faisable,hautement sûre et efficace, même avec des objectifs glycémiques particulièrementstricts. Outre la fiabilité perçue de l'outil de gestion, la démarche departenariat adoptée avec les soignants, permettant la prise en compte de leurspréoccupations à chaque étape du processus, a été un facteur de succès importantpour son implémentation.
An increasing number of patients suffering from cardiovascular disease, especially coronary artery disease (CAD), are treated with aspirin and/or clopidogrel for the prevention of major adverse events. Unfortunately, there are no specific, widely accepted recommendations for the perioperative management of patients receiving antiplatelet therapy. Therefore, members of the Perioperative Haemostasis Group of the Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research (GTH), the Perioperative Coagulation Group of the Austrian Society for Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care (ÖGARI) and the Working Group Thrombosis of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) have created this consensus position paper to provide clear recommendations on the perioperative use of anti-platelet agents (specifically with semi-urgent and urgent surgery), strongly supporting a multidisciplinary approach to optimize the treatment of individual patients with coronary artery disease who need major cardiac and non-cardiac surgery. With planned surgery, drug eluting stents (DES) should not be used unless surgery can be delayed for ≥12 months after DES implantation. If surgery cannot be delayed, surgical revascularisation, bare-metal stents or pure balloon angioplasty should be considered. During ongoing antiplatelet therapy, elective surgery should be delayed for the recommended duration of treatment. In patients with semi-urgent surgery, the decision to prematurely stop one or both antiplatelet agents (at least 5 days pre-operatively) has to be taken after multidisciplinary consultation, evaluating the individual thrombotic and bleeding risk. Urgently needed surgery has to take place under full antiplatelet therapy despite the increased bleeding risk. A multidisciplinary approach for optimal antithrombotic and haemostatic patient management is thus mandatory.
BACKGROUND: Abdominal infections are frequent causes of sepsis and septic shock in the intensive care unit (ICU) and are associated with adverse outcomes. We analyzed the characteristics, treatments and outcome of ICU patients with abdominal infections using data extracted from a one-day point prevalence study, the Extended Prevalence of Infection in the ICU (EPIC) II. METHODS: EPIC II included 13,796 adult patients from 1,265 ICUs in 75 countries. Infection was defined using the International Sepsis Forum criteria. Microbiological analyses were performed locally. Participating ICUs provided patient follow-up until hospital discharge or for 60 days. RESULTS: Of the 7,087 infected patients, 1,392 (19.6%) had an abdominal infection on the study day (60% male, mean age 62 ± 16 years, SAPS II score 39 ± 16, SOFA score 7.6 ± 4.6). Microbiological cultures were positive in 931 (67%) patients, most commonly Gram-negative bacteria (48.0%). Antibiotics were administered to 1366 (98.1%) patients. Patients who had been in the ICU for ≤ 2 days prior to the study day had more Escherichia coli, methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus and anaerobic isolates, and fewer enterococci than patients who had been in the ICU longer. ICU and hospital mortality rates were 29.4% and 36.3%, respectively. ICU mortality was higher in patients with abdominal infections than in those with other infections (29.4% vs. 24.4%, p < 0.001). In multivariable analysis, hematological malignancy, mechanical ventilation, cirrhosis, need for renal replacement therapy and SAPS II score were independently associated with increased mortality. CONCLUSIONS: The characteristics, microbiology and antibiotic treatment of abdominal infections in critically ill patients are diverse. Mortality in patients with isolated abdominal infections was higher than in those who had other infections.
Catheter-related infection remains a leading cause of nosocomial infections, particularly in intensive care units. It includes colonization of the device, skin exit-site infection and device- or catheter-related bloodstream infection. The latter represents the most frequent life-threatening associated complication of central venous catheter use and is associated with significant patient morbidity, mortality and extra hospital costs. The incidence of catheter-related bloodstream infection ranges from 2 to 14 episodes per 1000 catheter-days. On average, microbiologically-documented device-related bloodstream infections complicate from three to five per 100 central venous line uses, but they only represent the visible part of the iceberg and most clinical sepsis are nowadays considered to be catheter-related. We briefly review the pathophysiology of infection, highlighting the importance of the skin insertion site and of intravenous line hub as principal sources of colonization. Principles of therapy are reviewed. Several preventive approaches are also discussed, in particular the possible benefit of recently developed impregnated catheters. Finally, the potential positive impact of a multimodal global preventive strategy based on strict application of hygienic rules is presented.
Concerning catheter-related infections, many studies have been conducted until the last consensus conference of the Sociétéde réanimation de langue française (SRLF) in 1994. This text is the synthesis of the considerable amount of work performed by the experts of the society to review recent studies. The experts' texts as well as extensive bibliography are available at http://www.srlf.org.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the properties of various indicators aimed at monitoring the impact on the activity and patient outcome of a bed closure in a surgical intensive care unit (ICU). DESIGN: Comparison before and after the intervention. SETTING: A surgical ICU at a university hospital. PATIENTS: All patients admitted to the unit over two periods of 10 months. INTERVENTION: Closure of one bed out of 17. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Activity and outcome indicators in the ICU and the structures upstream from it (emergency department, operative theater, recovery room) and downstream from it (intermediate care units). After the bed closure, the monthly medians of admitted patients and ICU hospital days increased from 107 (interquartile range 94-112) to 113 (106-121, P=0.07) and from 360 (325-443) to 395 (345-436, P=0.48), respectively, along with the linear trend observed in our institution. All indicators of workload, patient severity, and outcome remained stable except for SAPS II score, emergency admissions, and ICU readmissions, which increased not only transiently but also on a mid-term basis (10 months), indicating that the process of patient care delivery was no longer predictable. CONCLUSIONS: Health care systems, including ICUs, are extraordinary flexible, and can adapt to multiple external constraints without altering commonly used activity and outcome indicators. It is therefore necessary to set up multiple indicators to be able to reliably monitor the impact of external interventions and intervene rapidly when the system is no longer under control.
Enteral nutrition (EN) via tube feeding is, today, the preferred way of feeding the critically ill patient and an important means of counteracting for the catabolic state induced by severe diseases. These guidelines are intended to give evidence-based recommendations for the use of EN in patients who have a complicated course during their ICU stay, focusing particularly on those who develop a severe inflammatory response, i.e. patients who have failure of at least one organ during their ICU stay. These guidelines were developed by an interdisciplinary expert group in accordance with officially accepted standards and are based on all relevant publications since 1985. They were discussed and accepted in a consensus conference. EN should be given to all ICU patients who are not expected to be taking a full oral diet within three days. It should have begun during the first 24h using a standard high-protein formula. During the acute and initial phases of critical illness an exogenous energy supply in excess of 20-25 kcal/kg BW/day should be avoided, whereas, during recovery, the aim should be to provide values of 25-30 total kcal/kg BW/day. Supplementary parenteral nutrition remains a reserve tool and should be given only to those patients who do not reach their target nutrient intake on EN alone. There is no general indication for immune-modulating formulae in patients with severe illness or sepsis and an APACHE II Score >15. Glutamine should be supplemented in patients suffering from burns or trauma.
Introduction and aim: Children hospitalised in a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) are mainly fed by nutritional support (NS) which may often be interrupted. The aims of the study were to verify the relationship between prescribed (PEI) and actual energy intake (AEI) and to identify the reasons for NS interruption. Methods: Prospective study in a PICU. PEI and AEI from day 1 to 15, type of NS (enteral, parenteral, mixed), position of the feeding tube, interruptions in NS and reasons for these were noted. Inter - ruptions were classified in categories of barriers and their frequency and duration were analysed. Results: Fifteen children (24 ± 25.2 months) were studied for 84 days. The NS was exclusively enteral (69%) or mixed (31%). PEI were significantly higher than AEI (54.7 ± 32.9 vs 49.2 ± 33.6 kcal/kg, p = 0.0011). AEI represented 93% of the PEI. Ninety-eight interruptions were noted and lasted 189 h, i.e. 9.4% of the evaluated time. The most frequent barriers were nursing procedures, respiratory physiotherapy and unavailability of intravenous access. The longest were caused by the necessity to stop NS for surgery or diagnostic studies, to treat burns or to carry out medical procedures. Conclusion: AEI in PICU were inferior by 7% to PEI, considerably lower than in adult studies. Making these results available to medical staff for greater anticipation and compensation could reduce NS interruptions. Starving protocols should be reconsidered.