130 resultados para Modelização 3D
Three-dimensional (3D) planning is becoming a more commonly used tool in maxillofacial surgery. At first used only virtually, 3D planning now also enables the creation of useful intraoperative aids such as cutting guides, which decrease the operative difficulty. In our center, we have used 3D planning in various domains of facial surgery and have investigated the advantages of this technique. We have also addressed the difficulties associated with its use. 3D planning increases the accuracy of reconstructive surgery, decreases operating time, whilst maintaining excellent esthetic results. However, its use is restricted to osseous reconstruction at this stage and once planning has been undertaken, it cannot be reversed or altered intraoperatively. Despite the attractive nature of this new tool, its uses and practicalities must be further evaluated. In particular, cost-effectiveness, hospital stay, and patient perceived benefits must be assessed.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of a real-time adaptive trigger delay on image quality to correct for heart rate variability in 3D whole-heart coronary MR angiography (MRA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve healthy adults underwent 3D whole-heart coronary MRA with and without the use of an adaptive trigger delay. The moment of minimal coronary artery motion was visually determined on a high temporal resolution MRI. Throughout the scan performed without adaptive trigger delay, trigger delay was kept constant, whereas during the scan performed with adaptive trigger delay, trigger delay was continuously updated after each RR-interval using physiological modeling. Signal-to-noise, contrast-to-noise, vessel length, vessel sharpness, and subjective image quality were compared in a blinded manner. RESULTS: Vessel sharpness improved significantly for the middle segment of the right coronary artery (RCA) with the use of the adaptive trigger delay (52.3 +/- 7.1% versus 48.9 +/- 7.9%, P = 0.026). Subjective image quality was significantly better in the middle segments of the RCA and left anterior descending artery (LAD) when the scan was performed with adaptive trigger delay compared to constant trigger delay. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that the use of an adaptive trigger delay to correct for heart rate variability improves image quality mainly in the middle segments of the RCA and LAD.
PURPOSE: To develop and assess the diagnostic performance of a three-dimensional (3D) whole-body T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging pulse sequence at 3.0 T for bone and node staging in patients with prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS This prospective study was approved by the institutional ethics committee; informed consent was obtained from all patients. Thirty patients with prostate cancer at high risk for metastases underwent whole-body 3D T1-weighted imaging in addition to the routine MR imaging protocol for node and/or bone metastasis screening, which included coronal two-dimensional (2D) whole-body T1-weighted MR imaging, sagittal proton-density fat-saturated (PDFS) imaging of the spine, and whole-body diffusion-weighted MR imaging. Two observers read the 2D and 3D images separately in a blinded manner for bone and node screening. Images were read in random order. The consensus review of MR images and the findings at prospective clinical and MR imaging follow-up at 6 months were used as the standard of reference. The interobserver agreement and diagnostic performance of each sequence were assessed on per-patient and per-lesion bases. RESULTS: The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were significantly higher with whole-body 3D T1-weighted imaging than with whole-body 2D T1-weighted imaging regardless of the reference region (bone or fat) and lesion location (bone or node) (P < .003 for all). For node metastasis, diagnostic performance (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve) was higher for whole-body 3D T1-weighted imaging (per-patient analysis; observer 1: P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging, P = .006 for 2D T1-weighted imaging + PDFS imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging; observer 2: P = .006 for 2D T1-weighted imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging, P = .006 for 2D T1-weighted imaging + PDFS imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging), as was sensitivity (per-lesion analysis; observer 1: P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging, P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging + PDFS imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging; observer 2: P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging, P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging + PDFS imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging). CONCLUSION: Whole-body MR imaging is feasible with a 3D T1-weighted sequence and provides better SNR and CNR compared with 2D sequences, with a diagnostic performance that is as good or better for the detection of bone metastases and better for the detection of lymph node metastases.
INTRODUCTION: Partial splenectomy in children is a good surgical option for hematological diseases and focal splenic tumors because it allows the preservation of the spleen's immunological function. Furthermore, it can be performed by laparoscopy in children as it is a safe procedure, offering the benefits of a minimally invasive approach. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The software VR-render LE version 0.81 is a system that enables the visualization of bidimentional 3D images with magnification of anatomical details. We have applied this system to five cases of non-parasitic splenic cysts before laparoscopic partial splenectomy. RESULTS: The images obtained with VR rendering software permitted the preoperative reconstruction of the vascularization of the splenic hilum, allowing the surgeon safe vessel control during laparoscopic procedures. All five partial splenectomies were carried out with no complications or major blood loss. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic partial splenectomy should be a first choice procedure because it is feasible, reproducible, and safe for children; furthermore, it preserves enough splenic tissue thereby preventing post-splenectomy infections. Volume rendering provides high anatomical resolution and can be useful in guiding the surgical procedure.
The graffiti on pottery discovered on the site of Aventicum (Avenches, VD/Switzerland) form the largest corpus of minor inscriptions of the Roman Empire studied until now. Indeed, a total of 1828 graffiti have been found. The reading and the recording of the inscriptions are generally dependent on the state of conservation of the graffito and its support. In numerous cases, only a pale shadow of the inscription is visible, which makes traditional observations, such as visual observations with the naked eye, unsuitable for its decipherment. Consequently, advanced techniques have been applied for enhancing the readability of such inscriptions. In our paper we show the efficiency of 3D laser profilometry as well as high resolution photography as powerful means to decipher illegible engraved inscriptions. The use of such analyses to decipher graffiti on pottery or on other materials enables a better understanding of minor inscriptions and improves the knowledge of the daily life of ancient populations substantially.
Integrated approaches using different in vitro methods in combination with bioinformatics can (i) increase the success rate and speed of drug development; (ii) improve the accuracy of toxicological risk assessment; and (iii) increase our understanding of disease. Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture models are important building blocks of this strategy which has emerged during the last years. The majority of these models are organotypic, i.e., they aim to reproduce major functions of an organ or organ system. This implies in many cases that more than one cell type forms the 3D structure, and often matrix elements play an important role. This review summarizes the state of the art concerning commonalities of the different models. For instance, the theory of mass transport/metabolite exchange in 3D systems and the special analytical requirements for test endpoints in organotypic cultures are discussed in detail. In the next part, 3D model systems for selected organs--liver, lung, skin, brain--are presented and characterized in dedicated chapters. Also, 3D approaches to the modeling of tumors are presented and discussed. All chapters give a historical background, illustrate the large variety of approaches, and highlight up- and downsides as well as specific requirements. Moreover, they refer to the application in disease modeling, drug discovery and safety assessment. Finally, consensus recommendations indicate a roadmap for the successful implementation of 3D models in routine screening. It is expected that the use of such models will accelerate progress by reducing error rates and wrong predictions from compound testing.
The impact of navigator spatial resolution and navigator evaluation time on image quality in free-breathing navigator-gated 3D coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), including real-time motion correction, was investigated in a moving phantom. Objective image quality parameters signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and vessel sharpness were compared. It was found that for improved mage quality a short navigator evaluation time is of crucial importance. Navigator spatial resolution showed minimal influence on image quality.
Games are powerful and engaging. On average, one billion people spend at least 1 hour a day playing computer and videogames. This is even more true with the younger generations. Our students have become the < digital natives >, the < gamers >, the < virtual generation >. Research shows that those who are most at risk for failure in the traditional classroom setting, also spend more time than their counterparts, using video games. They might strive, given a different learning environment. Educators have the responsibility to align their teaching style to these younger generation learning styles. However, many academics resist the use of computer-assisted learning that has been "created elsewhere". This can be extrapolated to game-based teaching: even if educational games were more widely authored, their adoption would still be limited to the educators who feel a match between the authored games and their own beliefs and practices. Consequently, game-based teaching would be much more widespread if teachers could develop their own games, or at least customize them. Yet, the development and customization of teaching games are complex and costly. This research uses a design science methodology, leveraging gamification techniques, active and cooperative learning theories, as well as immersive sandbox 3D virtual worlds, to develop a method which allows management instructors to transform any off-the-shelf case study into an engaging collaborative gamified experience. This method is applied to marketing case studies, and uses the sandbox virtual world of Second Life. -- Les jeux sont puissants et motivants, En moyenne, un milliard de personnes passent au moins 1 heure par jour jouer à des jeux vidéo sur ordinateur. Ceci se vérifie encore plus avec les jeunes générations, Nos étudiants sont nés à l'ère du numérique, certains les appellent des < gamers >, d'autres la < génération virtuelle >. Les études montrent que les élèves qui se trouvent en échec scolaire dans les salles de classes traditionnelles, passent aussi plus de temps que leurs homologues à jouer à des jeux vidéo. lls pourraient potentiellement briller, si on leur proposait un autre environnement d'apprentissage. Les enseignants ont la responsabilité d'adapter leur style d'enseignement aux styles d'apprentissage de ces jeunes générations. Toutefois, de nombreux professeurs résistent lorsqu'il s'agit d'utiliser des contenus d'apprentissage assisté par ordinateur, développés par d'autres. Ceci peut être extrapolé à l'enseignement par les jeux : même si un plus grand nombre de jeux éducatifs était créé, leur adoption se limiterait tout de même aux éducateurs qui perçoivent une bonne adéquation entre ces jeux et leurs propres convictions et pratiques. Par conséquent, I'enseignement par les jeux serait bien plus répandu si les enseignants pouvaient développer leurs propres jeux, ou au moins les customiser. Mais le développement de jeux pédagogiques est complexe et coûteux. Cette recherche utilise une méthodologie Design Science pour développer, en s'appuyant sur des techniques de ludification, sur les théories de pédagogie active et d'apprentissage coopératif, ainsi que sur les mondes virtuels immersifs < bac à sable > en 3D, une méthode qui permet aux enseignants et formateurs de management, de transformer n'importe quelle étude de cas, provenant par exemple d'une centrale de cas, en une expérience ludique, collaborative et motivante. Cette méthode est appliquée aux études de cas Marketing dans le monde virtuel de Second Life.
TCRep 3D is an automated systematic approach for TCR-peptide-MHC class I structure prediction, based on homology and ab initio modeling. It has been considerably generalized from former studies to be applicable to large repertoires of TCR. First, the location of the complementary determining regions of the target sequences are automatically identified by a sequence alignment strategy against a database of TCR Vα and Vβ chains. A structure-based alignment ensures automated identification of CDR3 loops. The CDR are then modeled in the environment of the complex, in an ab initio approach based on a simulated annealing protocol. During this step, dihedral restraints are applied to drive the CDR1 and CDR2 loops towards their canonical conformations, described by Al-Lazikani et. al. We developed a new automated algorithm that determines additional restraints to iteratively converge towards TCR conformations making frequent hydrogen bonds with the pMHC. We demonstrated that our approach outperforms popular scoring methods (Anolea, Dope and Modeller) in predicting relevant CDR conformations. Finally, this modeling approach has been successfully applied to experimentally determined sequences of TCR that recognize the NY-ESO-1 cancer testis antigen. This analysis revealed a mechanism of selection of TCR through the presence of a single conserved amino acid in all CDR3β sequences. The important structural modifications predicted in silico and the associated dramatic loss of experimental binding affinity upon mutation of this amino acid show the good correspondence between the predicted structures and their biological activities. To our knowledge, this is the first systematic approach that was developed for large TCR repertoire structural modeling.
Two-dimensional (2D)-breath-hold coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) has been shown to be a fast and reliable method to depict the proximal coronary arteries. Recent developments, however, allow for free-breathing navigator gated and navigator corrected three-dimensional (3D) coronary MRA. These 3D approaches have potential for improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and allow for the acquisition of adjacent thin slices without the misregistration problems known from 2D approaches. Still, a major impediment of a 3D acquisition is the increased scan time. The purpose of this study was the implementation of a free-breathing navigator gated and corrected ultra-fast 3D coronary MRA technique, which allows for scan times of less than 5 minutes. Twelve healthy adult subjects were examined in the supine position using a navigator gated and corrected ECG triggered ultra-fast 3D interleaved gradient echo planar imaging sequence (TFE-EPI). A 3D slab, consisting of 20 slices with a reconstructed slice thickness of 1.5 mm, was acquired with free-breathing. The diastolic TFE-EPI acquisition block was preceded by a T2prep pre-pulse, a diaphragmatic navigator pulse, and a fat suppression pre-pulse. With a TR of 19 ms and an effective TE of 5.4 ms, the duration of the data acquisition window duration was 38 ms. The in-plane spatial resolution was 1.0-1.3 mm*1.5-1.9 mm. In all cases, the entire left main (LM) and extensive portions of the left anterior descending (LAD) and right coronary artery (RCA) could be visualized with an average scan time for the entire 3D-volume data set of 2:57 +/- 0:51 minutes. Average contiguous vessel length visualized was 53 +/- 11 mm (range: 42 to 75 mm) for the LAD and 84 +/- 14 mm (range: 62 to 112 mm) for the RCA. Contrast-to-noise between coronary blood and myocardium was 5.0 +/- 2.3 for the LM/LAD and 8.0 +/- 2.9 for the RCA, resulting in an excellent suppression of myocardium. We present a new approach for free-breathing 3D coronary MRA, which allows for scan times superior to corresponding 2D coronary MRA approaches, and which takes advantage of the enhanced SNR of 3D acquisitions and the post-processing benefits of thin adjacent slices. The robust image quality and the short average scanning time suggest that this approach may be useful for screening the major coronary arteries or identification of anomalous coronary arteries. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 1999;10:821-825.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was the investigation of the impact of real-time adaptive motion correction on image quality in navigator-gated, free-breathing, double-oblique three-dimensional (3D) submillimeter right coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Free-breathing 3D right coronary MRA with real-time navigator technology was performed in 10 healthy adult subjects with an in-plane spatial resolution of 700 x 700 microm. Identical double-oblique coronary MR-angiograms were performed with navigator gating alone and combined navigator gating and real-time adaptive motion correction. Quantitative objective parameters of contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and vessel sharpness and subjective image quality scores were compared. RESULTS: Superior vessel sharpness, increased CNR, and superior image quality scores were found with combined navigator gating and real-time adaptive motion correction (vs. navigator gating alone; P < 0.01 for all comparisons). CONCLUSION: Real-time adaptive motion correction objectively and subjectively improves image quality in 3D navigator-gated free-breathing double-oblique submillimeter right coronary MRA.