74 resultados para Migration and religion


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How phenomena like helping, dispersal, or the sex ratio evolve depends critically on demographic and life-history factors. One phenotype that is of particular interest to biologists is genomic imprinting, which results in parent-of-origin-specific gene expression and thus deviates from the predictions of Mendel's rules. The most prominent explanation for the evolution of genomic imprinting, the kinship theory, originally specified that multiple paternity can cause the evolution of imprinting when offspring affect maternal resource provisioning. Most models of the kinship theory do not detail how population subdivision, demography, and life history affect the evolution of imprinting. In this work, we embed the classic kinship theory within an island model of population structure and allow for diverse demographic and life-history features to affect the direction of selection on imprinting. We find that population structure does not change how multiple paternity affects the evolution of imprinting under the classic kinship theory. However, if the degree of multiple paternity is not too large, we find that sex-specific migration and survival and generation overlap are the primary factors determining which allele is silenced. This indicates that imprinting can evolve purely as a result of sex-related asymmetries in the demographic structure or life history of a species.


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Results of a field and microstructural study between the northern and the central bodies of the Lanzo plagioclase peridotite massif (NW Italy) indicate that the spatial distribution of deformation is asymmetric across kilometre-scale mantle shear zones. The southwestern part of the shear zone (footwall) shows a gradually increasing degree of deformation from porphyroclastic peridotites to mylonite, whereas the northeastern part (hanging wall) quickly grades into weakly deformed peridotites. Discordant gabbroic and basaltic dykes are asymmetrically distributed and far more abundant in the footwall of the shear zone. The porphyroclastic peridotite displays porphyroclastic zones and domains of igneous crystallization whereas mylonites are characterized by elongated porphyroclasts, embedded between fine-grained, polycrystalline bands of olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, spinel, rare titanian pargasite, and domains of recrystallized olivine. Two types of melt impregnation textures have been found: (1) clinopyroxene porphyroclasts incongruently reacted with migrating melt to form orthopyroxene plagioclase; (2) olivine porphyroclasts are partially replaced by interstitial orthopyroxene. The meltrock reaction textures tend to disappear in the mylonites, indicating that deformation in the mylonite continued under subsolidus conditions. The pyroxene chemistry is correlated with grain size. High-Al pyroxene cores indicate high temperatures (11001030C), whereas low-Al neoblasts display lower final equilibration temperatures (860C). The spinel Cr-number [molar Cr/(Cr Al)] and TiO2 concentrations show extreme variability covering almost the entire range known from abyssal peridotites. The spinel compositions of porphyroclastic peridotites from the central body are more variable than spinel from mylonite, mylonite with ultra-mylonite bands, and porphyroclastic rocks of the northern body. The spinel compositions probably indicate disequilibrium and would favour rapid cooling, and a faster exhumation of the central peridotite body, relative to the northern one. Our results indicate that melt migration and high-temperature deformation are juxtaposed both in time and space. Meltrock reaction may have caused grain-size reduction, which in turn led to localization of deformation. It is likely that melt-lubricated, actively deforming peridotites acted as melt focusing zones, with permeabilities higher than the surrounding, less deformed peridotites. Later, under subsolidus conditions, pinning in polycrystalline bands in the mylonites inhibited substantial grain growth and led to permanent weak zones in the upper mantle peridotite, with a permeability that is lower than in the weakly deformed peridotites. Such an inversion in permeability might explain why actively deforming, fine-grained peridotite mylonite acted as a permeability barrier and why ascending mafic melts might terminate and crystallize as gabbros along actively deforming shear zones. Melt-lubricated mantle shear zones provide a mechanism for explaining the discontinuous distribution of gabbros in oceancontinent transition zones, oceanic core complexes and ultraslow-spreading ridges.


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The process of epidermal differentiation involves proliferation, differentiation, migration and maturation of keratinocytes to form an impermeable barrier against water loss and outside environment. It is controlled by highly balanced regulatory machinery, involving many molecules that are still under investigation.Homeobox proteins are involved in body patterning and morphogenesis of organs and are studied as potentially good candidates to regulate this process. In the first project we investigated the role of a protein named HOP which belongs to a group of homeobox proteins. Even if HOP is a small protein almost completely composed of the homeodomain and without DNA binding capacity, it is considered as transcriptional regulator in different tissues. HOP interacts with serum response factor (SRF) and histone deacetylase type 2 (HDAC2). By microarray analysis we found that HOP expression increases in cultured human primary keratinocytes (NHK) which undergo calcium-induced differentiation. HOP protein was localized in granular layer of the epidermis of healthy individuals. Lack of HOP was demonstrated in psoriatic lesions, whereas a strong expression was demonstrated in the lesional skin of patients affected with lichen planus (LP). Since LP is characterized by hypergranulosis while psoriatic lesions by progressive lack of the granular layer, the obtained data indicated that HOP might have a potential function in granular layer of epidermis. To investigate HOP function, we inhibited its expression by using HOP specific StealthRNAi and we overexpressed HOP using lentiviral vectors in differentiating NHK. The conclusion of both experiments indicated that HOP positively regulates the expression of late differentiation markers, such as profilaggrin, loricrin and transglutaminase 1. The in vitro data were next confirmed in vivo using HOP knockout mouse model.The second part of my study involved analysis of mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (EHK). EHK is a genetic disorder characterized by erythema, skin blistering, keratinocyte hyperproliferation and hyperkeratosis. EHK is caused by mutations in keratin 1 or 10 (K1, K10) which are major structural proteins of differentiated keratinocytes and participate in the cellular scaffold formation. To investigate how the structural proteins carrying mutations alter cellular signaling, we established an in vitro model for EHK by overexpression of one of the most common K10 mutations reported so far (K10R156H), in primary human keratinocytes. In order to mimic the in vivo situation, mutated keratinocytes growing on silicone membranes were subjected to mechanical stretch. We observed strong collapse of KIF in K10R156H keratinocytes when subjected to stretch for 30 minutes. Our data demonstrated stronger activation of p38, a member of MAPK stress signaling pathways, in K10R156H when compared to control cells. We demonstrated also that K10R156H keratinocytes showed an induction of TNF-α and RANTES release in response to stretch.Taken together these studies characterize a novel regulator of epidermal differentiation - HOP and demonstrate new aspects implicated in the pathogenesis of EHK.


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Immigration, a political, economic, demographic, social and ethic, as well as a medical issue, continues. Among migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented immigrants are characterised by their vulnerability, particularly related to their health status. Western physicians are more and more frequently confronted to "colorful" and often vulnerable patients. They face diseases related to international migrations; and at the same time have to integrate the differences in representations and meanings given to illness by patients of diverse origins. A bio-psychosocial and spiritual approach coupled with an evaluation of pre-migration, migration and post-migration trajectories is therefore useful for the clinician; these complementary approaches have all been integrated in the learning of cultural competencies.


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RESUMENeurones transitoires jouant un rôle de cibles intermédiaires dans le guidage des axones du corps calleuxLe guidage axonal est une étape clé permettant aux neurones d'établir des connexions synaptiques et de s'intégrer dans un réseau neural fonctionnel de manière spécifique. Des cellules-cibles intermédiaires appelées « guidepost » aident les axones à parcourir de longues distances dans le cerveau en leur fournissant des informations directionnelles tout au long de leur trajet. Il a été démontré que des sous-populations de cellules gliales au niveau de la ligne médiane guident les axones du corps calleux (CC) d'un hémisphère vers l'autre. Bien qu'il fût observé que le CC en développement contenait aussi des neurones, leur rôle était resté jusqu'alors inconnu.La publication de nos résultats a montré que pendant le développement embryonnaire, le CC contient des glies mais aussi un nombre considérable de neurones glutamatergiques et GABAergiques, nécessaires à la formation du corps calleux (Niquille et al., PLoS Biology, 2009). Dans ce travail, j'ai utilisé des techniques de morphologie et d'imagerie confocale 3D pour définir le cadre neuro-anatomique de notre modèle. De plus, à l'aide de transplantations sur tranches in vitro, de co-explants, d'expression de siRNA dans des cultures de neurones primaires et d'analyse in vivo sur des souris knock-out, nous avons démontré que les neurones du CC guident les axones callosaux en partie grâce à l'action attractive du facteur de guidage Sema3C sur son récepteur Npn- 1.Récemment, nous avons étudié l'origine, les aspects dynamiques de ces processus, ainsi que les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la mise en place de ce faisceau axonal (Niquille et al., soumis). Tout d'abord, nous avons précisé l'origine et l'identité des neurones guidepost GABAergiques du CC par une étude approfondie de traçage génétique in vivo. J'ai identifié, dans le CC, deux populations distinctes de neurones GABAergiques venant des éminences ganglionnaires médiane (MGE) et caudale (CGE). J'ai ensuite étudié plus en détail les interactions dynamiques entre neurones et axones du corps calleux par microscopie confocale en temps réel. Puis nous avons défini le rôle de chaque sous-population neuronale dans le guidage des axones callosaux et de manière intéressante les neurones GABAergic dérivés de la MGE comme ceux de la CGE se sont révélés avoir une action attractive pour les axones callosaux dans des expériences de transplantation. Enfin, nous avons clarifié la base moléculaire de ces mécanismes de guidage par FACS sorting associé à un large criblage génétique de molécules d'intérêt par une technique très sensible de RT-PCR et ensuite ces résultats ont été validés par hybridation in situ.Nous avons également étudié si les neurones guidepost du CC étaient impliqués dans son agénésie (absence de CC), présente dans nombreux syndromes congénitaux chez 1 humain. Le gène homéotique Aristaless (Arx) contrôle la migration des neurones GABAergiques et sa mutation conduit à de nombreuses pathologies humaines, notamment la lissencéphalie liée à IX avec organes génitaux anormaux (XLAG) et agénésie du CC. Fait intéressant, nous avons constaté qu'ARX est exprimé dans toutes les populations GABAergiques guidepost du CC et que les embryons mutant pour Arx présentent une perte drastique de ces neurones accompagnée de défauts de navigation des axones (Niquille et al., en préparation). En outre, nous avons découvert que les souris déficientes pour le facteur de transcription ciliogenic RFX3 souffrent d'une agénésie du CC associé avec des défauts de mise en place de la ligne médiane et une désorganisation secondaire des neurones glutamatergiques guidepost (Benadiba et al., submitted). Ceci suggère fortement l'implication potentielle des deux types de neurones guidepost dans l'agénésie du CC chez l'humain.Ainsi, mon travail de thèse révèle de nouvelles fonctions pour ces neurones transitoires dans le guidage axonal et apporte de nouvelles perspectives sur les rôles respectifs des cellules neuronales et gliales dans ce processus.ABSTRACTRole of transient guidepost neurons in corpus callosum development and guidanceAxonal guidance is a key step that allows neurons to build specific synaptic connections and to specifically integrate in a functional neural network. Intermediate targets or guidepost cells act as critical elements that help to guide axons through long distance in the brain and provide information all along their travel. Subpopulations of midline glial cells have been shown to guide corpus callosum (CC) axons to the contralateral cerebral hemisphere. While neuronal cells are also present in the developing corpus callosum, their role still remains elusive.Our published results unravelled that, during embryonic development, the CC is populated in addition to astroglia by numerous glutamatergic and GABAergic guidepost neurons that are essential for the correct midline crossing of callosal axons (Niquille et al., PLoS Biology, 2009). In this work, I have combined morphological and 3D confocal imaging techniques to define the neuro- anatomical frame of our system. Moreover, with the use of in vitro transplantations in slices, co- explant experiments, siRNA manipulations on primary neuronal culture and in vivo analysis of knock-out mice we have been able to demonstrate that CC neurons direct callosal axon outgrowth, in part through the attractive action of Sema3C on its Npn-1 receptor.Recently, we have studied the origin, the dynamic aspects of these processes as well as the molecular mechanisms involved in the establishment of this axonal tract (Niquille et al., submitted). First, we have clarified the origin and the identity of the CC GABAergic guidepost neurons using extensive in vivo cell fate-mapping experiments. We identified two distinct GABAergic neuronal subpopulations, originating from the medial (MGE) and caudal (CGE) ganglionic eminences. I then studied in more details the dynamic interactions between CC neurons and callosal axons by confocal time-lapse video microscopy and I have also further characterized the role of each guidepost neuronal subpopulation in callosal guidance. Interestingly, MGE- and CGE-derived GABAergic neurons are both attractive for callosal axons in transplantation experiments. Finally, we have dissected the molecular basis of these guidance mechanisms by using FACS sorting combined with an extensive genetic screen for molecules of interest by a sensitive RT-PCR technique, as well as, in situ hybridization.I have also investigated whether CC guidepost neurons are involved in agenesis of the CC which occurs in numerous human congenital syndromes. Aristaless-related homeobox gene (Arx) regulates GABAergic neuron migration and its mutation leads to numerous human pathologies including X-linked lissencephaly with abnormal genitalia (XLAG) and severe CC agenesis. Interestingly, I found that ARX is expressed in all the guidepost GABAergic neuronal populations of the CC and that Arx-/- embryos exhibit a drastic loss of CC GABAergic interneurons accompanied by callosal axon navigation defects (Niquille et al, in preparation). In addition, we discovered that mice deficient for the ciliogenic transcription factor RFX3 suffer from CC agenesis associated with early midline patterning defects and a secondary disorganisation of guidepost glutamatergic neurons (Benadiba et al., submitted). This strongly points out the potential implication of both types of guidepost neurons in human CC agenesis.Taken together, my thesis work reveals novel functions for transient neurons in axonal guidance and brings new perspectives on the respective roles of neuronal and glial cells in these processes.


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Immigration, intégration, précarité, échec scolaire, ignorance du français, délinquance sont des thèmes qui animent régulièrement les débats publics, médiatiques et politiques. Bien que les migrations ont toujours fait partie de l'histoire humaine, elles sont souvent décrites comme un trouble aux identités nationales, elles-mêmes mises à mal par la mondialisation. Cependant, les mécanismes sous-tendant les difficultés rencontrées par certains enfants de migrants demeurent bien moins débattus et considérés que leurs conséquences bruyantes et visibles. Après une réflexion sur l'impact de la migration elle-même sur le sujet et un bref aperçu de l'ethnopsychiatrie, nous allons décrire les difficultés que peut rencontrer l'enfant de migrants, leurs origines et leurs conséquences. Nous nous intéresserons ensuite à la manière dont notre société, nos institutions en tiennent compte ou pas. Nous terminerons notre propos par la mise en relief des besoins thérapeutiques et éducatifs spéciaux de ces enfants et la manière dont ceux-ci sont comblés (ou non). Immigration, social integration, precariousness, language barrier, delinquency are constantly stimulating public, political and media debate. Migrations always were part of the human history but they are often described like a disorder of the national identities, themselves put at evil by globalization. However, the origin of the difficulties that certain children of migrants encounter is often overlooked. Only their disturbing implications are frequently studied. After a brief comment on the impact of the migration and the ethnopsychiatry, we will outline the difficulties sometimes faced by the children of migrants, their origins and consequences. Then we will describe how the society and the institutions take them in account (or not). We finally will delineate the specific needs of those children and how they are meeting (or not).


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BACKGROUND: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are increasing worldwide. We hypothesize that environmental factors (including social adversity, diet, lack of physical activity and pollution) can become "embedded" in the biology of humans. We also hypothesize that the "embedding" partly occurs because of epigenetic changes, i.e., durable changes in gene expression patterns. Our concern is that once such factors have a foundation in human biology, they can affect human health (including NCDs) over a long period of time and across generations. OBJECTIVES: To analyze how worldwide changes in movements of goods, persons and lifestyles (globalization) may affect the "epigenetic landscape" of populations and through this have an impact on NCDs. We provide examples of such changes and effects by discussing the potential epigenetic impact of socio-economic status, migration, and diet, as well as the impact of environmental factors influencing trends in age at puberty. DISCUSSION: The study of durable changes in epigenetic patterns has the potential to influence policy and practice; for example, by enabling stratification of populations into those who could particularly benefit from early interventions to prevent NCDs, or by demonstrating mechanisms through which environmental factors influence disease risk, thus providing compelling evidence for policy makers, companies and the civil society at large. The current debate on the '25 × 25 strategy', a goal of 25% reduction in relative mortality from NCDs by 2025, makes the proposed approach even more timely. CONCLUSIONS: Epigenetic modifications related to globalization may crucially contribute to explain current and future patterns of NCDs, and thus deserve attention from environmental researchers, public health experts, policy makers, and concerned citizens.


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The Champlain Sea clays of Eastern Canada are incised by numerous rivers. Their slopes have been modified by landslides: on the Chacoura River near Trois-Rivières (Quebec), several large landslide scars, more or less recent, are visible. The role of erosion (channel incision, lateral channel migration and erosion of slopes due to agricultural drainage) as a trigger of these landslides is important. The aim of this study is to understand how erosion and landslides are related to valley development. From a detailed analysis of aerial photographs and DEMs, a map of the phenomena has been drawn by identifying various elements such as landslides, limits of the slope, position of the channel, and the area covered by forest. It is shown that channel change and erosion are strongly linked to landslides by the fact that they change the bank morphology in an unstable way. A slide in itself is a natural way for the slope to achieve stability. But when it occurs in a stream, it creates a disturbance to the stream flow enhancing local erosion which may change the river path and generate more erosion downstream or upstream resulting in more slides. Cross-valley sections and a longitudinal profile show that landslides are a major factor of valley formation. It appears that the upper part of the Chacoura River valley is still unaffected by landslides and has V-shaped sections. The lower part has been subject to intense erosion and many landslide scars can be seen. This shows that the valley morphology is transient, and that future activity is more likely to occur in the upper part of the river. Therefore the identification of areas prone to erosion will help determine the possible location of future large landslides just like the ones that occurred in the lower part.


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Functional roles for the cancer cell-associated membrane type I matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) during early steps of the metastatic cascade in primary tumors remain unresolved. In an effort to determine its significance, we determined the in vivo effects of RNAi-mediated downregulation in mammary cancer cells on the migration, blood and lymphatic vessel invasion (LVI), and lymph node and lung metastasis. We also correlated the expression of cancer cell MT1-MMP with blood vessel invasion (BVI) in 102 breast cancer biopsies. MT1-MMP downregulation in cancer cells decreased lung metastasis without affecting primary tumor growth. The inhibition of lung metastasis correlated with reduced cancer cell migration and BVI. Furthermore, cancer cell-expressed MT1-MMP upregulated the expression of MT1-MMP in vascular endothelial cells, but did not affect MT1-MMP expression in lymphatic endothelial cells, LVI, or lymph node metastasis. Of clinical importance, we observed that elevated MT1-MMP expression correlated with BVI in biopsies from triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC), which have a poor prognosis and high incidence of distant metastasis, relative to other breast cancer subtypes. Together, our findings established that MT1-MMP activity in breast tumors is essential for BVI, but not LVI, and that MT1-MMP should be further explored as a predictor and therapeutic target of hematogenous metastasis in TNBC patients. Cancer Res; 71(13); 4527-38. ©2011 AACR.


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Background: Platelet preparations for tissue healing are usually preactivated before application to deliver concentrated growth factors. In this study, the authors investigated the differences between nonactivated and thrombin-activated platelets in wound healing.Methods: The healing effects (i.e., wound closure, myofibroblast formation, and angiogenesis) of nonactivated and thrombin-activated platelets were compared in experimental wounds in diabetic (db/db) animals. In vitro, fibroblast phenotype and function were tested in response to platelets and activated platelets. No treatment served as a negative control.Results: Wounds treated with platelets reached 90 percent closure after 15 days, faster than activated platelets (26 days), and with higher levels of myofibroblasts and angiogenesis. In vitro, platelets enhanced cell migration and induced twofold higher myofibroblast differentiation and contraction compared with activated platelets.Conclusions: Platelets stimulate wound healing more efficiently compared with activated platelets by enhancing fibroblast differentiation and contractile function. Similar levels of growth factors may induce different biological effects when delivered "on demand" rather than in an initial bolus. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 129: 46e, 2012.)


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Prospective comparative evaluation of patent V blue, fluorescein and (99m)TC-nanocolloids for intraoperative sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping during surgery for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Ten patients with peripherally localised clinical stage I NSCLC underwent thoracotomy and peritumoral subpleural injection of 2 ml of patent V blue dye, 1 ml of 10% fluorescein and 1ml of (99m)Tc-nanocolloids (0.4 mCi). The migration and spatial distribution pattern of the tracers was assessed by direct visualisation (patent V blue), visualisation of fluorescence signalling by a lamp of Wood (fluorescein) and radioactivity counting with a hand held gamma-probe ((99m)Tc-nanocolloids). Lymph nodes at interlobar (ATS 11), hilar (ATS 10) and mediastinal (right ATS 2,4,7; left ATS 5,6,7) levels were systematically assessed every 10 min up to 60 min after injection, followed by lobectomy and formal lymph node dissection. Successful migration from the peritumoral area to the mediastinum was observed for all three tracers up to 60 min after injection. The interlobar lympho-fatty tissue (station ATS 11) revealed an early and preferential accumulation of all three tracers for all tumours assessed and irrespective of the tumour localisation. However, no preferential accumulation in one or two distinct lymph nodes was observed up to 60 min after injection for all three tracers assessed. Intraoperative SLN mapping revealed successful migration of the tracers from the site of peritumoral injection to the mediastinum, but in a diffuse pattern without preferential accumulation in sentinel lymph nodes.


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This article examines the women's quota at the local governance level in urban India, using several case studies of women municipal councillors, to question the evidently low numbers of poor and marginalised women amongst them. It examines issues of class, caste, and religion that have a direct impact on the access of poor women to quotas reserved for them at the local government level. The objective of this work is to draw attention to the specific ways in which women are constrained at the pre-election stage, resulting in an elite capture of the women's quota in India, indicating the need for further research and study on this issue.


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With increasing migration and linguistic diversification in many countries, survey researchers and methodologists should consider whether data provided by individuals with variable levels of command of the survey language are of the same quality. This paper examines the question of whether answers from resident foreign respondents who do not master available survey languages may suffer from problems of comprehension of survey items, especially items that are more complicated in terms of content and/or form. In addition, it addresses the extent to which motivation may affect the response quality of resident foreigners. We analyzed data from two large-scale surveys conducted in Switzerland, a country with three national languages and a burgeoning foreign population, employing a set of dependent measures of response quality, including don't know responses, extreme responding, mid-5 responding, recency effects, and straight-lining. Results show overall poorer response quality among foreigners, and indicate that both reduced language mastery and motivation among foreigners are relevant factors. This is especially true for foreign groups from countries that do not share a common language with those spoken in Switzerland. A general conclusion is that the more distant respondents are culturally and linguistically from the majority mainstream within a country, the more their data may be negatively affected. We found that more complex types of questions do generally lead to poorer response quality, but to a much lesser extent than respondent characteristics, such as nationality, command of the survey language, level of education, and age.


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NOD-like receptors (NLR) are a family of cytosolic pattern recognition receptors that include many key drivers of innate immune responses. NLRP12 is an emerging member of the NLR family that is closely related to the well-known inflammasome scaffold, NLRP3. Since its discovery, various functions have been proposed for NLRP12, including the positive regulation of dendritic cell (DC) and neutrophil migration and the inhibition of NF-κB and ERK signalling in DC and macrophages. We show here that NLRP12 is poorly expressed in murine macrophages and DC, but is strongly expressed in neutrophils. Using myeloid cells from WT and Nlrp12(-/)(-) mice, we show that, contrary to previous reports, NLRP12 does not suppress LPS- or infection-induced NF-κB or ERK activation in myeloid cells, and is not required for DC migration in vitro. Surprisingly, we found that Nlrp12 deficiency caused increased rather than decreased neutrophil migration towards the chemokine CXCL1 and the neutrophil parasite Leishmania major, revealing NLRP12 as a negative regulator of directed neutrophil migration under these conditions.