71 resultados para Maailman tila 2009 : lämpenevään maailmaan


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Different types of cell death are often defined by morphological criteria, without a clear reference to precise biochemical mechanisms. The Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death (NCCD) proposes unified criteria for the definition of cell death and of its different morphologies, while formulating several caveats against the misuse of words and concepts that slow down progress in the area of cell death research. Authors, reviewers and editors of scientific periodicals are invited to abandon expressions like 'percentage apoptosis' and to replace them with more accurate descriptions of the biochemical and cellular parameters that are actually measured. Moreover, at the present stage, it should be accepted that caspase-independent mechanisms can cooperate with (or substitute for) caspases in the execution of lethal signaling pathways and that 'autophagic cell death' is a type of cell death occurring together with (but not necessarily by) autophagic vacuolization. This study details the 2009 recommendations of the NCCD on the use of cell death-related terminology including 'entosis', 'mitotic catastrophe', 'necrosis', 'necroptosis' and 'pyroptosis'.


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Background: Prosthetic joint infections (PJI) lead to significant long-term morbidity with high cost of healthcare. We evaluated characteristics of infections and the infection and functional outcome of knee PJI over a 10-year period. Methods: All patients hospitalized at our institution from 1/2000 through 12/2009 with knee PJI (defined as growth of the same microorganism in ≥2 tissue or synovial fluid cultures, visible purulence, sinus tract or acute inflammation on tissue histopathology) were included. Patients, their relatives and/or treating physicians were contacted to determine the outcome. Results: During the study period, 61 patients with knee PJI were identified. The median age at the time of diagnosis of infection was 73 y (range, 53-94 y); 52% were men. Median hospital stay was 37 d (range, 1-145 d). Most reasons for primary arthroplasty was osteoarthritis (n = 48), trauma (n = 9) and rheumatoid arthritis (n = 4). 23 primary surgeries (40%) were performed at CHUV, 34 (60%) elsewhere. After surgery, 8 PJI were early (<3 months), 16 delayed (3-24 months) and 33 late (>24 months). PJI were treated with (i) open or arthroscopic debridement with prosthesis retention in 26 (46%), (ii) one-stage exchange in 1, (iii) two-stage exchange in 22 (39%) and (iv) prosthesis removal in 8 (14%). Isolated pathogens were S. aureus (13), coagulase-negative staphylococci (10), streptococci (5), enterococci (3), gram-negative rods (3) and anaerobes (3). Patients were followed for a median of 3.1 years, 2 patients died (unrelated to PJI). The outcome of infection was favorable in 50 patients (88%), whereas the functional outcome was favorable in 33 patients (58%). Conclusions: With the current treatment concept, the high cure rate of infection (88%) is associated with a less favorable functional outcome o 58%. Earlier surgical intervention and more rapid and improved diagnosis of infection may improve the functional outcome of PJI.


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IntroductionUn cercle de qualité médecins-pharmaciens (CQ) pour la prescription médicamenteuse repose sur une démarche systémique coordonnée par des pharmaciens d'officine visant l'amélioration continue de la sécurité et de l'efficience des prescriptions de médecins de premier recours. Les trois éléments clés de ce concept collaboratif sont 1) le travail en réseau au niveau local ; 2) les données de prescription médicale et le retour d'informations (feedback) décrivant de manière comparative les coûts, le choix et la fréquence des médicaments prescrits ; 3) le matériel standardisé de formation continue interdisciplinaire.L'objectif de la présente étude est d'évaluer sur une période de onze ans (1999-2009) l'impact pharmacoéconomique et pharmacothérapeutique de six CQs pionniers (24 médecins et 6 pharmaciens), localisés dans le canton de Fribourg.Méthode: L'étude mesure notamment l'impact sur les coûts globaux de prescription des médecins des CQs en comparaison avec un groupe contrôle de médecins omnipraticiens travaillant hors CQ entre 1999-2009. La maîtrise des coûts engendrée est détaillée pour cinq index thérapeutiques de la classe des médicaments cardiovasculaires, y compris le pourcentage des génériques et celui des emballages de sartans dans la classe dite des antihypertenseurs. Les données sont issues des données de facturation fournies par la Coopérative professionnelle pour les pharmaciens suisses (OFAC).Résultats: Concernant la maîtrise des coûts annuels des médicaments par patient, la différence cumulée entre les CQs et le groupe contrôle est en 2009 de 43% en faveur des cercles (cf. Fig. 1). Ceci représente pour 2009 uniquement une économie de 245'000 CHF par médecin. Ces résultats s'expliquent par un profil de prescription médicale plus efficient, une meilleure pénétration des génériques (cf. Fig. 2), une attitude plus pondérée vis-à-vis des stratégies marketing, une formation continue interdisciplinaire spécialisée à propos de l'usage rationnel des médicaments, une meilleure application des recommandations nationales ou internationales.Conclusion: Cette évaluation a confirmé l'intérêt des CQs comme réseau local de collaboration en médecine de premier recours. Les médecins travaillant avec les pharmaciens modifient leurs prescriptions de manière claire et durable. Ce projet interdisciplinaire de qualité des soins montre que la maîtrise des coûts médicamenteux est obtenue sans concession à la qualité des traitements.


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We investigate dynamics of public perceptions of the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic to understand changing patterns of sense-making and blame regarding the outbreak of emerging infectious diseases. We draw on social representation theory combined with a dramaturgical perspective to identify changes in how various collectives are depicted over the course of the pandemic, according to three roles: heroes, villains and victims. Quantitative results based on content analysis of three cross-sectional waves of interviews show a shift from mentions of distant collectives (e.g., far-flung countries) at Wave 1 to local collectives (e.g., risk groups) as the pandemic became of more immediate concern (Wave 2) and declined (Wave 3). Semi-automated content analysis of media coverage shows similar results. Thematic analyses of the discourse associated with collectives revealed that many were consistently perceived as heroes, villains and victims.