70 resultados para Long-Life Fatigue


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At the beginning of the 21st century, a new social arrangement of work poses a series of questions and challenges to scholars who aim to help people develop their working lives. Given the globalization of career counseling, we decided to address these issues and then to formulate potentially innovative responses in an international forum. We used this approach to avoid the difficulties of creating models and methods in one country and then trying to export them to other countries where they would be adapted for use. This article presents the initial outcome of this collaboration, a counseling model and methods. The life-designing model for career intervention endorses five presuppositions about people and their work lives: contextual possibilities, dynamic processes, non-linear progression, multiple perspectives, and personal patterns. Thinking from these five presuppositions, we have crafted a contextualized model based on the epistemology of social constructionism, particularly recognizing that an individual's knowledge and identity are the product of social interaction and that meaning is co-constructed through discourse. The life-design framework for counseling implements the theories of self-constructing [Guichard, J. (2005). Life-long self-construction. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 5, 111-124] and career construction [Savickas, M. L. (2005). The theory and practice of career construction. In S. D. Brown & R. W. Lent (Eds.), Career development and counselling: putting theory and research to work (pp. 42-70). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley] that describe vocational behavior and its development. Thus, the framework is structured to be life-long, holistic, contextual, and preventive.


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BACKGROUND: Previous studies revealed that acute depressive episodes are associated with both cognitive deficits and modified personality patterns in late life. Whether or not these psychological changes are present after remission remains a matter of debate. To date, no study provided concomitant assessment of cognition and psychological functions in this particular clinical setting. METHOD: Using a cross-sectional design, 58 remitted outpatients (36 with unipolar early-onset depression (EOD) and 22 with bipolar disorder (BD)) were compared to 62 healthy controls. Assessment included detailed neurocognitive measures and evaluation of the five factor personality dimensions (NEO-Personality Inventory). RESULTS: Group comparisons revealed significant slower processing speed, working and episodic memory performances in BD patients. EOD patients showed cognitive abilities comparable to those of elderly controls. In NEO PI assessment, both BD and EOD patients displayed higher Depressiveness facet scores. In addition, the EOD but not BD group had lower Extraversion factor, and Warmth and Positive Emotion facet scores than controls. CONCLUSIONS: After remission from acute affective symptoms, older BD patients show significant impairment in several cognitive functions while neuropsychological performances remained intact in elderly patients with EOD. Supporting a long-lasting psychological vulnerability, EOD patients are more prone to develop emotion-related personality trait changes than BD patients.


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Lithium is an efficacious agent for the treatment of bipolar disorder, but it is unclear to what extent its long-term use may result in neuroprotective or toxic consequences. Medline was searched with the combination of the word 'Lithium' plus key words that referred to every possible effect on the central nervous system. The papers were further classified into those supporting a neuroprotective effect, those in favour of a neurotoxic effect and those that were neutral. The papers were classified into research in humans, animal and in-vitro research, case reports, and review/opinion articles. Finally, the Natural Standard evidence-based validated grading rationale was used to validate the data. The Medline search returned 970 papers up to February 2006. Inspection of the abstracts supplied 214 papers for further reviewing. Eighty-nine papers supported the neuroprotective effect (6 human research, 58 animal/in vitro, 0 case reports, 25 review/opinion articles). A total of 116 papers supported the neurotoxic effect (17 human research, 23 animal/in vitro, 60 case reports, 16 review/opinion articles). Nine papers supported no hypothesis (5 human research, 3 animal/in vitro, 0 case reports, 1 review/opinion articles). Overall, the grading suggests that the data concerning the effect of lithium therapy is that of level C, that is 'unclear or conflicting scientific evidence' since there is conflicting evidence from uncontrolled non-randomized studies accompanied by conflicting evidence from animal and basic science studies. Although more papers are in favour of the toxic effect, the great difference in the type of papers that support either hypothesis, along with publication bias and methodological issues make conclusions difficult. Lithium remains the 'gold standard' for the prophylaxis of bipolar illness, however, our review suggests that there is a rare possibility of a neurotoxic effect in real-life clinical practice even in closely monitored patients with 'therapeutic' lithium plasma levels. It is desirable to keep lithium blood levels as low as feasible with prophylaxis.


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Purpose/Objective(s): Letrozole radiosensitizes breast cancer cells in vitro. In clinical settings, no data exist for the combination of letrozole and radiotherapy. We assessed concurrent and sequential radiotherapy and letrozole in the adjuvant setting.Materials/Methods: The present study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00208273. This Phase 2 randomized trial was undertaken in two centers in France and one in Switzerland between January 12, 2005, and February 21, 2007. One hundred fifty postmenopausal women with early-stage breast cancer were randomly assigned after conserving surgery to either concurrent radiotherapy and letrozole (n = 75) or sequential radiotherapy and letrozole (n = 75). Randomization was open label with a minimization technique, stratified by investigational centers, chemotherapy (yes vs. no), radiation boost (yes vs. no), and value of radiation-induced lymphocyte apoptosis (#16% vs. .16%). The whole breast was irradiated to a total dose of 50 Gy in 25 fractions over 5 weeks. In the case of supraclavicular and internal mammary node irradiation, the dose was 44 - 50 Gy. Letrozole was administered orally once daily at a dose of 2 - 5 mg for 5 years (beginning 3 weeks pre-radiotherapy in the concomitant group, and 3 weeks postradiotherapy in the sequential group). The primary endpoint was the occurrence of acute (during and within 6 weeks of radiotherapy) and late (within 2 years) radiation-induced Grade 2 or worse toxic effects of the skin and lung (functional pulmonary test and lung CT-scan). Analyses were by intention-to-treat. The long-term follow-up after 2 years was only performed in Montpellier (n = 121) and evaluated skin toxicity (clinical examination every 6 months), lung fibrosis (one CT-scan yearly), cosmetic outcome.Results: All patients were analyzed apart from 1 in the concurrent group who withdrew consent before any treatment.Within the first 2 years (n = 149), no lung toxicity was identified by CT scan and no modification from baseline was noted by the lung diffusion capacity test. Two patients in each group had Grade 2 or worse late effects (both radiation-induced subcutaneous fibrosis [RISF]). After 2 years (n = 121), and with a median follow-up of 50 months (38-62), 2 patients (1 in each arm) presented a Grade 3 RISF. No lung toxicity was identified by CT scan. Cosmetic results (photographies) and quality of life was good to excellent. All patients who had Grade 3 subcutaneous fibrosis had an RILA value of 16% or less, irrespective of the sequence with letrozole.Conclusions:With long-term follow-up, letrozole can be safely delivered shortly after surgery and concomitantly with radiotherapy.


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Abstract: To understand the processes of evolution, biologists are interested in the ability of a population to respond to natural or artificial selection. The amount of genetic variation is often viewed as the main factor allowing a species to answer to selection. Many theories have thus focused on the maintenance of genetic variability. Ecologists and population geneticists have long-suspected that the structure of the environment is connected to the maintenance of diversity. Theorists have shown that diversity can be permanently and stably maintained in temporal and spatial varying environment in certain conditions. Moreover, varying environments have been also theoretically demonstrated to cause the evolution of divergent life history strategies in the different niches constituting the environment. Although there is a huge number of theoretical studies selection and on life history evolution in heterogeneous environments, there is a clear lack of empirical studies. The purpose of this thesis was to. empirically study the evolutionary consequences of a heterogeneous environment in a freshwater snail Galba truncatula. Indeed, G. truncatula lives in two habitat types according the water availability. First, it can be found in streams or ponds which never completely dry out: a permanent habitat. Second, G. truncatula can be found in pools that freeze during winter and dry during summer: a temporary habitat. Using a common garden approach, we empirically demonstrated local adaptation of G. truncatula to temporary and permanent habitats. We used at first a comparison of molecular (FST) vs. quantitative (QST) genetic differentiation between temporary and permanent habitats. To confirm the pattern QST> FST between habitats suggesting local adaptation, we then tested the desiccation resistance of individuals from temporary and permanent habitats. This study confirmed that drought resistance seemed to be the main factor selected between habitats, and life history traits linked to the desiccation resistance were thus found divergent between habitats. However, despite this evidence of selection acting on mean values of traits between habitats, drift was suggested to be the main factor responsible of variation in variances-covariances between populations. At last, we found life history traits variation of individuals in a heterogeneous environment varying in parasite prevalence. This thesis empirically demonstrated the importance of heterogeneous environments in local adaptation and life history evolution and suggested that more experimental studies are needed to investigate this topic. Résumé: Les biologistes se sont depuis toujours intéressés en l'aptitude d'une population à répondre à la sélection naturelle. Cette réponse dépend de la quantité de variabilité génétique présente dans cette population. Plus particulièrement, les théoriciens se sont penchés sur la question du maintient de la variabilité génétique au sein d'environnements hétérogènes. Ils ont alors démontré que, sous certaines conditions, la diversité génétique peut se maintenir de manière stable et permanente dans des environnements variant au niveau spatial et temporel. De plus, ces environments variables ont été démontrés comme responsable de divergence de traits d'histoire de vie au sein des différentes niches constituant l'environnement. Cependant, malgré ce nombre important d'études théoriques portant sur la sélection et l'évolution des traits d'histoire de vie en environnement hétérogène, les études empiriques sont plus rares. Le but de cette thèse était donc d'étudier les conséquences évolutives d'un environnement hétérogène chez un esgarcot d'eau douce Galba truncatula. En effet, G. truncatula est trouvé dans deux types d'habitats qui diffèrent par leur niveau d'eau. Le premier, l'habitat temporaire, est constitué de flaques d'eau qui peuvent s'assécher pendant l'été et geler pendant l'hiver. Le second, l'habitat permanent, correspond à des marres ou à des ruisseaux qui ont un niveau d'eau constant durant toute l'année. Utilisant une approche expérimentale de type "jardin commun", nous avons démontré l'adaptation locale des individus à leur type d'habitat, permanent ou temporaire. Nous avons utilisé l'approche Fsr/QsT qui compare la différentiation génétique moléculaire avec la différentiation génétique quantitative entre les 2 habitats. Le phénomène d'adapation locale démontré par QsT > FsT, a été testé experimentalement en mesurant la résistance à la dessiccation d'individus d'habitat temporaire et permanent. Cette étude confirma que la résistance à la sécheresse a été sélectionné entre habitats et que les traits responsables de cette resistance sont différents entre habitats. Cependant si la sélection agit sur la valeur moyenne des traits entre habitats, la dérive génétique semble être le responsable majeur de la différence de variances-covariances entre populations. Pour finir, une variation de traits d'histoire de vie a été trouvée au sein d'un environnement hétérogène constitué de populations variants au niveau de leur taux de parasitisme. Pour conclure, cette thèse a donc démontré l'importance d'un environnement hétérogène sur l'adaptation locale et l'évolution des traits d'histoire de vie et suggère que plus d'études empiriques sur le sujet sont nécessaires.


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Children conceived by assisted reproductive technologies (ART) display a level of vascular dysfunction similar to that seen in children of mothers with preeclamspia. The long-term consequences of ART-associated vascular disorders are unknown and difficult to investigate in healthy children. Here, we found that vasculature from mice generated by ART display endothelial dysfunction and increased stiffness, which translated into arterial hypertension in vivo. Progeny of male ART mice also exhibited vascular dysfunction, suggesting underlying epigenetic modifications. ART mice had altered methylation at the promoter of the gene encoding eNOS in the aorta, which correlated with decreased vascular eNOS expression and NO synthesis. Administration of a deacetylase inhibitor to ART mice normalized vascular gene methylation and function and resulted in progeny without vascular dysfunction. The induction of ART-associated vascular and epigenetic alterations appeared to be related to the embryo environment; these alterations were possibly facilitated by the hormonally stimulated ovulation accompanying ART. Finally, ART mice challenged with a high-fat diet had roughly a 25% shorter life span compared with control animals. This study highlights the potential of ART to induce vascular dysfunction and shorten life span and suggests that epigenetic alterations contribute to these problems.


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Aging is a fascinating, albeit controversial, chapter in biology. Few other subjects have elicited more than a century of ever-increasing scientific interest. In this review, we discuss studies on aging in social insects, a group of species that includes ants and termites, as well as certain bee and wasp species. One striking feature of social insects is the lifespan of queens (reproductive females), which can reach nearly 30 years in some ant species. This is over 100 times the average lifespan of solitary insects. Moreover, there is a tremendous variation in lifespan among castes, with queens living up to 500 times longer than males and 10 times longer than workers (non-reproductive individuals). This lifespan polymorphism has allowed researchers to test the evolutionary theory of aging and Y more recently Y to investigate the proximate causes of aging. The originality of these studies lies in their use of naturally evolved systems to address questions related to aging and lifespan determination that cannot be answered using the conventional model organisms.


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BACKGROUND: Since recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) became available in 1985, the spectrum of indications has broadened and the number of treated patients increased. However, long-term health-related quality of life (HRQoL) after childhood rhGH treatment has rarely been documented. We assessed HRQoL and its determinants in young adults treated with rhGH during childhood. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: For this study, we retrospectively identified former rhGH patients in 11 centers of paediatric endocrinology, including university hospitals and private practices. We sent a questionnaire to all patients treated with rhGH for any diagnosis, who were older than 18 years, and who resided in Switzerland at time of the survey. Three hundred participants (58% of 514 eligible) returned the questionnaire. Mean age was 23 years; 56% were women; 43% had isolated growth hormone deficiency, or idiopathic short stature; 43% had associated diseases or syndromes, and 14% had growth hormone deficiency after childhood cancer. Swiss siblings of childhood cancer survivors and the German norm population served as comparison groups. HRQoL was assessed using the Short Form-36. We found that the Physical Component Summary of healthy patients with isolated growth hormone deficiency or idiopathic short stature resembled that of the control group (53.8 vs. 54.9). Patients with associated diseases or syndromes scored slightly lower (52.5), and former cancer patients scored lowest (42.6). The Mental Component Summary was similar for all groups. Lower Physical Component Summary was associated with lower educational level (coeff. -1.9). Final height was not associated with HRQoL. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In conclusion, HRQoL after treatment with rhGH in childhood depended mainly on the underlying indication for rhGH treatment. Patients with isolated growth hormone deficiency/idiopathic short stature or patients with associated diseases or syndromes had HRQoL comparable to peers. Patients with growth hormone deficiency after childhood cancer were at high risk for lower HRQoL. This reflects the general impaired health of this vulnerable group, which needs long-term follow-up.


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Le processus de vieillissement entraîne une augmentation et une complexification des besoins de soins. Or, la proportion de personnes vieillissantes dans le monde et en Suisse s'accroit. Les professionnels de la santé ne disposent pas des moyens économiques et humains pour couvrir l'ensemble des besoins de soins. Les proches aidants contribuent de manière importante à la couverture des besoins. Cette contribution devient un élément central de la politique du maintien à domicile. Cependant, l'engagement à long terme des proches aidants auprès de leur parent peut influencer négativement leur état de santé. Pour une même classe d'âge, la population des proches aidants déclare un niveau de fatigue plus élevée que le reste de la population. Dans ce contexte, la fatigue est définie comme le résultat de l'ambivalence entre la demande en soins et les ressources dont dispose le proche aidant. L'hospitalisation du parent, qu'elle soit ou non liée à la fatigue, constitue un moment de crise pour le proche aidant. Face à cette crise, l'aidant mettra en oeuvre des stratégies de coping telles que conceptualisées dans la théorie transactionnelle du stress. Dans le cadre de la théorique intermédiaire de la transition de Meleis, le coping est un indicateur de processus de la transition qui doit permettre d'appréhender la transition vécue par l'aidant à l'occasion de l'hospitalisation du parent. Avec un devis corrélationnel descriptif, cette étude décrit les caractéristiques de l'échantillon de proches aidants, et du rôle qu'ils assument. Elle décrit le degré de fatigue et les styles de coping utilisés, et explore la relation entre la fatigue et le coping du proche aidant à l'occasion de l'hospitalisation du parent. Deux questionnaires auto-administrés ont été complétés par 33 participants. Cette étude a permis de dégager les résultats suivants : le score moyen de fatigue dans cet échantillon indique une fatigue légère selon la classification établie par Piper. Les participants mettent en avant l'influence du rôle d'aidant sur leur fatigue, ainsi que l'influence de leur propre santé et des contraintes économicoprofessionnelles. Le score moyen de fatigue varie en fonction de la nature de l'aide fournie. Il est significativement plus élevé lorsque le proche aidant soutient son parent dans les activités de la vie quotidienne (AVQ). Le style de coping mobilisé préférentiellement dans cet échantillon est le coping centré sur le problème, suivi du coping centré sur la recherche du soutien social, et enfin le coping centré sur l'émotion. Les aidants soutenant leur proche dans les AVQ mobilisent plus le coping centré sur l'émotion que ceux qui n'offrent pas ce type d'aide. Les principales sources de stress nommées par les participants sont l'état de santé du parent, son hospitalisation, et la rencontre avec le système de santé. Dans cet échantillon, nous n'avons pas observé de corrélation entre le degré de fatigue et les trois styles de coping. Des limites liées à la petite taille de l'échantillon amènent à la prudence quant à la généralisation des résultats de cette étude.


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Current guidelines of antithrombotic therapy suggest early initiation of vitamin K antagonists (VKA) in non-cancer patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE), and long-term therapy with low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) for those with cancer. We used data from RIETE (international registry of patients with VTE) to report the use of long-term anticoagulant therapy over time and to identify predictors of anticoagulant choice (regarding international guidelines) in patients with- and without cancer. Among 35,280 patients without cancer, 82% received long-term VKA (but 17% started after the first week). Among 4,378 patients with cancer, 66% received long term LMWH as monotherapy. In patients without cancer, recent bleeding (odds ratio [OR] 2.70, 95% CI 2.26-3.23), age >70 years (OR 1.15, 95% CI 1.06-1.24), immobility (OR 2.06, 95% CI 1.93-2.19), renal insufficiency (OR 2.42, 95% CI 2.15-2.71) and anemia (OR 1.75, 95% CI 1.65-1.87) predicted poor adherence to guidelines. In those with cancer, anemia (OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.64-2.06), immobility (OR 1.51, 95% CI 1.30-1.76) and metastases (OR 3.22, 95% CI 2.87-3.61) predicted long-term LMWH therapy. In conclusion, we report practices of VTE therapy in real life and found that a significant proportion of patients did not receive the recommended treatment. The perceived increased risk for bleeding has an impact on anticoagulant treatment decision.