77 resultados para Juvenile Fish


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Résumé L'administration par voie orale d'acides gras polyinsaturés de type ω-3 contenus dans l'huile de poisson exerce des effets bénéfiques sur la réponse métabolique et inflammatoire chez des sujets sains soumis à une injection d'endotoxine. Ce modèle expérimental a été validé pour l'investigation clinique. Il simule un sepsis et induit une réponse comparable à un état grippal, accompagné de modifications métaboliques et inflammatoires. L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer les effets de l'huile de poisson administré par voie intraveineuse sur la réponse à l'endotoxine chez le sujet sain. L'hypothèse est qu'il sera possible de réduire le temps de latence en comparaison avec la voie orale. Pour ce faire, nous avons inclut dans une étude prospective randomisée 16 volontaires sains âgés de 16 à 35 ans et les avons répartis en 2 groupes : l'un recevant une émulsion lipidique contenant les acides gras polyinsaturés EPA et DHA et l'autre, sans traitement, constituant le groupe contrôle. Huit sujets reçoivent une perfusion continue de 0.5g/kg d'huile de poisson durant 6h, 48h et 24h avant la journée test. Lors de cette journée test, tous les volontaires ont reçu une dose d'endotoxine (2mg/kg) au temps t0. Les paramètres vitaux sont monitorés et enregistrés : fréquence cardiaque, respiratoire, pression artérielle, saturation artérielle en oxygène, ainsi que température. Des prises de sang sont effectuées à intervalles réguliers pour déterminer 1) l'incorporation membranaire des thrombocytes en EPA et DHA ; 2) le taux plasmatique d'hormones (insulin, glucagon, cortisol, ACTH et catécholamines), de marqueurs inflammatoires (TNF-α, IL-6, hsCRP), ainsi que de substrats énergétiques (glucose, lactate, acides gras libres et triglycérides). La dépense énergétique est déterminée par calorimétrie indirecte. L'analyse statistique est effectuée par analyse de variance (ANOVA). Les résultats montrent une incorporation significative de EPA et DHA au niveau membranaire des thrombocytes. L'huile de poisson induit une atténuation significative de la réponse neuro-endocrinienne et inflammatoire en réponse à l'injection d'endotoxine avec diminution de la fièvre (-0.7°C), ainsi que du taux plasmatique ,d'ACTH (-68%), TNF-α (-63%) et de noradrénaline (-%) dans le groupe huile de poisson. En conclusion, cette étude montre que la supplémentation de 2 doses d'huile de poisson par voie intraveineuse modifie la composition phospholipidique des membranes des thrombocytes et diminue la réaction inflammatoire et neuroendocrinienne en réponse à l'endotoxine. Ces résultats positifs ouvrent la perspective d'une supplémentation parentérale préopératoire en acides gras polyinsaturés ω-3 pour diminuer le stress lié à la chirurgie majeure.


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Enjeux et contexte La recherche de cette dernière décennie sur les acides gras n-3 PUFA contenus dans l'huile de poisson a montré que ceux-ci, et particulièrement l'ΕΡΑ et le DHA, avaient des propriétés anti¬inflammatoires et anti arythmiques puissantes, potentiellement utiles chez les septiques et « cardiaques ». Les mécanismes sous-jacents sont nombreux, incluant l'incorporation des acides gras dans les membranes de phopholipides, la réduction de la production de médiateurs pro-inflammatoires (prostaglandines, leukotrienes, thromboxane), l'augmentation de la production de résolvines et protectines dérivées du DHA, et la régulation de voies de signalisation cellulaire. Cependant, les doses de n-3 PUFA utilisées dans les études cliniques et chez le sujet sain avant le travail de Yann-Karim Pittet étaient nettement supérieures aux doses nutritionnelles de l'ordre de 5-8 g/j par voie orale ou 1 g/kg par voie intraveineuse. De plus, la voie entérale avait la réputation de nécessiter plusieurs jours à semaines de traitement avant d'aboutir à une incorporation d'acides gras membranaire suffisante pour avoir un impact clinique; quant au temps minimal requis pour obtenir cet effet par voie IV, il était inconnu. Depuis, le développement d'émulsions lipidiques intraveineuses destinées à la nutrition parentérale a permis d'imaginer l'administration de prétraitements IV rapides. Pour les étudier, notre laboratoire a développé un modèle d'endotoxine (LPS d'E.Coli) qui mime les réponses physiologique, endocrinienne et biologique du sepsis chez le sujet sain, utilisant des doses de 2 ng/kg IV. Les réponses sont totalement réversibles en 8 heures. Dans le but de réduire à la fois la dose de lipides et le temps de perfusion, ce travail a étudié l'influence de 3 doses dégressives de n-3 PUFA sur les réponses à l'endotoxine, et sur l'incorporation membranaire de ces acides gras. Méthodes Etude prospective chez 3 groupes consécutifs de sujets sains soumis à un challenge d'endotoxine. Intervention : perfusions d'huile de poisson (0.5 et 0.2 g/kg de n-3 PUFA, Omegaven® 10%) ou placebo, administrées en 3 heures ou en 1 heure, soit le jour avant ou le jour-même du test d'endotoxine. Mesures : variables physiologiques (T°, fc, tension artérielle, calorimétrie indirecte) Laboratoire - prises de sang à T0, 60, 120 et 360 min après l'injection de LPS: TNF-α, hs-CRP, hormones de stress, composition en acides gras des membranes plaquettaires. Statistiques Les résultats ont été rapportés en moyennes et écarts types. Des aires sous la courbe (AUC) ont été calculées avec la méthode des parallélépipèdes pour toutes les variables déterminées de manière répétée. L'effet du temps a été exploré par des two-way ANOVA pour mesures répétées. Les comparaisons post-hoc ont été réalisées avec des tests de Dunnett's ou de Scheffe. Les modifications de composition membranaires ainsi que les AUC ont été analysées par des tests non-paramétriques (Kruskal-Wallis). Résultats Après LPS, la température, les concentrations d'ACTH et TNF-α ont augmenté dans les 3 groupes. Ces réponse ont été significativement atténuées (p<0.0001) par l'huile de poisson comparé à ce que nous avions observé dans le groupe contrôle de Pluess et al (ICM 2007). Les concentrations les plus faibles d'ACTH, de TNF-α, et les AUC les plus basses des températures, ont été observées après une dose unique de 0.2 g/kg de n-3 PUFA administrée 1 heure avant le LPS. Par contre, l'incorporation membranaire d'EPA est dose-dépendante. Conclusions Sachant que la réponse à l'endotoxine est reproductible, cette étude montre que 3 doses différentes d'huile de poisson atténuent de manière différente cette réponse. La perfusion de 0.2 g/kg administrée juste avant l'endotoxine s'est avérée la plus efficace à atténuer la réponse fébrile, les cytokines et les hormones de stress, suggérant une capture de l'endotoxine par l'émulsion lipidique qui se surajoute aux effets systémiques et membranaires.


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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the major causes of death and disability in pediatrics, and results in a complex cascade of events including the disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). A controlled-cortical impact on post-natal 17 day-old rats induced BBB disruption by IgG extravasation from 1 to 3 days after injury and returned to normal at day 7. In parallel, we characterized the expression of three caveolin isoforms, cav-1, cav-2 and cav-3. While cav-1 and cav-2 are expressed on endothelial cells, both cav-1 and cav-3 were found to be present on reactive astrocytes, in vivo and in vitro. Following TBI, cav-1 expression was increased in blood vessels at 1 and 7 days in the perilesional cortex. An increase of vascular cav-2 expression was observed 7 days after TBI. In contrast, astrocytic cav-3 expression decreased 3 and 7 days after TBI. Activation of eNOS (via its phosphorylation) was detected 1 day after TBI and phospho-eNOS was detected both in association with blood vessels and with astrocytes. The molecular changes involving caveolins occurring in endothelial cells following juvenile-TBI might participate, independently of eNOS activation, to a mechanism of BBB repair while, they might subserve other undefined roles in astrocytes.


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Adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) is a rare inflammatory disease characterized by the classical triad of daily fever, arthritis, and typical salmon-colored rash. Recent accumulation of knowledge, mostly arising from hereditary autoinflammatory diseases and from the systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA), has given raise to new hypotheses on the pathophysiology of AOSD. In this review, we first discuss on the continuum between AOSD and sJIA. Then, we summarize current hypotheses on the underlying pathogenesis: (1) an infectious hypothesis; (2) an autoinflammatory hypothesis; (3) a lymphohistiocytic hypothesis; and (4) a hyperferritinemic hypothesis. Finally, we present the recent data suggesting that patients with AOSD fall into two distinct subgroups with different courses, one with prominent systemic features and one with chronic arthritis.


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OBJECTIVE: Assess the incidence of intraocular inflammation (uveitis) and ocular complications in children with various types of JIA in a single cohort of patients. PATIENTS: Included are 172 children (35 boys and 137 girls) diagnosed with JIA. All underwent thorough initial ophthalmologic examination and were followed for a minimum of 3 years. RESULTS: Of 172 children with JIA, 152 (88.4%) presented with arthritis. Uveitis was detected in 14 of the152 children (9.2%) during the first ophthalmic examination. In 17 additional patients of this group (11.2%), uveitis developed during the follow up period of up to 15 years. Twenty children out of the total of 172 (11.6%) presented initially with uveitis. In children developing uveitis before or along with arthritic manifestations, the ocular disease was chronic with a high rate of secondary complications (band keratopathy, glaucoma, posterior synechiae and cataract). In all affected eyes the initial ocular inflammation was typically confined to the anterior segment. On longer follow up however, most children developed binocular disease and posterior segment involvement. Dense cataract and amblyopia were the major cause of severe visual disabilities. CONCLUSION: Pauciarticular JIA is associated with intraocular inflammation (uveitis) early during the arthritic disease course. The ocular disease course is unpredictable. Therefore education of parents regarding its signs and symptoms is of utmost importance. To preserve functional vision, secondary ocular complications and amblyopia should be avoided.


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Systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SoJIA), sometimes called Still's disease, is a systemic inflammatory disease classified within the spectrum of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). It is an orphan disease with often a chronic course and a major impact on the affected children and their families. This disorder is unique in terms of clinical manifestations, prognosis and response to conventional immunosuppressants. The objectives of this review are to describe SoJIA and emphasise the recent advances in the pathogenesis and treatment, which have transformed the care and the prognosis of this potentially life-threatening paediatric condition.


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PURPOSE: To examine the metastatic and survival rates, eye retention probability, and the visual outcomes of juvenile patients after proton beam radiotherapy (PBRT) for uveal melanoma (UM). DESIGN: Retrospective case-factor matched control study. PARTICIPANTS AND CONTROLS: Forty-three patients younger than 21 years treated with PBRT for UM were compared with 129 matched adult control patients. METHODS: Information on patient demographics and clinical characteristics were recorded before and after treatment from patients' files. The control group was composed of adult patients (>21 years) matched for tumor size (largest tumor diameter, ±2 mm; height, ±2 mm) and anterior margin location (iris, ciliary body, pre-equatorial or postequatorial choroid). For each juvenile patient, 3 adults were selected. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Comparing outcomes of juvenile and adult patients in terms of metastatic and eye retention rates using the log-rank statistic, relative survival using the Hakulinen method, as well as their visual outcomes. RESULTS: Forty-three juvenile and 129 control cases were reviewed. The metastatic rate at 10 years was significantly lower in juvenile UM patients than in adult controls (11% vs. 34%; P <0.01), with an associated relative survival rate of 93% versus 65% (P = 0.02). Six juvenile patients (14%) demonstrated metastases. One patient underwent enucleation because of a presumed local tumor recurrence and 4 additional patients underwent enucleation because of complications (9.3%). In the adult control group, 27% (n = 35) of matched patients demonstrated metastases, there were 2 cases of local recurrence, and 16% (n = 21) underwent enucleation because of complications. A visual acuity of more than 0.10 was maintained in most cases, without any significant differences before or after treatment observed between both groups. CONCLUSIONS: After PBRT, metastatic and survival rates are significantly better for juvenile than for adult patients with UM. Clinically, juvenile and adult eyes react similarly to PBRT, with patients having a comparable eye retention probability and maintaining a useful level of vision in most cases. This is the largest case-control study of proton therapy in juvenile eyes to date and further validates PBRT as an appropriate conservative treatment for UM in patients younger than 21 years.


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The Paratethys evolved as a marginal sea during the Alpine-Himalayan orogeny in the Oligo-Miocene. Sediments from the northern Alpine Molasse Basin, the Vienna, and the Pannonian Basins located in the western and central part of the Paratethys thus provide unique information on regional changes in climate and oceanography during a period of active Alpine uplift Oxygen isotope compositions of well-preserved phosphatic fossils recovered from the sediments support deposition under sub-tropical to warm-temperate climate with water temperatures of 14 to 28 degrees C for the Miocene. delta(18)O values of fossil shark teeth are similar to those reported for other Miocene marine sections and, using the best available estimates of their biostratigraphic age, show a variation until the end of the Badenian similar to that reported for composite global record. The (87)Sr/(86)Sr isotope ratios of the fossils follow the global Miocene seawater trend, albeit with a much larger scatter. The deviations of (87)Sr/(86)Sr in the samples from the well-constrained seawater curve are interpreted as due to local input of terrestrially-derived Sr. Contribution of local sources is also reflected in the epsilon(Nd) values, consistent with input from ancient crystalline rocks (e.g., Bohemian Massif and/or Mesozoic sediments with epsilon(Nd) < -9. On the other hand, there is evidence for input from areas with Neogene volcanism as suggested by samples with elevated epsilon(Nd) values >-7. Excluding samples showing local influence on the water column, an average epsilon(Nd) value of -7.9 +/- 0.5 may be inferred for the Miocene Paratethys. This value is indistinguishable from the epsilon(Nd) value of the contemporaneous Indian Ocean, supporting a dominant role of this ocean in the Western and Central Paratethys. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is an immune-mediated inflammatory disease affecting the microvasculature of skin and muscle. CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) are key regulators of immune homeostasis. A role for Tregs in JDM pathogenesis has not yet been established. Here, we explored Treg presence and function in peripheral blood and muscle of JDM patients. We analyzed number, phenotype and function of Tregs in blood from JDM patients by flow cytometry and in vitro suppression assays, in comparison to healthy controls and disease controls (Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy). Presence of Tregs in muscle was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Overall, Treg percentages in peripheral blood of JDM patients were similar compared to both control groups. Muscle biopsies of new onset JDM patients showed increased infiltration of numbers of T cells compared to Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. Both in JDM and Duchenne's muscular dystrophy the proportion of FOXP3+ T cells in muscles were increased compared to JDM peripheral blood. Interestingly, JDM is not a self-remitting disease, suggesting that the high proportion of Tregs in inflamed muscle do not suppress inflammation. In line with this, peripheral blood Tregs of active JDM patients were less capable of suppressing effector T cell activation in vitro, compared to Tregs of JDM in clinical remission. These data show a functional impairment of Tregs in a proportion of patients with active disease, and suggest a regulatory role for Tregs in JDM inflammation.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Fish oil (FO) supplementation prevents the development of obesity and insulin resistance, and upregulate the expression of UCP3 in skeletal muscle in rodents. This may represent indirect evidence that FO promotes fat oxidation and/or alter energy efficiency. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether such effects can be observed in humans. The metabolic effects of FO were assessed during exercise in order to obtain a direct measurement of energy efficiency. METHODS: Eight healthy male volunteers were studied with and without supplementation with 7.2 g/day FO (including 1.1 g/day eicosopentaenoic acid and 0.7 g/day decosahexaenoic acid) during 14 days. Their VO(2 max) was measured on cycle ergometer. Thereafter, energy metabolism (substrate oxidation, energy expenditure and energy efficiency) was assessed during a 30 min cycling exercise at 50% VO(2 max) performed 2 h 30 after a standardized, high carbohydrate breakfast. RESULTS: VO(2 max) was 38.6+/-2.2 after FO and 38.4+/-2.0 (mL x kg(-1) x min(-1)) in control conditions (NS). Basal plasma glucose, insulin and NEFA concentrations, and energy metabolism were similar with FO and in controls. During exercise, the increases in plasma NEFA concentrations, energy expenditure, glucose and lipid oxidation, and the decreases in glycaemia and insulinemia were not altered by FO intake. Energy efficiency was 22.4+/-0.6% after FO vs 21.8+/-0.7% in controls. In order to ascertain that the absence of effects of FO was not due to consumption of a carbohydrate meal immediately before exercise, 4 of the 8 subjects were re-studied in fasting conditions, FO also failed to alter energy efficiency in this subset of studies. CONCLUSION: FO supplementation did not significantly alter energy metabolism and energy efficiency during exercise in healthy humans.


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Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA) is an inflammatory condition characterized by fever, lymphadenopathy, arthritis, rash and serositis. Systemic inflammation has been associated with dysregulation of the innate immune system, suggesting that SJIA is an autoinflammatory disorder. IL-1 and IL-6 play a major role in the pathogenesis of SJIA, and treatment with IL-1 and IL-6 inhibitors has shown to be highly effective. However, complications of SJIA, including macrophage activation syndrome, limitations in functional outcome by arthritis and long-term damage from chronic inflammation, continue to be a major issue in SJIA patients' care. Translational research leading to a profound understanding of the cytokine crosstalk in SJIA and the identification of risk factors for SJIA complications will help to improve long-term outcome.


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Maternal effects often affect fitness traits, but there is little experimental evidence pertaining to their contribution to response to selection imposed by novel environments. We studied the evolution of maternal effects in Drosophila populations selected for tolerance to chronic larval malnutrition. To this end, we performed pairwise reciprocal F1 crosses between six selected (malnutrition tolerant) populations and six unselected control populations and assessed the effect of cross direction on larval growth and developmental rate, adult weight and egg-to-adult viability expressed under the malnutrition regime. Each pair of reciprocal crosses revealed large maternal effects (possibly including cytoplasmic genetic effects) on at least one trait, but the magnitude, sign and which traits were affected varied among populations. Thus, maternal effects contributed significantly to the response to selection imposed by the malnutrition regime, but these changes were idiosyncratic, suggesting a rugged adaptive landscape. Furthermore, although the selected populations evolved both faster growth and higher viability, the maternal effects on growth rate and viability were negatively correlated across populations. Thus, genes mediating maternal effects can evolve to partially counteract the response to selection mediated by the effects of alleles on their own carriers' phenotype, and maternal effects may contribute to evolutionary trade-offs between components of offspring fitness.


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OBJECTIVES: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) has become a promising method for pre-screening ALK-rearrangements in non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC). Various ALK antibodies, detection systems and automated immunostainers are available. We therefore aimed to compare the performance of the monoclonal 5A4 (Novocastra, Leica) and D5F3 (Cell Signaling, Ventana) antibodies using two different immunostainers. Additionally we analyzed the accuracy of prospective ALK IHC-testing in routine diagnostics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-two NSCLC with available ALK FISH results and enriched for FISH-positive carcinomas were retrospectively analyzed. IHC was performed on BenchMarkXT (Ventana) using 5A4 and D5F3, respectively, and additionally with 5A4 on Bond-MAX (Leica). Data from our routine diagnostics on prospective ALK-testing with parallel IHC, using 5A4, and FISH were available from 303 NSCLC. RESULTS: All three IHC protocols showed congruent results. Only 1/25 FISH-positive NSCLC (4%) was false negative by IHC. For all three IHC protocols the sensitivity, specificity, positive (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) compared to FISH were 96%, 100%, 100% and 97.8%, respectively. In the prospective cohort 3/32 FISH-positive (9.4%) and 2/271 FISH-negative (0.7%) NSCLC were false negative and false positive by IHC, respectively. In routine diagnostics the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of IHC compared to FISH were 90.6%, 99.3%, 93.5% and 98.9%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: 5A4 and D5F3 are equally well suited for detecting ALK-rearranged NSCLC. BenchMark and BOND-MAX immunostainers can be used for IHC with 5A4. True discrepancies between IHC and FISH results do exist and need to be addressed when implementing IHC in an ALK-testing algorithm.