210 resultados para Indigenous Status


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OBJECTIVE: Vitamin D deficiency is frequent in the general population and might be even more prevalent among populations with kidney failure. We compared serum vitamin D levels, vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency status, and vitamin D level determinants in populations without chronic kidney disease (CKD) and with CKD not requiring renal dialysis. DESIGN AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional, multicenter, population-based study conducted from 2010 to 2011. Participants were from 10 centers that represent the geographical and cultural diversity of the Swiss adult population (≥15 years old). INTERVENTION: CKD was defined using estimated glomerular filtration rate and 24-hour albuminuria. Serum vitamin D was measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Statistical procedures adapted for survey data were used. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: We compared 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) levels and the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency (serum 25(OH)D < 30 ng/mL) in participants with and without CKD. We tested the interaction of CKD status with 6 a priori defined attributes (age, sex, body mass index, walking activity, serum albumin-corrected calcium, and altitude) on serum vitamin D level or insufficiency/deficiency status taking into account potential confounders. RESULTS: Overall, 11.8% (135 of 1,145) participants had CKD. The 25(OH)D adjusted means (95% confidence interval [CI]) were 23.1 (22.6-23.7) and 23.5 (21.7-25.3) ng/mL in participants without and with CKD, respectively (P = .70). Vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency was frequent among participants without and with CKD (75.3% [95% CI 69.3-81.5] and 69.1 [95% CI 53.9-86.1], P = .054). CKD status did not interact with major determinants of vitamin D, including age, sex, BMI, walking minutes, serum albumin-corrected calcium, or altitude for its effect on vitamin D status or levels. CONCLUSION: Vitamin D concentration and insufficiency/deficiency status are similar in people with or without CKD not requiring renal dialysis.


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Patients with status epilepticus that proves refractory to anesthetic agents represent a daunting challenge for treating clinicians. Animal data support the neuroprotective action of brain hypothermia, and its efficacy in status epilepticus models. This approach, targeting a core temperature of about 33°C for at least 24 hours together with pharmacological sedation, has been described in adults and children. However, although relatively safe if concomitant barbiturates are avoided, it seems that mild hypothermia rarely allows a sustained control of ongoing status epilepticus, since seizures tend to recur in normothermia. Conversely, mild hypothermia has a high-evidence level and is increasingly used in postanoxic encephalopathy, both in newborns and adults. Due to the paucity of available clinical data, prospective studies are needed to assess the value of hypothermia in status epilepticus.


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BACKGROUND: Postanoxic status epilepticus (PSE) is considered a predictor of fatal outcome and therefore not intensively treated; however, some patients have had favorable outcomes. The aim of this study was to identify favorable predictors for awakening beyond vegetative state in PSE. METHODS: We studied six subjects treated with hypothermia improving beyond vegetative state after cerebral anoxia, despite PSE. They were among a cohort of patients treated for anoxic encephalopathy with therapeutic hypothermia in our institution between October 1999 and May 2006 (retrospectively, 3/107 patients) and June 2006 and May 2008 (prospectively, 3/74 patients). PSE was defined by clinical and EEG criteria. Outcome was assessed according to the Glasgow-Pittsburgh Cerebral Performance Categories (CPC). RESULTS: All improving patients had preserved brainstem reflexes, cortical somatosensory evoked potentials, and reactive EEG background during PSE. Half of them had myoclonic PSE, while three had nonconvulsive PSE. In the prospective arm, 3/28 patients with PSE showed this clinical-electrophysiologic profile; all awoke. Treatments consisted of benzodiazepines, various antiepileptic drugs, and propofol. One subject died of pneumonia in a minimally conscious state, one patient returned to baseline (CPC1), three had moderate impairment (CPC2), and one remained dependent (CPC3). Patients with nonconvulsive PSE showed a better prognosis than subjects with myoclonic PSE (p = 0.042). CONCLUSION: Patients with postanoxic status epilepticus and preserved brainstem reactions, somatosensory evoked potentials, and EEG reactivity may have a favorable outcome if their condition is treated as status epilepticus.


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Participation research has documented the effect of partner and parenthood status, thereby ignoring the dynamic aspect of status changes. Based on theoretical insights on changes in political resources and interest, this study looks at partnership and parenthood as dynamic characteristics. Using data from the Swiss Household Panel (SHP), it examines to what extent important life-cycle transitions in partnership and parental status influence various forms of political and civic participation and whether they affect men and women's participation differently. Our regression analyses reveal that particularly the entry into separation or divorce is a main key point driving change in political and civic participation. Its effect is also highly gendered. Following separation, women participate less in voting, whereas men's participation rates are not affected in a negative way. Separation even increases men's level of anticipated activism. Children entering or leaving the household do not seem to represent key points of change in political and civic participation of the couple. Yet, the transition to having school-aged children significantly increases some types of participation, at least for women.


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BACKGROUND: Differences in morbidity and mortality between socioeconomic groups constitute one of the most consistent findings of epidemiologic research. However, research on social inequalities in health has yet to provide a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying this association. In recent analysis, we showed health behaviours, assessed longitudinally over the follow-up, to explain a major proportion of the association of socioeconomic status (SES) with mortality in the British Whitehall II study. However, whether health behaviours are equally important mediators of the SES-mortality association in different cultural settings remains unknown. In the present paper, we examine this issue in Whitehall II and another prospective European cohort, the French GAZEL study. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We included 9,771 participants from the Whitehall II study and 17,760 from the GAZEL study. Over the follow-up (mean 19.5 y in Whitehall II and 16.5 y in GAZEL), health behaviours (smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, and physical activity), were assessed longitudinally. Occupation (in the main analysis), education, and income (supplementary analysis) were the markers of SES. The socioeconomic gradient in smoking was greater (p<0.001) in Whitehall II (odds ratio [OR] = 3.68, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.11-4.36) than in GAZEL (OR = 1.33, 95% CI 1.18-1.49); this was also true for unhealthy diet (OR = 7.42, 95% CI 5.19-10.60 in Whitehall II and OR = 1.31, 95% CI 1.15-1.49 in GAZEL, p<0.001). Socioeconomic differences in mortality were similar in the two cohorts, a hazard ratio of 1.62 (95% CI 1.28-2.05) in Whitehall II and 1.94 in GAZEL (95% CI 1.58-2.39) for lowest versus highest occupational position. Health behaviours attenuated the association of SES with mortality by 75% (95% CI 44%-149%) in Whitehall II but only by 19% (95% CI 13%-29%) in GAZEL. Analysis using education and income yielded similar results. CONCLUSIONS: Health behaviours were strong predictors of mortality in both cohorts but their association with SES was remarkably different. Thus, health behaviours are likely to be major contributors of socioeconomic differences in health only in contexts with a marked social characterisation of health behaviours. Please see later in the article for the Editors' Summary.


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The glioma CpG island methylator phenotype (G-CIMP) has been shown to be highly correlated with prognosis andwas noted to be highly concordant with IDH1mutation in malignant glioma in the limited number of samples analyzed. To better understand the relationship of G-CIMP with IDH1 mutation status and patient outcome, we examined G-CIMP status in detail in a larger retrospective series of glioblastomas as well as tumor samples from the RTOG 0525 clinical trial. Sampleswere tested for 6 CIMPmarkers andwere correlated with patient outcomes. In the retrospective tumor set (n ¼ 301),we found 3 distinct survival groups based on the number of CIMP markers: 0-1 (CIMP-negative), 2-4 (CIMP-intermediate), and 5 or greater (CIMP-positive) with median survivals 13.8, 20.1, and 90.6 months, respectively. This finding was validated in the RTOG 0525 samples (median survivals 15.0, 20.3, and 37.0 months). Among 787 cases with both IDH and CIMP data, 617 were CIMP-negative, 136 were CIMP-intermediate, and 34 were CIMP-positive. Seven hundred forty-four were wild type for IDH1 mutation, and 43 were mutant. CIMP and IDH status were positively correlated but outliers were found. Among the 610 CIMP-negative tumors, there were 7 IDH-mutant tumors, which showed no difference in outcome. Similarly, among the 34 CIMP-positive tumors, there were 21 IDH-mutant cases, which also showed no difference in outcome. However, among the CIMP-intermediate cases, there were 15 IDH-mutant cases with significantly (p ¼ 0.0003) improved outcome (medians not reached vs. 18.5 months, 2 year survival 87% vs. 32%). Multivariate analysis showed that both IDH1 mutation status and CIMP status were independent predictors of outcome. These findings suggest the clinical utility of refining the CIMP status into negative, intermediate, and positive groups and the finding that both IDH1 and CIMPstatus are important molecular markers in GBM.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify which physician and patient characteristics are associated with physicians' estimation of their patient social status.DESIGN: Cross-sectional ulticentric survey. SETTING: Fourty-seven primary care private offices in Western Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: Random sample of 2030 patients ≥ 16, who encountered a general practitioner (GP) between September 2010 and February 2011. MAIN MEASURES: PRIMARY OUTCOME: patient social status perceived by GPs, using the MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status, ranging from the bottom (0) to the top (10) of the social scale.Secondary outcome: Difference between GP's evaluation and patient's own evaluation of their social status. Potential patient correlates: material and social deprivation using the DiPCare-Q, health status using the EQ-5D, sources of income, and level of education. GP characteristics: opinion regarding patients' deprivation and its influence on health and care. RESULTS: To evaluate patient social status, GPs considered the material, social, and health aspects of deprivation, along with education level, and amount and type of income. GPs declaring a frequent reflexive consideration of their own prejudice towards deprived patients, gave a higher estimation of patients' social status (+1.0, p = 0.002). Choosing a less costly treatment for deprived patients was associated with a lower estimation (-0.7, p = 0.002). GP's evaluation of patient social status was 0.5 point higher than the patient's own estimate (p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: GPs can perceive the various dimensions of patient social status, although heterogeneously, according partly to their own characteristics. Compared to patients' own evaluation, GPs overestimate patient social status.