291 resultados para In vivo methods
Evidence from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies shows that healthy aging is associated with profound changes in cortical and subcortical brain structures. The reliable delineation of cortex and basal ganglia using automated computational anatomy methods based on T1-weighted images remains challenging, which results in controversies in the literature. In this study we use quantitative MRI (qMRI) to gain an insight into the microstructural mechanisms underlying tissue ageing and look for potential interactions between ageing and brain tissue properties to assess their impact on automated tissue classification. To this end we acquired maps of longitudinal relaxation rate R1, effective transverse relaxation rate R2* and magnetization transfer - MT, from healthy subjects (n=96, aged 21-88 years) using a well-established multi-parameter mapping qMRI protocol. Within the framework of voxel-based quantification we find higher grey matter volume in basal ganglia, cerebellar dentate and prefrontal cortex when tissue classification is based on MT maps compared with T1 maps. These discrepancies between grey matter volume estimates can be attributed to R2* - a surrogate marker of iron concentration, and further modulation by an interaction between R2* and age, both in cortical and subcortical areas. We interpret our findings as direct evidence for the impact of ageing-related brain tissue property changes on automated tissue classification of brain structures using SPM12. Computational anatomy studies of ageing and neurodegeneration should acknowledge these effects, particularly when inferring about underlying pathophysiology from regional cortex and basal ganglia volume changes.
PURPOSE: To investigate the ability of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 2-saporin to prevent lens regrowth in the rabbit. METHODS: Chemically conjugated and genetically fused FGF2-saporin (made in Escherichia coli) were used. Extracapsular extraction of the lens was performed on the rabbit, and the cytotoxin either was injected directly into the capsule bag or was administered by FGF2-saporin-coated, heparin surface-modified (HSM) polymethylmethacrylate intraocular lenses. The potential of the conjugate was checked by slit lamp evaluation of capsular opacification and by measuring crystallin synthesis. Toxin diffusion and sites of toxin binding were assessed by immunohistochemistry. Possible toxicity was determined by histologic analysis of ocular tissues. RESULTS: FGF2-saporin effectively inhibited lens regrowth when it was injected directly into the capsular bag. However, high concentration of the toxin induced transient corneal edema and loss of pigment in the iris. Intraocular lenses coated with FGF2-saporin reduced lens regrowth and crystallin synthesis without any detectable clinical side effect. After implantation, FGF2-saporin was shown to have bound to the capsules and, to a lesser extent, to the iris; no histologic damage was found on ocular tissues as a result of implantation of drug-loaded HSM intraocular lenses. CONCLUSIONS: Chemically conjugated (FGF2-SAP) and genetically fused FGF2-saporin (rFGF2-SAP) bound to HSM intraocular lenses can prevent lens regrowth in the rabbit.
Objectives: Glutamine synthetase is a critical step in the glutamate-glutamine cycle, the major mechanism of glutamate neurotransmission and is implicated in the mechanism of ammonia toxicity. 15N MRS is an alternative approach to 13C MRS in studying glutamate- glutamine metabolism. 15N MRS studies allow to measure an apparent glutamine synthesis rate (Vsyn) which reflects a combination of the glutamate- glutamine cycle activity (Vnt) and net glutamine accumulation. The net glutamine synthesis (Vsyn-Vnt) can be directly measured from 1H NMR. Therefore, the aim of this study was to perform in vivo localized 1H MRS interleaved with 15N MRS to directly measure the net glutamine synthesis rate and the apparent glutamine synthesis rate under 15N labeled ammonia infusion in the rat brain, respectively. Methods: 1H and 15N MRS data were acquired interleaved on a 9.4T system (Varian/Magnex Scientific) using 5 rats. 15NH4Cl solution was infused continuously into the femoral vein for up to 10 h (4.5 mmol/h/kg).1 The plasma ammonia concentration was increased to 0.95±0.08 mmol/L (Analox GM7 analyzer). 1H spectra were acquired and quantified as described previously.2 15N unlocalized and localized spectra were acquired using the sequence;3 and quantified using AMARES and an external reference method.4 The metabolic model used to analyze the total Gln and 5-15N labeled Gln time courses is shown on Figure 1A. Results: Glutamine concentration increased from 2.5±0.3 to 15±3.3 mmol/kg whereas the total glutamate concentrations remained unchanged (Figure 1B). The linear fit of the time-evolution of the total Gln from the 1H spectra gave the net synthesis flux (Vsyn-Vnt), which was 0.021± 0.006 mmol/min per g (Figure 1D). The 5-15N Gln peak (_271 ppm) was visible in the first and all subsequent scans, whereas the 2-15N Gln/Glu peak (_342 ppm) appeared after B1.5 h (Figure 1C). From the in vivo 5-15N Gln time course, Vsyn = 0.29±0.1 mmol/min per g and a plasma NH3 fractional enrichment of 71%±6% were calculated. Vnt was 0.26±0.1 mmol/min/g, obtained assuming a negligible Gln efflux.5 Vsyn and Vnt were within the range of 13C NMR measurements.6 Conclusion: The combination of 1H and 15N NMR allowed for the first time a direct and localized measurement of Vnt and apparent glutamine synthesis rate. Vnt is approximately one order of magnitude faster than the net glutamine accumulation.
PURPOSE: To present in vitro loading and release characteristics of idarubicin with ONCOZENE (CeloNova BioSciences, Inc, San Antonio, Texas) drug-eluting embolic (DEE) agents and in vivo pharmacokinetics data after transarterial chemoembolization with idarubicin-loaded ONCOZENE DEE agents in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Loading efficacy of idarubicin with ONCOZENE DEE agents 100 µm and DC Bead (Biocompatibles UK Ltd, Farnham, United Kingdom) DEE agents 100-300 µm was monitored at 10, 20, and 30 minutes loading time by high-pressure liquid chromatography. A T-apparatus was used to monitor the release of idarubicin from the two types of DEE agents over 12 hours. Clinical and 24-hour pharmacokinetics data were recorded after transarterial chemoembolization with idarubicin-loaded ONCOZENE DEE agents in four patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. RESULTS: Idarubicin loading in ONCOZENE DEE agents was > 99% at 10 minutes. Time to reach 75% of the release plateau level was 37 minutes ± 6 for DC Bead DEE agents and 170 minutes ± 19 for ONCOZENE DEE agents both loaded with idarubicin 10 mg/mL. After transarterial chemoembolization with idarubicin-loaded ONCOZENE DEE agents, three partial responses and one complete response were observed with only two asymptomatic grade 3 biologic adverse events. Median time to maximum concentration for idarubicin in patients was 10 minutes, and mean maximum concentration was 4.9 µg/L ± 1.7. Mean area under the concentration-time curve from 0-24 hours was equal to 29.5 µg.h/L ± 20.5. CONCLUSIONS: ONCOZENE DEE agents show promising results with very fast loading ability, a favorable in vivo pharmacokinetics profile with a sustained release of idarubicin during the first 24 hours, and encouraging safety and responses. Histopathologic and clinical studies are needed to evaluate idarubicin release around the DEE agents in tumor tissue and to confirm safety and efficacy.
The high molecular weight and low concentration of brain glycogen render its noninvasive quantification challenging. Therefore, the precision increase of the quantification by localized (13) C MR at 9.4 to 14.1 T was investigated. Signal-to-noise ratio increased by 66%, slightly offset by a T(1) increase of 332 ± 15 to 521 ± 34 ms. Isotopic enrichment after long-term (13) C administration was comparable (≈ 40%) as was the nominal linewidth of glycogen C1 (≈ 50 Hz). Among the factors that contributed to the 66% observed increase in signal-to-noise ratio, the T(1) relaxation time impacted the effective signal-to-noise ratio by only 10% at a repetition time = 1 s. The signal-to-noise ratio increase together with the larger spectral dispersion at 14.1 T resulted in a better defined baseline, which allowed for more accurate fitting. Quantified glycogen concentrations were 5.8 ± 0.9 mM at 9.4 T and 6.0 ± 0.4 mM at 14.1 T; the decreased standard deviation demonstrates the compounded effect of increased magnetization and improved baseline on the precision of glycogen quantification.
BACKGROUND: High-dose chemotherapy (HDC) followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is used for the treatment of hemato-oncologic malignancies. In this study, we measured the effect of HDC/ASCT on plasma concentrations of antiangiogenic soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (sVEGFR1) and of leukapheresis products (LP) and patient serum on chick chorioallantoic (CAM) angiogenesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: VEGFR1- and CD34-expressing cells of leukapheresis products were analyzed by flow cytometry. Alternatively spliced isoforms of VEGFR1 mRNA were quantified using reverse transcription PCR. RESULTS: Plasma concentrations of sVEGFR1 decreased after HDC, but significantly increased after ASCT. In the CAM assay, sera of patients elicited a proangiogenic effect before and after HDC, but a strong antiangiogenic response after ASCT, comparable to that of bevacizumab at therapeutic concentrations. LP contains high concentrations of sVEGFR1, and high density of VEGFR1(+) neutrophilic granulocytes, in which mRNA expression is shifted toward the soluble VEGFR1 isoform. CONCLUSION: Neutrophil-derived antiangiogenic sVEGFR1 within the LP may contribute to the therapeutic efficacy of ASCT.
Current limitations of coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) include a suboptimal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which limits spatial resolution and the ability to visualize distal and branch vessel coronary segments. Improved SNR is expected at higher field strengths, which may provide improved spatial resolution. However, a number of potential adverse effects on image quality have been reported at higher field strengths. The limited availability of high-field systems equipped with cardiac-specific hardware and software has previously precluded successful in vivo human high-field coronary MRA data acquisition. In the present study we investigated the feasibility of human coronary MRA at 3.0 T in vivo. The first results obtained in nine healthy adult subjects are presented.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of coulomb-controlled iontophoresis (CCI) for delivery of riboflavin prior to corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL). METHODS: The eyes of 20 8-week-old Lewis rats, subject to epithelium-ON (epi-ON, n = 20 eyes) or epithelium-OFF (epi-OFF, n = 20 eyes) conditions, were used to evaluate the in vivo delivery of two riboflavin solutions: 0.1% riboflavin-20% dextran T500 solution (riboflavin-dextran) and 0.1% riboflavin 5'-phosphate (riboflavin-phosphate). After systemic intramuscular anesthesia, 0.25 mL of the photosensitizing agent was delivered by either instillation or CCI (2.11 mA/cm(2) for 4 or 10 minutes) into either epithelial condition. The CCI probe on the eye without current served as control. Confocal microscopy of flat-mounted corneas was used to analyze intracorneal penetration and fluorometry was used to quantify riboflavin in the aqueous within 30 minutes of treatment. RESULTS: Instillation and CCI allowed for uniform delivery of riboflavin-dextran throughout the stroma after epithelial debridement. Transepithelial delivery of riboflavin-dextran was not efficacious. Riboflavin-phosphate was successfully delivered in both epithelium conditions. Complete saturation of the cornea was achieved using CCI after removing the epithelium, the epi-ON case allowed for limited diffusion. Increasing the time from 4 to 10 minutes greatly increased the amount of riboflavin detected in the cornea and aqueous humor. CONCLUSIONS: Coulomb-controlled iontophoresis is an effective technique for transepithelial delivery of riboflavin-phosphate into the cornea. This drug delivery method would allow clinicians to significantly shorten the time required for the CXL procedure, with or without epithelial debridement. Whether efficient crosslinking can be achieved through an intact epithelium remains to be demonstrated.
OBJECT: To determine whether glycine can be measured at 7 T in human brain with (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The glycine singlet is overlapped by the larger signal of myo-inositol. Density matrix simulations were performed to determine the TE at which the myo-inositol signal was reduced the most, following a single spin-echo excitation. (1)H MRS was performed on an actively shielded 7 T scanner, in five healthy volunteers. RESULTS: At the TE of 30 ms, the myo-inositol signal intensity was substantially reduced. Quantification using LCModel yielded a glycine-to-creatine ratio of 0.14 +/- 0.01, with a Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of 7 +/- 1%. Furthermore, quantification of metabolites other than glycine was possible as well, with a CRLB mostly below 10%. CONCLUSION: It is possible to detect glycine at 7 T in human brain, at the short TE of 30 ms with a single spin-echo excitation scheme.
Purpose: To perform in vivo imaging of the cerebellum with an in-plane resolution of 120 mm to observe its cortical granular and molecular layers by taking advantage of the high signal-to-noise ratio and the increased magnetic susceptibility-related contrast available at high magnetic field strength such as 7 T. Materials and Methods: The study was approved by the institutional review board, and all patients provided written consent. Three healthy persons (two men, one woman; mean age, 30 years; age range, 28-31 years) underwent MR imaging with a 7-T system. Gradient-echo images (repetition time msec/echo time msec, 1000/25) of the human cerebellum were acquired with a nominal in-plane resolution of approximately 120 mum and a section thickness of 1 mm. Results: Structures with dimensions as small as 240 mum, such as the granular and molecular layers in the cerebellar cortex, were detected in vivo. The detection of these structures was confirmed by comparing the contrast obtained on T2*-weighted and phase images with that obtained on images of rat cerebellum acquired at 14 T with 30 mum in-plane resolution. Conclusion: In vivo cerebellar imaging at near-microscopic resolution is feasible at 7 T. Such detailed observation of an anatomic area that can be affected by a number of neurologic and psychiatric diseases, such as stroke, tumors, autism, and schizophrenia, could potentially provide newer markers for diagnosis and follow-up in patients with such pathologic conditions. (c) RSNA, 2010.
Proton NMR spectroscopy is emerging from translational and preclinical neuroscience research as an important tool for evidence based diagnosis and therapy monitoring. It provides biomarkers that offer fingerprints of neurological disorders even in cases where a lesion is not yet observed in MR images. The collection of molecules used as cerebral biomarkers that are detectable by (1)H NMR spectroscopy define the so-called "neurochemical profile". The non-invasive quality of this technique makes it suitable not only for diagnostic purposes but also for therapy monitoring paralleling an eventual neuroprotection. The application of (1)H NMR spectroscopy in basic and translational neuroscience research is discussed here.
BACKGROUND: The goal of this study was to characterize the performance of fluorine-19 ((19)F) cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) for the specific detection of inflammatory cells in a mouse model of myocarditis. Intravenously administered perfluorocarbons are taken up by infiltrating inflammatory cells and can be detected by (19)F-CMR. (19)F-labeled cells should, therefore, generate an exclusive signal at the inflamed regions within the myocardium. METHODS AND RESULTS: Experimental autoimmune myocarditis was induced in BALB/c mice. After intravenous injection of 2×200 µL of a perfluorocarbon on day 19 and 20 (n=9) after immunization, in vivo (19)F-CMR was performed at the peak of myocardial inflammation (day 21). In 5 additional animals, perfluorocarbon combined with FITC (fluorescein isothiocyanate) was administered for postmortem immunofluorescence and flow-cytometry analyses. Control experiments were performed in 9 animals. In vivo (19)F-CMR detected myocardial inflammation in all experimental autoimmune myocarditis-positive animals. Its resolution was sufficient to identify even small inflammatory foci, that is, at the surface of the right ventricle. Postmortem immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry confirmed the presence of perfluorocarbon in macrophages, dendritic cells, and granulocytes, but not in lymphocytes. The myocardial volume of elevated (19)F signal (rs=0.96; P<0.001), the (19)F signal-to-noise ratio (rs=0.92; P<0.001), and the (19)F signal integral (rs=0.96; P<0.001) at day 21 correlated with the histological myocarditis severity score. CONCLUSIONS: In vivo (19)F-CMR was successfully used to visualize the inflammation specifically and robustly in experimental autoimmune myocarditis, and thus allowed for an unprecedented insight into the involvement of inflammatory cells in the disease process.
OBJECT: To determine the single spin-echo T 2 relaxation times of uncoupled and J-coupled metabolites in rat brain in vivo at 14.1 T and to compare these results with those previously obtained at 9.4 T. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Measurements were performed on five rats at 14.1 T using the SPECIAL sequence and TE-specific basis-sets for LCModel analysis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The T 2 of singlets ranged from 98 to 148 ms and T 2 of J-coupled metabolites ranged from 72 ms (glutamate) to 97 ms (myo-inositol). When comparing the T 2s of the metabolites measured at 14.1 T with those previously measured at 9.4 T, a decreasing trend was found (p < 0.0001). We conclude that the modest shortening of T 2 at 14.1 T has a negligible impact on the sensitivity of the (1)H MRS when performed at TE shorter than 10 ms.
BACKGROUND: The differentiation of CD8+ T lymphocytes following priming of naïve cells is central in the establishment of the adaptive immune response. Yet, the molecular events underlying this process are not fully understood. MicroRNAs have been recently shown to play a key role in the regulation of haematopoiesis in mouse, but their implication in peripheral lymphocyte differentiation in humans remains largely unknown. METHODS: In order to explore the potential implication of microRNAs in CD8+ T cell differentiation in humans, microRNA expression profiles were analysed using microarrays and quantitative PCR in several human CD8+ T cell subsets defining the major steps of the T cell differentiation pathway. RESULTS: We found expression of a limited set of microRNAs, including the miR-17~92 cluster. Moreover, we reveal the existence of differentiation-associated regulation of specific microRNAs. When compared to naive cells, miR-21 and miR-155 were indeed found upregulated upon differentiation to effector cells, while expression of the miR-17~92 cluster tended to concomitantly decrease. CONCLUSIONS: This study establishes for the first time in a large panel of individuals the existence of differentiation associated regulation of microRNA expression in human CD8+ T lymphocytes in vivo, which is likely to impact on specific cellular functions.
Background: Citrobacter rodentium is a natural mouse pathogen that is genetically closelyrelated to the human enteric pathogens enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic E. coli.Among the repertoire of conserved virulence factors that these pathogens deliver via typeIII secretion, Tir and EspF are responsible for the formation of characteristic actin-richpedestals and disruption of tight junction integrity, respectively. There is evidence In Vitrothese effectors accomplish this, at least in part, by subverting the normal host cellularfunctions of N-WASP, a critical regulator of branched chain actin assembly. Although NWASPhas been shown to be involved in pedestal formation In Vitro, the requirements ofN-WASP-mediated actin pedestals for intestinal colonization by attaching/effacing (A/E)pathogens In Vivo is not known. Furthermore, it is not known whether N-WASP is requiredfor EspF-mediated tight junction disruption. Methods: To investigate the role of N-WASPin the gut epithelium, we generated mice with intestine-specific deletion of N-WASP(iNWKO), by mating mice homozygous for a floxed N-WASP allele (N-WASPL2L/L2L) tomice expressing Cre recombinase under the villin promoter. Separately housed groups ofWT and iNWKO mice were inoculated with 5x108 GFP-expressing C. rodentium by intragastriclavage. Stool was collected 2, 4, 7, and 12 days after infection, and recoverablecolony forming units (CFUs) of C. rodentium were quantified by plating serial dilutions ofhomogenized stool on MacConkey's agar. GFP+ colonies were counted after 24 hoursincubation at 37°C. The presence of actin pedestals was investigated by electron microscopy(EM), and tight junction morphology was assessed by immunofluorescence staining ofoccludin, ZO-1 and claudin-2. Results: C. rodentium infection did not result in mortalityin WT or iNWKO mice. Compared to controls, iNWKO mice exhibited higher levels ofbacterial shedding during the first 4 days of infection (day 4 average: WT 5.2x104 CFU/gvs. iNWKO 4.7x105 CFU/g, p=0.08), followed by a more rapid clearance of C. rodentium, (day7-12 average: WT 2x106 CFU/g vs. iNWKO 2.7x105, p=0.01). EM and immunofluorescencerevealed the complete lack of actin pedestals in iNWKO mice and no mucosa-associatedGFP+ C. rodentium by day 7. WT controls exhibited tight junction disruption, reflected byaltered distribution of ZO-1, whereas iNWKO mice had no change in the pattern of ZO-1.Conclusion: Intestinal N-WASP is required for actin pedestal formation by C. rodentium InVivo, and ablation of N-WASP is associated with more rapid bacterial clearance and decreasedability of C. rodentium to disrupt intercellular junctions.