157 resultados para IT -projekti
BACKGROUND: Clients of street sex workers may be at higher risk for HIV infection than the general population. Furthermore, there is a lack of knowledge regarding HIV testing of clients of sex workers in developed countries. METHOD: This pilot study assessed the feasibility and acceptance of rapid HIV testing by the clients of street-based sex workers in Lausanne, Switzerland. For 5 evenings, clients in cars were stopped by trained field staff for face-to-face interviews focusing on sex-related HIV risk behaviors and HIV testing history. The clients were then offered a free anonymous rapid HIV test in a bus parked nearby. Rapid HIV testing and counselling were performed by experienced nurse practitioners. Clients with reactive tests were offered confirmatory testing, medical evaluation, and care in our HIV clinic. RESULT: We intercepted 144 men, 112 (77.8%) agreed to be interviewed. Among them, 50 (46.6%) had never been tested for HIV. A total of 31 (27.7%) rapid HIV tests were performed, 16 (51.6%) in clients who had not previously been tested. None were reactive. Initially, 19 (16.9%) additional clients agreed to HIV testing but later declined due to the 40-minute queue for testing. CONCLUSION: This pilot study showed that rapid HIV testing in the red light district of Lausanne was feasible, and that the clients of sex workers accepted testing at an unexpectedly high rate. This setting seems particularly appropriate for targeted HIV screening, since more than 40% of the clients had not previously been tested for HIV even though they engaged in sex-related HIV risk behaviour.
Medical errors compromise patient safety in ambulatory practice. These errors must be faced in a framework that reduces to a minimum their consequences for the patients. This approach relies on the implementation of a new culture without stigmatization and where errors are disclosed to the patients; this culture implies the build up of a system for reporting errors associated to an in-depth analysis of the system, looking for root causes and insufficient barriers with the aim to fix them. A useful education tool is the "critical situations" meeting during which physicians are encouraged to openly present adverse events and "near misses". Their analysis, with supportive attitude towards involved staff members, allows to reveal systems failures within the institution or the private practice.
BACKGROUND: The general proficiency in physical diagnostic skills seems to be declining in relation to the development of new technologies. The few studies that have examined this question have invariably used recordings of cardiac events obtained from patients. However, this type of evaluation may not correlate particularly well with bedside skills. Our objectives were 1) To compare the cardiac auscultatory skills of physicians in training with those of experienced cardiologists by using real patients to test bedside diagnostic skills. 2) To evaluate the impact of a five-month bedside cardiac auscultation training program. METHODS: 1) In an academic primary care center, 20 physicians (trainees in internal medicine and family practice) and two skilled academic cardiologists listened to 33 cardiac events in 13 patients directly at bedside and identified the cardiac events by completing an open questionnaire. Heart sounds, murmurs and diagnosis were determined beforehand by an independent skilled cardiologist and were validated by echocardiography. Thirteen primary cardiologic diagnoses were possible.2) Ten of the physicians agreed to participate in a course of 45-minute sessions once a week for 5 months. After the course they listened again to the same patients (pre/post-interventional study). RESULTS: 1) The experts were the most skillful, achieving 69% recognition of heart sounds and murmurs and correct diagnoses in 62% of cases. They also heard all of the diastolic murmurs. The residents heard only 40% of the extra heart sounds and made a correct diagnosis in 24% of cases. 2) After the weekly training sessions, their mean percentage for correct diagnosis was 35% [an increase of 66% (p < 0.05)]. CONCLUSIONS: The level of bedside diagnostic skills in this relatively small group of physicians in training is indeed low, but can be improved by a course focusing on realistic bedside teaching.
Objective: Single port laparoscopy andNOTES aim at decreasing the number¦of trocars, at a price of increased technical difficulty and cost, without until now¦any proof of benefit for the patient.Morbidity related to 5 mm trocar sites (TS)¦is claimed to be low, but there are no good quality data on this topic. The aim¦of the present prospective study is to measure the morbidity and overall specific¦impact related to the 5 mm TS and compare them to larger TS.¦Methods:Wecollected prospectively data on 300 consecutive patients operated¦by laparoscopy in our institution between 2009 and 2010. Pain, morbidity,¦cosmetic, and overall patient discomfort were assessed specifically for each¦TS, using standardized questionnaires, at 3 time points: at discharge from¦the hospital, at 1 month and at 6 months after surgery. Results were compared¦between 5 mmand larger TS (10 mm, 12 mmand 15 mm).Trocar sites replaced¦by a minilaparotomy or a stoma were excluded from analysis. In this study we¦present the short-term results.¦Results: Three-hundred patients (mean age 47·5, women 55%) were operated¦with 1074 TS of which 477(44%) were 5 mm TS. Indication to laparoscopy was¦cholecystectomy (31·3%), appendectomy (26·6%), upper GI surgery (16·3%),¦colon resection (13·3%) or other (12·3%). Follow-up at 1 month was completed¦in 90%.¦The 5 mm TS had an infection rate of 0·2%, and a hematoma rate of 1·7%.¦VAS pain scores at the 5mm TS were ≤3 in 91·6% at rest and in 75·9% upon¦effort at discharge, and in 97% at 1 month. Median patient scar assessment¦score (PSAS) of the 5 mm TS at 1 month was 6 (IQR: 2-9) out of 60 (0 =¦best score). Overall discomfort of the 5 mm TS in a VAS scale was 0 in 77%¦and ≤3 in 95% of patients at 1 month. Morbidity, pain assessments, PSAS, and¦overall discomfort scores were all significantly better for 5 mm TS compared to¦larger TS.¦Conclusion: Morbidity, pain, cosmetic impact and overall patient's discomfort¦related to a 5 mm trocar site is extremely low. For this reason, any potential¦advantage related to omitting 5 mm trocars to perform the same type of surgery¦will be difficult to demonstrate.
Mast cell disorders are defined by the accumulation of mast cells in one or more organ systems. Cutaneous forms are mainly observed in children whereas systemic forms are predominant in adults. Mast cells cause symptoms by the release of proinflammatory mediators or by infiltration of various organs. The measurement of serum tryptase has opened the possibility of screening for mastocytosis, which must be taken into consideration in case of severe anaphylactic reactions. Definite diagnosis is established based on a biopsy of skin or bone marrow. An activating mutation of stem cell factor receptor c-kit is often found. Treatment is based on control of the symptoms triggered by mast cell degranulation. Moreover, novel treatment options targeting mast cell proliferation become available for clinical use.
AIMS: As growing concerns exist regarding phthalate exposure, which could be teratogenic, carcinogenic or induce reproductive toxicity, we aimed to review the evidence of the risks due to the use of medical devices containing di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate in hospitalized neonates. METHODS: We reviewed the literature, searching through medical literature databases (Pubmed, MEDLINE, EBM reviews, Cochrane database, Embase and Google Scholar) using the following keywords: phthalate, di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, newborn and neonate. RESULTS: We identified several associations with short and long term health dangers, mainly subfertility, broncho-pulmonary dysplasia, necrotising enterocolitis, parenteral nutrition associated cholestasis and neuro-developmental disorders. These data are based mainly on animal or observational human studies. CONCLUSION: Clinicians must be aware of the potential risks due to phthalate exposure in the NICU. Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate containing materials should be identified and alternative devices should be considered. There is a need to improve knowledge in this area.
Purpose Data indicate that 19% of male adolescents living in Switzerland carried a weapon in the last 12 months. The main objective of this research is to compare the characteristics of male adolescents carrying a weapon and having used it in a fight from those who have carried but not used it in the previous 12 months. Methods Data were drawn from the 2002 Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health (SMASH02) data base, a survey including 7,548[3,710 males] in-school adolescents aged 16-20 years in Switzerland. Only males declaring having carried a weapon (N = 711; 19.2% of the sample) were included in the analysis. Three groups were created: those not having used a weapon (WO; N = 538 subjects), those having used a weapon in a fight once or twice (W12; N = 127), and those having used a weapon in a fight 3 or more times (W3+; N = 46). Multinomial logistic regression was performed to compare the 3 groups on individual, family, school, and social factors using WO as the reference category. Analyses were performed with STATA9. Results are presented as relative risk ratios (RRR). Results W12 males were significantly more likely to perceive their puberty as advanced compared to their peers (RRR: 2.1), to be foreign born (RRR: 2.6), to live in an urban environment (RRR: 1.9), to be in vocational school (RRR: 4.7), to have a poor school connectedness (RRR: 1.8), to skip classes (RRR: 2.1) and to quarrel while intoxicated (RRR: 5.3). W3+ males were significantly more likely to be foreign born (RRR: 3.6) and to live in an urban environment (RRR: 2.4), to be current users of illegal drugs other than cannabis (RRR: 3.8) and to quarrel while intoxicated (RRR: 4.1). No differences were found between groups for tobacco, alcohol, or cannabis use. Conclusions Within a national sample of Swiss youth aged 16-20 years, almost one fifth of male adolescents have carried a weapon in the previous 12 months. Nevertheless, most of them (75.7%) have never used a weapon in a fight. Whether they carry a weapon for defense purposes or as a manly behavior remains to be elucidated. However, urban foreign-born adolescents who quarrel while intoxicated are the most at risk of using a weapon in a fight, and therefore culturally-sensitive prevention approaches need to be developed to decrease violence in this specific population of youth. Having school problems or using illegal drugs other than cannabis seem to differentiate between those who use it in a fight occasionally (once or twice) and those who do it more often.
The lifetime risk of having epileptic seizures is profoundly increased in patients with cancer: about 20% of all patients with systemic cancer may develop brain metastases. These patients and those with primary brain tumours have a lifetime risk of epilepsy of 20-80%. Moreover, exposure to chemotherapy or radiotherapy to the brain, cancer-related metabolic disturbances, stroke, and infection can provoke seizures. The management of epilepsy in patients with cancer includes diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cerebral pathological changes, secondary prophylaxis with antiepileptic drugs, and limiting of the effect of epilepsy and its treatment on the efficacy and tolerability of anticancer treatments, cognitive function, and quality of life. Because of the concern of drug-drug interactions, the pharmacological approach to epilepsy requires a multidisciplinary approach, specifically in a setting of rapidly increasing choices of agents both to treat cancer and cancer-associated epilepsy.
Kirton's Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAI) is a widely-used measure of "cognitive style." Surprisingly, there is very little research investigating the discriminant and incremental validity of the KAI. In two studies (n = 213), we examined whether (a) we could predict KAI scores with the "big five" personality dimensions and (b) the KAI scores predicted leadership behavior when controlling for personality and ability. Correcting for measurement error, we found that KAI scores were predicted mostly by personality and gender (multiple R = 0.82). KAI scores did not predict variance in leadership while controlling for established predictors. Our findings add to recent literature that questions the uniqueness and utility of cognitive style or similar "style" constructs; researchers using such measures must control for the big five factors and correct for measurement error to avoid confounded interpretations.
Pain assessment in critically ill infants and nonverbal children remains a challenge for health professionals. Despite the numerous pain observational measures that have been developed or adapted for infants and children with impaired communication, pain prevalence in paediatric and neonatal intensive care unit remains too high. As pain assessment has been recognised as a pre-requisite for appropriate pain management, much effort was put in the validation or the adaptation of pain measures with little emphasis on implementation of these instruments into practice. Only a few studies demonstrated the benefit of using standardised protocols for the management of pain to guide practice with variable effects. When standardised protocols are undeniably useful in practice, they do not replace health professionals' clinical reasoning necessary to care for individuals. The diversity of the PICU population makes that pain scores need to be interpreted within its clinical context. This session will present pain assessment as a complex transaction that describes structured clinical reasoning from expert nurses that goes beyond the "silver" standard of hetero-evaluation of pain in non-communicative children. Besides pain scores, several patients and nurses factors play a major role in making decisions about analgesia and/or sedation. Patient's clinical instability, change in patient's clinical status, source for observed agitated behaviour, patient's known reactions to analgesia and sedation and anticipation of risks are factors that should be taken into account when implementing pain assessment and management guidelines in PICU and NICU.