75 resultados para IN-OFFICE
BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, 30% of HIV-infected individuals are diagnosed late. To optimize HIV testing, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) updated 'Provider Induced Counseling and Testing' (PICT) recommendations in 2010. These permit doctors to test patients if HIV infection is suspected, without explicit consent or pre-test counseling; patients should nonetheless be informed that testing will be performed. We examined awareness of these updated recommendations among emergency department (ED) doctors. METHODS: We conducted a questionnaire-based survey among 167 ED doctors at five teaching hospitals in French-Speaking Switzerland between 1(st) May and 31(st) July 2011. For 25 clinical scenarios, participants had to state whether HIV testing was indicated or whether patient consent or pre-test counseling was required. We asked how many HIV tests participants had requested in the previous month, and whether they were aware of the FOPH testing recommendations. RESULTS: 144/167 doctors (88%) returned the questionnaire. Median postgraduate experience was 6.5 years (interquartile range [IQR] 3; 12). Mean percentage of correct answers was 59 ± 11%, senior doctors scoring higher (P=0.001). Lowest-scoring questions pertained to acute HIV infection and scenarios where patient consent was not required. Median number of test requests was 1 (IQR 0-2, range 0-10). Only 26/144 (18%) of participants were aware of the updated FOPH recommendations. Those aware had higher scores (P=0.001) but did not perform more HIV tests. CONCLUSIONS: Swiss ED doctors are not aware of the national HIV testing recommendations and rarely perform HIV tests. Improved recommendation dissemination and adherence is required if ED doctors are to contribute to earlier HIV diagnoses.
The influenza of the winter of 1889-90 was one of the first epidemics to spread all over the world. At the time, several people hypothesized that the railway was one of the main vectors of diffusion of this influenza. This hypothesis was defended in Switzerland especially by Schmid, Chief of the Swiss Office of Health, who collected an impressive body of material about the spread of the epidemic in that country. These data on influenza combined with data about the structure of the railway are used in this paper in order to test the hypothesis of a mixed diffusion process, first between communes interconnected by the railway, and secondly, between those communes and neighbouring communes. An event history analysis model taking into account diffusion effects is proposed and estimated. Results show that the hypothesis is supported if the railway network in Switzerland is not taken as a whole but if a distinction between railway companies is made.
La consommation actuelle de sel (chlorure de sodium) est très supérieure aux besoins physiologiques (1,5 g par jour, soit environ 550 mg par jour de sodium) dans la plupart des pays (> 8 g par jour). Les principales sources de sel sont les pains, les fromages, les produits dérivés de la viande et les plats précuisinés. En moyenne, une consommation élevée de sel est associée à une pression artérielle plus élevée. En Suisse, un adulte sur trois souffre d'hypertension artérielle. La moitié des accidents vasculaires cérébraux et des maladies cardiaques ischémiques sont attribuables à une pression artérielle trop élevée. L'Office fédéral de la santé publique conduit actuellement une stratégie visant à diminuer la consommation de sel dans la population suisse à moins de 5 g par jour sur le long terme (Salz Strategie 2008-2012). [Abstract] Current dietary salt (sodium chloride) intake largely exceeds physiological needs (about 1.5 g salt per day, or 550 mg sodium per day) in most countries (> 8 g salt per day). The main sources of dietar salt intake are breads, cheeses, products derived from meat and ready-to-eat meals. On average, a high-salt diet is associated with higher blood pressure levels. In Switzerland, one out of three adults suffers from arterial hypertension. Half of cerebrovascular events and ischaemic cardiac events are attributable to elevated blood pressure. The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health is currently running a strategy aiming at reducing dietary salt intake in the Swiss population to less than 5 g per day on the long run (Salz Strategie 2008-2012).
The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health's (FOPH) updated its recommendations on fat consumption in 2013. The report recommends that maximum 10% of the daily caloric intake should come from saturated fatty acids, and the total fat intake should account for 20-35%. There is no limitation to dietary cholesterol consumption. Recent studies have shown that replacing consumption of saturated fatty acids by unsaturated fatty acids is more beneficial in terms of cardiovascular prevention than a low fat diet. The purpose of this article is to review the FOPH recommendations on dietary fat as well as the current evidence about their cardiovascular benefit, and to provide a translation of these scientific recommendations into clinical advice.
A transportable, whole body indirect calorimeter, designed for use in the tropics, is described. The calorimeter was built to study energy expenditure of people having chronically or acutely low levels of food intake, and it will help to determine energy adaptations made by individuals with restricted food intake. The calorimeter comprises two units: a 27 m3 ventilated chamber connected to an office housing control and monitoring equipment. The system also allows the experimenter to assess the rate of energy expenditure by means of a ventilated hood or a baby respiration chamber. The incoming air flow rate is variable and is typically set at approximately 30 l/min. Carbon dioxide production (VCO2) and oxygen consumption (VO2) are continuously monitored by means of differential gas analysers via a computerized data acquisition unit. Gas production/consumption rates are measured with a delay of 80 s, the complete response to step changes in VCO2 or VO2 consumption being calculated over 15 min using the rate of change terms in the gas exchange equations. The total electrical power required for the whole system is 12 kW. The calorimeter has been functioning for nearly 4 years in a rural village of The Gambia during which ambient temperatures have ranged from 16 to 44 degrees C and dewpoints from -8 to 24 degrees C. The performance and accuracy of the calorimeter were tested using 20 per cent CO2 in N2 infusion and butane burning. Agreement between the theoretical and the measured values was found to be 99 per cent for VO2 and 100 per cent for VCO2 with a precision for both gases of +/- 10 ml/min over a 1-h period.
Every medical practitioner is confronted on a daily basis with emergencies. Among these, life-threatening emergencies can have disastrous consequences in term of morbidity and mortality; 22 cardiac arrests and 10 deaths were reported among the 1,650 Swiss practices during a 5 year period. The occurrence of life-threatening emergencies at the office necessitates, according to the type and place of the practice, the skills of the practitioner and the organization of his practice, the implementation of procedures, equipments (for example room equipped with a defibrillator, respiratory nebulizer, splints, emergency drugs) and specific continuous education programs that should be encouraged and made available to the whole medical corporation.
Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence in Switzerland is 0.4% and 30% of HIV patients are diagnosed with CD4 counts <200 cells/microliter. In 2010, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (SFOP) published updated guidelines regarding Physician- Initiated Counseling and Testing (PICT) for HIV. In the new guidelines, when acute HIV infection is suspected or HIV is among the differential diagnoses, an HIV test is performed without risk assessment nor prior counseling, unless the patient specifically refuses it. Counseling and verbal consent are still required when the patient asks for an HIV test or belongs to a high risk group. Whist HIV testing in the emergency departments (ED) is recommended, only 1% of patients are currently screened. Lack of awareness among physicians has been cited in the literature as the first barrier to guideline implementation. Objectives: To test if physicians working in EDs of 5 large teaching hospitals in western Switzerland, admitting 175,000 patients / year, were aware of the updated SFOP guidelines. Methods: A survey was delivered to 167 ED physicians in the summer of 2011. The survey consisted of 26 vignettes designed to test whether physicians would request an HIV test according to the new guidelines and if they knew when the PICT strategy was allowed or counseling required. Finally, physicians were asked the number of HIV tests they had requested in the previous 4 weeks, and if they were aware of the new HIV guidelines. Results are presented as mean and standard deviation, median and interquartile range (IQR), or as proportions; Student's t test was used to compare continuous variables; Results: 143 physicians returned the survey (86%); mean age was 32 ± 8 years, and median postgraduate experience of 6 years (IQR 3-12); 52% were male and 17% were attendings. The percentage of correct responses was 60 ± 13% with no difference between attendings and residents (p = 0.31); 2 of the 3 questions with the lowest scores were failure to recognize situations in which HIV testing was indicated, and the third one a failure to recognize acute HIV infection. 82% of physicians were not aware of the new guidelines. The median number of test requests was 1 (IQR 0-2, range 1-10). Conclusion: ED physicians are not aware of current HIV screening guidelines published by the SFOP, and rarely perform HIV tests. An information campaign is required if ED physicians are expected to play a significant role in the reduction of undiagnosed HIV patients.
The antihypertensive effects of the beta-blocking agent betaxolol and the calcium entry blocker verapamil were compared in a crossover single-blind trial. Seventeen patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension took either betaxolol or a slow-release formulation of verapamil for two consecutive 6-week periods. The sequence of treatment phases was randomly allocated and a 2-week washout period preceded each treatment. The antihypertensive effect of the test drugs was assessed both at the physician's office and during everyday activities using a portable blood pressure recorder. The crossover design of the trial made it possible to evaluate the antihypertensive efficacy of betaxolol and verapamil both in the group as a whole and in the individual patient. The individual patient response to one of these agents was not a reliable indicator of the same patient's response to the alternative agent. Betaxolol brought both office and ambulatory recorded blood pressures under control in a larger fraction of patients than verapamil, although the magnitude of the blood pressure fall in the responders was equal for each drug. These observations stress the need for an individualized approach to the evaluation of antihypertensive therapy. The present results also demonstrate that optimal antihypertensive therapy is still a matter of trial and error. The precise methodology that ought to characterize crossover trials may make it possible to improve the therapeutic approach to hypertensive patients.
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: "By-the-way" syndrome, a new problem raised by the patient at an encounter's closure, is common, but little is known about how physicians respond when it occurs. We analyzed the content of the syndrome, predictors of its appearance, and the physician response. DESIGN/PARTICIPANTS: Cross-sectional study of 92 videotaped encounters in an academic primary care clinic. RESULTS: The syndrome occurred in 39.1% of observed encounters. Its major content was bio-psychosocial (39%), psychosocial (36%), or biomedical (25%), whereas physician responses were mostly biomedical (44%). The physician response was concordant with the patient's question in 61% of encounters if the content of the question was psychosocial, 21% if bio-psychosocial, and 78% if biomedical; 32% of physicians solicited the patient's agenda two times or more in the group without, versus 11% in the group with, the syndrome (P = 0.02). In 22% of the encounters, physicians did not give any answer to the patient's question, particularly (38.5%) if it was of psychosocial content. CONCLUSIONS: "By-the-way" syndrome is mainly bio-psychosocial or psychosocial in content, whereas the physician response is usually biomedical. Asking about the patient's agenda twice or more during the office visit might decrease the appearance of this syndrome.
To assess the reliability of the Remler system, a semi-automatic pressure recording device, several blood pressures were measured simultaneously by the conventional auscultatory method and by the Remler in 12 normotensive volunteers. In all situations tested both the Remler and auscultatory blood pressures were very close, thus demonstrating the reliability of this new technique. Ambulatory blood pressure recordings were then obtained with the Remler in 245 untreated patients referred for hypertension by their private physicians. Surprisingly, in close to 60% of them the average of all blood pressures recorded during usual activities was within the normal range. Since cardiovascular complications seem to correlate better with ambulatory than with office blood pressure levels, the Remler system appears particularly useful in recognizing those patients who, although hypertensive in the physician's office, remain normotensive during the day and therefore may not require antihypertensive treatment.
BACKGROUND: In 2008, the Swiss Civil Code was amended. From 1 January 2013, each Swiss canton may propose specific provisions for involuntary outpatient treatment (community treatment orders (CTOs)) for individuals with mental disorders. AIM: This review catalogues the legal provisions of the various Swiss cantons for CTOs and outlines the differences between them. It sets this in the context of variations in clinical provisions between the cantons. METHODS: Databases were searched to obtain relevant publications about CTOs in Switzerland. The Swiss Medical Association, Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Swiss Health Observatory and all the 26 Cantonal medical officers were contacted to complete the information. Conférence des cantons en matière de protection des mineurs et des adultes (COPMA), the authority which monitors guardianship legislation, and Pro Mente Sana, a patients' right association, were also approached. RESULTS: Three articles about CTOs in Switzerland were identified. Psychiatric provisions vary considerably between cantons and only a few could provide complete or even partial figures for rates of compulsion in previous years. Prior to 2013, only 6 of the 20 cantons, for which information was returned, had any provision for CTOs. Now, every canton has some form of legal basis but the level of detail is often limited. In eight cantons, the powers of the measure are not specified (for example, use of medication). In 12 cantons, the maximum duration of the CTO is not specified. German speaking cantons and rural cantons are more likely to specify the details of CTOs. CONCLUSION: Highly variable Swiss provision for CTOs is being introduced despite the absence of convincing international evidence for their effectiveness or good quality data on current coercive practice. Careful monitoring and assessment of these new cantonal provisions are essential.
OBJECTIVE: White coat hypertensive is a pre-hypertensive state that has been associated with increased sympathetic drive. The objective of the study was to compare the exposure of the kidney to sympathetic nerve activity using urinary normetanephrine (UNMN) as a marker of renal sympathetic exposure in white coat hypertensive (WCH) and healthy normotensive (HN) participants. DESIGN AND METHOD: This was a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled crossover study. WCH were included if office blood pressure was >140/80 mmHg and ambulatory blood pressure <135/85 mmHg and HN if OBP was <140/90 mmHg and ABP <135/85 mmHg Participants were randomized to receive either 16 mg of candesartan or a matched placebo for one week before study day. On the study day systemic and renal hemodynamics as well as plasma norepinephrine and urinary excretion of normetanephrine (measured by LC/MS-MS were measured after one hour of baseline, one hour of lower body negative pressure and one hour of recovery period. Excretion of UNMN was expressed as the total of UNMN excreted during these three hours (cumUNMN). Paired or unpaired t-test were used for comparison. RESULTS: 25 HN and 12 WCH participants were included in the study. Mean age (±standard deviation), BMI were respectively 31.0±10.5 years and 22.0 ± 2.2 Kg/m2 in HN and 40.7±17.8 years and 26.7 ± 6.3 Kg/m2 in WCH.Table 1 Baseline mean blood pressure, plasma noradrenaline and cumulated UNMN during placebo and candesartan(Figure is included in full-text article.)Mean blood pressure was higher during placebo and candesartan in WCH compared to HN. Cumulated UNMN was higher in both groups after candesartan treatment. Cumulated UNMN was higher in WCH than in HN only after candesartan treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary excretion of normetanephrine is increased in WCH compared to HN when treated with candesartan. The increased excretion of uNMN when the renin angiotensin system is blocked might reflect an increased sensitivity of WCH to stress conditions such as orthostatic stress.
La transfusion de concentrés plaquettaires, dès 1958, a permis d'augmenter l'espérance et la qualité de vie des patients dans le domaine de l'onco-hématologie, notamment en réduisant les risques hémorragiques induits par les chimiothérapies intensives. Après le traumatisme de l'affaire du sang contaminé dans les années 1980-1990, la médecine transfusionnelle a adopté des exigences de sécurité et de qualité très strictes et régulées dans plusieurs pays par les instances politiques. Cependant même les mesures de qualité les plus strictes n'ont permis d'atteindre le risque « zéro », notamment en ce qui concerne les contaminations bactériennes. De plus, la prise de conscience de l'existence de nouveaux pathogènes (West Nile Virus, Chikungunya, Prions) a stimulé le développement de 3 techniques d'inactivation des pathogènes pouvant s'appliquer au plasma et aux concentrés plaquettaires : la technique INTERCEPT utilisant l'amotosalen/UVA, la technique MIRASOL avec la riboflavine/UV et la technique THERAFLEX avec les UVC. La Suisse a fait office de pionnière en étant le premier pays au monde à adopter de manière généralisée l'inactivation des pathogènes par la technique INTERCEPT pour les concentrés plaquettaires dès 2011 après sa validation par Swissmedic en 2009 et son implémentation réussie dans plusieurs centres de transfusion pilotes. Coïncidence? Le décès tragique d'un patient pédiatrique en 2009 suite à une contamination bactérienne par une transfusion de concentré plaquettaire a précédé cette décision. Les cliniciens ont besoin de disposer de concentrés plaquettaires sûrs d'un point de vue microbiologique mais également sur le plan hémostatique, d'où la nécessité de disposer de preuves solides sur l'efficacité thérapeutique de ces nouveaux produits. Ceci a fait l'objet de la revue publiée dans Blood Reviews « The clinical and biological impact of new pathogen inactivation technologies on platelets concentrates » dont l'originalité est de couvrir l'étude de l'effet des processus d'inactivation des pathogènes sur la fonction plaquettaire sous toutes ses facettes allant de la protéomique aux études d'hémovigilance. Ce travail montre l'efficacité de ces méthodes et leur sécurité et souligne que l'observation de taux de recirculation moindre peut être compensée par une augmentation du statut d'activation des plaquettes. Le deuxième article publié comme co-auteur dans le journal Blood Transfusion « In vitro evaluation of pathogen-inactivated buffy coat-derived platelet concentrates during storage: The psoralen-based photochemical treatment step-by-step » se pose la question de la modification des propriétés fonctionnelles des plaquettes dans une étude à deux bras (par comparaison entre plaquettes traitées et non traitées). En plus de deux tests utilisés en pratique clinique (agrégation plaquettaire et cytométrie de flux) un test expérimental d'adhésion plaquettaire au fibrinogène en condition statique a été développé en collaboration avec le Prof Angelillo-Scherrer dans le cadre du laboratoire de recherche et développement du SRTS-VD. Les résultats obtenus démontrent la conservation du métabolisme plaquettaire et des changements mineurs dans la capacité d'agrégation mais une augmentation de la capacité d'adhésion au fibrinogène des plaquettes traitées probablement via une augmentation de la conversion de l'intégrine ailb(B3 dans sa forme activée. Les techniques d'inactivation des pathogènes appliqués aux concentrés plaquettaires représentent un important progrès dans le domaine de la médecine transfusionnelle. Leur impact au niveau moléculaire reste cependant encore en partie inconnu et fait l'objet d'études. Le défi actuel consiste à réussir à les adopter aux concentrés érythrocytaires, ce qui révolutionnerait la médecine transfusionnelle.
Renal denervation can reduce blood pressure in patients with uncontrolled hypertension. The adherence to prescribed antihypertensive medication following renal denervation is unknown. This study investigated adherence to prescribed antihypertensive treatment by liquid chromatography-high resolution tandem mass spectrometry in plasma and urine at baseline and 6 months after renal denervation in 100 patients with resistant hypertension, defined as baseline office systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg despite treatment with ≥3 antihypertensive agents. At baseline, complete adherence to all prescribed antihypertensive agents was observed in 52 patients, 46 patients were partially adherent, and two patients were completely non-adherent. Baseline office blood pressure was 167/88 ± 19/16 mmHg with a corresponding 24-h blood pressure of 154/86 ± 15/13 mmHg. Renal denervation significantly reduced office and ambulatory blood pressure at 6-month follow-up by 15/5 mmHg (p < 0.001/p < 0.001) and 8/4 mmHg (p < 0.001/p = 0.001), respectively. Mean adherence to prescribed treatment was significantly reduced from 85.0 % at baseline to 80.7 %, 6 months after renal denervation (p = 0.005). The blood pressure decrease was not explained by improvements in adherence following the procedure. Patients not responding to treatment significantly reduced their drug intake following the procedure. Adherence was highest for angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers and beta blockers (>90 %) and lowest for vasodilators (21 %). In conclusion, renal denervation can reduce office and ambulatory blood pressure in patients with resistant hypertension despite a significant reduction in adherence to antihypertensive treatment after 6 months.
QUESTION UNDER STUDY: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) among type 2 diabetic patients in primary care settings in Switzerland, and to analyse the prescription of antidiabetic drugs in CKD according to the prevailing recommendations. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, each participating physician was asked to introduce anonymously in a web database the data from up to 15 consecutive diabetic patients attending her/his office between December 2013 and June 2014. Demographic, clinical and biochemical data were analysed. CKD was classified with the KDIGO nomenclature based on estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and urinary albumin/creatinine ratio. RESULTS: A total of 1 359 patients (mean age 66.5 ± 12.4 years) were included by 109 primary care physicians. CKD stages 3a, 3b and 4 were present in 13.9%, 6.1%, and 2.4% of patients, respectively. Only 30.6% of patients had an entry for urinary albumin/creatinine ratio. Among them, 35.6% were in CKD stage A2, and 4.1% in stage A3. Despite prevailing limitations, metformin and sulfonylureas were prescribed in 53.9% and 16.5%, respectively, of patients with advanced CKD (eGFR <30 ml/min). More than a third of patients were on a dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 inhibitor across all CKD stages. Insulin use increased progressively from 26.8% in CKD stage 1-2 to 50% in stage 4. CONCLUSIONS: CKD is frequent in patients with type 2 diabetes attending Swiss primary care practices, with CKD stage 3 and 4 affecting 22.4% of cases. This emphasizes the importance of routine screening of diabetic nephropathy based on both eGFR and urinary albumin/creatinine ratio, the latter being largely underused by primary care physicians. A careful individual drug risk/benefit balance assessment is mandatory to avoid the frequently observed inappropriate prescription of antidiabetic drugs in CKD patients.