163 resultados para Hybrid working machines
The most evident symptoms of schizophrenia are severe impairment of cognitive functions like attention, abstract reasoning and working memory. The latter has been defined as the ability to maintain and manipulate on-line a limited amount of information. Whereas several studies show that working memory processes are impaired in schizophrenia, the specificity of this deficit is still unclear. Results obtained with a new paradigm, involving visuospatial, dynamic and static working memory processing, suggest that schizophrenic patients rely on a specific compensatory strategy. An animal model of schizophrenia with a transient deficit in glutathione during the development reveals similar substitutive processing, masking the impairment in working memory functions in specific test conditions only. Taken together, these results show coherence between working memory deficits in schizophrenic patients and in animal models. More generally, it is possible to consider that the pathological state may be interpreted as a reduced homeostatic reserve. However, this may be balanced in specific situations by efficient allostatic strategies. Thus, the pathological condition would remain latent in several situations, due to such allostatic regulations. However, to maintain a performance based on highly specific strategies requires in turn specific conditions, limitating adaptative resources in humans and in animals. In summary, we suggest that the psychological and physical load to maintain this rigid allostatic state is very high in patients and animal subjects.
In hybrid zones, endogenous counter-selection of hybrids is usually first expressed as reduced fertility or viability in hybrids of the heterogametic sex, a mechanism known as Haldane's rule. This phenomenon often leads to a differential of gene flow between sex-linked markers. Here, we address the possibility of a differential gene flow for Y chromosome, mtDNA and autosomal markers across the hybrid zone between the genetically and chromosomally well-differentiated species Sorex antinorii and Sorex araneus race Vaud. Intermarker comparison clearly revealed coincidental centre and very abrupt clines for all three types of markers. The overall level of genetic differentiation between the two species must be strong enough to hinder asymmetric introgression. Cyto-nuclear mismatches were also observed in the centre of hybrid zone. The significantly lower number of mismatches observed in males than in females possibly results from Y chromosome-mtDNA interactions. Results are compared with those previously reported in another hybrid zone between S. antinori and S. araneus race Cordon.
Genome-wide scans of genetic differentiation between hybridizing taxa can identify genome regions with unusual rates of introgression. Regions of high differentiation might represent barriers to gene flow, while regions of low differentiation might indicate adaptive introgression-the spread of selectively beneficial alleles between reproductively isolated genetic backgrounds. Here we conduct a scan for unusual patterns of differentiation in a mosaic hybrid zone between two mussel species, Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis. One outlying locus, mac-1, showed a characteristic footprint of local introgression, with abnormally high frequency of edulis-derived alleles in a patch of M. galloprovincialis enclosed within the mosaic zone, but low frequencies outside of the zone. Further analysis of DNA sequences showed that almost all of the edulis allelic diversity had introgressed into the M. galloprovincialis background in this patch. We then used a variety of approaches to test the hypothesis that there had been adaptive introgression at mac-1. Simulations and model fitting with maximum-likelihood and approximate Bayesian computation approaches suggested that adaptive introgression could generate a "soft sweep," which was qualitatively consistent with our data. Although the migration rate required was high, it was compatible with the functioning of an effective barrier to gene flow as revealed by demographic inferences. As such, adaptive introgression could explain both the reduced intraspecific differentiation around mac-1 and the high diversity of introgressed alleles, although a localized change in barrier strength may also be invoked. Together, our results emphasize the need to account for the complex history of secondary contacts in interpreting outlier loci.
The paper proposes an approach aimed at detecting optimal model parameter combinations to achieve the most representative description of uncertainty in the model performance. A classification problem is posed to find the regions of good fitting models according to the values of a cost function. Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification in the parameter space is applied to decide if a forward model simulation is to be computed for a particular generated model. SVM is particularly designed to tackle classification problems in high-dimensional space in a non-parametric and non-linear way. SVM decision boundaries determine the regions that are subject to the largest uncertainty in the cost function classification, and, therefore, provide guidelines for further iterative exploration of the model space. The proposed approach is illustrated by a synthetic example of fluid flow through porous media, which features highly variable response due to the parameter values' combination.
The hybrid treatment of aortic aneurysms is indicated in patients having the ostia of supra aortic or visceral branches taken in to the aneurysm. Indeed, these lesions are not eligible for classic endovascular treatment because the existing endoprostheses cannot provide perfusion of the side branches without inducing major endoleaks. The surgical technique consists of 2 steps: firstly, a by-pass between normal aorta and the major aortic branches involved in the aneurysm is performed to guarantee the perfusion of the organs such as brain, bowel, and after endoprosthesis deployment. Secondly, the endoprosthesis is deployed using the classical technique to isolate the aneurysm. The hybrid approach provides safe and reliable treatment of complex aortic aneurysms with mortality and morbidity rate far below the classical open surgery.
Calcium-dependent exocytosis of synaptic vesicles mediates the release of neurotransmitters. Important proteins in this process have been identified such as the SNAREs, synaptotagmins, complexins, Munc18 and Munc13. Structural and functional studies have yielded a wealth of information about the physiological role of these proteins. However, it has been surprisingly difficult to arrive at a unified picture of the molecular sequence of events from vesicle docking to calcium-triggered membrane fusion. Using mainly a biochemical and biophysical perspective, we briefly survey the molecular mechanisms in an attempt to functionally integrate the key proteins into the emerging picture of the neuronal fusion machine.
Differences in seasonal migratory behaviours are thought to be an important component of reproductive isolation in many organisms. Stable isotopes have been used with success in estimating the location and qualities of disjunct breeding and wintering areas. However, few studies have used isotopic data to estimate the movements of hybrid offspring in species that form hybrid zones. Here, we use stable hydrogen to estimate the wintering locations and migratory patterns of two common and widespread migratory birds, Audubon's (Setophaga auduboni) and myrtle (S. coronata) warblers, as well as their hybrids. These two species form a narrow hybrid zone with extensive interbreeding in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia and Alberta, Canada, which has been studied for over four decades. Isotopes in feathers grown on the wintering grounds or early on migration reveal three important patterns: (1) Audubon's and myrtle warblers from allopatric breeding populations winter in isotopically different environments, consistent with band recovery data and suggesting that there is a narrow migratory transition between the two species, (2) most hybrids appear to overwinter in the south-eastern USA, similar to where myrtle warblers are known to winter, and (3) some hybrid individuals, particularly those along the western edge of the hybrid zone, show Audubon's-like isotopic patterns. These data suggest there is a migratory divide between these two species, but that it is not directly coincident with the centre of the hybrid zone in the breeding range. We interpret these findings and discuss them within the context of previous research on hybrid zones, speciation and migratory divides.
BACKGROUND: Multimodality treatment suites for patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVM) have recently become available. This study was designed to evaluate feasibility, safety and impact on treatment of a new intraoperative flat-panel (FP) based integrated surgical and imaging suite for combined endovascular and surgical treatment of cerebral AVM. METHODS: Twenty-five patients with AVMs to treat with combined endovascular and surgical interventions were prospectively enrolled in this consecutive case series. The hybrid suite allows combined endovascular and surgical approaches with intraoperative scanner-like imaging (XperCT®) and intraoperative 3D rotational angiography (3D-RA). The impact of intraoperative multimodal imaging on feasibility, workflow of combined interventions, surgery, and unexpected imaging findings were analyzed. RESULTS: Twenty-five patients (mean age 38 ± 18.6 year) with a median Spetzler-Martin grade 2 AVM (range 1-4) underwent combined endovascular and surgical procedures. Sixteen patients presented with a ruptured AVM and nine with an unruptured AVM. In 16 % (n = 4) of cases, intraoperative imaging visualized AVM remnants ≤3 mm and allowed for completion of the resections in the same sessions. Complete resection was confirmed in all n = 16 patients who had follow-up angiography one year after surgery so far. All diagnostic and therapeutical steps, including angiographic control, were performed without having to move the patients CONCLUSION: The hybrid neurointerventional suite was shown to be a safe and useful setup which allowed for unconstrained combined microsurgical and neuroradiological workflow. It reduces the need for extraoperative angiographic controls and subsequent potential surgical revisions a second time, as small AVM remnants can be detected with high security.
Scaffold materials should favor cell attachment and proliferation, and provide designable 3D structures with appropriate mechanical strength. Collagen matrices have proven to be beneficial scaffolds for tissue regeneration. However, apart from small intestinal submucosa, they offer a limited mechanical strength even if crosslinking can enhance their mechanical properties. A more cell-friendly way to increase material strength is to combine synthetic polymer meshes with plastic compressed collagen gels. This work describes the potential of plastic compressed collagen-poly(lactic acid-co-ɛ-caprolactone) (PLAC) hybrids as scaffolds for bladder tissue regeneration. Human bladder smooth muscle and urothelial cells were cultured on and inside collagen-PLAC hybrids in vitro. Scaffolds were analyzed by electron microscopy, histology, immunohistochemistry, and AlamarBlue assay. Both cell types proliferated in and on the hybrid, forming dense cell layers on top after two weeks. Furthermore, hybrids were implanted subcutaneously in the backs of nude mice. Host cell infiltration, scaffold degradation, and the presence of the seeded bladder cells were analyzed. Hybrids showed a lower inflammatory reaction in vivo than PLAC meshes alone, and first signs of polymer degradation were visible at six months. Collagen-PLAC hybrids have potential for bladder tissue regeneration, as they show efficient cell seeding, proliferation, and good mechanical properties.