83 resultados para Hückel-Möbius transition states
It is commonly believed that majority voting enhances parties to cluster around the centre of the political space, whereas proportional systems (PR) foster great ideological divergence. The theoretical arguments for these expectations go back to the work of Downs (1957) and Duverger (1954). More recent studies, however, produced quite contradictory empirical findings. In this paper I will test whether similar arguments hold true for the positioning of candidates campaigning in different electoral systems. The elections for the two chambers of the Swiss Parliament and the data from the Swiss Electoral Studies (SELECTS) and the Swiss Voting Advice Application (VAA) smartvote offer an excellent - almost laboratory like - opportunity to do so empirically. The analyses show clearly, the theoretical claims that majority voting necessarily fosters more moderate positions find no support. The candidates for the Council of States, elected in a majority system, are not more moderate than their fellow party candidates for the National Council which are elected in a PR system.
BACKGROUND: Relatively little is known about the current health care situation and the legal rights of ageing prisoners worldwide. To date, only a few studies have investigated their rights to health care. However, elderly prisoners need special attention. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article is to critically review the health care situation of older prisoners by analysing the relevant national and international legal frameworks with a particular focus on Switzerland, England and Wales, and the United States (U.S.). METHODS: Publications on legal frameworks were searched using Web of Science, PubMed, MEDLINE, HeinOnline, and the National Criminal Justice Reference Service. Searches utilizing combinations of keywords relating to ageing prisoners were performed. Relevant reports and policy documents were obtained in order to understand the legal settings in Switzerland, England and Wales, and the U.S. All articles, reports, and policy documents published in English and German between 1774 to June 2012 were included for analysis. Using a comparative approach, an outline was completed to distinguish positive policies in this area. Regulatory approaches were investigated through evaluations of soft laws applicable in Europe and U.S. Supreme Court judgements. RESULTS: Even though several documents could be interpreted as guaranteeing adequate health care for ageing prisoners, there is no specific regulation that addresses this issue completely. The Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing contributes the most by providing an in-depth analysis of the health care needs of older persons. Still, critical analysis of retrieved documents reveals the lack of specific legislation regarding the health care for ageing prisoners. CONCLUSION: No consistent regulation delineates the provision of health care for ageing prisoners. Neither national nor international institutions have enforceable laws that secure the precarious situation of older adults in prisons. To initiate a change, this work presents critical issues that must be addressed to protect the right to health care and well-being of ageing prisoners. Additionally, it is important to design legal structures and guidelines which acknowledge and accommodate the needs of ageing prisoners.
The Totalp-Platta-Malenco ophiolites in the Eastern Central Alps offer a unique opportunity to study the behaviour of Li, Be and B in ultramafic rocks in response to serpentinization and to progressive Alpine metamorphism. These units represent the remnants of a former ocean-continent transition that was intensely serpentinized during exposure on the Jurassic seafloor of the Ligurian Tethys. From north to the south, three isograd reactions (lizardite double right arrow antigorite + brucite; lizardite + talc double right arrow antigorite; lizardite + tremolite double right arrow antigorite + diopside) have been used to quantify the evolution of the light element content of metamorphic minerals. We determined the Li, Be and B concentrations in major silicate minerals from the ultramafic bodies of Totalp, Platta and Malenco by secondary ion mass spectrometry. Mantle minerals have Be concentrations (e.g. <0.001-0.009 mu g/g in olivine) similar to the metamorphic minerals that replace them (e.g. <0.001-0.016 mu g/g in serpentine). The mantle signature of Be is thus neither erased during seafloor alteration nor by progressive metamorphism from prehnite-pumpellyite to epidote-amphibolite facies. In contrast, the Li and B inventories of metamorphic minerals are related to the lizardite-to-antigorite transition. Both elements display higher concentrations in the low-temperature serpentine polymorph lizardite (max. 156 mu/g Li, max. 318 mu g/g B) than in antigorite (max. 0.11 mu g/g Li, max. 12 mu g/g B). Calculated average B/Li ratios for lizardite (similar to 1395) and antigorite (similar to 115) indicate that Li fractionates from B during the lizardite-to-antigorite transition during prograde metamorphism in ultramafic rocks. In subduction zones, this signature is likely to be recorded in the B-rich nature of forearc fluids. Relative to oceanic mantle the Be content of mantle clinopyroxene is much higher, but similar to Be values from mantle xenoliths and subduction-related peridotite massifs. These data support previous hypothesis that the mantle rocks from the Eastern Central Alps have a subcontinental origin. We conclude that Be behaves conservatively during subduction metamorphism of ultramafic rocks, at least at low-temperature, and thus retains the fingerprint of ancient subduction-related igneous events in mantle peridotites. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Floral bilateral symmetry (zygomorphy) has evolved several times independently in angiosperms from radially symmetrical (actinomorphic) ancestral states. Homologs of the Antirrhinum majus Cycloidea gene (Cyc) have been shown to control floral symmetry in diverse groups in core eudicots. In the basal eudicot family Ranunculaceae, there is a single evolutionary transition from actinomorphy to zygomorphy in the stem lineage of the tribe Delphinieae. We characterized Cyc homologs in 18 genera of Ranunculaceae, including the four genera of Delphinieae, in a sampling that represents the floral morphological diversity of this tribe, and reconstructed the evolutionary history of this gene family in Ranunculaceae. Within each of the two RanaCyL (Ranunculaceae Cycloidea-like) lineages previously identified, an additional duplication possibly predating the emergence of the Delphinieae was found, resulting in up to four gene copies in zygomorphic species. Expression analyses indicate that the RanaCyL paralogs are expressed early in floral buds and that the duration of their expression varies between species and paralog class. At most one RanaCyL paralog was expressed during the late stages of floral development in the actinomorphic species studied whereas all paralogs from the zygomorphic species were expressed, composing a species-specific identity code for perianth organs. The contrasted asymmetric patterns of expression observed in the two zygomorphic species is discussed in relation to their distinct perianth architecture.
The aim of this study was to present the initial validation of a new questionnaire, the Transition to Retirement Questionnaire (TRQ) and to study its relationship with resistance to change and personality dimensions. Based on Schlossberg's typology of the retired, the TRQ is designed to assess five dimensions related to personal perceptions of transition to retirement, retirement, and personal plans and activities. The sample consisted of 1,054 professionally active or retired adults from the Swiss French-speaking Canton of Vaud. Exploratory principal components and confirmatory factor analyses highlighted a five-factor solution that fit coherently with Schlossberg's typology. Moreover, TRQ dimensions were related to resistance to change tendencies and personality dimensions. The TRQ seems to be an interesting tool for use in research but also for interventions with young retirees or people preparing for retirement.
The success of therapies for a number of pediatric disorders has posed new challenges for the long-term follow-up of adolescents with chronic endocrinopathies. Unfortunately, too many patients are lost during the transfer from pediatric to adult clinics. The transition process should be well-organized and include the young person and family. Recognizing the special needs of these adolescents is an important step in developing patient-centered approaches to care that enable patients to develop autonomy and self care skills. Key elements in this process include structured policies and guidelines, communication and close collaboration between pediatric and adult clinics, and integrating nurse clinicians in the transition process to help close the gaps in care.
Les Seychelles connaissent une transition épidémiologique accélérée, parallèlement au développement socio-économique rapide au cours des trois dernières décennies. Les ressources des Seychelles, qui reposaient traditionnellement sur la production de copra, proviennent actuellement de la pêche industrielle, du tourisme et de services. Le produit national brut par habitant était inférieur à US$ 500 en 1970 et s'élève actuellement à US$ 14'000 actuellement, ce qui place les Seychelles parmi les pays à revenu intermédiaire supérieur. L'étude de la transition aux Seychelles est non seulement intéressante dans ce contexte de transformation socio-économique rapide, mais aussi parce que des données fiables permettent de documenter cette transition depuis trois décennies. Premièrement, la population est régulièrement énumérée et les données montrent un vieillissement rapide, avec un doublement de la population adulte en 25 ans, ce qui entraîne inévitablement une augmentation du nombre total de patients souffrant de maladies chroniques. Deuxièmement, 4 enquêtes de population ont été effectuées en 25 ans (1989, 1994, 2004 et 2013). Il ressort des prévalences élevées de plusieurs facteurs de risque des malades cardiovasculaires (MCV), mais les tendances sont, heureusement, à la baisse pour les facteurs de risque « traditionnels » (tabagisme, hypertension, dyslipidémie) mais, malheureusement, à la hausse pour les facteurs métaboliques « modernes » (obésité, diabète).
(-)-1-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenetylamino)-3-(3,4-dihydroxy)-2-propanol [(-)-RO363] is a highly selective beta(1)-adrenergic receptor (beta(1)AR) agonist. To study the binding site of beta(1)-selective agonist, chimeric beta(1)/beta(2)ARs and Ala-substituted beta(1)ARs were constructed. Several key residues of beta(1)AR [Leu(110) and Thr(117) in transmembrane domain (TMD) 2], and Phe(359) in TMD 7] were found to be responsible for beta(1)-selective binding of (-)-RO363, as determined by competitive binding. Based on these results, we built a three-dimensional model of the binding domain for (-)-RO363. The model indicated that TMD 2 and TMD 7 of beta(1)AR form a binding pocket; the methoxyphenyl group of N-substituent of (-)-RO363 seems to locate within the cavity surrounded by Leu(110), Thr(117), and Phe(359). The amino acids Leu(110) and Phe(359) interact with the phenyl ring of (-)-RO363, whereas Thr(117) forms hydrogen bond with the methoxy group of (-)-RO363. To examine the interaction of these residues with beta(1)AR in an active state, each of the amino acids was changed to Ala in a constitutively active (CA)-beta(1)AR mutant. The degree of decrease in the affinity of CA-beta(1)AR for (-)-RO363 was essentially the same as that of wild-type beta(1)AR when mutated at Leu(110) and Thr(117). However, the affinity was decreased in Ala-substituted mutant of Phe(359) compared with that of wild-type beta(1)AR. These results indicated that Leu(110) and Thr(117) are necessary for the initial binding of (-)-RO363 with beta(1)-selectivity, and interaction of Phe(359) with the N-substituent of (-)-RO363 in an active state is stronger than in the resting state.
Les phacomatoses regroupent des maladies du développement du neurectoderme, engendrant des manifestations cutanées ou du système nerveux central. Les symptômes de ces maladies peuvent affecter les individus atteints à différents moments de leur vie. Il s'agit de maladies, héréditaires ou congénitales, qui sont transmises de façon variable. Effectivement, certaines, telles que la neurofibromatose, la sclérose tubéreuse ou la maladie de von Hippel-Lindau sont autosomiques dominantes, alors que d'autres, telles que la maladie de Sturge-Weber sont sporadiques. Des transmissions autosomiques récessives liées à X ou des formes mosaïques existent également. Une revue de la littérature, comprenant les cinq phacomatoses les plus fréquemment vues par un neurochirurgien (neurofibromatose de type I et II, sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville, maladie de Sturge-Weber-Krabbe, maladie de von Hippel-Lindau) a été effectuée en se centrant sur le diagnostic, la variabilité de la symptomatologie selon l'âge du patient et son traitement. Les cas de patients adultes et pédiatriques vus aux consultations de neurologie et neurochirurgie de l'hôpital de Lille (France) et Lausanne (Suisse), de 1961 à nos jours, ont été revus pour illustrer les différentes pathologies rencontrées, selon l'âge des patients atteints. Le phénotype de ces maladies se modifie avec l'âge, car les gènes incriminés sont des gènes impliqués dans la différentiation tissulaire et sont activés à des âges différents suivant les tissus. Le rôle du neurochirurgien sera variable selon l'âge et le syndrome du patient. Il importe de connaître les variations du phénotype de ces maladies avec l'âge ainsi que les conséquences à long terme des traitements pour proposer au patient un suivi neurochirurgical personnalisé. Phacomatoses, or neurocutaneous disorders, are a group of congenital and hereditary diseases characterized by developmental lesions of the neuroectoderm, leading to pathologies affecting the skin and the central nervous system. There is a wide range of pathologies affecting individuals at different moments of life. The genetics is variable: while neurofibromatosis 1 and 2, tuberous sclerosis and von Hippel-Lindau disease are all inherited as autosomal dominant traits, Sturge-Weber syndrome is sporadic. Other neurocutaneous disorders can be inherited as autosomal recessive traits (i.e., ataxia-telangiectasia), X-linked (i.e., incontinentia pigmenti) or explained by mosaicism (i.e., hypomelanosis of Ito, McCune-Albright syndrome). In this review, we discuss the major types of neurocutaneous disorders most frequently encountered by the neurosurgeon and followed beyond childhood. They include neurofibromatosis types 1 and 2, tuberous sclerosis, Sturge-Weber syndrome and von Hippel-Lindau disease. In each case, a review of the literature, including diagnosis, genetics and treatment will be presented. The lifespan of the disease with the implications for neurosurgeons will be emphasized. A review of cases, including both pediatric and adult patients, seen in neurosurgical practices in the Lille, France and Lausanne, Switzerland hospitals between 1961 and 2007 is presented to illustrate the pathologies seen in different age-groups. Because the genes mutated in most phacomatoses are involved in development and are activated following a timed schedule, the phenotype of these diseases evolves with age. The implication of the neurosurgeon varies depending on the patient's age and pathology. While neurosurgeons tend to see pediatric patients affected with neurofibromatosis type 1, tuberous sclerosis and Sturge-Weber syndrome, there will be a majority of adult patients with von Hippel-Lindau disease or neurofibromatosis type 2
The deep drop of the fertility rate in Italy to among the lowest in the world challenges contemporary theories of childbearing and family building. Among high-income countries, Italy was presumed to have characteristics of family values and female labor force participation that would favor higher fertility than its European neighbors to the north. We test competing economic and cultural explanations, drawing on new nationally representative, longitudinal data to examine first union, first birth, and second birth. Our event history analysis finds some support for economic determinants of family formation and fertility, but the clear importance of regional differences and of secularization suggests that such an explanation is at best incomplete and that cultural and ideational factors must be considered.