189 resultados para Gastric metaplasia


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Background: Dyslipidemia, a major component of the metabolic syndrome and an important cardiovascular risk factor, is one of the commonest comorbidity associated with morbid obesity. The aim of this paper is to show that RYGBP markedly improves dyslipidemia and that this improvement maintains over time. Patients and Methods: Prospectively updated databank for bariatric patients. Patients undergoing RYGBP have yearly blood tests during follow-up. The results for lipids at one to five years were compared with preoperative values. Results: The mean excess BMI loss after one and five years was 77,9 % and 72,3%respectively. After one year, there was a significant reduction of the mean total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol/HDL ratio and triglyceride values, which maintained up to five years, and an increase of the HDL fraction, which progressed until five years. The proportion of patients with abnormal values decreased from 24,3 to 6,2% for total cholesterol, from 45,1 to 11,7 %for HDL, from 53,3 to 21,9 for LDL, and from 40,5 to 10 % for triglycerides, with no significant change between three and five years, despite some weight regain. Conclusions: RYGBP rapidly improves all components of dyslipidemia, and thereby reduces the overall cardiovascular risk in operated patients.


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Small bowel intussusception is a rare long-term complication after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the etiology of which remains unclear. Except for one series reporting on 23 patients, case reports represent the vast majority of all cases reported so far. With this complete review of the world literature, based on a total of 63 patients including 2 of our own cases, we provide an extensive overview of the subject. The origin of intussusception after gastric bypass is different from that of intussusception of other causes, in that there is usually no lead point. It is likely related to motility disorders in the divided small bowel, especially in the Roux limb. This rare condition may cause obstruction and lead to bowel necrosis if not recognized and treated promptly. Clinical presentation is not specific. Computerized tomography scan represents the diagnostic test of choice, but surgery is sometimes the only way to establish the diagnosis. Treatment may be limited to reduction if the small bowel is viable, but resection of the affected segment is recommended on the basis of this review, since it seems to result in fewer recurrences. Knowledge of this entity and a high index of suspicion are required to make the correct diagnosis and offer appropriate treatment in a timely fashion.


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The omega-loop gastric bypass (OLGBP), also called "mini-gastric bypass" or "single-anastomosis" gastric bypass is a form of gastric bypass where a long, narrow gastric pouch is created and anastomosed to the jejunum about 200- 250 cm from the angle of Treitz in an omega loop fashion, thereby avoiding a jejuno-jejunostomy.Proponents of the OLGBP claim that it is a safer and simpler operation than the traditional Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP), easier to teach, that gives the same results in terms of weight loss than the RYGBP. One randomized study comparing the two techniques showed similar results after five years.The OLGBP is criticized because it creates an anastomosis between the gastric pouch and the jejunum where a large amount of biliopancreatic juices travel, thereby creating a situation where reflux of the latter into the stomach and distal esophagus is likely to develop. Such a situation has clearly been associated, in several animal studies, with an increased incidence of gastric cancer, especially at or close to the gastro-jejunostomy, and with an increased risk of lower esophageal cancer. In clinical practice, omega-loop gastrojejunostomies such as those used for reconstruction after gastric resection for benign disease or distal gastric cancer have been associated with the so called classical anastomotic cancer, linked to biliary reflux into the stomach, despite the fact that epidemiological studies about this do not show uniform results. Although no evidence at the present time links OLGBP to an increased risk of gastric cancer in the human, this possibility raises a concern among many bariatric surgeons, especially in the view that bariatric surgery is performed in relatively young patients with a long life expectancy, hence prone to develop cancer if indeed the risk is increased. Another arguments used against the OLGBP is that the jejuno-jejunostomy in the traditional RYGBP is easy to perform and associated with virtually no complication.Supporters of the OLGBP claim that the liquid that refluxes into the stomach after their procedure is not pure bile and pancreatic juice, but a combination of those with jejunal secretions, and that the latter is not as harmful. We would urge the proponents of the OLGBP to undertake the necessary animal studies to show that their assumption is indeed true before the procedure is performed widely, possibly leading to the development of hundreds of late gastric or esophageal carcinoma in the bariatric population. In the meantime, we strongly believe that RYGBP should remain the gold standard in gastric bypass surgery for morbid obesity.


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Until the mid-1990s, gastric cancer has been the first cause of cancer death worldwide, although rates had been declining for several decades and gastric cancer has become a relatively rare cancer in North America and in most Northern and Western Europe, but not in Eastern Europe, Russia and selected areas of Central and South America or East Asia. We analyzed gastric cancer mortality in Europe and other areas of the world from 1980 to 2005 using joinpoint regression analysis, and provided updated site-specific incidence rates from 51 selected registries. Over the last decade, the annual percent change (APC) in mortality rate was around -3, -4% for the major European countries. The APC were similar for the Republic of Korea (APC = -4.3%), Australia (-3.7%), the USA (-3.6%), Japan (-3.5%), Ukraine (-3%) and the Russian Federation (-2.8%). In Latin America, the decline was less marked, but constant with APC around -1.6% in Chile and Brazil, -2.3% in Argentina and Mexico and -2.6% in Colombia. Cancers in the fundus and pylorus are more common in high incidence and mortality areas and have been declining more than cardia gastric cancer. Steady downward trends persist in gastric cancer mortality worldwide even in middle aged population, and hence further appreciable declines are likely in the near future.


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BACKGROUND: Gastric banding (GB) is one of the most popular bariatric procedures for morbid obesity. Apart from causing weight loss by alimentary restriction, it can interfere with functions of the esophagus and upper stomach. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the results of extensive preoperative upper GI testing were correlated with long-term outcome and complications after GB. METHODS: Using a prospectively maintained computerized database including all the patients undergoing bariatric operations in both our hospitals, we performed a retrospective analysis of the patients who underwent complete upper gastrointestinal (GI) testing (endoscopy, pH monitoring, and manometry) before GB. RESULTS: One hundred thirty-four patients underwent complete testing before GB. Abnormal pH monitoring (increased total reflux time, increased diurnal reflux time, increased number of reflux episodes) predicted the development of complications and especially pouch dilatation and food intolerance. The mean De Meester score was higher among patients who developed complications than in the remaining ones (25.4 vs 17.7, P=0.03). High lower esophageal sphincter pressure also predicted progressive long-term food intolerance. Endoscopic findings were not predictive of the long-term outcome. CONCLUSIONS: There is some association between the function of the upper digestive tract and long-term complications after gastric banding. Abnormal pH monitoring predicts overall long-term complications, especially food intolerance with or without reflux, and pouch dilatation, and a high lower esophageal sphincter pressure predicts long-term food intolerance. Extended upper gastrointestinal testing with endoscopy, 24-h pH monitoring, and esophageal manometry is probably worthwhile in selecting patients for gastric banding.


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PURPOSE: To analyze the components of the favorable trends in gastric cancer in Europe. METHODS: From official certified deaths from gastric cancer and population estimates for 42 countries of the European geographical region, during the period 1950 to 2007, age-standardized death rates (World Standard Population) were computed, and an age-period-cohort analysis was performed. RESULTS: Central and Northern countries with lower rates in the 2005 to 2007 period, such as France (5.28 and 1.93/100,000, men and women respectively) and Sweden (4.49 and 2.21/100,000), had descending period and cohort effects that decreased steeply from the earliest cohorts until those born in the 1940s, to then stabilize. Former nonmarket economy countries had mortality rates greater than 20/100,000 men and 10/100,000 women, and displayed a later start in the cohort effect fall, which continued in the younger cohorts. Mortality remained high in some countries of Southern and Eastern Europe. CONCLUSIONS: The decrease in gastric cancer mortality was observed in both cohort and period effects but was larger in the cohorts, suggesting that the downward trends are likely to persist in countries with higher rates. In a few Western countries with very low rates an asymptote appears to have been reached for cohorts born after the 1940s, particularly in women.


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SUMMARY Barrett's esophagus (BE) is an acquired condition in which the normal squamous epithelium in the distal esophagus is replaced by a metaplastic columnar epithelium, as a complication of chronic gastroesophageal reflux. The clinical significance of this disease is its associated predisposition to esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). EAC is a highly lethal disease. Better understanding of the pathogenesis of columnar metaplasia and its progression to cancer might allow the identification of biomarkers that can be used for early diagnosis, which will improve the patient survival. In this study, an improved protocol for methylation-sensitive single-strand conformation analysis, which is used to analyze promoter methylation, is proposed and a methylation-sensitive dot blot assay is described, which allows a rapid, easy, and sensitive detection of promoter methylation. Both methods were applied to study the methylation pattern of the APC promoter in histologically normal appearing gastric mucosa. The APC promoter showed monoallelic methylation, and because the methylated allele differed between the different gastric cell types, this corresponded to allelic exclusion. The APC methylation pattern was frequently altered in noimal gastric mucosa associated with neoplastic lesions, indicating that changes in the pattern of promoter methylation might precede the development of neoplasia, without accompanying histological manifestations. An epigenetic profile of 10 genes important in EAC was obtained in this study; 5 promoter genes (APC, TIMP3, TERT, CDKN2A and SFRP1) were found to be hypermethylated in the tumors. Furthermore, the promoter of APC, TIMP3 and TERT was frequently methylated in BE samples from EAC patients, but rarely in BE samples that did not progress to EAC. These three biomarkers might therefore be considered as potential predictive markers for increased EAC risk. Analysis of Wnt pathway alterations indicated that WNT2 ligand is overexpressed as early as the low-grade dysplastic stage and downregulation by promoter methylation of the SFRP1 gene occurrs already in the metaplastic lesions. Moreover, loss of APC expression is not the only factor involved in the activation of the Wnt pathway. These results indicate that a variety of biologic, mostly epigenetic events occurs very early in the carcinogenesis of BE. This new information might lead to improved early diagnosis of EAC and thus open the way to a possible application of these biomarkers in the prediction of increased EAC risk progression. RESUME L'oesophage de Barrett est une lésion métaplasique définie par le remplacement de la muqueuse malpighienne du bas oesophage par une muqueuse cylindrique glandulaire, suite à une agression chronique par du reflux gastro-esophagien. La plus importante signification clinique de cette maladie est sa prédisposition au développement d'un adénocarcinome. Le pronostic de l'adénocarcinome sur oesophage de Barrett est sombre. Seule une meilleure compréhension de la pathogenèse de l'épithélium métaplasique et de sa progression néoplasique permettrait l'identification de biomarqueurs pouvant être utilisés pour un diagnostic précoce ; la survie du patient serait ainsi augmentée. Dans cette étude, un protocole amélioré pour l'analyse de la méthylation par conformation simple brin est proposé. De plus, une technique d'analyse par dot blot permettant une détection rapide, facile et sensible de la méthylation d'un promoteur est décrite. Les deux méthodes ont été appliquées à l'étude de la méthylation du promoteur du gène APC dans des muqueuses gastriques histologiquement normales. Le promoteur APC a montré une méthylation monoallélique et, parce que les allèles méthylés différaient entre les différents types de cellules gastriques, celle-ci correspondait à une méthylation allélique exclusive. La méthylation d'APC a été trouvée fréquemment altérée dans la muqueuse gastrique normale associée à des lésions néoplasiques. Ceci indique que des changements dans la méthylation d'un promoteur peuvent précéder le développement d'une tumeur, et cela sans modification histologique. Un profil épigénétique des adénocarcinomes sur oesophage de Barrett a été obtenu dans cette étude. Cinq promoteurs (APC, TIMP3, TERT, CDKN2A et SFRP1) ont été trouvés hyperméthylés dans les tumeurs. Les promoteurs d'APC, TIMP3 et TERT étaient fréquemment méthylés dans l'épithélium métaplasique proche d'un adénocarcinome et rarement dans l'épithélium sans évolution néoplasique. Ces trois biomarkers pourraient par conséquent être considérés comme marqueur prédicatif d'un risque accru de développer une tumeur. L'analyse des altérations de la voie Wnt a montré que WNT2 est surexprimé déjà dans des dysplasies de bas-grade et que la dérégulation de SFRP1 par méthylation de son promoteur intervenait dans les lésions métaplasiques. Une perte d'expression d'APC n'est pas le seul facteur impliqué dans l'activation de cette voie. Ces résultats montrent qu'une grande diversité d'événements biologiques, principalement épigénétiques, surviennent très tôt lors de la carcinogenèse de l'oesophage de Barrett. Ces nouveaux éléments pourraient améliorer le diagnostic précoce et rendre possible l'application de ces biomarqueurs dans la prédiction d'un risque accru de développer un adénocarcinome sur un oesophage de Barrett.


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BACKGROUND: Postoperative chemoradiotherapy (CRT) of gastric carcinoma improves survival among high- risk patients. This study was undertaken to analyse long-term survival probability and the impact of certain covariates on the survival outcome in affected individuals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between January 2000 and December 2005, 244 patients with gastric cancer underwent adjuvant radiotherapy (RT) in our institution. Data were retrieved retrospectively from patient files and analysed with SPSS version 21.0. RESULTS: A total of 244 cases, with a male to female ratio of 2.2:1, were enrolled in the study. The median age of the patients was 52 years (range, 20-78 years). Surgical margin status was positive or close in 72 (33%) out of 220 patients. Postoperative adjuvant RT dose was 46 Gy. Median follow-up was 99 months (range, 79-132 months) and 23 months (range, 2-155 months) for surviving patients and all patients, respectively. Actuarial overall survival (OS) probability for 1-, 3-, 5- and 10-year was 79%, 37%, 24% and 16%, respectively. Actuarial progression free survival (PFS) probability was 69%, 34%, 23% and 16% in the same consecutive order. AJCC Stage I-II disease, subtotal gastrectomy and adjuvant CRT were significantly associated with improved OS and PFS in multivariate analyses. Surgical margin status or lymph node dissection type were not prognostic for survival. CONCLUSIONS: Postoperative CRT should be considered for all patients with high risk of recurrence after gastrectomy. Beside well-known prognostic factors such as stage, lymph node status and concurrent chemotherapy, the type of gastrectomy was an important prognostic factor in our series. With our findings we add to the discussion on the definition of required surgical margin for subtotal gastrectomy. We consider that our observations in gastric cancer patients in our clinic can be useful in the future randomised trials to point the way to improved outcomes.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Formerly obese patients having undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) display both an accelerated digestion and absorption of carbohydrate and an increased plasma glucose clearance rate after meal ingestion. How RYGB effects postprandial kinetics of dietary lipids has yet not been investigated. METHODS: Plasma triglyceride (TG), apoB48, total apoB, bile acids (BA), fibroblast growth factor 19 (FGF19), and cholecystokinin (CCK) were measured in post-absorptive conditions and over 4-h following the ingestion of a mixed test meal in a cross-sectional, pilot study involving 11 formerly obese female patients 33.8 ± 16.4 months after RYGB surgery and in 11 weight- and age-matched female control participants. RESULTS: Compared to controls, RYGB patients had faster (254 ± 14 vs. 327 ± 7 min, p < 0.05) and lower (0.14 ± 0.04 vs. 0.35 ± 0.07 mM, p < 0.05) peak TG responses, but their peak apoB48 responses tended to be higher (2692 ± 336 vs. 1841 ± 228 ng/ml, p = 0.09). Their postprandial total BA concentrations were significantly increased and peaked earlier after meal ingestion than in controls. Their FGF19 and CCK concentrations also peaked earlier and to a higher value. CONCLUSIONS: The early postprandial apoB48 and BA responses indicate that RYGB accelerated the rate of dietary lipid absorption. The lower postprandial peak TG strongly suggests that the RYGB simultaneously increased the clearance of TG-rich lipoproteins. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT01891591.