174 resultados para Fission Track Method
Genetic analysis of fission yeast suggests a role for the spHop2-Mnd1 proteins in the Rad51 and Dmc1-dependent meiotic recombination pathways. In order to gain biochemical insights into this process, we purified Schizosaccharomyces pombe Hop2-Mnd1 to homogeneity. spHop2 and spMnd1 interact by co-immunoprecipitation and two-hybrid analysis. Electron microscopy reveals that S. pombe Hop2-Mnd1 binds single-strand DNA ends of 3'-tailed DNA. Interestingly, spHop2-Mnd1 promotes the renaturation of complementary single-strand DNA and catalyses strand exchange reactions with short oligonucleotides. Importantly, we show that spHop2-Mnd1 stimulates spDmc1-dependent strand exchange and strand invasion. Ca(2+) alleviate the requirement for the order of addition of the proteins on DNA. We also demonstrate that while spHop2-Mnd1 affects spDmc1 specifically, mHop2 or mHop2-Mnd1 stimulates both the hRad51 and hDmc1 recombinases in strand exchange assays. Thus, our results suggest a crucial role for S. pombe and mouse Hop2-Mnd1 in homologous pairing and strand exchange and reveal evolutionary divergence in their specificity for the Dmc1 and Rad51 recombinases.
Introduction: Ethylglucuronide (EtG) is a direct and specific metabolite of ethanol. Its determination in hair is of increasing interest for detecting and monitoring alcohol abuse. The quantification of EtG in hair requires analytical methods showing highest sensitivity and specificity. We present a fully validated method based on gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometry (GC-NCI-MS/MS). The method was validated using French Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Techniques (SFSTP) guidelines which are based on the determination of the total measurement error and accuracy profiles. Methods: Washed and powdered hair is extracted in water using an ultrasonic incubation. After purification by Oasis MAX solid phase extraction, the derivatized EtG is detected and quantified by GC-NCI-MS/MS method in the selected reaction monitoring mode. The transitions m/z 347 / 163 and m/z 347 / 119 were used for the quantification and identification of EtG. Four quality controls (QC) prepared with hair samples taken post mortem from 2 subjects with a known history of alcoholism were used. A proficiency test with 7 participating laboratories was first run to validate the EtG concentration of each QC sample. Considering the results of this test, these samples were then used as internal controls for validation of the method. Results: The mean EtG concentrations measured in the 4 QC were 259.4, 130.4, 40.8, and 8.4 pg/mg hair. Method validation has shown linearity between 8.4 and 259.4 pg/mg hair (r2 > 0.999). The lower limit of quantification was set up at 8.4 pg/mg. Repeatability and intermediate precision were found less than 13.2% for all concentrations tested. Conclusion: The method proved to be suitable for routine analysis of EtG in hair. GC-NCI-MS/MS method was then successfully applied to the analysis of EtG in hair samples collected from different alcohol consumers.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVE:. The information assessment method (IAM) permits health professionals to systematically document the relevance, cognitive impact, use and health outcomes of information objects delivered by or retrieved from electronic knowledge resources. The companion review paper (Part 1) critically examined the literature, and proposed a 'Push-Pull-Acquisition-Cognition-Application' evaluation framework, which is operationalized by IAM. The purpose of the present paper (Part 2) is to examine the content validity of the IAM cognitive checklist when linked to email alerts. METHODS: A qualitative component of a mixed methods study was conducted with 46 doctors reading and rating research-based synopses sent on email. The unit of analysis was a doctor's explanation of a rating of one item regarding one synopsis. Interviews with participants provided 253 units that were analysed to assess concordance with item definitions. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The content relevance of seven items was supported. For three items, revisions were needed. Interviews suggested one new item. This study has yielded a 2008 version of IAM.
Background:¦Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR) is a congenital malformation of the enteric nervous system due to the¦arrest of migration of neural crest cells to form the myenteric and submucosal plexuses. It leads to an anganglionic intestinal segment, which is permanently contracted causing intestinal obstruction. Its incidence is approximately 1/5000 birth, and males are more frequently affected with a male/female ratio of 4/1. The diagnosis is in most cases made within the first year of life. The rectal biopsy of the mucosa and sub-mucosa is the diagnostic gold standard.¦Purpose:¦The aim of this study was to compare two surgical approaches for HSCR, the Duhamel technique and the transanal endorectal pull-through (TEPT) in term of indications, duration of surgery, duration of hospital stay, postoperative treatment, complications, frequency of enterocolitis and functional outcomes.¦Methods:¦Fifty-nine patients were treated for HSCR by one of the two methods in our department of pediatric¦surgery between 1994 and 2010. These patients were separated into two groups (I: Duhamel, II: TEPT), which were compared on the basis of medical records. Statistics were made to compare the two groups (ANOVA test). The first group includes 43 patients and the second 16 patients. It is noteworthy that twenty-four patients (about 41% of all¦patients) were referred from abroad (Western Africa). Continence was evaluated with the Krickenbeck's score.¦Results:¦Statistically, this study showed that operation duration, hospital stay, postoperative fasting and duration of postoperative antibiotics were significantly shorter (p value < 0.05) in group II (TEPT). But age at operation and length of aganglionic segment showed no significant difference between the two groups. The continence follow-up showed generally good results (Krickenbeck's scores 1; 2.1; 3.1) in both groups with a slight tendency to constipation in group I and soiling in group II.¦Conclusion:¦We found two indications for the Duhamel method that are being referred from a country without¦careful postoperative surveillance and/or having a previous colostomy. Even if the Duhamel technique tends to be replaced by the TEPT, it remains the best operative approach for some selected patients. TEPT has also proved some advantages but must be followed carefully because, among other points, of the postoperative dilatations. Our postoperative standards, like digital rectal examination and anal dilatations seem to reduce the occurrence of complications like rectal spur and anal/anastomosis stenosis, respectively in the Duhamel method and the TEPT technique.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In bladder cancer, conventional white light endoscopic examination of the bladder does not provide adequate information about the presence of "flat" urothelial lesions such as carcinoma in situ. In the present investigation, we examine a new technique for the photodetection of such lesions by the imaging of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) fluorescence following topical application of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Several hours after bladder instillation of an aqueous solution of ALA in 34 patients, a Krypton ion laser or a filtered Xenon arc-lamp was used to excite PpIX fluorescence. Tissue samples for histological analysis were taken while observing the bladder wall either by means of a video camera, or by direct endoscopic observation. RESULTS: A good correlation was found between the PpIX fluorescence and the histopathological diagnosis. On a total of 215 biopsies, 143 in fluorescent and 72 in nonfluorescent areas, all visible tumors on white light cytoscopy appeared in a bright red fluorescence with the photodetection technique. In addition, this method permitted to discover 47 unsuspected carcinomatous lesions on white light observation, among which 40% were carcinoma in situ. CONCLUSION: PpIX fluorescence induced by instillation into the bladder of 5-ALA is an efficient method of mapping the mucosa in bladder carcinoma.
ABSTRACT The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a single celled eukaryote that has proved to be an excellent model system for the study of cell cycle control. S. pombe cells are rod shaped and grow mainly by elongation at their tips. They divide by formation of medially-placed cell wall, or septum, which cleaves the cell in two. Once the cell commits itself to mitosis the site of division is determined by formation of an acto-myosin based contractile ring at the cell cortex. The ring is assembled in stages throughout mitosis and contracts at the end of anaphase, coincident with spindle disassembly. The contraction, but not the assembly, of the ring requires the signal transduction network called the septation initiation network or SIN. The core components of the SIN are three protein kinases (cdc7p, sidl p and sid2p) and their regulatory subunits (spg1 p, cdcl4p and moblp, respectively). Signalling is dependent upon the nucleotide status of the GTPase spgl p, which is regulated by a two-component GAP protein, cdc16p-byr4p. Signalling is thought to emanate from the spindle pole body, where core SIN components are anchored to a scaffold comprised of sid4p and cdc11p. Activation of the SIN requires the protein kinase plolp, which also has additional roles in mitosis. SIN signalling is tightly regulated to assure the proper co-ordination of mitosis and cytokinesis. Ectopic activation of the SIN in interphase can uncouple septum formation from mitosis, while deregulated SIN signalling leads to formation of cells with multiple septa that do not cleave. Regulators of SIN activity are therefore of considerable interest. This study has concentrated upon two of these, dma1 and ubc8. I have demonstrated that dmal becomes essential when SIN signalling is activated. This leads me to propose a tripartite model for regulation of the SIN during the mitotic cell cycle. Increased expression of dma1 inhibits SIN signalling and prevents cell division. To identify potential targets and mediators of this, multicopy suppressors of dma1 toxicity were identified. One of these, ubc8, is the subject of this thesis. Genetic and molecular analyses are consistent with the view that ubc8p acts as an inhibitor of the SIN Localisation of ubc8p indicates that it is a nuclear protein. The ubc8 gene is not essential, but in its absence cells are unable to prevent septum formation if progression through mitosis is impaired. These data suggest that it may be an effector of the spindle assembly checkpoint. Together, these data shed new light upon the mechanisms by which cytokinesis is regulated in S. pombe. RESUME La levure Schizosaccharomyces pombe est un eucaryote unicellulaire qui est un bon système d'étude du cycle cellulaire. Les cellules de S. pombe sont en forme de bâtonnets et poussent par allongement aux deux bouts. Elles se divisent en formant une paroi au milieu de la cellule, qui s'appelle un septum et qui sépare la cellule en deux. Une fois que la cellule est engagée dans la mitose, le site de clivage est déterminé par la formation d'un anneau contractile d'acto-myosine au niveau du cortex cellulaire. Cet anneau est séquentiellement assemblé au cours de la mitose et se contacte à la fin de l'anaphase, au moment où le fuseau mitotique et désassemblé. La contraction, mais non pas l'assemblage, de l'anneau dépend d'un réseau de signalisation appelé septation initiation netvvork' ou SIN. Les composants centraux du SIN sont trois kinases (cdc7, sidi et sid2) ainsi que leurs sous-unités régulatrices (spgl, cdc14 et mob1, respectivement). La signalisation dépend du nucléotide rattaché à la GTPase spgl qui est régulée par une GAP comprenant deux sous-unités cdc16 et byr4. La signalisation est présumée provenir du pôle du fuseau où les composants centraux du SIN sont ancrés grâce à un échafaudage comprenant sid4 et cdcl 1. La signalisation est étroitement régulée pour assurer une bonne coordination entre mitose et cytokinèse. Une activation ectopique du SIN en interphase peut découpler la formation du septum de la mitose, engendrant des cellules à multiples septa qui ne sont pas clivés. C'est pourquoi les régulateurs du SIN sont d'un intérêt considérable. Cette étude se concentre autour de deux ces régulateurs, dma1 et ubc8. J'ai montré que dma1 devient essentiel quand la signalisation du SIN est activée. Ceci m'amène à proposer un modèle en trois parties pour la régulation du SIN durant la mitose. Une expression élevée de dma1 inhibe la signalisation du SIN et empêche la division cellulaire. Afin d'identifier des substrats ou médiateurs potentiels de la toxicité de dma1, des supresseurs en copies multiples ont été identifiés. Un de ces supresseurs, ubc8, constitue le deuxième sujet de cette thèse. Les études génétiques et moléculaires suggèrent un rôle inhibiteur du SIN par ubc8. Ubc8p est une protéine nucléaire, non essentielle, mais en son absence les cellules ne peuvent pas restreindre la fomation du septum, lorsque la progression de la mitose est perturbée. Les données suggèrent que ubc8 pourrait être un effecteur de point de contrôle de l'assemblage du fuseau mitotique. Prises dans leur ensemble, ces données apportent un nouvel éclairage sur les mécanismes de régulation de la cytokinèse dans S. pombe.
In the forensic examination of DNA mixtures, the question of how to set the total number of contributors (N) presents a topic of ongoing interest. Part of the discussion gravitates around issues of bias, in particular when assessments of the number of contributors are not made prior to considering the genotypic configuration of potential donors. Further complication may stem from the observation that, in some cases, there may be numbers of contributors that are incompatible with the set of alleles seen in the profile of a mixed crime stain, given the genotype of a potential contributor. In such situations, procedures that take a single and fixed number contributors as their output can lead to inferential impasses. Assessing the number of contributors within a probabilistic framework can help avoiding such complication. Using elements of decision theory, this paper analyses two strategies for inference on the number of contributors. One procedure is deterministic and focuses on the minimum number of contributors required to 'explain' an observed set of alleles. The other procedure is probabilistic using Bayes' theorem and provides a probability distribution for a set of numbers of contributors, based on the set of observed alleles as well as their respective rates of occurrence. The discussion concentrates on mixed stains of varying quality (i.e., different numbers of loci for which genotyping information is available). A so-called qualitative interpretation is pursued since quantitative information such as peak area and height data are not taken into account. The competing procedures are compared using a standard scoring rule that penalizes the degree of divergence between a given agreed value for N, that is the number of contributors, and the actual value taken by N. Using only modest assumptions and a discussion with reference to a casework example, this paper reports on analyses using simulation techniques and graphical models (i.e., Bayesian networks) to point out that setting the number of contributors to a mixed crime stain in probabilistic terms is, for the conditions assumed in this study, preferable to a decision policy that uses categoric assumptions about N.
BACKGROUND: Straylight gives the appearance of a veil of light thrown over a person's retinal image when there is a strong light source present. We examined the reproducibility of the measurements by C-Quant, and assessed its correlation to characteristics of the eye and subjects' age. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Five repeated straylight measurements were taken using the dominant eye of 45 healthy subjects (age 21-59) with a BCVA of 20/20: 14 emmetropic, 16 myopic, eight hyperopic and seven with astigmatism. We assessed the extent of reproducibility of straylight measures using the intraclass correlation coefficient. RESULTS: The mean straylight value of all measurements was 1.01 (SD 0.23, median 0.97, interquartile range 0.85-1.1). Per 10 years of age, straylight increased in average by 0.10 (95%CI 0.04 to 0.16, p < 0.01]. We found no independent association of refraction (range -5.25 dpt to +2 dpt) on straylight values (0.001; 95%CI -0.022 to 0.024, p = 0.92). Compared to emmetropic subjects, myopia reduced straylight (-.011; -0.024 to 0.02, p = 0.11), whereas higher straylight values (0.09; -0.01 to 0.20, p = 0.09) were observed in subjects with blue irises as compared to dark-colored irises when correcting for age. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of repeated measurements was 0.83 (95%CI 0.76 to 0.90). CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that straylight measurements with the C-Quant had a high reproducibility, i.e. a lack of large intra-observer variability, making it appropriate to be applied in long-term follow-up studies assessing the long-term effect of surgical procedures on the quality of vision.
RATIONALE: The aim of the work was to develop and validate a method for the quantification of vitamin D metabolites in serum using ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC/MS), and to validate a high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC/HRMS) approach against a tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) approach using a large clinical sample set. METHODS: A fast, accurate and reliable method for the quantification of the vitamin D metabolites, 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 (25OH-D2) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25OH-D3), in human serum was developed and validated. The C3 epimer of 25OH-D3 (3-epi-25OH-D3) was also separated from 25OH-D3. The samples were rapidly prepared via a protein precipitation step followed by solid-phase extraction (SPE) using an HLB μelution plate. Quantification was performed using both LC/MS/MS and LC/HRMS systems. RESULTS: Recovery, matrix effect, inter- and intra-day reproducibility were assessed. Lower limits of quantification (LLOQs) were determined for both 25OH-D2 and 25OH-D3 for the LC/MS/MS approach (6.2 and 3.4 µg/L, respectively) and the LC/HRMS approach (2.1 and 1.7 µg/L, respectively). A Passing & Bablok fit was determined between both approaches for 25OH-D3 on 662 clinical samples (1.11 + 1.06x). It was also shown that results can be affected by the inclusion of the isomer 3-epi-25OH-D3. CONCLUSIONS: Quantification of the relevant vitamin D metabolites was successfully developed and validated here. It was shown that LC/HRMS is an accurate, powerful and easy to use approach for quantification within clinical laboratories. Finally, the results here suggest that it is important to separate 3-epi-25OH-D3 from 25OH-D3. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Objectives. The goal of this study is to evaluate a T2-mapping sequence by: (i) measuring the reproducibility intra- and inter-observer variability in healthy volunteers in two separate scanning session with a T2 reference phantom; (2) measuring the mean T2 relaxation times by T2-mapping in infarcted myocardium in patients with subacute MI and compare it with patient's the gold standard X-ray coronary angiography and healthy volunteers results. Background. Myocardial edema is a consequence of an inflammation of the tissue, as seen in myocardial infarct (MI). It can be visualized by cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging using the T2 relaxation time. T2-mapping is a quantitative methodology that has the potential to address the limitation of the conventional T2-weighted (T2W) imaging. Methods. The T2-mapping protocol used for all MRI scans consisted in a radial gradient echo acquisition with a lung-liver navigator for free-breathing acquisition and affine image registration. Mid-basal short axis slices were acquired.T2-maps analyses: 2 observers semi- automatically segmented the left ventricle in 6 segments accordingly to the AHA standards. 8 healthy volunteers (age: 27 ± 4 years; 62.5% male) were scanned in 2 separate sessions. 17 patients (age : 61.9 ± 13.9 years; 82.4% male) with subacute STEMI (70.6%) and NSTEMI underwent a T2-mapping scanning session. Results. In healthy volunteers, the mean inter- and intra-observer variability over the entire short axis slice (segment 1 to 6) was 0.1 ms (95% confidence interval (CI): -0.4 to 0.5, p = 0.62) and 0.2 ms (95% CI: -2.8 to 3.2, p = 0.94, respectively. T2 relaxation time measurements with and without the correction of the phantom yielded an average difference of 3.0 ± 1.1 % and 3.1 ± 2.1 % (p = 0.828), respectively. In patients, the inter-observer variability in the entire short axis slice (S1-S6), was 0.3 ms (95% CI: -1.8 to 2.4, p = 0.85). Edema location as determined through the T2-mapping and the coronary artery occlusion as determined on X-ray coronary angiography correlated in 78.6%, but only in 60% in apical infarcts. All except one of the maximal T2 values in infarct patients were greater than the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval for normal myocardium. Conclusions. The T2-mapping methodology is accurate in detecting infarcted, i.e. edematous tissue in patients with subacute infarcts. This study further demonstrated that this T2-mapping technique is reproducible and robust enough to be used on a segmental basis for edema detection without the need of a phantom to yield a T2 correction factor. This new quantitative T2-mapping technique is promising and is likely to allow for serial follow-up studies in patients to improve our knowledge on infarct pathophysiology, on infarct healing, and for the assessment of novel treatment strategies for acute infarctions.
Rapport de synthèse : Objectif : Le but de ce travail est d`étudier l'angiographie par scanner multi-barrette (AS) dans l'évaluation de l'artériopathie oblitérante (AOMI) de l'aorte abdominale et des membres inférieurs utilisant une méthode adaptative d'acquisition pour optimiser le rehaussement artériel en particulier pour le lit artériel distal et les artères des pieds. Matériels et méthodes : Trente-quatre patients pressentant une AOMI ont bénéficié d'une angiographie trans-cathéter (ATC) et d'une AS dans un délai inférieur ou égal à 15 jours. L'AS a été effectuée du tronc coeliaque jusqu'aux artères des pieds en une seule acquisition utilisant une haute résolution spatiale (16x0.625 mm). La vitesse de table et le temps de rotation pour chaque examen ont été choisis selon le temps de transit du produit de contraste, obtenu après un bolus test. Une quantité totale de 130 ml de contraste à 4 ml/s a été utilisée. L'analyse des images de l'AS a été effectuée par deux observateurs et les données ATC ont été interprétées de manière indépendante par deux autres observateurs. L'analyse a inclus la qualité de l'image et la détection de sténose supérieure ou égale à 50 % par patient et par segment artériel. La sensibilité et la spécificité de l'AS ont été calculées en considérant l'ATC comme examen de référence. La variabilité Interobservateur a été mesurée au moyen d'une statistique de kappa. Résultas : L'ATC a été non-conclusive dans 0.7 % des segments, tandis que l'AS était conclusive dans tous les segments. Sur l'analyse par patient, la sensibilité et la spécificité totales pour détecter une sténose significative égale ou supérieure à 50 % étaient de 100 %. L'analyse par segment a montré des sensibilités et de spécificités variant respectivement de 91 à 100 % et de 81 à 100 %. L'analyse des artères distales des pieds a révélé une sensibilité de 100 % et une spécificité de 90 %. Conclusion : L'angiographie par CT multi-barrettes utilisant cette méthode adaptative d'acquisition améliore la qualité de l'image et fournit une technique non-invasive et fiable pour évaluer L'AOMI, y compris les artères distales des pieds.
p85cdc10 is a component of the S.pombe DSC-1 complex, which is thought to mediate periodic transcription of genes in late G1. In order to understand the role of p85cdc10 in the function of this complex, we have analysed which domains of p85cdc10 are required for biological activity and the formation of a stable DSC-1 complex in vitro, both in cdc10 temperature sensitive and null backgrounds. No DSC-1 activity is found in the absence of p85cdc10 and the activity of the complex is reduced or absent in all cdc10ts mutants tested. Full biological activity and rescue of a cdc10::ura4+ null allele requires the N-terminal domain, the cdc10/SWI6 repeats and the helical C-terminal region. In the absence of p85cdc10, both the C-terminal and cdc10/SWI6 repeat domains are required for DSC-1 activity in vitro. In a cdc10ts background, rescue of DSC-1 activity and complementation of mutants, requires only expression of the C-terminal domain, though the presence of the cdc10/SWI6 motifs enhances its activity. The N-terminal domain, alone, or in combination with the cdc10/SWI6 motifs, does not have biological activity, and does not restore DSC-1 activity. We conclude that both the C-terminal domain of p85cdc10 is critical for formation of the DSC-1 complex and that the cdc10/SWI6 motifs also play a role, perhaps by stabilizing the complex. Our data also suggest that the S.pombe DSC-1 complex contains more than one molecule of p85cdc10.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: A fast-track program is a multimodal approach for patients undergoing colonic surgery that combines stringent regimens of perioperative care (fluid restriction, optimized analgesia, forced mobilization, and early oral feeding) to reduce perioperative morbidity, hospital stay, and cost. We investigated the impact of a fast-track protocol on postoperative morbidity in patients after open colonic surgery. METHODS: A randomized trial of patients in 4 teaching hospitals in Switzerland included 156 patients undergoing elective open colonic surgery who were assigned to either a fast-track program or standard care. The primary end point was the 30-day complication rate. Secondary end points were severity of complications, hospital stay, and compliance with the fast-track protocol. RESULTS: The fast-track protocol significantly decreased the number of complications (16 of 76 in the fast-track group vs 37 of 75 in the standard care group; P = .0014), resulting in shorter hospital stays (median, 5 days; range, 2-30 vs 9 days, respectively; range, 6-30; P < .0001). There was a trend toward less severe complications in the fast-track group. A multiple logistic regression analysis revealed fluid administration greater than the restriction limits (odds ratio, 4.198; 95% confidence interval, 1.7-10.366; P = .002) and a nonfunctioning epidural analgesia (odds ratio, 3.365; 95% confidence interval, 1.367-8.283; P = .008) as independent predictors of postoperative complications. CONCLUSIONS: The fast-track program reduces the rate of postoperative complications and length of hospital stay and should be considered as standard care. Fluid restriction and an effective epidural analgesia are the key factors that determine outcome of the fast-track program.
Time is embedded in any sensory experience: the movements of a dance, the rhythm of a piece of music, the words of a speaker are all examples of temporally structured sensory events. In humans, if and how visual cortices perform temporal processing remains unclear. Here we show that both primary visual cortex (V1) and extrastriate area V5/MT are causally involved in encoding and keeping time in memory and that this involvement is independent from low-level visual processing. Most importantly we demonstrate that V1 and V5/MT are functionally linked and temporally synchronized during time encoding whereas they are functionally independent and operate serially (V1 followed by V5/MT) while maintaining temporal information in working memory. These data challenge the traditional view of V1 and V5/MT as visuo-spatial features detectors and highlight the functional contribution and the temporal dynamics of these brain regions in the processing of time in millisecond range. The present project resulted in the paper entitled: 'How the visual brain encodes and keeps track of time' by Paolo Salvioni, Lysiann Kalmbach, Micah Murray and Domenica Bueti that is now submitted for publication to the Journal of Neuroscience.