84 resultados para FECAL INCONTINENCE


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Abstract: The aim of the study was to assess the effects of epidural analgesia on pelvic floor function. Eighty- two primiparous women (group 1, consisting of 41 given an epidural, and group 2 of 41 not given an epidural) were investigated during pregnancy and at 2 and 10 months after delivery by a questionnaire, clinical examination, and assessment of bladder neck behavior, urethral sphincter function and intravaginal/intra-anal pressures. The prevalence of stress urinary incontinence was similar in both groups at 2 months (24% vs. 17%, P = 0.6) and 10 months (22% vs. 7%, P = 0.1), as was the prevalence of decreased sexual vaginal response at 10 months (27% vs. 10%, P= 0.08). Bladder neck behavior, urethral sphincter function and intravaginal and intra-anal pressures showed no significant differences between the two groups. Ten months after spontaneous delivery, there were no significant differences in the prevalence of stress urinary incontinence and decreased sexual vaginal response, or in bladder neck behavior, urethral sphincter function and pelvic floor muscle strength between women who had or had not had epidural analgesia.


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Background a nd A ims: D iscriminating irritable bowelsyndrome (IBS) from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can bea clinical c hallenge as s ymptoms c an overlap. We a nd othershave recently shown that fecal c alprotectin ( FC) is moreaccurate for d iscriminating IBS f rom IBD compared to C -reactive p rotein ( CRP) and b lood leukocytes. We a imed toassess which b iomarkers are used by g astroenterologists intheir daily practice for discriminating IBS from IBD.Methods: A q uestionnaire was sent to all board certifiedgastroenterologists in Switzerland in July 2010.Results: Response rate was 57% (153/270). Mean physician'sage was 50±9years, mean duration o f gastroenterologicpractice 1 4±8years, 52% of them were working in p rivatepractice a nd 48% in h ospitals. T he following biomarkers weredetermined for discriminating IBS from IBD: CRP 100%, FC79%, hematogram (red blood cells and leukocytes) 70%, ironstatus ( ferritin, t ransferrin s aturation) 59%, e rythrocytesedimentation rate 2.7%, protein electrophoresis 0.7%, andalpha-1 antitrypsin clearance 0.7%. There was a trend for usingFC more often in p rivate practice t han in h ospital ( P = 0.08).Eighty-nine percent of gastroenterologists considered FC to besuperior to CRP for discriminating IBS from IBD, 8 7% thoughtthat patient's compliance for fecal sampling is high, and 51%judged the fee of USD 60 for a FC test as appropriate.Conclusions: F C is widely used in c linical practice t odiscriminate IBS from IBD. In accordance with the scientificevidence, the majority of gastroenterologists consider FC to bemore accurate than CRP for discriminating IBS from IBD.


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Severe heart failure and cerebral stroke are broadly associated with the impairment of muscular function that conventional treatments struggle to restore. New technologies enable the construction of "smart" materials that could be of great help in treating diseases where the main problem is muscle weakness. These materials "behave" similarly to biological systems, because the material directly converts energy, for example electrical energy into movement. The extension and contraction occur silently like in natural muscles. The real challenge is to transfer this amazing technology into devices that restore or replace the mechanical function of failing muscle. Cardiac assist devices based on artificial muscle technology could envelope a weak heart and temporarily improve its systolic function, or, if placed on top of the atrium, restore the atrial kick in chronic atrial fibrillation. Artificial sphincters could be used to treat urinary incontinence after prostatectomy or faecal incontinence associated with stomas. Artificial muscles can restore the ability of patients with facial paralysis due to stroke or nerve injury to blink. Smart materials could be used to construct an artificial oesophagus including peristaltic movement and lower oesophageal sphincter function to replace the diseased oesophagus thereby avoiding the need for laparotomy to mobilise stomach or intestine. In conclusion, in the near future, smart devices will integrate with the human body to fill functional gaps due to organ failure, and so create a human chimera.


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La diarrhée congénitale de sodium est une maladie génétique très rare. Les enfants touchés par cette maladie présentent une diarrhée aqueuse sévère accompagnée d'une perte fécale de sodium et bicarbonates causant une déshydratation hyponatrémique et une acidose métabolique. Des analyses génétiques ont identifié des mutations du gène Spint2 comme cause de cette maladie. Le gène Spint2 code pour un inhibiteur de sérine protéase transmembranaire exprimé dans divers épithéliums tels que ceux du tube digestif ou des tubules rénaux. Le rôle physiologique de Spint2 n'est pas connu. De plus, aucun partenaire physiologique de Spint2 n'a été identifié et le mécanisme d'inhibition par Spint2 nous est peu connu. Le but de ce projet est donc d'obtenir de plus amples informations concernant la fonction et le rôle de Spint2 dans le contexte de la diarrhée congénitale de sodium, cela afin de mieux comprendre la physiopathologie des diarrhées et peut-être d'identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. Un test fonctionnel dans les ovocytes de Xenopus a identifié les sérine protéases transmembranaires CAPI et Tmprssl3 comme potentielles cibles de Spint2 dans la mesure où ces deux protéases n'étaient plus bloquées par le mutant de Spint2 Y163C qui est associé avec la diarrhée congénitale de sodium. Des expériences fonctionnelles et biochimiques plus poussées suggèrent que l'inhibition de Tmprssl3 par Spint2 est le résultat d'une interaction complexe entre ces deux protéines. Les effets des sérine protéases transmembranaires sur l'échangeur Na+-H+ NHE3, qui pourrait être impliqué dans la pathogenèse de la diarrhée congénitale de sodium ont aussi été testés. Un clivage spécifique de NHE3 par la sérine protéase transmembranaire Tmprss3 a été observé lors d'expériences biochimiques. Malheureusement, la pertinence physiologique de ces résultats n'a pas pu être évaluée in vivo, étant donné que le modèle de souris knockout conditionnel de Spint2 que nous avons créé ne montrait une réduction de l'expression de Spint2 que de 50% et aucun phénotype. En résumé, ce travail met en évidence deux nouveaux partenaires possibles de Spint2, ainsi qu'une potentielle régulation de NHE3 par des sérine protéases transmembranaires. Des expériences supplémentaires faites dans des modèles animaux et lignées cellulaires sont requises pour évaluer la pertinence physiologique de ces données et pour obtenir de plus amples informations au sujet de Spint2 et de la diarrhée congénitale de sodium. - The congenital sodium diarrhea is a very rare genetic disease. Children affected by this condition suffer from a severe diarrhea characterized by watery stools with a high fecal loss of sodium and bicarbonates, resulting in hyponatremic dehydration and metabolic acidosis. Genetic analyses have identified mutations in the Spint2 gene as a cause of this disease. The spint2 gene encodes a transmembrane serine protease inhibitor expressed in various epithelial tissues including the gastro-intestinal tract and renal tubules. The physiological role of Spint2 is completely unknown. In addition, physiological partners of Spint2 are still to be identified and the mechanism of inhibition by Spint2 remains elusive. Therefore, the aim of this project was to get insights about the function and the role of Spint2 in the context of the congenital sodium diarrhea in order to better understand the pathophysiology of diarrheas and maybe identify new therapeutic targets. A functional assay in Xenopus oocytes identified the membrane-bound serine proteases CAPI and Tmprssl3 as potential targets of Spint2 because both proteases were no longer inhibited by the mutant Spint2 Y163C that has been associated with the congenital diarrhea. Further functional and biochemical experiments suggested that the inhibition of Tmprssl3 by Spint2 occurs though a complex interaction between both proteins. The effects of membrane-bound serine proteases on the Na+-H+ exchanger NHE3, which has been proposed to be involved in the pathogenesis of the congenital sodium diarrhea, were also tested. A specific cleavage of NHE3 by the membrane-bound serine protease Tmprss3 was observed in biochemical experiments. Unfortunately, the physiological relevance of these results could not be assessed in vivo since the conditional Spint2 knockout mouse model that we generated showed a reduction in Spint2 expression of only 50% and displayed no phenotype. Briefly, this work provides two new potential partners of Spint2 and emphasizes a putative regulation of NHE3 by membrane-bound serine proteases. Further work done in animal models and cell lines is required to assess the physiological relevance of these results and to obtain additional data about Spint2 and the congenital diarrhea.


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In 2009, the American Cancer Society (ACS) Prostate Cancer Advisory Committee began the process of a complete update of recommendations for early prostate cancer detection. A series of systematic evidence reviews was conducted focusing on evidence related to the early detection of prostate cancer, test performance, harms of therapy for localized prostate cancer, and shared and informed decision making in prostate cancer screening. The results of the systematic reviews were evaluated by the ACS Prostate Cancer Advisory Committee, and deliberations about the evidence occurred at committee meetings and during conference calls. On the basis of the evidence and a consensus process, the Prostate Cancer Advisory Committee developed the guideline, and a writing committee drafted a guideline document that was circulated to the entire committee for review and revision. The document was then circulated to peer reviewers for feedback, and finally to the ACS Mission Outcomes Committee and the ACS Board of Directors for approval. The ACS recommends that asymptomatic men who have at least a 10-year life expectancy have an opportunity to make an informed decision with their health care provider about screening for prostate cancer after they receive information about the uncertainties, risks, and potential benefits associated with prostate cancer screening. Prostate cancer screening should not occur without an informed decision-making process. Men at average risk should receive this information beginning at age 50 years. Men in higher risk groups should receive this information before age 50 years. Men should either receive this information directly from their health care providers or be referred to reliable and culturally appropriate sources. Patient decision aids are helpful in preparing men to make a decision whether to be tested.


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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is predominantly characterized by a progressive loss of motor function. While autonomic dysfunction has been described in ALS, little is known about the prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and intestinal dysfunction. We investigated disease severity, LUTS and intestinal dysfunction in 43 patients with ALS attending our outpatient department applying the ALS functional rating scale, the International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire, the Urinary Distress Inventory and the Cleveland Clinic Incontinence Score. Results were compared to the German population of a cross-sectional study assessing LUTS in the healthy population, the EPIC study. Results showed that urinary incontinence was increased in patients with ALS aged ≥ 60 years compared to the EPIC cohort (female: 50%/19% (ALS/EPIC), p = 0.026; male: 36%/11% (ALS/EPIC), p = 0.002). No difference was seen at 40-59 years of age. Urge incontinence was the predominant presentation (73% of symptoms). A high symptom burden was stated (ICIQ-SF quality of life subscore 5.5/10). Intake of muscle relaxants and anticholinergics was associated with both urinary incontinence and severity of symptoms. Furthermore, a high prevalence of constipation (46%), but not stool incontinence (9%), was noted. In conclusion, the increased prevalence of urge incontinence and high symptom burden imply that in patients with ALS, LUTS should be increasingly investigated for.


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M. myotis and M. blythii are two sibling species of bats that live sympatrically over wide areas of the Western Palearctic region, and which often coexist intimately in their nursery roosts. According to the principle of <<limiting similarity>> this cohabitation should imply an interspecific ecological differentiation. The hypothesis of a niche separation at the trophic level is tested here. The fecal analysis of 300 droppings collected from a zone of sympatry shows a clear interspecific differentiation in diets : M. myotis eats mostly Carabidae (Coleoptera), whereas M. blythii captures essentially Tettigoniidae, Gryllidae and Acrididae (Orthoptera). Because they consume exclusively terrestrial arthropods, M. myotis and M. blythii are typical ground and/or grass gleaning bats. However, despite their narrow niches they are probably not specialized in the predation of only some definite categories of prey. The narrow diets probably reflect the high specialization of their modes of resource exploitation: M. myotis and M. blythii prey upon ground arthropods and they are likely to select for different foraging;g habitats. M. myotis probably prefers wooded feeding grounds (Carabidae) whereas M. blythii exploits herbaceous habitats (Orthoptera). The strong trophic segregation observed in sympatry between M. myotis and M. blythii shows that the interspecific competition is distinctly much weaker than the intraspecific one. This would explain the stable, intimate co-existence of these two virtual competitors.


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Different factors influence ADL performance among nursing home (NH) residents in long term care. The aim was to investigate which factors were associated with a significant change of ADL performance in NH residents, and whether or not these factors were gender-specific. The design was a survival analysis. The 10,199 participants resided in ninety Swiss NHs. Their ADL performance had been assessed by the Resident Assessment Instrument Minimum Data Set (RAI-MDS) in the period from 1997 to 2007. Relevant change in ADL performance was defined as 2 levels of change on the ADL scale between two successive assessments. The occurrence of either an improvement or a degradation of the ADL status) was analyzed using the Cox proportional hazard model. The analysis included a total of 10,199 NH residents. Each resident received between 2 and 23 assessments. Poor balance, incontinence, impaired cognition, a low BMI, impaired vision, no daily contact with proxies, impaired hearing and the presence of depression were, by hierarchical order, significant risk factors for NH residents to experience a degradation of ADL performance. Residents, who were incontinent, cognitively impaired or had a high BMI were significantly less likely to improve their ADL abilities. Male residents with cancer were prone to see their ADL improve. The year of NH entry was significantly associated with either degradation or improvement of ADL performance. Measures aiming at improving balance and continence, promoting physical activity, providing appropriate nourishment and cognitive enhancement are important for ADL performance in NH residents.


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Traveler's diarrhea is generally a benign condition which resolves spontaneously in 48 h. Information on dietary hygiene, severity of symptoms and dehydration, as well as their management, is essential. Chemoprophylaxis and antibiotic treatment are not recommended, except in very specific situations. The incidence of chronic diarrhea in HIV-positive patients has dramatically decreased since the introduction of HAART. In the absence of any correlation with the initiation of HAART, a stepwise diagnostic workup is indicated (bacteriological cultures and microscopic examination of fecal samples followed by ileocolonoscopy and gastroduodenoscopy). Specific treatment of any pathogens identified, and HAART in the case of microsporidiasis or cryptosporidiosis, constitute the mainstay of therapeutic management of chronic diarrhea in these patients.


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Background a nd A ims: There is a n ongoing d ebate which i sthe most appropriate w ay t o measure inflammatory boweldisease (IBD) activity (be it b y clinical i ndices, e ndoscopy, orbiomarkers). Accumulating evidence associates m ucosalhealing with a reduction in I BD-related s urgery andhospitalizations. We a imed to i nvestigate which outcomeparameters are used in daily practice for IBD monitoring.Methods: A q uestionnaire was sent in J uly 2010 t o all boardcertified gastroenterologists in S witzerland to evaluate t heassessment strategy of IBD activity, t he items on whichtherapeutic decisions w ere based upon, and the kind ofbiomarkers used for monitoring IBD activity.Results: Response rate was 57% (153/270). Mean physician'sage was 5 0±9years, mean duration o f gastroenterologicpractice 1 4±8years, 52% of them were working in p rivatepractice a nd 48% in h ospitals. S eventy-eight percent usedclinical activity i ndices as g old standard for IBD activityassessment, followed by 15% choosing endoscopic activity, and7% favouring biomarkers. Gastroenterologists based theirtherapeutic decisions in 70% on clinical activity indices, 24% onendoscopic activity, a nd 6% o n biomarkers. Most frequentlyused biomarkers were C-reactive protein (94%), complete bloodcount (78%) and fecal calprotectin (74%).Conclusions: I n daily p ractice, most IBD patients a remonitored based u pon t heir clinical a ctivity. B iomarkers a reperceived as l ess important compared to clinical andendoscopic activity. S imilar to activity a ssessment, alsotherapeutic decisions a re mostly made on the basis of clinicalactivity indices. The upcoming scientific evidence on the impactof mucosal h ealing does n ot yet seem to influence the dailypractice of gastroenterologists.


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Effects of dietary protein on oxidized cholesterol-induced alterations in linoleic acid and cholesterol metabolism were studied in 4-wk-old male Sprague-Dawley rats, using casein and soybean protein as dietary protein sources. The rats were fed one of the two proteins in cholesterol-free, 0.3% cholesterol or 0.3% oxidized cholesterol mixture diets using a pair-feeding protocol for 3 wk. In the soybean protein-fed group, rats fed oxidized cholesterol did not have lower activity of liver microsomal delta6 desaturase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the metabolism of linoleic acid to arachidonic acid, compared with rats fed cholesterol-free diet, whereas in the casein-fed group the desaturase activity was significantly greater in rats fed oxidized cholesterol than in those fed cholesterol-free diet. This was in contrast to a significant reduction in liver microsomal delta6 desaturase activity by cholesterol, irrespective of protein source. In general, these changes were reflected in the desaturation indices of liver phospholipids. Furthermore, soybean protein significantly increased the fecal excretion of neutral and acidic steroids and tended to reduce (P = 0.082) the accumulation of oxidized cholesterols in the liver. Thus, soybean protein partly modified some of the undesirable effects of oxidized cholesterol through its hypocholesterolemic effect and possibly through the modulation of hepatic delta6 desaturase activity.


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Focal therapy is a novel treatment strategy in prostate cancer aiming to treat only the area of the gland harbouring clinically significant disease. The overall objective is to maintain the oncological benefit of active treatment while minimising treatment-related morbidity. Leading centres are currently evaluating various minimally invasive technologies in a rigorous manner. Oncological and functional results in mid-term are encouraging with low rate of urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. However, the oncological outcome needs to be evaluated in the long-term in the light of the prolonged natural history of the disease.


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BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: To summarize the published literature on assessment of appropriateness of colonoscopy for screening for colorectal cancer (CRC) in asymptomatic individuals without personal history of CRC or polyps, and report appropriateness criteria developed by an expert panel, the 2008 European Panel on the Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, EPAGE II. METHODS: A systematic search of guidelines, systematic reviews, and primary studies regarding colonoscopy for screening for colorectal cancer was performed. The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method was applied to develop appropriateness criteria for colonoscopy in these circumstances. RESULTS: Available evidence for CRC screening comes from small case-controlled studies, with heterogeneous results, and from indirect evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on fecal occult blood test (FOBT) screening and studies on flexible sigmoidoscopy screening. Most guidelines recommend screening colonoscopy every 10 years starting at age 50 in average-risk individuals. In individuals with a higher risk of CRC due to family history, there is a consensus that it is appropriate to offer screening colonoscopy at < 50 years. EPAGE II considered screening colonoscopy appropriate above 50 years in average-risk individuals. Panelists deemed screening colonoscopy appropriate for younger patients, with shorter surveillance intervals, where family or personal risk of colorectal cancer is higher. A positive FOBT or the discovery of adenomas at sigmoidoscopy are considered appropriate indications. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the lack of evidence based on randomized controlled trials (RCTs), colonoscopy is recommended by most published guidelines and EPAGE II criteria available online (http://www.epage.ch), as a screening option for CRC in individuals at average risk of CRC, and undisputedly as the main screening tool for CRC in individuals at moderate and high risk of CRC.


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Introduction: EORTC trial 22991 randomly assessed the addition of concomitant and adjuvant short-term hormonal therapy to curative conformal/intensity-modulated radiotherapy (RT) for intermediate risk localized prostate cancer. We report the acute toxicity (assessed weekly during RT) for the organs at risk (genito-urinary (GU) and gastro-intestinal (GI)) in relation to radiation parameters. Material and Methods: Eligibility criteria were age _80 years, PSA _ 50 ng/ml, N0M0 and either tumour stage cT2a (1997 UICC TNM) or cT1b-c combined with PSA_10 ng/ml and/or Gleason score _7. We report toxicity for all eligible patients who received the planned RT with documented acute toxicity (CTCAEv.2) and RT-quality assurance parameters. The RT dose (70 Gy, 74 Gy or 78 Gy) and technique (3DCRT vs IRMT) were per institution choice, the randomization was stratified for institution. Statistical significance was set at 0.05. (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00021450) Results: Of 819 randomized patients, 28 were excluded from the analysis (3 with <60 Gy RT, 25 with missing information). Of the 791 analysed patients, 652 (82.4%) were treated with 3D-CRT, 139 with IMRT. In the 3DCRT group, 195 patients (29.9%) were treated with a total prescribed dose of 70 Gy; 376 (57.7%) with 74 Gy and 81 (12.4%) with 78 Gy. In the IMRT group, 28 (20.1%) were treated to a total dose of 74 Gy and 111 (79.9%) with 78 Gy. Overall, only 7 of 791 patients (0.9%) had grade 3 GI toxicity during RT: diarrhea (N = 6), rectal bleeding (N = 1) and proctitis (N = 1). Fifty patients (6.3%) had grade 3 GU toxicity: urinary frequency (N = 38, 4.6%), dysuria (N = 14, 1.7%), urinary retention (N = 11, 1.3%), urinary incontinence (N = 2) and hematuria (N = 1). No grade 4 toxicity was reported. Hormonal treatment did not influence the risk of side effects (p>0.05). The risk of grade _2 GI toxicity significantly correlated to D50%-rectum (p = 0.004) with a cut-of value of 44 Gy. The risk of grade _2 GU toxicity was moderately affected by Dmax-bladder (p = 0.051). Overall, only 14 patients (1.8%) had residual grade 3 toxicities one month after RT. Conclusion: 3D-CRT and IMRT up to 78 Gy is well tolerated. Dmaxbladder and D50%-rectum were related to the risk of grade_2 GU and GI toxicity, respectively. IMRT lowered D50% rectum and Dmax-bladder. An irradiated volume >400 cc for 3D-RT and a dose of 78 Gy, even for IMRT, negatively affected those parameters and increased the risk for toxicity.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in developed countries. Early detection of CRC leads to decreased CRC mortality. A blood-based CRC screening test is highly desirable due to limited invasiveness and high acceptance rate among patients compared to currently used fecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy. Here we describe the discovery and validation of a 29-gene panel in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) for the detection of CRC and adenomatous polyps (AP). Blood samples were prospectively collected from a multicenter, case-control clinical study. First, we profiled 93 samples with 667 candidate and 3 reference genes by high throughput real-time PCR (OpenArray system). After analysis, 160 genes were retained and tested again on 51 additional samples. Low expressed and unstable genes were discarded resulting in a final dataset of 144 samples profiled with 140 genes. To define which genes, alone or in combinations had the highest potential to discriminate AP and/or CRC from controls, data were analyzed by a combination of univariate and multivariate methods. A list of 29 potentially discriminant genes was compiled and evaluated for its predictive accuracy by penalized logistic regression and bootstrap. This method discriminated AP >1cm and CRC from controls with a sensitivity of 59% and 75%, respectively, with 91% specificity. The behavior of the 29-gene panel was validated with a LightCycler 480 real-time PCR platform, commonly adopted by clinical laboratories. In this work we identified a 29-gene panel expressed in PBMC that can be used for developing a novel minimally-invasive test for accurate detection of AP and CRC using a standard real-time PCR platform.