203 resultados para Evaluation Studies as Topic
This is the report of the first workshop on Incorporating In Vitro Alternative Methods for Developmental Neurotoxicity (DNT) Testing into International Hazard and Risk Assessment Strategies, held in Ispra, Italy, on 19-21 April 2005. The workshop was hosted by the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) and jointly organized by ECVAM, the European Chemical Industry Council, and the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing. The primary aim of the workshop was to identify and catalog potential methods that could be used to assess how data from in vitro alternative methods could help to predict and identify DNT hazards. Working groups focused on two different aspects: a) details on the science available in the field of DNT, including discussions on the models available to capture the critical DNT mechanisms and processes, and b) policy and strategy aspects to assess the integration of alternative methods in a regulatory framework. This report summarizes these discussions and details the recommendations and priorities for future work.
La Suisse présente des taux d'incidence de mélanomes cutanés parmi les plus élevés d'Europe. Elle a été un des premiers pays européens à avoir mis sur pied des campagnes nationales de prévention des cancers cutanés, les premières actions remontant au milieu des années 80. Les campagnes "Solmobile" ont été conduites entre 2001 et 2005 par la Ligue suisse contre le cancer, avec le soutien de la Société suisse de dermatologie et de vénéréologie et de l'Office fédéral de la santé publique. Ces campagnes visaient à (1) informer les gens sur leur type de peau et les risques liés à une (sur-)exposition solaire, (2) évaluer son risque de cancer cutané, et (3) offrir un premier examen clinique gratuit, par un dermatologue, en cas de lésion suspecte. [...] Ce cahier examine le profil sociodémographique et épidémiologique des participants aux campagnes "Solmobile" et explore leurs motivations et pratiques en matière de dépistage cutané. Les résultats des examens cliniques effectués par les dermatologues et la sélection des visiteurs pour ces examens y sont analysés.
Medulloblastomas (MB) are the most common malignant brain tumors in childhood. Alkylator-based drugs are effective agents in the treatment of patients with MB. In several tumors, including malignant glioma, elevated O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) expression levels or lack of MGMT promoter methylation have been found to be associated with resistance to alkylating chemotherapeutic agents such as temozolomide (TMZ). In this study, we examined the MGMT status of MB and central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) cells and two large sets of primary MB. In seven MB/PNET cell lines investigated, MGMT promoter methylation was detected only in D425 human MB cells as assayed by the qualitative methylation-specific PCR and the more quantitative pyrosequencing assay. In D425 human MB cells, MGMT mRNA and protein expression was clearly lower when compared with the MGMT expression in the other MB/PNET cell lines. In MB/PNET cells, sensitivity towards TMZ and 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea (CCNU) correlated with MGMT methylation and MGMT mRNA expression. Pyrosequencing in 67 primary MB samples revealed a mean percentage of MGMT methylation of 3.7-92% (mean: 13.25%, median: 10.67%). Percentage of MGMT methylation and MGMT mRNA expression as determined by quantitative RT-PCR correlated inversely (n = 46; Pearson correlation r (2) = 0.14, P = 0.01). We then analyzed MGMT mRNA expression in a second set of 47 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded primary MB samples from clinically well-documented patients treated within the prospective randomized multicenter trial HIT'91. No association was found between MGMT mRNA expression and progression-free or overall survival. Therefore, it is not currently recommended to use MGMT mRNA expression analysis to determine who should receive alkylating agents and who should not.
The substantial recurrence rate of colorectal cancer following potentially curative resection has fuelled the search for effective adjuvant therapy. Previous trials using 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) as a single agent or in combination chemotherapy regimens have not demonstrated meaningful benefits, an impression reflected in the results of a meta-analysis encompassing large patient numbers. Newer developments utilizing intraportal chemotherapy and the combination of 5-FU and levamisole have resulted in lower recurrence rates and improved survival in patients with colon cancer. In advanced disease, the biochemical modulation of 5-FU by Leucovorin has been shown to prolong survival in some studies. Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy or chemotherapy alone have showed promising results in rectal cancer. These developments have now been incorporated into ongoing trials.
Cette étude a été menée par l'Unité d'évaluation de programmes de prévention de l'Institut de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP) de Lausanne. Elle s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'évaluation globale de la stratégie de prévention du VIH/sida pour laquelle l'IUMSP a reçu mandat de l'Office fédéral de la santé publique. Le programme national "VIH et sida : Programme national de 1999 à 2003" a été préparé en 1998 par l'OFSP en collaboration avec des experts et publié en février 1999. Il fait suite au manuel "Prévention du VIH en Suisse : buts, stratégies, mesures" publié en 1993 et couvre la période de 1999 à 2003. Les 14 objectifs qu'il définit, avec leurs jalons, sont répartis dans cinq grands domaines à savoir: promotion de la santé, prévention, thérapie et diagnostic, conseil et soutien, savoir et transfert des compétences. Afin d'en planifier la mise en oeuvre, l'OFSP a organisé 14 plates-formes régionales en août et septembre 1999 qui ont fait l'objet d'un rapport publié en janvier 2000. Les plates-formes ont été suivies d'une "Conférence intercantonale VIH/sida" le 8 septembre 2000 à Berne, organisée conjointement par l'Office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP)/Section Sida et l'Aide Suisse contre le Sida (ASS), dont le thème général était "Transfert dans la lutte contre le VIH/sida". Faisant suite à la première phase d'évaluation qui, elle, a porté sur l'état des activités de lutte contre le VIH/sida dans les cantons, la deuxième phase de l'évaluation fait le point sur la mise en oeuvre du programme national 1999-2003 au niveau national et dans les cinq cantons pour la période 2000-2001 et porte sur l'implantation du programme national. Y sont analysés le développement des activités dans tous les domaines, la pertinence des objectifs et jalons, les éléments garantissant la pérennité et la qualité des interventions, et le développement des collaborations à différents niveaux.
Citalopram, a new bicyclic antidepressant, is the most selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. In a number of double-blind controlled studies, citalopram was compared to placebo and to known tricyclic antidepressants. These studies have shown their efficacy and good safety. The inefficacy of a psychotropic treatment in at least 20% of depressives has led a number of authors to propose original drug combinations and associations, like antidepressant/lithium (Li), antidepressant/sleep deprivation (agrypnia), antidepressant/ECT, or antidepressant/LT3. The aim of this investigation is to evaluate the clinical effectiveness and safety of a combined citalopram/lithium treatment in therapy-resistant patients, taking account of serotonergic functions, as tested by the fenfluramine/prolactin test, and of drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics of metabolism. DESIGN OF THE STUDY: A washout period of 3 days before initiating the treatment is included. After an open treatment phase of 28 days (D) with citalopram (20 mg D1-D3; 40 mg D4-D14; 40 or 60 mg D15-D28; concomitant medication allowed: chloral, chlorazepate), the nonresponding patients [less than 50% improvement in the total score on the 21 item-Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS)] are selected and treated with or without Li (randomized in double-blind conditions: citalopram/Li or citalopram/placebo) during the treatment (D29-D35). Thereafter, all patients included in the double-blind phase subsequently receive an open treatment with citalopram/Li for 7 days (D36-D42). The hypothesis of a relationship between serotoninergic functions in patients using the fenfluramine/prolactin test (D1) and the clinical response to citalopram (and Li) is assessed. Moreover, it is evaluated whether the pharmacogenetic status of the patients, as determined by the mephenytoin/dextromethorphan test (D0-D28), is related to the metabolism of fenfluramine and citalopram, and also to the clinical response. CLINICAL ASSESSMENT: Patients with a diagnosis of major depressive disorders according to DSM III are submitted to a clinical assessment of D1, D7, D14, D28, D35, D42: HDRS, CGI (clinical global impression), VAS (visual analog scales for self-rating of depression), HDRS (Hamilton depression rating scale, 21 items), UKU (side effects scale), and to clinical laboratory examens, as well as ECG, control of weight, pulse, blood pressure at D1, D28, D35. Fenfluramine/prolactin test: A butterfly needle is inserted in a forearm vein at 7 h 45 and is kept patent with liquemine. Samples for plasma prolactin, and d- and l-fenfluramine determinations are drawn at 8 h 15 (base line). Patients are given 60 mg fenfluramine (as a racemate) at 8 h 30. Kinetic points are determined at 9 h 30, 10 h 30, 11 h 30, 12 h 30, 13 h 30. Plasma levels of d- and l-fenfluramine are determined by gas chromatography and prolactin by IRNA. Mephenytoin/dextromethorphan test: Patients empty their bladders before the test; they are then given 25 mg dextropethorphan and 100 mg mephenytoin (as a racemate) at 8 h 00. They collect all urines during the following 8 hours. The metabolic ratio is determined by gas chromatography (metabolic ratio dextromethorphan/dextrorphan greater than 0.3 = PM (poor metabolizer); mephenytoin/4-OH-mephenytoin greater than 5.6, or mephenytoin S/R greater than 0.8 = PM). Citalopram plasma levels: Plasma levels of citalopram, desmethylcitalopram and didesmethylcitalopram are determined by gas chromatography--mass spectrometry. RESULTS OF THE PILOT STUDY. The investigation has been preceded by a pilot study including 14 patients, using the abovementioned protocol, except that all nonresponders were medicated with citalopram/Li on D28 to D42. The mean total score (n = 14) on the 21 item Hamilton scale was significantly reduced after the treatment, ie from 26.93 +/- 5.80 on D1 to 8.57 +/- 6.90 on D35 (p less than 0.001). A similar patCitalopram, a new bicyclic antidepressant, is the most selective serotonin reu
[Table des matières] 1. Introduction. 2. Méthode. 3. Prévention. 4. Thérapies. 5. Réduction des risques. 6. Formation. 7. Coordination nationale. 8. Migration et santé. 9. Epidémiologie. 10. Recherche. 11. Evaluation. 12. Annexes.
Background/Aims: Cognitive dysfunction after medical treatment is increasingly being recognized. Studies on this topic require repeated cognitive testing within a short time. However, with repeated testing, practice effects must be expected. We quantified practice effects in a demographically corrected summary score of a neuropsychological test battery repeatedly administered to healthy elderly volunteers. Methods: The Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD) Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (for which a demographically corrected summary score was developed), phonemic fluency tests, and trail-making tests were administered in healthy volunteers aged 65 years or older on days 0, 7, and 90. This battery allows calculation of a demographically adjusted continuous summary score. Results: Significant practice effects were observed in the CERAD total score and in the word list (learning and recall) subtest. Based on these volunteer data, we developed a threshold for diagnosis of postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) with the CERAD total score. Conclusion: Practice effects with repeated administration of neuropsychological tests must be accounted for in the interpretation of such tests. Ignoring practice effects may lead to an underestimation of POCD. The usefulness of the proposed demographically adjusted continuous score for cognitive function will have to be tested prospectively in patients.
INTRODUCTION: Many clinical practice guidelines (CPG) have been published in reply to the development of the concept of "evidence-based medicine" (EBM) and as a solution to the difficulty of synthesizing and selecting relevant medical literature. Taking into account the expansion of new CPG, the question of choice arises: which CPG to consider in a given clinical situation? It is of primary importance to evaluate the quality of the CPG, but until recently, there has been no standardized tool of evaluation or comparison of the quality of the CPG. An instrument of evaluation of the quality of the CPG, called "AGREE" for appraisal of guidelines for research and evaluation was validated in 2002. AIM OF THE STUDY: The six principal CPG concerning the treatment of schizophrenia are compared with the help of the "AGREE" instrument: (1) "the Agence nationale pour le développement de l'évaluation médicale (ANDEM) recommendations"; (2) "The American Psychiatric Association (APA) practice guideline for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia"; (3) "The quick reference guide of APA practice guideline for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia"; (4) "The schizophrenia patient outcomes research team (PORT) treatment recommendations"; (5) "The Texas medication algorithm project (T-MAP)" and (6) "The expert consensus guideline for the treatment of schizophrenia". RESULTS: The results of our study were then compared with those of a similar investigation published in 2005, structured on 24 CPG tackling the treatment of schizophrenia. The "AGREE" tool was also used by two investigators in their study. In general, the scores of the two studies differed little and the two global evaluations of the CPG converged; however, each of the six CPG is perfectible. DISCUSSION: The rigour of elaboration of the six CPG was in general average. The consideration of the opinion of potential users was incomplete, and an effort made in the presentation of the recommendations would facilitate their clinical use. Moreover, there was little consideration by the authors regarding the applicability of the recommendations. CONCLUSION: Globally, two CPG are considered as strongly recommended: "the quick reference guide of the APA practice guideline for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia" and "the T-MAP".
Immunotherapy of melanoma is aimed to mobilize cytolytic CD8+ T cells playing a central role in protective immunity. Despite numerous clinical vaccine trials, only few patients exhibited strong antigen-specific T-cell activation, stressing the need to improve vaccine strategies. For a rational development, we propose to focus on molecularly defined vaccine components, and evaluate their immunogenicity with highly reproducible and standardized methods for ex vivo immune monitoring. Careful immunogenicity comparison of vaccine formulations in phase I/II studies allow to select optimized vaccines for subsequent clinical efficacy testing in large scale phase III trials.