128 resultados para Eugenia, Emperatriz consorte de Napoleón III, Emperador de los Franceses, 1826-1920 biografías
This review covers pharmacokinetics, adverse effects and drug interactions of antidepressants and the indications for them, with the aim of assisting the clinician working in palliative and supportive care in the prescription of such drugs. Practical considerations and decision trees to be used prior to the prescription of an antidepressant are also part of this review. Special emphasis is put on the management of depression, which is frequent in patients with advanced cancer and often remains underdetected and undertreated, or is treated at a stage when there is little time for medication to have an effect.
PURPOSE: From February 2001 to February 2002, 946 patients with advanced GI stromal tumors (GISTs) treated with imatinib were included in a controlled EORTC/ISG/AGITG (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Italian Sarcoma Group/Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group) trial. This analysis investigates whether the response classification assessed by RECIST (Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors), predicts for time to progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Per protocol, the first three disease assessments were done at 2, 4, and 6 months. For the purpose of the analysis (landmark method), disease response was subclassified in six categories: partial response (PR; > 30% size reduction), minor response (MR; 10% to 30% reduction), no change (NC) as either NC- (0% to 10% reduction) or NC+ (0% to 20% size increase), progressive disease (PD; > 20% increase/new lesions), and subjective PD (clinical progression). RESULTS: A total of 906 patients had measurable disease at entry. At all measurement time points, complete response (CR), PR, and MR resulted in similar TTP and OS; this was also true for NC- and NC+, and for PD and subjective PD. Patients were subsequently classified as responders (CR/PR/MR), NC (NC+/NC-), or PD. This three-class response categorization was found to be highly predictive of further progression or survival for the first two measurement points. After 6 months of imatinib, responders (CR/PR/MR) had the same survival prognosis as patients classified as NC. CONCLUSION: RECIST perfectly enables early discrimination between patients who benefited long term from imatinib and those who did not. After 6 months of imatinib, if the patient is not experiencing PD, the pattern of radiologic response by tumor size criteria has no prognostic value for further outcome. Imatinib needs to be continued as long as there is no progression according to RECIST.
Background The prognostic potential of individual clinical and molecular parameters in stage II/III colon cancer has been investigated, but a thorough multivariable assessment of their relative impact is missing. Methods Tumors from patients (N = 1404) in the PETACC3 adjuvant chemotherapy trial were examined for BRAF and KRAS mutations, microsatellite instability (MSI), chromosome 18q loss of heterozygosity (18qLOH), and SMAD4 expression. Their importance in predicting relapse-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS) was assessed by Kaplan-Meier analyses, Cox regression models, and recursive partitioning trees. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results MSI-high status and SMAD4 focal loss of expression were identified as independent prognostic factors with better RFS (hazard ratio [HR] of recurrence = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.37 to 0.81, P = .003) and OS (HR of death = 0.43, 95% CI = 0.27 to 0.70, P = .001) for MSI-high status and worse RFS (HR = 1.47, 95% CI = 1.19 to 1.81, P < .001) and OS (HR = 1.58, 95% CI = 1.23 to 2.01, P < .001) for SMAD4 loss. 18qLOH did not have any prognostic value in RFS or OS. Recursive partitioning identified refinements of TNM into new clinically interesting prognostic subgroups. Notably, T3N1 tumors with MSI-high status and retained SMAD4 expression had outcomes similar to stage II disease. Conclusions Concomitant assessment of molecular and clinical markers in multivariable analysis is essential to confirm or refute their independent prognostic value. Including molecular markers with independent prognostic value might allow more accurate prediction of prognosis than TNM staging alone.
OBJECTIVE: Comparison of prospectively treated patients with neoadjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy vs radiochemotherapy followed by resection for mediastinoscopically proven stage III N2 non-small cell lung cancer with respect to postoperative morbidity, pathological nodal downstaging, overall and disease-free survival, and site of recurrence. METHODS: Eighty-two patients were enrolled between January 1994 to June 2003, 36 had cisplatin and doxetacel-based chemotherapy (group I) and 46 cisplatin-based radiochemotherapy up to 44 Gy (group II), either as sequential (25 patients) or concomitant (21 patients) treatment. All patients had evaluation of absence of distant metastases by bone scintigraphy, thoracoabdominal CT scan or PET scan, and brain MRI, and all underwent pre-induction mediastinoscopy, resection and mediastinal lymph node dissection by the same surgeon. RESULTS: Group I and II comprised T1/2 tumors in 47 and 28%, T3 tumors in 45 and 41%, and T4 tumors in 8 and 31% of the patients, respectively (P=0.03). There was a similar distribution of the extent of resection (lobectomy, sleeve lobectomy, left and right pneumonectomy) in both groups (P=0.9). Group I and II revealed a postoperative 90-d mortality of 3 and 4% (P=0.6), a R0-resection rate of 92 and 94% (P=0.9), and a pathological mediastinal downstaging in 61 and 78% of the patients (P<0.01), respectively. 5y-overall survival and disease-free survival of all patients were 40 and 36%, respectively, without significant difference between T1-3 and T4 tumors. There was no significant difference in overall survival rate in either induction regimens, however, radiochemotherapy was associated with a longer disease-free survival than chemotherapy (P=0.04). There was no significant difference between concurrent vs sequential radiochemotherapy with respect to postoperative morbidity, resectability, pathological nodal downstaging, survival and disease-free survival. CONCLUSIONS: Neoadjuvant cisplatin-based radiochemotherapy was associated with a similar postoperative mortality, an increased pathological nodal downstaging and a better disease-free survival as compared to cisplatin doxetacel-based chemotherapy in patients with stage III (N2) NSCLC although a higher number of T4 tumors were admitted to radiochemotherapy.
Purpose/Objective(s): To analyze the long-term outcome of treatment with concomitant cisplatin and hyperfractionated radiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer compared with hyperfractionated radiotherapy alone.Materials/Methods: From July 1994 to July 2000 a total of 224 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck were randomized to either hyperfractionated radiotherapy (median dose 74.4 Gy; 1.2 Gy twice daily) or the same radiotherapy combined with two cycles of concomitant cisplatin (20mg/m2 for 5 consecutive days of weeks 1 and 5). The primary endpoint was time to any treatment failure; secondary endpoints were locoregional failure, metastatic failure, overall survival, and late toxicity assessed according to RTOG criteria. The trial was registered at the National Institutes of Health (www.clinicaltrials.gov; identifier number: NCT00002654).Results: Median follow-up was 9.5 years (range, 0.1 - 15.4 years). Median time to any treatment failure was not significantly different between treatment arms (p = 0.19). Locoregional control (p\0.05), distant metastasis-free survival (p = 0.02) and cancer specific survival (p = 0.03) were significantly improved in the combined treatment arm, with no difference in late toxicity between treatment arms. However, overall survival was not significantly different (p = 0.19). Conclusions: After long-term follow-up combined treatment with cisplatin and hyperfractionated, radiotherapy maintained an improved locoregional control, distant metastasis-free survival, and cancer specific survival as compared to hyperfractionated radiotherapy alone with no difference in late toxicity.Author Disclosure: P. Ghadjar, None; M. Simcock, None; G. Studer, None; A.S. Allal, None; M. Ozsahin, None; J. Bernier, None; M. To¨ pfer, None; F. Zimmermann, None; C. Glanzmann, None; D.M. Aebersold, None.
Cette étude présente une méthode d'analyse comparative destinée à explorer le processus de « différenciation » considéré ici comme un principe fondamental de l'interaction des cultures et de la création littéraire. Celle-ci tire sa capacité de créer des effets de sens toujours nouvellement pertinents de sa façon de se différencier des voix et des façons de dire déjà existantes. L'étude présente les présupposés, fondements théoriques et objectifs d'une telle « comparaison différentielle » qui accorde une importance constitutive aux langues et aux contextes énonciatifs dont émanent les oeuvres littéraires. Le souci d'explorer ce qui est « différentiel » ne mène pas au constat d'irréductibles différences, mais à la découverte du dialogisme intertextuel et interculturel qui sous-tend toute création littéraire. Les études littéraires en reçoivent un nouvel attrait, car elles nous apprennent quelque chose d'essentiel qu' Eduard Glissant résume dans cette formule : « C'est par la différence que fonctionne ce que j'appelle la Relation avec un grand R ».
Résumé: Les environnements hémodynamiques, favorisant ou protégeant contre la formation de la plaque, induisent tout deux une augmentation de la production d'anion superoxide dans les cellules endothéliales (ECs). Par ailleurs, une régulation différente de l'expression des gènes a été décrite dans les cellules exposées à ces différentes conditions. Dans le but d'investiguer le rôle de l'augmentation du stress oxydatif dans l'expression des gènes régulée par le flux, nous avons d'abord exposé les EC à un flux unidirectionnel, non pulsé. Dans ces conditions, l'état oxydatif des cellules endothéliales est augmenté de façon transitoire. L'expression du gène de l'endothéline 1 (ET-1) est aussi induite de façon transitoire par un tel flux, alors que l'expression du gène de la nitiric oxyde synthase endothéliale (NOS III) est stimulé de façon durable. Au contraire, un flux unidirectionnel pulsé, qui induit une augmentation durable de la production d'anion superoxide, augmente aussi de façon durable l'expression des gènes de ET-1 comme de NOS III. Un flux oscillatoire (favorisant la plaque), qui lui aussi ,a des effets à long terme sur la production d'anion superoxide, a uniquement augmenté l'expression de ET-1. De plus, l'utilisation d'un antioxydant, a seulement partiellement inhibé la stimulation de l'expression du gène NOS III par le flux unidirectionnel pulsé, alors qu'il a complètement abrogé la stimulation de l'expression du gène ET-1 par le flux unidirectionnel pulsé et oscillatoire. Ceci suggère que les forces mécaniques régulent l'expression des gènes dans les EC par un double mécanisme dépendant et indépendant du stress oxidatif des cellules. Par ailleurs, ces résultats supportent ultérieurement l'hypothèse que la balance entre la réponse oxidative et anti-oxidante dans les cellules endothéliales exposées à un environnement hémodynamique est une des clés de la prédisposition à un dysfonctionnement endothélial observé dans des régions exposées à des flux perturbés. Abstract: Both plaque-free and plaque-prone hemodynamic environments induce an increase in the oxidative state of endothelial cells (ECs), whereas differential gene expression regulation was described in cells exposed to these conditions. In order to investigate the role of the increased oxidative state in flow-regulation of gene expression, we first exposed EC to non-pulsed unidirectional shear stress. These conditions only slightly increases ECs oxidative state and endothelin-1 (ET-1) mRNA expression, whereas endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS III) mRNA level were significantly up-regulated. On the contrary, both ET-1 and NOS III gene expression were significantly induced in EC exposed to pulsed-unidirectional flow (plaque-free). Only ET-1 gene expression was up-regulated by oscillatory flow (plaque-prone). Moreover, use of an antioxidant only partially inhibited NOS III gene up-regulation by unidirectional flow, whereas it completely abrogated ET-1 gene up-regulation by unidirectional and oscillatory flows. Thus suggesting that mechanical forces regulate gene expression in ECs both via oxidative stress-dependent and -independent mechanisms.
Neonatal treatment of A/J mice with DNP-Ficoll reduced or eliminated indirect anti-DNP PFC normally produced in response to adult challenge with DNP-keyhole limpet hemocyanin. The remaining direct anti-DNP PFC response was of low avidity. Spleen cells from neonatal A/J mice inhibited the in vitro but not the in vivo response of adult spleen cells to DNP-Ficoll.
Lymph node cells derived from A.TH or A.TL mice primed with beef cytochrome c show striking patterns of reactivity when assayed in vitro for antigen-induced T cell proliferation. Whereas cells from A.TH mice respond specifically to beef cytochrome c or peptides composed of amino acids 1-65 and 81-104, cells from A.TL mice respond neither to beef cytochrome c nor to peptide 1-65, but proliferate following exposure to either peptide 81-104 or to a cytochrome c hybrid molecule in which the N-terminal peptide of beef (1-65) was substituted by a similar peptide obtained from rabbit cytochrome c. Thus, T cells from mice phenotypically unresponsive to beef cytochrome may, in fact, contain populations of lymphocytes capable of responding to a unique peptide, the response to which is totally inhibited when the same fragment is presented in the sequence of the intact protein.
This study aimed to compare two different maximal incremental tests with different time durations [a maximal incremental ramp test with a short time duration (8-12 min) (STest) and a maximal incremental test with a longer time duration (20-25 min) (LTest)] to investigate whether an LTest accurately assesses aerobic fitness in class II and III obese men. Twenty obese men (BMI≥35 kg.m-2) without secondary pathologies (mean±SE; 36.7±1.9 yr; 41.8±0.7 kg*m-2) completed an STest (warm-up: 40 W; increment: 20 W*min-1) and an LTest [warm-up: 20% of the peak power output (PPO) reached during the STest; increment: 10% PPO every 5 min until 70% PPO was reached or until the respiratory exchange ratio reached 1.0, followed by 15 W.min-1 until exhaustion] on a cycle-ergometer to assess the peak oxygen uptake [Formula: see text] and peak heart rate (HRpeak) of each test. There were no significant differences in [Formula: see text] (STest: 3.1±0.1 L*min-1; LTest: 3.0±0.1 L*min-1) and HRpeak (STest: 174±4 bpm; LTest: 173±4 bpm) between the two tests. Bland-Altman plot analyses showed good agreement and Pearson product-moment and intra-class correlation coefficients showed a strong correlation between [Formula: see text] (r=0.81 for both; p≤0.001) and HRpeak (r=0.95 for both; p≤0.001) during both tests. [Formula: see text] and HRpeak assessments were not compromised by test duration in class II and III obese men. Therefore, we suggest that the LTest is a feasible test that accurately assesses aerobic fitness and may allow for the exercise intensity prescription and individualization that will lead to improved therapeutic approaches in treating obesity and severe obesity.