81 resultados para Epizootic area


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Purpose: Obesity is an established independent risk factor for chronic kidney disease. Thus, measurement of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is important in this population. Traditionally, GFR has been indexed for body surface area (BSA), but this indexation may not be appropriate in obese individuals. Therefore, the objective of the study was to compare absolute GFR with GFR indexed for BSA and with GFR indexed for height. Methods and materials: The study was conducted in 66 families from the Seychelles islands that included several members with hypertension. GFR and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) were measured using inulin and PAH clearances, respectively. Antihypertensive treatment, if used, was withheld 2 weeks before conducting the clearances. Participants with diabetes mellitus were excluded from the analysis. BSA was calculated using the Dubois formula. We assessed trend across BMI categories using a non parametric test. Results: Participants included 174 women and 127 men. The prevalence of hypertension was 61%, of which 68% were treated. The table shows that absolute GFR, GFR indexed for height, ERPF, filtration fraction were significantly higher across BMI categories. When GFR was indexed for BSA, the association between GFR and BMI categories was lost. Conclusion: Indexing GFR for BSA in overweight and obese individuals leads to a substantial underestimation of GFR. Filtration fraction, which does not depend on BSA, is higher in obese individuals, which suggests glomerular hyperfiltration. Indexing GFR for BSA therefore would mask the underlying glomerular hyperfiltration. As the number of nephrons does not increase with weight gain, absolute GFR represents a better marker of single nephron GFR and is more appropriate.


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Résumé : L'arc volcanique du sud de l'Amérique Centrale se situe sur la marge SW de la Plaque Caraïbe, au-dessus des plaques subduites de Cocos et Nazca. Il s'agit de l'un des arcs intra-océaniques les plus étudiés au monde, qui est généralement considéré comme s'étant développé à la fin du Crétacé le long d'un plateau océanique (le Plateau Caraïbe ou CLIP) et se trouvant actuellement dans un régime de subduction érosive. Au cours des dernières décennies, des efforts particuliers ont été faits pour comprendre les processus liés à la subduction sur la base d'études géophysiques et géochimiques. Au sud du Costa Rica et à l'ouest du Panama, des complexes d'accrétions et structures à la base de l'arc volcanique ont été exposés grâce à la subduction de rides asismiques et de failles transformantes. Des affleurements, situés jusqu'à seulement 15 km de la fosse, offrent une possibilité unique de mieux comprendre quelques uns des processus ayant lieu le long de la zone de subduction. Nous présentons de nouvelles contraintes sur l'origine de ces affleurements en alliant une étude de terrain poussée, de nouvelles données géochimiques, sédimentaires et paléontologiques, ainsi que des observations structurales effectuées en télédétection. Une nouvelle stratigraphie tectonique entre le Campanien et l'Éocène est définie pour la région d'avant-arc située entre la Péninsule d'Osa (Costa Rica) et la Péninsule d'Azuero (Panama). Nos résultats montrent que la partie externe de la marge est composée d'un arrangement complexe de roches ignées et de séquences sédimentaires de recouvrement qui comprennent principalement le socle de l'arc, des roches d'arc primitif, des fragments de monts sous-marins accrétés et des mélanges d'accrétion. Des preuves sont données pour le développement de l'arc volcanique du sud de l'Amérique Centrale sur un plateau océanique. Le début de la subduction le long de la marge SW de la Plaque Caraïbe a eu lieu au Campanien et a généré des roches d'arc primitif caractérisées par des affinités géochimiques particulières, globalement intermédiaires entre des affinités de plateau et d'arc insulaire. L'arc était mature au Maastrichtien et formait un isthme essentiellement continu entre l'Amérique du Nord et l'Amérique du Sud. Ceci a permis la migration de faunes terrestres entre les Amériques et pourrait avoir contribué à la crise fin Crétacé -Tertiaire en réduisant les courants océaniques subéquatoriaux entre le Pacifique et l'Atlantique. Plusieurs unités composées de fragments de monts sous-marins accrétés sont définies. La nature et l'arrangement structural de ces unités définissent de nouvelles contraintes sur les modes d'accrétion des monts sous-marins/îles océaniques et sur l'évolution de la marge depuis la formation de la zone de subduction. Entre la fin du Crétacé et l'Éocène moyen, la marge a enregistré plusieurs épisodes ponctuels d'accrétion de monts sous-marins alternant avec de la subduction érosive. A l'Éocène moyen, un événement tectonique régional pourrait avoir causé un fort couplage entre les plaques supérieure et inférieure, menant à des taux plus important d'accrétion de monts sous-marins. Durant cette période, la situation le long de la marge était très semblable à la situation actuelle et caractérisée par la présence de monts sous-marins subductants et l'absence d'accrétion de sédiments. L'enregistrement géologique montre qu'il n'est pas possible d'attribuer une nature érosive ou accrétionnaire à la marge dans le passé ou -par analogie- aujourd'hui, parce que (1) les processus d'accrétion et érosifs varient fortement spatialement et temporellement et (2) il est impossible d'évaluer la quantité exacte de matériel tectoniquement enlevé à la marge depuis le début de la subduction. Au sud du Costa Rica, certains fragments de monts sous-marins accrétés sont représentatifs d'une interaction entre une ride et un point chaud dans le Pacifique au Crétacé terminal/Paléocène. L'existence de ces fragments de monts sous-marins et la morphologie du fond de l'Océan Pacifique indiquent que la formation de la ride de Cocos-Nazca s'est formée au moins ~40 Ma avant l'âge proposé par les modèles tectoniques actuels. Au Panama, nous avons identifié une île océanique d'âge début Éocène qui a été accrétée à l'Éocène moyen. L'accrétion a eu lieu à très faible profondeur par détachement de l'île dans la fosse, et a mené à une exceptionnelle préservation des structures volcaniques. Des affleurement comprenant aussi bien des parties basses et hautes de l'édifice volcanique on été étudiées, depuis la phase sous-marine bouclier jusqu'à la phase subaérienne post-bouclier. La stratigraphie nous a permis de différencier les laves de la phase sous-marine de celles de la phase subaérienne. La composition des laves indique une diminution progressive de l'intensité de la fusion partielle de la source et une diminution de la température des laves produites durant les derniers stades de l'activité volcanique. Nous interprétons ces changements comme étant liés à l'éloignement progressif de l'île océanique de la zone de fusion ou point chaud. Abstract The southern Central American volcanic front lies on the SW edge of the Caribbean Plate, inboard of the subducting Cocos and Nazca Plates. It is one of the most studied intra-oceanic convergent margins around the world, which is generally interpreted to have developed in the late Cretaceous along an oceanic plateau (the Caribbean Large Igneous Province or CLIP) and to be currently undergoing a regime of subduction erosion. In the last decades a particular effort has been made to understand subduction-related processes on the basis of geophysical and geochemical studies. In southern Costa Rica and western Panama accretionary complexes and structures at the base of the volcanic front have been exposed in response to subduction of aseismic ridges and transforms. Onland exposures are located as close as to 15 km from the trench and provide a unique opportunity to better understand some of the processes occurring along the subduction zone. We provide new constraints on the origins of these exposures by integrating a comprehensive field work, new geochemical, sedimentary and paleontological data, as well as structural observations based on remote imaging. A new Campanian to Eocene tectonostratigraphy is defined for the forearc area located between the Osa Peninsula (Costa Rica) and the Azuero Peninsula (Panama). Our results show that the outer margin is composed of a complicated arrangement of igneous complexes and overlapping sedimentary sequences that essentially comprise an arc basement, primitive island-arc rocks, accreted seamount fragments and accretionary mélanges. Evidences are provided for the development of the southern Central American arc on the top an oceanic plateau. The subduction initiation along the SW edge of the Caribbean Plate occurred in the Campanian and led to formation of primitive island-arc rocks characterized by unusual geochemical affinities broadly intermediate between plateau and arc affinities. The arc was mature in the Maastrichtian and was forming a predominantly continuous landbridge between the North and South Americas. This allowed migration of terrestrial fauna between the Americas and may have contributed to the Cretaceous-Tertiary crisis by limiting trans-equatorial oceanic currents between the Pacific and the Atlantic. Several units composed of accreted seamount fragments are defined. The nature of the units and their structural arrangement provide new constraints on the modes of accretion of seamounts/oceanic islands and on the evolution of the margin since subduction initiation. Between the late Cretaceous and the middle Eocene, the margin recorded several local episodes of seamount accretion alternating with tectonic erosion. In the middle Eocene a regional tectonic event may have triggered strong coupling between the overriding and subducting plates, leading to higher rates of seamount accretion. During this period the situation along the margin was very similar to the present and characterized by subducting seamounts and absence of sediment accretion. The geological record shows that it is not possible to ascribe an overall erosive or accretionary nature to the margin in the past and, by analogy, today, because (1) accretionary and erosive processes exhibit significant lateral and temporal variations and (2) it is impossible to estimate the exact amount of material tectonically eroded from the margin since subduction initiation. In southern Costa Rica, accreted seamount fragments point toward a plume-ridge interaction in the Pacific in the late Cretaceous/Paleocene. This occurrence of accreted seamount fragments and morphology of the Pacific Ocean floor is indicative of the formation of the Cocos-Nazca spreading system at least ~40 Ma prior to the age proposed in current tectonic models. In Panama, we identified a remarkably-well preserved early Eocene oceanic island that accreted in the middle Eocene. The accretion probably occurred at very shallow depth by detachment of the island in the trench and led to an exceptional preservation of the volcanic structures. Exposures of both deep and superficial parts of the volcanic edifice have been studied, from the submarine-shield to subaerial-postshield stages. The stratigraphy allowed us to distinguish lavas produced during the submarine and subaerial stages. The lava compositions likely define a progressive diminution of source melting and a decrease in the temperature of erupted melts in the latest stages of volcanic activity. We interpret these changes to primarily reflect the progressive migration of the oceanic island out of the melting region or hotspot.


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Primary objectives: Awake surgeries of slow-growing tumours invading the brain and guided by direct electrical stimulation induce major brain reorganizations accompanied with slight impairments post-operatively. In most cases, these deficits are so slight after a few days that they are often not detectable on classical neuropsychological evaluations. Consequently, this study investigated whether simple visuo-manual reaction time paradigms would sign some level of functional asymmetries between both hemispheres. Importantly, the visual stimulus was located in the saggital plane in order to limit attentional biases and to focus mainly on the inter-hemispheric asymmetry. Methods and procedures: Three patients (aged 41, 59 and 59 years) after resections in parietal regions and a control group (age¼44, SD¼6.9) were compared during simple uni- and bimanual reaction times (RTs). Main outcomes and results: Longer RTs were observed for the contralesional compared to the ipsilesional hand in the unimanual condition. This asymmetry was reversed for the bimanual condition despite longer RTs. Conclusion and clinical implications: Reaction time paradigms are useful in these patients to monitor more precisely their functional deficits, especially their level of functional asymmetry, and to understand brain (re)organization following slowgrowing lesions.


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OBJECTIVES: Studies of small area variations of health care utilization are more and more frequent. Such variations are often considered to be an indication of variations in the quality of medical care. The variations in the rate of operations for hip fractures are among the lowest studied to date, due to the fact that a consensus exists concerning this surgery. Our objective is to examine these variations within the context of relatively small and heterogeneous districts. METHOD: Based on anonymous computerized data on public hospital stays, this study describes the variations in population rates (crude and standardized) of operations for hip fracture among the health districts of the Canton of Vaud for the period from 1986 to 1991. District populations vary from 22,000 to 164,000. Using the extremal quotient (EQ), the importance of these variations was determined. RESULTS: The study population consists of 2363 cases, of which 78% are women. Mean age is 80.4 for women and 70.6 for men. Standardized rates of operation for hip fracture per 100,000 in the Canton Vaud for the years 1986 to 1991 are, respectively: 56; 67; 86; 91; 89 and 94. The EQ for the years 1986 to 1991 are respectively: 8.2; 4.0; 3.5; 2.7; 1.9 and 1.9. The high EQ, especially for the earlier years, are contrary to the initial premise of absence of variation. The progressive implementation in the Canton Vaud of VESKA medical statistics could play a role, as could the small size of many of the districts, with resultant instability of rates. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the wide variations shown here for an operation hardly regarded as subject to variations, it is important to exercise caution in interpreting published data of small area variations.


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The main geothermal reservoir of Acqui Terme-Visone hosts Na-Cl waters, which are in chemical equilibrium at 120-130 degrees C with typical hydrothermal minerals including quartz, albite, K-feldspar, illite, chlorite (or smectite), anhydrite, calcite and an unspecified Ca-Al-silicate. In the Acqui Terme-Visone area, these geothermal waters ascend along zones of high vertical permeability and discharge at the surface almost undiluted or mixed with cold, shallow waters. To the SW of Acqui Terme, other ascending geothermal waters, either undiluted or mixed with low-salinity waters, enter relatively shallow secondary reservoirs, where they reequilibrate at 65-70 degrees C. Both chemical and isotopic data indicate that bacterial SO4 reduction affects all these waters, especially those discharged by the secondary reservoirs. Therefore, geothermal waters must get in contact with oil, acquiring the relatively oxidized organic substances needed by SO4-reducing bacteria. This oil-water interaction process deserves further investigations, for potential economic implications. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The study area. located north of Konva (Central Turkey), is composed of Silurian to Cretaceous metamorphosed rocks. The lower unit of the oldest formation (Silurian-Early Permian) is mostly made up of Silurian-Early Carboniferous metacarbonates. These rocks pass laterally and vertically to Devonian-Early Permian series having continental margin, shallow water and pelagic characteristics. They are intruded or juxtaposed to different kinds of metamagmatic rocks. which show MORB. continental arc and within plate characteristics. The Palaeozoic units are covered unconformably by Triassic-Cretaceous metasedimentary units. All these rocks are overthrusted by Mesozoic ophiolites. The Palaeozoic sequence can be seen as a northern Palaeotethys passive, then active margin. The northward subduction of the Palaeotethys ocean during the Carboniferous-Triassic times, induced the development of a magmatic arc and fore-arc sequence (Carboniferous-Permian). Before the Early Triassic (?Late Permian) time. the fore-arc sequence was uplifted above sea level and eroded. The Triassic sequences are regarded as marking the onset of back-arc opening and detachment of the Anatolian Konya block from the active Eurasian margin. Finally. a suture zone formed during the Carman between the Konya region and the Menderes-Tauride Cimmerian block due to the closing of Palaeotethvs. This geodynamic evolution can be correlated with the evolution of the Karaburun sequence in western Turkey.


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The disease chytridiomycosis, caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), has caused dramatic amphibian population declines and extinctions in Australia, Central and North America, and Europe. Bd is associated with >200 species extinctions of amphibians, but not all species that become infected are susceptible to the disease. Specifically, Bd has rapidly emerged in some areas of the world, such as in Australia, USA, and throughout Central and South America, causing population and species collapse. The mechanism behind the rapid global emergence of the disease is poorly understood, in part due to an incomplete picture of the global distribution of Bd. At present, there is a considerable amount of geographic bias in survey effort for Bd, with Asia being the most neglected continent. To date, Bd surveys have been published for few Asian countries, and infected amphibians have been reported only from Indonesia, South Korea, China and Japan. Thus far, there have been no substantiated reports of enigmatic or suspected disease-caused population declines of the kind that has been attributed to Bd in other areas. In order to gain a more detailed picture of the distribution of Bd in Asia, we undertook a widespread, opportunistic survey of over 3,000 amphibians for Bd throughout Asia and adjoining Papua New Guinea. Survey sites spanned 15 countries, approximately 36° latitude, 111° longitude, and over 2000 m in elevation. Bd prevalence was very low throughout our survey area (2.35% overall) and infected animals were not clumped as would be expected in epizootic events. This suggests that Bd is either newly emerging in Asia, endemic at low prevalence, or that some other ecological factor is preventing Bd from fully invading Asian amphibians. The current observed pattern in Asia differs from that in many other parts of the world.


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RESUME : But : Décrire l'évolution après traitement de l'arthrite de Lyme dans une zone d'endémie de l'Ouest de la Suisse, région où certains parmi les premiers cas d'arthrite de Lyme en dehors des Etats-Unis (USA) ont été rapportés. Patients et méthodes : Une évaluation rétrospective a été faite à partir d'un groupe de 24 patients (15 H, 9 F; âge moyen :38,7 ans) qui ont présenté une arthrite monoarticulaire (20 cas) ou oligoarticulaire (4 cas) causée par une infection à Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb). Ces patients ont été recrutés par l'intermédiaire de rhumatologues entre 1994 et 1999. Le genou était touché dans 85 % des cas. Une histoire de piqûre de tique était décrite dans 9 cas et un érythème chronique migrant dans 4 cas. Tous les patients avaient un titre d'anticorps pour Bb élevé, dosé par ELISA.Dans 20 cas, un immunoblot était positif pour Bb, la majorité étant positif pour les 3 sous-types de Bb présents en Suisse ; un seul cas était positif pour Bb sensu stricto. Neuf liquides synoviaux ont été examinés par PCR afin de détecter la présence de BbDNA (6 cas positifs). Résultats : Tous les patients ont reçu des antibiotiques soit oralement (10 cas), soit par voie parentérale (14 cas). Une deuxième cure d'antibiotiques a été administrée à 4 patients en raison de persistance de l'arthrite. On a observé une évolution rapidement favorable chez 13 patients et dans 9 cas, il a fallu, pour obtenir la guérison, réaliser une injection intraarticulaire de glucocorticoïdes ou une synoviorthèse. Après une période d'observation de 40 mois en moyenne (de 6 à 84 mois), aucun patient n'a présenté de signe d'arthrite chronique, mais 2 patients se plaignaient encore de myalgies ou d'arthralgies. Conclusion : Nous n'avons pas trouvé dans notre étude d'arthrite récidivante ou chronique après traitement comme on l'a décrit aux USA. Ceci est peut-être lié au fait que les types de Bb observés en Europe sont différents des USA où on trouve seulement Bb sensu stricto. ABSTRACT: Objective: To describe outcomes of treated Lyme arthritis in an endemic area of western Switzerland, where some of the first cases of Lyme disease outside the United States were reported. Patients and methods: We retrospectively studied 24 patients (15 males and nine females, mean age 38.7 years) managed by rheumatologists between 1994 and 1999 for Borrelia burgdotferi arthritis manifesting as monoarthritis (a = 20), oligoarthritis (a = 3), or polyarthritis (a = 1). The knee was affected in 20 (85%) patients. Nine patients reported a history of tick bite and four of erythema chronicum migrans. All the patients but one had a high titer of antibodies to B. burgdoiferi by ELISA and all but two had a positive immunoblot test (22 positive for all three types of B. burgdorferi found in Switzerland and one positive only for B. burgdoiferi sensu stricto). Joint fluid PCR for B. burgdorferi was done in nine patients and was positive in six. Results: All 24 patients received antibiotic therapy, orally (a= 10) or parenterally (n= 14). A second course of antibiotic therapy was used in four patients with persistent arthritis. A rapid response was noted in 13 patients. IntraarticUlar glucocorticoid therapy or a synoviorthesis was required in nine patients. After a mean follow-up of 40 months (range, 6-84 months), none of the patients had chronic arthritis but two reported persistent muscle or joint pain. Conclusion: Recurrent or chronic arthritis, which has been reported in treated patients in the United States, did not occur in our series. This may be ascribable to differences in B. burgdolferi subtypes, as in the United States only B. burgdoiferi sensu stricto is found.


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The paper deals with the stratigraphic and structural setting of the sedimentary sequence cropping out in southeastern Zanskar and adjacent Lahul areas. The Tibetan Zone succession of southeastern Zanskar consists of about 6000 m of sediments, Late Precambrian~ ?Eocene in age, arranged in two superposed slabs (Pugh tal Unit, below, and Zangla Unit, above) tectonically resting upon the High Himalayan Crystalline. The Pughtal sequence, mostly terrigenous with carbonate units in the Cambrian, Silurian and Carboniferous, is about 2500 m thick. It was deposited from ?Late Precambrian to Carboniferous or ?Early Permian. The Permian Panjal Traps constitute the "sole" of the Zangla Unit, whose sedimentary sequence, about 3000 m thick, mainly carbonatic, spans from Late Permian (Kuling Formation) to Middle Jurassic (Kioto Limestone) in eastern Zanskar. In the Zangla area Late Jurassic/Cretaceous formations (Spiti Shales, Giumal Sandstone, Chikkim Limestone) are also present. Towards northwest, the sequence ranges up to Paleocene (Spanboth Formation) and ?Eocene (Chulung La Slates). Au nord de la Haute Chaine, dans la partie septentrionale de I'Himalaya, la marge continentale indienne a vu plus de 6000 m de sediments se deposer depuis I'Infracambrien jusqu'a I'Eocene. Lors de l'orogenese himalayenne, ces sediments ont ete decolles de leur substratum originel, dMormes et metamorphises de maniere differenciee suivant leur position. Ils reposent en contact tectonique sur la nappe cristalline du Haut-Himalaya. L'unite inferieure ou unite de Pughtal consiste, la ou elle est complete, en plus de 2500 m de sediments en partie detritiques terrigenes mais marque par l'edification de plates-formes carbonatees au Cambrien, Silurien et Carbonifere. Dans cette unite on releve deux grandes sequences sedimentaires separees par l'evenement epirogenique et magmatique tardi-Cambrien (500 rna), contrecoup de l'orogenese pan-africaine. Un niveau massif de vo1canites basaltiques permiennes ~ les Panjal Traps ~ forme la base ou sole de I'unite superieure (nappe de Zangla). Cette unite, plissee de maniere disharmonique, recouvre progressivement vers l'ouest des niveaux de plus en plus anciens de l'unite inferieure, niveaux eux-memes replisses en grands plis couches kilometriques a vergence nord. Dans la partie occidentale (Ringdom) l'unite superieure repose directement sur la nappe cristalline. Cette unite montre une serie sedimentaire avec des carbonates de plate-forme bien developpes au Trias superieur et au Lias puis des sediments surtout pelagiques et en partie detritiques terrigenes au Jurassique superieur et au Cretace. Des la fin du Cretace et jusqu'au Paleocene superieur s'edifie a nouveau une plate-forme peu profonde. La serie se termine par des couches continentales attribuees a l'Eocene. L'evolution geodynamique durant Ie Paleozoique et Ie Mesozoique est analysee. II en ressort que la sedimentation, a partir de I'Ordovicien, est regJee plus par des grands cycles eustatiques que par des mouvements tectoniques ou epirogeniques regionaux (les orogeneses caledoniennes, hercyniennes et cretacees des auteurs).


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ABSTRACTThe pollution of air, soil and water by heavy metals through anthropogenic activities is an object of numerous environmental studies since long times. A number of natural processes, such as volcanic activity, hydrothermal fluid circulation and weathering of metal-rich deposits may lead to an additional and potentially important input and accumulation of heavy metals in the environment. In the Swiss and French Jura Mountains, anomalous high cadmium (Cd) concentrations (up to 16 ppm) in certain soils are related to the presence of underlying Cd-enriched (up to 21 ppm) carbonate rocks of Middle to Late Jurassic age. The aim of this study is to understand the processes controlling Cd incorporation into carbonate rocks of Middle and Late Jurassic age and to reconstruct the sedimentary and environmental conditions, which have led to Cd enrichments in these sedimentary rocks.Cd concentrations in studied hemipelagic sections in France vary between 0.1 and 0.5 ppm (mean 0.15 ppm). Trace-element behavior and high Mn concentrations suggest that sediment accumulation occurred in a well-oxygenated environment. Increases in Cd contents in the bulk-rock carbonate sediments may be related to increases in surface-water productivity under oxic conditions and important remineralization of organic matter within the water column. In platform settings preserved in the Swiss Jura Mountains, no correlation is observed between Cd contents and evolution of environmental conditions. Cd concentrations in these platform sections are often below the detection limit, with isolated peaks of up to 21 ppm. These important Cd enrichments are associated with peaks in Zn concentrations and are present in carbonate rocks independently of facies and age. The high Cd contents in these shallow-water carbonate rocks are partly related to the presence of disseminated, Cd-rich (up to 1.8%), sphalerite (ZnS) mineralization. The basement rocks are considered to be the source of metals for sulfide mineralization in the overlying Jurassic strata, as the sphalerite Pb isotope pattern is comparable to that of granite rocks from the nearby southern Black Forest crystalline massif. The Rb-Sr ages of sphalerite samples indicate that a main phase of sphalerite formation occurred near the boundary between the late Middle and early Late Jurassic, at around 162 Ma, as a result of enhanced tectonic and hydrothermal activity in Europe, related to the opening of the Central Atlantic and to the tectonic/thermal subsidence during spreading of the Alpine Tethys. I therefore propose to use unusually high Cd concentrations in carbonates as a tracer of tectonic activity in the Jura Mountains area, especially in the case when important enrichments in Zn co-occur. Paleoproductivity reconstructions based on records of authigenic Cd may be compromised not only by post-depositional redistribution, but also by incorporation of additional Cd from hydrothermal solutions circulating in the rock.The circulation of metal-rich hydrothermal fluids through the sediment sequence, in addition to specific environmental conditions during sedimentation, contributes to the incorporation of Cd into the carbonate rocks. However, only hydrothermal activity has led to the unusually high concentrations of Cd in carbonate rocks of Bajocian-Oxfordian age, through the formation of sphalerite mineralization.