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The Ca(2+)-regulated calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) cascade controls alternative pathways of T-cell activation and peripheral tolerance. Here, we describe reduction of NFATc2 mRNA expression in the lungs of patients with bronchial adenocarcinoma. In a murine model of bronchoalveolar adenocarcinoma, mice lacking NFATc2 developed more and larger solid tumors than wild-type littermates. The extent of central tumor necrosis was decreased in the tumors in NFATc2((-/-)) mice, and this finding was associated with reduced tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-2 (IL-2) production by CD8(+) T cells. Adoptive transfer of CD8(+) T cells of NFATc2((-/-)) mice induced transforming growth factor-beta(1) in the airways of recipient mice, thus supporting CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp-3(+)glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor (GITR)(+) regulatory T (T(reg)) cell survival. Finally, engagement of GITR in NFATc2((-/-)) mice induced IFN-gamma levels in the airways, reversed the suppression by T(reg) cells, and costimulated effector CD4(+)CD25(+) (IL-2Ralpha) and memory CD4(+)CD127(+) (IL-7Ralpha) T cells, resulting in abrogation of carcinoma progression. Agonistic signaling through GITR, in the absence of NFATc2, thus emerges as a novel possible strategy for the treatment of human bronchial adenocarcinoma in the absence of NFATc2 by enhancing IL-2Ralpha(+) effector and IL-7Ralpha(+) memory-expressing T cells.
Notch signalling has an important role in skin homeostasis, promoting keratinocyte differentiation and suppressing tumorigenesis. Here we show that this pathway also has an essential anti-apoptotic function in the keratinocyte UVB response. Notch1 expression and activity are significantly induced, in a p53-dependent manner, by UVB exposure of primary keratinocytes as well as intact epidermis of both mouse and human origin. The apoptotic response to UVB is increased by deletion of the Notch1 gene or down-modulation of Notch signalling by pharmacological inhibition or genetic suppression of 'canonical' Notch/CSL/MAML1-dependent transcription. Conversely, Notch activation protects keratinocytes against apoptosis through a mechanism that is not linked to Notch-induced cell cycle withdrawal or NF-kappaB activation. Rather, transcription of FoxO3a, a key pro-apoptotic gene, is under direct negative control of Notch/HERP transcription in keratinocytes, and upregulation of this gene accounts for the increased susceptibility to UVB of cells with suppressed Notch signalling. Thus, the canonical Notch/HERP pathway functions as a protective anti-apoptotic mechanism in keratinocytes through negative control of FoxO3a expression.
A clear and rigorous definition of muscle moment-arms in the context of musculoskeletal systems modelling is presented, using classical mechanics and screw theory. The definition provides an alternative to the tendon excursion method, which can lead to incorrect moment-arms if used inappropriately due to its dependency on the choice of joint coordinates. The definition of moment-arms, and the presented construction method, apply to musculoskeletal models in which the bones are modelled as rigid bodies, the joints are modelled as ideal mechanical joints and the muscles are modelled as massless, frictionless cables wrapping over the bony protrusions, approximated using geometric surfaces. In this context, the definition is independent of any coordinate choice. It is then used to solve a muscle-force estimation problem for a simple 2D conceptual model and compared with an incorrect application of the tendon excursion method. The relative errors between the two solutions vary between 0% and 100%.
ABSTRACTSchizophrenia is a major psychiatric disorder occurring with a prevalence of 1% in the worldwide population. It develops progressively with psychosis onset in late adolescence or earlyadulthood. The disorder can take many different facets and has a highly diffuse anddistributed neuropathology including deficits in major neurotransmitter systems,myelination, stress regulation, and metabolism. The delayed onset and the heterogeneouspathology suggest that schizophrenia is a developmental disease that arises from interplayof genetic and environmental factors during sensitive periods. Redox dysregulation due to animbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidant defence mechanisms is among the riskfactors for schizophrenia. Glutathione (GSH) is the major cellular redox regulator andantioxidant. Levels of GSH are decreased in cerebrospinal fluid, prefrontal cortex and postmortemstriatum of schizophrenia patients. Moreover, polymorphisms of the key GSHsynthesizingenzyme, glutamate-cysteine ligase, modifier (GCLM) subunit, are associatedwith the disease, suggesting that GSH deficit is of genetic origin. Here we used miceknockout (KO) for the GCLM gene, which display chronic GSH deficit (~70 to 80% decrease)to investigate the direct link between redox dysregulation and schizophrenia. Accordingly,we evaluated whether GCLM KO compared to normal wildtype mice display behavioralchanges that relate to schizophrenia symptoms and whether their brains showmorphological, functional or metabolic alterations that resemble those in patients.Moreover, we exposed pubertal GCLM mice to repeated mild stress and measured theirhormonal and behavioral stress reactivity. Our data show that chronic GSH deficit isassociated with altered emotion- and stress-related behaviors, deficient prepulse inhibition,pronounced amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion but normal spatial learning andworking memory. These changes represent important schizophrenia endophenotypes.Moreover, this particular pattern of change indicates impairment of the ventralhippocampus (VH) and related circuitry as opposed to the dorsal hippocampus (DH), which isimplicated in spatial information processing. This is consistent with a selective deficit ofparvalbumin positive interneurons and gamma oscillation in the VH but not DH. Increasedlevels of circulating stress hormones in KO mice following pubertal stress corroborate VHdysfunction as it is involved in negative feedback control of the stress response. VHstructural and functional deficits are frequently found in the schizophrenic brain. Metabolicevaluation of the developing GCLM KO anterior cortex using in vivo magnetic resonancespectroscopy revealed elevated glutamine (Gln), glutamate (Glu), Gln/Glu and N-acetylaspartate(NAA) during the pre-pubertal period. Similar changes are reported in earlyschizophrenia. Overall, we observe phenotypic anomalies in GSH deficient GCLM KO micethat correspond to major schizophrenia endophenotypes. This supports an important rolefor redox dysregulation in schizophrenia and validates the GCLM KO mouse as model for thedisease. Moreover, our results indicate that puberty may be a sensitive period for redoxsensitivechanges highliting the importance of early intervention. Gln, Gln/Glu, Glu and NAAmay qualify as early metabolic biomarkers to identify young at-risk individuals. Since chronictreatment with NAC normalized most metabolic changes in GCLM KO mice, NAC may be oneadjunct treatment of choice for early intervention in patients.RESUMELa schizophrénie est une maladie psychiatrique majeure avec une prévalence de 1% dans lapopulation. Son développement est progressif, les premières psychoses apparaissant àl'adolescence ou au début de l'âge adulte. La maladie a plusieurs présentations et uneneuropathologie étendue, qui inclut des déficits neurochimiques, métaboliques, de lamyélination et de la régulation du stress. L'émergence tardive et l'hétérogénéité de lapathologie suggèrent que la schizophrénie est une maladie développementale, favorisée pardes facteurs génétiques et environnementaux durant des périodes sensibles. La dérégulationrédox, due à un déséquilibre entre facteurs pro-oxidantes et défenses anti-oxidantes,constitue un facteur de risque. Le glutathion (GSH) est le principal régulateur rédox et antioxidantdes cellules, ses taux sont diminués dans le liquide céphalorachidien, le cortexpréfrontal et le striatum de patients. De plus, des variations du gène codant la sous-unitémodulatrice (GCLM) de la glutamate-cystéine ligase, enzyme de synthèse du GSH, sontassociés la maladie, suggérant que le déficit observé chez les patients est d'originegénétique. Nous avons donc utilisé des souris ayant une délétion du gène GCLM (KO), quiont un déficit chronique en GSH (70-80%), afin d'étudier le lien entre une dérégulation rédoxet la schizophrénie. Nous avons évalué si ces souris présentent des altérationscomportementales analogues aux symptômes de la maladie, et des modificationsstructurelles, fonctionnelles et métaboliques au niveau du cerveau, ressemblant à celles despatients. De plus, nous avons soumis les souris à des stresses modérés durant la puberté,puis mesuré les réponses hormonales et comportementales. Les animaux présentent undéficit pré-attentionnel du traitement des informations moto-sensorielles, un déficit pourcertains apprentissages, une réponse accrue à l'amphétamine, mais leurs mémoires spatialeet de travail sont préservées. Ces atteintes comportementales sont analogues à certainsendophénotypes de la schizophrénie. De plus, ces changements comportementaux sontlargement expliqués par une perturbation morphologique et fonctionnelle de l'hippocampeventral (HV). Ainsi, nous avons observé un déficit sélectif des interneurones immunoréactifsà la parvalbumine et une désynchronisation neuronale dans l'HV. L'hippocampe dorsal,impliqué dans l'orientation spatiale, demeure en revanche intact. L'augmentationd'hormones de stress dans le sang des souris KO suite à un stress prépubertal soutien aussil'hypothèse d'une dysfonction de l'HV, connu pour moduler ce type de réponse. Des déficitsstructurels et fonctionnels dans l'hippocampe antérieur (ventral) ont d'ailleurs été rapportéschez des patients schizophrènes. Par de résonance magnétique, nous avons également suivile profil métabolique du le cortex antérieur au cours du développement postnatal des sourisKO. Ces mesures ont révélé des taux élevés de glutamine (Gln), glutamate (Glu), du ratioGln/Glu, et de N-acétyl-aspartate (NAA) durant la période prépubertale. Des altérationssimilaires sont décrites chez les patients durant la phase précoce. Nous avons donc révélédes anomalies phénotypiques chez les souris GCLM KO qui reflètent certainsendophénotypes de la schizophrénie. Nos résultats appuient donc le rôle d'une dérégulationrédox dans l'émergence de la maladie et le potentiel des souris KO comme modèle. De plus,cette étude met en évidence la puberté comme période particulièrement sensible à unedérégulation rédox, renforçant l'importance d'une intervention thérapeutique précoce. Dansce cadre, Gln, Gln/Glu, Glu and NAA seraient des biomarqueurs clés pour identifier de jeunesindividus à risque. De part son efficacité dans notre modèle, NAC pourrait être unesubstance de choix dans le traitement précoce des patients.
We evaluated the role of the G alpha-q (Galphaq) subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins in the insulin signaling pathway leading to GLUT4 translocation. We inhibited endogenous Galphaq function by single cell microinjection of anti-Galphaq/11 antibody or RGS2 protein (a GAP protein for Galphaq), followed by immunostaining to assess GLUT4 translocation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Galphaq/11 antibody and RGS2 inhibited insulin-induced GLUT4 translocation by 60 or 75%, respectively, indicating that activated Galphaq is important for insulin-induced glucose transport. We then assessed the effect of overexpressing wild-type Galphaq (WT-Galphaq) or a constitutively active Galphaq mutant (Q209L-Galphaq) by using an adenovirus expression vector. In the basal state, Q209L-Galphaq expression stimulated 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake and GLUT4 translocation to 70% of the maximal insulin effect. This effect of Q209L-Galphaq was inhibited by wortmannin, suggesting that it is phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) dependent. We further show that Q209L-Galphaq stimulates PI3-kinase activity in p110alpha and p110gamma immunoprecipitates by 3- and 8-fold, respectively, whereas insulin stimulates this activity mostly in p110alpha by 10-fold. Nevertheless, only microinjection of anti-p110alpha (and not p110gamma) antibody inhibited both insulin- and Q209L-Galphaq-induced GLUT4 translocation, suggesting that the metabolic effects induced by Q209L-Galphaq are dependent on the p110alpha subunit of PI3-kinase. In summary, (i) Galphaq appears to play a necessary role in insulin-stimulated glucose transport, (ii) Galphaq action in the insulin signaling pathway is upstream of and dependent upon PI3-kinase, and (iii) Galphaq can transmit signals from the insulin receptor to the p110alpha subunit of PI3-kinase, which leads to GLUT4 translocation.
The aim of our study was to identify and document some key cognitive aptitudes used by ambulance people in emergency situations. Better knowing such aptitudes is necessary for a school of ambulance people in order to improve the selection and education of students. The idea was to better consider real work activity requirements and characteristics, and to develop and implement genuine educational content and selection tools. We followed the work activity of ambulance professionals involved in real emergency situations. Some interventions were filmed and post-analyzed. We completed and validated our analysis by means of interviews with ambulance personnel. We selected some video sequences and used them as a support for the interviews. We identified and documented many different key aptitudes like orientation and spatial sense, the capacity to perform complex cognitive tasks and delicate manipulations in the context of divided attention, as well as diverse aptitudes relevant in collaborative work.
Besides tumor cells, the tumor microenvironment harbors a variety of host-derived cells, such as endothelial cells, fibroblasts, innate and adaptive immune cells. It is a complex and highly dynamic environment, providing very important cues to tumor development and progression. Tumor-associated endothelial cells play a key role in this process. On the one hand, they form tumor-associated (angiogenic) vessels through sprouting from locally preexisting vessels or recruitment of bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells, to provide nutritional support to the growing tumor. On the other hand, they are the interface between circulating blood cells, tumor cells and the extracellular matrix, thereby playing a central role in controlling leukocyte recruitment, tumor cell behavior and metastasis formation. Hypoxia is a critical parameter modulating the tumor microenvironment and endothelial/tumor cell interactions. Under hypoxic stress, tumor cells produce factors that promote tumor angiogenesis, tumor cell motility and metastasis. Among these factors, VEGF, a main angiogenesis modulator, can also play a critical role in the control of immune tolerance. This review discusses some aspects of the role of endothelial cells within tumor microenvironment and emphasizes their interaction with tumor cells, the extracellular matrix and with immune killer cells. We will also address the role played by circulating endothelial progenitor cells and illustrate their features and mechanism of recruitment to the tumor microenvironment and their role in tumor angiogenesis.
The appearance of multicellular organisms imposed the development of several mechanisms for cell-to-cell communication, whereby different types of cells coordinate their function. Some of these mechanisms depend on the intercellular diffusion of signal molecules in the extracellular spaces, whereas others require cell-to-cell contact. Among the latter mechanisms, those provided by the proteins of the connexin family are widespread in most tissues. Connexin signaling is achieved via direct exchanges of cytosolic molecules between adjacent cells at gap junctions, for cell-to-cell coupling, and possibly also involves the formation of membrane "hemi-channels," for the extracellular release of cytosolic signals, direct interactions between connexins and other cell proteins, and coordinated influence on the expression of multiple genes. Connexin signaling appears to be an obligatory attribute of all multicellular exocrine and endocrine glands. Specifically, the experimental evidence we review here points to a direct participation of the Cx36 isoform in the function of the insulin-producing β-cells of the endocrine pancreas, and of the Cx40 isoform in the function of the renin-producing juxtaglomerular epithelioid cells of the kidney cortex.
An attractive treatment of cancer consists in inducing tumor-eradicating CD8(+) CTL specific for tumor-associated Ags, such as NY-ESO-1 (ESO), a strongly immunogenic cancer germ line gene-encoded tumor-associated Ag, widely expressed on diverse tumors. To establish optimal priming of ESO-specific CTL and to define critical vaccine variables and mechanisms, we used HLA-A2/DR1 H-2(-/-) transgenic mice and sequential immunization with immunodominant DR1- and A2-restricted ESO peptides. Immunization of mice first with the DR1-restricted ESO(123-137) peptide and subsequently with mature dendritic cells (DCs) presenting this and the A2-restriced ESO(157-165) epitope generated abundant, circulating, high-avidity primary and memory CD8(+) T cells that efficiently killed A2/ESO(157-165)(+) tumor cells. This prime boost regimen was superior to other vaccine regimes and required strong Th1 cell responses, copresentation of MHC class I and MHC class II peptides by the same DC, and resulted in upregulation of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1, and thus egress of freshly primed CD8(+) T cells from the draining lymph nodes into circulation. This well-defined system allowed detailed mechanistic analysis, which revealed that 1) the Th1 cytokines IFN-gamma and IL-2 played key roles in CTL priming, namely by upregulating on naive CD8(+) T cells the chemokine receptor CCR5; 2) the inflammatory chemokines CCL4 (MIP-1beta) and CCL3 (MIP-1alpha) chemoattracted primed CD4(+) T cells to mature DCs and activated, naive CD8(+) T cells to DC-CD4 conjugates, respectively; and 3) blockade of these chemokines or their common receptor CCR5 ablated priming of CD8(+) T cells and upregulation of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1. These findings provide new opportunities for improving T cell cancer vaccines.
PURPOSE: To improve the risk stratification of patients with rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) through the use of clinical and molecular biologic data. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Two independent data sets of gene-expression profiling for 124 and 101 patients with RMS were used to derive prognostic gene signatures by using a meta-analysis. These and a previously published metagene signature were evaluated by using cross validation analyses. A combined clinical and molecular risk-stratification scheme that incorporated the PAX3/FOXO1 fusion gene status was derived from 287 patients with RMS and evaluated. RESULTS: We showed that our prognostic gene-expression signature and the one previously published performed well with reproducible and significant effects. However, their effect was reduced when cross validated or tested in independent data and did not add new prognostic information over the fusion gene status, which is simpler to assay. Among nonmetastatic patients, patients who were PAX3/FOXO1 positive had a significantly poorer outcome compared with both alveolar-negative and PAX7/FOXO1-positive patients. Furthermore, a new clinicomolecular risk score that incorporated fusion gene status (negative and PAX3/FOXO1 and PAX7/FOXO1 positive), Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study TNM stage, and age showed a significant increase in performance over the current risk-stratification scheme. CONCLUSION: Gene signatures can improve current stratification of patients with RMS but will require complex assays to be developed and extensive validation before clinical application. A significant majority of their prognostic value was encapsulated by the fusion gene status. A continuous risk score derived from the combination of clinical parameters with the presence or absence of PAX3/FOXO1 represents a robust approach to improving current risk-adapted therapy for RMS.
Résumé : Ce travail comprend deux parties : La première partie a pour but de présenter une revue des techniques de gastrostomie chez l'enfant. La gastrostomie est, par définition, un tractus fistuleux entre l'estomac et la paroi abdominale. Le but de la gastrostomie est de permettre la décompression gastrique, la nutrition entérale et l'apport médicamenteux. Les indications et contre-indications à la confection et utilisation de la gastrostomie sont détaillées dans ce travail. Historiquement, les premières gastrostomies étaient d'origine accidentelle ou infectieuse (fistule gastro-cutanée), incompatibles avec la vie. Sedillot, en 1845 décrivit la première gastrostomie chirurgicale sans cathéter, qui avait comme désavantage la présence de fuites. Depuis, les techniques se sont multipliées en évoluant vers la continence et l'utilisation de cathéters. En 1979 Gauderer décrivit pour la première fois une technique percutanée, réalisée sur un enfant âgé de 5 mois. Cette technique est appelée « Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy » (PEG). Elle a ensuite été élargie à la population adulte. Actuellement, il existe une grande multiplicité de techniques par abord « laparotomique », laparoscopique ou percutanée (endoscopique ou radiologique). Ces techniques peuvent être combinées. Toutes ces techniques nécessitent la présence intermittente ou continue d'un dispositif, qui permet le maintient de la gastrostomie ouverte et évite les fuites gastriques. Ces dispositifs sont multiples; initialement il s'agissait de cathéters rigides (bois, métal, caoutchouc). Ensuite ils ont été fabriqués en silicone, ce qui les rend plus souples et mieux tolérés par le patient. Pour éviter leur dislocation, ils possèdent un système d'amarrage intra-gastrique tel que : un champignon (Bard®), un ballonnet (Foley®, Mic-Key®), ou une forme spiralée du cathéter (« pig-tail ») et possèdent un système d'amarrage extra-gastrique (« cross-bar »). En 1982, Gauderer créa le premier dispositif à fleur de peau : le bouton de gastrostomie (BG). Actuellement, il en existe deux types : à champignon (Bard®) et à ballonnet (Mic-Key®). Il existe plusieurs types de complications liées à la technique opératoire, à la prise en charge et au matériel utilisé. Une comparaison des différentes techniques, matériaux utilisés et coûts engendrés est détaillée dans ce travail. La deuxième partie de ce travail est dédiée aux BG et plus spécifiquement au BG à ballonnet (Mic-Key®). Nous présentons les différents boutons et les techniques spécifiques. Le BG est inséré soit dans une gastrostomie préformée, soit directement lors de la confection d'une gastrostomie par laparotomie, laparoscopie ou de façon percutanée. Les complications liées au BG sont rapportées. D'autres utilisations digestives ou urologiques sont décrites. Nous présentons ensuite notre expérience avec 513 BG à ballonnet (Mic-Key®) dans une revue de 73 enfants. La pose du BG est effectuée dans une gastrostomie préformée sans recours à une anesthésie générale. La technique choisie pour la confection de la gastrostomie dépend de la pathologie de base, de l'état général du patient, de la nécessité d'une opération concomitante et du risque anesthésique. Nous apportons des précisions sur le BG telles que la dimension en fonction de l'âge, la durée de vie, et les causes qui ont amené au changement du BG. Nos résultats sont comparés à ceux de la littérature. Sur la base de notre expérience et après avoir passé en revue la littérature spécialisée, nous proposons des recommandations sur le choix de la technique et le choix du matériel. Ce travail se termine avec une réflexion sur le devenir de la gastrostomie. Si le futur consiste à améliorer et innover les techniques et les matériaux, des protocoles destinés à la standardisation des techniques, à la sélection des patients et à l'enseignement des soins devraient s'en suivre. La prise en charge de l'enfant ne se limite pas à la sélection appropriée de la technique et des matériaux, mais il s'agit avant tout d'une approche multidisciplinaire. La collaboration entre le personnel soignant, la famille et l'enfant est essentielle pour que la prise en charge soit optimale et sans risques.