77 resultados para Ecological engineering -- Ireland


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La production endogène à long terme de chaleur, même au repos, est une adaptation que l'on retrouve chez les animaux à sang chaud (les oiseaux et les mammifères). Cette production de chaleur a comme but le maintien d'une température constante du corps indépendamment de la température extérieure. A cette fin, les mammifères ont développé une forme de tissu spécialisé nommé tissu adipeux brun (BAT). Ce tissu est responsable de la conversion de nourriture en chaleur, procédé appelé thermogenèse sans frisson (NST = non-shivering thermogenesis). Durant ce procédé la uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) convertit, au sein des mitochondries, la nourriture en chaleur au lieu de produire de l'ATP, molécule utilisée comme énergie cellulaire. On suppose que cette inefficacité de la conversion de la nourriture en ATP dans le BAT influence l'homéostasie de l'énergie, l'allocation des ressources ainsi que la régulation de processus gourmant en énergie comme la croissance et la reproduction. Afin de maintenir une température du corps constante, les mammifères doivent ajuster leur NST en fonction de la température ambiante. La NST devrait être donc plus importante que la croissance et la reproduction durant l'hiver que lors l'été/à haute altitude qu'à basse altitude. En effet, plusieurs études ont déjà démontré la dépendance de la NST aux divers paramètres environnementaux. Par contre, l'héritabilité de la NST ainsi que sa relation avec d'autres traits de caractère, ne sont que très peu connus, ceci malgré l'importance d'une telle information afin de pouvoir comprendre son potentiel évolutif. L'étude de l'importance évolutive et écologique sur la NST chez les campagnols des champs (Microtus arvalis) fut donc le but cette thèse de doctorat. Grâce aux informations collectées sur 4 générations de campagnols (chapitre 1), une dépendance saisonnière et journalière de la NST a été démontrée: elle augmente lors des périodes froides et diminue lors de la lactation. On a démontré que bien qu'étant plastique, la variation de la NST a une composante génétique significative. Elle est corrélée avec le taux d'activité métabolique au repos indiquant des contraintes intrinsèques. A l'aide d'une expérience de jardin commune, on a pu démontrer dans le chapitre 2 que les campagnols habitant en altitude ont une capacité génétique de thermogenèse sans frisson plus haute que celles de basse altitude. Ils produisent des portées plus petites et leur descendance grandit moins vite, surtout à partir du 10ème jour ce qui coïncide avec le début de la production de chaleur endogène. En choisissant artificiellement des campagnols avec une NST faible ou grande, on a pu démontrer une relation entre la NST et la développement de la masse corporelle. Les campagnols avec une haute NST grandissent plus lentement et sont plus légères à l'âge adulte que celles ayant une basse NST. A l'aide d'un croisement interligne entre les campagnols sélectionnés (avec basse et haute NST), on a pu montrer dans le chapitre 3 des effets « parent-of-origin >> du développement massique de la descendance, indiquant une empreinte génétique parentale. Cela veut dire que l'expression d'un allele dépend de l'origine parentale. De plus, des effets « parent-of-origin » des taux de base de norépinephrine et d'irisine ont pu être trouvés. Ces hormones sont connues pour influencer non seulement la TSF mais aussi d'autres caractéristiques. Ces influences ouvrent la voie à de nouvelles études sur la relation entre la TSF et l'histoire de vie. Dans le chapitre 4 on a démontré des effets à long terme de l'allocation des ressources en manipulant la taille des portées qui ont abouti à des différences dans l'investissement dans la reproduction et de la croissance de la descendance à la fois dans le cas de la reproduction manipulé et aussi dans le non - manipulée entre les femelles avec portées agrandies et réduites. Ensemble, ces résultats mettent en évidence le rôle central de la NST dans l'allocation des ressources sur la base d'un compromis entre le maintien et la croissance et ainsi transforme l'histoire de vie des mammifères. Ces études montrent comment les mammifères peuvent répondre rapidement à court et à long terme (c'est-à-dire par des réponses génétiques ou plastiques) à un changement rapide du climat. On montre aussi qu'il y a probablement une corrélation entre l'histoire de vie et des changements du comportement. Finalement mes résultats ont montré un lien étroit entre la NST et la croissance et les dimensions du corps. Ces résultats indiquent que le tissu adipeux brun et la NST pourraient être une cible thérapeutique intéressante pour traiter l'obésité.


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The ability to efficiently produce recombinant proteins in a secreted form is highly desirable and cultured mammalian cells such as CHO cells have become the preferred host as they secrete proteins with human-like post-translational modifications. However, attempts to express high levels of particular proteins in CHO cells may consistently result in low yields, even for non-engineered proteins such as immunoglobulins. In this study, we identified the responsible faulty step at the stage of translational arrest, translocation and early processing for such a "difficult-to-express" immunoglobulin, resulting in improper cleavage of the light chain and its precipitation in an insoluble cellular fraction unable to contribute to immunoglobulin assembly. We further show that proper processing and secretion were restored by over-expressing human signal receptor protein SRP14 and other components of the secretion pathway. This allowed the expression of the difficult-to-express protein to high yields, and it also increased the production of an easy-to-express protein. Our results demonstrate that components of the secretory and processing pathways can be limiting, and that engineering of the secretory pathway may be used to improve the secretion efficiency of therapeutic proteins from CHO cells.


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We describe herein some immunological properties of human fetal bone cells recently tested for bone tissue-engineering applications. Adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and osteoblasts were included in the study for comparison. Surface markers involved in bone metabolism and immune recognition were analyzed using flow cytometry before and after differentiation or treatment with cytokines. Immunomodulatory properties were studied on activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The immuno-profile of fetal bone cells was further investigated at the gene expression level. Fetal bone cells and adult MSCs were positive for Stro-1, alkaline phosphatase, CD10, CD44, CD54, and beta2-microglobulin, but human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-I and CD80 were less present than on adult osteoblasts. All cells were negative for HLA-II. Treatment with recombinant human interferon gamma increased the presence of HLA-I in adult cells much more than in fetal cells. In the presence of activated PBMCs, fetal cells had antiproliferative effects, although with patterns not always comparable with those of adult MSCs and osteoblasts. Because of the immunological profile, and with their more-differentiated phenotype than of stem cells, fetal bone cells present an interesting potential for allogeneic cell source in tissue-engineering applications.


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1. The formation of groups is a fundamental aspect of social organization, but there are still many questions regarding how social structure emerges from individuals making non-random associations. 2. Although food distribution and individual phenotypic traits are known to separately influence social organization, this is the first study, to our knowledge, experimentally linking them to demonstrate the importance of their interaction in the emergence of social structure. 3. Using an experimental design in which food distribution was either clumped or dispersed, in combination with individuals that varied in exploratory behaviour, our results show that social structure can be induced in the otherwise non-social European shore crab (Carcinus maenas). 4. Regardless of food distribution, individuals with relatively high exploratory behaviour played an important role in connecting otherwise poorly connected individuals. In comparison, low exploratory individuals aggregated into cohesive, stable subgroups (moving together even when not foraging), but only in tanks where resources were clumped. No such non-foraging subgroups formed in environments where food was evenly dispersed. 5. Body size did not accurately explain an individual's role within the network for either type of food distribution. 6. Because of their synchronized movements and potential to gain social information, groups of low exploratory crabs were more effective than singletons at finding food. 7. Because social structure affects selection, and social structure is shown to be sensitive to the interaction between ecological and behavioural differences among individuals, local selective pressures are likely to reflect this interaction.


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Oil-collecting bees are found worldwide and always in association with particular oil-producing flowers. In the Western Palearctic, three oil-collecting bee species within the genus Macropis (Hymenoptera, Melittidae) interact in a tight pollination mutualism with species of the only European oil-producing plant genus Lysimachia L. (Myrsinaceae). Two of these oil-collecting bees (Macropis europaea and Macropis fulvipes) show overlapping geographic distributions, comparable morphologies, and similar ecological characteristics (e.g., habitat type, floral preferences). In view of these similarities, we presume that hybridization should occur between the two species unless potential variation among the species' ecological niches prevents it, simultaneously decreasing competition for resources. Using modern genetic analyses and ecological niche modeling on a large bee sampling throughout Europe, we discuss new perspectives on the ecology and evolutionary history of this mutualism.


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The aim of this study was to culture human fetal bone cells (dedicated cell banks of fetal bone derived from 14 week gestation femurs) within both hyaluronic acid gel and collagen foam, to compare the biocompatibility of both matrices as potential delivery systems for bone engineering and particularly for oral application. Fetal bone cell banks were prepared from one organ donation and cells were cultured for up to 4 weeks within hyaluronic acid (Mesolis(®)) and collagen foams (TissueFleece(®)). Cell survival and differentiation were assessed by cell proliferation assays and histology of frozen sections stained with Giemsa, von Kossa and ALP at 1, 2 and 4 weeks of culture. Within both materials, fetal bone cells could proliferate in three-dimensional structure at ∼70% capacity compared to monolayer culture. In addition, these cells were positive for ALP and von Kossa staining, indicating cellular differentiation and matrix production. Collagen foam provides a better structure for fetal bone cell delivery if cavity filling is necessary and hydrogels would permit an injectable technique for difficult to treat areas. In all, there was high biocompatibility, cellular differentiation and matrix deposition seen in both matrices by fetal bone cells, allowing for easy cell delivery for bone stimulation in vivo. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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1. The ecological niche is a fundamental biological concept. Modelling species' niches is central to numerous ecological applications, including predicting species invasions, identifying reservoirs for disease, nature reserve design and forecasting the effects of anthropogenic and natural climate change on species' ranges. 2. A computational analogue of Hutchinson's ecological niche concept (the multidimensional hyperspace of species' environmental requirements) is the support of the distribution of environments in which the species persist. Recently developed machine-learning algorithms can estimate the support of such high-dimensional distributions. We show how support vector machines can be used to map ecological niches using only observations of species presence to train distribution models for 106 species of woody plants and trees in a montane environment using up to nine environmental covariates. 3. We compared the accuracy of three methods that differ in their approaches to reducing model complexity. We tested models with independent observations of both species presence and species absence. We found that the simplest procedure, which uses all available variables and no pre-processing to reduce correlation, was best overall. Ecological niche models based on support vector machines are theoretically superior to models that rely on simulating pseudo-absence data and are comparable in empirical tests. 4. Synthesis and applications. Accurate species distribution models are crucial for effective environmental planning, management and conservation, and for unravelling the role of the environment in human health and welfare. Models based on distribution estimation rather than classification overcome theoretical and practical obstacles that pervade species distribution modelling. In particular, ecological niche models based on machine-learning algorithms for estimating the support of a statistical distribution provide a promising new approach to identifying species' potential distributions and to project changes in these distributions as a result of climate change, land use and landscape alteration.


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The chemical functionalization of cell-surface proteins of human primary fetal bone cells with hydrophilic bioorthogonal intermediates was investigated. Toward this goal, chemical pathways were developed for click reaction-mediated coupling of alkyne derivatives with cellular azido-expressing proteins. The incorporation via a tetraethylene glycol linker of a dipeptide and a reporter biotin allowed the proof of concept for the introduction of cell-specific peptide ligands and to follow the reaction in living cells. Tuning the conditions of the click reaction resulted in chemical functionalization of living human fetal osteoblasts with excellent cell survival.


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New geochronological data which clarify the timing of syn-orogenic magmatism and regional metamorphism in the Connemara Dalradian are presented. U-Pb zircon data on four intermediate to acid foliated magmatic rocks show important inherited components but the most concordant fractions demonstrate that major magmatism continued until 465 Ma whereas the earliest, basic magmatism has been dated previously at 490 Ma; a fine-grained, fabric-cutting granite contains discordant zircons which also appear to be 465 Ma old. Are magmatism in Connemara therefore spanned a period of at least 25 Ma. Recent U-Pb data on titanite from central Connemara which gave a peak metamorphic age of 478 Ma are supplemented by U-Pb data on titanite and monazite from metamorphic veins in the east of Connemara which indicate that low-P, high-T regional metamorphism ism continued there to 465 Ma, i.e. at least 10 Ma later than in the central region dated previously. New Rb-Sr data on muscovites from coarse-grained segregations in different structural settings range from 475 to 435 Ma; in part this range probably also reflects differences in age from west to east, with three ages close to 455 Ma from the eastern area, which is also the site of the lowest pressure metamorphism. Thermal modelling indicates that at any one locality the duration of metamorphism was probably as little as 1-2 Ma. The new dates emphasize the complexity in the spatial and temporal distribution of high-level regional metamorphism caused by magmatic activity. The relatively simple overall distribution of mineral-appearance isograds revealed by regional mapping masks the complexity of a prolonged but punctuated metamorphic history related to multiple intrusions, primarily in the southern part of Connemara. The later stages of magmatic activity followed progressive uplift and erosion after the onset of magmatism, and were localized in the eastern part of the region.


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We propose a multivariate approach to the study of geographic species distribution which does not require absence data. Building on Hutchinson's concept of the ecological niche, this factor analysis compares, in the multidimensional space of ecological variables, the distribution of the localities where the focal species was observed to a reference set describing the whole study area. The first factor extracted maximizes the marginality of the focal species, defined as the ecological distance between the species optimum and the mean habitat within the reference area. The other factors maximize the specialization of this focal species, defined as the ratio of the ecological variance in mean habitat to that observed for the focal species. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues are readily interpreted and can be used to build habitat-suitability maps. This approach is recommended in Situations where absence data are not available (many data banks), unreliable (most cryptic or rare species), or meaningless (invaders). We provide an illustration and validation of the method for the alpine ibex, a species reintroduced in Switzerland which presumably has not yet recolonized its entire range.