77 resultados para Conversor cc-cc


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BACKGROUND: High baseline levels of IP-10 predict a slower first phase decline in HCV RNA and a poor outcome following interferon/ribavirin therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Several recent studies report that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) adjacent to IL28B predict spontaneous resolution of HCV infection and outcome of treatment among HCV genotype 1 infected patients. METHODS AND FINDINGS: In the present study, we correlated the occurrence of variants at three such SNPs (rs12979860, rs12980275, and rs8099917) with pretreatment plasma IP-10 and HCV RNA throughout therapy within a phase III treatment trial (HCV-DITTO) involving 253 Caucasian patients. The favorable SNP variants (CC, AA, and TT, respectively) were associated with lower baseline IP-10 (P = 0.02, P = 0.01, P = 0.04) and were less common among HCV genotype 1 infected patients than genotype 2/3 (P<0.0001, P<0.0001, and P = 0.01). Patients carrying favorable SNP genotypes had higher baseline viral load than those carrying unfavorable variants (P = 0.0013, P = 0.029, P = 0.0004 respectively). Among HCV genotype 1 infected carriers of the favorable C, A, or T alleles, IP-10 below 150 pg/mL significantly predicted a more pronounced reduction of HCV RNA from day 0 to 4 (first phase decline), which translated into increased rates of RVR (62%, 53%, and 39%) and SVR (85%, 76%, and 75% respectively) among homozygous carriers with baseline IP-10 below 150 pg/mL. In multivariate analyses of genotype 1-infected patients, baseline IP-10 and C genotype at rs12979860 independently predicted the first phase viral decline and RVR, which in turn independently predicted SVR. CONCLUSIONS: Concomitant assessment of pretreatment IP-10 and IL28B-related SNPs augments the prediction of the first phase decline in HCV RNA, RVR, and final therapeutic outcome.


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INTRODUCTION La loi peut-elle conduire à l'injustice ? Depuis l'antiquité, les rapports entre la loi et la justice constituent un thème fondamental de la pensée occidentale. En témoigne notamment la récurrence, à travers les siècles, du débat entre jusnaturalistes -qui postulent l'existence et la prééminence d'un droit naturel, toujours conforme à l'équité - et positivistes - pour lesquels la question du caractère juste ou injuste d'une loi valablement édictée n'est d'aucune pertinence. Cette préoccupation n'atteint toutefois pas aux seules réflexions spéculatives des théoriciens du droit. La plupart des législateurs ont cherché à fonder leurs normes sur l'équité, et à les conformer ainsi à l'idée de justice qui prévalait lors de leur adoption. La question peut se poser toutefois de l'existence possible d'une «loi juste dans l'abstrait, antérieurement à toute concrétisation. N'est-ce pas au contraire le sort de toute norme que d'échapper à son auteur et de voir son sens précisé, complété, voire modifié au travers des multiples cas qu'elle est appelée à régler? Aristote avait déjà mis en évidence l'imperfection inhérente à toute norme générale. Aucun législateur ne peut en effet envisager la multiplicité des hypothèses dans lesquelles les particuliers invoqueront la norme par lui édictée. Il arrive dès lors que le juge soit confronté à une prétention qui paraît régulièrement fondée en droit, mais dont la mise en oeuvre en l'espèce aboutit à une injustice. Pour cette raison, la plupart des systèmes juridiques ont développé des moyens destinés à éviter que l'application du droit conduise à un résultat injuste que ri avait pas envisagé l'auteur de la norme. Cette étude se propose tout d'abord d'examiner la solution du droit romain. Celui-ci a en effet développé, à travers l'exceptio doli, une institution qui permet au magistrat de paralyser les effets d'une prétention, pourtant parfaitement fondée en droit civil. Après un examen du contexte de son apparition (titre I), il s'agira d'en étudier - en tentant de les classifier - les nombreux cas d'application (titre II), avant de proposer une définition générale de l'institution (titre III). Seront ensuite décrites les principales étapes de l'évolution de l'exceptio doli, à partir de la fin de l'Empire romain d'Occident, jusqu'au XXe siècle de notre ère (titre IV). Codifié au début du XXe siècle, le droit privé suisse a certes concrétisé, par nombre de dispositions particulières, les divers cas d'application de l'exceptio doli ; il connaît cependant une institution - l'interdiction de l'abus de droit (art. 2 al. 2 CC) - dont la fonction paraît très analogue à celle de l'antique exception de dol (titre V). Il conviendra d'examiner les hypothèses d'abus de droit qui correspondent aux cas d'application de l'exceptio doli (titre VI) et celles qui doivent leur origine à d'autres institutions (titre VII). On aura ainsi mis en évidence l'étendue du lien de filiation entre l'antique exceptio doli et l'interdiction de l'abus de droit en droit suisse, deux institutions vouées à la concrétisation de l'idée de justice lors de la mise en oeuvre des normes.


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PURPOSE: To compare in-season eotaxin-1 levels in tears of patients suffering from seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC) with (1) tears of normal subjects and (2) tears of SAC patients out of season. METHODS: Tears of 11 SAC patients and six control volunteers were collected during the pollen season. Tears of five SAC patients showing a strong sensitivity to grass pollen (skin-prick tests and specific serum IgE) were collected both in season and out of season. ELISA measured eotaxin-1 level. RESULTS: Eotaxin-1 concentration in tears of SAC patients [2,100+/-503 (SEM) pg/ml] and normal subjects (1,193+/-176 pg/ml) were significantly different (P=0.0049). Regarding allergic patients, the clinical score (sum of five allergic criteria) was significantly different in season and out of season (P=0.0043) as was also the case with eotaxin-1 concentration (P=0.024). CONCLUSIONS: The eotaxin-1 concentration in tears of patients showing hay fever could confirm a diagnosis of seasonal ocular allergy.


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Is surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism easier when methylene blue (MB) is given preoperatively? This retrospective study compares the durations of interventions for primary hyperparathyroidism carried out after i.v. MB administration to those when no MB was given. Over a period of 20 years (June 1976 to December 1996), 175 consecutive patients (56 men and 119 women, with ages ranging from 16 to 92, mean 59.6) were operated upon for primary hyperparathyrodism; 55 were operated before February 1986--the period when BM was introduced routinely, and 120 after. Thirty-two other patients were excluded from the study: 14 had had a previous cervicotomy and 18 another procedure in addition to the parathyroidectomy (usually on the thyroid gland), two conditions which prolonged the time devoted to parathyroid identification and excision. Preoperative calcemia averaged 2.97 mmol/L (2.34 to 4.59) and mean preoperative PTH was equal to 2.6 times the upper normal limit (0.5 to 24.1). Both groups were similar for as age, sex, preoperative calcium and PTH, and histologies. Methylene blue was administered intravenously (5 mg/kg diluted in 500 cc of 5% glucose) over a period of time of one hour starting two hours prior to surgery. All 175 procedures were performed by two surgeons and duration of surgery was recorded from the anesthesiologist's notes. There were 149 adenomas (85%), 24 hyperplasias (14%), a combination of both in two, and unspecified in two others. Except for a case of acute lower back pain synchronous to the injection of the dye (which was immediately stopped), MB was well tolerated. Mean duration for the 55 interventions performed without MB was 68 minutes (35 to 140, median 60), compared to 49 minutes for the 120 procedures carried out after MB had been given (20 to 155, median 45). Differences in operative, times were highly significant (p < 10(-6) and represented a gain of time of 27%. Surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism was significantly shorter when it was preceded by the administration of MB, a dye which facilitates the identification of pathologic parathyroid gland(s).


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In ecology, "disease tolerance" is defined as an evolutionary strategy of hosts against pathogens, characterized by reduced or absent pathogenesis despite high pathogen load. To our knowledge, tolerance has to date not been quantified and disentangled from host resistance to disease in any clinically relevant human infection. Using data from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, we investigated if there is variation in tolerance to HIV in humans and if this variation is associated with polymorphisms in the human genome. In particular, we tested for associations between tolerance and alleles of the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) genes, the CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5), the age at which individuals were infected, and their sex. We found that HLA-B alleles associated with better HIV control do not confer tolerance. The slower disease progression associated with these alleles can be fully attributed to the extent of viral load reduction in carriers. However, we observed that tolerance significantly varies across HLA-B genotypes with a relative standard deviation of 34%. Furthermore, we found that HLA-B homozygotes are less tolerant than heterozygotes. Lastly, tolerance was observed to decrease with age, resulting in a 1.7-fold difference in disease progression between 20 and 60-y-old individuals with the same viral load. Thus, disease tolerance is a feature of infection with HIV, and the identification of the mechanisms involved may pave the way to a better understanding of pathogenesis.


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INTRODUCTION De nos jours, le divorce est devenu un événement courant de la vie conjugale. Un des sujets qui restent au coeur de la polémique dans le domaine du droit du divorce depuis toujours, est celui de la contribution d'entretien après divorce. En effet, il s'agit de savoir dans quelles circonstances l'ancien conjoint (épouse ou époux) peut prétendre au maintien de l'entretien auquel il avait droit durant le beau et bon temps du mariage de la part de son ex-partenaire. Pour se convaincre de la complexité des problèmes que la dissolution de l'union conjugale peut créer, il suffit de parcourir la masse des décisions des différents tribunaux en la matière. Quant à l'actualité de la question, on peut simplement observer le nombre de divorces qui va croissant chaque année. Le demandeur peut être aussi bien l'ex-épouse que l'ex-époux ; c'est cette constatation qui a fondé notre démarche et qui est le fil conducteur de ce travail. Mais, alors qu'initialement nous nous demandions si un homme pouvait réellement être dans la situation de l'époux demandeur, notre réflexion s'est peu à peu orientée dans une direction différente et une autre question s'est profilée : qu'en est-il dans les faits de l'égalité acceptée juridiquement et intégrée dans les textes de loi ? La présente thèse examine l'évolution opérée parallèlement dans trois domaines qui s'influencent réciproquement : le droit du mariage, le droit du divorce et le principe constitutionnel de l'égalité. En effet, la révision constitutionnelle qui a abouti à l'adoption en 1981 du principe explicite de l'égalité entre homme et femme, a conduit à certaines modifications législatives. C'est ainsi que ce principe constitutionnel a été, par exemple, concrétisé dans le domaine du droit du mariage en 1984. Il a, par la même occasion, contribué au bouleversement du petit monde traditionnel familial et du système légal qui le soutenait. Nous avons donc analysé les conséquences que cette réforme législative a entraînées au sein du couple, et plus précisément, lors de sa désunion. Le présent travail consacre une partie à chacune des étapes qui a permis de faire évoluer ce domaine du droit si controversé qu'est la contribution d'entretien après divorce. Ainsi, la première partie montre l'influence de la situation de la femme sur les règles régissant le mariage en 1984 : alors que son statut était imprégné des principes patriarcaux justifiant, en 1907, une distribution législative traditionnelle des rôles au sein de l'union conjugale, la femme a, en 1984, été placée devant le même rôle que son mari. Ce titre premier s'intéresse donc à la réforme du droit du mariage entrée en vigueur en 1988 et qui va servir de cadre au bouleversement ultérieur qu'est la révision du droit du divorce. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons étudié le droit du divorce tel qu'il ressortait du Code civil adopté en 1907 jusqu'à sa révision en 1998. Notre étude a donc porté sur les conditions essentielles que le Code d'Eugen Huber imposait pour obtenir une prestation lors de la dissolution des liens du mariage, ainsi que sur l'articulation entre les deux dispositions clés dans ce domaine : les articles 151 et 152 CC 1907. Cette analyse est divisée en deux sous-chapitres qui illustrent l'influence de la révision du droit du mariage de 1984 sur le droit du divorce de 1907. Le premier sous-chapitre examine ainsi les règles régissant la dissolution de l'union conjugale au regard du droit du mariage de 1907 jusqu'à sa révision entrée en vigueur en 1988; le second sous-chapitre porte sur ces mêmes règles de 1988 à 2000 (date de l'entrée en vigueur du nouveau droit du divorce) mais sous un nouvel éclairage, puisque le nouveau droit du mariage et ses nouveaux principes s'appliquent en marge du droit du divorce de 1907. La question se pose de savoir quelle a été l'influence réelle de la réforme de 1984, elle-même marquée par la modification constitutionnelle de 1981, sur le droit du divorce qui date, lui, de 1907 et qui a alors été adopté dans un contexte différent et baigné d'anciens principes traditionnels. En effet, qu'en est-il du droit aux prestations des articles 151 et 152 CC 1907 justifiées par le modèle traditionnel de répartition des tâches, dans un système basé sur la libre attribution des rôles au sein du couple ? Quelles sont les conséquences juridiques de l'indifférenciation des rôles masculin et féminin au sein de l'entité familiale ? Enfin, la troisième partie est consacrée à l'étude du nouveau droit du divorce de 1998, entré en vigueur en l'an 2000. Cette réforme suit l'évolution qui a eu lieu dans le domaine du droit de la famille ; elle a été en quelque sorte imposée par les différents développements législatifs de notre société. Nous nous trouvons ainsi face à de nouvelles interrogations : qu'en est-il des traditions familiales actuelles dans la pratique ? Qu'en est-il de l'évolution du principe constitutionnel de l'égalité et de son application dans les nouveaux droits du mariage et du divorce sous l'angle des contributions d'entretien ?


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OBJECTIVE:: To determine whether there are differences in health perception and health care use among adolescents with psychosomatic symptoms (PS), with chronic conditions (CCs), and with both conditions compared with healthy controls. METHODS:: By using the SMASH02 database, 4 groups were created: youths with PS but no CCs (N = 1010); youths with CCs but no PS (N = 497); youths with both psychosomatic symptoms and chronic conditions (PSCC, N = 213); and youths with neither PS nor CC (control, N = 5709). We used χ tests and analysis of variance to compare each variable between the 4 groups. In a second step, all health and health care use variables were included in a multinomial regression analysis controlling for significant (p < .05) background variables and using the control group as the reference. RESULTS:: Overall, PS and PSCC youths were significantly more likely to rate their health as poor, to be depressed, and to have consulted several times their primary health care provider or a mental health professional than their healthy peers. With the exception of being depressed, PSCC adolescents reported worse health perception and higher health care use than CC and PS. CONCLUSIONS:: Although PS youths do not define PS as a CC, it should be considered as one. Moreover, having PS represents an additional burden to chronically ill adolescents. Health professionals dealing with adolescents must be aware of the deleterious health effects that PS can have on adolescents and have this diagnosis in mind to better target the treatment and improve their management.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Genetic variation in the interleukin 28B (IL28B) gene has been associated with the response to interferon-alfa/ribavirin therapy in hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1-infected patients. The importance of three IL28B single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs8099917, rs12980275 and rs12979860) for HCV genotype 2/3-infected patients is unknown. METHODS: In patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 2/3 (n=267), IL28B host genotypes (rs8099917, rs12980275 and rs12979860) were analyzed for associations with sustained virologic response (SVR) to antiviral therapy with (pegylated) interferon-alfa and ribavirin and with respect to epidemiological, biochemical, and virological parameters. For comparison, hepatitis C genotype 1 patients (n=378) and healthy controls (n=200) were included. RESULTS: The rs12979860 CC genotype, lower age, and genotype 2 were significantly associated with SVR in HCV genotype 2/3-infected patients (p=0.01, p=0.03 and p=0.03, respectively). No association was observed for rs8099917 and rs12980275. In addition, an SVR in patients with rapid virologic response (RVR) was associated with the rs12979860 CC genotype (p=0.05), while for non-RVR no association was found. Furthermore, a significant association with a higher baseline viral load was observed for all three IL28B genotypes in genotype 1/2/3-infected patients. Finally, increasing frequencies of the rs12979860 CC genotypes were observed in genotype 1- (33.9%), genotype 3- (38.9%), and genotype 2-infected (51.9%) patients in comparison with healthy controls (49.0%) (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: In genotype 2/3-infected patients, rs12979860 was significantly associated with SVR. The frequency of the rs12979860 CC genotype is lower in HCV genotype 1 vs. genotype 2/3 patients. All major IL28B genotypes are associated with HCV-RNA concentration.


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The population structure of Staphylococcus aureus is generally described as highly clonal and is consequently subdivided into several clonal complexes (CCs). Recent data suggested that recombination might occur more frequently within than among CCs. To test this hypothesis as well as to understand how genetic diversity is created in S. aureus, we analyzed a collection of 182 isolates with MLST and five highly variable core adhesion (ADH) genes. As expected the polymorphism of ADH genes was higher than MLST genes. However both categories of genes showed low within CCs diversity with a dominant haplotype and its single nucleotide variants. Several recombination events were detected but none involved intra-CC recombination. This did not confirm the hypothesis of higher recombination within CCs. Nevertheless, molecular analyses of variance indicated that these few recombination events have a significant impact on the genetic diversity within CCs. In addition, although most ADH genes were under purifying selection, signs of positive selection associated with a recombinant group were detected. These data highlight the importance of recombination on the evolution of the highly clonal S. aureus and suggest that recombination when combined with demographic mechanisms as well as selection might favor the rapid creation of new clonal complexes.


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OBJECTIVE: To validate a revision of the Mini Nutritional Assessment short-form (MNA(R)-SF) against the full MNA, a standard tool for nutritional evaluation. METHODS: A literature search identified studies that used the MNA for nutritional screening in geriatric patients. The contacted authors submitted original datasets that were merged into a single database. Various combinations of the questions on the current MNA-SF were tested using this database through combination analysis and ROC based derivation of classification thresholds. RESULTS: Twenty-seven datasets (n=6257 participants) were initially processed from which twelve were used in the current analysis on a sample of 2032 study participants (mean age 82.3y) with complete information on all MNA items. The original MNA-SF was a combination of six questions from the full MNA. A revised MNA-SF included calf circumference (CC) substituted for BMI performed equally well. A revised three-category scoring classification for this revised MNA-SF, using BMI and/or CC, had good sensitivity compared to the full MNA. CONCLUSION: The newly revised MNA-SF is a valid nutritional screening tool applicable to geriatric health care professionals with the option of using CC when BMI cannot be calculated. This revised MNA-SF increases the applicability of this rapid screening tool in clinical practice through the inclusion of a "malnourished" category.


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In response to DNA damage, p53-induced protein with a death domain (PIDD) forms a complex called the PIDDosome, which either consists of PIDD, RIP-associated protein with a death domain and caspase-2, forming a platform for the activation of caspase-2, or contains PIDD, RIP1 and NEMO, important for NF-κB activation. PIDDosome activation is dependent on auto-processing of PIDD at two different sites, generating the fragments PIDD-C and PIDD-CC. Despite constitutive cleavage, endogenous PIDD remains inactive. In this study, we screened for novel PIDD regulators and identified heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) as a major effector in both PIDD protein maturation and activation. Hsp90, together with p23, binds PIDD and inhibition of Hsp90 activity with geldanamycin efficiently disrupts this association and impairs PIDD auto-processing. Consequently, both PIDD-mediated NF-κB and caspase-2 activation are abrogated. Interestingly, PIDDosome formation itself is associated with Hsp90 release. Characterisation of cytoplasmic and nuclear pools of PIDD showed that active PIDD accumulates in the nucleus and that only cytoplasmic PIDD is bound to Hsp90. Finally, heat shock induces Hsp90 release from PIDD and PIDD nuclear translocation. Thus, Hsp90 has a major role in controlling PIDD functional activity.


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The objective was to evaluate the prevalence of chronic conditions (CC) in adolescents in Switzerland; to describe their behaviour (leisure, sexuality, risk taking behaviour) and to compare them to those in adolescents who do not have CC in order to evaluate the impact of those conditions on their well-being. The data were obtained from the Swiss Multicentre Adolescent Survey on Health, targeting a sample of 9268 in-school adolescents aged 15 to 20 years, who answered a self-administered questionnaire. Some 11.4% of girls and 9.6% of boys declared themselves carriers of a CC. Of girls suffering from a CC, 25% (versus 13% of non carriers; P=0.007) and 38% of boys (versus 25%; P=0.002) proclaimed not to wear a seatbelt whilst driving. Of CC girls, 6.3% (versus 2.7%; P=0.000) reported within the last 12 months to have driven whilst drunk. Of the girls, 43% (versus 36%; P=0.004) and 47% (versus 39%; P=0.001) were cigarette smokers. Over 32% of boys (versus 27%; P=0.02) reported having ever used cannabis and 17% of girls (versus 13%; P=0.013) and 43% of boys (versus 36%; P=0.002) admitted drinking alcohol. The burden of their illness had important psychological consequences: 7.7% of girls (versus 3.4%; P=0.000) and 4.9% of boys (versus 2.0%; P=0.000) had attempted suicide during the previous 12 months. CONCLUSION: experimental behaviours are not rarer in adolescents with a chronic condition and might be explained by a need to test their limits both in terms of consumption and behaviour. Prevention and specific attention from the health caring team is necessary.


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To reliably differentiate among Staphylococcus aureus isolates we recently developed the Double Locus Sequence Typing (DLST) based on the analysis of partial sequences of clfB and spa genes. This method is highly discriminatory and gives unambiguous definition of types. The highly clonal population structure of S. aureus suggests that isolates with identical clfB or spa alleles belong to the same clonal complex (CC) defined by Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST). To test this hypothesis as well as to investigate putative intra-CC genetic structure, we analyzed a total of 289 isolates (186 MSSA and 103 MRSA) with DLST-, spa- and MLST-typing. Among the 289 strains, 242 were clustered into 7 major MLST CCs, 40 into minor CCs and 7 were not grouped into CCs. A total of 205 DLST- and 129 spa-types were observed. With one exception, all DLST-clfB, DLST-spa and spa-type alleles were segregated into CCs. DLST-types sharing an identical allele (clfB or spa) were clustered using eBURST. Except for one strain, all isolates from each DLST cluster belonged to the same CC. However, using both DLST- and spa-typing we were not able to disclose a clear intra-CC structure. Nevertheless, the high diversity of these loci confirmed that they are good markers for local epidemiological investigations.