106 resultados para Carlo Ludovico, duca di Lucca, 1799-1883


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La tesi è imperniata sulle modalità di rappresentazione letteraria del tempo e délia memoria (dunque sulla relazione fra tempo e narratività) nella produzione narrativa ad ampio respiro délia scrittrice Giovanna Zangrandi.¦Il canone delle opere prese in esame comprende, in particolar modo, i romanzi I Brusaz (1954) e Orsola nelle stagioni (1957), la narrazione a carattere autobiografico de II campo rosso (1959) e il diario resistenziale Igiorni Veri (1963).¦Il percorso di indagine si è awalso di strumenti teorici e analitici interdisciplinari: alla critica e alla prassi letteraria è stata affiancata una strumentazione di matrice storico-filosofica, sociologica e, in misura minore, psicanalitica.¦La tesi si articola in diverse sezioni. Nella prima parte del lavoro vengono esplorati alcuni nessi fondanti del lavoro: il rapporto fra storia e memoria, la relazione fra memoria individuale e memoria collettiva, la dialettica fra ricordo e oblio e quella fra memoria e narrazione, ossia ira contenuti mnestici individuali e loro configurazione letteraria; successivamente la tesi si focalizza sul nesso individuabile, soprattutto nelle opere più scopertamente autobiografiche di Giovanna Zangrandi, tra testo letterario e meccanismi individuali del ricordo, analizzando la dialettica tra pulsione autobiografica e sua rielaborazione tematica, tra piani memoriali soggettivi e loro traduzione narrativa.¦Nell'ultima parte del percorso critico la tesi si sofferma, in particolare, sulle complesse relazioni instaurate daU'autrice, nel diario I giorni veri, fra dimensioni storico-memoriali, piani autobiografïci e sistemi letterari. A taie fine, il punto di riferimento teorico fondamentale è costituito dalla prospettiva linguististica di Harald Weinrich, applicata alio studio dei tempi verbali, in base all'assunto secondo il quale il tempo verbale non esprime necessariamente una dimensione cronologica, quanto piuttosto una condizione psicologica délia soggettività narrante.¦Soffermandosi su un aspetto flnora inesplorato nell'ambito délia produzione narrativa di Giovanna Zangrandi, il lavoro evidenzia come la dialettica memoria/oblio e la corrispondente dicotomia tra passato e présente tendano a trasformarsi nella direttrice tematica fondamentale - nonchè in uno dei tratti più interessanti e significativi - dell'opera zangrandiana.


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Cet article présente les résultats de la revue systématique: Jacquerioz FA, Croft AM. Drugs for preventing malaria in travellers. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009 Oct 7;(4):CD006491. PMID: 19821371


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The distinct core-to-rim zonation of different REEs in garnet in metamorphic rocks, specifically Sm relative to Lu, suggests that Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isochron ages will record different times along a prograde garnet growth history. Therefore, REE zonations in garnet must be measured in order to correctly interpret the isochron ages in terms of the garnet growth interval, which could span several m.y. New REE profiles, garnet crystal size distributions, and garnet growth modeling, combined with previously published Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf geochronology on a UHP eclogite of the Zermatt-Saas Fee (ZSF) ophiolite, Lago di Cignana (Italy), demonstrate that prograde garnet growth of this sample occurred over a similar to 30 to 40 m.y. interval. Relative to peak metamorphism at 38 to 40 Ma, garnet growth is estimated to have begun at similar to 11 to 14 kbar pressure at similar to 70 to 80 Ma. Although such a protracted garnet growth interval is surprising, this is supported by plate tectonic reconstructions which suggest that subduction of the Liguro-Piemont ocean occurred through slow and oblique convergence. These results demonstrate that REE zonations in garnet, coupled to crystal size distributions, provide a powerful means for understanding prograde metamorphic paths when combined with Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf geochronology. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) has the potential to provide valuable information on hydrological properties of the vadose zone because of their strong sensitivity to soil water content. In particular, recent evidence has suggested that the stochastic inversion of crosshole GPR data within a coupled geophysical-hydrological framework may allow for effective estimation of subsurface van-Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) parameters and their corresponding uncertainties. An important and still unresolved issue, however, is how to best integrate GPR data into a stochastic inversion in order to estimate the VGM parameters and their uncertainties, thus improving hydrological predictions. Recognizing the importance of this issue, the aim of the research presented in this thesis was to first introduce a fully Bayesian inversion called Markov-chain-Monte-carlo (MCMC) strategy to perform the stochastic inversion of steady-state GPR data to estimate the VGM parameters and their uncertainties. Within this study, the choice of the prior parameter probability distributions from which potential model configurations are drawn and tested against observed data was also investigated. Analysis of both synthetic and field data collected at the Eggborough (UK) site indicates that the geophysical data alone contain valuable information regarding the VGM parameters. However, significantly better results are obtained when these data are combined with a realistic, informative prior. A subsequent study explore in detail the dynamic infiltration case, specifically to what extent time-lapse ZOP GPR data, collected during a forced infiltration experiment at the Arrenaes field site (Denmark), can help to quantify VGM parameters and their uncertainties using the MCMC inversion strategy. The findings indicate that the stochastic inversion of time-lapse GPR data does indeed allow for a substantial refinement in the inferred posterior VGM parameter distributions. In turn, this significantly improves knowledge of the hydraulic properties, which are required to predict hydraulic behaviour. Finally, another aspect that needed to be addressed involved the comparison of time-lapse GPR data collected under different infiltration conditions (i.e., natural loading and forced infiltration conditions) to estimate the VGM parameters using the MCMC inversion strategy. The results show that for the synthetic example, considering data collected during a forced infiltration test helps to better refine soil hydraulic properties compared to data collected under natural infiltration conditions. When investigating data collected at the Arrenaes field site, further complications arised due to model error and showed the importance of also including a rigorous analysis of the propagation of model error with time and depth when considering time-lapse data. Although the efforts in this thesis were focused on GPR data, the corresponding findings are likely to have general applicability to other types of geophysical data and field environments. Moreover, the obtained results allow to have confidence for future developments in integration of geophysical data with stochastic inversions to improve the characterization of the unsaturated zone but also reveal important issues linked with stochastic inversions, namely model errors, that should definitely be addressed in future research.