130 resultados para Bellevue Hospital.
The aim of this study is to describe a newly implemented haemovigilance system in a general university hospital. We present a series of short cases, highlighting particular aspects of the reports, and an overview of all reported incidents between 1999 and 2001. Incidents related to transfusion of blood products were reported by the clinicians using a standard preformatted form, giving a synopsis of the incident. After analysis, we distinguished, on the one hand, transfusion reactions, that are transfusions which engendered signs or symptoms, and, on the other hand, the incidents where management errors and/or dysfunctions took place. Over 3 years, 233 incidents were reported, corresponding to 4.2 events for 1000 blood products delivered. Of the 233, 198 (85%) were acute transfusion reactions and 35 (15%) were management errors and/or dysfunctions. Platelet units gave rise to statistically (P < 0.001) more transfusion reactions (10.7 per thousand ) than red blood cells (3.5 per thousand ) and fresh frozen plasma (0.8 per thousand ), particularly febrile nonhaemolytic transfusion reactions and allergic reactions. A detailed analysis of some of the transfusion incident reports revealed complex deviations and/or failures of the procedures in place in the hospital, allowing the implementation of corrective and preventive measures. Thus, the haemovigilance system in place in the 'Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, CHUV' appears to constitute an excellent instrument for monitoring the security of blood transfusion.
Injectable drugs are high-risk products and their reconstitution in hospital wards is a potential source of errors. Thus, in order to secure the reconstitution process and thereby improve safety, the pharmacy department of Lausanne University Hospital is focusing on developing ready-to-use forms (CIVAS). These preparations are compounded in controlled clean rooms and are analyzed prior to release. In the intensive care unit, amiodarone 12.5 mg/mL in glucose 5% is one of the high-risk preparations, which has led the pharmacy to develop a ready-to-use solution. To this end, a one-year stability study was initiated, and the preliminary results (after six months) are illustrated here. A stability-indicating HPLC method was developed and validated for monitoring the concentration of amiodarone. Batches were stored at 5 °C and 30 °C, which were analyzed immediately after preparation, after one, two, four and six months of storage. The pH and osmolality values were monitored at the respective time intervals. It was observed that after six months, all the results were within specifications. However, the pH values started to decrease after two months when amiodarone was stored at 30 °C. After six months, a degradation peak appeared on the chromatogram of these solutions, which suggested that amiodarone is more stable at 5 °C. The preliminary results obtained in this study indicated that injectable amiodarone solutions are stable for six months under refrigerated storage conditions. The study is ongoing.
Après la votation fédérale demandant de prendre en compte les médecines complémentaires, un consensus a été recherché dans quatorze services et unités du Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV). Confrontés aux données de la littérature (Plus de 2000 publications en "Evidence-based complementary medicine" depuis 1998), les soignants étaient tous surpris par l'ampleur des résultats cliniques disponibles actuellement. Tous identifiaient un besoin en formation et en informations sur le sujet. Une prise de position officielle de l'institution était aussi souhaitée, instituant l'enseignement et la recherche sur les médecines complémentaires et assurant la production d'informations rigoureuses et pertinentes pour la clinique. [Abstract] While a popular vote supported a new article on complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) in the Swiss Constitution, this assessment in 14 wards of the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, attempted at answering the question: How can CAM use be better taken into account and patients informed with more rigor and respect for their choices? Confronted with a review of the literature (> 2000 publications in "Evidence-based cornplementary medicine" since 1998), respondents declared their ignorance of the clinical data presently available on CAM. All were in favour of more teaching and information on the subject, plus an official statement from the Hospital direction, ensuring production and diffusion of rigorous and cJinically significant information on CAM.
Introduction: Patients who repeatedly attend the Emergency Department (ED) often have a distinct and complex vulnerability profile that includes poor somatic, psychological, and social indicators. This profile has an impact on the patients' well-being as well as on hospital costs. The objective of the study was to specify the characteristics of hyper users (HU) and explore the connection with ED care and hospital costs. Methods: The study sample comprised all adult patients with 12 or more attendances at the ED of the Lausanne University Hospital in 2009. The data were collected by retrospectively searching internal databases to identify the patients concerned and then analysing the profiles of these patients. Information gathered included demographic, somatic, psychological, at-risk behaviour, and social indicators, and health system consumption including costs. Results: In 2009, 23 patients (0.1%) attended 12 times or more (425 attendances, 0.8%). The average age was about 43 years, 60.9% were female, and 47.8% single. Of these 95.7% had basic insurance, 87.0% had a general practitioner, and 30.4% were under legal guardianship. The majority attended in the evening or at night (67.1%), and almost one quarter of these attendances resulted in inpatient treatment (24.0%). Most HU had attended the ED in previous years too (95.7% in 2008). The most prevalent diagnoses concerned 'mental disorders' (87.0%). About 30.4% of patients had attempted suicide (all were female patients). Other frequent diagnoses concerned 'trauma' (65.2%), and the 'digestive' and the 'nervous system' (each 56.5%). At-risk behaviour such as severe alcohol consumption (34.8%), or excessive use of medicines (26.1%) was very frequent, and some patients used illicit drugs (21.7%). There was only a weak association between the number of ED attendances and the resulting costs. However, a reduction of one outpatient visit per patient would have decreased ED outpatient costs by 8.5%. Conclusions: HU often have a particularly vulnerable profile. Mental problems are prevalent among them, as are at-risk behaviour and severe somatic conditions. The complexity of the patients' profiles demands specific care that cannot be guaranteed within an everyday ED routine. The use of an interdisciplinary case management team might be a promising approach in diminishing the number of attendances and the associated costs, although the profiles of HU are such that they probably cannot completely give up ED attendance.
Port-a-Cath© (PAC) are totally implantable devices that offer an easy and long term access to venous circulation. They have been extensively used for intravenous therapy administration and are particularly well suited for chemotherapy in oncologic patients. Previous comparative studies have shown that these devices have the lowest catheter-related bloodstream infection rates among all intravascular access systems. However, bloodstream infection (BSI) still remains a major issue of port use and epidemiology data for PAC-associated BSI (PABSI) rates differ strongly depending on studies. Also, current literature about PABSI risk factors is scarce and sometimes controversial. Such heterogeneity may depend on type of studied population and local factors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe local epidemiology and risk factors for PABSI in adult patients in our tertiary- care university hospital. We conducted a retrospective cohort study in order to describe local epidemiology. We also performed a nested case-control study to identify local risk factors of PABSI. We analyzed medical files of adult patients who had a PAC implanted between January 1st, 2008 and December 31st, 2009 and looked for PABSI occurrence before May 1st, 2011 to define cases. Thirty nine PABSI occurred in this population with an attack rate of 5.8%. We estimated an incidence rate of 0.08/1000 PAC-days using the case-control study. PABSI causative agents were mainly Gram positive cocci (62%). We identified three predictive factors of PABSI by multivariate statistical analysis: neutropenia on outcome date (Odds Ratio [OR]: 4.05; 95% confidence interval [CI]:1.05- 15.66; p=0.042), diabetes (OR: 11.53; 95% CI: 1.07-124.70; p=0.044) and having another infection than PABSI on outcome date (OR: 6.35; 95% CI: 1.50-26.86; p=0.012). Patients suffering from acute or renal failure (OR: 4.26; 95% CI: 0.94-19.21; p=0.059) or wearing another invasive device (OR: 2.99; 95%CI:0.96-9.31; p=0.059) did not have a statistically increased risk for developing a PABSI according to classical threshold (p<0.05) but nevertheless remained close to significance. Our study demonstrated that local epidemiology and microbiology of PABSI in our institution was similar to previous reports. A larger prospective study is required to confirm our results or to test preventive measures.
Aim: Gas6 is known to be elevated in sepsis, correlating with the severity of infection and organ failure. We aimed to investigate the performance of Gas6 plasma levels at admission to predict the risk of mortality in a cohort of septic patients.Methods: We used prospectively collected data and plasma samples from the 'Sepsis Cohorte Romande'. Gas6 level was measured by ELISA at admission and expressed in percentage relative to its level in a pool of normal plasma.Results: Non-survivors (n = 19) presented higher Gas6 levels than survivors (n = 78; median 287% vs. 158%, IQR 182 and 119 respectively; P = 0.0003). Gas6 correlated positively with different cytokine and was the best mortality predictor, as shown by the ROC curves area (Fig. 1). In patients with septic shock (n = 67), using 249% as a cut-off value, Gas6 measurement had a specificity of 81% and a sensitivity of 68% for predicting mortality. ROC curve area was 0.76. Positive and negative predictive values were 59% and 87%, respectively.Conclusion: Thus, Gas6 plasma level at admission might be a useful tool to predict mortality in patients with septic shock. Nevertheless, independent association of Gas6 level with mortality still needs to be assessed. Although Gas6 hold promise as an early sepsis marker, its precise implication in sepsis remains to be elucidated.
BACKGROUND: Ethiopia ranks seventh in the list of 22 high tuberculosis (TB) burden countries, with an incidence rate of 379 cases per 100 000 population for TB all forms. However, information on the genomic diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Ethiopia is limited. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the molecular characteristics of M. tuberculosis strains implicated in pulmonary TB in the study area. METHODS AND RESULTS: A cross-sectional study was conducted using socio-demographic, clinical and culture data combined with molecular typing analysis. The proportion of TB and M. tuberculosis isolates was not associated with risk factors (P > 0.05). Of 99 sputum samples, 80.8% were culture-positive. Speciation of isolates showed that 88.8% were M. tuberculosis. Further characterisation led to the identification of 27 different spoligotype patterns of M. tuberculosis; the most dominant shared types were SIT149, SIT53 and SIT54. Of the 27 strains, three strains were new and were reported to the SITVIT database. More than two thirds of the strains belonged to the Euro-American lineage. CONCLUSION: This study shows the presence of several clusters and new strains of M. tuberculosis circulating in pulmonary TB patients in the study area, suggesting recent transmission. Nationwide studies are recommended to map the population structure of M. tuberculosis and set control measures.
Objectif : La prise en charge des patients avec hyperglycémie en soins aigus estdifficile et les erreurs de prescription d'insuline sont fréquentes. Notre objectifest de promouvoir l'évolution des pratiques vers une gestion efficace et sécuritairede l'hyperglycémie.Matériels et méthodes : Création d'un programme de formation structuré pourla gestion de l'hyperglycémie en soins aigus. Ce programme est le produit dumétissage entre le modèle de l'accompagnement thérapeutique et la systémiquedu management. Il vise l'acquisition d'une métacognition pour une réflexiontransversale face à l'hyperglycémie. Les objectifs spécifiques sont : comprendreles particularités de l'hyperglycémie en aigu ; gérer le basal/bolus ; argumenterle choix thérapeutique ; s'approprier l'outil sécuritaire d'aide à l'insulinothérapie ;anticiper la sortie du patient. Une analyse mixte a été effectuée : quantitative,glycémies, hypoglycémies, durée de séjour et qualitative, évolution de la réflexionautour de l'hyperglycémie.Résultats : Nov. 2009-2010, dans le Service de Médecine du CHUV, nous avonsdispensé 3 sessions de formation (15 cours), suivies d'une période de coaching,pour 78 internes. Évaluation quantitative : 85 patients (56,4 % H), âge moyen72,7 ± 9,6 ans, glycémies à J3 dans la cible (4-8,5 mmol/l) 44,6 %, glycémiemoyenne 8,5 ± 1,8 mmol/l, hypoglycémies 0,9 %, durée moyenne de séjour9,7 ± 5,4 J. Évaluation qualitative : choix du schéma thérapeutique pertinentdans la majorité des cas, environ 90 % des internes ont intégré les éléments depondération de l'insulinothérapie, estiment que cette formation a eu un impactpositif sur leur gestion, sont plus confiants dans leurs capacités et ont unmeilleur sentiment d'auto-efficacité. Les modalités pédagogiques adoptées ontfavorisé le transfert des compétences et le niveau de satisfaction globale atteint90 %.Conclusion : Le développement d'un programme de formation des soignants,basé sur l'approche réflexive et participative, permet une amélioration importantede la gestion de l'hyperglycémie. Notre projet s'inscrit dans une démarcheglobale visant à doter les bénéficiaires d'une vision systémique du diabète.
CONTEXT: Symptomatic venous thromboembolism (VTE) after total or partial knee arthroplasty (TPKA) and after total or partial hip arthroplasty (TPHA) are proposed patient safety indicators, but its incidence prior to discharge is not defined. OBJECTIVE: To establish a literature-based estimate of symptomatic VTE event rates prior to hospital discharge in patients undergoing TPHA or TPKA. DATA SOURCES: Search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library (1996 to 2011), supplemented by relevant articles. STUDY SELECTION: Reports of incidence of symptomatic postoperative pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis (DVT) before hospital discharge in patients who received VTE prophylaxis with either a low-molecular-weight heparin or a subcutaneous factor Xa inhibitor or oral direct inhibitor of factors Xa or IIa. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: Meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials and observational studies that reported rates of postoperative symptomatic VTE in patients who received recommended VTE prophylaxis after undergoing TPHA or TPKA. Data were independently extracted by 2 analysts, and pooled incidence rates of VTE, DVT, and pulmonary embolism were estimated using random-effects models. RESULTS: The analysis included 44,844 cases provided by 47 studies. The pooled rates of symptomatic postoperative VTE before hospital discharge were 1.09% (95% CI, 0.85%-1.33%) for patients undergoing TPKA and 0.53% (95% CI, 0.35%-0.70%) for those undergoing TPHA. The pooled rates of symptomatic DVT were 0.63% (95% CI, 0.47%-0.78%) for knee arthroplasty and 0.26% (95% CI, 0.14%-0.37%) for hip arthroplasty. The pooled rates for pulmonary embolism were 0.27% (95% CI, 0.16%-0.38%) for knee arthroplasty and 0.14% (95% CI, 0.07%-0.21%) for hip arthroplasty. There was significant heterogeneity for the pooled incidence rates of symptomatic postoperative VTE in TPKA studies but less heterogeneity for DVT and pulmonary embolism in TPKA studies and for VTE, DVT, and pulmonary embolism in TPHA studies. CONCLUSION: Using current VTE prophylaxis, approximately 1 in 100 patients undergoing TPKA and approximately 1 in 200 patients undergoing TPHA develops symptomatic VTE prior to hospital discharge.
The transition between hospital and community is an interface at high risk for medication. "The Association of Family Doctors" committee in the canton of Vaud (MFVaud), together with community pharmacists' and Homecare representatives, have begun to consider the following improvements: fast and co-ordinated care providers' information; arrangements for family doctors appointments as soon as possible; awareness and education for interprofessional collaboration; more secured preparation of pill boxes; development of interprofessional means such as medication use reviews and reconciliations. In the opinion of all the experts, there is an urgent public health need to act in an interprofessional manner, even if the solutions required (especially change in professional culture and technologies) are not immediate.
BACKGROUND: The hospital readmission rate has been proposed as an important outcome indicator computable from routine statistics. However, most commonly used measures raise conceptual issues. OBJECTIVES: We sought to evaluate the usefulness of the computerized algorithm for identifying avoidable readmissions on the basis of minimum bias, criterion validity, and measurement precision. RESEARCH DESIGN AND SUBJECTS: A total of 131,809 hospitalizations of patients discharged alive from 49 hospitals were used to compare the predictive performance of risk adjustment methods. A subset of a random sample of 570 medical records of discharge/readmission pairs in 12 hospitals were reviewed to estimate the predictive value of the screening of potentially avoidable readmissions. MEASURES: Potentially avoidable readmissions, defined as readmissions related to a condition of the previous hospitalization and not expected as part of a program of care and occurring within 30 days after the previous discharge, were identified by a computerized algorithm. Unavoidable readmissions were considered as censored events. RESULTS: A total of 5.2% of hospitalizations were followed by a potentially avoidable readmission, 17% of them in a different hospital. The predictive value of the screen was 78%; 27% of screened readmissions were judged clearly avoidable. The correlation between the hospital rate of clearly avoidable readmission and all readmissions rate, potentially avoidable readmissions rate or the ratio of observed to expected readmissions were respectively 0.42, 0.56 and 0.66. Adjustment models using clinical information performed better. CONCLUSION: Adjusted rates of potentially avoidable readmissions are scientifically sound enough to warrant their inclusion in hospital quality surveillance.
Introduction: Few studies have reported the distribution of all hospital admissions at the entire country level in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). We examined this question in Seychelles, a rapidly developing small island state in the Africa region, in which access to health care is provided free of charge to all inhabitants through a national health system and all hospital admissions are routinely registered. Methods: Based on all admissions to all hospitals in Seychelles in 2005-2008, we calculated the distribution of hospital admissions, age at admission, length of stay and bed occupancy (i.e. cumulated number of patients * number of days spent in all hospitals) according to both hospital departments and broad causes of diseases (using codes of the ICD-10 classification of diseases). Results: Bed occupancy was largest in the surgical wards (36.7% of all days spent in all hospitals), followed by the medical wards (24.3%), gynecology/obstetrics wards (18.4%), pediatric wards (11.2%), and psychiatric wards (7.2%). According to broad causes of diseases/conditions, bed occupancy was highest for obstetrics/gynecology conditions (19.9% of all days spent at hospital), mental diseases (8.6%), cardiovascular diseases (8.1%), upper aerodigestive/pulmonary diseases (8%), infectious/parasitic diseases (8%), gastrointestinal diseases (7.2%), and urogenital diseases (6.7%). Adjusted to 100'000 population, 153 hospital beds are needed every day, including 31 for obstetrics/gynecologic conditions, 13 for mental diseases, 12 for cardiovascular diseases, 12 for upper aerodigestive diseases, 12 for infectious/parasitic diseases, and 11 for gastrointestinal diseases. Conclusion: Our findings give a good indication of the overall distribution of admissions according to both hospital departments and broad causes of diseases in a middle-income country. These findings provide important information for health care planning at the national level
BACKGROUND: Uveal melanoma exhibits a high incidence of metastases; and, to date, there is no systemic therapy that clearly improves outcomes. The anticytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (anti-CTLA-4) antibody ipilimumab is a standard of care for metastatic melanoma; however, the clinical activity of CTLA-4 inhibition in patients with metastatic uveal melanoma is poorly defined. METHODS: To assess ipilimumab in this setting, the authors performed a multicenter, retrospective analysis of 4 hospitals in the United States and Europe. Clinical characteristics, toxicities, and radiographic disease burden, as determined by central, blinded radiology review, were evaluated. RESULTS: Thirty-nine patients with uveal melanoma were identified, including 34 patients who received 3 mg/kg ipilimumab and 5 who received 10 mg/kg ipilimumab. Immune-related response criteria and modified World Health Organization criteria were used to assess the response rate (RR) and the combined response plus stable disease (SD) rate after 12 weeks, after 23 weeks, and overall (median follow-up, 50.4 weeks [12.6 months]). At week 12, the RR was 2.6%, and the response plus SD rate was 46.%; at week 23, the RR was 2.6%, and the response plus SD rate was 28.2%. There was 1 complete response and 1 late partial response (at 100 weeks after initial SD) for an immune-related RR of 5.1%. Immune-related adverse events were observed in 28 patients (71.8%) and included 7 (17.9%) grade 3 and 4 events. Immune-related adverse events were more frequent in patients who received 10 mg/kg ipilimumab than in those who received 3 mg/kg ipilimumab. The median overall survival from the first dose of ipilimumab was 9.6 months (95% confidence interval, 6.3-13.4 months; range, 1.6-41.6 months). Performance status, lactate dehydrogenase level, and an absolute lymphocyte count ≥ 1000 cells/μL at week 7 were associated significantly with survival. CONCLUSIONS: In this multicenter, retrospective analysis of 4 hospitals in the United States and Europe of patients with uveal melanoma, durable responses to ipilimumab and manageable toxicity were observed.
Background Working in a teaching hospital is a highly stressful occupation, which can lead to burnout. The consequences of burnout in health professionals can be very serious, both for themselves and patients. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess the extent of burnout and associated factors in hospital employees. Methods In the Fall of 2007, all employees of a Swiss teaching hospital were invited to complete a job satisfaction survey. It included the work-related burnout scale (scored 0-100) of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI-French version), measuring the degree of physical and psychological fatigue and exhaustion perceived as related to the person's work; a high degree of burnout was defined as a score _50. Logistic regression analyses were used to determine factors associated with a high degree of burnout. Results A total of 4575 individuals returned the questionnaire (response rate 54%). Of them, 1503 (33%) had a high degree of burnout. The rate of burnout was higher among women (34.3% versus 30.5%, P = 0.012) and respondents younger than 40 years (37.7% versus 28.6%, P < 0.001). Executives were less prone to burnout than employees (27.1% versus 33.9%, P < 0.0019). Rates of burnout differed by profession: nurses and physicians had higher rates than administrative and logistic staff (42.8% and 37.4% versus 25.6% and 20.9%, respectively P < 0.001). Burnout was inversely associated with job satisfaction. In multivariate analysis, factors associated with burnout were overall dissatisfaction (OR 3.23; 95% CI 2.66-3.91), dissatisfaction with workload (OR 2.09; 95% CI 1.74-2.51) and work-life balance (OR 2.25; 95% CI 1.83-2.77), being a woman (OR 1.56; 95% CI 1.28-1.90), working fulltime (OR 1.41; 95% CI 1.08-1.85) and working as a nurse, a physician or in the psychosocial sector. Conclusions One-third of respondents, mostly nurses and physicians, experienced burnout and had lower levels of job satisfaction. The factors associated with burnout may help to tailor programmes aiming at reducing burnout at both the individual and organizational level within the hospital.