210 resultados para BRIGHT SHARC SURVEY


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BACKGROUND: Chlamydia is the most commonly reported bacterial sexually transmitted infection in Europe. The objective of the Screening for Chlamydia in Europe (SCREen) project was to describe current and planned chlamydia control activities in Europe. METHODS: The authors sent a questionnaire asking about different aspects of chlamydia epidemiology and control to public health and clinical experts in each country in 2007. The principles of sexually transmitted infection control were used to develop a typology comprising five categories of chlamydia control activities. Each country was assigned to a category, based on responses to the questionnaire. RESULTS: Experts in 29 of 33 (88%) invited countries responded. Thirteen of 29 countries (45%) had no current chlamydia control activities. Six countries in this group stated that there were plans to introduce chlamydia screening programmes. There were five countries (17%) with case management guidelines only. Three countries (10%) also recommended case finding amongst partners of diagnosed chlamydia cases or people with another sexually transmitted infection. Six countries (21%) further specified groups of asymptomatic people eligible for opportunistic chlamydia testing. Two countries (7%) reported a chlamydia screening programme. There was no consistent association between the per capita gross domestic product of a country and the intensity of chlamydia control activities (P = 0.816). CONCLUSION: A newly developed classification system allowed the breadth of ongoing national chlamydia control activities to be described and categorized. Chlamydia control strategies should ensure that clinical guidelines to optimize chlamydia diagnosis and case management have been implemented before considering the appropriateness of screening programmes.


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In 2006, two municipalities located in the canton of Fribourg (Switzerland), La Tour-de-Trême and Bulle, amalgamated. In this study, we report on the evolution of citizen perceptions as well as try to better understand the reasons behind the respondents various positions concerning this new political and territorial entity. Five-hundred individuals were surveyed almost four years after the amalgamation came into effect. Our results show that if the amalgamation was voted again, it would be necessary to be particularly attentive to citizen access to municipal offices and to local service provisions, to citizen identification to their municipality as well as to the life of the local associations. Indeed, these are clearly important issues for small localities. Furthermore, citizens of the newly amalgamated municipality are mostly sensitive to access to municipal offices and to contact with local representatives. Improving the population's perceptions of these particular issues could lead to a 12 percentage point increase in support for the amalgamation.


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Introduction The European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions conducts a survey every 5 years since 1990. The foundation also offers the possibility to non-EU countries to be included in the survey: in 2005, Switzerland took part for the first time in the fourth edition of this survey. The Institute for Work and Health (IST) has been associated to the Swiss project conducted under the leadership of the SECO and the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz. The survey covers different aspects of work like job characteristics and employment conditions, health and safety, work organization, learning and development opportunities, and the balance between working and non-working life (Parent-Thirion, Fernandez Macias, Hurley, & Vermeylen, 2007). More particularly, one question assesses the worker's self-perception of the effects of work on health. We identified (for the Swiss sample) several factors affecting the risk to report health problems caused by work. The Swiss sample includes 1040 respondents. Selection of participants was based on a random multi-stage sampling and was carried out by M.I.S Trend S.A. (Lausanne). Participation rate was 59%. The database was weighted by household size, gender, age, region of domicile, occupational group, and economic sector. Specially trained interviewers carried out the interviews at the respondents home. The survey was carriedout between the 19th of September 2005 and the 30th of November 2005. As detailed in (Graf et al., 2007), 31% of the Swiss respondents identify work as the cause of health problems they experience. Most frequently reported health problems include back pain (18%), stress (17%), muscle pain (13%), and overall fatigue (11%). Ergonomic aspects associated with higher risk of reporting health problems caused by work include frequent awkward postures (odds ratio [OR] 4.7, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.1 to 5.4), tasks involving lifting heavy loads (OR 2.7, 95% CI 2.0 to 3.6) or lifting people (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.4 to 3.5), standing or walking (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.1 to 1.9), as well as repetitive movements (OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.3 to 2.3). These results highlight the need to continue and intensify the prevention of work related health problems in occupations characterized by risk factors related to ergonomics.


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain the main cause of morbidity and mortality in our society. CoLaus is a population-based health examination survey started in 2003 in Lausanne in order to assess: 1. Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, 2. New genetic determinants of cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, 3. Association of mood disorders with incidence of cardiovascular events and 4. Trends in prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors. In order to do so, over 6000 subjects (ages 35-75 years) provided data on CVD risk factors. Herein we provide preliminary results of this study, in particular on classical risk factors such as hypertension, obesity and diabetes. Implications and perspectives of this population based-study for public health and genetic studies are also discussed.


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Between the end of August and December 2013, an internet based survey named ANSWER will collect data about sexual health, sexual behavior and risk taking among Sub-Saharan African migrants (SSAm) living in Switzerland. This research is carried out by the Institut de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP, Lausanne) on a mandate from the Federal Offi ce of Public Health (FOPH), in cooperation with the Swiss Aids Federation (AHS) and other institutions addressing the prevention and information needs of the African population living in Switzerland.


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Nonlinear optical nanocrystals have been recently introduced as a promising alternative to fluorescent probes for multiphoton microscopy. We present for the first time a complete survey of the properties of five nanomaterials (KNbO(3), LiNbO(3), BaTiO(3), KTP, and ZnO), describing their preparation and stabilization and providing quantitative estimations of their nonlinear optical response. In the light of their prospective use as biological and clinical markers, we assess their biocompatibility on human healthy and cancerous cell lines. Finally, we demonstrate the great potential for cell imaging of these inherently nonlinear probes in terms of optical contrast, wavelength flexibility, and signal photostability.


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Aims and background. In 2002, a survey including 1759 patients treated from 1980 to 1998 established a "benchmark" Italian data source for prostate cancer radiotherapy. This report updates the previous one. Methods. Data on clinical management and outcomes of 3001 patients treated in 15 centers from 1999 through 2003 were analyzed and compared with those of the previous survey. Results. Significant differences in clinical management (-10% had abdominal ma-gnetic resonance imaging; +26% received ≥70 Gy, +48% conformal radiotherapy, -20% pelvic radiotherapy) and in G3-4 toxicity rates (-3.8%) were recorded. Actuarial 5-year overall, disease-specific, clinical relapse-free, and biochemical relapse-free survival rates were 88%, 96%, 96% and 88%, respectively. At multivariate analysis, D'Amico risk categories significantly impacted on all the outcomes; higher radiotherapy doses were significantly related with better overall survival rates, and a similar trend was evident for disease-specific and biochemical relapse-free survival; cumulative probability of 5-year late G1-4 toxicity was 24.8% and was significantly related to higher radiotherapy doses (P <0.001). Conclusions. The changing patterns of practice described seem related to an improvement in efficacy and safety of radiotherapy for prostate cancer. However, the impact of the new radiotherapy techniques should be prospectively evaluated.


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We analyze whether the interviewers' political opinions have an influence on those of the respondents. The research uses data from a panel survey in which interviewers are randomly assigned to respondents. The results show that the respondents express significantly similar opinions to those of the interviewers in all questions considered. Multilevel models show that more educated respondents are affected to a slightly higher extent and that the interviewer's experience is also a factor. There is no difference between different respondent subgroups or when both interviewers and respondents share the same socio-demographic characteristics. While there is no evidence for respondents wanting to please the interviewers, the hypothesis of socially desirable behavior can indeed be confirmed.


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BACKGROUND: Persistence is a key factor for long-term blood pressure control, which is of high prognostic importance for patients at increased cardiovascular risk. Here we present the results of a post-marketing survey including 4769 hypertensive patients treated with irbesartan in 886 general practices in Switzerland. The goal of this survey was to evaluate the tolerance and the blood pressure lowering effect of irbesartan as well as the factors affecting persistence in a large unselected population. METHODS: Prospective observational survey conducted in general practices in all regions of Switzerland. Previously untreated and uncontrolled pre-treated patients were started with a daily dose of 150 mg irbesartan and followed up to 6 months. RESULTS: After an observation time slightly exceeding 4 months, the average reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure was 20 (95% confidence interval (CI) -19.6 to -20.7 mmHg) and 12 mmHg (95% CI -11.4 to -12.1 mmHg), respectively. At this time, 26% of patients had a blood pressure < 140/90 mmHg and 60% had a diastolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg. The drug was well tolerated with an incidence of adverse events (dizziness, headaches,...) of 8.0%. In this survey more than 80% of patients were still on irbesartan at 4 month. The most important factors predictive of persistence were the tolerability profile and the ability to achieve a blood pressure target < or = 140/90 mmHg before visit 2. Patients who switched from a fixed combination treatment tended to discontinue irbesartan more often whereas those who abandoned the previous treatment because of cough (a class side effect of ACE-Inhibitors) were more persistent with irbesartan. CONCLUSION: The results of this survey confirm that irbesartan is effective, well tolerated and well accepted by patients, as indicated by the good persistence. This post-marketing survey also emphasizes the importance of the tolerability profile and of achieving an early control of blood pressure as positive predictors of persistence.


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BACKGROUND: Cigarette smoking is often initiated at a young age as well as other risky behaviors such as alcohol drinking, cannabis and other illicit drugs use. Some studies suggest that cigarette smoking may have an influence on other risky behaviors but little is known about the chronology of occurrence of those different habits. The aim of this study was to assess, by young men, what were the other risky behaviors associated with cigarette smoking and the joint prevalence and chronology of occurrence of those risky behaviors. METHODS: Cross-sectional analyses of a population-based census of 3526 young men attending the recruitment for the Swiss army, aged between 17 and 25 years old (mean age: 19 years old), who filled a self reported questionnaire about their alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis and other illicit drugs habits. Actual smoking was defined as either regular smoking (¡Ý1 cigarette/day, on every day) or occasional smoking, binge drinking as six or more drinks at least twice a month, at risk drinking as 21 drinks or more per week, recent cannabis use as cannabis consumption at least once during the last month, and use of illicit drugs as consumption once or more of illicit drugs other than cannabis. Age at begin was defined as age at first use of cannabis or cigarette smoking. RESULTS: In this population of young men, the prevalence of actual smoking was 51.2% (36.5% regular smoking, 14.6% occasionnal smoking). Two third of participamnts (60.1%) declared that they ever used cannabis, 25.2% reported a recent use of cannabis. 53.8% of participants had a risky alcohol consumption considered as either binge or at risk drinking. Cigarette smoking was significantly associated with recent cannabis use (Odds Ratio (OR): 3.85, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 3.10- 4.77), binge drinking (OR: 3.48, 95% CI: 3.03-4.00), at risk alcohol drinking (OR: 4.04, 95% CI: 3.12-5.24), and ever use of illicit drugs (OR: 4.34, 95% CI: 3.54-5.31). In a multivariate logistic regression, odds ratios for smoking were increased for cannabis users (OR 3.10,, 95% CI: 2.48-3.88), binge drinkers (OR: 1.77, 95% CI: 1.44-2.17), at risk alcohol drinkers (OR 2.26, 95% CI: 1.52-3.36) and ever users of illicit drugs (OR: 1.56, 95% CI: 1.20-2.03). The majority of young men (57.3%) initiated smoking before cannabis and mean age at onset was 13.4 years old, whereas only 11.1% began to use cannabis before smoking cigarettes and mean age at onset was slightly older (14.4 years old). 31.6% started both cannabis and tobacco at the same age (15 years old). About a third of participants (30.5%) did have a cluster of risky behaviours (smoking, at risk drinking, cannabis use) and 11.0% did cumulate smoking, drinking, cannabis and ever use of illegal drugs. More than half of the smokers (59.6%) did cumulate cannabis use and at risk alcohol drinking whereas only 18.5% of non-smokers did. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of young smokers initiated their risky behaviors by first smoking and then by other psychoactive drugs. Smokers have an increased risk to present other risky behaviors such as cannabis use, at risk alcohol consumtion and illicit drug use compared to nonsmokers. Prevention by young male adults should focus on smoking and also integrate interventions on other risky behaviors.


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Le présent rapport décrit les grandes tendances qui se dégagent des résultats de l'Enquête SMASH 2002 et propose quelques hypothèses pour éclairer la compréhension et les enjeux de la situation actuelle ainsi que des pistes de réflexion pour l'avenir. Cette étude repose sur deux approches complémentaires de la santé: l'une donne la primauté aux aspects sociologiques des conduites de santé ("lifestyle"); l'autre, de nature épidémiologique, met l'accent sur la prévalence des comportements et procède à des analyses dans divers sous-groupes ou dans le temps. L'étude SMASH 2002 fournit une photographie de la situation des adolescents et de leur état de santé : besoins et comportements de santé, facteurs associés et évaluation des grands changements intervenus depuis une dizaine d'années. Ces données doivent permettre de réfléchir à une planification optimale des services de soins et des programmes de prévention et de promotion de la santé en faveur des adolescents. [extraits du résumé des auteurs]


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OBJECTIVE: When potentially dangerous patients reveal criminal fantasies to their therapists, the latter must decide whether this information has to be transmitted to a third person in order to protect potential victims. We were interested in how medical and legal professionals handle such situations in the context of prison medicine and forensic evaluations. We aimed to explore the motives behind their actions and to compare these professional groups. METHOD: A mail survey was conducted among medical and legal professionals using five fictitious case vignettes. For each vignette, participants were asked to answer questions exploring what the professional should do in the situation and to explain their justification for the chosen response. RESULTS: A total of 147 questionnaires were analysed. Agreement between participants varied from one scenario to another. Overall, legal professionals tended to disclose information to a third party more easily than medical professionals, the latter tending to privilege confidentiality and patient autonomy over security. Perception of potential danger in a given situation was not consistently associated with actions. CONCLUSION: Professionals' opinions and attitudes regarding the confidentiality of potentially dangerous patients differ widely and appear to be subjectively determined. Shared discussions about clinical situations could enhance knowledge and competencies and reduce differences between professional groups.


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Clin Microbiol Infect 2011; 17: 1366-1371 ABSTRACT: Invasive aspergillosis (IA) is a live-threatening opportunistic infection that is best described in haematological patients with prolonged neutropenia or graft-versus-host disease. Data on IA in non-neutropenic patients are limited. The aim of this study was to establish the incidence, disease manifestations and outcome of IA in non-neutropenic patients diagnosed in five Swiss university hospitals during a 2-year period. Case identification was based on a comprehensive screening of hospital records. All cases of proven and probable IA were retrospectively analysed. Sixty-seven patients were analysed (median age 60 years; 76% male). Sixty-three per cent of cases were invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA), and 17% of these were disseminated aspergillosis. The incidence of IPA was 1.2/10 000 admissions. Six of ten cases of extrapulmonary IA affected the brain. There were six cases of invasive rhinosinusitis, six cases of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, and cases three of subacute pulmonary aspergillosis. The most frequent underlying condition of IA was corticosteroid treatment (57%), followed by chronic lung disease (48%), and intensive-care unit stays (43%). In 38% of patients with IPA, the diagnosis was established at autopsy. Old age was the only risk factor for post-mortem diagnosis, whereas previous solid organ transplantation and chronic lung disease were associated with lower odds of post-mortem diagnosis. The mortality rate was 57%.