136 resultados para Antidepressant Medication
In the context of an autologous cell transplantation study, a unilateral biopsy of cortical tissue was surgically performed from the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) in two intact adult macaque monkeys (dlPFC lesioned group), together with the implantation of a chronic chamber providing access to the left motor cortex. Three other monkeys were subjected to the same chronic chamber implantation, but without dlPFC biopsy (control group). All monkeys were initially trained to perform sequential manual dexterity tasks, requiring precision grip. The motor performance and the prehension's sequence (temporal order to grasp pellets from different spatial locations) were analysed for each hand. Following the surgery, transient and moderate deficits of manual dexterity per se occurred in both groups, indicating that they were not due to the dlPFC lesion (most likely related to the recording chamber implantation and/or general anaesthesia/medication). In contrast, changes of motor habit were observed for the sequential order of grasping in the two monkeys with dlPFC lesion only. The changes were more prominent in the monkey subjected to the largest lesion, supporting the notion of a specific effect of the dlPFC lesion on the motor habit of the monkeys. These observations are reminiscent of previous studies using conditional tasks with delay that have proposed a specialization of the dlPFC for visuo-spatial working memory, except that this is in a different context of "free-will", non-conditional manual dexterity task, without a component of working memory.
Aim: There is a scarce literature describing psychological interventions for a young, first-episode cohort who have experienced psychotic mania. This study aimed to assess whether a manualized psychological intervention could be effective in reducing symptomatology and relapse, and improve functional outcome in this population. Methods: The study was an open-label design, drawn from a larger pharmacotherapy trial. All participants in the pharmacotherapy trial were offered a manualized psychological intervention in addition to case management. Inclusion in the psychotherapy group was based on participant's choice, and on completion of four or more of the eight modules offered. All clinical files were audited to ensure accuracy of group allocation. Forty young people aged 15 to 25 years old who had experienced a manic episode with psychotic features were recruited into the study, with 20 people in the combined treatment as usual plus psychotherapy group (P+TAU), and an equal number of matched control participants who received treatment as usual (TAU) within the same service. All participants were prescribed antipsychotic and mood-stabilizing medication. Symptomatic, functional and relapse measures were taken both at baseline and at 18-month follow-up. Results: Manic symptoms improved significantly for both groups, with no differences between groups. Depression scores and overall symptom severity were significantly lower in the P + TAU group. No differences were evident between groups with regard to numbers or type of relapse. The P + TAU group had significantly better social and occupational functioning after 18 months. Conclusion: This study suggests that a manualized psychological intervention targeted to a first-episode population can be effective in reducing depression and overall symptom severity, and can improve functional outcome following a first episode of psychotic mania.
Previous studies have demonstrated that non-demented Parkinson's disease (PD) patients have a specific impairment of verb production compared with noun generation. One interpretation of this deficit suggested the influence of striato-frontal dysfunction on action-related verb processing. The aim of our study was to investigate cerebral changes after motor improvement due to dopaminergic medication on the neural circuitry supporting action representation in the brain as mediated by verb generation and motor imagery in PD patients. Functional magnetic resonance imaging on 8 PD patients in "ON" dopaminergic treatment state (DTS) and in "OFF" DTS was used to explore the brain activity during three different tasks: Object Naming (ObjN), Generation of Action Verbs (GenA) in which patients were asked to overtly say an action associated with a picture and mental simulation of action (MSoA) was investigated by asking subjects to mentally simulate an action related to a depicted object. The distribution of brain activities associated with these tasks whatever DTS was very similar to results of previous studies. The results showed that brain activity related to semantics of action is modified by dopaminergic treatment in PD patients. This cerebral reorganisation concerns mainly motor and premotor cortex suggesting an involvement of the putaminal motor loop according to the "motor" theory of verb processing.
Mirtazapine is an antidepressant that acts specifically on noradrenergic and sertonergic receptors. A LC-MS method was developed that allows the simultaneous analysis of the R-(-)- and S-(+)-enantiomers of mirtazapine (MIR), demethylmirtazapine (DMIR), and 8-hydroxymirtazapine (8-OH-MIR) in plasma of MIR-treated patients. The method involves a 3-step liquid-liquid extraction, an HPLC separation on a Chirobiotic V column, and MS detection in electrospray mode. The limit of quantification (LOQ) for all enantiomers was 0.5 ng/mL, and the intra- and interday CVs were within 3.3% to 11.7% (concentration ranges 5-50 ng/mL). A method is also presented for the quantitative analysis of glucuroconjugated MIR and 8-OH-MIR. S-(+)-8-OH-MIR is present in plasma mainly as its glucuronide. Preliminary data suggest that in all patients, except in those comedicated with CYP2D6 inhibitors such as fluoxetine and thioridazine, R-(-)-MIR concentrations were higher than those of S-(+)MIR. Moreover, fluvoxamine seems also to inhibit the metabolism of MIR. Therefore, this method seems to be suitable for the stereoselective assay of MIR and its metabolites in plasma of patients comedicated with MIR and other drugs for routine and research purposes.
Neuropathological and radiological evidences implicating cerebrovascular disease in the pathogenesis of certain types of geriatric depression have led to the relatively recent description of vascular depression, an age-related mood disorder. Its clinical and radiological presentation, the frequent coexistence of cognitive disorders including impairment in executive function and resistance to antidepressant therapy distinguish it from other types of depression. This article presents an overview of the existing literature on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features and therapeutic particularities of vascular depression. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS and European Union Geriatric Medicine Society. All rights reserved.
INTRODUCTION: Many clinical practice guidelines (CPG) have been published in reply to the development of the concept of "evidence-based medicine" (EBM) and as a solution to the difficulty of synthesizing and selecting relevant medical literature. Taking into account the expansion of new CPG, the question of choice arises: which CPG to consider in a given clinical situation? It is of primary importance to evaluate the quality of the CPG, but until recently, there has been no standardized tool of evaluation or comparison of the quality of the CPG. An instrument of evaluation of the quality of the CPG, called "AGREE" for appraisal of guidelines for research and evaluation was validated in 2002. AIM OF THE STUDY: The six principal CPG concerning the treatment of schizophrenia are compared with the help of the "AGREE" instrument: (1) "the Agence nationale pour le développement de l'évaluation médicale (ANDEM) recommendations"; (2) "The American Psychiatric Association (APA) practice guideline for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia"; (3) "The quick reference guide of APA practice guideline for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia"; (4) "The schizophrenia patient outcomes research team (PORT) treatment recommendations"; (5) "The Texas medication algorithm project (T-MAP)" and (6) "The expert consensus guideline for the treatment of schizophrenia". RESULTS: The results of our study were then compared with those of a similar investigation published in 2005, structured on 24 CPG tackling the treatment of schizophrenia. The "AGREE" tool was also used by two investigators in their study. In general, the scores of the two studies differed little and the two global evaluations of the CPG converged; however, each of the six CPG is perfectible. DISCUSSION: The rigour of elaboration of the six CPG was in general average. The consideration of the opinion of potential users was incomplete, and an effort made in the presentation of the recommendations would facilitate their clinical use. Moreover, there was little consideration by the authors regarding the applicability of the recommendations. CONCLUSION: Globally, two CPG are considered as strongly recommended: "the quick reference guide of the APA practice guideline for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia" and "the T-MAP".
The academic activities led by the Unit of Community Pharmacy can be classified as translational. Our group is interested in person-centered pharmaceutical services aimed at a more responsible use of drugs (effectiveness, safety, efficiency) in collaboration with physicians and other health care professionals in a primary care setting. The following domains of education and research are high priorities for our group: medication therapy management, medication adherence, integrated care, individualization of therapies, care management for the elderly and e-health.
BACKGROUND: Identification of a Primary Care Physician (PCP) by older patients is considered as essential for the coordination of care, but the extent to which identified PCPs are general practitioners or specialists is unknown. This study described older patients' experiences with their PCP and tested the hypothesis of differences between patients who identify a specialist as their PCP (SP PCP) and those who turn to a general practitioner (GP PCP). METHODS: In 2012, a cross-sectional postal survey on care was conducted in the 68+ year old population of the canton of Vaud. Data was provided by 2,276 participants in the ongoing Lausanne cohort 65+ (Lc65+), a study of those born between 1934 and 1943, and by 998 persons from an additional sample drawn to include the population outside of Lausanne or born before 1934. RESULTS: Participants expressed favourable perceptions, at rates exceeding 75% for most items. However, only 38% to 51% responded positively for out-of-hours availability, easy access and at home visits, likelihood of prescribing expensive medication if needed, and doctors' awareness of over-the-counter drugs. 12.0% had an SP PCP, in 95.9% specialised in a discipline implying training in internal medicine. Bivariate and multivariate analyses did not result in significant differences between GP and SP PCPs regarding perceptions of accessibility/availability, doctor-patient relationship, information and continuity of care, prevention, spontaneous use of the emergency department or ambulatory care utilisation. CONCLUSIONS: Experiences of old patients were mostly positive despite some lack in reported hearing, memory testing, and colorectal cancer screening. We found no differences between GP and SP PCP groups.
A few recent individual case reports have suggested that a myasthenic syndrome may be associated with statin treatment, but this association is not well described. We report 4 patients who developed symptoms of myasthenia gravis within 2 weeks of starting treatment with a statin drug. In 1 case the drug appears to have exacerbated underlying myasthenic weakness, whereas in the other 3 cases, de novo antibody formation appears to be most likely. In each case, some degree of recovery followed discontinuation of the statin medication.
BACKGROUND: Iron deficiency is a common and undertreated problem in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). AIM: To develop an online tool to support treatment choice at the patient-specific level. METHODS: Using the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method (RUAM), a European expert panel assessed the appropriateness of treatment regimens for a variety of clinical scenarios in patients with non-anaemic iron deficiency (NAID) and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA). Treatment options included adjustment of IBD medication only, oral iron supplementation, high-/low-dose intravenous (IV) regimens, IV iron plus erythropoietin-stimulating agent (ESA), and blood transfusion. The panel process consisted of two individual rating rounds (1148 treatment indications; 9-point scale) and three plenary discussion meetings. RESULTS: The panel reached agreement on 71% of treatment indications. 'No treatment' was never considered appropriate, and repeat treatment after previous failure was generally discouraged. For 98% of scenarios, at least one treatment was appropriate. Adjustment of IBD medication was deemed appropriate in all patients with active disease. Use of oral iron was mainly considered an option in NAID and mildly anaemic patients without disease activity. IV regimens were often judged appropriate, with high-dose IV iron being the preferred option in 77% of IDA scenarios. Blood transfusion and IV+ESA were indicated in exceptional cases only. CONCLUSIONS: The RUAM revealed high agreement amongst experts on the management of iron deficiency in patients with IBD. High-dose IV iron was more often considered appropriate than other options. To facilitate dissemination of the recommendations, panel outcomes were embedded in an online tool, accessible via http://ferroscope.com/.
In 2012, intramuscular midazolam appears as effective as intravenous lorezepam for the first line treatment of convulsive status epilepticus. Perampanel, a new anti-epileptic drug, will be soon available. Two oral treatments are now available for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation setting. The methylphenidate and the Tai Chi could increase the walk capacity of patients suffering from Parkinson disease. A comprehensive cardiac work-up is essential for some congenital myopathy. A new drug against migraine seems free from vasoconstrictive effect. Antioxidants are harmful in Alzheimer disease. Some oral medication will be available for multiple sclerosis.
Venlafaxine is a recently developed serotoninergic antidepressant whose reported toxicity at overdose levels includes central nervous system depression, seizures, and cardiovascular toxicity. The authors now present a case of venlafaxine overdose in a young woman complicated by a rise in plasma creatine kinase activity up to 52,600 U/L. Immediate therapy with intravenous fluids, bicarbonate, and furosemide was administered, and there were no further complications, notably no renal failure. This case supports the notion that venlafaxine can induce direct skeletal muscle toxicity leading to severe rhabdomyolysis. Therefore, clinicians should monitor muscle enzymes in patients with venlafaxine overdose to detect the development of rhabdomyolysis at an early stage and to initiate appropriate therapy rapidly.
Objective: To assess the prevalence levels of awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and associated factors in Switzerland. Methods: Population-based cross-sectional study of 6,182 subjects (52.5% women) aged 35-75 years living in Lausanne, Switzerland. Hypertension was defined as blood pressure ≥140/90 mm Hg or current antihypertensive medication. Results: The overall prevalence of hypertension was 36% (95% CI: 35-38%). Among hypertensive participants, 63% were aware of having hypertension. Among aware hypertensives, 78% were treated, and among treated hypertensives 48% were controlled (BP <140/90 mmHg). In multivariate analysis, prevalence of hypertension was associated with older age, male gender, low educational level, high alcohol intake, awareness of diabetes, awareness of dyslipidaemia, obesity and parental history of myocardial infarction (MI). Awareness of hypertension was associated with older age, female gender, awareness of diabetes, awareness of dyslipidaemia, obesity and parental history of MI. Control was associated with younger age, higher educational level and no alcohol intake. Alone or in combination, sartans were the most often prescribed antihypertensive medication category (41%), followed by diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers. Only 31% of treated hypertensives were taking ≥2 antihypertensive medications. Conclusion: Although more than half of the participants with hypertension were aware of being hypertensive and more than three quarters of them received a pharmacological treatment, less than half of those treated were adequately controlled. Treated hypertensive subjects should be followed up more closely.
Background: There is increasing evidence that hypoxia induces inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. The clinical impact of hypoxia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is so far poorly investigated. Aim: We wanted to evaluate if flights and journeys to regions >= 2000 meter above sea level are associated with the occurrence of flares in IBD patients in the following 4 weeks. Methods: A questionnaire was completed by inpatients and outpatients of the IBD clinics of three tertiary referral centers presenting with an IBD flare. Patients were inquired about their habits in the 4 weeks prior to the flare. Patients with flares were matched with an IBD group in remission during the observation period (according to age, gender, smoking habits, and medication). Results: A total of 103 IBD patients were included (43 Crohn's disease (CD), whereof 65% female, 60 ulcerative colitis, whereof 47% female, mean age 39.3 ± 14.6 years for CD and 43.1 ± 14.2 years for UC). Fifty-two patients with flares were matched to 51 patients without flare. Overall, IBD-patients with flares had significantly more frequently a flight and/or journey to regions >= 2000 meters above sea level in the observation period compared to the patients in remission (21/52 (40.4%) vs. 8/51 (15.7%), p = 0.005). There was a statistically significant correlation between the occurrence of a flare and a flight and/or journey to regions >= 2000 meters above sea level among CD patients with flares as compared to CD patients in remission (8/21 (38.1%) vs. 2/22 (9.1%), p = 0.024). A trend for more frequent flights and high-altitude journeys was observed in UC patients with flares (13/31 (41.9%) vs. 6/29 (20.7%), p = 0.077). Mean flight duration was 5.8 ± 4.3 hours. The groups were controlled for the following factors (always flare group cited first): age (39.6 ± 13.4 vs. 43.5 ± 14.6, p = 0.102), smoking (16/52 vs. 10/51, p = 0.120), regular sports activities (32/52 vs. 33/51, p = 0.739), treatment with antibiotics in the 4 weeks before flare (8/52 vs. 7/51, p = 0.811), NSAID intake (12/52 vs. 7/51, p = 0.221), frequency of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (both groups 0) and oxygen therapy (both groups 0). Conclusion: IBD patients with a flare had significantly more frequent flights and/or high-altitude journeys within four weeks prior to the IBD flare compared to the group that was in remission. We conclude that flights and stays in high altitude are a risk factor for IBD flares.
BACKGROUND: Surgical correction of complete atrio-ventricular septal defect (AVSD) achieves satisfactory results with low morbidity and mortality, but may require reoperation. Our recent operative results at mid-term were followed-up. METHODS: From June 2000 to December 2007, 81 patients (Down syndrome; n=60), median age 4.0 months (range 0.7-118.6) and weight 4.7kg (range 2.2-33), underwent complete AVSD correction. Patch closure for the ventricular septal defect (VSD; n=69) and atrial septal defect (ASD; n=42) was performed with left atrio-ventricular valve (LAVV) cleft closure (n=76) and right atrio-ventricular valve (RAVV) repair (n=57). Mortality, morbidity, and indications for reoperation were retrospectively studied; the end point 'time to reoperation' was analyzed using Kaplan-Meier curves. Follow-up was complete except in two patients and spanned a median of 28 months (range 0.4-6.1 years). RESULTS: In-hospital mortality was 3.7% (n=3) and one late death occurred. Reoperation was required in 7/79 patients (8.9%) for LAVV insufficiency (n=4), for a residual ASD (n=1), for right atrio-ventricular valve insufficiency (n=1), and for subaortic stenosis (n=1). At last follow-up, no or only mild LAVV and RAVV insufficiency was present in 81.3% and 92.1% of patients, respectively, and 2/3 of patients were medication-free. Risk factors for reoperation were younger age (<3 months; p=0.001) and lower weight (<4kg; p=0.003), and a trend towards less and later reoperations in Down syndrome (p<0.2). CONCLUSIONS: Surgical correction of AVSD can be achieved with low mortality and need for reoperation, regardless of Down syndrome or not. Immediate postoperative moderate or more residual atrio-ventricular valve insufficiency will eventually require a reoperation, and could be anticipated in patients younger than 3 months and weighing <4kg.