81 resultados para Alanine.
Summary The CD4 molecule plays a key role in AIDS pathogenesis, it is required for entry of the virus into permissive cells and its subsequent down-modulation of the cell surface is a hallmark of HN-1 infected cells. The virus encodes no less than three proteins that participate in this process: Nef, Vpu and Env. Vpu protein interacts with CD4 within the endoplasmic reticulum of infected cells, where it targets CD4 for degradation through the interaction with a cellular protein named ß-TrCP1. This F-box protein functions as the substrate recognition subunit of the SCF ß-Trcr E3 ubiquitin ligase, which normally induce the ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of various proteins such as ß-catenin and IxBa. Mammals possess a homologue of ß-TrCP1, HOS, also named ß-TrCP2 which has a cytoplasmic subcellular distribution. Structural analysis of the ligand-binding domain of both homologues shows striking surface similarities. Both F-box proteins have a redundant role in a number of cellular processes; however the potential role of ß-TrCP2 in HIV-1 infected cells has not been evaluated. In the present study, we assessed the existence of génetic variants of BRTC, encoding ß-TrCP1, and evaluated whether these variants would affect CD4 down-modulation. Additionally, we determined whether ß-TrCP2 shares with its homologue structural and functional properties that would allow it to bind Vpu, modulate CD4 expression, and thus participate in HN-1 pathogenesis. We identified a single nucleotide polymorphism present in the human population with an allelic frequency of 0.03 that leads to the substitution of alanine 507 by a serine. However, we showed by transient transfection in HeLa CD4+ cells that this variant behaves as ß-TrCP1 with respect to CD4 down-modulation. We established transient expression systems in HeLa CD4+ cells to test whether ß-TrCP2 is implicated in Vpu-mediated CD4 down-modulation. We show by coimmunoprecipitation experiments that ß-TrCP2 binds Vpu and is able to induce CD4 down-modulation as efficiently as ß-TrCP1. In two different cell lines, HeLa CD4+ and Jurkat, Vpu-mediated CD4 down-modulation could not be completely reversed through the silencing of endogenous ß-TrCP 1 or ß-TrCP2 individually, but required both genes to be silenced simultaneously. We evaluated the role of ß-TrCP1 and ß-TrCP2 in HIV-1 life cycle using silencing prior to actual viral infection. Both ß-TrCP1 and ß-TrCP2 contributed to CD4 down-modulation during aone-cycle viral infection iri Ghost cells. In addition, the combined silencing of both homologues in the absence of env and nef reversed CD4 down-modulation, showing that ß-TrCP 1 and ß-TrCP2 represent the main and additive effectors of HIV-1 encoded Vpu. In addition, we showed that silencing of ß-TrCPI but not ß-TrCP2 induced a decrease of HIV-1 LTR-driven expression. In a transient transfection system with Tat and a LTR luciferase reporter, both homologues modulated LTR-driven expression. The present study revealed that ß-TrCP2 represents a novel protein participating in HIV-1 cycle and complete comprehension of the complex interplay occurring between the two F-Box will improve our understanding of HIV-1 infection. Résumé La molécule CD4 joue un rôle clef dans la pathogenèse du SIDA ; elle est requise pour l'entrée du virus dans les cellules permissives et la diminution de sa concentration au niveau de la surface cellulaire est une importante caractéristique des cellules infectées par le VIH-1. Le virus encode pas moins de trois protéines qui participent à ce processus Nef, Vpu et Env. La protéine Vpu lie CD4 au niveau du réticulum endoplasmique et induit sa dégradation en interagissant avec une protéine cellulaire nommée ß-TrCP 1. Cette protéine de type F-Box est une sous unité du complexe ubiquitine-ligase E3 SCFß-TrCP. Elle permet la reconnaissance du substrat par le complexe qui induit l'ubiquitination et la subséquente dégradation de diverses protéines cellulaires comme la ß-catenin ou IκBα. Les mammifères possèdent un homologue à ß-TrCP1appelé ß-TrCP2 (ou HOS). L'analyse comparative du domaine permettant la reconnaissance des substrats des deux homologues montre de frappantes similarités. Le rôle de ß-TrCP2 dans le cycle viral du VIH-1 n'a pas encore été évalué. Lors de cette étude, nous avons recherché l'existence de variants génétique de BTRC (codant pour ß-TrCP1) et nous avons évalué si ces variants pourraient affecter la dégradation des molécules CD4 induite par le virus. Nous avons ainsi identifié un polymorphisme présent dans la population humaine avec une fréquence allélique de 0.03 qui consiste en une substitution de l'alanine 507 par une sérine. Nous avons cependant montré par transfection dans des cellules HeLa CD4+ que ce variant se comporte comme ß-TrCP 1 en ce qui concerne la modulation de CD4. De plus, nous avons déterminé si ß-TrCP2 partageait avec son homologue des propriétés structurelles et fonctionnelles qui lui permettraient de lier Vpu, moduler la concentration de CD4 et ainsi prendre part à la pathogenèse du SIDA. Pour ce faire, nous avons établi un système d'expression temporaire dans des cellules HeLa CD4+. Par co-immunoprécipitation, nous avons montré que ß-TrCP2 lie Vpu et est capable d'induire la dégradation de CD4 aussi efficacement que ß-TrCP1. Dans deux différentes lignées cellulaires, HeLa CD4+ et Jurkat, la dégradation de CD4 n'a pu être complètement inhibée par le silencing individuel de ß-TrCP 1 ou ß-TrCP2, mais nécessitait le silencing simultané des 2 gènes. Nous avons évalué le rôle des deux homologues dans le cycle viral du VIH-1 en infectant des cellules Ghost avec le virus après avoir effectué un silencing des deux protéines. Nous avons ainsi montré que ß-TrCP 1 et ß-TrCP2 contribuent de manière additive à la dégradation de CD4 induite par une infection du VIH-1. Le silencing combiné des deux homologues inhiba complètement cette dégradation en l'absence de env et nef, prouvant qu'aucune autre voie ne participe à ce processus: En outre, nous avons montré que le silencing de ß-TrCP 1 mais pas celui de ß-TrCP2 induisait une diminution de l'expression virale sous contrôle du LTR. Nous n'avons cependant pas été en mesure de reconstituer cet effet en exprimant Tat et un gène reporteur sous contrôle du LTR dans des cellules HeLa CD4+. Le présent travail révèle que ß-TrCP2 représente une nouvelle protéine participant dans le cycle viral du VIH-1. Une complète compréhension de l'effet de chacun des deux homologues sur le cycle viral permettra d'améliorer notre compréhension de l'infection par le VIH-1.
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and protects it from water loss and mechanical damage. This barrier function is mainly provided by the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. This balance is regulated by several factors, including serine proteases, serine protease inhibitors and protease target substrates, such as receptors. Any mutations or alterations in the expression of these factors can lead to skin diseases. One of the players in this skin balance is the serine protease CAP1/Prss8, whose over-expression causes ichthyosis, hyperplasia and inflammation. This phenotype can be completely restored in the absence of PAR2 (protease-activated receptor 2) (Frateschi et al., 2011). During my thesis, I demonstrated that CAP1/Prss8 induces skin disease even if its catalytic triad is mutated. Additionally, I demonstrated an inhibitory effect of the serine protease-inhibitor nexin-1 (also called serpinE2, PN-1) on CAP1/Prss8, since nexin-1 negated the effects of both catalytically active and inactive CAP1/Prss8 over-expression. Indeed, CAP1/Prss8 and nexin-1 interact in vitro, but independent of the catalytic triad of CAP1/Prss8. These results demonstrate a novel mechanism of interaction between CAP1/Prss8 and nexin-1, and indicate that the catalytic triad of CAP1/Prss8 is dispensable for nexin-1 inhibition and PAR2 activation. These observations in vivo and in vitro could be helpful to specifically target drugs to treat ichthyoses-like skin diseases, like e.g. atopic dermatitis. - La peau est l'un des organes les plus importants du corps humain au regard de sa surface et de sa masse. Ses principales fonctions sont de nous protéger contre l'entrée de pathogènes et de former une barrière imperméable qui empêche la déshydratation. Ces fonctions sont principalement assurées par l'épiderme, la couche la plus superficielle de la peau, et garanties par plusieurs "acteurs", comme par exemple les sérine-protéases, les inhibiteurs de sérine- protéases ou les protéases cibles comme les récepteurs. Toute mutation ou altération de l'un de ces "acteurs" peut aboutir au déclanchement de maladies de la peau. Pour mieux comprendre les conséquences biologiques résultant d'une altération d'expression de CAP1/Prss8, une serine-protéase normalement exprimée au niveau de l'épiderme, nous avons généré des souris transgéniques surexprimant CAP1/Prss8 au niveau de la peau. Ces dernières présentent une peau squameuse, un épiderme hypertrophique, des processus inflammatoires et des prurits conséquents. Ces symptômes disparaissent si le gène du récepteur PAR2, qui régule l'activité des cellules de l'épiderme, est inactivé. Dans le but de vérifier si le phénotype observé chez les souris CAP1/Prss8 résulte de l'action du site catalytique de CAP1/Prss8, nous avons généré des souris CAP1/Prss8 chez lesquelles nous avons muté les trois acides aminés du site catalytique en alanine. Etonnement ces souris ont développé les mêmes problèmes de peau que les souris CAP1/Prss8, démontrant que l'effet de CAP1/Prss8, dans ce modèle animal, n'est pas lié à son site catalytique. Nous avons également montré in vivo, que la sérine-protéase nexin-1 (aussi appelée SERPINE2, PN-1) est capable d'exercer un effet inhibiteur sur CAP1/Prss8 indépendamment de l'activité du site catalytique de CAP1/Prss8. De plus, nous avons remarqué in vitro que CAP1/Prss8 et nexin-1 interagissent bien que la triade catalytique de CAP1/Prss8 soit enzymatiquement inactivée. Ces observations, in vivo et in vitro, pourraient être utilisées dans l'élaboration de médicaments contenant nexin-1, pour le traitement de pathologies de la peau telles l'ichthyose et la dermatite atopique.
Consumption of simple carbohydrates has markedly increased over the past decades, and may be involved in the increased prevalence in metabolic diseases. Whether an increased intake of fructose is specifically related to a dysregulation of glucose and lipid metabolism remains controversial. We therefore compared the effects of hypercaloric diets enriched with fructose (HFrD) or glucose (HGlcD) in healthy men. Eleven subjects were studied in a randomised order after 7 d of the following diets: (1) weight maintenance, control diet; (2) HFrD (3.5 g fructose/kg fat-free mass (ffm) per d, +35 % energy intake); (3) HGlcD (3.5 g glucose/kg ffm per d, +35 % energy intake). Fasting hepatic glucose output (HGO) was measured with 6,6-2H2-glucose. Intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL) and intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Both fructose and glucose increased fasting VLDL-TAG (HFrD: +59 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +31 %, P = 0.11) and IHCL (HFrD: +52 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +58 %, P = 0.06). HGO increased after both diets (HFrD: +5 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +5 %, P = 0.05). No change was observed in fasting glycaemia, insulin and alanine aminotransferase concentrations. IMCL increased significantly only after the HGlcD (HFrD: +24 %, NS; HGlcD: +59 %, P < 0.05). IHCL and VLDL-TAG were not different between hypercaloric HFrD and HGlcD, but were increased compared to values observed with a weight maintenance diet. However, glucose led to a higher increase in IMCL than fructose.
Alterations to brain homeostasis during development are reflected in the neurochemical profile determined noninvasively by (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. We determined longitudinal biochemical modifications in the cortex, hippocampus, and striatum of C57BL/6 mice aged between 3 and 24 months . The regional neurochemical profile evolution indicated that aging induces general modifications of neurotransmission processes (reduced GABA and glutamate), primary energy metabolism (altered glucose, alanine, and lactate) and turnover of lipid membranes (modification of choline-containing compounds and phosphorylethanolamine), which are all probably involved in the frequently observed age-related cognitive decline. Interestingly, the neurochemical profile was different in male and female mice, particularly in the levels of taurine that may be under the control of estrogen receptors. These neurochemical profiles constitute the basal concentrations in cortex, hippocampus, and striatum of healthy aging male and female mice.
ABSTRACT : Objective: to compare the metabolic effects of fructose in healthy males and females Research Design And Methods: Fasting metabolic profile and hepatic insulin sensitivity were assessed by means of a hyperglycemic clamp in 16 healthy young males and female subjects after a 6-day fructose overfeeding Results: Fructose overfeeding increased fasting triglyceride concentrations by 71 % in males vs 16% in females (p<0.05). Endogenous glucose production was increased by 12%, alanin aminotransferase concentration was increased by 38%, and fasting insulin concentrations was increased by 14% after fructose overfeeding in males (all p<0.05), but were not significantly altered in females. Fasting plasma free fatty acids and lipid oxidation were inhibited by fructose in males, but not in females Conclusions: Short term fructose overfeeding produces hypertriglyceridemia and hepatic insulin resistance in males, but these effects are markedly blunted in healthy young females. Rapport de synthèse : Objectif : De récentes études ont démontré que l'ingestion de hautes doses de fructose modifie certains paramètres métaboliques. Peu d'entre elles se sont cependant intéressées à déterminer si les effets métaboliques du fructose étaient dépendants du sexe. L'objectif de la présente étude était donc de comparer les effets du fructose chez des volontaires sains, hommes et femmes. Méthode : Le profil métabolique à jeun et la sensibilité hépatique à l'insuline ont été déterminés au moyen d'un clamp hyperglycémique chez un collectif de 16 jeunes hommes et femmes après une période de 6 jours de régime riche en fructose. Résultats : La concentration de triglycérides à jeun après ce régime était augmentée de 71% chez les hommes contre 16% chez les femmes (p<0.05). La production endogène de glucose était augmentée de 12%, l'alanine aminotransférase de 38% et la concentration d'insuline à jeun de 14% chez les hommes (p<0.05 pour tous). Chez les femmes, ces paramètres n'étaient au contraire pas significativement modifiés. L'oxydation des acides gras libres et des lipides à jeun était inhibée par le fructose chez les hommes, mais pas chez les femmes. Conclusion : Ces résultats indiquent qu'une suralimentation de courte durée en fructose induit chez l'homme une hypertriglycéridémie et une résistance hépatique à l'insuline, alors que chez la femme jeune, ces effets sont nettement atténués. Il reste à éclaircir de manière plus approfondie les mécanismes sous-tendant ces différences.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Recent studies have described a major impact of genetic variations near the IL28B gene on the natural course and outcome of antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis C. We therefore, aimed to explore the impact of donor and recipient genotypes of these polymorphisms on hepatitis C virus (HCV) liver graft reinfection. METHODS: Donor and recipient genotypes of IL28B rs12979860C>T single nucleotide polymorphism were determined in 91 patients with HCV liver graft reinfection, 47 of whom were treated with pegylated interferon-α (PEG-IFN-α) and ribavirin. IL28B genetic polymorphisms were correlated with the natural course and treatment outcome of recurrent hepatitis C. RESULTS: Patients requiring liver transplantation due to end-stage chronic hepatitis C appeared to be selected toward the adverse genotypes rs12979860 CT/TT compared to non-transplanted HCV-infected patients (p=0.046). Patients with the donor genotype rs12979860 CC had higher peak ALT and HCV RNA serum concentrations than those with CT/TT (p=0.04 and 0.06, respectively). No association was observed between ALT/HCV RNA serum concentrations and recipient genotypes (p>0.3). More important, donor IL28B rs12979860 CC vs. CT/TT genotypes were associated with rapid, complete early, and sustained virologic response (RVR, cEVR, SVR) to treatment with PEG-IFN-α and ribavirin (p=0.003, 0.0012, 0.008, respectively), but weaker associations of recipient genotypes with RVR, cEVR, and SVR were observed as well (p=0.0046, 0.115, 0.118, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: We provide evidence for a dominant, but not exclusive impact of the donor rather than the recipient IL28B genetic background on the natural course and treatment outcome of HCV liver graft reinfection.
OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to evaluate a fluorescence-based enhanced-reality system to assess intestinal viability in a laparoscopic mesenteric ischemia model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A small bowel loop was exposed, and 3 to 4 mesenteric vessels were clipped in 6 pigs. Indocyanine green (ICG) was administered intravenously 15 minutes later. The bowel was illuminated with an incoherent light source laparoscope (D-light-P, KarlStorz). The ICG fluorescence signal was analyzed with Ad Hoc imaging software (VR-RENDER), which provides a digital perfusion cartography that was superimposed to the intraoperative laparoscopic image [augmented reality (AR) synthesis]. Five regions of interest (ROIs) were marked under AR guidance (1, 2a-2b, 3a-3b corresponding to the ischemic, marginal, and vascularized zones, respectively). One hour later, capillary blood samples were obtained by puncturing the bowel serosa at the identified ROIs and lactates were measured using the EDGE analyzer. A surgical biopsy of each intestinal ROI was sent for mitochondrial respiratory rate assessment and for metabolites quantification. RESULTS: Mean capillary lactate levels were 3.98 (SD = 1.91) versus 1.05 (SD = 0.46) versus 0.74 (SD = 0.34) mmol/L at ROI 1 versus 2a-2b (P = 0.0001) versus 3a-3b (P = 0.0001), respectively. Mean maximal mitochondrial respiratory rate was 104.4 (±21.58) pmolO2/second/mg at the ROI 1 versus 191.1 ± 14.48 (2b, P = 0.03) versus 180.4 ± 16.71 (3a, P = 0.02) versus 199.2 ± 25.21 (3b, P = 0.02). Alanine, choline, ethanolamine, glucose, lactate, myoinositol, phosphocholine, sylloinositol, and valine showed statistically significant different concentrations between ischemic and nonischemic segments. CONCLUSIONS: Fluorescence-based AR may effectively detect the boundary between the ischemic and the vascularized zones in this experimental model.
Catecholamines as well as phorbol esters can induce the phosphorylation and desensitization of the alpha1B-adrenergic receptor (alpha1BAR). In this study, phosphoamino acid analysis of the phosphorylated alpha1BAR revealed that both epinephrine- and phorbol ester-induced phosphorylation predominantly occurs at serine residues of the receptor. The findings obtained with receptor mutants in which portions of the C-tail were truncated or deleted indicated that a region of 21 amino acids (393-413) of the carboxyl terminus including seven serines contains the main phosphorylation sites involved in agonist- as well as phorbol ester-induced phosphorylation and desensitization of the alpha1BAR. To identify the serines invoved in agonist- versus phorbol ester-dependent regulation of the receptor, two different strategies were adopted, the seven serines were either substituted with alanine or reintroduced into a mutant lacking all of them. Our findings indicate that Ser394 and Ser400 were phosphorylated following phorbol ester-induced activation of protein kinase C, whereas Ser404, Ser408, and Ser410 were phosphorylated upon stimulation of the alpha1BAR with epinephrine. The observation that overexpression of G protein-coupled kinase 2 (GRK2) could increase agonist-induced phosphorylation of Ser404, Ser408, and Ser410, strongly suggests that these serines are the phosphorylation sites of the alpha1BAR for kinases of the GRK family. Phorbol ester-induced phosphorylation of the Ser394 and Ser400 as well as GRK2-mediated phosphorylation of the Ser404, Ser408, and Ser410, resulted in the desensitization of alpha1BAR-mediated inositol phosphate response. This study provides generalities about the biochemical mechanisms underlying homologous and heterologous desensitization of G protein-coupled receptors linked to the activation of phospholipase C.
Numerous in vitro studies attribute to human TRIM5α some modest anti-HIV-1 activity and human population studies suggest some differential effect of TRIM5α polymorphisms on disease progression. If the activity of TRIM5α were relevant in vivo, it could result in positive selection on the viral capsid. To address this issue, we identified 10 positively selected sites in HIV-1 capsid from multiple viral strains and generated 17 clade B viruses carrying a minor (i.e. low frequency) residue or an alanine at those positions. All recombinant viruses were susceptible to the modest effect of common human TRIM5α and allelic variants R136Q, and H419Y; H43Y and G249D TRIM5α were generally inactive. Increased sensitivity to TRIM5α was observed for some capsid variants, suggesting that minor residues are selected against in human populations. On the other hand, the modest potency of human TRIM5α does not translate in escape mutations in the viral capsid.
Innate immunity reacts to conserved bacterial molecules. The outermost lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Gram-negative organisms is highly inflammatory. It activates responsive cells via specific CD14 and toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) surface receptor and co-receptors. Gram-positive bacteria do not contain LPS, but carry surface teichoic acids, lipoteichoic acids and peptidoglycan instead. Among these, the thick peptidoglycan is the most conserved. It also triggers cytokine release via CD14, but uses the TLR2 co-receptor instead of TLR4 used by LPS. Moreover, whole peptidoglycan is 1000-fold less active than LPS in a weight-to-weight ratio. This suggests either that it is not important for inflammation, or that only part of it is reactive while the rest acts as ballast. Biochemical dissection of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae cell walls indicates that the second assumption is correct. Long, soluble peptidoglycan chains (approximately 125 kDa) are poorly active. Hydrolysing these chains to their minimal unit (2 sugars and a stem peptide) completely abrogates inflammation. Enzymatic dissection of the pneumococcal wall generated a mixture of highly active fragments, constituted of trimeric stem peptides, and poorly active fragments, constituted of simple monomers and dimers or highly polymerized structures. Hence, the optimal constraint for activation might be 3 cross-linked stem peptides. The importance of structural constraint was demonstrated in additional studies. For example, replacing the first L-alanine in the stem peptide with a D-alanine totally abrogated inflammation in experimental meningitis. Likewise, modifying the D-alanine decorations of lipoteichoic acids with L-alanine, or deacylating them from their diacylglycerol lipid anchor also decreased the inflammatory response. Thus, although considered as a broad-spectrum pattern-recognizing system, innate immunity can detect very subtle differences in Gram-positive walls. This high specificity underlines the importance of using well-characterized microbial material in investigating the system.
BACKGROUND: Glutathione (GSH) is the major cellular redox-regulator and antioxidant. Redox-imbalance due to genetically impaired GSH synthesis is among the risk factors for schizophrenia. Here we used a mouse model with chronic GSH deficit induced by knockout (KO) of the key GSH-synthesizing enzyme, glutamate-cysteine ligase modulatory subunit (GCLM).¦METHODS: With high-resolution magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 14.1 T, we determined the neurochemical profile of GCLM-KO, heterozygous, and wild-type mice in anterior cortex throughout development in a longitudinal study design.¦RESULTS: Chronic GSH deficit was accompanied by an elevation of glutamine (Gln), glutamate (Glu), Gln/Glu, N-acetylaspartate, myo-Inositol, lactate, and alanine. Changes were predominantly present at prepubertal ages (postnatal days 20 and 30). Treatment with N-acetylcysteine from gestation on normalized most neurochemical alterations to wild-type level.¦CONCLUSIONS: Changes observed in GCLM-KO anterior cortex, notably the increase in Gln, Glu, and Gln/Glu, were similar to those reported in early schizophrenia, emphasizing the link between redox imbalance and the disease and validating the model. The data also highlight the prepubertal period as a sensitive time for redox-related neurochemical changes and demonstrate beneficial effects of early N-acetylcysteine treatment. Moreover, the data demonstrate the translational value of magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study brain disease in preclinical models.
Nonstructural protein 4B (NS4B) is a key organizer of hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication complex formation. In concert with other nonstructural proteins, it induces a specific membrane rearrangement, designated as membranous web, which serves as a scaffold for the HCV replicase. The N-terminal part of NS4B comprises a predicted and a structurally resolved amphipathic α-helix, designated as AH1 and AH2, respectively. Here, we report a detailed structure-function analysis of NS4B AH1. Circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance structural analyses revealed that AH1 folds into an amphipathic α-helix extending from NS4B amino acid 4 to 32, with positively charged residues flanking the helix. These residues are conserved among hepaciviruses. Mutagenesis and selection of pseudorevertants revealed an important role of these residues in RNA replication by affecting the biogenesis of double-membrane vesicles making up the membranous web. Moreover, alanine substitution of conserved acidic residues on the hydrophilic side of the helix reduced infectivity without significantly affecting RNA replication, indicating that AH1 is also involved in virus production. Selective membrane permeabilization and immunofluorescence microscopy analyses of a functional replicon harboring an epitope tag between NS4B AH1 and AH2 revealed a dual membrane topology of the N-terminal part of NS4B during HCV RNA replication. Luminal translocation was unaffected by the mutations introduced into AH1, but was abrogated by mutations introduced into AH2. In conclusion, our study reports the three-dimensional structure of AH1 from HCV NS4B, and highlights the importance of positively charged amino acid residues flanking this amphipathic α-helix in membranous web formation and RNA replication. In addition, we demonstrate that AH1 possesses a dual role in RNA replication and virus production, potentially governed by different topologies of the N-terminal part of NS4B.
Introduction: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) emerged as an autochthonous food-borne disease in developed countries, transmitted mainly through pork meat. Cases of transmission through blood transfusion have been reported. Recent studies revealed sero-prevalence rates of 13.5%, 16.6% and 20.6% among blood donors in England, France and Denmark, respectively. The aim of this study was to determine the sero-prevalence of HEV among Swiss blood donors. Method: We screened 550 consecutive blood donations from the Service Régional Vaudois de Transfusion Sanguine of Epalinges, for the presence of anti-HEV IgG (MP Diagnostics HEV ELISA). The sample size was based on the Lorentz formula considering an expected prevalence of 3% with a precision of 1.5%. For each donor, we studied the following variables: age, sex and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) value. Results: All blood donors were Caucasian, and included 332 men (60.4%) and 218 women (39.6%). The median age was 55 years (IQR 46-63 years). Overall, anti-HEV IgG were found in 27 of 550 samples (4.9%). The sero-prevalence was 5.4% (18/314) in men and 4.1% (9/209) in women. The presence of anti-HEV IgG was not correlated to age, gender or ALT values. Conclusion: Compared to other European countries, the HEV sero-prevalence among blood donors in Switzerland is surprisingly low. Possible explanations include the strict regulation of animals and meat import. However, to confirm this hypothesis, further studies assessing the prevalence of HEV in Swiss swine will be necessary.
Intrathecal injections of 50 to 100 micro g of (N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine) muramyl dipeptide (MDP)/rabbit dose-dependently triggered tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) secretion (12 to 40,000 pg/ml) preceding the influx of leukocytes in the subarachnoid space of rabbits. Intrathecal instillation of heat-killed unencapsulated R6 pneumococci produced a comparable leukocyte influx but only a minimal level of preceding TNF-alpha secretion. The stereochemistry of the first amino acid (L-alanine) of the MDP played a crucial role with regard to its inflammatory potential. Isomers harboring D-alanine in first position did not induce TNF-alpha secretion and influx of leukocytes. This stereospecificity of MDPs was also confirmed by measuring TNF-alpha release from human peripheral mononuclear blood cells stimulated in vitro. These data show that the inflammatory potential of MDPs depends on the stereochemistry of the first amino acid of the peptide side chain and suggest that intact pneumococci and MDPs induce inflammation by different pathways.
Biocides are widely used for domestic hygiene, agricultural and industrial applications. Their widespread use has resulted in their introduction into the environment and raised concerns about potential deleterious effects on aquatic ecosystems. In this study, the toxicity of the biocides triclosan, penconazole and metalaxyl were evaluated with the freshwater bacterium Caulobacter crescentus and with a freshwater microbial community using a combination of single- and double-stain flow cytometric assays. Growth of C. crescentus and the freshwater community were repressed by triclosan but not by penconazole or metalaxyl at concentrations up to 250 μM. The repressive effect of triclosan was dependent on culture conditions. Caulobacter crescentus was more sensitive to triclosan when grown with high glucose at high cell density than when grown directly in sterilized lake water at low cell density. This suggests that the use of conventional growth conditions may overestimate biocide toxicity. Additional experiments showed that the freshwater community was more sensitive to triclosan than C. crescentus, with 10 nM of triclosan being sufficient to repress growth and change the phylogenetic composition of the community. These results demonstrate that isolate-based assays may underestimate biocide toxicity and highlight the importance of assessing toxicity directly on natural microbial communities. Because 10 nM of triclosan is within the range of concentrations observed in freshwater systems, these results also raise concerns about the risk of introducing triclosan into the environment.