124 resultados para Aerobic Granulation
OBJECTIVE: We sought to examine the relation between recommended levels of physical activity during pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted an observational study with energy expenditure, aerobic fitness, and sleeping heart rate measured in 44 healthy women in late pregnancy. Medical records were examined for pregnancy outcome. RESULTS: Active women, who engaged in > or = 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day, had significantly better fitness and lower sleeping heart rate compared to the inactive. Duration of second stage of labor was 88 and 146 minutes in the active vs inactive women, respectively (P = .05). Crude odds ratio of operative delivery in the inactive vs the active was 3.7 (95% confidence interval, 0.87-16.08). Birthweight, maternal weight gain, and parity adjusted odds ratio was 7.6 (95% confidence interval, 1.23-45.8). Neonatal condition and other obstetric outcomes were similar between groups. CONCLUSION: Active women have better aerobic fitness as compared to inactive women. The risk for operative delivery is lower in active women compared to inactive, when controlled for birthweight, maternal weight gain, and parity. Further studies with larger sample size are required to confirm the association between physical activity and pregnancy outcomes.
Le réentraînement à l'effort est présenté aujourd'hui comme un moyen efficace de lutter et réduire des déficiences chroniques chez l'adulte atteint de pathologie chronique. Il a été proposé plus récemment chez le jeune (enfant ou adolescent) atteint de pathologies neurologiques, notamment la paralysie cérébrale. De nombreuses études à ce jour présentent des résultats encourageants dans l'amélioration de certains facteurs de qualité de vie chez des jeunes patients atteints de paralysie cérébrale. Tout d'abord, un entraînement à l'effort sur la base d'exercices réalisés en endurance permet d'améliorer les capacités aérobies ainsi que le périmètre et la vitesse de marche et la motricité globale. Un entraînement à base de renforcement musculaire favoriserait aussi l'augmentation de la masse musculaire et induirait une amélioration de la motricité globale. Enfin, il semble que le type d'exercice à privilégier actuellement soit un entraînement « mixte », à base d'exercices associant les deux modes d'entraînement précédents. Pour préciser les modalités pratiques de réalisation de ces entraînements, il faudra tenir compte de différents paramètres parmi lesquels la fatigue musculaire.
RESUMEDurant la phase de récupération d'un exercice de course à pied d'intensité maximale ou submaximale, une augmentation de la pression artérielle systolique centrale (aortique) résultant de la réflexion des ondes de pouls sur l'arbre vasculaire est constatée chez l'individu en bonne santé. En diastole cependant, l'impact de la réflexion de ces ondes de pouls sur la pression centrale demeure inconnu durant la récupération d'un exercice.Nous avons évalué les ondes de pouls centrales systolique et diastolique chez onze athlètes d'endurance durant la phase de récupération d'un exercice de course à pied dans des conditions d'effort maximal (sur tapis de course) et lors d'un effort submaximal lors d'une course à pied de 4000 mètres en plein air sur terrain mixte.Pour chaque sujet et lors des deux exercices, l'onde de pouls a été mesurée au niveau radial par tonométrie d'aplanation durant une phase de repos précédant l'exercice, puis à 5, 15, 25, 35 et 45 minutes après la fin de l'exercice. En utilisant une fonction mathématique de transfert, l'onde de pouls centrale a été extrapolée à partir de l'onde de pouls radiale. En compilant la forme de l'onde de pouls centrale avec une mesure simultanée de la pression artérielle brachiale, un index d'augmentation de l'onde de pouls en systole (Alx) et en diastole (Als) peut être calculé, reflétant l'augmentation des pressions résultant de la réflexion des ondes sur l'arbre vasculaire périphérique.A 5 minutes de la fin de l'exercice, les deux index ont été mesurés moindres que ceux mesurés lors de la phase précédant celui-ci. Lors des mesures suivantes, Alx est resté bas, alors que Aid a progressivement augmenté pour finalement dépasser la valeur de repos après 45 minutes de récupération. Le même phénomène a été constaté pour les deux modalités d'exercice (maximal ou submaximal). Ainsi, au-delà de quelques minutes de récupération après un exercice de course d'intensité maximale ou submaximale, nous avons montré par ces investigations que les ondes de pouls réfléchies en périphérie augmentent de façon sélective la pression centrale en diastole chez l'athlète d'endurance.ABSTRACTDuring recovery from a maximal or submaximal aerobic exercise, augmentation of central (aortic) systolic pressure by reflected pressure waves is blunted in healthy humans. However, the extent to which reflected pressure waves modify the central pulse in diastole in these conditions remains unknown. We evaluated systolic and diastolic central reflected waves in 11 endurance-trained athletes on recovery from a maximal running test on a treadmill (treadmill-max) and a 4000m run in field conditions. On both occasions in each subject, the radial pulse was recorded with applanation tonometry in the resting preexercise state and then 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 minutes after exercise termination. From the central waveform, as reconstructed by application of a generalized transfer function, we computed a systolic (Alx) and a diastolic index (Aid) of pressure augmentation by reflections. At 5 minutes, both indices were below preexercise. At further time-points, Alx remained low, while Aid progressively increased, to overshoot above preexercise at 45 minutes. The same behavior was observed with both exercise types. Beyond the first few minutes of recovery following either maximal or submaximal aerobic exercise, reflected waves selectively augment the central pressure pulse in diastole, at least in endurance- trained athletes.
This study aims to define the cellular roles of methionine sulfoxide reductases A and B, evolutionarily highly conserved enzymes able to repair oxidized methionines in proteins. msrA and msrB mutants were exposed to an internal oxidative stress by growing them under aerobic conditions on glycerol. Interestingly, the msr mutants behave completely differently under these conditions. The msrA mutant is inhibited, whereas the msrB mutant is stimulated in its growth in comparison with the parent strain. Glycerol can be catabolized by either the GlpK or DhaK pathways in Enterococcus faecalis. Our results strongly suggest that in the msrA mutant, glycerol is catabolized via the GlpK pathway leading to increased synthesis of H2O2, which accumulates to concentrations inhibitory to growth in comparison with the parent strain. In contrast in the msrB mutant, glycerol is metabolized via the DhaK pathway which is not accompanied by the synthesis of H2O2. The molecular basis for the differences in glycerol flux seems to be due to expression differences of the two glycerol-catabolic operons in the msr mutants.
Over the past two decades, intermittent hypoxic training (IHT), that is, a method where athletes live at or near sea level but train under hypoxic conditions, has gained unprecedented popularity. By adding the stress of hypoxia during 'aerobic' or 'anaerobic' interval training, it is believed that IHT would potentiate greater performance improvements compared to similar training at sea level. A thorough analysis of studies including IHT, however, leads to strikingly poor benefits for sea-level performance improvement, compared to the same training method performed in normoxia. Despite the positive molecular adaptations observed after various IHT modalities, the characteristics of optimal training stimulus in hypoxia are still unclear and their functional translation in terms of whole-body performance enhancement is minimal. To overcome some of the inherent limitations of IHT (lower training stimulus due to hypoxia), recent studies have successfully investigated a new training method based on the repetition of short (<30 s) 'all-out' sprints with incomplete recoveries in hypoxia, the so-called repeated sprint training in hypoxia (RSH). The aims of the present review are therefore threefold: first, to summarise the main mechanisms for interval training and repeated sprint training in normoxia. Second, to critically analyse the results of the studies involving high-intensity exercises performed in hypoxia for sea-level performance enhancement by differentiating IHT and RSH. Third, to discuss the potential mechanisms underpinning the effectiveness of those methods, and their inherent limitations, along with the new research avenues surrounding this topic.
Childhood obesity and physical inactivity are increasing dramatically worldwide. Children of low socioeconomic status and/or children of migrant background are especially at risk. In general, the overall effectiveness of school-based programs on health-related outcomes has been disappointing. A special gap exists for younger children and in high risk groups. This paper describes the rationale, design, curriculum, and evaluation of a multicenter preschool randomized intervention study conducted in areas with a high migrant population in two out of 26 Swiss cantons. Twenty preschool classes in the German (canton St. Gallen) and another 20 in the French (canton Vaud) part of Switzerland were separately selected and randomized to an intervention and a control arm by the use of opaque envelopes. The multidisciplinary lifestyle intervention aimed to increase physical activity and sleep duration, to reinforce healthy nutrition and eating behaviour, and to reduce media use. According to the ecological model, it included children, their parents and the teachers. The regular teachers performed the majority of the intervention and were supported by a local health promoter. The intervention included physical activity lessons, adaptation of the built infrastructure; promotion of regional extracurricular physical activity; playful lessons about nutrition, media use and sleep, funny homework cards and information materials for teachers and parents. It lasted one school year. Baseline and post-intervention evaluations were performed in both arms. Primary outcome measures included BMI and aerobic fitness (20 m shuttle run test). Secondary outcomes included total (skinfolds, bioelectrical impedance) and central (waist circumference) body fat, motor abilities (obstacle course, static and dynamic balance), physical activity and sleep duration (accelerometry and questionnaires), nutritional behaviour and food intake, media use, quality of life and signs of hyperactivity (questionnaires), attention and spatial working memory ability (two validated tests). Researchers were blinded to group allocation. The purpose of this paper is to outline the design of a school-based multicenter cluster randomized, controlled trial aiming to reduce body mass index and to increase aerobic fitness in preschool children in culturally different parts of Switzerland with a high migrant population. Trial Registration: (clinicaltrials.gov) NCT00674544.
Background: Negative pressure wound treatment is increasingly used through a Vacuum-Assisted Closure (VAC) device in complex wound situations. For this purpose, sterile polyurethane (PU) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) foam dressings are fitted to the wound size and covered with an adhesive drape to create an airtight seal. Little information exists about the type and quantity of microorganisms within the foams. Therefore, we investigated VAC foams after removal from the wound using a validated method (sonication) to detect the bacterial bioburden in the foam consisting as microbial biofilms.Methods: We prospectively included VAC foams (PU and PVA, KCI, Rümlamg, Switzerland) without antibacterial additions (e.g. silver), which were removed from wounds in patients with chronic ulcers from January 2007 through December 2008. Excluded were patients with acute wound infection, necrotizing fasciitis, underlying osteomyelitis or implant. Removed foams from regular changes of dressing were aseptically placed in a container with 100 ml sterile Ringer's solution. Within 4 hours after removal, foams were sonicated for 5 min at 40 kHz (as described in NEJM 2007;357:654). The resulting sonication fluid was cultured at 37°C on aerobic blood agar plates for 5 days. Microbes were quantified as No. of colony-forming units (CFU)/ml sonication fluid and identified to the species level.Results: A total of 68 foams (38 PU and 30 PVA) from 55 patients were included in the study (median age 71 years; range 33-88 years, 57% were man). Foams were removed from the following anatomic sites: sacrum (n=29), ischium (n=18), heel (n=13), calves (n=6) and ankle (n=2). The median duration of being in place was 3 days (range, 1-8 days). In all 68 foams, bacteria were found in large quantities (median 105 CFU/ml, range 102-7 CFU/ml sonication fluid. No differences were found between PU and PVA foams. One type of organisms was found in 11 (16%), two in 17 (24%) and 3 or more in 40 (60%) foams. Gram-negative rods (Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumanii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) were isolated in 70%, followed by Staphylococcus aureus (20%), koagulase-negative staphylococci, streptococci (8%), and enterococci (2%).Conclusion: With sonication, a high density of bacteria present in VAC foams was demonstrated after a median of 3 days. Future studies are needed to investigate whether antimicrobial-impregnated foams can reduce the bacterial load in foams and potentially improve wound healing.
Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular risk and the well-being in patients with type 2 diabetes. Thereby, both aerobic physical activities and resistance activities are recommended. DIAfit is a programm for patients with type 2 diabetes that is being implemented in Switzerland. Its objective is to allow the initiation of a structured physical activity in the setting of a pluridisciplinary team to promote a healthy lifestyle.
The hematology laboratory in blood doping (bd): 2014 update on the athlete biological passport (APB)
Introduction: Blood doping (BD) is the use of Erythropoietic Stimulating Agents (ESAs) and/or transfusion to increase aerobic performance in athletes. Direct toxicologic techniques are insufficient to unmask sophisticated doping protocols. The Hematological module of the ABP (World Anti-Doping Agency), associates decision support technology and expert assessment to indirectly detect BD hematological effects. Methods: The ABP module is based on blood parameters, under strict pre-analytical and analytical rules for collection, storage and transport at 2-12°C, internal and external QC. Accuracy, reproducibility and interlaboratory harmonization fulfill forensic standard. Blood samples are collected in competition and out-ofcompetition. Primary parameters for longitudinal monitoring are: - hemoglobin (HGB); - reticulocyte percentage (RET); - OFF score, indicator of suppressed erythropoiesis, calculated as [HGB(g/L) * 60-√RET%]. Statistical calculation predicts individual expected limits by probabilistic inference. Secondary parameters are RBC, HCT, MCHC-MCH-MCV-RDW-IFR. ABP profiles flagged as atypical are review by experts in hematology, pharmacology, sports medicine or physiology, and classified as: - normal - suspect (to target) - likely due to BD - likely due to pathology. Results: Thousands of athletes worldwide are currently monitored. Since 2010, at least 35 athletes have been sanctioned and others are prosecuted on the sole basis of abnormal ABP, with a 240% increase of positivity to direct tests for ESA, thanks to improved targeting of suspicious athletes (WADA data). Specific doping scenarios have been identified by the Experts (Table and Figure). Figure. Typical HGB and RET profiles in two highly suspicious athletes. A. Sample 2: simultaneous increases in HGB and RET (likely ESA stimulation) in a male. B. Samples 3, 6 and 7: "OFF" picture, with high HGB and low RET in a female. Sample 10: normal HGB and increased RET (ESA or blood withdrawal). Conclusions: ABP is a powerful tool for indirect doping detection, based on the recognition of specific, unphysiological changes triggered by blood doping. The effect of factors of heterogeneity, such as sex and altitude, must also be considered. Schumacher YO, et al. Drug Test Anal 2012, 4:846-853. Sottas PE, et al. Clin Chem 2011, 57:969-976.
The prevalence of obesity is rising progressively, even among older age groups. By the year 2030-2035 over 20% of the adult US population and over 25% of the Europeans will be aged 65 years and older. The predicted prevalence of obesity in Americans, 60 years and older was 37% in 2010. The predicted prevalence of obesity in Europe in 2015 varies between 20 and 30% dependent on the model used. This means 20.9 million obese 60+ people in the USA in 2010 and 32 million obese elders in 2015 in the EU. Although cut-off values of BMI, waist circumference and percentages of fat mass have not been defined for the elderly (nor for the elderly of different ethnicity), it is clear from several meta-analyses that mortality and morbidity associated with overweight and obesity only increases at a BMI above 30 kg/m(2). Thus, treatment should only be offered to patients who are obese rather than overweight and who also have functional impairments, metabolic complications or obesity-related diseases, that can benefit from weight loss. The weight loss therapy should aim to minimize muscle and bone loss but also vigilance as regards the development of sarcopenic obesity - a combination of an unhealthy excess of body fat with a detrimental loss of muscle and fat-free mass including bone - is important in the elderly, who are vulnerable to this outcome. Life-style intervention should be the first step and consists of a diet with a 500 kcal (2.1 MJ) energy deficit and an adequate intake of protein of high biological quality together with calcium and vitamin D, behavioural therapy and multi-component exercise. Multi-component exercise includes flexibility training, balance training, aerobic exercise and resistance training. The adherence rate in most studies is around 75%. Knowledge of constraints and modulators of physical inactivity should be of help to engage the elderly in physical activity. The role of pharmacotherapy and bariatric surgery in the elderly is largely unknown as in most studies people aged 65 years and older have been excluded.
BACKGROUND: Reactive oxygen species production increases during aging, whereas protective mechanisms such as heat shock proteins (HSPs) or antioxidant capacity are depressed. Physical activity has been hypothesized to provide protection against oxidative damage during aging, but results remain controversial. This study aimed to investigate the effect of different levels of physical activity during aging on Hsp72 expression and systemic oxidative stress at rest and in response to maximal exercise. METHODS: Plasma antioxidant capacity (Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity, TEAC), thiobarbituric acid-reactive species (TBARS), advanced oxidized proteins products (AOPP), and Hsp72 expression in leukocytes were measured before and after maximal exercise testing in 32 elderly persons (aged 73.2 years), who were assigned to two different groups depending on their level of physical activity during the past 12 months (OLow = moderate to low level; OHigh = higher level). RESULTS: The OHigh group showed higher aerobic fitness and TEAC (both representing 120% of OLow values) as well as lower oxidative damage (50% of OLow values) and Hsp72 expression. Exercise led to a lower increase in oxidative damage in the OHigh group. Aerobic fitness was positively correlated with TEAC and negatively with lipid peroxidation (TBARS). Hsp72 expression was negatively correlated with TEAC but positively correlated with TBARS levels. CONCLUSIONS: The key finding of this study is that, in people aged 60 to 90 years, long-term high level of physical activity preserved antioxidant capacity and limited oxidative damage accumulation. It also downregulated Hsp72 expression, an adaptation potentially resulting from lower levels of oxidative damage.
Cardiac morphogenesis and function are known to depend on both aerobic and anaerobic energy-producing pathways. However, the relative contribution of mitochondrial oxidation and glycogenolysis, as well as the determining factors of oxygen demand in the distinct chambers of the embryonic heart, remains to be investigated. Spontaneously beating hearts isolated from stage 11, 20, and 24HH chick embryos were maintained in vitro under controlled metabolic conditions. O(2) uptake and glycogenolytic rate were determined in atrium, ventricle, and conotruncus in the absence or presence of glucose. Oxidative capacity ranged from 0.2 to 0.5 nmol O(2)/(h.microg protein), did not depend on exogenous glucose, and was the highest in atria at stage 20HH. However, the highest reserves of oxidative capacity, assessed by mitochondrial uncoupling, were found at the youngest stage and in conotruncus, representing 75 to 130% of the control values. At stage 24HH, glycogenolysis in glucose-free medium was 0.22, 0.17, and 0.04 nmol glucose U(h.microg protein) in atrium, ventricle, and conotruncus, respectively. Mechanical loading of the ventricle increased its oxidative capacity by 62% without altering glycogenolysis or lactate production. Blockade of glycolysis by iodoacetate suppressed lactate production but modified neither O(2) nor glycogen consumption in substrate-free medium. These findings indicate that atrium is the cardiac chamber that best utilizes its oxidative and glycogenolytic capacities and that ventricular wall stretch represents an early and major determinant of the O(2) uptake. Moreover, the fact that O(2) and glycogen consumptions were not affected by inhibition of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase provides indirect evidence for an active glycerol-phosphate shuttle in the embryonic cardiomyocytes.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a frequent condition with a prevalence of 5-15% in the general population. Clinical and genetic observations have shown that iron deficiency, highly prevalent among blood donors, can be related to RLS. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of RLS in female blood donors 1 week after blood donation. METHODS: One week after blood donation, 291 female blood donors, aged <50 years, self-responded to all four RLS questions defined by the 1995 International RLS study group. Blood donation rate, fatigue, aerobic capacity, menstruation, mood disorder and quality of life were also assessed along with haemoglobin and ferritin blood concentrations. RESULTS: Prevalence of RLS in female blood donors 1 week after blood donation was 6·9% (CI 95% 4·2-10·4%). Female blood donors with RLS had a higher prevalence of hyper-menorrhaea (P = 0·033) and were significantly more tired (P = 0·001). We observed no associations between RLS and number of previous donations (P = 0·409), aerobic capacity (P = 0·476), mood disorder (P = 0·169), quality of life (P = 0·356), haemoglobin (P = 0·087), and serum ferritin level (P = 0·446). CONCLUSION: Restless legs syndrome prevalence in female blood donors is not as important as described in some other studies, which could reassure blood donors. The prevalence of hypermenorrhaea and fatigue is higher in RLS blood donors. Therefore, screening for fatigue and hypermenorrhaea could be considered as these symptoms are associated with RLS in female blood donors.
ABSTRACT: Iron deficiency without anemia (IDWA) is related to adverse symptoms that can be relieved by supplementation. Since a blood donation can induce such an iron deficiency, we investigated the clinical impact of an iron treatment after blood donation. METHODS: One week after donation, we randomly assigned 154 female donors with IDWA aged <50 years to a 4-week oral treatment of ferrous sulfate vs. placebo. The main outcome was the change in the level of fatigue before and after the intervention. Also evaluated were aerobic capacity, mood disorder, quality of life, compliance and adverse events. Biological markers were hemoglobin and ferritin. RESULTS: Treatment effect from baseline to 4 weeks for hemoglobin and ferritin were 5.2 g/L (p < 0.01) and 14.8 ng/mL (p < 0.01) respectively. No significant clinical effect was observed for fatigue (-0.15 points, 95% confidence interval -0.9 to 0.6, p = 0.697) or for other outcomes. Compliance and interruption for side effects was similar in both groups. Additionally, blood donation did not induce overt symptoms of fatigue in spite of the significant biological changes it produces. CONCLUSIONS: These data are valuable as they enable us to conclude that donors with IDWA after a blood donation would not clinically benefit from iron supplementation. Trial registration: NCT00689793.
BACKGROUND: Vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) has become the preferred modality to treat many complex wounds but could be further improved by methods that minimize bleeding and facilitate wound epithelialization. Short fiber poly-N-acetyl glucosamine nanofibers (sNAG) are effective hemostatic agents that activate platelets and facilitate wound epithelialization. We hypothesized that sNAG used in combination with the VAC device could be synergistic in promoting wound healing while minimizing the risk of bleeding. METHODS: Membranes consisting entirely of sNAG nanofibers were applied immediately to dorsal excisional wounds of db/db mice followed by application of the VAC device. Wound healing kinetics, angiogenesis, and wound-related growth factor expression were measured. RESULTS: The application of sNAG membranes to wounds 24 hours before application of the VAC device was associated with a significant activation of wounds (expression of PDGF, TGFβ, EGF), superior granulation tissue formation rich in Collagen I as well as superior wound epithelialization (8.6% ± 0.3% vs. 1.8% ± 1.1% of initial wound size) and wound contraction. CONCLUSIONS: The application of sNAG fiber-containing membranes before the application of the polyurethane foam interface of VAC devices leads to superior healing in db/db mice and represents a promising wound healing adjunct that can also reduce the risk of bleeding complications.