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Action research is a useful instrument for the organization health care and the clinical governance of psychiatric institutions. What this type of research offers can be illustrated by the cohort study of migrant patients without health insurance who consulted the Department of Psychiatry of the Vaudois university medical center (CHUV) in 2008. While giving greater visibilty to the psychological suffering and social distress of these patients, the study also enabled the authors to determine which clinical procedures were actually offered to these patients and the amount these procedures cost the department. The small number of cases that were identified as well as their uneven distribution amongst the different services of the department suggest that considerable efforts must still be made to improve access for this population to public psychiatric services.
Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), is a disease that is characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia as well as a defect in T, B and dendritic cells. This leads to recurrent bacterial infection mainly caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae, as well as inflammatory manifestations, i.e. granulomateous disease, gastro-intestinal disorders and chronic lung disease. Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy reduces CVID susceptibility to bacterial infections to some extend. We analyzed clinical aspects of patients from our database. We recently showed that bacteria-specific CD4 T cells of CVID patients were impaired. We therefor postulated that CVID patients may harbor an acquired T-cell deficiency also called exhaustion. To test this hypothesis, we performed a comprehensive investigation of the functional profiles of bacteria-specific CD4 T cells isolated from 31 healthy individuals and 30 CVID patients. In the present study, we demonstrated that bacteria-specific but not virus-specific CD4 T cells in CVID patients harbored reduced proliferation capacity and expressed high level of PD-1. Interestingly, the blockade of PD-1/PD-1 ligands interactions restored partially bacteria but not virus-specific CD4 T-cell proliferation. Finally, we showed that 1) the level of endotoxins inversely correlates with IgG concentration, 2) IVIG treated CVID patients harbored reduced endotoxemia and 3) IgG concentration exceeding 7 mg/mL strongly reduces both the proportion of CVID patients with detectable endotoxemia and the concentration of endotoxins in plasma. Taken together our observations, suggest that primary B-cell defect(s) in CVID patients leads to recurrent bacterial infections that are associated to an acquired (secondary) impairment of CD4 T cells which may in turn exacerbate the lack of protection against extracellular bacteria.
Autoimmune glomerulopathies are an important cause of chronic kidney disease. Conventional treatments based on steroids, antiproliferative and cytotoxic agents are efficacious, but highly toxic. Because of their central role in the pathogenesis of autoimmunity, B cells have become an attractive therapeutic target. Rituximab is a monoclonal antibody directed against CD20 expressed on the surface of B cells, inducing profound depletion of B cells in the peripheral blood. In spite of encouraging results regarding the off-label use of Rituximab in membranous nephropathy, systemic lupus erythematosus and small vessel vasculitis, controlled, long-term data, and data with specific renal endpoints are currently lacking.
The chiral antidepressant venlafaxine (VEN) is both a serotonin and a norepinephrine uptake inhibitor. CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 contribute to its metabolism, which has been shown to be stereoselective. Ten CYP2D6 genotyped and depressive (F32x and F33x, ICD-10) patients participated in an open study on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic consequences of a carbamazepine augmentation in VEN non-responders. After an initial 4-week treatment with VEN (195 +/- 52 mg/day), the only poor metabolizer out of 10 depressive patients had the highest plasma concentrations of S-VEN and R-VEN, respectively, whereas those of R-O-demethyl-VEN were lowest. Five non-responders completed the second 4-week study period, during which they were submitted to a combined VEN-carbamazepine treatment. In the only non-responder to this combined treatment, there was a dramatic decrease of both enantiomers of VEN, O-demethylvenlafaxine, N-desmethylvenlafaxine and N, O-didesmethylvenlafaxine in plasma, which suggests non-compliance, although metabolic induction by carbamazepine cannot entirely be excluded. The administration of carbamazepine [mean +/- SD, range: 360 +/- 89 (200-400) mg/day] over 4 weeks did not result in a significant modification of the plasma concentrations of the enantiomers of VEN and its O- and N-demethylated metabolites in the other patients. In conclusion, these preliminary observations suggest that the combination of VEN and carbamazepine represents an interesting augmentation strategy by its efficacy, tolerance and absence of pharmacokinetic modifications. However, these findings should be verified in a more comprehensive study.
BACKGROUND: A 70-gene signature was previously shown to have prognostic value in patients with node-negative breast cancer. Our goal was to validate the signature in an independent group of patients. METHODS: Patients (n = 307, with 137 events after a median follow-up of 13.6 years) from five European centers were divided into high- and low-risk groups based on the gene signature classification and on clinical risk classifications. Patients were assigned to the gene signature low-risk group if their 5-year distant metastasis-free survival probability as estimated by the gene signature was greater than 90%. Patients were assigned to the clinicopathologic low-risk group if their 10-year survival probability, as estimated by Adjuvant! software, was greater than 88% (for estrogen receptor [ER]-positive patients) or 92% (for ER-negative patients). Hazard ratios (HRs) were estimated to compare time to distant metastases, disease-free survival, and overall survival in high- versus low-risk groups. RESULTS: The 70-gene signature outperformed the clinicopathologic risk assessment in predicting all endpoints. For time to distant metastases, the gene signature yielded HR = 2.32 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.35 to 4.00) without adjustment for clinical risk and hazard ratios ranging from 2.13 to 2.15 after adjustment for various estimates of clinical risk; clinicopathologic risk using Adjuvant! software yielded an unadjusted HR = 1.68 (95% CI = 0.92 to 3.07). For overall survival, the gene signature yielded an unadjusted HR = 2.79 (95% CI = 1.60 to 4.87) and adjusted hazard ratios ranging from 2.63 to 2.89; clinicopathologic risk yielded an unadjusted HR = 1.67 (95% CI = 0.93 to 2.98). For patients in the gene signature high-risk group, 10-year overall survival was 0.69 for patients in both the low- and high-clinical risk groups; for patients in the gene signature low-risk group, the 10-year survival rates were 0.88 and 0.89, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The 70-gene signature adds independent prognostic information to clinicopathologic risk assessment for patients with early breast cancer.
Les cancer-testis antigènes appartiennent à la famille des antigènes tumoraux spécifiques. Ils ont montré un pouvoir immunogène chez les patients porteurs de différents cancers. En effet, ils stimulent sélectivement les lymphocytes cytotoxiques, et leur expression spécifique dans les tissus tumoraux en fait une cible idéale pour une vaccination antitumorale. Le but de cette étude est d'identifier l'expression de certains de ces antigènes, d'analyser leur valeur pronostique et de déterminer la meilleure cible antigénique pour permettre une immunothérapie spécifique dans les carcinomes épidermoïdes des voies aérodigestives supérieures. Le profil et le taux d'expression de 12 cancer-testis antigènes (MAGE-A1, MAGE-A3, MAGE-A4, MAGEA10, MAGE-C2, NY-ESO-1, LAGE-1, SSX-2, SSX-4, BAGE, GAGE-1/2, GAGE-3/4) et de 3 autres antigènes tumoraux spécifiques (PRAME, HERV-K-MEL, NA-17A) ont été évalués par RT-PCR sur 57 échantillons de cancers ORL primaires. Les paramètres tumoraux et cliniques ont été prospectivement collectés afin de corréler ces données avec le résultat de nos investigations immunobiologiques. Quatre-vingt-huit pour cent des tumeurs expriment au moins 1 antigène. Une co-expression de 3 gènes ou plus est détectée chez 59% des patients. MAGE-A4 (60%), MAGE-A3 (51%), PRAME (49%) et HERV-K-MEL (42%) sont les gènes le plus fréquemment exprimés. Ils sont totalement absents des muqueuses saines avoisinantes. La présence de MAGE-A et NY-ESO-1 à la surface des cellules a été vérifiée par immunohistochimie. Nos analyses statistiques ont permis d'identifier une diminution de la survie liée au cancer chez les patients porteurs d'une tumeur exprimant de multiples cancer-testis antigènes et notamment MAGE-A4 dont l'expression indépendante d'autres éléments cliniques s'associe statistiquement à un taux de survie diminué. Nos résultats ont permis d'identifier un rôle pronostique de l'expression des gènes associés aux tumeurs dont l'expression est apparemment liée à un phénotype de malignité plus élevé. Cette constatation, corroborée par l'identification parallèle d'un infiltrat lymphocytaire spécifique confirme l'utilité potentielle de certains cancer-testis antigènes comme cible pour une immunothérapie ciblée dans les carcinomes des voies aérodigestives supérieures
Résumé L'antidépresseur chiral venlafaxine (VEN) est à la fois un inhibiteur de la récapture de la sérotonine et de la noradrénaline. Le CYP2D6 et le CYP3A4 contribuent à son métabolisme stéreosélectif. Dix patients génotypés au CYP2D6 et dépressifs (F32x et F33x, ICD-10) ont participé à cette étude ouverte sur les conséquences pharmacocinétiques et pharmacodynamiques d'une « augmentation » avec la carbamazepine chez des non-répondeurs à la venlafaxine. Après une première période de traitement de quatre semaines avec VEN (195 - 52 mg/ jour), le seul patient qui présentait un déficience génétique de CYP2D6 (poor metaboliser), avait les taux plasmatiques de S-VEN et R-VEN les plus élevés, tandis que ceux de R-0-déméthyl-VEN étaient les plus bas dans ce groupe. Comme seulement 4 patients ont été des répondeurs après 4 semaines de traitement, 6 patients ont été inclus dans la deuxième période de traitement combiné VEN et carbamazépine. Cinq patients non-répondeurs ont complété cette deuxième période d'étude de quatre semaines. Chez l'unique non-répondeur au traitement combiné, on pouvait observer à la fin de la période d'étude une diminution importante des deux énantiomères de VEN, 0-desmethy'lvenlafaxine (ODV), N-desmethylvenlafaxine (NDV) et N, 0-didesmethylvenlafaxine (NODV) dans le plasma. Cela suggère un manque de compliance chez ce patient, mais une induction métabolique par la carbamazepine ne peut pas être exclue entièrement. L'administration de la carbamazepine (moyen ± s.d. (range) ; 360 ± 89 (200-400) mg/jour)) pendant quatre semaines n'a pas eu comme résultat une modification significative des concentrations plasmatiques des énantiomères de VEN et de ses métabolites 0- et N-démethylés chez les autres patients. En conclusion, ces observations préliminaires suggèrent qu'une combinaison de VEN et de carbamazepine représente une stratégie intéressante par son efficacité, sa tolérance et l'absence de modifications pharmcocinétiques, mais ces résultats devraient être vérifiés dans une plus grande étude.
Primary bloodstream infection (BSI) is a leading, preventable infectious complication in critically ill patients and has a negative impact on patients' outcome. Surveillance definitions for primary BSI distinguish those that are microbiologically documented from those that are not. The latter is known as clinical sepsis, but information on its epidemiologic importance is limited. We analyzed prospective on-site surveillance data of nosocomial infections in a medical intensive care unit. Of the 113 episodes of primary BSI, 33 (29%) were microbiologically documented. The overall BSI infection rate was 19.8 episodes per 1,000 central-line days (confidence interval [CI] 95%, 16.1 to 23.6); the rate fell to 5.8 (CI 3.8 to 7.8) when only microbiologically documented episodes were considered. Exposure to vascular devices was similar in patients with clinical sepsis and patients with microbiologically documented BSI. We conclude that laboratory-based surveillance alone will underestimate the incidence of primary BSI and thus jeopardize benchmarking.
PURPOSE: To derive a prediction rule by using prospectively obtained clinical and bone ultrasonographic (US) data to identify elderly women at risk for osteoporotic fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was approved by the Swiss Ethics Committee. A prediction rule was computed by using data from a 3-year prospective multicenter study to assess the predictive value of heel-bone quantitative US in 6174 Swiss women aged 70-85 years. A quantitative US device to calculate the stiffness index at the heel was used. Baseline characteristics, known risk factors for osteoporosis and fall, and the quantitative US stiffness index were used to elaborate a predictive rule for osteoporotic fracture. Predictive values were determined by using a univariate Cox model and were adjusted with multivariate analysis. RESULTS: There were five risk factors for the incidence of osteoporotic fracture: older age (>75 years) (P < .001), low heel quantitative US stiffness index (<78%) (P < .001), history of fracture (P = .001), recent fall (P = .001), and a failed chair test (P = .029). The score points assigned to these risk factors were as follows: age, 2 (3 if age > 80 years); low quantitative US stiffness index, 5 (7.5 if stiffness index < 60%); history of fracture, 1; recent fall, 1.5; and failed chair test, 1. The cutoff value to obtain a high sensitivity (90%) was 4.5. With this cutoff, 1464 women were at lower risk (score, <4.5) and 4710 were at higher risk (score, >or=4.5) for fracture. Among the higher-risk women, 6.1% had an osteoporotic fracture, versus 1.8% of women at lower risk. Among the women who had a hip fracture, 90% were in the higher-risk group. CONCLUSION: A prediction rule obtained by using quantitative US stiffness index and four clinical risk factors helped discriminate, with high sensitivity, women at higher versus those at lower risk for osteoporotic fracture.
Dual mobility cup systems in total hip arthroplasty consist of a metal back with a non-constrained liner, in which a constrained standard head articulates. While superior stability of such implants in comparison with standard total hip replacements is assumed, it is the purpose of this study to outline the biomechanical concept of dual mobility cups and to describe implant survival and dislocation rate based on the series published in the English-speaking and Francophone literature. A growing body of evidence indicates reduced dislocation rates in primary and revision total hip arthroplasty and in selected tumour cases. The limited availability of studies evaluating long-term implant survival and existing concerns with regard to increased wear rates and aseptic loosening, leads to the conclusion that such implants have to be used with prudence, particularly in standard primary hip arthroplasty and in young patients.
The aim of this study was to assess a population of patients with diabetes mellitus by means of the INTERMED, a classification system for case complexity integrating biological, psychosocial and health care related aspects of disease. The main hypothesis was that the INTERMED would identify distinct clusters of patients with different degrees of case complexity and different clinical outcomes. Patients (n=61) referred to a tertiary reference care centre were evaluated with the INTERMED and followed 9 months for HbA1c values and 6 months for health care utilisation. Cluster analysis revealed two clusters: cluster 1 (62%) consisting of complex patients with high INTERMED scores and cluster 2 (38%) consisting of less complex patients with lower INTERMED. Cluster 1 patients showed significantly higher HbA1c values and a tendency for increased health care utilisation. Total INTERMED scores were significantly related to HbA1c and explained 21% of its variance. In conclusion, different clusters of patients with different degrees of case complexity were identified by the INTERMED, allowing the detection of highly complex patients at risk for poor diabetes control. The INTERMED therefore provides an objective basis for clinical and scientific progress in diabetes mellitus. Ongoing intervention studies will have to confirm these preliminary data and to evaluate if management strategies based on the INTERMED profiles will improve outcomes.
Peroxynitrite is a strong biological oxidant formed from the reaction between two free radicals, superoxide and nitric oxide. It inflicts serious damages to most biomolecules, including proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, either through direct oxidation or through the secondary generation of highly reactive free radicals. When such damage reaches a critical threshold, cells eventually die by necrosis or apoptosis. An excessive production of peroxynitrite is instrumental in the development of organ damage and dysfunction in conditions such as circulatory shock and ischemia-reperfusion. In such circumstances, various synthetic metalloporphyrins, able to degrade peroxynitrite, disclose important beneficial effects in animal models, and might therefore represent novel pharmacological agents in the future.
The EASL Monothematic Conference on Translational Research in Viral Hepatitis brought together a group of leading scientists and clinicians working on both, basic and clinical aspects of viral hepatitis, thereby building bridges from bench to bedside. This report recapitulates the presentations and discussions at the conference held in Lyon, France on November 29-30, 2013. In recent years, great advances have been made in the field of viral hepatitis, particularly in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. The identification of IL28B genetic polymorphisms as a major determinant for spontaneous and treatment-induced HCV clearance was a seminal discovery. Currently, hepatologists are at the doorstep of even greater advances, with the advent of a wealth of directly acting antivirals (DAAs) against HCV. Indeed, promising results have accumulated over the last months and few years, showing sustained virological response (SVR) rates of up to 100% with interferon-free DAA combination therapies. Thus, less than 25years after its identification, HCV infection may soon be curable in the vast majority of patients, highlighting the great success of HCV research over the last decades. However, viral hepatitis and its clinical complications such as liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remain major global challenges. New therapeutic strategies to tackle hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection are needed, as current therapies have undeniable limitations. Nucleoside/nucleotide analogues (NUC) can efficiently control HBV replication and reduce or even reverse liver damage. However, these drugs have to be given for indefinite periods in most patients to maintain virological and biochemical responses. Although sustained responses off treatment can be achieved by treatment with (pegylated) interferon-α, only about 10-30% of patients effectively resolve chronic hepatitis B. It was the goal of this conference to review the progress made over the last years in chronic viral hepatitis research and to identify key questions that need to be addressed in order to close the gap between basic and clinical research and to develop novel preventive and treatment approaches for this most common cause of liver cirrhosis and HCC.