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BACKGROUND: Two long synthetic peptides representing the dimorphic and constant C-terminal domains of the two allelic families of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface proteins 2 are considered promising malaria vaccine candidates. The aim of the current study is to characterize the immune response (epitope mapping) in naturally exposed individuals and relate immune responses to the risk of clinical malaria. METHODS: To optimize their construction, the fine specificity of human serum antibodies from donors of different age, sex and living in four distinct endemic regions was determined in ELISA by using overlapping 20 mer peptides covering the two domains. Immune purified antibodies were used in Western blot and immunofluorescence assay to recognize native parasite derivate proteins. RESULTS: Immunodominant epitopes were characterized, and their distribution was similar irrespective of geographic origin, age group and gender. Acquisition of a 3D7 family and constant region-specific immune response and antibody avidity maturation occur early in life while a longer period is needed for the corresponding FC27 family response. In addition, the antibody response to individual epitopes within the 3D7 family-specific region contributes to protection from malaria infection with different statistical weight. It is also illustrated that affinity-purified antibodies against the dimorphic or constant regions recognized homologous and heterologous parasites in immunofluorescence and homologous and heterologous MSP2 and other polypeptides in Western blot. CONCLUSION: Data from this current study may contribute to a development of MSP2 vaccine candidates based on conserved and dimorphic regions thus bypassing the complexity of vaccine development related to the polymorphism of full-length MSP2.


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INTRODUCTION: Common variation in the CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 gene region is robustly associated with smoking quantity. Conversely, the association between one of the most significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; rs1051730 within the CHRNA3 gene) with perceived difficulty or willingness to quit smoking among current smokers is unknown. METHODS: Cross-sectional study including current smokers, 502 women, and 552 men. Heaviness of smoking index (HSI), difficulty, attempting, and intention to quit smoking were assessed by questionnaire. RESULTS: The rs1051730 SNP was associated with increased HSI (age, gender, and education-adjusted mean ± SE: 2.6 ± 0.1, 2.2 ± 0.1, and 2.0 ± 0.1 for AA, AG, and GG genotypes, respectively, p < .01). Multivariate logistic regression adjusting for gender, age, education, leisure-time physical activity, and personal history of cardiovascular or lung disease showed rs1051730 to be associated with higher smoking dependence (odds ratio [OR] and 95% CI for each additional A-allele: 1.38 [1.11-1.72] for smoking more than 20 cigarette equivalents/day; 1.31 [1.00-1.71] for an HSI ≥5 and 1.32 [1.05-1.65] for smoking 5 min after waking up) and borderline associated with difficulty to quit (OR = 1.29 [0.98-1.70]), but this relationship was no longer significant after adjusting for nicotine dependence. Also, no relationship was found with willingness (OR = 1.03 [0.85-1.26]), attempt (OR = 1.00 [0.83-1.20]), or preparation (OR = 0.95 [0.38-2.38]) to quit. Similar findings were obtained for other SNPs, but their effect on nicotine dependence was no longer significant after adjusting for rs1051730. Conclusions: These data confirm the effect of rs1051730 on nicotine dependence but failed to find any relationship with difficulty, willingness, and motivation to quit.


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Introduction: The Fragile X - associated Tremor Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) is a recently described, and under-diagnosed, late onset (≈ 60y) neurodegenerative disorder affecting male carriers of a premutation in the Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. The premutation is an CGG (Cytosine-Guanine-Guanine) expansion (55 to 200 CGG repeats) in the proximal region of the FMR1 gene. Patients with FXTAS primarily present with cerebellar ataxia and intention tremor. Neuroradiological features of FXTAS include prominent white matter disease in the periventricular, subcortical, middle cerebellar peduncles and deep white matter of the cerebellum on T2-weighted or FLAIR MR imaging (Jacquemmont 2007, Loesch 2007, Brunberg 2002, Cohen 2006). We hypothesize that a significant white matter alteration is present in younger individuals many years prior to clinical symptoms and/or the presence of visible lesions on conventional MR sequences and might be detectable by magnetization transfer (MT) imaging. Methods: Eleven asymptomatic premutation carriers (mean age = 55 years) and seven intra-familial controls participated to the study. A standardized neurological examination was performed on all participants and a neuropsychological evaluation was carried out before MR scanning performed on a 3T Siemens Trio. The protocol included a sagittal T1-weighted 3D gradient-echo sequence (MPRAGE, 160 slices, 1 mm^3 isotropic voxels) and a gradient-echo MTI (FA 30, TE 15, matrix size 256*256, pixel size 1*1 mm, 36 slices (thickness 2mm), MT pulse duration 7.68 ms, FA 500, frequency offset 1.5 kHz). MTI was performed by acquiring consecutively two set of images; first with and then without the MT saturation pulse. MT images were coregistered to the T1 acquisition. The MTR for every intracranial voxel was calculated as follows: MTR = (M0 - MS)/M0*100%, creating a MTR map for each subject. As first analysis, the whole white matter (WM) was used to mask the MTR image in order to create an histogram of the MTR distribution in the whole tissue class over the two groups examined. Then, for each subject, we performed a segmentation and parcellation of the brain by means of Freesurfer software, starting from the high resolution T1-weighted anatomical acquisition. Cortical parcellations was used to assign a label to the underlying white matter by the construction of a Voronoi diagram in the WM voxels of the MR volume based on distance to the nearest cortical parcellation label. This procedure allowed us to subdivide the cerebral WM in 78 ROIs according to the cortical parcellation (see example in Fig 1). The cerebellum, by the same procedure, was subdivided in 5 ROIs (2 per each hemisphere and one corresponding to the brainstem). For each subject, we calculated the mean value of MTR within each ROI and averaged over controls and patients. Significant differences between the two groups were tested using a two sample T-test (p<0.01). Results: Neurological examination showed that no patient met the clinical criteria of Fragile X Tremor and Ataxia Syndrome yet. Nonetheless, premutation carriers showed some subtle neurological signs of the disorder. In fact, premutation carriers showed a significant increase of tremor (CRST, T-test p=0.007) and increase of ataxia (ICARS, p=0.004) when compared to controls. The neuropsychological evaluation was normal in both groups. To obtain general characterizations of myelination for each subject and premutation carriers, we first computed the distribution of MTR values across the total white matter volume and averaged for each group. We tested the equality of the two distributions with the non parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and we rejected the null-hypothesis at a p=0.03 (fig. 2). As expected, when comparing the asymptomatic permutation carriers with control subjects, the peak value and peak position of the MTR values within the whole WM were decreased and the width of the distribution curve was increased (p<0.01). These three changes point to an alteration of the global myelin status of the premutation carriers. Subsequently, to analyze the regional myelination and white matter integrity of the same group, we performed a ROI analysis of MTR data. The ROI-based analysis showed a decrease of mean MTR value in premutation carriers compared to controls in bilateral orbito-frontal and inferior frontal WM, entorhinal and cingulum regions and cerebellum (Fig 3). The detection of these differences in these regions failed with other conventional MR techniques. Conclusions: These preliminary data confirm that in premutation carriers, there are indeed alterations in "normal appearing white matter" (NAWM) and these alterations are visible with the MT technique. These results indicate that MT imaging may be a relevant approach to detect both global and local alterations within NAWM in "asymptomatic" carriers of premutations in the Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. The sensitivity of MT in the detection of these alterations might point towards a specific physiopathological mechanism linked to an underlying myelin disorder. ROI-based analyses show that the frontal, parahippocampal and cerebellar regions are already significantly affected before the onset of symptoms. A larger sample will allow us to determine the minimum CGG expansion and age associated with these subclinical white matter alterations.


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L'apôtre Paul est au centre d'une intense interrogation aujourd'hui. Quel fut son rapport au judaïsme ? Que sait-il de Jésus ? Comment s'est construite sa théologie, d'une épître à l'autre ? Dix-huit biblistes suisses, français, italiens, allemands et américains ont été invités à explorer la question. Leurs analyses sont précises, rigoureuses et documentées. On trouvera ici une synthèse unique en français des plus récentes avancées de la recherche paulinienne.


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Scaffold or matrix attachment region (S/MAR) genetic elements have previously been proposed to insulate transgenes from repressive effects linked to their site of integration within the host cell genome. We have evaluated their use in various stable transfection settings to increase the production of recombinant proteins such as monoclonal antibodies from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines. Using the green fluorescent protein coding sequence, we show that S/MAR elements mediate a dual effect on the population of transfected cells. First, S/MAR elements almost fully abolish the occurrence of cell clones that express little transgene that may result from transgene integration in an unfavorable chromosomal environment. Second, they increase the overall expression of the transgene over the whole range of expression levels, allowing the detection of cells with significantly higher levels of transgene expression. An optimal setting was identified as the addition of a S/MAR element both in cis (on the transgene expression vector) and in trans (co-transfected on a separate plasmid). When used to express immunoglobulins, the S/MAR element enabled cell clones with high and stable levels of expression to be isolated following the analysis of a few cell lines generated without transgene amplification procedures.


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Asthma is a major cause of chronic morbidity throughout the world. In Switzerland, 6.9% of the adult population is suffering from asthma. The standards of treatment are unfortunately not met in most western countries, as well as in Switzerland. We put forward a complete guideline on management of adult asthma, inspired from GINA and BTS guidelines, and adapted to the specific needs of general practitioners working in french part of Switzerland. This guideline reflects a consensus between allergy, lung and emergency specialists, working in the 2 university hospitals of the Lake Geneva Region (HUG and CHUV).


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Comment, dans les premiers siècles de l'histoire du christianisme, se sont formés les livres du Nouveau Testament ? Une dizaine de spécialistes européens et américains abordent ce problème majeur avec un double souci : présenter au public francophone un état de la recherche et faire progresser les études par le recours à l'histoire sociale et à l'histoire des controverses. Une attention particulière est portée à des sources habituellement négligées parce qu'elles sont d'un accès difficile| il s'agit en particulier de textes orientaux (coptes, syriaques, arméniens) qui montrent que le Nouveau Testament est loin de s'être constitué de manière strictement uniforme au cours des cinq premiers siècles.