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Death receptors, such as Fas and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand receptors, recruit Fas-associated death domain and pro-caspase-8 homodimers, which are then autoproteolytically activated. Active caspase-8 is released into the cytoplasm, where it cleaves various proteins including pro-caspase-3, resulting in apoptosis. The cellular Fas-associated death domain-like interleukin-1-beta-converting enzyme-inhibitory protein long form (FLIP(L)), a structural homologue of caspase-8 lacking caspase activity because of several mutations in the active site, is a potent inhibitor of death receptor-induced apoptosis. FLIP(L) is proposed to block caspase-8 activity by forming a proteolytically inactive heterodimer with caspase-8. In contrast, we propose that FLIP(L)-bound caspase-8 is an active protease. Upon heterocomplex formation, a limited caspase-8 autoprocessing occurs resulting in the generation of the p43/41 and the p12 subunits. This partially processed form but also the non-cleaved FLIP(L)-caspase-8 heterocomplex are proteolytically active because they both bind synthetic substrates efficiently. Moreover, FLIP(L) expression favors receptor-interacting kinase (RIP) processing within the Fas-signaling complex. We propose that FLIP(L) inhibits caspase-8 release-dependent pro-apoptotic signals, whereas the single, membrane-restricted active site of the FLIP(L)-caspase-8 heterocomplex is proteolytically active and acts on local substrates such as RIP.
Individuals with first episode psychosis (FEP) experience high rates of premature mortality, in particular due to suicide. The study aims were to: a) Estimate the rate of sudden death among young people with FEP during an 8-10 year period following commencement of treatment; b) Examine and describe the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics associated with sudden death; and c) Examine the timing of death in relation to psychiatric treatment.This was a cohort study. The sample comprised 661 patients accepted into treatment at the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre between 1/1/1998 and 31/12/2000. Demographic and clinical data were collected by examination of the medical files. Mortality data were collected via a search of the National Coroners Information System; the Victorian State Coroner's office and clinical files. Nineteen patients died and just over two thirds of deaths were classified as intentional self-harm or suicide. Death was associated with male gender, previous suicide attempt and greater symptom severity at last contact. People with FEP are at increased risk of premature death, in particular suicide. A previous suicide attempt was very common amongst those who died, suggesting that future research could focus upon the development of interventions for young people with FEP who engage in suicidal behaviour.
BACKGROUND: This study was based on data from a quality of care assessment survey conducted in 2011 in outpatient polyclinics of the Vaud Canton in Switzerland, comprising questionnaires completed by 568 children over the age often and 672 parents of children of all ages. The objective of this study was to evaluate the psychometric qualities of the eight-item French versions for children of the Helping Alliance Questionnaire (HAQ) and the Consumer Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ-8) to allow formal validation and clinical application of these tools in the context of French-speaking child psychiatry. METHODOLOGY: Responses from children over the age often to the HAQ and CSQ-8 questionnaires were submitted to confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) for ordinal data to verify their good fit with the original long versions. Construct validity (correspondence between scores on the scales and other external criteria considered to evaluate similar concepts) of the child questionnaires was tested by Spearman's correlation with the parents' responses and their feeling of being reassured or in agreement with respect to the first visit, and with the perception of the help provided by individual and family interviews. RESULTS: CFA showed an acceptable fit with the one-dimensional model of the original scales, both for the HAQ and the CSQ-8. Significant positive correlations of the scales with the parents' responses and with other convergent external criteria confirmed the good construct validity. CONCLUSIONS: These psychometric analyses provide a basis for the validation and clinical application of the abridged French versions of the HAQ and CSQ-8 in quality of care assessment in child psychiatry.
Cell death is achieved by two fundamentally different mechanisms: apoptosis and necrosis. Apoptosis is dependent on caspase activation, whereas the caspase-independent necrotic signaling pathway remains largely uncharacterized. We show here that Fas kills activated primary T cells efficiently in the absence of active caspases, which results in necrotic morphological changes and late mitochondrial damage but no cytochrome c release. This Fas ligand-induced caspase-independent death is absent in T cells that are deficient in either Fas-associated death domain (FADD) or receptor-interacting protein (RIP). RIP is also required for necrotic death induced by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). In contrast to its role in nuclear factor kappa B activation, RIP requires its own kinase activity for death signaling. Thus, Fas, TRAIL and TNF receptors can initiate cell death by two alternative pathways, one relying on caspase-8 and the other dependent on the kinase RIP.
Background: Association of mood stabiliser and antipsychotic medication is indicated in psychotic mania, but specific guidelines for the treatment of a first episode of psychotic mania are needed. Aims: To compare safety and efficacy profiles of chlorpromazine and olanzapine augmentation of lithium treatment in a first episode of psychotic mania. Methods: A total of 83 patients were randomised to either lithium + chlorpromazine or lithium + olanzapine in an 8-week trial. Data was collected on side effects, vital signs and weight modifications, as well as on clinical variables. Results: There were no differences in the safety profiles of both medications, but patients in the olanzapine group were significantly more likely to have reached mania remission criteria after 8 weeks. Mixed effects models repeated measures analysis of variance showed that patients in the olanzapine group reached mania remission significantly earlier than those in the chlorpromazine group. Conclusions: These results suggest that while olanzapine and chlorpromazine have a similar safety profile in a cohort of patients with first episode of psychotic mania, the former has a greater efficacy on manic symptoms. On this basis, it may be a better choice for such conditions.
Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the infiltration of activated leukocytes within the pancreatic islets, leading to beta-cell dysfunction and destruction. The exact role played by interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and interleukin-1beta in this pathogenic process is still only partially understood. To study cytokine action at the cellular level, we are working with the highly differentiated insulin-secreting cell line, betaTc-Tet. We previously reported that it was susceptible to apoptosis induced by TNF-alpha, in combination with interleukin-1beta and interferon-gamma. Here, we report that cytokine-induced apoptosis was correlated with the activation of caspase-8. We show that in betaTc-Tet cells, overexpression of cFLIP, the cellular FLICE (FADD-like IL-1beta-converting enzyme)-inhibitory protein, completely abolished cytokine-dependent activation of caspase-8 and protected the cells against apoptosis. Furthermore, cFLIP overexpression increased the basal and interleukin-1beta-mediated transcriptional activity of nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB, whereas it did not change cytokine-induced inducible nitric oxide synthase gene transcription and nitric oxide secretion. The presence of cFLIP prevented the weak TNF-alpha-induced reduction in cellular insulin content and secretion; however, it did not prevent the decrease in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion induced by the combined cytokines, in agreement with our previous data demonstrating that interferon-gamma alone could induce these beta-cell dysfunctions. Together, our data demonstrate that overexpression of cFLIP protects mouse beta-cells against TNF-alpha-induced caspase-8 activation and apoptosis and is correlated with enhanced NF-kappaB transcriptional activity, suggesting that cFLIP may have an impact on the outcome of death receptor-triggered responses by directing the intracellular signals from beta-cell death to beta-cell survival.
The key role of intrarenal adenosine in mediating the hypoxemic acute renal insufficiency in newborn rabbits has been well demonstrated using the nonspecific adenosine antagonist theophylline. The present study was designed to define the role of adenosine A1 receptors during systemic hypoxemia by using the specific A1-receptor antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX). Renal function parameters were assessed in 31 anesthetized and mechanically ventilated newborn rabbits. In normoxia, DPCPX infusion induced a significant increase in diuresis (+44%) and GFR (+19%), despite a significant decrease in renal blood flow (RBF) (-22%) and an increase in renal vascular resistance (RVR) (+37%). In hypoxemic conditions, diuresis (-19%), GFR (-26%), and RBF (-35%) were decreased, whereas RVR increased (+33%). DPCPX administration hindered the hypoxemia-induced decrease in GFR and diuresis. However, RBF was still significantly decreased (-27%), whereas RVR increased (+22%). In all groups, the filtration fraction increased significantly. The overall results support the hypothesis that, in physiologic conditions, intrarenal adenosine plays a key role in regulating glomerular filtration in the neonatal period through preferential A1-mediated afferent vasoconstriction. During a hypoxemic stress, the A1-specific antagonist DPCPX only partially prevented the hypoxemia-induced changes, as illustrated by the elevated RVR and drop in RBF. These findings imply that the contribution of intrarenal adenosine to the acute adverse effects of hypoxemia might not be solely mediated via the A1 receptor.
The Mountain Research Initiative invited Dr Eva Spehn, Director of the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA), and Dr Antoine Guisan, head of the Spatial Ecology Group at the University of Lausanne, to introduce the reader to their coordinated efforts to advance understanding and prediction of mountain biodiversity. Antoine Guisan's EUROMONT project is one of the many scientific projects that may potentially provide data for the new GMBA initiative for a GIS mountain biodiversity database.
Objective: To assess the factorial validity of the Portuguese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS). Methods: Between November 2010 and November 2011 a Portuguese version of the MBI-HSS was applied to 151 Portuguese family doctors (55% women, median age 54 years). The factorial structure of the MBI-HSS was examined by principal component analysis (PCA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Internal consistency estimates of the MBI-HSS were determined with Cronbach's alpha. Results: The fit of the hypothesized three-factor model to the data was superior to the alternative two-factor and four-factor models. CFA supported MBI-HSS as an acceptable measure to evaluate burnout and deletion of items 12 and 16 improved the goodness of fit of the model. In PCA, the three-factor model explained 50.58% of the variance and the four-factor model did not lead to understandable components. Item 12 was also found to be problematic in PCA. The Cronbach's alpha was satisfactory for emotional exhaustion (alpha=0.90), lack of personal accomplishment (alpha=0.73), and depersonalization (alpha=0.64). Conclusion: The Portuguese version of the MBI-HSS was found to be reliable to measure burnout among Portuguese medical doctors. We also recommend the deletion of items 12 and 16 from the MBI-HSS.
Several cases of Brunner's gland hyperplasia causing hemorrhage, obstruction, or intussusception have been published in the adult literature. Similar cases in the pediatric population are very rare and have only been described twice, always associated with chronic renal failure. We report the third and youngest case of gastric outlet obstruction because of Brunner's gland hyperplasia focusing on histopathologic condition and treatment based on a review of the literature.
The aims of this study were to investigate the usefulness of serum C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-6, and interleukin-8 as postmortem markers of sepsis and to compare C-reactive protein and procalcitonin values in serum, vitreous humor, and cerebrospinal fluid in a series of sepsis cases and control subjects, in order to determine whether these measurements may be employed for the postmortem diagnosis of sepsis. Two study groups were formed, a sepsis group (eight subjects coming from the intensive care unit of two university hospitals, with a clinical diagnosis of sepsis in vivo) and control group (ten autopsy cases admitted to two university medicolegal centers, deceased from natural and unnatural causes, without elements to presume an underlying sepsis as the cause of death). Serum C-reactive protein and procalcitonin concentrations were significantly different between sepsis cases and control cases, whereas serum tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-6, and interleukin-8 values were not significantly different between the two groups, suggesting that measurement of interleukin-6, interleukin-8, and tumor necrosis factor alpha is non-optimal for postmortem discrimination of cases with sepsis. In the sepsis group, vitreous procalcitonin was detectable in seven out of eight cases. In the control group, vitreous procalcitonin was clearly detectable only in one case, which also showed an increase of all markers in serum and for which the cause of death was myocardial infarction associated with multi-organic failure. According to the results of this study, the determination of vitreous procalcitonin may be an alternative to the serum procalcitonin for the postmortem diagnosis of sepsis.