633 resultados para Gautier, Théophile (1811-1872). Une nuit de Cléopâtre
Physicians-pharmacists quality circles (PPQCs) were introduced in 1997-98 by visionary healthcare practitioners of the French-speaking part of Switzerland with the aim to improve the quality of drug prescription. Indeed the challenge is to manage the 7917 brand names of the Swiss drug market (2010), including 19793 different dosages, galenic formulations and packaging. The impact of these PPQCs on the containment of drug costs and on drug prescribing profiles has been demonstrated and has led to their spread throughout Switzerland. PPQCs provide clear educational benefits and have thus been accredited by various continuous education bodies. In this article, participating physicians and pharmacists share their vision and illustrate how they work and influence the safety and efficiency of drug prescription, a routine process complex enough to warrant sharing of its burden in a constructive interdisciplinary collaboration.
Notre consommation ne cesse d'augmenter et la planète est exsangue. Confier notre salut au progrès technologique et à l'économie relève de l'illusion.
The clinicopathologic case of a 53-year-old female patient with an abnormal tumor growing on the mucous part of the superior right eyelid is reported. The patient was operated on for ten years ago and a whitish mass slowly developed on the conjunctival face of the eyelid disturbing the use of corneal lenses. It was hard, painless and had the shape of a flat mushroom. The removal was performed under local anesthesia and allowed us to resect a hard and fibrous lesion. Histopathology showed that the lesion was made of a fibrous tissue organized like a hypertrophic scar. Surgical treatment of chalazion is frequent and rarely gives rise to abnormal scarring.
Le rythme journalier de l'activité a été étudié en captivité, à 25° C, chez 7 espèces de Crocidurinae africaines (Sylvisorex megalura, Crocidura bottegi, C. jouvenetae, C. poensis, C. wimmeri, C. flavescens, C. giffardi), pesant entre 4 et 100 g. Ces observations sont comparées à des données choisies obtenues à 5° C et 20° C chez deux espèces européennes (Suncus etruscus et Crocidura russula). 1. L'activité journalière totale n'est pas liée de façon nette au poids corporel au sein des espèces étudiées. 2. Les espèces tropicales sont caractérisées par une activité presque exclusivement nocturne (4 à 30min/h de nuit contre 0 à 2 min/f de jour). Durant le repos diurne, C. jouvenetae présente régulièrement des torpeurs spontanées. 3. Les espèces européennes ont comparativement une activité diurne importante. En été, à température élevée, l'activité présente cependant également un rythme journalier marqué à prédominance nocturne; ce rythme s'atténue progressivement lorsque la température s'abaisse, essentiellement par la diminution de l'activité nocturne. Une faible activité diurne semble caractériser les Crocidurinae. Cette particularité est discutée à la lumière de données physiologiques et paléozoogéographiques.
Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii. In Switzerland about a third of the population has antibodies against this pathogen and has thus already been in contact with the parasite or has contracted the disease. Immunocompetent patients are usually asymptomatic (80-90%) during primary infection. The most common symptom is neck or occipital lymphadenopathy. Serology is the diagnostic gold standard in immunocompetent individuals. The presence of IgM antibodies is however not sufficient to make a definite diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis. Distinction between acute and chronic toxoplasmosis requires additional serological tests (IgG avidity test). If required, the most used and probably most effective treatment is the combination of pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine, with folinic acid.
Validation d'une version abrégée du TCI (TCI-56) sur un échantillon de jeunes fumeurs et non-fumeurs
Introduction: The psychobiological seven-factor model proposed by Cloninger et al. (1993) takes into account temperament and character dimensions to describe personality. Four of the dimensions are linked with biological, genetic and neuroanatomic structures, whereas the three other dimensions are related to the degree of individual, social and spiritual development. A study conducted by Wills et al. (1994) with adolescents showed that substance abuse was associated with high scores on Novelty Seeking and low scores on Harm Avoidance and Reward Dependence. The aim of the present study was, firstly, to create a short form of Cloninger's (1993) Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and, secondly, to study the impact of nicotine dependence as well as demographic variables on a sample of young adults. Method: We created a short form of the TCI containing 56 items (TCI-56), 8 for each scale. Responses are made on a five-point Likert type scale. A Swiss sample (n=211), of 116 women and 95 men, aged from 15 to 30 years, participated in this study. Our population was divided into a group of 81 smokers and another of 130 non-smokers, according to their scores on the Fagerstörm test for nicotine dependence (1999). Results: The structural validation consisted of two separate factor analysis with varimax rotations, one for the temperamental items, and the other, for the character ones. The first factor analysis conducted on the items of the temperament scales allowed to extract 4 factors explaining 40.7% of the variance. The correlations between factors and scales are the following: r=.71 for Novelty Seeking, r=.69 for Persistence, r=.95 for Harm Avoidance, r=.94 for Reward Dependence. The second factor analysis conducted on the items of the character scales allowed to extract 3 factors explaining 41.5% of the variance. The correlations between factors and scales are the following: r=.94 for Self-Directedness, r=.91 for Cooperativeness and r=.99 for Self-Transcendence. The internal consistencies range from α=.65 to α=.75 for the temperament scales, and from α=.71 to α=.83 for the three character scales. Concerning, the impact of the nicotine dependence, we observed that smokers have significantly higher scores for Novelty seeking, than non-smokers (p=.01). We found no difference for Harm Avoidance and Reward Dependence. Nevertheless, smokers seem to have the tendency to score higher on Transcendence (p=.06). Moreover, people having smoked more than 100 cigarettes in their life have significantly higher scores on this scale (p.04) and the correlation between Transcendence and the Fagerstörm test is significant (r=.19). We also found gender differences: the women (N=116) obtain significantly higher scores for Harm Avoidance (p<.001), for Reward Dependence (p<.001) and for Cooperation (p=.01). We further found a significant correlation between age and Self-Directedness, r=.34. We observed no interaction between gender and smoking or age and smoking on the dimensions of the TCI-56. Discussion: The TCI short form (TCI-56) seems to be a valid and useful inventory to assess personality differences. Confirming the results of others about the relation between addiction and personality, we found that smokers have significantly higher scores for Novelty seeking, than non-smokers. But we were not able to find any significant differences for Harm Avoidance and Reward Dependence. This might be due to our sample that was made of young adults. This study also shows that Transcendence could be an interesting dimension for studies on Tobacco smoking to consider. Concerning the impact of demographic variables, we observed that age and gender have specific and coherent influence on personality.