76 resultados para touch screens
Background: Publications from the International Breast Screening Network (IBSN) have shown that varying definitions create hurdles for comparison of screening performance. Interval breast cancer rates are particularly affected. Objective: to test whether variations in definition of interval cancer rates (ICR) affect comparisons of international ICR, specific to a comparison of ICR in Norway and North Carolina (NC). Methods: An interval cancer (IC) was defined as a cancer diagnosed following a negative screening mammogram in a defined follow-up period. ICR was calculated for women ages 50-69, at subsequent screening in Norway and NC, during the time period 1996 - 2002. ICR was defined using three different denominators (negative screens, negative final assessments and all screens) and three different numerators (DCIS, invasive cancer and all cancers). ICR was then calculated with two methods: 1) number of ICs divided by the number of screens, and ICs divided by the number of women-years at risk for IC. Results: There were no differences in ICR depending on the definition used. In the 1-12 month follow up period ICR (based on number of screens) were: 0.53, 0.54, and 0.54 for Norway; and 1.20, 1.25 and 1.17 for NC, for negative screens, negative final assessment and all screens, respectively: The same trend was seen for 13-24 and 1-24 months follow-up. Using women-years for the analysis did not change the trend. ICR was higher in NC compared to Norway under all definitions and in all follow-up time periods, regardless of calculation method. Conclusion: The ICR within or between Norway and NC did not differ by definition used. ICR were higher in NC than Norway. There are many potential explanations for the difference.
The mainstay of contemporary therapies for extensive occlusive arterial disease is venous bypass graft. However, its durability is threatened by intimal hyperplasia (IH) that eventually leads to vessel occlusion and graft failure. Mechanical forces, particularly low shear stress and high wall tension, are thought to initiate and to sustain these cellular and molecular changes, but their exact contribution remains to be unraveled. To selectively evaluate the role of pressure and shear stress on the biology of IH, an ex vivo perfusion system (EVPS) was created to perfuse segments of human saphenous veins under arterial regimen (high shear stress and high pressure). Further technical innovations allowed the simultaneous perfusion of two segments from the same vein, one reinforced with an external mesh. Veins were harvested using a no-touch technique and immediately transferred to the laboratory for assembly in the EVPS. One segment of the freshly isolated vein was not perfused (control, day 0). The two others segments were perfused for up to 7 days, one being completely sheltered with a 4 mm (diameter) external mesh. The pressure, flow velocity, and pulse rate were continuously monitored and adjusted to mimic the hemodynamic conditions prevailing in the femoral artery. Upon completion of the perfusion, veins were dismounted and used for histological and molecular analysis. Under ex vivo conditions, high pressure perfusion (arterial, mean = 100 mm Hg) is sufficient to generate IH and remodeling of human veins. These alterations are reduced in the presence of an external polyester mesh.
Collective behaviour enhances environmental sensing and decision-making in groups of animals. Experimental and theoretical investigations of schooling fish, flocking birds and human crowds have demonstrated that simple interactions between individuals can explain emergent group dynamics. These findings indicate the existence of neural circuits that support distributed behaviours, but the molecular and cellular identities of relevant sensory pathways are unknown. Here we show that Drosophila melanogaster exhibits collective responses to an aversive odour: individual flies weakly avoid the stimulus, but groups show enhanced escape reactions. Using high-resolution behavioural tracking, computational simulations, genetic perturbations, neural silencing and optogenetic activation we demonstrate that this collective odour avoidance arises from cascades of appendage touch interactions between pairs of flies. Inter-fly touch sensing and collective behaviour require the activity of distal leg mechanosensory sensilla neurons and the mechanosensory channel NOMPC. Remarkably, through these inter-fly encounters, wild-type flies can elicit avoidance behaviour in mutant animals that cannot sense the odour--a basic form of communication. Our data highlight the unexpected importance of social context in the sensory responses of a solitary species and open the door to a neural-circuit-level understanding of collective behaviour in animal groups.
Humans experience the self as localized within their body. This aspect of bodily self-consciousness can be experimentally manipulated by exposing individuals to conflicting multisensory input, or can be abnormal following focal brain injury. Recent technological developments helped to unravel some of the mechanisms underlying multisensory integration and self-location, but the neural underpinnings are still under investigation, and the manual application of stimuli resulted in large variability difficult to control. This paper presents the development and evaluation of an MR-compatible stroking device capable of presenting moving tactile stimuli to both legs and the back of participants lying on a scanner bed while acquiring functional neuroimaging data. The platform consists of four independent stroking devices with a travel of 16-20 cm and a maximum stroking velocity of 15 cm/s, actuated over non-magnetic ultrasonic motors. Complemented with virtual reality, this setup provides a unique research platform allowing to investigate multisensory integration and its effects on self-location under well-controlled experimental conditions. The MR-compatibility of the system was evaluated in both a 3 and a 7 Tesla scanner and showed negligible interference with brain imaging. In a preliminary study using a prototype device with only one tactile stimulator, fMRI data acquired on 12 healthy participants showed visuo-tactile synchrony-related and body-specific modulations of the brain activity in bilateral temporoparietal cortex.
The goal of this work is to develop a method to objectively compare the performance of a digital and a screen-film mammography system in terms of image quality. The method takes into account the dynamic range of the image detector, the detection of high and low contrast structures, the visualisation of the images and the observer response. A test object, designed to represent a compressed breast, was constructed from various tissue equivalent materials ranging from purely adipose to purely glandular composition. Different areas within the test object permitted the evaluation of low and high contrast detection, spatial resolution and image noise. All the images (digital and conventional) were captured using a CCD camera to include the visualisation process in the image quality assessment. A mathematical model observer (non-prewhitening matched filter), that calculates the detectability of high and low contrast structures using spatial resolution, noise and contrast, was used to compare the two technologies. Our results show that for a given patient dose, the detection of high and low contrast structures is significantly better for the digital system than for the conventional screen-film system studied. The method of using a test object with a large tissue composition range combined with a camera to compare conventional and digital imaging modalities can be applied to other radiological imaging techniques. In particular it could be used to optimise the process of radiographic reading of soft copy images.
To study the properties of human primary somatosensory (S1) cortex as well as its role in cognitive and social processes, it is necessary to noninvasively localize the cortical representations of the body. Being arguably the most relevant body parts for tactile exploration, cortical representations of fingers are of particular interest. The aim of the present study was to investigate the cortical representation of individual fingers (D1-D5), using human touch as a stimulus. Utilizing the high BOLD sensitivity and spatial resolution at 7T, we found that each finger is represented within three subregions of S1 in the postcentral gyrus. Within each of these three areas, the fingers are sequentially organized (from D1 to D5) in a somatotopic manner. Therefore, these finger representations likely reflect distinct activations of BAs 3b, 1, and 2, similar to those described in electrophysiological work in non-human primates. Quantitative analysis of the local BOLD responses revealed that within BA3b, each finger representation is specific to its own stimulation without any cross-finger responsiveness. This finger response selectivity was less prominent in BA 1 and in BA 2. A test-retest procedure highlighted the reproducibility of the results and the robustness of the method for BA 3b. Finally, the representation of the thumb was enlarged compared to the other fingers within BAs 1 and 2. These findings extend previous human electrophysiological and neuroimaging data but also reveal differences in the functional organization of S1 in human and nonhuman primates. Hum Brain Mapp 35:213-226, 2014. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
BACKGROUND and OBJECTIVE: A non-touch laser-induced microdrilling procedure is studied on mouse zona pellucida (ZP). STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS and METHODS: A 1.48-microns diode laser beam is focused in a 8-microns spot through a 45x objective of an inverted microscope. Mouse zygotes, suspended in a culture medium, are microdrilled by exposing their ZP to a short laser irradiation and allowed to develop in vitro. RESULTS: Various sharp-edged holes can be generated in the ZP with a single laser irradiation. Sizes can be varied by changing irradiation time (3-100 ms) or laser power (22-55 mW). Drilled zygotes present no signs of thermal damage under light and scanning electron microscopy and develop as expected in vitro, except for a distinct eight-shaped hatching behavior. CONCLUSION: The microdrilling procedure can generate standardized holes in mouse ZP, without any visible side effects. The hole formation can be explained by a local photothermolysis of the protein matrix.
Recent years have seen a significant increase in understanding of the host genetic and genomic determinants of susceptibility to HIV-1 infection and disease progression, driven in large part by candidate gene studies, genome-wide association studies, genome-wide transcriptome analyses, and large-scale in vitro genome screens. These studies have identified common variants in some host loci that clearly influence disease progression, characterized the scale and dynamics of gene and protein expression changes in response to infection, and provided the first comprehensive catalogs of genes and pathways involved in viral replication. Experimental models of AIDS and studies in natural hosts of primate lentiviruses have complemented and in some cases extended these findings. As the relevant technology continues to progress, the expectation is that such studies will increase in depth (e.g., to include host whole exome and whole genome sequencing) and in breadth (in particular, by integrating multiple data types).
Parmi les régimes sociaux pour les personnes sans emploi en âge de travailler, l'aide sociale compte parmi ceux qui ont été confrontés aux plus grands changements au cours des vingt dernières années. Durant cette période, le nombre et le profil des bénéficiaires a évolué à un tel point qu'il devient aujourd'hui difficile de considérer l'aide sociale uniquement sous le prisme d'un dernier filet de protection sociale intervenant pour une minorité d'individus fortement marginalisés socialement. Aujourd'hui, accompagnant une hausse régulière du nombre de bénéficiaires, le public de l'aide sociale est devenu beaucoup plus hétérogène, incorporant une frange de plus en plus importante de personnes pour qui le chômage de longue durée ou le sous-emploi constituent de fait le principal problème. Loin d'être un phénomène typiquement suisse, la transformation radicale du public touchant des prestations d'aide sociale a en fait touché l'ensemble des pays européens. Ces développements questionnent fondamentalement la mission de l'aide sociale. Traditionnellement, deux missions ont été au centre de l'aide sociale : garantir le minimum vital et favoriser l'intégration sociale des personnes les plus marginalisées socialement. Toutefois, aujourd'hui, avec l'émergence de nouveaux publics, se pose crucialement la question de la réorientation des régimes d'aide sociale vers une prise en charge visant le retour sur le premier marché du travail à plus ou moins long terme. De quels types de mesures de réinsertion professionnelle et de services de placement les bénéficiaires de l'aide sociale disposent-ils en Suisse ? Quels dispositifs organisationnels permettent-ils de garantir une prise en charge orientée vers l'emploi adaptée aux bénéficiaires de l'aide sociale ? En Suisse, bien que la réinsertion professionnelle soit désormais considérée comme une mission intégrale de l'aide sociale au niveau politique, il existe encore peu d'études empiriques sur les pratiques effectives mises en place dans les différents cantons en matière d'aide à la réinsertion professionnelle des bénéficiaires de l'aide sociale. Sans prétendre à l'exhaustivité, cette étude dresse un état des lieux de la situation actuelle en Suisse sur la base des quelques études existantes et d'une enquête par questionnaire réalisée auprès des responsables cantonaux en 2011. Malgré d'importantes différences entre et à l'intérieur des cantons et de nombreuses lacunes dans les données statistiques, un des principaux résultats qui ressort de cette étude est que l'accès des bénéficiaires de l'aide sociale à une prise en charge orientée emploi en Suisse reste problématique à plusieurs égards. En effet, alors que l'offre développée par les services sociaux en matière de mesures de réinsertion professionnelle reste souvent restreinte, d'autres pratiques telles que la collaboration interinstitutionnelle ou le recours aux ORP pour les services de placement présentent aussi plusieurs limites. Une comparaison avec la situation en Allemagne, qui a complètement réorganisé la prise en charge de ses chômeurs de longue durée en 2005 en créant une prestation financière et une structure de prise en charge spécifique à cette catégorie de sans-emplois, confirme le potentiel d'amélioration des efforts réalisés en Suisse, particulièrement en ce qui concerne l'importance accordée au retour à l'emploi et l'accès aux mesures de réinsertion professionnelle les plus prometteuses. Toutefois, et malgré une réduction significative du nombre de chômeurs de longue durée depuis l'introduction de la réforme Hartz IV en 2005, l'expérience allemande indique que la mise sur pied d'une structure spécialisée n'est pas non plus sans créer des problèmes, et que, plus généralement, il est difficile d'imputer le succès d'une politique de réinsertion professionnelle pour les bénéficiaires de l'aide sociale uniquement à son modèle organisationnel.
In prison, the health professional has to take the sanitary needs of a temporary of chronically vulnerable population. His practice has to meet laws and recommendations, as well as the field reality and its numerous constraints. This puts him in a "shared vulnerability and stigmatization". He attempts to maintain or restore a health status in a deteriorating environment, at least psychologically. He is in the penitentiary world's eye which he depends upon in many ways to achieve his mandate. His activity is scarcely known and recognised by his peers from whom he can be very out of touch. To ensure a humanistic, efficient and equivalent-of-care practice, the health professional must rely on sound knowledge of general healthcare, ethics, deontology and medical laws. Basic and continuous training is a mainspring, like networking and development of federal recommendations.
OBJECTIVE: To compare interval breast cancer rates (ICR) between a biennial organized screening programme in Norway and annual opportunistic screening in North Carolina (NC) for different conceptualizations of interval cancer. SETTING: Two regions with different screening practices and performance. METHODS: 620,145 subsequent screens (1996-2002) performed in women aged 50-69 and 1280 interval cancers were analysed. Various definitions and quantification methods for interval cancers were compared. RESULTS: ICR for one year follow-up were lower in Norway compared with NC both when the rate was based on all screens (0.54 versus 1.29 per 1000 screens), negative final assessments (0.54 versus 1.29 per 1000 screens), and negative screening assessments (0.53 versus 1.28 per 1000 screens). The rate of ductal carcinoma in situ was significantly lower in Norway than in NC for cases diagnosed in both the first and second year after screening. The distributions of histopathological tumour size and lymph node involvement in invasive cases did not differ between the two regions for interval cancers diagnosed during the first year after screening. In contrast, in the second year after screening, tumour characteristics remained stable in Norway but became prognostically more favorable in NC. CONCLUSION: Even when applying a common set of definitions of interval cancer, the ICR was lower in Norway than in NC. Different definitions of interval cancer did not influence the ICR within Norway or NC. Organization of screening and screening performance might be major contributors to the differences in ICR between Norway and NC.
The risk of malaria increases with the duration of stay. Long-term travelers need to know the risk of malaria and the effective measures to reduce this risk: personal protective measures against mosquito bites and chemoprophylaxis. The use of insecticide-impregnated mosquito nets and window screens should be emphasized. When chemoprophylaxis is indicated it should be prescribed at least for the first 3 to 6 months. Then, alternative strategies can be discussed with the traveler: continuous chemoprophylaxis, seasonal chemoprophylaxis and/or standby emergency treatment.
Introduction : Le traitement des entorses acromio-claviculaires (AC) est aujourd'hui encore controversé. Les luxations AC avec lésion du fascia delto-trapézoidale (grade IV, V et VI) sont généralement traitées par une chirurgie de stabilisation. A l'inverse les entorses sans luxation de la clavicule (grade I et II) sont traitées conservativement avec de bons résultats. Il reste une interrogation concernant le traitement des luxations AC sans lésion du fascia delto-trapézoidale (grade III). Le but de notre étude est d'évaluer les résultats du traitement chirurgical des entorses AC de grade III selon un score cinématique. Matériel et Méthode : 30 patients avec une entorse AC de grade III ont été opérés d'une stabilisation de la clavicule entre 2003 et 2011 par le service d'Orthopédie et traumatologie du CHUV. Tous ont été cliniquement évalués selon le score de Constant. L'évaluation cinématique a été effectuée à l'aide d'un iPod touch, fixé sur l'humérus. Cet outil de mesure, décrit et validé par l'EPFL, prend en considération l'accélération et la vitesse angulaire du membre supérieur pour 7 différents mouvements des deux bras. L'évaluation cinématique a été effectuée en comparant le côté opéré par rapport au côté sain selon 2 scores (RAV et P) provenant de ces variables. Les scores RAV et P sont calculés par l'application installée sur l'iPod touch, ils sont donnés en pourcentage par rapport à l'épaule saine. Nous avons défini un score de Constant relatif de plus de 60 et un score cinématique de plus de 75% comme satisfaisant. Résultats : Nous avons revus dix patients avec un recul moyen de 36 mois (6 à 72 mois) d'un âge moyen de 42 ans (27 à 62 ans). Le score de Constant moyen est de 75.9 ± 21.7. Le score P moyen est de 89.3% ± 23.4 et le score RAV moyen est de 91.8% ± 15.8 (tab.1). Quatre sujets obtiennent un excellent score de Constant pour le bras opéré, 2 sujets obtiennent un bon score et un sujet obtient un score moyen, tandis que 3 sujets obtiennent un mauvais score. Huit patients obtiennent un score cinématique satisfaisant alors que nous observons 2 résultats non satisfaisants. Les mauvais résultats tant cliniques que cinématiques ont été observés chez des patients travailleurs de force, nécessitant d'effectuer des mouvements de l'épaule au-dessus du niveau du buste. Discussion et Conclusion : Sur la base d'une évaluation clinique et cinématique, le traitement chirugical des entorses AC de grade III donne des résultats satisfaisants. Notre étude ne comportant pas de groupe contrôle et notre série étant non homogène, avec un nombre limité de sujet, nous ne pouvons conclure que le traitement chirurgical est le traitement le mieux adapté aux patients avec une entorse acromio-claviculaires de type III. Nous recommandons toutefois un traitement chirugical chez les patients actifs, et les patients exerçant un métier avec nécessité de mobilisation de l'épaule au dessus du buste. Un travail manuel lourd représente un facteur de mauvais pronostic.
This is a crucial transition time for human genetics in general, and for HIV host genetics in particular. After years of equivocal results from candidate gene analyses, several genome-wide association studies have been published that looked at plasma viral load or disease progression. Results from other studies that used various large-scale approaches (siRNA screens, transcriptome or proteome analysis, comparative genomics) have also shed new light on retroviral pathogenesis. However, most of the inter-individual variability in response to HIV-1 infection remains to be explained: genome resequencing and systems biology approaches are now required to progress toward a better understanding of the complex interactions between HIV-1 and its human host.
Jasmonates control defense gene expression and male fertility in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. In both cases, the involvement of the jasmonate pathway is complex, involving large-scale transcriptional reprogramming. Additionally, jasmonate signaling is hard-wired into the auxin, ethylene, and salicylate signal networks, all of which are under intense investigation in Arabidopsis. In male fertility, jasmonic acid (JA) is the essential signal intervening both at the level of anther elongation and in pollen dehiscense. A number of genes potentially involved in jasmonate-dependent anther elongation have recently been discovered. In the case of defense, at least two jasmonates, JA and its precursor 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA), are necessary for the fine-tuning of defense gene expression in response to various microbial pathogens and arthropod herbivores. However, only OPDA is required for full resistance to some insects and fungi. Other jasmonates probably affect yet more physiological responses. A series of breakthroughs have identified the SKP/CULLIN/F-BOX (SCF), CORONATINE INSENSITIVE (COI1) complex, acting together with the CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 9 (COP9) signalosome, as central regulatory components of jasmonate signaling in Arabidopsis. The studies, mostly involving mutational approaches, have paved the way for suppressor screens that are expected to further extend our knowledge of jasmonate signaling. When these and other new mutants affecting jasmonate signaling are characterized, new nodes will be added to the Arabidopsis Jasmonate Signaling Pathway Connections Map, and the lists of target genes regulated by jasmonates in Arabidopsis will be expanded.