134 resultados para three-shell model


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Executive Summary The first essay of this dissertation investigates whether greater exchange rate uncertainty (i.e., variation over time in the exchange rate) fosters or depresses the foreign investment of multinational firms. In addition to the direct capital financing it supplies, foreign investment can be a source of valuable technology and know-how, which can have substantial positive effects on a host country's economic growth. Thus, it is critically important for policy makers and central bankers, among others, to understand how multinationals base their investment decisions on the characteristics of foreign exchange markets. In this essay, I first develop a theoretical framework to improve our knowledge regarding how the aggregate level of foreign investment responds to exchange rate uncertainty when an economy consists of many firms, each of which is making decisions. The analysis predicts a U-shaped effect of exchange rate uncertainty on the total level of foreign investment of the economy. That is, the effect is negative for low levels of uncertainty and positive for higher levels of uncertainty. This pattern emerges because the relationship between exchange rate volatility and 'the probability of investment is negative for firms with low productivity at home (i.e., firms that find it profitable to invest abroad) and the relationship is positive for firms with high productivity at home (i.e., firms that prefer exporting their product). This finding stands in sharp contrast to predictions in the existing literature that consider a single firm's decision to invest in a unique project. The main contribution of this research is to show that the aggregation over many firms produces a U-shaped pattern between exchange rate uncertainty and the probability of investment. Using data from industrialized countries for the period of 1982-2002, this essay offers a comprehensive empirical analysis that provides evidence in support of the theoretical prediction. In the second essay, I aim to explain the time variation in sovereign credit risk, which captures the risk that a government may be unable to repay its debt. The importance of correctly evaluating such a risk is illustrated by the central role of sovereign debt in previous international lending crises. In addition, sovereign debt is the largest asset class in emerging markets. In this essay, I provide a pricing formula for the evaluation of sovereign credit risk in which the decision to default on sovereign debt is made by the government. The pricing formula explains the variation across time in daily credit spreads - a widely used measure of credit risk - to a degree not offered by existing theoretical and empirical models. I use information on a country's stock market to compute the prevailing sovereign credit spread in that country. The pricing formula explains a substantial fraction of the time variation in daily credit spread changes for Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Russia for the 1998-2008 period, particularly during the recent subprime crisis. I also show that when a government incentive to default is allowed to depend on current economic conditions, one can best explain the level of credit spreads, especially during the recent period of financial distress. In the third essay, I show that the risk of sovereign default abroad can produce adverse consequences for the U.S. equity market through a decrease in returns and an increase in volatility. The risk of sovereign default, which is no longer limited to emerging economies, has recently become a major concern for financial markets. While sovereign debt plays an increasing role in today's financial environment, the effects of sovereign credit risk on the U.S. financial markets have been largely ignored in the literature. In this essay, I develop a theoretical framework that explores how the risk of sovereign default abroad helps explain the level and the volatility of U.S. equity returns. The intuition for this effect is that negative economic shocks deteriorate the fiscal situation of foreign governments, thereby increasing the risk of a sovereign default that would trigger a local contraction in economic growth. The increased risk of an economic slowdown abroad amplifies the direct effect of these shocks on the level and the volatility of equity returns in the U.S. through two channels. The first channel involves a decrease in the future earnings of U.S. exporters resulting from unfavorable adjustments to the exchange rate. The second channel involves investors' incentives to rebalance their portfolios toward safer assets, which depresses U.S. equity prices. An empirical estimation of the model with monthly data for the 1994-2008 period provides evidence that the risk of sovereign default abroad generates a strong leverage effect during economic downturns, which helps to substantially explain the level and the volatility of U.S. equity returns.


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Species distribution models (SDMs) studies suggest that, without control measures, the distribution of many alien invasive plant species (AIS) will increase under climate and land-use changes. Due to limited resources and large areas colonised by invaders, management and monitoring resources must be prioritised. Choices depend on the conservation value of the invaded areas and can be guided by SDM predictions. Here, we use a hierarchical SDM framework, complemented by connectivity analysis of AIS distributions, to evaluate current and future conflicts between AIS and high conservation value areas. We illustrate the framework with three Australian wattle (Acacia) species and patterns of conservation value in Northern Portugal. Results show that protected areas will likely suffer higher pressure from all three Acacia species under future climatic conditions. Due to this higher predicted conflict in protected areas, management might be prioritised for Acacia dealbata and Acacia melanoxylon. Connectivity of AIS suitable areas inside protected areas is currently lower than across the full study area, but this would change under future environmental conditions. Coupled SDM and connectivity analysis can support resource prioritisation for anticipation and monitoring of AIS impacts. However, further tests of this framework over a wide range of regions and organisms are still required before wide application.


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This dissertation is a combination of three relatively independent chapters on the subject of corporate governance. Corporate governance is presently at the epicenter of the global financial crisis. The lack of regulation and the misalignment of objectives have greatly contributed to the major crisis we are now in. Most governance research has been conducted in the United States in a context of widely held corporations and great executive power. It does not reflect the variety of situations around the world and we question the validity of this model in other contexts. The aim of this dissertation is to look at other governance models, in particular the Swiss corporate governance not only from a practical point of view, but also from a multi-theoretical approach. Traditional corporate governance literature has focused on the Anglo-American model that mainly follows the agency theory (Jensen and Meckling, 1976) in a shareholder-manager context, and overlooked other approaches. We focus on three different aspects of corporate governance using three different theories. First, we look at the ownership type of various corporations, using the agency theory in a context where issues between shareholders predominate over the typical shareholder-manager relationship. Second, we explore the adoption process of several governance mechanisms that, due to changes in legislation, has taken place in Switzerland since 2002. We use the institutional theory (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983), in a context where the environmental pressures are particularly high. Finally, we spotlight the board of directors as a key element of the governance of publicly listed corporations. Particularly, we focus on the independence of the board of directors, using a combination of the agency and resource dependence theories (Pfeffer, 1972; Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978).


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Every year, debris flows cause huge damage in mountainous areas. Due to population pressure in hazardous zones, the socio-economic impact is much higher than in the past. Therefore, the development of indicative susceptibility hazard maps is of primary importance, particularly in developing countries. However, the complexity of the phenomenon and the variability of local controlling factors limit the use of processbased models for a first assessment. A debris flow model has been developed for regional susceptibility assessments using digital elevation model (DEM) with a GIS-based approach.. The automatic identification of source areas and the estimation of debris flow spreading, based on GIS tools, provide a substantial basis for a preliminary susceptibility assessment at a regional scale. One of the main advantages of this model is its workability. In fact, everything is open to the user, from the data choice to the selection of the algorithms and their parameters. The Flow-R model was tested in three different contexts: two in Switzerland and one in Pakistan, for indicative susceptibility hazard mapping. It was shown that the quality of the DEM is the most important parameter to obtain reliable results for propagation, but also to identify the potential debris flows sources.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine whether nalmefene combined with psychosocial support is cost-effective compared with psychosocial support alone for reducing alcohol consumption in alcohol-dependent patients with high/very high drinking risk levels (DRLs) as defined by the WHO, and to evaluate the public health benefit of reducing harmful alcohol-attributable diseases, injuries and deaths. DESIGN: Decision modelling using Markov chains compared costs and effects over 5 years. SETTING: The analysis was from the perspective of the National Health Service (NHS) in England and Wales. PARTICIPANTS: The model considered the licensed population for nalmefene, specifically adults with both alcohol dependence and high/very high DRLs, who do not require immediate detoxification and who continue to have high/very high DRLs after initial assessment. DATA SOURCES: We modelled treatment effect using data from three clinical trials for nalmefene (ESENSE 1 (NCT00811720), ESENSE 2 (NCT00812461) and SENSE (NCT00811941)). Baseline characteristics of the model population, treatment resource utilisation and utilities were from these trials. We estimated the number of alcohol-attributable events occurring at different levels of alcohol consumption based on published epidemiological risk-relation studies. Health-related costs were from UK sources. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: We measured incremental cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained and number of alcohol-attributable harmful events avoided. RESULTS: Nalmefene in combination with psychosocial support had an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of £5204 per QALY gained, and was therefore cost-effective at the £20,000 per QALY gained decision threshold. Sensitivity analyses showed that the conclusion was robust. Nalmefene plus psychosocial support led to the avoidance of 7179 alcohol-attributable diseases/injuries and 309 deaths per 100,000 patients compared to psychosocial support alone over the course of 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: Nalmefene can be seen as a cost-effective treatment for alcohol dependence, with substantial public health benefits. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBERS: This cost-effectiveness analysis was developed based on data from three randomised clinical trials: ESENSE 1 (NCT00811720), ESENSE 2 (NCT00812461) and SENSE (NCT00811941).


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General introductionThe Human Immunodeficiency/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic, despite recent encouraging announcements by the World Health Organization (WHO) is still today one of the world's major health care challenges.The present work lies in the field of health care management, in particular, we aim to evaluate the behavioural and non-behavioural interventions against HIV/AIDS in developing countries through a deterministic simulation model, both in human and economic terms. We will focus on assessing the effectiveness of the antiretroviral therapies (ART) in heterosexual populations living in lesser developed countries where the epidemic has generalized (formerly defined by the WHO as type II countries). The model is calibrated using Botswana as a case study, however our model can be adapted to other countries with similar transmission dynamics.The first part of this thesis consists of reviewing the main mathematical concepts describing the transmission of infectious agents in general but with a focus on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission. We also review deterministic models assessing HIV interventions with a focus on models aimed at African countries. This review helps us to recognize the need for a generic model and allows us to define a typical structure of such a generic deterministic model.The second part describes the main feed-back loops underlying the dynamics of HIV transmission. These loops represent the foundation of our model. This part also provides a detailed description of the model, including the various infected and non-infected population groups, the type of sexual relationships, the infection matrices, important factors impacting HIV transmission such as condom use, other sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and male circumcision. We also included in the model a dynamic life expectancy calculator which, to our knowledge, is a unique feature allowing more realistic cost-efficiency calculations. Various intervention scenarios are evaluated using the model, each of them including ART in combination with other interventions, namely: circumcision, campaigns aimed at behavioral change (Abstain, Be faithful or use Condoms also named ABC campaigns), and treatment of other STD. A cost efficiency analysis (CEA) is performed for each scenario. The CEA consists of measuring the cost per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) averted. This part also describes the model calibration and validation, including a sensitivity analysis.The third part reports the results and discusses the model limitations. In particular, we argue that the combination of ART and ABC campaigns and ART and treatment of other STDs are the most cost-efficient interventions through 2020. The main model limitations include modeling the complexity of sexual relationships, omission of international migration and ignoring variability in infectiousness according to the AIDS stage.The fourth part reviews the major contributions of the thesis and discusses model generalizability and flexibility. Finally, we conclude that by selecting the adequate interventions mix, policy makers can significantly reduce the adult prevalence in Botswana in the coming twenty years providing the country and its donors can bear the cost involved.Part I: Context and literature reviewIn this section, after a brief introduction to the general literature we focus in section two on the key mathematical concepts describing the transmission of infectious agents in general with a focus on HIV transmission. Section three provides a description of HIV policy models, with a focus on deterministic models. This leads us in section four to envision the need for a generic deterministic HIV policy model and briefly describe the structure of such a generic model applicable to countries with generalized HIV/AIDS epidemic, also defined as pattern II countries by the WHO.


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Aim, Location Although the alpine mouse Apodemus alpicola has been given species status since 1989, no distribution map has ever been constructed for this endemic alpine rodent in Switzerland. Based on redetermined museum material and using the Ecological-Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA), habitat-suitability maps were computed for A. alpicola, and also for the co-occurring A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus. Methods In the particular case of habitat suitability models, classical approaches (GLMs, GAMs, discriminant analysis, etc.) generally require presence and absence data. The presence records provided by museums can clearly give useful information about species distribution and ecology and have already been used for knowledge-based mapping. In this paper, we apply the ENFA which requires only presence data, to build a habitat-suitability map of three species of Apodemus on the basis of museum skull collections. Results Interspecific niche comparisons showed that A. alpicola is very specialized concerning habitat selection, meaning that its habitat differs unequivocally from the average conditions in Switzerland, while both A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus could be considered as 'generalists' in the study area. Main conclusions Although an adequate sampling design is the best way to collect ecological data for predictive modelling, this is a time and money consuming process and there are cases where time is simply not available, as for instance with endangered species conservation. On the other hand, museums, herbariums and other similar institutions are treasuring huge presence data sets. By applying the ENFA to such data it is possible to rapidly construct a habitat suitability model. The ENFA method not only provides two key measurements regarding the niche of a species (i.e. marginality and specialization), but also has ecological meaning, and allows the scientist to compare directly the niches of different species.


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BACKGROUND: Using a bench test model, we investigated the hypothesis that neonatal and/or adult ventilators equipped with neonatal/pediatric modes currently do not reliably administer pressure support (PS) in neonatal or pediatric patient groups in either the absence or presence of air leaks. METHODS: PS was evaluated in 4 neonatal and 6 adult ventilators using a bench model to evaluate triggering, pressurization, and cycling in both the absence and presence of leaks. Delivered tidal volumes were also assessed. Three patients were simulated: a preterm infant (resistance 100 cm H2O/L/s, compliance 2 mL/cm H2O, inspiratory time of the patient [TI] 400 ms, inspiratory effort 1 and 2 cm H2O), a full-term infant (resistance 50 cm H2O/L/s, compliance 5 mL/cm H2O, TI 500 ms, inspiratory effort 2 and 4 cm H2O), and a child (resistance 30 cm H2O/L/s, compliance 10 mL/cm H2O, TI 600 ms, inspiratory effort 5 and 10 cm H2O). Two PS levels were tested (10 and 15 cm H2O) with and without leaks and with and without the leak compensation algorithm activated. RESULTS: Without leaks, only 2 neonatal ventilators and one adult ventilator had trigger delays under a given predefined acceptable limit (1/8 TI). Pressurization showed high variability between ventilators. Most ventilators showed TI in excess high enough to seriously impair patient-ventilator synchronization (> 50% of the TI of the subject). In some ventilators, leaks led to autotriggering and impairment of ventilation performance, but the influence of leaks was generally lower in neonatal ventilators. When a noninvasive ventilation algorithm was available, this was partially corrected. In general, tidal volume was calculated too low by the ventilators in the presence of leaks; the noninvasive ventilation algorithm was able to correct this difference in only 2 adult ventilators. CONCLUSIONS: No ventilator performed equally well under all tested conditions for all explored parameters. However, neonatal ventilators tended to perform better in the presence of leaks. These findings emphasize the need to improve algorithms for assisted ventilation modes to better deal with situations of high airway resistance, low pulmonary compliance, and the presence of leaks.


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Introduction: Two subcutaneous injections of adalimumab in severeacute sciatica have demonstrated a significant benefit on the numberof back surgeries in a short-term randomized controlled clinical trial[1]. This 3-year follow-up study aimed to determine whether theshort-term benefit was sustained over a longer period of time.Methods: Information on surgery was retrieved in 56/61 patients(93%). We used a Cox proportional hazard models to determinefactors predisposing to surgery.Results: Twenty-three (41%) patients had back surgery within 3 years,8/29 (28%) in the adalimumab group and 15/ 27 (56%) in the placebogroup, p = 0.038. Adalimumab injections reduced the need for backsurgery by 61% (Hazard Ratio (HR): 0.39 (95% CI: 0.17-0.92). In amultivariate model, treatment with a TNF-α antagonist remained thestrongest protective factor (HR 0.17, p = 0.002). Other significantpredictors of surgery were a good correlation between symptomsand MRI findings (HR = 11.6, p = 0.04), baseline intensity of leg pain(HR = 1.3, p = 0.06), intensity of back pain (HR = 1.4, p = 0.03)and duration of sickness leave (HR = 1.01 per day, p = 0.03).Conclusion: A short course of adalimumab in patients with severeacute sciatica significantly reduces the need for back surgery.


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Glucose supply from blood to brain occurs through facilitative transporter proteins. A near linear relation between brain and plasma glucose has been experimentally determined and described by a reversible model of enzyme kinetics. A conformational four-state exchange model accounting for trans-acceleration and asymmetry of the carrier was included in a recently developed multi-compartmental model of glucose transport. Based on this model, we demonstrate that brain glucose (G(brain)) as function of plasma glucose (G(plasma)) can be described by a single analytical equation namely comprising three kinetic compartments: blood, endothelial cells and brain. Transport was described by four parameters: apparent half saturation constant K(t), apparent maximum rate constant T(max), glucose consumption rate CMR(glc), and the iso-inhibition constant K(ii) that suggests G(brain) as inhibitor of the isomerisation of the unloaded carrier. Previous published data, where G(brain) was quantified as a function of plasma glucose by either biochemical methods or NMR spectroscopy, were used to determine the aforementioned kinetic parameters. Glucose transport was characterized by K(t) ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 mM, T(max)/CMR(glc) from 4.6 to 5.6, and K(ii) from 51 to 149 mM. It was noteworthy that K(t) was on the order of a few mM, as previously determined from the reversible model. The conformational four-state exchange model of glucose transport into the brain includes both efflux and transport inhibition by G(brain), predicting that G(brain) eventually approaches a maximum concentration. However, since K(ii) largely exceeds G(plasma), iso-inhibition is unlikely to be of substantial importance for plasma glucose below 25 mM. As a consequence, the reversible model can account for most experimental observations under euglycaemia and moderate cases of hypo- and hyperglycaemia.


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OBJECTIVE: An animal model has been developed to compare the effects of suture technique on the luminal dimensions and compliance of end-to-side vascular anastomoses. METHODS: Carotid and internal mammalian arteries (IMAs) were exposed in three pigs (90 kg). IMAs were sectioned distally to perform end-to-side anastomoses on carotid arteries. One anastomosis was performed with 7/0 polypropylene running suture. The other was performed with the automated suture delivery device (Perclose/Abbott Labs Inc.) that makes a 7/0 polypropylene interrupted suture. Four piezoelectric crystals were sutured on toe, heel and both lateral sides of each anastomosis to measure anastomotic axes. Anastomotic cross-sectional area (CSAA) was calculated with: CSAA = pi x mM/4 where m and M are the minor and major axes of the elliptical anastomosis. Cross-sectional anastomotic compliance (CSAC) was calculated as CSAC=Delta CSAA/Delta P where Delta P is the mean pulse pressure and Delta CSAA is the mean CSAA during cardiac cycle. RESULTS: We collected a total of 1200000 pressure-length data per animal. For running suture we had a mean systolic CSAA of 26.94+/-0.4 mm(2) and a mean CSAA in diastole of 26.30+/-0.5 mm(2) (mean Delta CSAA was 0.64 mm(2)). CSAC for running suture was 4.5 x 10(-6)m(2)/kPa. For interrupted suture we had a mean CSAA in systole of 21.98+/-0.2 mm(2) and a mean CSAA in diastole of 17.38+/-0.3 mm(2) (mean Delta CSAA was 4.6+/-0.1 mm(2)). CSAC for interrupted suture was 11 x 10(-6) m(2)/kPa. CONCLUSIONS: This model, even with some limitations, can be a reliable source of information improving the outcome of vascular anastomoses. The study demonstrates that suture technique has a substantial effect on cross-sectional anastomotic compliance of end-to-side anastomoses. Interrupted suture may maximise the anastomotic lumen and provides a considerably higher CSAC than continuous suture, that reduces flow turbulence, shear stress and intimal hyperplasia. The Heartflo anastomosis device is a reliable instrument that facilitates performance of interrupted suture anastomoses.


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Background: Activating mutations of the anaplastic lymphoma receptor tyrosine kinase gene (ALK) were identified in both somatic and familial neuroblastoma. The most common somatic mutation, F1174L, is associated with NMYC amplification and displayed an efficient transforming activity in vivo. In addition, both AKL-F1174L and NMYC were shown cooperate in neuroblastoma tumorigenesis in animal models. To analyse the role of ALK mutations in the oncogenesis of neuroblastoma, ALK wt and various ALK mutants were transduced in murine neural crest stem cells (MONC1). Methods: ALK-wt, and F1174L, and R1275Q mutants were stably expressed by retroviral infection using the pMIGR1 vector in the murine neural crest stem cell line MONC-1, previously immortalised with v-myc, and further implanted subcutaneously or orthotopically in nude mice. Results: Both MONC1-ALK-F1174L and -R1275Q cells displayed a rapid tumour forming capacity upon subcutaneous injection in nude mice compared to control MONC1-MIGR or MONC1 cells. Interestingly, the transforming capacity of the F1174L mutant was much more potent compared to that of R1275Q mutant in murine neural crest stem cells, while ALK-wt was not tumorigenic. In addition, mice implanted orthotopically in the left adrenal gland with MONC1-ALK-F1174L cells developed highly aggressive tumours in 100% of mice within three weeks, while MONC1-Migr or MONC1 derived tumours displayed a longer latency and a reduced tumour take. Conclusions: The activating ALK-F1174L mutant is highly tumorigenic in neural crest stem cells. Nevertheless, we cannot exclude a functional implication of the v-myc oncogene used for MONC1 cells immortalisation. Indeed, the control MONC1-Migr and MONC1 cells were also able to derive subcutaneous and orthotopic tumours, although with considerable reduced efficiency. Further investigations using neural crest stem cell lacking exogenous myc expression are currently on way to assess the exclusive role of ALK mutations in NB oncogenesis.


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The present study examines the Five-Factor Model (FFM) of personality and locus of control in French-speaking samples in Burkina Faso (N = 470) and Switzerland (Ns = 1,090, 361), using the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and Levenson's Internality, Powerful others, and Chance (IPC) scales. Alpha reliabilities were consistently lower in Burkina Faso, but the factor structure of the NEO-PI-R was replicated in both cultures. The intended three-factor structure of the IPC could not be replicated, although a two-factor solution was replicable across the two samples. Although scalar equivalence has not been demonstrated, mean level comparisons showed the hypothesized effects for most of the five factors and locus of control; Burkinabè scored higher in Neuroticism than anticipated. Findings from this African sample generally replicate earlier results from Asian and Western cultures, and are consistent with a biologically-based theory of personality.


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SUMMARY The effective development of an immune response depends on the careful interplay and the regulation between innate and adaptive immunity. As the dendritic cells (DCs) are equipped with many receptors, such as Toll-like receptors, which can detect the presence of infection by recognizing different component of bacteria, fungi and even viruses, they are the among the first cells to respond to the infection. Upon pathogen challenge, the DCs interpret the innate system activation as a maturation signal, resulting in the migration of the DCS to a draining lymph node site. There, activated DCs present efficiently antigens to naïve T cells, which are in turn activated and initiate adaptive immunity. Therefore, DCs are the main connectors between innate and adaptive immune systems. In addition to be the most efficient antigen- presenting cells, DCs play a central role in the regulation of immune responses and immune tolerance. Despite extensive research, many aspects related to DC biology are still unsolved and/or controversial. The low frequency of DCs in vivo often hamper study of DC biology and in vitro-derived DCs are not suited to address certain questions, such as the development of DC. We sought of transforming in vivo the DCs through the specific expression of an oncogene, in order to obtain unlimited numbers of these cells. To achieve this goal, transgenic mouse lines expressing the SV40 Large T oncogene under the control of the CD1 1 c promoter were generated. These transgenic mice are healthy until the age of three to four months without alterations in the DC biology. Thereafter transgenic mice develop a fatal disease that shows features of a human pathology, named histiocytosis, involving DCs. We demonstrate that the disease development in the transgenic mice correlates with a massive accumulation of transformed DCs in the affected organs. Importantly, transformed DCs are immature and fully conserve their capacity to mature in antigen presenting cells. We observe hyperproliferation of transformed DCs only in the sick transgenic mice. Surprisingly, transformed DCs do not proliferate in vitro, but transfer of the transformed DCs into immunodeficient or tolerant host leads to tumor formation. Altoghether, the transgenic mouse lines we have generated represent a valuable tumor model for human histiocytosis, and provide excellent tools to study DC biology. RESUME Le développement d'une réponse immunitaire efficace dépend d'une minutieuse interaction et régulation entre l'immunité innée et adaptative. Comme les cellules dendritiques (DCs) sont équipées de nombreux récepteurs, tels que les récepteurs Toll-like, qui peuvent détecter la présence d'une infection en reconnaissant différents composants bactériens, issus de champignons ou même viraux, elles sont parmi les premières cellules à répondre à l'infection. Suite à la stimulation induite par le pathogène, les DCs interprètent l'activation du système immunitaire inné comme un signal de maturation, résultant dans la migration des DCs vers le ganglion drainant le site d'infection. Là, les DCs actives présentent efficacement des antigènes aux cellules T, qui sont à leur tour activées et initient les systèmes d'immunité adaptative. Ainsi, les DCs forment le lien principal entre les réponses immunitaires innées et adaptatives. En plus d'être les cellules présentatrices d'antigènes les plus efficaces, les DCs jouent un rôle central dans la régulation du système immunitaire et dans le phénomène de tolérance. Malgré des recherches intensives, de nombreux aspects liés à la biologie des DCs sont encore irrésolus et/ou controversés. La faible fréquence des DCs in vivo gêne souvent l'étude de la biologie de ces cellules et les DCs dérivées in vitro ne sont pas adéquates pour adresser certaines questions, telles que le développement des DCs. Afin d'obtenir des quantités illimitées de DCs, nous avons songé à transformer in vivo les DC grâce à l'expression spécifique d'un oncogène. Afin d'atteindre ce but, nous avons généré des lignées de souris transgéniques qui expriment l'oncogène SV40 Large T sous le contrôle du promoter CD1 le. Ces souris transgéniques sont saines jusqu'à l'âge de trois à quatre mois et ne présentent pas d'altération dans la biologie des DCs. Ensuite, les souris transgéniques développent une maladie présentant les traits caractéristiques d'une pathologie humaine nommée histiocytose, qui implique les DCs. Nous montrons que le développement de cette maladie corrèle avec une accumulation massive des DCs transformées dans les organes touchés. De plus, les DCs transformées sont immatures et conservent leur capacité à différencier en cellules présentatrices d'antigène. Nous observons une hyper-prolifération des DCs transformées seulement dans les souris transgéniques malades. Etonnament, les DC transformées ne prolifèrent pas in vitro, par contre, le transfert des DCs transformées dans des hôtes immuno-déficients ou tolérant conduit à la formation de tumeurs. Globalement, les lignées de souris transgéniques que nous avons générées représentent un modèle valide pour l'histiocytose humaine, et de plus, offrent d'excellents outils pour étudier la biologie des DCs.


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OBJECTIVES: To define properly the consequences of oxygen deprivation and readmission for the functioning of the developing heart. METHODS: Spontaneously beating hearts excised from three-day-old chick embryos were loaded with a drop of viscous nontoxic silicone oil and cultured in a special chamber in which variations of PO2 at the tissue level could be strictly controlled. All parts of the hearts were simultaneously submitted to identical changes in PO2. Instantaneous heart rate, myocardial shortening, velocities of contraction and relaxation, and mechanical propagation along the heart tube were determined photometrically. RESULTS: The hearts, submitted to a PO2 ramp (0 to 9.3 kPa) or absolute anoxia, reacted rapidly, reversibly and reproducibly. Under sustained anoxia, ventricular activity stopped after 3.8±0.7 mins (n=4) and then resumed intermittently in the form of tachycardic bursts. Brief anoxia (1 min) provoked tachycardia followed by bradycardia, induced contracture, depressed contractility and retarded atrioventricular propagation. Upon reoxygenation, ventricular contractions ceased suddently for 20±11 s (n=5), whereas a residual atrial activity could persist. The duration of this arrest and the rate of recovery depended on duration of the preceding anoxia. Such a dysfunction constitutes the embryonic analogue of the oxygen paradox observed in adult hearts. Initial impulses, including arrhythmic activity, originated exclusively from the atrium, and no ventricular ectopic beats were detected whatever the conditions of oxygenation. CONCLUSIONS: This in vitro model seems promising for studying the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with hypoxia and reoxygenation in the developing heart.