58 resultados para teenage girls


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A questionnaire investigating adolescents' opinions and experiences regarding marijuana use was administered to 163 adolescents and young adults (96 boys and 67 girls) aged 13 to 20 (mean age = 16.8, s.d. = 1.5). Items referred to marijuana and other substances' dangerousness, representations regarding the positive and negative consequences of marijuana use. Responses were compared according to marijuana use status (classified into never/occasional use, current regular use and past regular use). Results show that adolescents' opinions differ according to their experience with marijuana use. Current regular users evaluate marijuana as less dangerous, but alcohol and heroin as more dangerous in comparison with never/occasional and past users. Current and past users are more likely to define marijuana as a medical drug and a plant used in agriculture, and less likely to define it as an illegal drug. Current and past users evaluate marijuana use as a way to cope with stress, to relax to a greater extent than do never/occasional users do. The latter attribute more negative consequences to marijuana use such as diminished driving ability and school performance and a pathway to hard drugs.


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PURPOSE: To report the case of identical dichorionic diamniotic female twins with unilateral retinoblastoma in 13q deletion syndrome. METHODS: Clinical and ophthalmoscopic evaluation, combination of multiple ligation-dependent probe amplification, array-comparative genomic hybridization analyses, and magnetic resonance imaging were performed. RESULTS: Peculiar facial features, marked hypotonia, gastroesophageal reflux, interatrial septal defect with left to right shunt and light dilatation of right chambers, 5th finger hypoplasia, 3rd-5th toes clinodactyly, 2nd toe overlapped to 3rd toe, and cutis marmorata were found. Ophthalmoscopic evaluation revealed unilateral retinoblastoma in both girls. Magnetic resonance imaging detected corpus callosum hypoplasia in both twins. A 34.4-Mb deletion involving bands 13q13.2-q21.33 and including the RB1 gene was identified in both twins. The deletion was not present in the DNA of their parents and older brother. CONCLUSIONS: Dysmorphic features in children must be always suspicious of 13q deletion syndrome and a short ophthalmoscopic follow-up is necessary to detect the presence of a retinoblastoma.


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Résumé Contexte et objectifs Le premier volet a comme objectif d'évaluer la prévalence de l'affection chronique (AC) parmi les adolescents en Suisse, de décrire leurs comportements (loisirs, sexualité, conduites à risque) et de les comparer aux adolescents non porteur d'AC afin d'évaluer l'impact de l'AC sur leur bien-être. Le second volet a comme objectif d'explorer leur réseau de soutien, leur mode d'adaptation et leur perception de la prise en charge dont ils bénéficient par les équipes soignantes. Chacun des objectifs est traité dans un article : - « Chronic illness, life style and emotional health in adolescence: results of a cross-sectional survey on the health of 15-20-year-olds in Switzerland » Eur J Pediatr (2003) 162: 682-689 - « Adolescents porteurs d'affections chroniques: la parole aux patients » Med Hyg 2004 ; 62 : 2224-9. Méthode Première partie: les données ont été obtenues par analyse secondaire de l'enquête sur la santé des adolescents en Suisse, réalisée en 1993-1994 auprès d'un échantillon de 9268 jeunes de 15 à 20 ans (6% de la population visée), à l'aide d'un questionnaire auto administré de 100 questions environ. Le programme SPSS a été utilisé pour effectuer les analyses bi- et multi-variées. Seconde partie: la commission d'éthique de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Lausanne a donné son accord permettant la réalisation d'un focus group (discussion en petit groupe) de 12 jeunes. Ils ont participé à une discussion de 2 heures, conduite par un modérateur entraîné à cette méthode. Résultats Premier volet : 11.4% des filles et 9.6% des garçons se déclarent porteurs d'une AC. 25% des filles porteuses d'une AC (versus 13% de non porteur; p=0.007) et 38% des garçons porteurs d'une AC (versus 25% de non porteur; p=0.002) déclarent ne pas utiliser la ceinture de sécurité quand ils conduisent. 6.3% des filles (versus 2.7% ; p= 0.000) disent avoir conduit en étant ivres. 43% des filles (versus 36% ; p= 0.004) et 47% des garçons (versus 39% ; p=0.001) sent fumeurs de cigarettes. 32% des garçons (versus 27% p=0.02) rapportent avoir consommé du cannabis. 17% des filles (versus 13°h ; p=0.013) et 43% des garçons (versus 36% ; p= 0.002) disent boire de l'alcool. Le fait d'être porteur d'AC a aussi des conséquences psychologiques : 7.7% des filles (versus 3.4% ; p= 0.000) et 4.9% des garçons (versus 2% ; p=0.000) ont effectué un tentamen durant les 12 mois précédents. Deuxième volet: Sur oui peuvent-ils compter ? Avant tout sur eux-mêmes, puis sur leurs parents ou leurs amis. Les pairs, l'équipe soignante, les autres malades et les enseignants ont chacun des rôles à jouer à des moments précis de l'évolution de l'AC. Leurs modes d'adaptation: prendre du recul, faire preuve d'humour et demander de l'aide à leurs proches. Ils s'évadent dans l'écriture, les pensées ou la musique. Demande aux médecins une prise en charge globale qui permette une compréhension de l'ensemble de leurs besoins plutôt que focalisée seulement sur leur AC. Le respect, la possibilité d'un soutien et d'explications précises leur paraissent importants. Conclusions Les conduites dites à risque ne sont pas moins fréquentes chez les adolescents porteurs d'AC que chez leurs pairs Elles peuvent être expliquées par le besoin de tester leurs limites tant sur le plan des consommations que du comportement. Une prévention et une attention spécifiques des équipes soignantes sont nécessaires. Un réseau social diversifié paraît nécessaire aux jeunes souffrant d'AC. Les médecins devraient avoir une vision globale de leur patient, les aider à se situer dans le monde de l'adolescence, leur permettre de nommer leurs émotions et anticiper les questions difficiles à poser. Abstract The objective was to evaluate the prevalence of chronic conditions (CC) in adolescents in Switzerland; interval to describe their behaviour (leisure, sexuality, risk taking behaviour) and to compare them to those in adolescents who do not have CC in order to evaluate the impact of those conditions on their well-being. The data were obtained from the Swiss Multicentre Adolescent Survey Introduction on Health, targeting a sample of 9268 in-school adolescents aged 15 to 20 years, who answered a self-administered questionnaire. Some 11.4% of girls and 9.6% of boys declared themselves carriers of a CC. Of girls suffering from a CC, 25% (versus 13% of non carriers; P = 0.007) and 38% of boys (versus 25%; P=0.002) proclaimed not to wear a seatbelt whilst driving. Of CC girls, 6.3% (versus 2.7%; P= 0.000) reported within the last 12 months to have driven whilst drunk. Of the girls, 43% (versus 36%; P=0.004) and 47% (versus 39%; P=0.001) were cigarette smokers. Over 32% of boys (versus 27%; P=0.02) reported having ever used cannabis and 17% of girls (versus 13%; P=0.013) and 43% of boys (versus 36%; P=0.002) admitted drinking alcohol. The burden of their illness had important psychological consequences: 7.7% of girls (versus 3.4%; P=0.000) and 4.9% of boys (versus 2.0%; P=0.000) had attempted suicide during the previous 12 months. Conclusion: Experimental behaviours are not rarer in adolescents with a chronic condition and might be explained by a need to test their limits both in terms of consumption and behaviour. Prevention and specific attention from the health caring team is necessary.


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OBJECTIVES: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection of particular interest because of its high prevalence rate and strong causal association with cervical cancer. Two prophylactic vaccines have been developed and different countries have made or will soon make recommendations for the vaccination of girls. Even if there is a consensus to recommend a vaccination before the beginning of sexual activity, there are, however, large discrepancies between countries concerning the perceived usefulness of a catch-up procedure and of boosters. The main objective of this article is to simulate the impact on different vaccination policies upon the mid- and long-term HPV 16/18 age-specific infection rates. METHODS: We developed an epidemiological model based on the susceptible-infective-recovered approach using Swiss data. The mid- and long-term impact of different vaccination scenarios was then compared. RESULTS: The generalization of a catch-up procedure is always beneficial, whatever its extent. Moreover, pending on the length of the protection offered by the vaccine, boosters will also be very useful. CONCLUSIONS: To be really effective, a vaccination campaign against HPV infection should at least include a catch-up to early reach a drop in HPV 16/18 prevalence, and maybe boosters. Otherwise, the protection insured for women in their 20s could be lower than expected, resulting in higher risks to later develop cervical cancer.


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Mutations in the cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 gene (CDKL5) have been described in epileptic encephalopathies in females with infantile spasms with features that overlap with Rett syndrome. With more than 80 reported patients, the phenotype of CDKL5-related encephalopathy is well-defined. The main features consist of seizures starting before 6 months of age, severe intellectual disability with absent speech and hand stereotypies and deceleration of head growth, which resembles Rett syndrome. However, some clinical discrepancies suggested the influence of genetics and/or environmental factors. No genotype-phenotype correlation has been defined and thus there is a need to examine individual mutations. In this study, we analyzed eight recurrent CDKL5 mutations to test whether the clinical phenotype of patients with the same mutation is similar and whether patients with specific CDKL5 mutations have a milder phenotype than those with other CDKL5 mutations. Patients bearing missense mutations in the ATP binding site such as the p.Ala40Val mutation typically walked unaided, had normocephaly, better hand use ability, and less frequent refractory epilepsy when compared to girls with other CDKL5 mutations. In contrast, patients with mutations in the kinase domain (such as p.Arg59X, p.Arg134X, p.Arg178Trp/Pro/Gln, or c.145 + 2T > C) and frameshift mutations in the C-terminal region (such as c.2635_2636delCT) had a more severe phenotype with infantile spasms, refractory epileptic encephalopathy, absolute microcephaly, and inability to walk. It is important for clinicians to have this information when such patients are diagnosed. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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OBJECTIVE: Methylphenidate is prescribed for children and adolescents to treat ADHD. As in many Western countries, the increase in methylphenidate consumption is a public concern in Switzerland. The article discusses the authors' assessment of prescription prevalence in 2002 and 2005 for school-aged children in the canton of Vaud. METHOD: Pharmacy prescription information is available from the regional public health authority. Descriptive analyses are conducted on an anonymized database of the years 2002 and 2005. Data for each year are compared to assess trends in methylphenidate prescription prevalence. RESULTS: The findings show an increase from 0.74% to 1.02% in the number of prescriptions for 5- to 14-year-old children, particularly in prescriptions for girls. Data also show important geographical differences in prescription. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of methylphenidate prescription is lower in Switzerland than other Western countries, particularly the United States. However, some aspects of prevalence are similar, including the increase per year, demographics, and geographic characteristics.


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OBJECTIVE: : Identification of children with elevated blood pressure (BP) is difficult because of the multiple sex, age, and height-specific thresholds to define elevated BP. We propose a simple set of absolute height-specific BP thresholds and evaluate their performance to identify children with elevated BP in two different populations. METHODS: : Using the 95th sex, age, and relative-height BP US thresholds to define elevated BP in children (standard criteria), we derived a set of (non sex- and non age-specific) absolute height-specific BP thresholds for 11 height categories by 10 cm increments. Using data from large school-based surveys conducted in Switzerland (N = 5207; 2621 boys, 2586 girls; age range: 10.1-14.9 years) and in the Seychelles (N = 25 759; 13 048 boys, 12 711 girls; age range: 4.4-18.8 years), we evaluated the performance of these height-specific thresholds to identify children with elevated BP. We also derived sex-specific absolute height-specific BP thresholds and compared their performance. RESULTS: : In the Swiss and the Seychelles surveys, the prevalence of elevated BP (standard criteria) was 11.4 and 9.1%, respectively. The height-specific thresholds to identify elevated BP had a sensitivity of 80 and 84%, a specificity of 99 and 99%, a positive predictive value of 92 and 91%, and a negative predictive value of 97 and 98%, respectively. Performance of sex-specific absolute height-specific BP thresholds was similar. CONCLUSION: : A simple table of height-specific BP thresholds allowed identifying children with elevated BP with high sensitivity and excellent specificity.


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Assessment of eating habits in young children from multicultural backgrounds has seldom been conducted. Our objectives were to study the reproducibility and the results of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) developed to assess changes in eating habits of preschool children with a high migrant population, in the context of a multidisciplinary multilevel lifestyle intervention. Three kindergarten classes (53% from migrant backgrounds) in French-speaking Switzerland were randomly selected and included 16 girls and 28 boys (mean age +/- SD, 5.4 +/- 0.7 years). The FFQ was filled out twice within a 4-week interval by the parents. Spearman rank correlations between the first and the second FFQ for the 39 items of the food questions were as follows: low (r < 0.50) for 8 (7 P < .05 and 1 nonsignificant), moderate (0.50 <or= r < 0.70) for 22 (all P < .01), and high (r >or= 0.70) for 9 (all P < .01). In addition, 28 of 39 intraclass correlation coefficients were high (>0.50, all P < .01). Eighty-six percent of the children ate breakfast at home daily, but only 67% had lunch at home. The percentages of children eating at least once a week in front of the TV were as follows: 50% for breakfast, 33% for lunch, 38% for dinner, and 48% for snacks. Forty percent of children asked their parents to buy food previously seen in advertisements and ate fast food between once a week and once a month. Children generally consumed foods with a high-energy content. The FFQ yielded good test-retest reproducibility for most items of the food questions and gave relevant findings about the eating habits of preschool children in areas with a high migrant population.


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Background: To assess the relationship between overweight status and the concomitant adherence to physical activity, daily screen time and nutritional guidelines. Methods: Data were derived from the Swiss Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey 2006. Participants (n = 8130, 48.7% girls) were divided into two groups: normal weight (n = 7215, 44.8% girls) and overweight (n = 915, 34.8% girls), using self-reported height and weight. Groups were compared on adherence to physical activity, screen time and nutritional guidelines. Bivariate analyses were carried out followed by multivariate analyses using normal-weight individuals as the reference category. Results: Regardless of gender, overweight individuals reported more screen time, less physical activity and less concomitant adherence to guidelines. For boys, the multivariate analysis showed that any amount exceeding screen time recommendations was associated with increased odds of being overweight [>2-4 h: adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.40; >4-6 h: AOR = 1.48; >6 h: AOR = 1.83]. A similar relation was found for any amount below physical activity recommendations (4-6 times a week: AOR = 1.67; 2-3 times a week: AOR = 1.87; once a week or less: AOR = 2.1). For girls, not meeting nutritional guidelines was less likely among overweight individuals (0-2 recommendations: AOR = 0.54). Regardless of weight status, more than half of the adolescents did not comply with any guideline and <2% met all three at the same time. Conclusions: Meeting current nutritional, physical activity and screen time guidelines should be encouraged with respect to overweight. However, as extremely low rates of concomitant adherence were found regardless of weight status, their achievability is questionable (especially for nutrition), which warrants further research to better adapt them to adolescents.


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The aim of the study was to assess the basic indicators of health of adolescents in Georgia. A self-administered anonymous questionnaire was adapted from the Swiss Survey (SMASH2002), translated into Georgian and other languages mainly used in schools (Russian, Armenian and Azeri). It contained 87 questions. Two-stage cluster sampling was devised. Weight was adjusted. A total of 599 classes were selected. All questionnaires before being processed into the Epidata (www.epidata.dk) were edited. The final data were analysed by SPSS 11.0. General health status was considered as excellent and very good by 34.0+/-0.8% of respondents. 21.5% claimed to never miss the school due to the illness. The frequencies of physical disability and chronic diseases were 8.0% and 5.0% correspondingly. Among health-related problems the most frequent are problems with teeth, headache and acne. 5.9% of girls had some kind of gynecological problems quite often and very often. Performed survey is a first one done among adolescents in Georgia. It gave us basic information for planning and implementation of necessary measures in order to improve the health of adolescents and raise awareness of professionals involved in health care and prevention settings for adolescents. The data can be also used for monitoring of health status of adolescents in Georgia.


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Introduction: The use of bioabsorbable materials for orthopaedic useand traumatic fracture fixation in children has been poorly investigatedin the litterature and the effects on growing bones seem contradictory.The aim of the study is to compare the clinical and radiological resultsand evolution between bioabsorbable and traditional K-Wires for thetreatment of elbow epiphyseal fractures in children.Method: From jan. 2008 to Dec. 2009 21 children with similar fracturesand age were separated in two groups according to the way of fracturefixation: bioabsorbable K-Wire group and traditional K-Wire group.Follow-up was done at 3, 6 and 12 month post-operatively. Range ofmotion and elbow stability were measured for all patients. Theradiological evolution of the two groups were compared in term ofconsolidation, ossous resorption and radiolucencies. The clinicalresults were compared according to the Mayo Elbow Peformancescore. Controlateral elbow is compared with injured elbow in the twogroups.Results: In the bioabsorbable K-wire group, there were 10 children,including 5 girles and 5 boys with an average age of 9.5 years, rangingfrom 5 to 14 years. They were 7 external condylar fractures and3 epitrochlear fractures. In the traditional K-Wire group there were11 children, 2 girls and 9 boys with an average age of 7.6 years,ranging from 4 to 14 years. There were 10 external condylar fracturesand 1 epitrochlear fracture. At first follow up. The Mayo ElbowPerformance score was 93.8 (85-100 )for the bioabsorbable K-Wiregroup and 95.5 (85-100) for the traditional K-Wire group. In twochildren from the bioabsorbable K-Wire group there were transitoryradiolucencies along the wire tract on the x-ray, without clinicalmanifestation of it.We didn't see any premature closure of growingcartilage.Discussion: There is no significant differencies in term of clinical andradiological outcome between the two groups. The use ofbioabsorbable pins seems to be a good alternative to removabletraditional materials, avoiding a second operation.


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BACKGROUND: Peer pressure is regarded as an important determinant of substance use, sexual behavior and juvenile delinquency. However, few peer pressure scales are validated, especially in French or German. Little is known about the factor structure of such scales or the kind of scale needed: some scales takes into account both peer pressure to do and peer pressure not to do, while others consider only peer pressure to do. The aim of the present study was to adapt French and German versions of the Peer Pressure Inventory, which is one of the most widely used scales in this field. We considered its factor structure and concurrent validity. METHODS: Five thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven young Swiss men filled in a questionnaire on peer pressure, substance use, and other variables (conformity, involvement) in a cohort study. RESULTS: We identified a four-factor structure, with the three factors of the initial Peer Pressure Inventory (involvement, conformity, misconduct) and adding a new one (relationship with girls). A non-valued scale (from no peer pressure to peer pressure to do only) showed stronger psychometric qualities than a valued scale (from peer pressure not to do to peer pressure to do). Concurrent validity was also good. Each behavior or attitude was significantly associated with peer pressure. CONCLUSION: Peer pressure seems to be a multidimensional concept. In this study, peer pressure to do showed the strongest influence on participants. Indeed, peer pressure not to do did not add anything useful. Only peer pressure to do affected young Swiss men's behaviors and attitudes and was reliable.


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This study explores the role of early-life education for differences in cognitive functioning between men and women aged 60 and older from seven major urban areas in Latin America and the Caribbean. After documenting statistically significant differences in cognitive functioning between men and women for six of the seven study sites, I assess the extent to which these differences can be explained by prevailing male-female differences in education. I decompose predicted male-female differences in cognitive functioning based on various statistical models for later-life cognition and find robust evidence that male-female differences in education are a major driving force behind cognitive functioning differences between older men and women. This study therefore suggests that early-life differences in educational attainment between boys and girls during childhood have a lasting impact on gender inequity in cognitive functioning at older ages. Increases in educational attainment and the closing of the gender gap in education in many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean may thus result in both higher levels and a more gender-equitable distribution of later-life cognition among the future elderly in those countries.