68 resultados para prison camps
BACKGROUND: Little is known about the health status of prisoners in Switzerland. The aim of this study was to provide a detailed description of the health problems presented by detainees in Switzerland's largest remand prison. METHODS: In this retrospective cross-sectional study we reviewed the health records of all detainees leaving Switzerland's largest remand prison in 2007. The health problems were coded using the International Classification for Primary Care (ICPC-2). Analyses were descriptive, stratified by gender. RESULTS: A total of 2195 health records were reviewed. Mean age was 29.5 years (SD 9.5); 95% were male; 87.8% were migrants. Mean length of stay was 80 days (SD 160). Illicit drug use (40.2%) and mental health problems (32.6%) were frequent, but most of these detainees (57.6%) had more generic primary care problems, such as skin (27.0%), infectious diseases (23.5%), musculoskeletal (19.2%), injury related (18.3%), digestive (15.0%) or respiratory problems (14.0%). Furthermore, 7.9% reported exposure to violence during arrest by the police. CONCLUSION: Morbidity is high in this young, predominantly male population of detainees, in particular in relation to substance abuse. Other health problems more commonly seen in general practice are also frequent. These findings support the further development of coordinated primary care and mental health services within detention centers.
In this paper, we present and apply a semisupervised support vector machine based on cluster kernels for the problem of very high resolution image classification. In the proposed setting, a base kernel working with labeled samples only is deformed by a likelihood kernel encoding similarities between unlabeled examples. The resulting kernel is used to train a standard support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Experiments carried out on very high resolution (VHR) multispectral and hyperspectral images using very few labeled examples show the relevancy of the method in the context of urban image classification. Its simplicity and the small number of parameters involved make it versatile and workable by unexperimented users.
L'analyse de la situation de l'hépatite C chez les usagers de drogue en Suisse a fait appel à plusieurs méthodes: synthèse de la littérature publiée et grise sur le sujet et analyse secondaire de données disponibles, interviews d'experts nationaux, interviews d'usagers de drogues (UD), études de cas dans 4 cantons (Zurich, Vaud, Argovie, Valais), enquête par internet auprès des institutions prenant en charge des UD en traitement résidentiel et ambulatoire et dans les structures à bas seuil d'accès pour la réduction des risques. La prévalence du VHC estimée sur l'ensemble de la population en Suisse varie selon les auteurs entre 0.7% et 1.75%. Elle est un peu plus élevée (2%) chez les hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d'autres hommes (HSH). Chez les ressortissants de pays réputés à plus haute prévalence (Afrique sub-saharienne, certains pays du Moyen-Orient et d'Asie du Sud-Est), la prévalence est probablement plus élevée que dans la population générale mais n'est pas connue. En prison, du fait de la surreprésentation des UD et de populations de pays à plus haute prévalence, la prévalence du VHC est plus élevée que dans la population générale (entre 5 et 10%). On estime qu'environ 2/3 des cas vont évoluer vers la chronicité...
Peut-on débattre sur cet arrière-plan topique universel que sont les Droits de l'Homme ? Si tout le monde est d'accord avec ces principes, est-il encore possible d'assister à d'irrémédiables coupures argumentatives entre deux camps pratiquant le dialogue de sourds (Angenot 2008) ? L'analyse d'un corpus tout à fait particulier qui représente toute une production textuelle servant aux citoyens suisses pour se forger une opinion avant un référendum tend à montrer que oui. Ce corpus journalistique et politique se fonde sur un cas assez aigu de débat autour de la liberté d'expression. Ces textes commentent un projet émanant de citoyens suisses qui visait à interdire à l'exécutif fédéral de se prononcer sur un sujet de vote pendant la campagne précédant la votation, le but étant de ne pas influencer par leur autorité le choix des citoyens. Restreindre ainsi la liberté d'expression au profit supposé d'une liberté de choix et de discernement conduit à une bataille entre deux camps. La rhétorique éristique qui en résulte confirme l'hypothèse du dialogue de sourds en se fondant sur une stigmatisation du camp adverse, un combat autour de définitions clés et un désaccord sur le relevé des problèmes. Moins que des arguments, les adversaires se renvoient des questions de frontières, de lexique et de légitimité.
We present a novel filtering method for multispectral satellite image classification. The proposed method learns a set of spatial filters that maximize class separability of binary support vector machine (SVM) through a gradient descent approach. Regularization issues are discussed in detail and a Frobenius-norm regularization is proposed to efficiently exclude uninformative filters coefficients. Experiments carried out on multiclass one-against-all classification and target detection show the capabilities of the learned spatial filters.
The analysis of multi-modal and multi-sensor images is nowadays of paramount importance for Earth Observation (EO) applications. There exist a variety of methods that aim at fusing the different sources of information to obtain a compact representation of such datasets. However, for change detection existing methods are often unable to deal with heterogeneous image sources and very few consider possible nonlinearities in the data. Additionally, the availability of labeled information is very limited in change detection applications. For these reasons, we present the use of a semi-supervised kernel-based feature extraction technique. It incorporates a manifold regularization accounting for the geometric distribution and jointly addressing the small sample problem. An exhaustive example using Landsat 5 data illustrates the potential of the method for multi-sensor change detection.
OBJECTIVE: When potentially dangerous patients reveal criminal fantasies to their therapists, the latter must decide whether this information has to be transmitted to a third person in order to protect potential victims. We were interested in how medical and legal professionals handle such situations in the context of prison medicine and forensic evaluations. We aimed to explore the motives behind their actions and to compare these professional groups. METHOD: A mail survey was conducted among medical and legal professionals using five fictitious case vignettes. For each vignette, participants were asked to answer questions exploring what the professional should do in the situation and to explain their justification for the chosen response. RESULTS: A total of 147 questionnaires were analysed. Agreement between participants varied from one scenario to another. Overall, legal professionals tended to disclose information to a third party more easily than medical professionals, the latter tending to privilege confidentiality and patient autonomy over security. Perception of potential danger in a given situation was not consistently associated with actions. CONCLUSION: Professionals' opinions and attitudes regarding the confidentiality of potentially dangerous patients differ widely and appear to be subjectively determined. Shared discussions about clinical situations could enhance knowledge and competencies and reduce differences between professional groups.
Introduction: Population ageing is a worldwide phenomenon that forces us to make radical changes on multiple levels of society. So far, studies have concluded that the health, both physical and mental, of prisoners in general and older prisoners in particular is worse than that of the general population. Prisoners are reported to age faster as compared to adults in the community. However, to date, very little is known about the actual healthcare conditions of older prisoners and almost no substantial knowledge is available concerning their patterns of healthcare use. Method: A quantitative study was conducted in four prisons for male prisoners in Switzerland, including two open and two closed prisons situated in different cantons. In this study, medical records of older prisoners (50+) were obtained from the respective authority upon consent and total anonymity was ensured. Data gathered from all available medical records included basic demographic information, education and prison sentencing. Healthcare data obtained were extensive in nature encompassing data related to illness types, number of visits to different health care providers and hospitals. The corresponding reasons for visits and outcomes of these visits were extracted. All data are analysed using statistical software SPSS 20.0. Results: Data were extracted for a total of 50 older prisoners living in Switzerland. The chosen prisons are located in German-speaking cantons. Preliminary results show that the age average was 56 years. For more than half, this was their first imprisonment. Nevertheless, a third of them were sentenced to measures (Art. 64 Swiss Criminal Code) which means that the length of the detention is indefinite and while release is possible it is in most cases not very likely. This entails that these prisoners will grow old in prison and some will even spend their remaining years there. Concerning their health, a third of the sample reported respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses and half reported suffering from some form of musculoskeletal related pain. Older prisoners were prescribed on average only 3.5 medications, which is significantly fewer than the number of medication prescribed to younger prisoners, whose data were also sampled. Conclusion: Access to healthcare is a right given to all prisoners through the principle of equivalence which is generally exercised in Switzerland. Prisoners growing old in prison will represent a challenge for prison health care services.
The confinement can lead to an important limitation of sun exposure of the prisoners. This limitation can lead to a deficit in vitamin D, source of diverse disorders. Diffuse pains of members and of joints are the most classics troubles. The association of vitamin D deficiency and psychiatric disorders is frequent but badly known. Even if there is still no evidence indicating a cause and effect relationship between vitamin D deficiency and depressive episodes, the contribution of vitamin D deficiency in the arisen of a depression has to be considered. The treatment of vitamin D deficiency cannot, in itself, constitute a treatment of the depressive disorder but contributes to the improvement of the whole status The psychiatric follow-up remains indispensable, in particular because of the suicidal risk, particularly present in prison.
The right to be treated humanely when detained is universally recognized. Deficiencies in detention conditions and violence, however, subvert this right. When this occurs, proper medico-legal investigations are critical irrespective of the nature of death. Unfortunately, the very context of custody raises serious concerns over the effectiveness and fairness of medico-legal examinations. The aim of this manuscript is to identify and discuss the practical and ethical difficulties encountered in the medico-legal investigation following deaths in custody. Data for this manuscript come from a larger project on Death in Custody that examined the causes of deaths in custody and the conditions under which these deaths should be investigated and prevented. A total of 33 stakeholders from forensic medicine, law, prison administration or national human rights administration were interviewed. Data obtained were analyzed qualitatively. Forensic experts are an essential part of the criminal justice process as they offer evidence for subsequent indictment and eventual punishment of perpetrators. Their independence when investigating a death in custody was deemed critical and lack thereof, problematic. When experts were not independent, concerns arose in relation to conflicts of interest, biased perspectives, and low-quality forensic reports. The solutions to ensure independent forensic investigations of deaths in custody must be structural and simple: setting binding standards of practice rather than detailed procedures and relying on preexisting national practices as opposed to encouraging new practices that are unattainable for countries with limited resources.
Prisoners have a right to health care and to be protected against inhumane and degrading treatment. Health care personnel and public policy makers play a central role in the protection of these rights and in the pursuit of public health goals. This article examines the legal framework for prison medicine in the canton of Geneva, Switzerland and provides examples of this framework that has shaped prisoners' medical care, including preventive measures. Geneva constitutes an intriguing example of how the Council of Europe standards concerning prison medicine have acquired a legal role in a Swiss canton. Learning how these factors have influenced implementation of prison medicine standards in Geneva may be helpful to public health managers elsewhere and encourage the use of similar strategies.
Prisoners sometimes die in prison, either due to natural illness, violence, suicide, or a result of imprisonment. The purpose of this study is to understand deaths in custody using qualitative methodology and to argue for a comprehensive definition of death in custody that acknowledges deaths related to the prison environment. Interviews were conducted with 33 experts, who primarily work as lawyers or forensic doctors with national and/or international organisations. Responses were coded and analysed qualitatively. Defining deaths in custody according to the place of death was deemed problematic. Experts favoured a dynamic approach emphasising the link between the detention environment and occurrence of death rather than the actual place of death. Causes of deaths and different patterns of deaths were discussed, indicating that many of these deaths are preventable. Lack of an internationally recognised standard definition of death in custody is a major concern. Key aspects such as place, time, and causes of death as well as relation to the prison environment should be debated and incorporated into the definition. Systematic identification of violence within prison institutions is critical and efforts are needed to prevent unnecessary deaths in prison and to protect vulnerable prisoners.
Théologien protestant, pionnier de l'oecuménisme, résistant au nazisme, conspirateur, témoin et martyr, Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) fait partie des acteurs et des penseurs essentiels du XXe siècle. Dans « Le Prix de la grâce » (1937), il trace devant ses étudiants de l'Église confessante la voie d'une suivance (« Nachfolge ») qui fait du disciple du Christ, dans le texte biblique et dans la vie, un être d'écoute et d'obéissance critique. L'« Éthique » (1940-1945), inachevée, rend compte des raisons théologiques d'une action responsable dans le monde. L'avant-dernier, s'il n'est jamais ultime, est toujours crucial, face aux réalités dernières. La foi et l'éthique peuvent conduire à la désobéissance politique, par-delà les compromis frileux et les radicalismes exaltés. « Résistance et soumission » (lettres de prison posthumes), enfin, dit l'engagement et la lucidité du penseur devant les limites d'un langage religieux inadapté au monde moderne. Quel sera le rôle de la pensée et de la croyance dans un monde devenu majeur, mais dont les cataclysmes ne cessent de questionner l'autonomie, la responsabilité et l'accueil d'une vraie transcendance, au coeur même de la vie ? Par ses points forts et par ses failles, Dietrich Bonhoeffer nous ouvre des pistes surprenantes pour des lendemains de grâce et de gravité.
La prison et l'évolution actuelle de la pénalité illustrent de façon paradigmatique les multiples contraintes qui viennent de plus en plus enserrer l'acte de soin. Contrainte spatiale et sensorielle par la restriction de l'espace et des mouvements consécutive à l'incarcération, contrainte réglementaire par le régime strict et stéréotypé qu'elle impose, légale par l'implication de la décision de justice sur l'avenir du patient, contrainte au soin lui-même par les injonctions qui se développent dans un but de prévention de la récidive et de diminution de la dangerosité sociale.