54 resultados para predicting and alert system
BACKGROUND: Mortality among HIV-infected persons is decreasing, and causes of death are changing. Classification of deaths is hampered because of low autopsy rates, frequent deaths outside of hospitals, and shortcomings of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) coding. METHODS: We studied mortality among Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) participants (1988-2010) and causes of death using the Coding Causes of Death in HIV (CoDe) protocol (2005-2009). Furthermore, we linked the SHCS data to the Swiss National Cohort (SNC) cause of death registry. RESULTS: AIDS-related mortality peaked in 1992 [11.0/100 person-years (PY)] and decreased to 0.144/100 PY (2006); non-AIDS-related mortality ranged between 1.74 (1993) and 0.776/100 PY (2006); mortality of unknown cause ranged between 2.33 and 0.206/100 PY. From 2005 to 2009, 459 of 9053 participants (5.1%) died. Underlying causes of deaths were: non-AIDS malignancies [total, 85 (19%) of 446 deceased persons with known hepatitis C virus (HCV) status; HCV-negative persons, 59 (24%); HCV-coinfected persons, 26 (13%)]; AIDS [73 (16%); 50 (21%); 23 (11%)]; liver failure [67 (15%); 12 (5%); 55 (27%)]; non-AIDS infections [42 (9%); 13 (5%); 29 (14%)]; substance use [31 (7%); 9 (4%); 22 (11%)]; suicide [28 (6%); 17 (7%), 11 (6%)]; myocardial infarction [28 (6%); 24 (10%), 4 (2%)]. Characteristics of deceased persons differed in 2005 vs. 2009: median age (45 vs. 49 years, respectively); median CD4 count (257 vs. 321 cells/μL, respectively); the percentage of individuals who were antiretroviral therapy-naïve (13 vs. 5%, respectively); the percentage of deaths that were AIDS-related (23 vs. 9%, respectively); and the percentage of deaths from non-AIDS-related malignancies (13 vs. 24%, respectively). Concordance in the classification of deaths was 72% between CoDe and ICD-10 coding in the SHCS; and 60% between the SHCS and the SNC registry. CONCLUSIONS: Mortality in HIV-positive persons decreased to 1.33/100 PY in 2010. Hepatitis B or C virus coinfections increased the risk of death. Between 2005 and 2009, 84% of deaths were non-AIDS-related. Causes of deaths varied according to data source and coding system.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Local Mate Competition (LMC) theory predicts a female should produce a more female-biased sex ratio if her sons compete with each other for mates. Because it provides quantitative predictions that can be experimentally tested, LMC is a textbook example of the predictive power of evolutionary theory. A limitation of many earlier studies in the field is that the population structure and mating system of the studied species are often estimated only indirectly. Here we use microsatellites to characterize the levels of inbreeding of the bark beetle Xylosandrus germanus, a species where the level of LMC is expected to be high. RESULTS: For three populations studied, genetic variation for our genetic markers was very low, indicative of an extremely high level of inbreeding (FIS = 0.88). There was also strong linkage disequilibrium between microsatellite loci and a very strong genetic differentiation between populations. The data suggest that matings among non-siblings are very rare (3%), although sex ratios from X. germanus in both the field and the laboratory have suggested more matings between non-sibs, and so less intense LMC. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that caution is needed when inferring mating systems from sex ratio data, especially when a lack of biological detail means the use of overly simple forms of the model of interest.
The aim of the present study was to determinate the cycle length of spermatogenesis in three species of shrew, Suncus murinus, Sorex coronatus and Sorex minutus, and to assess the relative influence of variation in basal metabolic rate (BMR) and mating system (level of sperm competition) on the observed rate of spermatogenesis, including data of shrew species studied before (Sorex araneus, Crocidura russula and Neomys fodiens). The dynamics of sperm production were determined by tracing 5-bromodeoxyuridine in the DNA of germ cells. As a continuous scaling of mating systems is not evident, the level of sperm competition was evaluated by the significantly correlated relative testis size (RTS). The cycle durations estimated by linear regression were 14.3 days (RTS 0.3%) in Suncus murinus, 9.0 days (RTS 0.5%) in Sorex coronatus and 8.5 days (RTS 2.8%) in Sorex minutus. In regression and multiple regression analyses including all six studied species of shrew, cycle length was significantly correlated with BMR (r2=0.73) and RTS (r2=0.77). Sperm competition as an ultimate factor obviously leads to a reduction in the time of spermatogenesis in order to increase sperm production. BMR may act in the same way, independently or as a proximate factor, revealed by the covariation, but other factors (related to testes size and thus to mating system) may also be involved.
Colonization is likely to be more successful for species with an ability to self-fertilize and thus to establish new populations as single individuals. As a result, self-compatibility should be common among colonizing species. This idea, labelled 'Baker's law', has been influential in discussions of sexual-system and mating-system evolution. However, its generality has been questioned, because models of the evolution of dispersal and the mating system predict an association between high dispersal rates and outcrossing rather than selfing, and because of many apparent counter examples to the law. The contrasting predictions made by models invoking Baker's law versus those for the evolution of the mating system and dispersal urges a reassessment of how we should view both these traits. Here, I review the literature on the evolution of mating and dispersal in colonizing species, with a focus on conceptual issues. I argue for the importance of distinguishing between the selfing or outcrossing rate and a simple ability to self-fertilize, as well as for the need for a more nuanced consideration of dispersal. Colonizing species will be characterized by different phases in their life pattern: dispersal to new habitat, implying an ecological sieve on dispersal traits; establishment and a phase of growth following colonization, implying a sieve on reproductive traits; and a phase of demographic stasis at high density, during which new trait associations can evolve through local adaptation. This dynamic means that the sorting of mating-system and dispersal traits should change over time, making simple predictions difficult.
River restoration can enhance river dynamics, environmental heterogeneity and biodiversity, but the underlying processes governing the dynamic changes need to be understood to ensure that restoration projects meet their goals, and adverse effects are prevented. In particular, we need to comprehend how hydromorphological variability quantitatively relates to ecosystem functioning and services, biodiversity as well as ground-and surface water quality in restored river corridors. This involves (i) physical processes and structural properties, determining erosion and sedimentation, as well as solute and heat transport behavior in surface water and within the subsurface; (ii) biogeochemical processes and characteristics, including the turnover of nutrients and natural water constituents; and (iii) ecological processes and indicators related to biodiversity and ecological functioning. All these aspects are interlinked, requiring an interdisciplinary investigation approach. Here, we present an overview of the recently completed RECORD (REstored CORridor Dynamics) project in which we combined physical, chemical, and biological observations with modeling at a restored river corridor of the perialpine Thur River in Switzerland. Our results show that river restoration, beyond inducing morphologic changes that reshape the river bed and banks, triggered complex spatial patterns of bank infiltration, and affected habitat type, biotic communities and biogeochemical processes. We adopted an interdisciplinary approach of monitoring the continuing changes due to restoration measures to address the following questions: How stable is the morphological variability established by restoration? Does morphological variability guarantee an improvement in biodiversity? How does morphological variability affect biogeochemical transformations in the river corridor? What are some potential adverse effects of river restoration? How is river restoration influenced by catchment-scale hydraulics [GRAPHICS] and which feedbacks exist on the large scale? Beyond summarizing the major results of individual studies within the project, we show that these overarching questions could only be addressed in an interdisciplinary framework.
Since the discovery of hypocretins/orexins (Hcrt/Ox) in 1998, several narcoleptic mouse models, such as Hcrt-KO, Hcrtrl-KO, Hcrtr2-KO and double receptors KO mice, and orexin-ataxin transgenic mice were generated. The available Hcrt mouse models do not allow the dissection of the specific role of Hcrt in each target region. Dr. Anne Vassalli generated loxP-flanked alleles for each Hcrt receptor, which are manipulated by Cre recombinase to generate mouse lines with disrupted Hcrtrl or Hcrtr2 (or both) in cell type-specific manner. The role of noradrenaline (NA) and dopamine (OA) in ttie regulation of vigilance states is well documented. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the role of the Hcrt input into these two monoaminergic systems. Chronic loss of Hcrtrl in NA neurons consolidated paradoxical sleep (PS), and altered wakefulness brain activity in baseline, during the sleep deprivation (SD), and when mice were challenged by a novel environment, or exposed to nest-building material. The analysis of alterations in the sleep EEG delta power showed a consistent correlation with the changes in the preceding waking quality in these mice. Targeted inactivation of Hcrt input into DA neurons showed that Hcrtr2 inactivation present the strongest phenotype. The loss of Hcrtr2 in DA neurons caused modified brain activities in spontaneous wakefulness, during SD, and in novel environmental conditions. In addition to alteration of wakefulness quality and quantity, conditional inactivation of Hcrtr2 in DA neurons caused an increased in time spent in PS in baseline and a delayed and less complete PS recovery after SD. In the first 30 min of sleep recovery, single (i.e. for Hcrtrl or Hcrtr2) conditional knockout receptor mice had opposite changes in delta activity, including an increased power density in the fast delta range with specific inactivation of Hcrtr2, but a decreased power density in the same range with specific inactivation of Hcrtrl in DA cells. These studies demonstrate a complex impact of Hcrt receptors signaling in both NA and DA system, not only on quantity and quality of wakefulness, but also on PS amount regulation as well as on SWS delta power expression. -- Depuis la découverte des hypocrétines/orexines (Hcrt/Ox) en 1998, plusieurs modèles de souris, narcoleptiques telles que Hcrt-KO, Hcrtr2-KO et récepteurs doubles KO et les souris transgéniques orexine-ataxine ont été générés. Les modèles de souris Hcrt disponibles ne permettaient pas la dissection du rôle spécifique de l'Hcrt dans chaque noyau neuronal cible. Notre laboratoire a généré des allèles loxP pour chacun des 2 gènes codant pour les récepteurs Hcrtr, qui sont manipulés par recombinase Cre pour générer des lignées de souris avec Hcrtrl inactivé, ou Hcrtr2 inactivé, (ou les deux), spécifiquement dans un type cellulaire particulier. Le rôle de la noradrénaline (NA) et la dopamine (DA) dans la régulation des états de vigilance est bien documentée. Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier le rôle de l'afférence Hcrt dans ces deux systèmes monoaminergiques au niveau de l'activité cérébrale telle qu'elle apparaît dans l'électroencéphalogramme (EEG). Mon travail montre que la perte chronique de Hcrtrl dans les neurones NA consolide le sommeil paradoxal (PS), et l'activité cérébrale de l'éveil est modifiée en condition spontanée, au cours d'une experience de privation de sommeil (SD), et lorsque les souris sont présentées à un nouvel environnement, ou exposées à des matériaux de construction du nid. Ces modifications de l'éveil sont corrélées à des modifications de puissance de l'activité delta du sommeil lent qui le suit. L'inactivation ciblée des Hcrtrs dans les neurones DA a montré que l'inactivation Hcrtr2 conduit au phénotype le plus marqué. La perte de Hcrtr2 dans les neurones DA mène à des modification d'activité cérébrale en éveil spontané, pendant SD, ainsi que dans des conditions environnementales nouvelles. En plus de l'altération de la qualité de l'éveil et de la quantité, l'inactivation conditionnelle de Hcrtr2 dans les neurones DA a provoqué une augmentation du temps passé en sommeil paradoxal (PS) en condition de base, et une reprise retardée et moins complète du PS après SD. Dans les 30 premières minutes de la récupération de sommeil, les modèles inactivés pour un seul des récepteurs (ie pour Hcrtrl ou Hcrtr2 seulement) montrent des changements opposés en activité delta, en particulier une densité de puissance accrue dans le delta rapide avec l'inactivation spécifique de Hcrtr2, mais une densité de puissance diminuée dans cette même gamme chez les souris inactivées spécifiquement en Hcrtrl dans les neurones DA. Ces études démontrent un impact complexe de l'inactivation de la neurotransmission au niveau des récepteurs d'Hcrt dans les deux compartiments NA et DA, non seulement sur la quantité et la qualité de l'éveil, mais aussi sur la régulation de quantité de sommeil paradoxal, ainsi que sur l'expression de la puissance delta pendant le sommeil lent.
The United Kingdom (UK) for last few decades has been faced with a growing need for health personnel and has therefore attracted professionals, particularly overseas nurses. The country has been characterised by a historical migration policy favourable to the recruitment of foreign health staff. However, in the context of deep shortage and high level of diseases and health system weakness, the international health professional recruitment from Sub Saharan Africa has created unprecedented ethical controversies which have pushed the UK to the centre of discussions because of its liberal policies towards international recruitment that have been considered as aggressive. While the 'brain drain' controversy is well known, less attention has been devoted to the specific international health migration controversy and the pivotal role of the UK in the diffusion of ethical code of practice. Using mainly the perspective of the policy analysis of controversy (Roe 1994) and the analysis of discourses (de Haas 2008), our paper comes back respectively to the nature of the controversy and the pivotal role of the UK. It also analyses how the implementation of UK ethical policies - Code of Practice, banned countries list of recruitment, restrictive immigration policies - have been considered as inefficient and unethical in their contents and their targets.
The increasing prevalence of obesity and its associated complications requires specialized care to improve outcomes and control health care costs. Obesity is associated with numerous serious and costly medical problems requiring specialized care in managing health. The economic burden of obesity includes increased inpatient and outpatient medical expenditures as well as employer-related issues of absenteeism and associate costs. The objectives of this study are: - To describe the health consequences and the economic burden of obesity, - To review the existing treatment - To argue in favor of a specialized nutritional intervention that has shown to improve health and reduce obesity related health care costs. Therefore, expose the possibility of introducing the specialized nutrition in Switzerland and the feasibility of this project considering the medical trends and reimbursement system in Switzerland The benefits and outcomes for the patients will be the significant weight loss which reduces the severity and risk factors for complications and the improved health and quality of life. Weight loss will be a combination of a diet, exercise and behavioral interventions which are the basic recommendations for obesity treatment in addition to the specialized nutritional support. By nutritional support, we mean products that are intended to provide nutritional support in the dietary management of people with specific diseases and conditions when adequate intake of regular foods is compromised. These products are called, Food for special medical purposes FSMP. They are not intended to treat, cure, prevent, mitigate or have a direct impact on disease in a manner similar to drugs or other medical treatments and should be used under medical supervision. They also provide a low cost alternative to surgery. From a health care system perspective, the specialized nutrition will drive its advantage by reducing the utilization of medical services for obesity associated complications like medication, physician's consultations and surgical interventions arriving to a cost effective care for the hospitals, the health care organizations and the third party payers which are the health insurances. [Author, p. 4]