285 resultados para positive semi-definite matrices
RAPPORT DE SYNTHÈSE : Chez les patients présentant une pathologie de la colonne cervicale, l'instrumentation des voies aériennes peut s'avérer délicate. En effet, l'impossibilité d'effectuer une extension de la nuque afin d'aligner correctement l'axe oro-pharyngo-trachéal, ainsi que l'ouverture de bouche limitée par la présence d'une minerve cervicale, rendent la laryngoscopie standard extrêmement difficile. Le but de cette étude est de démontrer que l'intubation oro-trachéale avec une minerve cervicale semi-rigide est possible à l'aide d'un vidéolaryngoscope récemment développé, le GlideScope®. Celui-ci est formé d'une lame courbe présentant une angulation accentuée à 60° à partir de son milieu, avec une petite caméra haute résolution et une source lumineuse enchâssées dans la partie inférieure au point d'inflexion. Différents travaux ont montré les avantages du GlideScope® par rapport à la lame de Macintosh standard "pour l'instrumentation des voies aériennes de routine ou en situation difficile. Après acceptation par la Commission d'Ethique, 50 patients, adultes consentants et programmés pour une intervention chirurgicale élective nécessitant une anesthésie générale ont été inclus dans cette étude. Malgré la présence d'une minerve cervicale semi-rigide Philadelphia® Patriot correctement positionnée et la tête fixée à la table d'opération, tous les patients ont pu être intubés a l'aide du GlideScope®. Aucune complication n'a été documentée pendant la procédure ou en post-opératoire. De plus, nous avons démontré que dans cette situation la visualisation des structures laryngées est significativement améliorée grâce au GlideScope®, par rapport à la lame de Macintosh utilisée lors de toute intubation standard. En conclusion, l'intubation oro-trachéale chez les patients ayant une minerve cervicale et la tête fixée est possible à l'aide du GlideScope®. La meilleure façon de sécuriser les voies aériennes chez les patients présentant une instabilité de la colonne cervicale est un sujet fortement débattu. L'utilisation du GlideScope® pourrait s'avérer une alternative intéressante, en particulier dans les situations d'urgence.
We present the case of a glaucomatous young patient with onchocerciasis who developed a bilateral pre-equatorial scleral staphyloma with an important scleral thinness. The pathogenesis of anterior staphyloma is discussed: mechanical stress from very high ocular pressure, ocular onchocerciasis, scleral ischemia. A better understanding of scleral mechanical resistance could explain scleral thinness without any clinical scleritis.
STUDY OBJECTIVE; To evaluate interactive effects of volemic status and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on the plasma levels of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in assist-controlled mechanical ventilation (MV). DESIGN: Three successive protocols applied in randomized order to each participant. SETTING: Clinical investigation laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-one young, healthy adults. INTERVENTIONS: The three protocols were as follows: (1) MV+PEEP, normovolemia; (2) MV+PEEP, hypervolemia; and (3) spontaneous breathing (SB), hypervolemia. In protocols 1 and 2, a preliminary period of SB lasting 2 h was followed by MV alone (0.5 h), MV+20 cm H2O PEEP (1 h), and a recovery period of SB (1.5 h). Hypervolemia was induced by the continuous i.v. infusion of 3 L of 0.9% NaCl in 5 h (protocols 2 and 3). MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Heart rate, BP, and the plasma levels of immunoreactive ANF and catecholamines were measured serially. During hypervolemia, ANF significantly decreased when PEEP was added to MV (protocol 2: from 31.1 +/- 2.7 to 20.7 +/- 1.5 fmol/mL; p < 0.01). This did not occur in normovolemia (protocol 1: from 20.0 +/- to 16.7 +/- 1.2 fmol/mL; p = NS). The different effects of MV+PEEP in normovolemia and hypervolemia were not related to differences in circulating catecholamine levels. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate for the first time (to our knowledge) that volemic status modulates the response of plasma ANF to PEEP in humans. The role of ANF in the water and salt retention induced by MV with PEEP might be limited to hypervolemic conditions.
Networks are considered increasingly important for policy-making. The literature on new modes of governance in Europe suggests that their horizontal coordination capacity and flexible and informal structures are particularly suitable for governing the multilevel architecture of the European polity. However, empirical evidence about the effects of networks on policy-making and public policies is still quite limited. This article uses the case of the European network of energy regulators to explore the determinants of the position of network members and, in turn, the domestic adoption of soft rules developed within this network. The empirical analysis, based on multivariate statistics and semi-directive interviews, supports the expectation that institutional complementarities increase actors' centrality in networks, while arguments based on organisational resources and age are disproved. Furthermore, results show that the overall level of adoption is considerable and that centrality might have a small positive effect on domestic adoption.
Application of cervical collars may reduce cervical spine movements but render tracheal intubation with a standard laryngoscope difficult if not impossible. We hypothesised that despite the presence of a Philadelphia Patriot (R) cervical collar and with the patient's head taped to the trolley, tracheal intubation would be possible in 50 adult patients using the GlideScope (R) and its dedicated stylet. Laryngoscopy was attempted using a Macintosh laryngoscope with a size 4 blade, and the modified Cormack-Lehane grade was scored. Subsequently, laryngoscopy with the GlideScope was graded and followed by tracheal intubation. All patients' tracheas were successfully intubated with the GlideScope. The median (IQR) intubation time was 50 s (43-61 s). The modified Cormack-Lehane grade was 3 or 4 at direct laryngoscopy. It was significantly reduced with the GlideScope (p < 0.0001), reaching grade 2a in most patients. Tracheal intubation in patients wearing a semi-rigid collar and having their head taped to the trolley is possible with the help of the GlideScope.
Recent evidence has emerged that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha), which is largely involved in lipid metabolism, can play an important role in connecting circadian biology and metabolism. In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms by which PPARalpha influences the pacemakers acting in the central clock located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and in the peripheral oscillator of the liver. We demonstrate that PPARalpha plays a specific role in the peripheral circadian control because it is required to maintain the circadian rhythm of the master clock gene brain and muscle Arnt-like protein 1 (bmal1) in vivo. This regulation occurs via a direct binding of PPARalpha on a potential PPARalpha response element located in the bmal1 promoter. Reversely, BMAL1 is an upstream regulator of PPARalpha gene expression. We further demonstrate that fenofibrate induces circadian rhythm of clock gene expression in cell culture and up-regulates hepatic bmal1 in vivo. Together, these results provide evidence for an additional regulatory feedback loop involving BMAL1 and PPARalpha in peripheral clocks.
HIV-positive patients with antiretroviral medication adherence issues are referred to an outpatient adherence clinic. Surprisingly, two-third of referred patients are women although more than 60% of the patients at the Infectious Disease Outpatient service are men. Women seem to be referred because of specific social factors: children at home, black sub-Saharan ethnicity, difficulties in medication and disease management due to stigmatization. Literature is poor and controversial and it is not possible to conclude whether medication adherence varies with gender. However, recent data seem to show that reasons for nonadherence vary according to gender.
MRI visualization of devices is traditionally based on signal loss due to T(2)* effects originating from local susceptibility differences. To visualize nitinol devices with positive contrast, a recently introduced postprocessing method is adapted to map the induced susceptibility gradients. This method operates on regular gradient-echo MR images and maps the shift in k-space in a (small) neighborhood of every voxel by Fourier analysis followed by a center-of-mass calculation. The quantitative map of the local shifts generates the positive contrast image of the devices, while areas without susceptibility gradients render a background with noise only. The positive signal response of this method depends only on the choice of the voxel neighborhood size. The properties of the method are explained and the visualizations of a nitinol wire and two stents are shown for illustration.
Introduction: Cette étude a pour but de déterminer la fréquence de survenue de l'arrêt cardio-respiratoire (ACR) au cabinet médical qui constitue un élément de décision quant à la justification de la présence d'un défibrillateur semi-automatique (DSA) au cabinet médical. Matériel et Méthode: Analyse rétrospective des fiches d'intervention pré-hospitalière des ambulances et des SMUR (Service Mobile d'Urgence et de Réanimation) du canton de Vaud (650'000 habitants) entre 2003 et 2006 qui relataient un ACR. Les variables suivantes ont été analysées: chronologie de l'intervention, mesures de réanimation cardio-pulmonaire (RCP) appliquées, diagnostic présumé, suivi à 48 heures. Résultats: 17 ACR (9 _, 8 _) ont eu lieu dans les 1655 cabinets médicaux du canton de Vaud en 4 ans sur un total de 1753 ACR extrahospitaliers, soit 1% de ces derniers. Tous ont motivés une intervention simultanée d'une ambulance et d'un SMUR. L'âge moyen était de 70 ans. Le délai entre l'ACR et l'arrivée sur site d'un DSA était en moyenne de plus de 10 minutes (min-max: 4-25 minutes). Dans 13 cas évaluables, une RCP était en cours à l'arrivée des renforts, mais seulement 7 étaient qualifiées d'efficaces. Le rythme initial était une fibrillation ventriculaire (FV) dans 8 cas et ont tous reçu un choc électrique externe (CEE), dont 1 avant l'arrivée des secours administré dans un cabinet équipé d'un DSA. Le diagnostic était disponible pour 9 cas: 6 cardiopathies, 1 embolie pulmonaire massive, 1 choc anaphylactique et 1 tentamen médicamenteux. Le devenir de ces patients a été marqué par 6 décès sur site, 4 décès à l'admission à l'hôpital et 7 vivants à 48 heures. Les données ne permettent pas d'avoir un suivi ni à la sortie de l'hôpital ni ultérieurement. Conclusions: Bien que la survenue d'un ACR soit très rare au cabinet médical, il mérite une anticipation particulière de la part du médecin. En effet, le délai d'arrivée des services d'urgences nécessite la mise en oeuvre immédiate de mesures par le médecin. En outre, comme professionnel de la santé, il se doit d'intégrer la chaîne de survie en procédant à une alarme précoce du 144 et initier des gestes de premier secours («Basic Life Support»). La présence d'un DSA pourrait être envisagée en fonction notamment de l'éloignement de secours professionnels équipés d'un DSA.
PURPOSE: To evaluate and validate mRNA expression markers capable of identifying patients with ErbB2-positive breast cancer associated with distant metastasis and reduced survival. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Expression of 60 genes involved in breast cancer biology was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR (qrt-PCR) in 317 primary breast cancer patients and correlated with clinical outcome data. Results were validated subsequently using two previously published and publicly available microarray data sets with different patient populations comprising 295 and 286 breast cancer samples, respectively. RESULTS: Of the 60 genes measured by qrt-PCR, urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA or PLAU) mRNA expression was the most significant marker associated with distant metastasis-free survival (MFS) by univariate Cox analysis in patients with ErbB2-positive tumors and an independent factor in multivariate analysis. Subsequent validation in two microarray data sets confirmed the prognostic value of uPA in ErbB2-positive tumors by both univariate and multivariate analysis. uPA mRNA expression was not significantly associated with MFS in ErbB2-negative tumors. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed in all three study populations that patients with ErbB2-positive/uPA-positive tumors exhibited significantly reduced MFS (hazard ratios [HR], 4.3; 95% CI, 1.6 to 11.8; HR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.2 to 6.2; and, HR, 2.8; 95% CI, 1.1 to 7.1; all P < .02) as compared with the group with ErbB2-positive/uPA-negative tumors who exhibited similar outcome to those with ErbB2-negative tumors, irrespective of uPA status. CONCLUSION: After evaluation of 898 breast cancer patients, uPA mRNA expression emerged as a powerful prognostic indicator in ErbB2-positive tumors. These results were consistent among three independent study populations assayed by different techniques, including qrt-PCR and two microarray platforms.