56 resultados para polimeri poliuretani poliesteri one-pot sintesi bio-based carbammati
Individuals need to adapt to their local environment in order to survive. When selection pressures differ in local populations, polymorphism can evolve. Colour polymorphism is one of the most obvious polymorphisms since it is readily observable. Different sources of colouration exist, but melanin-based colouration is one of the most common in birds. The melanocortin system produces this colouration and because the melanocortin system has pleiotropic effects on behavioural and physiological traits, it is a good candidate to be an underlying mechanism to explain the maintenance of colour polymorphism. In this thesis I studied three different raptors which all display melanin-based colouration; barn owls (Tyto alba), tawny owls (Strix aluco) and Eurasian kestrels (Falco tinnunculus). The main question was if there was a relationship between melanin-based colouration and individual behavioural differences. The underlying hypothesis is that colour could be a signal of certain adaptive traits. Our goal was to find evolutionary explanations for the persistence of colour polymorphism. I found that nestling kestrels and barn owls differ in anti-predatory behaviour, with respect to their melanic colouration (chapters 1 and 2). Darker individuals show less reaction to human handling, but in kestrels aggression and colouration are related in opposite ways than in barn owls. More reddish barn owls travel greater distances in natal dispersal and this behaviour is repeatable between parents and same sex offspring (chapter 3). Dark reddish tawny owls defend their nests more intensely against intruders and appear to suffer less from nest predation (chapter 4). Finally I show that polymorphism in the Melanocortin 1 receptor gene (MC1R), which is strongly correlated with reddish colouration in the barn owl, is related to natal dispersal distance, providing a first indication for a genetic basis of the relation between this behaviour and colouration (chapter 5). My results demonstrate a clear link between melanin-based colouration and animal personality traits. I demonstrated this relation in three different species, which shows there is most likely a general underlying mechanism responsible. Different predation pressures might have shaped the reactions to predation, but also differences in sex-related colouration. Male-like and female-like colouration might signal more or less aggressive behaviour. Fluctuating environmental conditions might cause different individual strategies to produce equal reproductive success. The melanocortin system with its pleiotropic effects might be an underlying mechanism, as suggested by the results from the genetic polymorphism, the similar results found in these three species and by the similar relations reported in other species. This thesis demonstrates that colouration and individual differences are correlated and it provides the first glimpse of an underlying system. We can now conduct a more directed search for underlying mechanisms and evolutionary explanations with the use of quantitative genetic methods.
BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) represents an increasing health burden. We present the population-based prevalence of CKD and compare the CKD Epidemiology collaboration (CKD-EPI) and modification of diet in renal disease (MDRD) equations to estimate the glomerular filtration rate, using the revised CKD classification with three albuminuria classes. We also explore factors associated with CKD. METHODS: The Swiss population-based, cross-sectional CoLaus study conducted in Lausanne (2003-2006) included 2810 men and 3111 women aged 35-75. CKD prevalence was assessed using CKD-EPI and MDRD equations and albuminuria estimated by the albumin-to-creatinine ratio in spot morning urine. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyse determinants of CKD. RESULTS: Prevalence [95% confidence interval (CI)] of all stages CKD was 10.0% (9.2-10.8%) with CKD-EPI and 13.8% (12.9-14.6%) with MDRD. Using the revised CKD classification, the prevalence of low-, medium-, high- and very high-risk groups was 90.0, 8.46, 1.18 and 0.35% with CKD-EPI, respectively. With MDRD, the corresponding values were 86.24, 11.86, 1.55 and 0.35%. Using the revised classification, CKD-EPI systematically reclassified people in a lower risk category than MDRD. Age and obesity were more strongly associated with CKD in men [odds ratio (95% CI): 2.23(1.95; 2.56) per 10 years and 3.05(2.08;4.47), respectively] than in women [1.46 (1.29; 1.65) and 1.78 (1.30;2.44), respectively]. Hypertension, type 2 diabetes, serum homocysteine and uric acid were positively independently associated with CKD in men and women. CONCLUSIONS: One in 10 adults suffers from CKD in the population of Lausanne. CKD-EPI systematically reclassifies people in a lower CKD risk category than MDRD. Serum homocysteine and uric acid levels are associated with CKD independently of classical risk factors such as age, hypertension and diabetes.
Purpose: To study with a non invasive method any potential radiological change on the superior cerebellar artery (SCA) in patients treated radiosurgically for classic trigeminal neuralgia (CTN).Materials and methods: A retrospective measure of maximal dose received by SCA was performed analyzing the treatment planning in 55 consecutive patients treated by Gamma Knife radiosurgery for an CTN, then, a prospective study was designed using high resolution MR, with T2 SPIR, T1 without and with gadolinium enhancement, Proton density, 3D TONE and MIP reconstructions. Inclusion criteria were: patients followed at our institution, follow-up of one year or more, dose received by the SCA of 15 Gy or more and voluntary patient participation in the study. Patients with repeated Gamma Knife radiosurgery for failure or recurrence were excluded. The end points were: SCA occlusion, stenosis or infarction in the territory supplied by SCA.Results: Sixteen patients were studied, with a mean follow-up of 25.2 months (12-42 months). The mean maximal dose received by the SCA was 57.5 Gy. (15-87 Gy). Among these 16 patients studied, neither obstruction of the SCA nor infarction was demonstrated. In one patient a suspicion of asymptomatic SCA stenosis was visualized distant to the irradiation field.Conclusions: SCA can receive a high dose of irradiation during radiosurgical treatment for CTN. This study does not confirm any vascular damage to the SCA after radiosurgery for CTN. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this research, we analyse the contact-specific mean of the final cooperation probability, distinguishing on the one hand between contacts with household reference persons and with other eligible household members, and on the other hand between first and later contacts. Data comes from two Swiss Household Panel surveys. The interviewer-specific variance is higher for first contacts, especially in the case of the reference person. For later contacts with the reference person, the contact-specific variance dominates. This means that interaction effects and situational factors are decisive. The contact number has negative effects on the performance of contacts with the reference person, positive in the case of other persons. Also time elapsed since the previous contact has negative effects in the case of reference persons. The result of the previous contact has strong effects, especially in the case of the reference person. These findings call for a quick completion of the household grid questionnaire, assigning the best interviewers to conducting the first contact. While obtaining refusals has negative effects, obtaining other contact results has only weak effects on the interviewer's subsequent contact outcome. Using the same interviewer for contacts has no positive effects.
Background: Specific physical loading leads to enhanced bone development during childhood. A general physical activity program mimicking a real-life situation was successful at increasing general physical health in children. Yet, it is not clear whether it can equally increase bone mineral mass. We performed a cluster-randomized controlled trial in children of both gender and different pubertal stages to determine whether a school-based physical activity (PA) program during one school-year influences bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD), irrespective of gender.Methods: Twenty-eight 1st and 5th grade (6-7 and 11-12 year-old) classes were cluster randomized to an intervention (INT, 16 classes, n = 297) and control (CON; 12 classes, n = 205) group. The intervention consisted of a multi-component PA intervention including daily physical education with at least 10 min of jumping or strength training exercises of various intensities. Measurements included anthropometry, and BMC and BMD of total body, femoral neck, total hip and lumbar spine using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). PA was assessed by accelerometers and Tanner stages by questionnaires. Analyses were performed by a regression model adjusted for gender, baseline height and weight, baseline PA, post-intervention pubertal stage, baseline BMC, and cluster.Results: 275 (72%) of 380 children who initially agreed to have DXA measurements had also post-intervention DXA and PA data. Mean age of prepubertal and pubertal children at baseline was 8.7 +/- 2.1 and 11.1 +/- 0.6 years, respectively. Compared to CON, children in INT showed statistically significant increases in BMC of total body, femoral neck, and lumbar spine by 5.5%, 5.4% and 4.7% (all p < 0.05), respectively, and BMD of total body and lumbar spine by 8.4% and 7.3% (both p < 0.01), respectively. There was no gender*group, but a pubertal stage*group interaction consistently favoring prepubertal children.Conclusion: A general school-based PA intervention can increase bone health in elementary school children of both genders, particularly before puberty. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objectives: The study objective was to derive reference pharmacokinetic curves of antiretroviral drugs (ART) based on available population pharmacokinetic (Pop-PK) studies that can be used to optimize therapeutic drug monitoring guided dosage adjustment.¦Methods: A systematic search of Pop-PK studies of 8 ART in adults was performed in PubMed. To simulate reference PK curves, a summary of the PK parameters was obtained for each drug based on meta-analysis approach. Most models used one-compartment model, thus chosen as reference model. Models using bi-exponential disposition were simplified to one-compartment, since the first distribution phase was rapid and not determinant for the description of the terminal elimination phase, mostly relevant for this project. Different absorption were standardized for first-order absorption processes.¦Apparent clearance (CL), apparent volume of distribution of the terminal phase (Vz) and absorption rate constant (ka) and inter-individual variability were pooled into summary mean value, weighted by number of plasma levels; intra-individual variability was weighted by number of individuals in each study.¦Simulations based on summary PK parameters served to construct concentration PK percentiles (NONMEM®).¦Concordance between individual and summary parameters was assessed graphically using Forest-plots. To test robustness, difference in simulated curves based on published and summary parameters was calculated using efavirenz as probe drug.¦Results: CL was readily accessible from all studies. For studies with one-compartment, Vz was central volume of distribution; for two-compartment, Vz was CL/λz. ka was directly used or derived based on the mean absorption time (MAT) for more complicated absorption models, assuming MAT=1/ka.¦The value of CL for each drug was in excellent agreement throughout all Pop-PK models, suggesting that minimal concentration derived from summary models was adequately characterized. The comparison of the concentration vs. time profile for efavirenz between published and summary PK parameters revealed not more than 20% difference. Although our approach appears adequate for estimation of elimination phase, the simplification of absorption phase might lead to small bias shortly after drug intake.¦Conclusions: Simulated reference percentile curves based on such an approach represent a useful tool for interpretating drug concentrations. This Pop-PK meta-analysis approach should be further validated and could be extended to elaborate more sophisticated computerized tool for the Bayesian TDM of ART.
BACKGROUND: Pharmacy-based case mix measures are an alternative source of information to the relatively scarce outpatient diagnoses data. But most published tools use national drug nomenclatures and offer no head-to-head comparisons between drugs-related and diagnoses-based categories. The objective of the study was to test the accuracy of drugs-based morbidity groups derived from the World Health Organization Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification of drugs by checking them against diagnoses-based groups. METHODS: We compared drugs-based categories with their diagnoses-based analogues using anonymous data on 108,915 individuals insured with one of four companies. They were followed throughout 2005 and 2006 and hospitalized at least once during this period. The agreement between the two approaches was measured by weighted kappa coefficients. The reproducibility of the drugs-based morbidity measure over the 2 years was assessed for all enrollees. RESULTS: Eighty percent used a drug associated with at least one of the 60 morbidity categories derived from drugs dispensation. After accounting for inpatient under-coding, fifteen conditions agreed sufficiently with their diagnoses-based counterparts to be considered alternative strategies to diagnoses. In addition, they exhibited good reproducibility and allowed prevalence estimates in accordance with national estimates. For 22 conditions, drugs-based information identified accurately a subset of the population defined by diagnoses. CONCLUSIONS: Most categories provide insurers with health status information that could be exploited for healthcare expenditure prediction or ambulatory cost control, especially when ambulatory diagnoses are not available. However, due to insufficient concordance with their diagnoses-based analogues, their use for morbidity indicators is limited.
2320 composés chimiques ont été screenés à l'aide d'une lignée transgénique de zébrafish. Cette lignée comportait un gène humain fortement exprimé très tôt dans le développement et la croissance de différentes tumeurs, dont celle du rétinoblastome. L'activation de ce gène induisait la mort des embryons de lâ lignée transgénique. Nous avons donc pu identifier des composés agissant sur l'effet létal de ce gène. Cette étude a permis d'isoler plusieurs composés dont 1 très intéressant, l'Amitriptyline. Ce composé induit une inhibition de la prolifération et une induction d'apoptose dans les cellules humaines de rétinoblastome mais également dans d'autres cellules cancéreuses dont les ostéosarcomes connus. L'ostéosarçome est connu pour faire partie des cancers secondaires dû au rétinoblastome dans la forme héréditaire notamment. Ce composé induit la survie des embryons et réduit également le niveau d'expression de la protéine humaine intégrée dans la lignée de poisson zèbre transgénique de 50%. Le niveau d'expression de ce gène est également réduit de 50 à 60% dans des cultures cellulaire de rétinoblastome humain. L'inhibition de la prolifération a été démontrée par la réduction d'ATP dans plusieurs lignées cellulaires lorsque celles-ci sont traitées avec ce composé. L'induction d'apoptose a été démontrée par induction 10 fois plus élevée des éléments pro-apoptotiques caspase-3 et caspase-7 ainsi que par l'augmentation 10 fois plus élevée d'un élément anti-apoptotique bcl-2. Ces résultats permettent de croire que ce composé pourrait être utilisé pour traiter le rétinoblastome humain. -- Background: Retinoblastoma is a rare malignant tumor. This disease is the most prevalent intraocular cancer in childhood with an incidence of 1 in 15,000 live births. Many therapies are available to treat retinoblastoma, but best treatments are individually selected according to cases. Cryotherapy, thermotherapy, laser therapy including brachytherapy, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are some examples. New drug and new treatments discovery is essential for cancer therapy including retinoblastoma. Purpose: A vertebrate model as zebrafish for retinoblastoma would provide many advantages especially to perform drug screening. The high number of fertilized eggs per mating, the rapidity of extra¬utero development, the available genetic manipulation, the easy manipulations under a microscope, the ability to dispense embryos in 96-well plates and the direct incubation of chemical compounds in fish water are some examples of the advantages. Therefore, we design a transgenic zebrafish carrying a human gene implicated in retinoblastoma development and maintenance. Results: With the small compounds screening, several compounds were isolated. One of these compounds, Amitriptyline demonstrated proliferation inhibition and apoptosis in human retinoblastoma cells, U20S osteosarcoma cells and MBA-231 breast cancer cells. Osteosarcoma is known as secondary cancer due to retinoblastoma. Amitriptyline induced survival in our zebrafish transgenic line and 50% reduction of the integrated gene expression. In retinoblastoma cultured cells, the expression of this gene was also reduced in a range of 50-60 %. Proliferation inhibition was demonstrated by ATP luminescence assay. Apoptosis was demonstrated by a 10-fold induction of caspase-3 and caspase-7, two pro-apoptotic elements and by a 10-fold reduction of bcl-2 anti-apoptotic element. Conclusion: The results suggest that Amitriptyline could be used to treat human retinoblastoma in the near future.
Background:¦Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR) is a congenital malformation of the enteric nervous system due to the¦arrest of migration of neural crest cells to form the myenteric and submucosal plexuses. It leads to an anganglionic intestinal segment, which is permanently contracted causing intestinal obstruction. Its incidence is approximately 1/5000 birth, and males are more frequently affected with a male/female ratio of 4/1. The diagnosis is in most cases made within the first year of life. The rectal biopsy of the mucosa and sub-mucosa is the diagnostic gold standard.¦Purpose:¦The aim of this study was to compare two surgical approaches for HSCR, the Duhamel technique and the transanal endorectal pull-through (TEPT) in term of indications, duration of surgery, duration of hospital stay, postoperative treatment, complications, frequency of enterocolitis and functional outcomes.¦Methods:¦Fifty-nine patients were treated for HSCR by one of the two methods in our department of pediatric¦surgery between 1994 and 2010. These patients were separated into two groups (I: Duhamel, II: TEPT), which were compared on the basis of medical records. Statistics were made to compare the two groups (ANOVA test). The first group includes 43 patients and the second 16 patients. It is noteworthy that twenty-four patients (about 41% of all¦patients) were referred from abroad (Western Africa). Continence was evaluated with the Krickenbeck's score.¦Results:¦Statistically, this study showed that operation duration, hospital stay, postoperative fasting and duration of postoperative antibiotics were significantly shorter (p value < 0.05) in group II (TEPT). But age at operation and length of aganglionic segment showed no significant difference between the two groups. The continence follow-up showed generally good results (Krickenbeck's scores 1; 2.1; 3.1) in both groups with a slight tendency to constipation in group I and soiling in group II.¦Conclusion:¦We found two indications for the Duhamel method that are being referred from a country without¦careful postoperative surveillance and/or having a previous colostomy. Even if the Duhamel technique tends to be replaced by the TEPT, it remains the best operative approach for some selected patients. TEPT has also proved some advantages but must be followed carefully because, among other points, of the postoperative dilatations. Our postoperative standards, like digital rectal examination and anal dilatations seem to reduce the occurrence of complications like rectal spur and anal/anastomosis stenosis, respectively in the Duhamel method and the TEPT technique.
Given the very large amount of data obtained everyday through population surveys, much of the new research again could use this information instead of collecting new samples. Unfortunately, relevant data are often disseminated into different files obtained through different sampling designs. Data fusion is a set of methods used to combine information from different sources into a single dataset. In this article, we are interested in a specific problem: the fusion of two data files, one of which being quite small. We propose a model-based procedure combining a logistic regression with an Expectation-Maximization algorithm. Results show that despite the lack of data, this procedure can perform better than standard matching procedures.
Synthetic combinatorial peptide libraries in positional scanning format (PS-SCL) have recently emerged as a useful tool for the analysis of T cell recognition. This includes identification of potentially cross-reactive sequences of self or pathogen origin that could be relevant for the understanding of TCR repertoire selection and maintenance, as well as of the cross-reactive potential of Ag-specific immune responses. In this study, we have analyzed the recognition of sequences retrieved by using a biometric analysis of the data generated by screening a PS-SCL with a tumor-reactive CTL clone specific for an immunodominant peptide from the melanocyte differentiation and tumor-associated Ag Melan-A. We found that 39% of the retrieved peptides were recognized by the CTL clone used for PS-SCL screening. The proportion of peptides recognized was higher among those with both high predicted affinity for the HLA-A2 molecule and high predicted stimulatory score. Interestingly, up to 94% of the retrieved peptides were cross-recognized by other Melan-A-specific CTL. Cross-recognition was at least partially focused, as some peptides were cross-recognized by the majority of CTL. Importantly, stimulation of PBMC from melanoma patients with the most frequently recognized peptides elicited the expansion of heterogeneous CD8(+) T cell populations, one fraction of which cross-recognized Melan-A. Together, these results underline the high predictive value of PS-SCL for the identification of sequences cross-recognized by Ag-specific T cells.