162 resultados para performance - intégration - marginalité - déviance - Autre


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Dans un premier temps, nous discuterons du nombre et de la localisation des groupes en activité en Suisse sur la base d'un recensement. Dans un deuxième temps, nous traiterons du lien étroit entre flux migratoires et islam (qui est souvent tributaire de réseaux et coutumes liés à la région d'origine). Troisièmement, à partir de l'état de l'encadrement spirituel et des bâtiments des groupes, nous pourrons saisir la situation structurelle des associations islamiques de Suisse. Il nous sera alors possible de dresser un tableau général des communautés musulmanes et de comprendre la dynamique institutionnelle des associations. Une dynamique qui permettra de comprendre plus finement les enjeux d'une tradition prise entre une culture d'origine et une société d'accueil, avec une position de catalyseur « d'intégration », de sas pour des ressortissants étrangers et de « lien » institué avec un héritage qui trouve ses racines dans une autre culture.


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Objectives and Methods: Self-report studies have shown an association between music performance anxiety (MPA) and hyperventilation complaints. However, hyperventilation was never assessed physiologically in MPA. This study investigated the self-reported affective experience, self-reported physiological symptoms, and cardiorespiratory variables including partial pressure of end-tidal CO(2) (Petco(2)), which is an indicator for hyperventilation, in 67 music students before a private and a public performance. The response coherence between these response domains was also investigated.ResultsFrom the private to the public session, the intensity of all self-report variables increased (all p values < .001). As predicted, the higher the musician's usual MPA level, the larger were these increases (p values < .10). With the exception of Petco(2), the main cardiorespiratory variables also increased from the private to the public session (p values < .05). These increases were not modulated by the usual MPA level (p values > .10). Petco(2) showed a unique response pattern reflected by an MPA-by-session interaction (p < .01): it increased from the private to the public session for musicians with low MPA levels and decreased for musicians with high MPA levels. Self-reported physiological symptoms were related to the self-reported affective experience (p values < .05) rather than to physiological measures (p values > .17).ConclusionsThese findings show for the first time how respiration is stimulated before a public performance in music students with different MPA levels. The hypothesis of a hyperventilation tendency in high-performance-anxious musicians is supported. The response coherence between physiological symptoms and physiological activation is weak.


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« Le chagrin qui divise l'abîme n'est pas mesurable, il crée simplement un lien vers un autre abîme et n'est perceptible ni par la peau [...] ni par l'odeur, ni par l'écoute, ni par le goût ni même par la vue, mais par quelque chose d'autre. Quelque chose d'autre. » Leif Elggren est un écrivain, musicien et performeur suédois, né en 1950 et vivant à Stockholm. Son oeuvre interroge la fragilité de l'existence humaine, en mettant en scène des situations-limites, comme par exemple le rapport de l'enfant à sa propre naissance ou celui du vieillard à sa propre déchéance. À la manière de boîtes de conserves délicatement décolletées, ses textes explorent l'étrange beauté et la dignité engravée de déchets inutiles, de vies défaites, de souverainetés humiliées, d'arrogances évidées. Son travail joue avec les frontières, les entre-deux, les passages, dans des performances scéniques qui croisent les arts visuels, la danse et les arts sonores.


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This study examined the effects of intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) on skeletal muscle monocarboxylate lactate transporter (MCT) expression and anaerobic performance in trained athletes. Cyclists were assigned to two interventions, either normoxic (N; n = 8; 150 mmHg PIO2) or hypoxic (H; n = 10; ∼3000 m, 100 mmHg PIO2) over a three week training (5×1 h-1h30.week-1) period. Prior to and after training, an incremental exercise test to exhaustion (EXT) was performed in normoxia together with a 2 min time trial (TT). Biopsy samples from the vastus lateralis were analyzed for MCT1 and MCT4 using immuno-blotting techniques. The peak power output (PPO) increased (p<0.05) after training (7.2% and 6.6% for N and H, respectively), but VO2max showed no significant change. The average power output in the TT improved significantly (7.3% and 6.4% for N and H, respectively). No differences were found in MCT1 and MCT4 protein content, before and after the training in either the N or H group. These results indicate there are no additional benefits of IHT when compared to similar normoxic training. Hence, the addition of the hypoxic stimulus on anaerobic performance or MCT expression after a three-week training period is ineffective.


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(Résumé du volume) Qui sont les marranes ? Des Juifs que l'Inquisition espagnole a contraint de se convertir au christianisme pour échapper à la mort ou à l'exil, mais qui restèrent juifs en secret. En réfléchissant à leur parcours identitaire et historique, ce recueil sonde les origines et les fondements de notre culture. L'influence des marranes a dépassé largement les limites du monde juif ; on retrouve leur empreinte dans les sources mêmes de la littérature européenne : Montaigne, Cervantès, Rabelais... De nombreux courants du judaïsme contemporain se sont retrouvés dans la figure marrane pour définir leur identité.


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Intensification of farming over the past 50 years has homogenised the landscape structure and contributed to the decline of bird populations in Europe. To better target the conservation of the Barn Owl Tyto alba, we assessed the influence of the landscape structure on breeding performance in western Switzerland. The analyses considered a 23-year data set of breeding parameters collected in an area dominated by intensive agriculture. Using a Geographic Information System approach, landscape characteristics were described around 194 nest sites. Our analyses showed that nest-box occupancy, laying date, clutch and brood size, egg volume and probability of producing a second annual clutch were not significantly associated with any of the eight principal landscape variables (agricultural land, woodland, urban area, hedgerows, cereals, sugar beet, maize and meadow). Nevertheless, the probability that a breeding pair occupied a nest-box decreased the more roads there were surrounding the nest-box. The absence of strong associations between habitat features and breeding parameters suggests that prey availability may be relatively similar between the different breeding sites. In our study area Barn Owls can always find suitable foraging habitats around most nest-boxes.


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Cannula design is of prime importance for venous drainage during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). To evaluate cannulas intended for CPB, an in vitro circuit was set up with silicone tubing between the test cannula encased in a movable preload reservoir and another static reservoir. The pressure-drop (DeltaP) value (P-drainage - P-preload) was measured using Millar pressure transducers. Flow rate (Q) was measured using an ultrasound flowmeter. Data display and data recording were controlled using a LabView application, custom made particularly for our experiments. Our results demonstrated that DeltaP, Q, and cannula resistance (DeltaP/Q) values were significantly decreased when the cannula diameter was increased for Smart and Medtronic cannulas. Smartcanula showed 36% and 43% less resistance compared to Medtronic venous and Medtronic femoral cannulas, respectively. The cannula shape (straight- or curved-tips) did not affect the DLP cannula resistance. Out of five cannulas tested, the Smartcanula outperforms the other commercially available cannulas. The mean (DeltaP/Q) values were 3.3 +/- 0.08, 4.07 +/- 0.08, 5.58 +/- 0.10, 5.74 +/- 0.15, and 6.45 +/- 0.15 for Smart, Medtronic, Edwards, Sarns, and Gambro cannulas, respectively (two-way ANOVA, p < 0.0001). In conclusion, the present assay allows discrimination between different forms of cannula with high or low lumen resistance.


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Errors in the inferred multiple sequence alignment may lead to false prediction of positive selection. Recently, methods for detecting unreliable alignment regions were developed and were shown to accurately identify incorrectly aligned regions. While removing unreliable alignment regions is expected to increase the accuracy of positive selection inference, such filtering may also significantly decrease the power of the test, as positively selected regions are fast evolving, and those same regions are often those that are difficult to align. Here, we used realistic simulations that mimic sequence evolution of HIV-1 genes to test the hypothesis that the performance of positive selection inference using codon models can be improved by removing unreliable alignment regions. Our study shows that the benefit of removing unreliable regions exceeds the loss of power due to the removal of some of the true positively selected sites.


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We investigated the use of in situ implant formation that incorporates superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) as a form of minimally invasive treatment of cancer lesions by magnetically induced local hyperthermia. We developed injectable formulations that form gels entrapping magnetic particles into a tumor. We used SPIONs embedded in silica microparticles to favor syringeability and incorporated the highest proportion possible to allow large heating capacities. Hydrogel, single-solvent organogel and cosolvent (low-toxicity hydrophilic solvent) organogel formulations were injected into human cancer tumors xenografted in mice. The thermoreversible hydrogels (poloxamer, chitosan), which accommodated 20% w/v of the magnetic microparticles, proved to be inadequate. Alginate hydrogels, however, incorporated 10% w/v of the magnetic microparticles, and the external gelation led to strong implants localizing to the tumor periphery, whereas internal gelation failed in situ. The organogel formulations, which consisted of precipitating polymers dissolved in single organic solvents, displayed various microstructures. A 8% poly(ethylene-vinyl alcohol) in DMSO containing 40% w/v of magnetic microparticles formed the most suitable implants in terms of tumor casting and heat delivery. Importantly, it is of great clinical interest to develop cosolvent formulations with up to 20% w/v of magnetic microparticles that show reduced toxicity and centered tumor implantation.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate whether trainees' performance on a virtual reality angled laparoscope navigation task correlates with scores obtained on a validated conventional test of spatial ability. 56 participants of a surgery workshop performed an angled laparoscope navigation task on the Xitact LS 500 virtual reality Simulator. Performance parameters were correlated with the score of a validated paper-and-pencil test of spatial ability. Performance at the conventional spatial ability test significantly correlated with performance at the virtual reality task for overall task score (p < 0.001), task completion time (p < 0.001) and economy of movement (p = 0.035), not for endoscope travel speed (p = 0.947). In conclusion, trainees' performance in a standardized virtual reality camera navigation task correlates with their innate spatial ability. This VR session holds potential to serve as an assessment tool for trainees.