71 resultados para passenger terminal


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OBJECTIVE: Our laboratory has previously established in vitro that a caspase-generated RasGAP NH(2)-terminal moiety, called fragment N, potently protects cells, including insulinomas, from apoptotic stress. We aimed to determine whether fragment N can increase the resistance of pancreatic beta-cells in a physiological setting. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A mouse line, called rat insulin promoter (RIP)-N, was generated that bears a transgene containing the rat insulin promoter followed by the cDNA-encoding fragment N. The histology, functionality, and resistance to stress of RIP-N islets were then assessed. RESULTS: Pancreatic beta-cells of RIP-N mice express fragment N, activate Akt, and block nuclear factor kappaB activity without affecting islet cell proliferation or the morphology and cellular composition of islets. Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests revealed that RIP-N mice control their glycemia similarly as wild-type mice throughout their lifespan. Moreover, islets isolated from RIP-N mice showed normal glucose-induced insulin secretory capacities. They, however, displayed increased resistance to apoptosis induced by a series of stresses including inflammatory cytokines, fatty acids, and hyperglycemia. RIP-N mice were also protected from multiple low-dose streptozotocin-induced diabetes, and this was associated with reduced in vivo beta-cell apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: Fragment N efficiently increases the overall resistance of beta-cells to noxious stimuli without interfering with the physiological functions of the cells. Fragment N and the pathway it regulates represent, therefore, a potential target for the development of antidiabetes tools.


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Two methods of differential isotopic coding of carboxylic groups have been developed to date. The first approach uses d0- or d3-methanol to convert carboxyl groups into the corresponding methyl esters. The second relies on the incorporation of two 18O atoms into the C-terminal carboxylic group during tryptic digestion of proteins in H(2)18O. However, both methods have limitations such as chromatographic separation of 1H and 2H derivatives or overlap of isotopic distributions of light and heavy forms due to small mass shifts. Here we present a new tagging approach based on the specific incorporation of sulfanilic acid into carboxylic groups. The reagent was synthesized in a heavy form (13C phenyl ring), showing no chromatographic shift and an optimal isotopic separation with a 6 Da mass shift. Moreover, sulfanilic acid allows for simplified fragmentation in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) due the charge fixation of the sulfonate group at the C-terminus of the peptide. The derivatization is simple, specific and minimizes the number of sample treatment steps that can strongly alter the sample composition. The quantification is reproducible within an order of magnitude and can be analyzed either by electrospray ionization (ESI) or MALDI. Finally, the method is able to specifically identify the C-terminal peptide of a protein by using GluC as the proteolytic enzyme.


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Whether the response of the fetal heart to ischemia-reperfusion is associated with activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway is not known. In contrast, involvement of the sarcolemmal L-type Ca2+ channel (LCC) and the mitochondrial KATP (mitoKATP) channel has been established. This work aimed at investigating the profile of JNK activity during anoxia-reoxygenation and its modulation by LCC and mitoK(ATP) channel. Hearts isolated from 4-day-old chick embryos were submitted to anoxia (30 min) and reoxygenation (60 min). Using the kinase assay method, the profile of JNK activity in the ventricle was determined every 10 min throughout anoxia-reoxygenation. Effects on JNK activity of the LCC blocker verapamil (10 nM), the mitoK(ATP) channel opener diazoxide (50 microM) and the blocker 5-hydroxydecanoate (5-HD, 500 microM), the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter (MCU) inhibitor Ru360 (10 microM), and the antioxidant N-(2-mercaptopropionyl) glycine (MPG, 1 mM) were determined. In untreated hearts, JNK activity was increased by 40% during anoxia and peaked fivefold relative to basal level after 30-40 min reoxygenation. This peak value was reduced by half by diazoxide and was tripled by 5-HD. Furthermore, the 5-HD-mediated stimulation of JNK activity during reoxygenation was abolished by diazoxide, verapamil or Ru360. MPG had no effect on JNK activity, whatever the conditions. None of the tested pharmacological agents altered JNK activity under basal normoxic conditions. Thus, in the embryonic heart, JNK activity exhibits a characteristic pattern during anoxia and reoxygenation and the respective open-state of LCC, MCU and mitoKATP channel can be a major determinant of JNK activity in a ROS-independent manner.


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J. Neurochem. (2010) 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2010.06705.x Abstract Retinal excitotoxicity is associated with retinal ischemia, and with glaucomatous and traumatic optic neuropathy. The present study investigates the role of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation in NMDA-mediated retinal excitotoxicity and determines whether neuroprotection can be obtained with the JNK pathway inhibitor, d-form of JNK-inhibitor 1 (d-JNKI-1). Young adult rats received intravitreal injections of 20 nmol NMDA, which caused extensive neuronal death in the inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers. This excitotoxicity was associated with strong activation of calpain, as revealed by fodrin cleavage, and of JNK. The cell-permeable peptide d-JNKI-1 was used to inhibit JNK. Within 40 min of its intravitreal injection, FITC-labeled d-JNKI-1 spread through the retinal ganglion cell layer into the inner nuclear layer and interfered with the NMDA-induced phosphorylation of JNK. Injections of unlabeled d-JNKI-1 gave unprecedentedly strong neuroprotection against cell death in both layers, lasting for at least 10 days. The NMDA-induced calpain-specific fodrin cleavage was likewise strongly inhibited by d-JNKI-1. Moreover the electroretinogram was partially preserved by d-JNKI-1. Thus, the JNK pathway is involved in NMDA-mediated retinal excitotoxicity and JNK inhibition by d-JNKI-1 provides strong neuroprotection as shown morphologically, biochemically and physiologically.


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ABSTRACT In S. cerevisiae, the protein phosphatase Cdc14pwt is essential far mitotic exit through its contribution to reducing mitotic CDK activity. But Cdc14pwt also acts as a mare general temporal coordinator of mid and late mitotic events by controlling the partitioning of DNA, microtubule stability and cytokinesis. Cdc14pwt orthologs are well conserved from yeasts to humans, and sequence comparison revealed the presence of three domains, A, B and C, of which A and B form the catalytic domain. Cdc14pwt orthologs are regulated (in part) through cell cycle dependent changes in their localization. Some of them are thought to be kept inactive by sequestration in the nucleolus during interphase. This is the case for flp1pwt, the single identified Cdc14pwt ortholog in the fission yeast S. pombe. In early mitosis, flp1pwt leaves the nucleolus and localizes to the kinetochores, the contractile ring and the mitotic spindle, suggesting that it has multiple substrates and regulates many mitotic processes. flp1D cells show a high chromosome loss rate and septation defects, suggesting a role for flp1wt in the fidelity of chromosome transmission and cytokinesis. The aim of this study is to characterize the mechanisms underlying flp1pwt functions and the control of its activity. A structure-function analysis has revealed that the presence of both A and B domains is required for biological function and for proper flp1pwt mitotic localization. In contrast, the C domain of flp1pwt is responsible for its proper nucleolar localization in G2/interphase. My data suggest that dephosphorylation of substrates by flp1pwt is not necessary for any changes in localization of flp1pwt except that at the medial ring. In that particular case, the catalytic activity of flp1pwt is required for efficient localization, therefore revealing an additional level of regulation. All the functions of flp1pwt assayed to date require its catalytic activity, emphasizing the importance of further identification of its substrates. As described for other orthologs, the capability of selfinteraction and phosphorylation status might help to control flp1pwt activity. My data suggest that flp1pwt forms oligomers in vivo and that phosphorylation is not essential far localization changes of the protein. In addition, the hypophosphorylated form of flp1pwt might be specifically involved in the promotion of cytokinesis. The results of this study suggest that multiple modes of regulation including localization, selfassociation and phosphorylation allow a fine-tuning regulation of flp1pwt phosphatase activity, and more generally that of Cdc14pwt family of phosphatases. RESUME Chez la levure S. cerevisiae, la protéine phosphatase Cdc14pwt est essentielle pour la sortie de mitose du fait de sa contribution dans la réduction d'activité des CDK mitotiques. Comme elle contrôle également le partage de l'ADN, la stabilité des microtubules et la cytokinèse, Cdc14pwt est en fait considérée comme un coordinateur temporel général des évènements de milieu et de fin de mitose. Les orthologues de Cdc14pwt sont bien conservés, des levures jusqu'à l'espèce humaine. Des comparaisons de séquence ont révélé la présence de trois domaines A, B et C, les deux premiers constituant le domaine catalytique. Ils sont régulés (en partie) via des changements dans leur localisation, eux-mêmes dépendants du cycle cellulaire. Plusieurs de ces orthologues sont supposés inactivés par séquestration dans le nucléole en interphase, ce qui est le cas de flp1pwt le seul orthologue de Cdc14pwt identifié chez la levure fissipare S, pombe. En début de mitose, flp1pwt quitte le nucléole et localise au niveau des kinetochores, de l'anneau contractile d'actine et du fuseau mitotique, ce qui laisse supposer de multiples substrats et fonctions. Comme les cellules délétées pour le gène flp1wt présentent un taux élevé de perte de chromosome et des défauts de septation, flp1pwt semble jouer un rôle dans la fidélité de la transmission du matériel génétique et la cytokinèse. Le but de cette étude est de caractériser les mécanismes impliqués dans les fonctions assurées par flp1pwt d'une part, et dans le contrôle de son activité d'autre part. Une analyse structure-fonction a révélé que la présence simultanée des deux domaines A et B est requise pour la fonction biologique de flp1pwt et sa localisation correcte pendant la mitose. Par contre, le domaine C de flp1pwt confère une localisation nucléolaire adéquate en G2/interphase. Mes données suggèrent que la déphosphorylation de substrats par flp1pwt est dispensable pour sa localisation correcte excepté celle à l'anneau médian, qui requiert dans ce cas, l'activité catalytique de flp1pwt, révélant ainsi un niveau de régulation supplémentaire. Toutes les fonctions de flp1 pwt testées jusqu'à présent nécessitent également son activité catalytique, ce qui accentue l'importance de l'identification future de ses substrats. Comme cela a déjà été décrit pour d'autres orthologues, la capacité d'auto-intéraction et le niveau de phosphorylation pourraient contrôler l'activité de flp1pwt. En effet, mes données suggèrent que flp1pwt forme des oligomères in vivo et que la phosphorylation n'est pas essentielle pour les changements de localisation observés pour la protéine. De plus, la forme hypophosphorylée de flp1pwt pourrait être spécifiquement impliquée dans la promotion de la cytokinèse. De multiples modes de régulation incluant la localisation, l'auto-association et la phosphorylation semblent permettre un contrôle fin et subtil de l'activité de la phosphatase flp1pwt, et plus généralement celle des protéines de la famille de Cdc14pwt.


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We have studied ischemic tolerance induced by the serine protease thrombin in two different models of experimental ischemia. In organotypic hippocampal slice cultures, we demonstrate that incubation with low doses of thrombin protects neurons against a subsequent severe oxygen and glucose deprivation. L-JNKI1, a highly specific c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitor, and a second specific JNK inhibitor, SP600125, prevented thrombin preconditioning (TPC). We also show that the exposure to thrombin increases the level of phosphorylated c-jun, the major substrate of JNK. TPC, in vivo, leads to significantly smaller lesion sizes after a 30-min middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo), and the preconditioned mice were better off in the three tests used to evaluate functional recovery. In accordance with in vitro results, TPC in vivo was prevented by administration of L-JNKI1, supporting a role for JNK in TPC. These results, from two different TPC models and with two distinct JNK inhibitors, show that JNK is likely to be involved in TPC.


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Proteins located on the surface of the pathogenic malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum are objects of intensive studies due to their important role in the invasion of human cells and the accessibility to host antibodies thus making these proteins attractive vaccine candidates. One of these proteins, merozoite surface protein 3 (MSP3) represents a leading component among vaccine candidates; however, little is known about its structure and function. Our biophysical studies suggest that the 40 residue C-terminal domain of MSP3 protein self-assembles into a four-stranded alpha-helical coiled coil structure where alpha-helices are packed "side-by-side". A bioinformatics analysis provides an extended list of known and putative proteins from different species of Plasmodium which have such MSP3-like C-terminal domains. This finding allowed us to extend some conclusions of our studies to a larger group of the malaria surface proteins. Possible structural and functional roles of these highly conserved oligomerization domains in the intact merozoite surface proteins are discussed.


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Embryonic cells are expected to possess high growth/differentiation potential, required for organ morphogenesis and expansion during development. However, little is known about the intrinsic properties of embryonic epithelial cells due to difficulties in their isolation and cultivation. We report here that pure keratinocyte populations from E15.5 mouse embryos commit irreversibly to differentiation much earlier than newborn cells. Notch signaling, which promotes keratinocyte differentiation, is upregulated in embryonic keratinocyte and epidermis, and elevated caspase 3 expression, which we identify as a transcriptional Notch1 target, accounts in part for the high commitment of embryonic keratinocytes to terminal differentiation. In vivo, lack of caspase 3 results in increased proliferation and decreased differentiation of interfollicular embryonic keratinocytes, together with decreased activation of PKC-delta, a caspase 3 substrate which functions as a positive regulator of keratinocyte differentiation. Thus, a Notch1-caspase 3 regulatory mechanism underlies the intrinsically high commitment of embryonic keratinocytes to terminal differentiation.


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α-Crystallins, initially described as the major structural proteins of the lens, belong to the small heat shock protein family. Apart from their function as chaperones, α-crystallins are involved in the regulation of intracellular apoptotic signals. αA- and αB-crystallins have been shown to interfere with the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway triggering Bax pro-apoptotic activity and downstream activation of effector caspases. Differential regulation of α-crystallins has been observed in several eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration and stress-induced and inherited retinal degenerations. Although the function of α-crystallins in healthy and diseased retina remains poorly understood, their altered expression in pathological conditions argue in favor of a role in cellular defensive response. In the Rpe65(-/-) mouse model of Leber's congenital amaurosis, we previously observed decreased expression of αA- and αB-crystallins during disease progression, which was correlated with Bax pro-death activity and photoreceptor apoptosis. In the present study, we demonstrated that α-crystallins interacted with pro-apoptotic Bax and displayed cytoprotective action against Bax-triggered apoptosis, as assessed by TUNEL and caspase assays. We further observed in staurosporine-treated photoreceptor-like 661W cells stably overexpressing αA- or αB-crystallin that Bax-dependent apoptosis and caspase activation were inhibited. Finally, we reported that the C-terminal extension domain of αA-crystallin was sufficient to provide protection against Bax-triggered apoptosis. Altogether, these data suggest that α-crystallins interfere with Bax-induced apoptosis in several cell types, including the cone-derived 661W cells. They further suggest that αA-crystallin-derived peptides might be sufficient to promote cytoprotective action in response to apoptotic cell death.


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AIMS: The plasma levels of either brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) or the N-terminal fragment of the prohormone (NT-proBNP) have recently gained extreme importance as markers of myocardial dysfunction. Patients with type 2 diabetes are at high risk of developing cardiovascular complications. This study was aimed to assess whether plasma NT-proBNP levels are at similar levels in type 2 diabetics with or without overt cardiovascular diseases. METHODS: We assayed plasma NT-proBNP in 54 type 2 diabetics, 27 of whom had no overt macro- and/or microvascular complications, while the remaining ones had either or both. The same assay was carried out in 38 healthy control subjects age and sex matched as a group with the diabetics. RESULTS: Plasma NT-proBNP was higher in diabetics (median 121 pg/ml, interquartile range 50-240 pg/ml, ) than in those without complications (37 pg/ml, 21-54 pg/ml, P<0.01). Compared with the controls (55 pg/ml, 40-79 pg/ml), only diabetics with vascular complications had significantly increased plasma NT-proBNP levels (P<0.001). In the diabetics, coronary heart disease and nephropathy (defined according to urinary excretion of albumin) were each independently associated with elevated values of plasma NT-proBNP. CONCLUSIONS: In type 2 diabetes mellitus, patients with macro- and/or micro-vascular complications exhibit an elevation of plasma NT-proBNP levels compared to corresponding patients with no evidence of vascular disease. The excessive secretion of this peptide is independently associated with coronary artery disease and overt nephropathy. The measurement of circulating NT-proBNP concentration may therefore be useful to screen for the presence of macro- and/or microvascular disease.


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The transcription factors TFIIB, Brf1, and Brf2 share related N-terminal zinc ribbon and core domains. TFIIB bridges RNA polymerase II (Pol II) with the promoter-bound preinitiation complex, whereas Brf1 and Brf2 are involved, as part of activities also containing TBP and Bdp1 and referred to here as Brf1-TFIIIB and Brf2-TFIIIB, in the recruitment of Pol III. Brf1-TFIIIB recruits Pol III to type 1 and 2 promoters and Brf2-TFIIIB to type 3 promoters such as the human U6 promoter. Brf1 and Brf2 both have a C-terminal extension absent in TFIIB, but their C-terminal extensions are unrelated. In yeast Brf1, the C-terminal extension interacts with the TBP/TATA box complex and contributes to the recruitment of Bdp1. Here we have tested truncated Brf2, as well as Brf2/TFIIB chimeric proteins for U6 transcription and for assembly of U6 preinitiation complexes. Our results characterize functions of various human Brf2 domains and reveal that the C-terminal domain is required for efficient association of the protein with U6 promoter-bound TBP and SNAP(c), a type 3 promoter-specific transcription factor, and for efficient recruitment of Bdp1. This in turn suggests that the C-terminal extensions in Brf1 and Brf2 are crucial to specific recruitment of Pol III over Pol II.


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We investigated the immunogenicity and the conformational properties of the non-repetitive sequences of the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite (CS) protein. Two polypeptides of 104 and 102 amino acids long, covering, respectively, the N- and C-terminal regions of the CS protein, were synthesized using solid phase Fmoc chemistry. The crude polypeptides were purified by a combination of size exclusion chromatography and RP-HPLC. Sera of mice immunized with the free polypeptides emulsified in incomplete Freund's adjuvant strongly reacted with the synthetic polypeptides as well as with native CS protein as judged by ELISA and IFAT assays. Most importantly, these antisera inhibited the sporozoite invasion of hepatoma cells. In addition, sera derived from donors living in a malaria endemic area recognized the CS 104- and 102-mers. Conformational studies of the CS polypeptides were also performed by circular dichroism spectroscopy showing the presence of a weakly ordered structure that can be increased by addition of trifluoroethanol. The obtained results indicate that the synthetic CS polypeptides and the natural CS protein share some common antigenic determinants and probably have similar conformation. The approach used in this study might be useful for the development of a synthetic malaria vaccine.


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Multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis (MCTO) is a rare skeletal dysplasia characterized by aggressive osteolysis, particularly affecting the carpal and tarsal bones, and is frequently associated with progressive renal failure. Using exome capture and next-generation sequencing in five unrelated simplex cases of MCTO, we identified previously unreported missense mutations clustering within a 51 base pair region of the single exon of MAFB, validated by Sanger sequencing. A further six unrelated simplex cases with MCTO were also heterozygous for previously unreported mutations within this same region, as were affected members of two families with autosomal-dominant MCTO. MAFB encodes a transcription factor that negatively regulates RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis and is essential for normal renal development. Identification of this gene paves the way for development of novel therapeutic approaches for this crippling disease and provides insight into normal bone and kidney development.


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OBJECTIVE: The pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) generates pancreatic beta-cells apoptosis mainly through activation of the c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway. This study was designed to investigate whether the long-acting agonist of the hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor exendin-4 (ex-4), which mediates protective effects against cytokine-induced beta-cell apoptosis, could interfere with the JNK pathway. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Isolated human, rat, and mouse islets and the rat insulin-secreting INS-1E cells were incubated with ex-4 in the presence or absence of IL-1 beta. JNK activity was assessed by solid-phase JNK kinase assay and quantification of c-Jun expression. Cell apoptosis was determined by scoring cells displaying pycnotic nuclei. RESULTS: Ex-4 inhibited induction of the JNK pathway elicited by IL-1 beta. This effect was mimicked with the use of cAMP-raising agents isobutylmethylxanthine and forskolin and required activation of the protein kinase A. Inhibition of the JNK pathway by ex-4 or IBMX and forskolin was concomitant with a rise in the levels of islet-brain 1 (IB1), a potent blocker of the stress-induced JNK pathway. In fact, ex-4 as well as IBMX and forskolin induced expression of IB1 at the promoter level through cAMP response element binding transcription factor 1. Suppression of IB1 levels with the use of RNA interference strategy impaired the protective effects of ex-4 against apoptosis induced by IL-1 beta. CONCLUSIONS: The data establish the requirement of IB1 in the protective action of ex-4 against apoptosis elicited by IL-1 beta and highlight the GLP-1 mimetics as new potent inhibitors of the JNK signaling induced by cytokines.


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The N-terminal domain of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) has been largely neglected in the search for a malaria vaccine in spite of being a target of inhibitory antibodies and protective T cell responses in mice. Thus, in order to develop this region as a vaccine candidate to be eventually associated with other candidates and, in particular, with the very advanced C-terminal counterpart, synthetic constructs representing N- and C-terminal regions of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium berghei CSP were administered as single or combined formulations in mice. We show that the antisera generated against the combinations inhibit sporozoite invasion of hepatocytes in vitro better than antisera against single peptides. Furthermore, two different P. falciparum CSP N-terminal constructs (PfCS22-110 and PfCS65-110) were recognized by serum samples from people living in malaria-endemic regions. Importantly, recognition of the short N-terminal peptide (PfCS65-110) by sera from children living in a malaria-endemic region was associated with protection from disease. Taken together, these results underline the potential of using such fragments as malaria vaccine candidates.