169 resultados para network motif


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Protein α-helical coiled coil structures that elicit antibody responses, which block critical functions of medically important microorganisms, represent a means for vaccine development. By using bioinformatics algorithms, a total of 50 antigens with α-helical coiled coil motifs orthologous to Plasmodium falciparum were identified in the P. vivax genome. The peptides identified in silico were chemically synthesized; circular dichroism studies indicated partial or high α-helical content. Antigenicity was evaluated using human sera samples from malaria-endemic areas of Colombia and Papua New Guinea. Eight of these fragments were selected and used to assess immunogenicity in BALB/c mice. ELISA assays indicated strong reactivity of serum samples from individuals residing in malaria-endemic regions and sera of immunized mice, with the α-helical coiled coil structures. In addition, ex vivo production of IFN-γ by murine mononuclear cells confirmed the immunogenicity of these structures and the presence of T-cell epitopes in the peptide sequences. Moreover, sera of mice immunized with four of the eight antigens recognized native proteins on blood-stage P. vivax parasites, and antigenic cross-reactivity with three of the peptides was observed when reacted with both the P. falciparum orthologous fragments and whole parasites. Results here point to the α-helical coiled coil peptides as possible P. vivax malaria vaccine candidates as were observed for P. falciparum. Fragments selected here warrant further study in humans and non-human primate models to assess their protective efficacy as single components or assembled as hybrid linear epitopes.


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Background: Adenosquamous carcinoma (AC) of the head and neck is a distinct entity first described in 1968. Its natural history is more aggressive than squamous-cell carcinoma. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical profile, patterns of failure, and prognostic factors in patients with AC of the head and neck treated by radiation therapy (RT) with or without chemotherapy (CT).Materials and Methods: Data from 19 patients with stage I (n = 3), II (n = 1), III (n = 4), or IVa (n = 11) AC, treated between 1989 and 2009, were collected in a retrospective multicenter Rare Cancer Network study. Median age was 60 years (range, 48−73). Fifteen patients were male, and 4 female. Risk factors, including perineural invasion, lymphangitis, vascular invasion, positive margins were present in the majority (83%) of the patients. Tumour sites included oral cavity in 4, oropharynx in 4, hypopharynx in 2, larynx in 2, salivary glands in 2, nasal vestibule in 2, maxillary sinus in 2, and nasopharynx in 1 patient. Surgery (S) was performed in all but 5 patients. S alone was performed in only 1 patient, and definitive RT alone in 3 patients. Fifteen patients received combined modality treatment (S+RT in 11, RT+CT in 2, and all of the three modalities in 2 patients). Median RT dose to the primary and to the nodes was 66 Gy (range, 50−72) and 53 Gy (range, 44−66), respectively (1.8−2.0 Gy/fr., 5 fr./week). In 4 patients, the planning treatment volume included the primary tumour site only. Eight patients were treated with 2D RT, 7 with 3D conformal RT, and 2 with intensity-modulated RT.Results: After a median follow-up period of 39 months (range, 9−62), 9 patients developed distant metastases (lung, bone, mediastinum, and liver), 7 presented nodal recurrences, and only 4 had a local relapse at the primary site (all in-field recurrences). At last follow-up, 7 patients were alive without disease, 1 alive with disease, 9 died from progressive disease, and 2 died from intercurrent disease. The 3-year and median overall survival, disease-free survival (DFS), and locoregional control rates were 55% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 32−78%) and 39 months, 34% (95% CI: 12−56%) and 22 months, and 50% (95% CI: 22−78%) and 33 months, respectively. In multivariate analysis (Cox model), DFS was negatively influenced by the presence of extracapsular extension (p = 0.01) and advanced stage (IV versus I−III, p = 0.002).Conclusions: Overall prognosis of locoregionally advanced AC remains poor, and distant metastases and nodal relapse occur in almost half of the cases. However, local control is relatively better, and early stage AC patients had prolonged DFS when treated with combined-modality treatment.


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The regulation of the immune system is controlled by many cell surface receptors. A prominent representative is the 'molecular switch' HVEM (herpes virus entry mediator) that can activate either proinflammatory or inhibitory signaling pathways. HVEM ligands belong to two distinct families: the TNF-related cytokines LIGHT and lymphotoxin-α, and the Ig-related membrane proteins BTLA and CD160. HVEM and its ligands have been involved in the pathogenesis of various autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, but recent reports indicate that this network may also be involved in tumor progression and resistance to immune response. Here we summarize the recent advances made regarding the knowledge on HVEM and its ligands in cancer cells, and their potential roles in tumor progression and escape to immune responses. Blockade or enhancement of these pathways may help improving cancer therapy.


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Within the framework of the Rare Cancer Network Study, we examined 30 patients suffering from small cell neuroendocrine prostate cancer, either in an early/localized or an advanced/metastatic stage. Patients were treated with cisplatin-based chemotherapy, with or without pelvic radiotherapy. Two patients with early disease achieved complete remission for a duration of 19 and 22 months. Three patients with advanced disease achieved complete remission for 6, 7, and 54 months, respectively. Twenty-five patients succumbed to massive local and/or distant failure. No patient presented with brain metastases as the initial site of relapse. Small cell neuroendocrine prostate carcinoma is a very aggressive disease with a poor prognosis, even in its localized form. Despite initial response, the common cisplatin-based chemotherapy plus radiotherapy failed to improve outcome markedly. Improvement will come from understanding the biology of the disease and integrating new targeted therapies into the treatment of this rare and aggressive tumor.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of patients with primary spinal myxopapillary ependymoma (MPE). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data from a series of 85 (35 females, 50 males) patients with spinal MPE were collected in this retrospective multicenter study. Thirty-eight (45%) underwent surgery only and 47 (55%) received postoperative radiotherapy (RT). Median administered radiation dose was 50.4 Gy (range, 22.2-59.4). Median follow-up of the surviving patients was 60.0 months (range, 0.2-316.6). RESULTS: The 5-year progression-free survival (PFS) was 50.4% and 74.8% for surgery only and surgery with postoperative low- (<50.4 Gy) or high-dose (>or=50.4 Gy) RT, respectively. Treatment failure was observed in 24 (28%) patients. Fifteen patients presented treatment failure at the primary site only, whereas 2 and 1 patients presented with brain and distant spinal failure only. Three and 2 patients with local failure presented with concomitant spinal distant seeding and brain failure, respectively. One patient failed simultaneously in the brain and spine. Age greater than 36 years (p = 0.01), absence of neurologic symptoms at diagnosis (p = 0.01), tumor size >or=25 mm (p = 0.04), and postoperative high-dose RT (p = 0.05) were variables predictive of improved PFS on univariate analysis. In multivariate analysis, only postoperative high-dose RT was independent predictors of PFS (p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: The observed pattern of failure was mainly local, but one fifth of the patients presented with a concomitant spinal or brain component. Postoperative high-dose RT appears to significantly reduce the rate of tumor progression.


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Modern urban lifestyle encourages the prolongation of wakefulness, leaving less and less time for sleep. Although the exact functions of sleep remain one of the biggest mysteries in neuroscience, the society is well aware of the negative consequences of sleep loss on human physical and mental health and performance. Enhancing sleep's recuperative functions might allow shortening sleep duration while preserving the beneficial effects of sleep. During sleep, brain activity oscillates across a continuum of frequencies. Individual oscillations have been suggested to underlie distinct functions for sleep and cognition. Gaining control about individual oscillations might allow boosting their specific functions. Sleep spindles are 11 - 15 Hz oscillations characteristic for light non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS) and have been proposed to play a role in memory consolidation and sleep protection against environmental stimuli. The reticular thalamic nucleus (nRt) has been identified as the major pacemaker of spindles. Intrinsic oscillatory burst discharge in nRt neurons, arising from the interplay of low-threshold (T-type) Ca2+ channels (T channels) and small conductance type 2 (SK2) K+ channels (SK2 channels), underlies this pacemaking function. In the present work we investigated the impact of altered nRt bursting on spindle generation during sleep by studying mutant mice for SK2 channels and for CaV3.3 channels, a subtype of T channels. Using in vitro electrophysiology I showed that nRt bursting was abolished in CaV3.3 knock out (CaV3.3 KO) mice. In contrast, in SK2 channel over-expressing (SK2-OE) nRt cells, intrinsic repetitive bursting was prolonged. Compared to wildtype (WT) littermates, altered nRt burst discharge lead to weakened thalamic network oscillations in vitro in CaV3.3 KO mice, while oscillatory activity was prolonged in SK2-OE mice. Sleep electroencephalographic recordings in CaV3.3 KO and SK2-OE mice revealed that reduced or potentiated nRt bursting respectively weakened or prolonged sleep spindle activity at the NREMS - REMS transition. Furthermore, SK2-OE mice showed more consolidated NREMS and increased arousal thresholds, two correlates of good sleep quality. This thesis work suggests that CaV3.3 and SK2 channels may be targeted in order to modulate sleep spindle activity. Furthermore, it proposes a novel function for spindles in NREMS consolidation. Finally, it provides evidence that sleep quality may be improved by promoting spindle activity, thereby supporting the hypothesis that sleep quality can be enhanced by modulating oscillatory activity in the brain. Le style de vie moderne favorise la prolongation de l'éveil, laissant de moins en moins de temps pour le sommeil. Même si le rôle exact du sommeil reste un des plus grands mystères des neurosciences, la société est bien consciente des conséquences négatives que provoque un manque de sommeil, à la fois sur le plan de la santé physique et mentale ainsi qu'au niveau des performances cognitives. Augmenter les fonctions récupératrices du sommeil pourrait permettre de raccourcir la durée du sommeil tout en en conservant les effets bénéfiques. Durant le sommeil, on observe des oscillations à travers un continuum de fréquences. Il a été proposé que chaque oscillation pourrait être à l'origine de fonctions spécifiques pour le sommeil et la cognition. Pouvoir de contrôler les oscillations individuelles permettrait d'augmenter leurs fonctions respectives. Les fuseaux sont des oscillations de 11 à 15 Hz caractéristiques du sommeil à ondes lentes léger et il a été suggéré qu'elles jouent un rôle majeur pour la consolidation de la mémoire ainsi que dans la protection du sommeil contre les stimuli environnementaux. Le nucleus réticulaire du thalamus (nRt) a été identifié en tant que générateur de rythme des fuseaux. Les bouffées oscillatoires intrinsèques des neurones du nRt, provenant de l'interaction de canaux calciques à bas seuil de type T (canaux T) et de canaux potassiques à faible conductance de type 2 (canaux SK2), sont à l'origine de la fonction de générateur de rythme. Dans ce travail, j'ai étudié l'impact de la modulation de bouffées de nRT sur la génération des fuseaux pendant le sommeil en investiguant des souris génétiquement modifiées pour les canaux SK2 et les canaux CaV3.3, un sous-type de canaux T. En utilisant l'électrophysiologie in vitro j'ai démontré que les bouffées du nRT étaient abolies dans les souris knock-out du type CaV3.3 (CaV3.3 KO). D'autre part, dans les cellules nRT sur-exprimant les canaux SK2 (SK2-OE), les bouffées oscillatoires intrinsèques étaient prolongées. Par rapport aux souris wild type, les souris CaV3.3 KO ont montré un affaiblissement des oscillations thalamiques en réponse à un changement des bouffées de nRT, alors que l'activité oscillatoire était prolongée dans les souris SK2-OE. Des enregistrements EEG du sommeil dans des souris de type CaV3.3 KO et SK2-OE ont révélé qu'une réduction ou augmentation des bouffées nRT ont respectivement affaibli ou prolongé l'activité des fuseaux durant les transitions du sommeil à ondes lentes au sommeil paradoxal. De plus, les souris SK2-OE ont montré des signes de consolidation du sommeil à ondes lentes et un seuil augmenté pour le réveil, deux mesures qui corrèlent avec une bonne qualité du sommeil. Le travail de cette thèse propose que les canaux CaV3.3 et SK2 pourrait être ciblés pour moduler l'activité des fuseaux. De plus, je propose une fonction nouvelle pour les fuseaux dans la consolidation du sommeil à ondes lentes. Finalement je suggère que la qualité du sommeil peut être améliorée en promouvant l'activité des fuseaux, soutenant ainsi l'idée que la qualité du sommeil peut être améliorée en modulant l'activité oscillatoire dans le cerveau.


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The riboregulator RsmY of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 is an example of small regulatory RNAs belonging to the global Rsm/Csr regulatory systems controlling diverse cellular processes such as glycogen accumulation, motility, or formation of extracellular products in various bacteria. By binding multiple molecules of the small regulatory protein RsmA, RsmY relieves the negative effect of RsmA on the translation of several target genes involved in the biocontrol properties of strain CHA0. RsmY and functionally related riboregulators have repeated GGA motifs predicted to be exposed in single-stranded regions, notably in the loops of hairpins. The secondary structure of RsmY was corroborated by in vivo cleavage with lead acetate. RsmY mutants lacking three or five (out of six) of the GGA motifs showed reduced ability to derepress the expression of target genes in vivo and failed to bind the RsmA protein efficiently in vitro. The absence of GGA motifs in RsmY mutants resulted in reduced abundance of these transcripts and in a shorter half-life (< or = 6 min as compared with 27 min for wild type RsmY). These results suggest that both the interaction of RsmY with RsmA and the stability of RsmY strongly depend on the GGA repeats and that the ability of RsmY to interact with small regulatory proteins such as RsmA may protect this RNA from degradation.


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Cancer genomes frequently contain somatic copy number alterations (SCNA) that can significantly perturb the expression level of affected genes and thus disrupt pathways controlling normal growth. In melanoma, many studies have focussed on the copy number and gene expression levels of the BRAF, PTEN and MITF genes, but little has been done to identify new genes using these parameters at the genome-wide scale. Using karyotyping, SNP and CGH arrays, and RNA-seq, we have identified SCNA affecting gene expression ('SCNA-genes') in seven human metastatic melanoma cell lines. We showed that the combination of these techniques is useful to identify candidate genes potentially involved in tumorigenesis. Since few of these alterations were recurrent across our samples, we used a protein network-guided approach to determine whether any pathways were enriched in SCNA-genes in one or more samples. From this unbiased genome-wide analysis, we identified 28 significantly enriched pathway modules. Comparison with two large, independent melanoma SCNA datasets showed less than 10% overlap at the individual gene level, but network-guided analysis revealed 66% shared pathways, including all but three of the pathways identified in our data. Frequently altered pathways included WNT, cadherin signalling, angiogenesis and melanogenesis. Additionally, our results emphasize the potential of the EPHA3 and FRS2 gene products, involved in angiogenesis and migration, as possible therapeutic targets in melanoma. Our study demonstrates the utility of network-guided approaches, for both large and small datasets, to identify pathways recurrently perturbed in cancer.


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For self-pollinating plants to reproduce, male and female organ development must be coordinated as flowers mature. The Arabidopsis transcription factors AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 6 (ARF6) and ARF8 regulate this complex process by promoting petal expansion, stamen filament elongation, anther dehiscence, and gynoecium maturation, thereby ensuring that pollen released from the anthers is deposited on the stigma of a receptive gynoecium. ARF6 and ARF8 induce jasmonate production, which in turn triggers expression of MYB21 and MYB24, encoding R2R3 MYB transcription factors that promote petal and stamen growth. To understand the dynamics of this flower maturation regulatory network, we have characterized morphological, chemical, and global gene expression phenotypes of arf, myb, and jasmonate pathway mutant flowers. We found that MYB21 and MYB24 promoted not only petal and stamen development but also gynoecium growth. As well as regulating reproductive competence, both the ARF and MYB factors promoted nectary development or function and volatile sesquiterpene production, which may attract insect pollinators and/or repel pathogens. Mutants lacking jasmonate synthesis or response had decreased MYB21 expression and stamen and petal growth at the stage when flowers normally open, but had increased MYB21 expression in petals of older flowers, resulting in renewed and persistent petal expansion at later stages. Both auxin response and jasmonate synthesis promoted positive feedbacks that may ensure rapid petal and stamen growth as flowers open. MYB21 also fed back negatively on expression of jasmonate biosynthesis pathway genes to decrease flower jasmonate level, which correlated with termination of growth after flowers have opened. These dynamic feedbacks may promote timely, coordinated, and transient growth of flower organs.


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This paper deals with the problem of spatial data mapping. A new method based on wavelet interpolation and geostatistical prediction (kriging) is proposed. The method - wavelet analysis residual kriging (WARK) - is developed in order to assess the problems rising for highly variable data in presence of spatial trends. In these cases stationary prediction models have very limited application. Wavelet analysis is used to model large-scale structures and kriging of the remaining residuals focuses on small-scale peculiarities. WARK is able to model spatial pattern which features multiscale structure. In the present work WARK is applied to the rainfall data and the results of validation are compared with the ones obtained from neural network residual kriging (NNRK). NNRK is also a residual-based method, which uses artificial neural network to model large-scale non-linear trends. The comparison of the results demonstrates the high quality performance of WARK in predicting hot spots, reproducing global statistical characteristics of the distribution and spatial correlation structure.