63 resultados para mythical narratives


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Issu de la fin du Moyen Âge, le Roman de Perceforest est le plus long texte que le Moyen Âge nous ait laissé. Il entend décrire la vie des ancêtres préchrétiens d'Arthur et de ses chevaliers en les faisant descendre d'Alexandre le Grand. Au fil de son récit, l'auteur met en place une véritable poétique de la reprise, tant externe qu'interne. Il multiplie les références à des textes préexistants issus de différentes matières et va même jusqu'à en intégrer des morceaux entiers. Il reprend par ailleurs des parties de sa propre oeuvre, n'hésitant pas à reproduire des schémas, voire des séquences narratives précises. Cette esthétique répétitive a plusieurs conséquences, tant sur l'appartenance générique du texte, sur sa construction, que sur sa réception par le lecteur. Elle est au coeur de notre étude. Nous nous intéressons plus spécifiquement à un phénomène particulier de reprise qui montre l'intégration d'une séquence préexistante dans un contexte distinct de son apparition d'origine et que nous qualifions d'emprunt. Notre travail s'organise autour d'un examen successif des différents types d'emprunts qui apparaissent au sein du texte, tant intertextuels qu'intratextuels. À terme, c'est la cohérence et l'individualité du Perceforest, ainsi que la conception de l'écriture qui anime son auteur que nous mettons en avant, tout en proposant des jalons pour une théorie générale de l'emprunt. - The Roman de Perceforest, the longest known text from the Middle Ages, aims to describe the life of Arthur's pre-christian ancestors and knights, presenting them as descendants of Alexander the Great. Along the storytelling, a genuine poetics of external and internal repetition takes place: the Perceforest s authors multiply the references to previous texts belonging to several materials, integrating sometimes entire parts of other texts. Furthermore the narrative reproduces its own patterns and particular sequences in different places of the text. Throughout this research, we consider the influence of such repetition aesthetics on the literary genre definition, on its construction as well as on the reader's reception. In this dissertation, we explore a specific category of repetitions where pre-existing sequences are embedded in a narrative context that differs from the original context of occurrence, which we called emprunt (s). Reviewing the species of inter- and intra-textual recurrences occurring within the text, we reveal some overlooked aspects of the consistency, the specificity of the Perceforest and its author's idea of writing, striving to groundwork on general theory of «emprunts» that shall thereby be laid.


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Child sexual abuse is associated with problems in children's emotional development, particularly increased insecurity of attachment. However, few studies have examined its effect on the organization of attachment representations in preschoolers, and the findings of those that have been conducted have not been entirely consistent. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of child sexual abuse on attachment representation quality in a sample of children 3 to 7 years old in Chile. The results indicate child sexual abuse does affect children's attachment representation quality. The attachment narratives of child sexual abuse victims scored significantly higher than nonvictims on the hyperactivity and disorganization dimensions of attachment. These results are discussed in terms of attachment theory, clinical findings on child sexual abuse, and clinical implications.


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Les histoires d'attachement à compléter de Bretherton et Ridgeway (1990) constituent un moyen d'évaluer les narratifs d'enfants dès l'âge de 3 ans. Dans le présent article, nous présentons un Q-sort permettant de coder ces productions enfantines. Des scores à 4 dimensions d'attachement (sécurité, désactivation, hyperactivation, désorganisation) peuvent être obtenus grâce à une comparaison des réponses du sujet à celles de prototypes. Par ailleurs, une analyse en composantes principales a permis de définir 6 échelles, correspondant chacune à un aspect spécifique du jeu. Certains aspects des narratifs semblent influencés par le sexe et l'âge de l'enfant, mais non par son QI. Des exemples d'application du Q-sort sont présentés, notamment pour l'étude de la transmission intergénérationnelle des stratégies d'attachement ou pour l'étude de l'implication des représentations et des capacités narratives en matière de psychopathologie. Bretherton and Ridgeway's (1990) attachment story completion task allows for the assessment of child narratives as early as 3 years of age. In the present article, we present a Q-sort for the coding of these child productions. Scores on 4 attachment dimensions (security, deactivation, hyperactivation, disorganization) can be computed by comparing participants' responses to those of each prototype. Following a principal components analysis, 6 scales have been defined, each one corresponding to some specific aspects of child play. Certain aspects of child narratives seem to be influenced by gender and age, but not by IQ. Examples of possible applications of the Q-sort are presented, such as its use in the study of intergenerational transmission of attachment strategies or the study of the role of representations and narrative competence in psychopathology.


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Purpose The purpose of our multidisciplinary study was to define a pragmatic and secure alternative to the creation of a national centralised medical record which could gather together the different parts of the medical record of a patient scattered in the different hospitals where he was hospitalised without any risk of breaching confidentiality. Methods We first analyse the reasons for the failure and the dangers of centralisation (i.e. difficulty to define a European patients' identifier, to reach a common standard for the contents of the medical record, for data protection) and then propose an alternative that uses the existing available data on the basis that setting up a safe though imperfect system could be better than continuing a quest for a mythical perfect information system that we have still not found after a search that has lasted two decades. Results We describe the functioning of Medical Record Search Engines (MRSEs), using pseudonymisation of patients' identity. The MRSE will be able to retrieve and to provide upon an MD's request all the available information concerning a patient who has been hospitalised in different hospitals without ever having access to the patient's identity. The drawback of this system is that the medical practitioner then has to read all of the information and to create his own synthesis and eventually to reject extra data. Conclusions Faced with the difficulties and the risks of setting up a centralised medical record system, a system that gathers all of the available information concerning a patient could be of great interest. This low-cost pragmatic alternative which could be developed quickly should be taken into consideration by health authorities.


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Abstract: This book studies several mythical motifs, found in the Veda (especially in the Ùgveda) on the one hand and in one or both Sanskrit epics on the other: Agni's hiding, the theft of the Soma, Indra's rape of Ahalyå, Upamanyu's salvation by the Aßvins, and finally the representation of the Great War of the Mahåbhårata as a sacrifice. While it is often said that the subsequent Indian literature only paid "lipservice" to the Vedas without really knowing and even less understanding these texts, the present study not only shows that many Vedic myths are still kept alive in the Epics, but more importantly that their deep underlying meaning was perfectly understood by the epic mythmakers, and reactualized to fit the changed religious conditions of epic times. Résumé: Descriptif du livre Ce livre étudie plusieur motifs mythologiques qui se trouvent à la fois dans les Vedas (et spécialement dans le Ùgveda), et dans l'une ou l'autre des grandes épopées sanskrites, le Mahåbhårata et le Råmåyana. Ces motifs sont: la disparition d'Agni, le rapt du Soma, le viol d'Ahalyå par Indra, le sauvetage d'Upamanyu par les Aßvins, et enfin, la représentation de la grande guerre du Mahåbhårata comme un rite sacrificiel. On maintient souvent que la littérature plus tardive ne fait référence aux Vedas que pour la forme, sans pour autant réellement connaître et encore moins comprendre ces textes. Mais la présente étude montre tout au contraire que non seulement beaucoup de mythes védiques se retrouvent dans les épopées, mais encore ? ce qui est plus important ? que les mythographes de l'épopée avaient parfaitement compris leur sens profond, et l'avaient réactualisé pour répondre aux changements religieux de l'époque épique.


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While historical studies of the Atlantic slave trade have amply demonstrated the magnitude of slave mortality during the Middle Passage, only recently have they started to examine how the captives might have endured and coped with this traumatic experience. Although it constitutes a major topos in African diasporic culture, the Middle Passage has only occasionally been represented directly and in details in novels and in films. This article examines three recent narratives of the Middle Passage, Fred D'Aguiar's novel Feeding the Ghosts (1998), Guy Deslauriers's film Passage du milieu (2000), and Stephanie Smallwood's historical study Saltwater Slavery: A Middle Passage from Africa to American Diaspora (2007). Beyond their individual poetic, aesthetic, and scholarly qualities, what is most striking about these three texts is that they all use the figure of the living dead in order to explore the captives' experience of the transatlantic journey. If the ghastly quality of the living dead powerfully captures the life-threatening material and physical conditions the captives endured on the voyage, its dual, liminal character also allows D'Aguiar, Deslauriers, and Smallwood to represent the metaphysical, psychological, social, and cultural journey they were forced to undertake. Through their use of the trope of the living dead, these three texts show that if death is indeed a central aspect of the experience of the Middle Passage, it impacts the captives in ways that go well beyond the issue of mortality.


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In this study, we assume that the organisation of storytelling activity is sensitive to emerging norms and, specifically, to what is worth telling from a participant's perspective. We associate the methods of conversation analysis with a labovian approach to oral narratives and examine how storytelling is collaboratively and sequentially built during a radio interview parody. After discussing the relevance of parodic data to understand how media practitioners see their own practices (here: telling a story during a media interview), we provide a detailed analysis of a deviant case by considering the relations between structuring the telling and evaluating the tellability. The analysis leads to show what kinds of interactional resources are used to accomplish the activity: for instance, concurrent topic formulations, shared configurations of grammatical constructions, adjacency pairs. The study also points out how competing agendas can configure the activity in dissimilar ways. Eventually, it underlines the issues of being the interviewee and the storyteller at the same time.


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À ses origines, la théorie du récit, notamment la narratologie d'inspiration formaliste et structuraliste, s'est développée dans le creuset des études littéraires. De ce fait, le point focal de cette discipline a longtemps été constitué par le récit verbal, généralement sous la forme d'un texte écrit et planifié par un auteur, laissant de côté les formes narratives émergentes, participatives ou interactives. On observe cependant, depuis une vingtaine d'année, une accélération dans le processus d'élargissement des objets d'étude de la narratologie, accompagnée par une mutation épistémologique. Retraçant cette évolution, Jan Christoph Meister observe ainsi un changement d'orientation faisant passer la théorie du récit de l'étude de phénomènes textuels à l'analyse « des fonctions cognitives de récits oraux et non littéraires, ouvrant ainsi un nouveau chapitre dans le projet narratologique » (2009 : 340). Si l'intrigue peut être décrite - en adoptant un point de vue fonctionnaliste et cognitiviste - comme une matrice de possibilités ontologiquement instable, comme un dispositif dont la fonction première est d'ouvrir des virtualités narratives et d'engendrer de la curiosité ou du suspense (Baroni 2007 ; 2009), alors il n'y a pas de raison de la considérer comme un obstacle à l'analyse de récits émergents et participatifs, voire de simulations ou de pratiques ludiques hautement interactives.


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The paper engages the question of how traditional religion persist in an increasingly problematic and complex swiss context. In particular, the chapter looks at the phenomenon of charismatic worship as a vehicle for resignifying the meaning of chronic suffering, over and against the traditional evangelical expectation that worldly hardship is but a temporary trial, to be endured and overcome by true believers. The experience of ongoing physical and psychological suffering is mediated by ritualized narratives, which resituate the afflicted "stakeholders" as important models of Christian life. In so doing, these narratives richly dramatize the resolution of theodicy by showing that, far from being absent in the lives of sufferers, God is especially present.


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Local trajectories and arrangements play a significant role because the development of a research field, such as nanoscience and nanotechnology, requires substantial investments in human and instrumental resources. But why are there often concentrated in a limited number of places? What dynamics lead to such concentration? The hypothesis is that there is an assemblage of heterogeneous resources through the action of local actors. The chapter will explore, from an Actor Network Theory (ANT) perspective, how the local emergence of research dynamics from: the revival of local traditions, the local and national action of institutional entrepreneurs, controversial dynamics, and researchers' arrangements to involve other actors. It will examine how they connect up with each other and mutually commit themselves to the development of new technologies. It will focus on the role of narratives in this assembling: how were the local narratives of the past mobilized and to what effect.


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Gustav Hasford is the author of two important Vietnam War novels: The Short-Timers (1979), which was adapted by Stanley Kubrick into Full Metal Jacket (1987), and The Phantom Blooper (1990), its sequel. Relentlessly critical of the war that destroyed his generation, Hasford uses an array of Gothic themes, tropes and figures - such as the werewolf, vampire, and ghost - to describe the transformation of men into monsters that begins with basic training and can never be reversed. These and other Gothic devices allow Hasford to demystify and disenchant the Vietnam War, to strip it of euphemisms and official myths, and to reveal the violence that lays beneath. Unlike other well-known writers of the same generation, such as Michael Herr and Chris O'Brien, Hasford eschews postmodern techniques in order to pursue a rhetorical strategy of horror combined with black humor. The results are two novels of extraordinary ferocity, critical acumen and wit. The chapter concludes with an analysis of the specifically Gothic reading experience of ethical dilemma - a Gothic exercise in judgment - choreographed by both narratives.


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(ENGLISH VERSION BELOW) En 1780, le médecin Jean-André Venel fonde à Orbe, dans le canton de Vaud, le premier institut orthopédique connu dans le monde, proposant une version clinique d'un savoir-faire médical ancestral. A travers des sources qui réactualisent les travaux consacrés à Venel, cet article retrace les origines de son institution et de sa pensée médicale, dans un contexte de production et de diffusion d'un savoir particulier en termes de technique du corps et de médecine de l'enfant. Revisitant la figure légendaire - ou mythique ? - de ce que l'histoire de la médecine a retenu comme étant le « père de l'orthopédie », l'article s'interroge par la même occasion sur les conditions d'émergence d'une spécialité médicale au sortir de l'Ancien Régime, et de son impact dans les premières décennies du XIXe siècle. In 1780, the physician Jean-André Venel creates in Orbe (canton of Vaud) the first orthopedic institute of the world, offering a clinical version of an ancient medical savoir-faire. By using sources that enable us to update the scholarship on Venel, this article traces the origins of his institute and of his medical thought, in the context of the production and diffusion of a specialized knowledge on the body and on children. With this new perspective on the legendary, if not mythical, figure, whom the history of medicine has canonized as the "father of orthopedia", this article also examines the conditions of emergence of a medical specialization at the end of the Ancien Régime and its impact in the first decades of the nineteenth century.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper was to examine sexual knowledge, concerns and needs of youth with spina bifida (SB) to inform the medical community on ways to better support their sexual health. METHODS: As part of the Video Intervention/Prevention Assessment (VIA) - transitions, a prospective cohort study, 309 h of video data were collected from 14 participants (13-28 years old) with SB. Participants were loaned a video camcorder for 8-12 weeks to shoot visual narratives about any aspects of their lives. V/A visual narratives were analysed with grounded theory using NVivo. RESULTS: Out of 14 participants, 11 (six women) addressed issues surrounding romantic relationships and sexuality in their video clips. Analysis revealed shared concerns, questions and challenges regarding sexuality gathered under four main themes: romantic relationships, sexuality, fertility and parenthood, and need for more talk on sexuality. CONCLUSIONS: Youth with SB reported difficulties in finding answers to questions regarding their sexuality, romantic relationships and fertility. This study revealed a need for help from the medical community to inform and empower youth with SB in the area of sexual health. Through sexual and reproductive health education with patients and parents starting at an early age, medical providers can further encourage healthy emotional and physical development in adolescents transitioning into adulthood.