226 resultados para morphology target tracking


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Glucocorticoids reduce diabetic macular edema, but the mechanisms underlying glucocorticoid effects are imperfectly elucidated. Glucocorticoids may bind to glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid (MR) receptors. We hypothesize that MR activation may influence retinal hydration. The effect of the MR agonist aldosterone (24 h) on ion/water channel expression (real-time PCR, Western blot, immunofluorescence) was investigated on cultured retinal Müller glial cells (RMGs, which contribute to fluid homeostasis in the retina), in Lewis rat retinal explants, and in retinas from aldosterone-injected eyes. We evidenced cell-specific expression of MR, GR, and 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type II. Aldosterone significantly enhances expression of sodium and potassium channels ENaC-alpha (6.5-fold) and Kir4.1 (1.9-fold) through MR and GR occupancy, whereas aquaporin 4 (AQP4, 2.9-fold) up-regulation is MR-selective. Aldosterone intravitreous injection induces retinal swelling (24% increase compared to sham-injected eyes) and activation of RMGs. It promotes additional localization of Kir4.1 and AQP4 toward apical microvilli of RMGs. Our results highlight the mineralocorticoid-sensitivity of the neuroretina and show that aldosterone controls hydration of the healthy retina through regulation of ion/water channels expression in RMGs. These results provide a rationale for future investigations of abnormal MR signaling in the pathological retina.


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Stepwise radiofrequency catheter ablation (step-CA) has become the treatment of choice for the restoration of sinus rhythm (SR) in patients with long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation (pers-AF). Its success rate appears limited as the amount of ablation to achieve long term SR is unknown. Multiple organization indexes (OIs) have been previously developed to track the organization of AF during step-CA, however, with limited success. We report an adaptive method for tracking AF termination (AF-term) based on OIs characterizing the relationship between harmonic components of atrial activity from the surface ECG of AF activity. By computing their relative evolution during the last two steps preceding AF-term, we found that the performance of our OIs was superior to classical indices to track the efficiency of step-CA "en route" to AF-term. Our preliminary results suggest that the gradual synchronization between the fundamental and its first harmonic of AF activity appears as a promising parameter for predicting AF-term during step-CA.


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Background and aims Recent studies have adopted a broad definition of Sapindaceae that includes taxa traditionally placed in Aceraceae and Hippocastanaceae, achieving monophyly but yielding a family difficult to characterize and for which no obvious morphological synapomorphy exists. This expanded circumscription was necessitated by the finding that the monotypic, temperate Asian genus Xanthoceras, historically placed in Sapindaceae tribe Harpullieae, is basal within the group. Here we seek to clarify the relationships of Xanthoceras based on phylogenetic analyses using a dataset encompassing nearly 3/4 of sapindaceous genera, comparing the results with information from morphology and biogeography, in particular with respect to the other taxa placed in Harpullieae. We then re-examine the appropriateness of maintaining the current broad, morphologically heterogeneous definition of Sapindaceae and explore the advantages of an alternative family circumscription. Methods Using 243 samples representing 104 of the 142 currently recognized genera of Sapindaceae s. lat. (including all in Harpullieae), sequence data were analyzed for nuclear (ITS) and plastid (matK, rpoB, trnD-trnT, trnK-matK, trnL-trnF and trnS-trnG) markers, adopting the methodology of a recent family-wide study, performing single-gene and total evidence analyses based on maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum parsimony (MP) criteria, and applying heuristic searches developed for large datasets, viz, a new strategy implemented in RAxML (for ML) and the parsimony ratchet (for MP). Bootstrap analyses were performed for each method to test for congruence between markers. Key results Our findings support earlier suggestions that Harpullieae are polyphyletic: Xanthoceras is confirmed as sister to all other sampled taxa of Sapindaceae s. lat.; the remaining members belong to three other clades within Sapindaceae s. lat., two of which correspond respectively to the groups traditionally treated as Aceraceae and Hippocastanaceae, together forming a clade sister to the largely tropical Sapindaceae s. str., which is monophyletic and morphologically coherent provided Xanthoceras is excluded. Conclusion To overcome the difficulties of a broadly circumscribed Sapindaceae, we resurrect the historically recognized temperate families Aceraceae and Hippocastanaceae, and describe a new family, Xanthoceraceae, thus adopting a monophyletic and easily characterized circumscription of Sapindaceae nearly identical to that used for over a century.


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Objectives: Our aim was to study the brain regions involved in a divided attention tracking task related to driving in occasional cannabis smokers. In addition we assessed the relationship between THC levels in whole blood and changes in brain activity, behavioural and psychomotor performances. Methods: Twenty-one smokers participated to two independent cross-over fMRI experiments before and after smoking cannabis and a placebo. The paradigm was based on a visuo-motor tracking task, alternating active tracking blocks with passive tracking viewing and rest condition. Half of the active tracking conditions included randomly presented traffic lights as distractors. Blood samples were taken at regular intervals to determine the time-profiles of the major cannabinoids. Their levels during the fMRI experiments were interpolated from concentrations measured by GCMS/ MS just before and after brain imaging. Results: Behavioural data, such as the discard between target and cursor, the time of correct tracking and the reaction time during traffic lights appearance showed a statistical significant impairment of subject s skills due to THC intoxication. Highest THC blood concentrations were measured soon after smoking and ranged between 28.8 and 167.9 ng/ml. These concentrations reached values of a few ng/ml during the fMRI. fMRI results pointed out that under the effect of THC, high order visual areas (V3d) and Intraparietal sulcus (IPS) showed an higher activation compared to the control condition. The opposite comparison showed a decrease of activation during the THC condition in the anterior cingulate gyrus and orbitofrontal areas. In these locations, the BOLD showed a negative correlation with the THC level. Conclusion: Acute cannabis smoking significantly impairs performances and brain activity during active tracking tasks, partly reorganizing the recruitment of brain areas of the attention network. Neural activity in the anterior cingulate might be responsible of the changes in the cognitive controls required in our divided attention task.


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Introduction: In normal mice, lentiviral vector (LV) shows a great efficiency to infect the RPE cells, but transduces retinal neurons more efficiently during development. Here, we investigated the tropism of LV in the degenerating retina of mice, knowing that the retina structure changes during degeneration. We postulated that the viral transduction would be increased by the alteration of the interphotoreceptor matrix (IPM). We tested two different LV-pseudotypes using the VSVG and the Mokola envelopes. Methods: Subretinal injections were performed in wild-type (C57/Bl6) and rhodopsin knockout (Rho-/-) mice. We injected LV-VSVG-EFS-GFPII into 3.3-4.9 month old mice and LV-VSVG-Rho-GFP into 1-1.4 month old mice to target the photoreceptors (PR). LV-MOK-CMV-GFP was injected into 2.4-3.3 months old mice. We sacrificed the animals one week post injection, used immunohistochemistry to identify the transduced cells, and investigated the OLM integrity. Results: Using LV-VSVG-EFS-GFPII into 3.3-4.9 months mice, we observed significant retinal and RPE transduction in Rho-/- mice. However, the retinas showed transduction mainly at the injection's site. We mostly observed GFP+ cells having a Müller cell morphology. Using LV-MOK-CMV-GFP into 2.4-3.3 months mice, we evidenced the same pattern of viral infection, but with more Müller cells targeted by the virus. Using LV-VSVG-Rho-GFP into 1-1.4 month old mice, we don't note any difference between Rho-/- and wild-type mice for transduced cells. The IPM stained with ZO1 appears irregular into the 4.9 months old Rho-/- mice; for the youngest mice (Rho-/- and C57/Bl6), there is no modification of the IPM. Conclusion: The degeneration improves retinal cells transduction due to the alteration of the IPM in old Rho-/- mice. Müller cells seem (by morphological evidences) to be the principal cells expressing the transgene. The LV with Mokola envelope can transduce Müller cells in a degenerating retina with an intact IPM. In 1 month old mice, the degeneration doesn't enhance the transduction in rod PR probably because the IPM is not yet altered. The possibility to target photoreceptors at a later stage of the degeneration is under investigation.


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RESUME Les améliorations méthodologiques des dernières décennies ont permis une meilleure compréhension de la motilité gastro-intestinale. Il manque toutefois une méthode qui permette de suivre la progression du chyme le long du tube gastro-intestinal. Pour permettre l'étude de la motilité de tout le tractus digestif humain, une nouvelle technique, peu invasive, a été élaborée au Département de Physiologie, en collaboration avec l'EPFL. Appelée "Magnet Tracking", la technique est basée sur la détection du champ magnétique généré par des matériaux ferromagnétiques avalés. A cet usage, une pilule magnétique, une matrice de capteurs et un logiciel ont été développés. L'objet de ce travail est de démontrer la faisabilité d'un examen de la motilité gastro-intestinale chez l'Homme par cette méthode. L'aimant est un cylindre (ø 6x7 mm, 0.2 cm3) protégé par une gaine de silicone. Le système de mesure est constitué d'une matrice de 4x4 capteurs et d'un ordinateur portable. Les capteurs fonctionnent sur l'effet Hall. Grâce à l'interface informatique, l'évolution de la position de l'aimant est suivie en temps réel à travers tout le tractus digestif. Sa position est exprimée en fonction du temps ou reproduite en 3-D sous forme d'une trajectoire. Différents programmes ont été crées pour analyser la dynamique des mouvements de l'aimant et caractériser la motilité digestive. Dix jeunes volontaires en bonne santé ont participé à l'étude. L'aimant a été avalé après une nuit de jeûne et son séjour intra digestif suivi pendant 2 jours consécutifs. Le temps moyen de mesure était de 34 heures. Chaque sujet a été examiné une fois sauf un qui a répété sept fois l'expérience. Les sujets restaient en décubitus dorsal, tranquilles et pouvaient interrompre la mesure s'ils le désiraient. Ils sont restés à jeûne le premier jour. L'évacuation de l'aimant a été contrôlée chez tous les sujets. Tous les sujets ont bien supporté l'examen. Le marqueur a pu être détecté de l'oesophage au rectum. La trajectoire ainsi constituée représente une conformation de l'anatomie digestive : une bonne superposition de celle-ci à l'anatomie est obtenue à partir des images de radiologie conventionnelle (CT-scan, lavement à la gastrografine). Les mouvements de l'aimant ont été caractérisés selon leur périodicité, leur amplitude ou leur vitesse pour chaque segment du tractus digestif. Ces informations physiologiques sont bien corrélées à celles obtenues par des méthodes établies d'étude de la motilité gastro-intestinale. Ce travail démontre la faisabilité d'un examen de la motilité gastro-intestinal chez l'Homme par la méthode de Magnet Tracking. La technique fournit les données anatomiques et permet d'analyser en temps réel la dynamique des mouvements du tube digestif. Cette méthode peu invasive ouvre d'intéressantes perspectives pour l'étude de motilité dans des conditions physiologiques et pathologiques. Des expériences visant à valider cette approche en tant que méthode clinique sont en voie de réalisation dans plusieurs centres en Suisse et à l'étranger. SUMMARY Methodological improvements realised over the last decades have permitted a better understanding of gastrointestinal motility. Nevertheless, a method allowing a continuous following of lumina' contents is still lacking. In order to study the human digestive tract motility, a new minimally invasive technique was developed at the Department of Physiology in collaboration with Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. The method is based on the detection of magnetic field generated by swallowed ferromagnetic materials. The aim of our work was to demonstrate the feasibility of this new approach to study the human gastrointestinal motility. The magnet used was a cylinder (ø6x7mm, 0.2 cm3) coated with silicon. The magnet tracking system consisted of a 4x4 matrix of sensors based on the Hall effect Signals from the sensors were digitised and sent to a laptop computer for processing and storage. Specific software was conceived to analyse in real time the progression of the magnet through the gastrointestinal tube. Ten young and healthy volunteers were enrolled in the study. After a fasting period of 12 hours, they swallowed the magnet. The pill was then tracked for two consecutive days for 34 hours on average. Each subject was studied once except one who was studied seven times. Every subject laid on his back for the entire experiment but could interrupt it at anytime. Evacuation of the magnet was controlled in all subjects. The examination was well tolerated. The pill could be followed from the esophagus to the rectum. The trajectory of the magnet represented a "mould" of the anatomy of the digestive tube: a good superimposition with radiological anatomy (gastrografin contrast and CT) was obtained. Movements of the magnet were characterized by periodicity, velocity, and amplitude of displacements for every segment of the digestive tract. The physiological information corresponded well to data from current methods of studying gastrointestinal motility. This work demonstrates the feasibility of the new approach in studies of human gastrointestinal motility. The technique allows to correlate in real time the dynamics of digestive movements with the anatomical data. This minimally invasive method is ready for studies of human gastrointestinal motility under physiological as well as pathological conditions. Studies aiming at validation of this new approach as a clinically relevant tool are being realised in several centres in Switzerland and abroad. Abstract: A new minimally invasive technique allowing for anatomical mapping and motility studies along the entire human digestive system is presented. The technique is based on continuous tracking of a small magnet progressing through the digestive tract. The coordinates of the magnet are calculated from signals recorded by 16 magnetic field sensors located over the abdomen. The magnet position, orientation and trajectory are displayed in real time. Ten young healthy volunteers were followed during 34 h. The technique was well tolerated and no complication was encountered, The information obtained was 3-D con-figuration of the digestive tract and dynamics of the magnet displacement (velocity, transit time, length estimation, rhythms). In the same individual, repea-ted examination gave very reproducible results. The anatomical and physiological information obtained corresponded well to data from current methods and imaging. This simple, minimally invasive technique permits examination of the entire digestive tract and is suitable for both research and clinical studies. In combination with other methods, it may represent a useful tool for studies of Cl motility with respect to normal and pathological conditions.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the contributions of autophagic, necrotic, and apoptotic cell death mechanisms after neonatal cerebral ischemia and hence define the most appropriate neuroprotective approach for postischemic therapy. METHODS: Rats were exposed to transient focal cerebral ischemia on postnatal day 12. Some rats were treated by postischemic administration of pan-caspase or autophagy inhibitors. The ischemic brain tissue was studied histologically, biochemically, and ultrastructurally for autophagic, apoptotic, and necrotic markers. RESULTS: Lysosomal and autophagic activities were increased in neurons in the ischemic area from 6 to 24 hours postinjury, as shown by immunohistochemistry against lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 and cathepsin D, by acid phosphatase histochemistry, by increased expression of autophagosome-specific LC3-II and by punctate LC3 staining. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of large autolysosomes and putative autophagosomes in neurons. The increases in lysosomal activity and autophagosome formation together demonstrate increased autophagy, which occurred mainly in the border of the lesion, suggesting its involvement in delayed cell death. We also provide evidence for necrosis near the center of the lesion and apoptotic-like cell death in its border, but in nonautophagic cells. Postischemic intracerebroventricular injections of autophagy inhibitor 3-methyladenine strongly reduced the lesion volume (by 46%) even when given >4 hours after the beginning of the ischemia, whereas pan-caspase inhibitors, carbobenzoxy-valyl-alanyl-aspartyl(OMe)-fluoromethylketone and quinoline-val-asp(OMe)-Ch2-O-phenoxy, provided no protection. INTERPRETATION: The prominence of autophagic neuronal death in the ischemic penumbra and the neuroprotective efficacy of postischemic autophagy inhibition indicate that autophagy should be a primary target in the treatment of neonatal cerebral ischemia.


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Steroid hormone receptors activate specific gene transcription by binding as hormone-receptor complexes to short DNA enhancer-like elements termed hormone response elements (HREs). We have shown previously that a highly conserved 66 amino acid region of the oestrogen (ER) and glucocorticoid (GR) receptors, which corresponds to part of the receptor DNA binding domain (region C) is responsible for determining the specificity of target gene activation. This region contains two sub-regions (CI and CII) analogous to the 'zinc-fingers' of the transcription factor TFIIIA. We show here that CI and CII appear to be separate domains both involved in DNA binding. Furthermore, using chimaeric ERs in which either the first (N-terminal) (CI) or second (CII) 'zinc finger' region has been exchanged with that of the GR, indicates that it is the first 'zinc finger' which largely determines target gene specificity. We suggest that receptor recognition of the HRE is analogous to that of the helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif in that the receptor binds to DNA as a dimer with the first 'zinc finger' lying in the major groove recognizing one half of the palindromic HRE, and that protein-DNA interaction is stabilized through non-specific DNA binding and dimer interactions contributed by the second 'zinc finger'.


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The family Acrochordiceratidae Arthaber, 1911 ranges in age from latest Spathian to the middle/late Anisian boundary, and it represents a major component of ammonoid faunas during that time. The middle Anisian genus Acrochordiceras Hyatt, 1877 is the most widespread taxon of the family and occurs abundantly worldwide within the low paleolatitude belt. However, there is a profusion of species names available for Acrochordiceras. This excessive diversity at the species level essentially results from the fact that sufficiently large samples were not available, thus leading to a typological approach to its taxonomy. Based on new extensive collections obtained from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) Fossil Hill Member (Star Peak Group, north-west Nevada) for which a high resolution biostratigraphic frame is available, the taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the genus Acrochordiceras Hyatt, 1877 is herein revised with respect to its intra-specific variation. Morphological and biometric studies (c. 550 bedrock-controlled specimens were measured) show that only one species occurs in each stratigraphic level. Continuous ranges of intra-specific variation of studied specimens enable us to synonymize Haydenites Diener, 1907, Silesiacrochordiceras Diener, 1916 and Epacrochordiceras Spath, 1934 with Acrochordiceras Hyatt, 1877. Three stratigraphically successive species are herein recognized in the low paleolatitude middle Anisian faunas from Nevada: A. hatschekii (Diener, 1907), A. hyatti Meek, 1877 and A. carolinae Mojsisovics, 1882. Moreover, an assessment of intra-specific variation of the adult size range does not support recognition of a dimorphic pair (Acrochordiceras and Epacrochordiceras) as previously suggested by other workers (Epacrochordiceras is the compressed and weakly ornamented end-member variant of Acrochordiceras). The successive middle Anisian species of Acrochordiceras form an anagenetic lineage characterized by increasing involution, adult size and intra-specific variation. This taxonomic revision based on new bedrock-controlled collections is thus an important prerequisite before studying the evolution of the group.


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The Saharan shrew Crocidura tarfayaensis Vesmanis and Vesmanis, 1980, has a limited disribution along the Atlantic coast of Sahara, south of Agadir (Morocco) through Western Sahara into Mauritania and is only known from few captures and some owl pellets. Here we report field data from the successful trapping of five specimens of C. tarfayaensis in the Guelmim region. The habitat was characterized by sand dunes along a river, with dense shrubberies of Tamarix sp., the huge grass Erianthus ravennae (Poaceae) and flat bushes of Atriplex glauca var. ifniensis (Chenopodiaceae). Morphological discrimination with C. whitakeri were examined. The chromosomes of C. tarfayaensis revealed a karyotype of 2n = 36, similar to that of the Canary shrew C. canariensis and the Sicilian shrew C. sicula. In conclusion, C. tarfayaensis seems to be a descendant of the presumed continental ancestor of the two island species.


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Fasting is associated with significant changes in nutrient metabolism, many of which are governed by transcription factors that regulate the expression of rate-limiting enzymes. One factor that plays an important role in the metabolic response to fasting is the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha). To gain more insight into the role of PPARalpha during fasting, and into the regulation of metabolism during fasting in general, a search for unknown PPARalpha target genes was performed. Using subtractive hybridization (SABRE) comparing liver mRNA from wild-type and PPARalpha null mice, we isolated a novel PPARalpha target gene, encoding the secreted protein FIAF (for fasting induced adipose factor), that belongs to the family of fibrinogen/angiopoietin-like proteins. FIAF is predominantly expressed in adipose tissue and is strongly up-regulated by fasting in white adipose tissue and liver. Moreover, FIAF mRNA is decreased in white adipose tissue of PPARgamma +/- mice. FIAF protein can be detected in various tissues and in blood plasma, suggesting that FIAF has an endocrine function. Its plasma abundance is increased by fasting and decreased by chronic high fat feeding. The data suggest that FIAF represents a novel endocrine signal involved in the regulation of metabolism, especially under fasting conditions.


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Bioactive small molecules, such as drugs or metabolites, bind to proteins or other macro-molecular targets to modulate their activity, which in turn results in the observed phenotypic effects. For this reason, mapping the targets of bioactive small molecules is a key step toward unraveling the molecular mechanisms underlying their bioactivity and predicting potential side effects or cross-reactivity. Recently, large datasets of protein-small molecule interactions have become available, providing a unique source of information for the development of knowledge-based approaches to computationally identify new targets for uncharacterized molecules or secondary targets for known molecules. Here, we introduce SwissTargetPrediction, a web server to accurately predict the targets of bioactive molecules based on a combination of 2D and 3D similarity measures with known ligands. Predictions can be carried out in five different organisms, and mapping predictions by homology within and between different species is enabled for close paralogs and orthologs. SwissTargetPrediction is accessible free of charge and without login requirement at http://www.swisstargetprediction.ch.


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BACKGROUND: The RUNX1 transcription factor gene is frequently mutated in sporadic myeloid and lymphoid leukemia through translocation, point mutation or amplification. It is also responsible for a familial platelet disorder with predisposition to acute myeloid leukemia (FPD-AML). The disruption of the largely unknown biological pathways controlled by RUNX1 is likely to be responsible for the development of leukemia. We have used multiple microarray platforms and bioinformatic techniques to help identify these biological pathways to aid in the understanding of why RUNX1 mutations lead to leukemia. RESULTS: Here we report genes regulated either directly or indirectly by RUNX1 based on the study of gene expression profiles generated from 3 different human and mouse platforms. The platforms used were global gene expression profiling of: 1) cell lines with RUNX1 mutations from FPD-AML patients, 2) over-expression of RUNX1 and CBFbeta, and 3) Runx1 knockout mouse embryos using either cDNA or Affymetrix microarrays. We observe that our datasets (lists of differentially expressed genes) significantly correlate with published microarray data from sporadic AML patients with mutations in either RUNX1 or its cofactor, CBFbeta. A number of biological processes were identified among the differentially expressed genes and functional assays suggest that heterozygous RUNX1 point mutations in patients with FPD-AML impair cell proliferation, microtubule dynamics and possibly genetic stability. In addition, analysis of the regulatory regions of the differentially expressed genes has for the first time systematically identified numerous potential novel RUNX1 target genes. CONCLUSION: This work is the first large-scale study attempting to identify the genetic networks regulated by RUNX1, a master regulator in the development of the hematopoietic system and leukemia. The biological pathways and target genes controlled by RUNX1 will have considerable importance in disease progression in both familial and sporadic leukemia as well as therapeutic implications


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Introduction : Les particules de HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) ont des fonctions diverses notamment en raison de leur structure très hétérogène. Tout d'abord, les HDLs assurent le transport du cholestérol de la périphérie vers le foie mais sont également dotées de nombreuses vertus protectrices. Un grand nombre d'études démontre les mécanismes de protection des HDL sur les cellules endothéliales. Sachant que les patients diabétiques ont ses niveaux bas de HDL, le but de cette étude est d'investiguer les mécanismes moléculaires de protection sur la cellule beta pancréatique. Résultats : Une étude « microarray » nous a permis d'obtenir une liste de gènes régulés par le stress, comme la privation de sérum, en présence ou en absence de HDL. Parmi ces gènes, nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à un répresseur de la synthèse protéique « cap » -dépendante, 4EBP1. Dans notre étude transcriptomique, les niveaux d'ARNm de 4E-BP1 augmentaient de 30þ% dans des conditions sans sérum alors que les HDLs bloquaient cette élévation. Au niveau protéique, les niveaux totaux de 4EBP1 étaient augmentés dans les conditions de stress et cette élévation était contrée par les HDLs. D'autres expériences de transfection ou d'infection de 4E-BP1 ont montrés que cette protéine était capable d'induire l'apoptose dans les cellules beta, imitant ainsi l'effet de la privation de sérum. Afin de déterminer le rôle direct de 4E-BP1 dans la mort cellulaire, ses niveaux ont été réduits par interférence ARN. Le niveau de mort cellulaire induit par l'absence de sérum était moins élevé dans des cellules à taux réduits de 4EBP1 par RNAi que dans des cellules contrôle. Conclusion : Ces données montrent que les HDL protègent les cellules beta suite à différents stress et que 4E-BP1 est une des protéines pro-apoptotiques inhibées par les HDL. 4E-BP1 est capable d'induire la mort cellulaire dans les cellules bêta et cette réponse peut-être réduite en diminuant l'expression de cette protéine. Nos données suggèrent que 4E-BP1 est une cible potentielle pour le traitement du diabète.