81 resultados para micro-epidemic
Drosophila melanogaster is a model organism instrumental for numerous biological studies. The compound eye of this insect consists of some eight hundred individual ommatidia or facets, ca. 15 µm in cross-section. Each ommatidium contains eighteen cells including four cone cells secreting the lens material (cornea). High-resolution imaging of the cornea of different insects has demonstrated that each lens is covered by the nipple arrays--small outgrowths of ca. 200 nm in diameter. Here we for the first time utilize atomic force microscopy (AFM) to investigate nipple arrays of the Drosophila lens, achieving an unprecedented visualization of the architecture of these nanostructures. We find by Fourier analysis that the nipple arrays of Drosophila are disordered, and that the seemingly ordered appearance is a consequence of dense packing of the nipples. In contrast, Fourier analysis confirms the visibly ordered nature of the eye microstructures--the individual lenses. This is different in the frizzled mutants of Drosophila, where both Fourier analysis and optical imaging detect disorder in lens packing. AFM reveals intercalations of the lens material between individual lenses in frizzled mutants, providing explanation for this disorder. In contrast, nanostructures of the mutant lens show the same organization as in wild-type flies. Thus, frizzled mutants display abnormal organization of the corneal micro-, but not nano-structures. At the same time, nipples of the mutant flies are shorter than those of the wild-type. We also analyze corneal surface of glossy-appearing eyes overexpressing Wingless--the lipoprotein ligand of Frizzled receptors, and find the catastrophic aberration in nipple arrays, providing experimental evidence in favor of the major anti-reflective function of these insect eye nanostructures. The combination of the easily tractable genetic model organism and robust AFM analysis represents a novel methodology to analyze development and architecture of these surface formations.
Public perceptions of collectives at the outbreak of the H1N1 epidemic: Heroes, villains and victims
Lay perceptions of collectives (e.g., groups, organizations, countries) implicated in the 2009 H1N1 outbreak were studied. Collectives serve symbolic functions to help laypersons make sense of the uncertainty involved in a disease outbreak. We argue that lay representations are dramatized, featuring characters like heroes, villains and victims. In interviews conducted soon after the outbreak, 47 Swiss respondents discussed the risk posed by H1N1, its origins and effects, and protective measures. Countries were the most frequent collectives mentioned. Poor, underdeveloped countries were depicted as victims, albeit ambivalently, as they were viewed as partly responsible for their own plight. Experts (physicians, researchers) and political and health authorities were depicted as heroes. Two villains emerged: the media (viewed as fear mongering or as a puppet serving powerful interests) and private corporations (e.g., the pharmaceutical industry). Laypersons' framing of disease threat diverges substantially from official perspectives.
Expression of laminin-5 alpha3, beta3 and gamma2 protein subunits was investigated in colorectal adenocarcinomas using immunostaining and confocal microscopy. The laminin-5 heterotrimer was found in basement membranes and as extracellular deposits in tumor stroma. In contrast to the alpha3 subunit, which was under-expressed, the gamma2 and beta3 subunits were detected in the cytoplasm of carcinoma cells dissociating (budding) from neoplastic tubules, suggestive of focal alterations in laminin-5 assembly and secretion. Laminin-5 gamma2 or beta3 subunit-reactive budding carcinoma cells expressed cytokeratins but not vimentin; they did not proliferate and were not apoptotic. Furthermore, expression of laminin-5 gamma2 and beta3 subunits in budding cells was associated with focal under-expression of the E-cadherin-beta-catenin complex. Results from xenograft experiments showed that budding activity in colorectal adenocarcinomas could be suppressed when these tumors grew at ectopic s.c. sites in nude mice. In vitro, cultured colon carcinoma cells, but not adenoma-derived tumor cells, shared the laminin-5 phenotype expressed by carcinoma cells in vivo. Using colon carcinoma cell lines implanted orthotopically and invading the cecum of nude mice, the laminin-5-associated budding was restored, indicating that this phenotype is not only determined by tumor cell properties but also dependent on the tissue micro-environment. Our results indicate that both laminin-5 alpha3 subunit expression and cell-cell cohesiveness are altered in budding carcinoma cells, which we consider to be actively invading. We propose that the local tissue micro-environment contributes to these events.
Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) are among the few neoplasms whose incidence and mortality have been rising in Europe and North America over the last few decades. To update trends from NHL, we considered mortality data up to 2004 in several European countries, and for comparative purpose in the USA and Japan. We also analyzed patterns in incidence for selected European countries providing national data. In most European countries, NHL mortality rose up to the mid 1990s, and started to level off or decline in the following decade. The rates were, however, still increasing in eastern Europe. Overall, in the European Union, mortality from NHL declined from 4.3/100,000 to 4.1 in men and from 2.7 to 2.5 in women between the late 1990s and the early 2000s. Similarly, NHL mortality rates declined from 6.5/100,000 to 5.5 in US men and from 4.2 to 3.5 in US women. In most countries considered, NHL incidence rates rose up to 1995-99, while they tended to level off or decline thereafter, with particular favorable patterns in countries from northern Europe. Thus, the epidemic of NHL observed during the second half of the 20th century has now started to level off in Europe as in other developed areas of the world.
Capsule Habitat parameters associated with 706 Barn Owl (Tyto alba) nesting boxes in Israel were analysed. Pairs bred in 259 of the boxes. The intensity of agricultural practices at nestbox sites were shown to have only a weak effect on aspects of Barn Owl breeding in this region.
STUDY DESIGN: Computed tomography-based anatomical study. OBJECTIVE: To study the secular changes in lumbar spinal canal dimensions. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Development of symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis, among other factors, is related to the dimensions of the bony canal. The canal reaches its adult size early on in life. Several factors, including protein intake, may influence its final dimensions. As with increases in human stature from improvements of socioeconomic conditions, we hypothesized that adult bony canal size has also grown larger in recent generations. METHODS: This study analyzes computed tomographic reconstructions from 184 subjects performed for either trauma (n = 81) or abdominal pathologies (n = 103) and born either between 1940 and 1949 (n = 88) or 1970 and 1979 (n = 96). The cross-sectional area of the bony canal was digitally measured at the level of the pedicle (i.e., at a level not influenced by degenerative changes) for each lumbar vertebra. Intra- and interobserver reliability was assessed. RESULTS: Intra- and interobserver measurement reliability were excellent (interclass correlation coefficient = 0.87) and good (interclass correlation coefficient = 0.61), respectively. Contrary to our hypothesis, the 1940-1949 generation patient group exhibited larger lumbar canals at all levels as compared with the 1970-1979 group. Statistically this difference was highly significant (P < 0.001) and particularly pronounced in the trauma subgroup. CONCLUSION: Given that human stature evolution has stabilized and adult height is established during the first 2 years of long bone growth, it is possible that antenatal factors are responsible for this surprising finding. Maternal smoking and age may be possible explanations. This finding may have significant implications. An increasing number of patients may emerge with lumbar spinal stenosis as degenerative changes develop, putting a strain on health resources. Further studies in different population groups and countries will be important to further confirm this trend. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 3.
Purpose: Microphthalmia and anophthalmia are at the severe end of the spectrum of abnormalities in ocular development. A few genes (orthodenticle homeobox 2 [OTX2], retina and anterior neural fold homeobox [RAX], SRY-box 2 [SOX2], CEH10 homeodomain-containing homolog [CHX10], and growth differentiation factor 6 [GDF6]) have been implicated mainly in isolated micro/anophthalmia but causative mutations of these genes explain less than a quarter of these developmental defects. The essential role of the LIM homeobox 2 (LHX2) transcription factor in early eye development has recently been documented. We postulated that mutations in this gene could lead to micro/anophthalmia, and thus performed molecular screening of its sequence in patients having micro/anophthalmia. Methods: Seventy patients having non-syndromic forms of colobomatous microphthalmia (n=25), isolated microphthalmia (n=18), or anophthalmia (n=17), and syndromic forms of micro/anophthalmia (n=10) were included in this study after negative molecular screening for OTX2, RAX, SOX2, and CHX10 mutations. Mutation screening of LHX2 was performed by direct sequencing of the coding sequences and intron/exon boundaries. Results: Two heterozygous variants of unknown significance (c.128C > G [p.Pro43Arg]; c.776C > A [p.Pro259Gln]) were identified in LHX2 among the 70 patients. These variations were not identified in a panel of 100 control patients of mixed origins. The variation c.776C > A (p.Pro259Gln) was considered as non pathogenic by in silico analysis, while the variation c.128C > G (p.Pro43Arg) considered as deleterious by in silico analysis and was inherited from the asymptomatic father. Conclusions: Mutations in LHX2 do not represent a frequent cause of micro/anophthalmia.
Contact structure is believed to have a large impact on epidemic spreading and consequently using networks to model such contact structure continues to gain interest in epidemiology. However, detailed knowledge of the exact contact structure underlying real epidemics is limited. Here we address the question whether the structure of the contact network leaves a detectable genetic fingerprint in the pathogen population. To this end we compare phylogenies generated by disease outbreaks in simulated populations with different types of contact networks. We find that the shape of these phylogenies strongly depends on contact structure. In particular, measures of tree imbalance allow us to quantify to what extent the contact structure underlying an epidemic deviates from a null model contact network and illustrate this in the case of random mixing. Using a phylogeny from the Swiss HIV epidemic, we show that this epidemic has a significantly more unbalanced tree than would be expected from random mixing.
A causal role of fructose intake in the aetiology of the global obesity epidemic has been proposed in recent years. This proposition, however, rests on controversial interpretations of two distinct lines of research. On one hand, in mechanistic intervention studies, detrimental metabolic effects have been observed after excessive isolated fructose intakes in animals and human subjects. On the other hand, food disappearance data indicate that fructose consumption from added sugars has increased over the past decades and paralleled the increase in obesity. Both lines of research are presently insufficient to demonstrate a causal role of fructose in metabolic diseases, however. Most mechanistic intervention studies were performed on subjects fed large amounts of pure fructose, while fructose is ordinarily ingested together with glucose. The use of food disappearance data does not accurately reflect food consumption, and hence cannot be used as evidence of a causal link between fructose intake and obesity. Based on a thorough review of the literature, we demonstrate that fructose, as commonly consumed in mixed carbohydrate sources, does not exert specific metabolic effects that can account for an increase in body weight. Consequently, public health recommendations and policies aiming at reducing fructose consumption only, without additional diet and lifestyle targets, would be disputable and impractical. Although the available evidence indicates that the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with body-weight gain, and it may be that fructose is among the main constituents of these beverages, energy overconsumption is much more important to consider in terms of the obesity epidemic.
RESUMEN: La emergencia de nuevas ciencias y tecnologías vienen acompañadas de nuevas dinámicas en la producción, el uso y la diseminación de nuevos conocimientos científicos y tecnológicos. Estas nuevas dinámicas se reflejan en la reorganización de las actividades científicas, en la creación o la reorientación de nuevas temáticas en la investigación, en la emergencia de nuevas preocupaciones y debates sobre los riesgos e implicaciones sociales, y en la participación de nuevos actores en el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología, entre otros factores. En este artículo se presentan los resultados del estudio sobre las funciones de un organismo con orígenes filantrópicos y no gubernamental que ha sido central en el desarrollo de los sistemas microelectromecánicos (MEMS) en México. Las funciones que se analizan han sido y son desarrolladas en las diferentes etapas del desarrollo de esta tecnología emergente en este país. Además de mostrar las funciones desempeñadas por este tipo de organismo, este texto se cuestiona sobre la modelización de las relaciones entre las diferentes entidades presentes en el desarrollo e instalación de nuevas tecnologías. En las conclusiones intentamos avanzar algunos elementos para tomar en cuenta estos organismos y enriquecer los estudios sociales sobre las nuevas ciencias y tecnologías. ABSTRACT: The emergence of new sciences and technologies come with new dynamics in the production, use and dissemination of new scientific and technological knowledge. These new dynamics are reflected in the reorganization of scientific activities, in creating or redirecting new topics in research, in the emergence of new concerns and debates about the risks and social implications, and the participation of new actors in the development of science and technology, among other factors. This article presents the results of the study on the functions of an organism with philanthropic and non-governmental sources that has been central to the development of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) in Mexico. The functions have been discussed and are developed at different stages of development of this emerging technology in this country. In addition to showing the functions of such a body, this text is questioned on modeling the relationships between the various entities in the development and deployment of new technologies. In the conclusions we try moving some elements to take into account these organisms and enrich social studies on the new sciences and technologies.